Gay Erotic Stories

Getting Naked in the Wilderness

by Wildman
21 Apr 2000


Getting Naked in the Wilderness By: Wildman 1999 I had been particularly stressed putting in long hours and decided that I needed a vacation, so I packed some primitive camping gear and an inflatable kayak and headed for the Florida Everglades, hoping to just lose myself for a while in the wilderness. I put in at Ochopee and paddled in a ways following any water trail that looked interesting. As soon as I was out of sight of the highway - I couldn't wait to shed some baggage - so I stripped off everything. Just for the record, I've been a nudist since birth - and getting naked in nature seems like the perfect way to un-wind. As it was late afternoon, I decided to start looking for a place to camp - but for the time there wasn't a dry patch to pitch a tent anywhere in this neighborhood - so I just kicked back in the inflatable as I've often done. Real comfortable! Darkness was setting in pretty quickly, so with a light supper I was set for the night. Dawn came early so I enjoyed a refreshing dip, then a breakfast bar and enjoyed a whole day of paddling around naturally through God's country. As evening began to approach, again I began scooping out a dry spot to beach the kayak and pitch camp. This area was looking more promising for some dry space and suddenly I got a whiff of the smell of smoke that not only smelled of a campfire - it smelled of supper cooking. While I was really out here to be by myself, and not particularly looking for company, something sure smelled good! I followed my nose for a while - and within minutes I rounded a bend and saw the camp. Not wishing to offend others - I reluctantly pulled on my shorts, t-shirt and deck shoes and yelled Ahoy! My shout was returned and as I got nearer - I could see two fellows by a small fire, their beached canoe and pitched tent. Obviously they too were out to enjoy the wilderness. I paddled up to their shore, pulled the kayak out and walked over to their camp. They seemed friendly enough, introduced themselves as Jim and Bob and invited me to share their fire and a bite to eat. I noticed that they too wore scant clothing, just shorts and while we wolfed down supper I kinda wished I had found my own camp so I would not have to wear anything at all. After supper I reciprocated by sharing a pint bottle I had tucked in my pack. We passed it around a bit and loosened up nicely. While we talked, I found out that they also worked and lived high stress lives and were just breaking free like myself. They too were in their early thirties so we seemed to have much in common. I just happened at some point to mention I was also a naturist and when I had the opportunity I was usually naked in nature. Jim shot Bob a look and they said almost in unison - "Oh really!" Jim quickly invited me to get as comfortable as I wished - and before I could comment that I wasn't an exhibitionist Bob stood and shed his shorts and Jim looked at me and said next? I wasn't real sure I was comfortable with these two - but was just bout to stand when Jim stood dropped his shorts and leaped over on me saying - "We might have a reluctant camper here!" In a flash he had me pinned to the ground and Bob quickly slipped around and pulled my shirt over my head, Jim shifted his weight forward and Bob came around and made quick work of my shorts down to my ankles, pulling off both shoes and shorts in one swift motion! While I was fully prepared to strip myself, I scarcely had a moment to think before I was naked and now I was a bit worried for what else these boys might have in mind. I didn't have to wonder about that for very long as Bob had also fetched some rope and while Jim continued to hold me down - Bob had tied both my hands together over my head and was tying my feet together as well. My only other thought is: "This can't be good!" Even though it was refreshing to be naked I was definitely worried about these two. I really wasn't looking forward to being the evening’s entertainment or finding out what else they might have in mind. After I was bound, Jim got off me and they both stood over me admiring my predicament. Jim said to Bob - gee it really is great to get naked in nature - but I don't believe our new friend here is nearly naked enough! While for the moment - I felt about as naked as I could be - I didn't have to wait but a moment to find out what they had in mind. Bob quickly fetched a mallet, tent stakes and some more rope and within moments they had me staked out with each limb stretched out to my limit. While I tried to convince them otherwise, they were intent on having some fun at my expense. While I'm not totally ignorant of self-defense - I was definitely over powered and totally caught off guard by the aggressive behavior of these two. Well I didn't have to wait long to find out how naked they intended for me to be. Jim reached into their tent and grabbed a shaving kit while Bob got a pot of water and it wasn't hard to figure that they intended for me to bare it all. Jim quickly soaped up my armpits and Bob made short order of my armpit hair and Jim rinsed me bare. They admired their work and chatted constantly about how fine I was going to look when they were through. Though I'm not a real hairy beast, I rather like what I've got and have always been content to keep it. This evening, however, it would seem I would discover a new nakedness right down to my toes. Thankfully they were at least taking their time and trying not to butcher me in the process. From my armpits they moved over my chest soaping and taking off every hair down to my waist. With each major section they would stop and admire their work and while it didn't really hurt, I was agonizing the loss of each little hair. Likewise, I was absolutely dreading their arrival at glory land and the dispatch of my pubic hair - and the fact that they would be handling some of my favorite parts. My mind flashed back to a time in the hospital when I had to be prepped nipples to knees and I only hoped that this too would seem not erotic! At least however in the hospital, I had already received some sedation, so then it wasn't even a concern and I barely remember the experience. But this was full-blown reality - plus my prepers were totally enjoying themselves and fondling my every part as they worked over my body! Except for my embarrassment, and feelings of helplessness at having to submit to this indignity - it might have actually been enjoyable. Likewise, I couldn't help but dwell on the fear, one to preclude any eroticism on my part and too - I really was afraid that their fun might not end with my ultimate nakedness. Arrrrrgh - if only we were better friends or I knew them better - I might be able to have a little more confidence. This was perilous at best. Anyway - they had indeed arrived at glory land and it was time for my genitals to feel the soap and razor. Jim seem to take perfect delight as he prepared to soap up my genitals, but paused to ponder that since this area was so delicate - maybe the razor might be too risky. They studied my genitals carefully, fondled and examined every surface beyond belief while I tried to think of everything imaginable so as not to become aroused in their hands. I even struggled against my bonds one actually hoping to break free and otherwise to elicit a little pain at my wrist and ankles - so I didn't have to think about them handling my genitals. God they were agonizing every single moment and literally plotting the demise of every single hair, taking profound pleasure in my discomfort. Since Bob was the razor man - it was he who suggested that perhaps they should just pull out these hairs either one by one or a whole bunch at a time! Ohhh Crap! Could this be my worst nightmare or what? While Jim had lifted my scrotum and was holding the whole works in his hand for a better look, with his other hand he carefully selected and plucked a single hair from my scrotum exclaiming: "like this?' Ouch - well one wasn't so bad - but there were hundreds, maybe thousands down there! This had the potential to be just awful. Bob decided he too might pluck a few so we agonized this too for what seems to be an eternity. God they were really enjoying themselves while even debating how many might be too many at a time. Jim decided to grab a whole fist full of my main patch and discovered he could literally lift my butt off the ground and of course Bob too had to try this! Holy Shit - that really hurt! And I wasted no time telling them just how full of shit I thought they really were and trying to convince them that they had enjoyed quite enough fun at my expense. Though I was helpless to fully convince them otherwise, they were intent on prolonging my agony as long as possible. Given the opportunity, I might have been willing to pull it all myself just to get it done and over with. So while they had indeed pulled out quite a few of my patch Jim finally said - this is just taking too long and opted for the soap again. Frankly to this point I had been at least glad that they weren't going to soap me up and the pain of having hair pulled out had precluded any erotic thoughts on my part. But now - there would be soaping and fondling beyond any hopeful distraction. Jim really enjoyed his work and it quickly became obvious he was fully intent on whipping me into a frenzy of erotic pleasure! Whipping - Oh God, I hope they are not into that! Only that thought alone helped me last a few more moments before my dick could hold out no longer and indeed became the rod Jim was obviously after! Damn! Finally I just closed my eyes and decided to enjoy being jerked off since I couldn't do anything about it anyway. At least my parts were slippery enough that they couldn't experiment with lifting my ass off the ground and I quickly banished that thought for fear they too might think of it. Well it didn't take long before Jim got what he was after - I came all over myself and this too they used to lubricate my whole pubic area in preparation for the razor. They added some extra water just to make sure I was slick as could be and Bob went to work with the razor. Thankfully, he at least seemed to be very careful. While I was getting really tired of all this pleasure Jim and Bob seemed to be really enjoying themselves. Now my prayer was that they were not truly sadistic and didn't decide to whack off all my favorite parts with a hunting knife - or least if they did - it would be good and sharp. By this time Bob had nearly exhausted the razor and fetched another to finish cleaning up my scrotum and dick. Dear God he was certainly taking his time, asking Jim for more soap and water as necessary and all this handling plus the stroking of the razor was getting me aroused again. Damn Pete - think about something else other than yourself for a change. I began to try to focus on the potential of the hunting knife again, but that was too distracting! I shuddered at the thought and again rose to the occasion. To which Jim and Bob pondered if indeed, I could come again! Finally, they had finished my pubes and both legs down to my toes - I hoped my ordeal was over when Jim said, now we've got to do his ass! Holy Shit!!! So Bob untied the ropes on my ankles and they lifted my legs up in the air to examine the possibilities of my posterior. Damn nation! While I thought I had really had enough - obviously we weren't through yet. Bob even commented on what a beautiful butt I had and indeed, it would look much better were it too free of any hair. So Jim folded my legs back over my head and proceed to brush and rinse away the sand that was clinging to me and once again got ready to soap everything up! Fortunately for me I guess I don't have a really hairy butt or back and they were through in pretty short order, except they spent an awful lot of time enjoying my butt hole and more than a few times Jim decided to explore my interior with a soapy finger asking Bob if indeed, I might have a hair or two in there! Nope - he's pretty clean in there as he probed deeper to find my prostate and just optimize the experience beyond belief. All the while I was just praying that they would not decide what else they might actually fit in there! Oh God, the possibilities that raced through my mind were nearly unbearable alone. Much to my relief - they indeed did tire of prolonging my agony and playing with my butt hole, giving me a final rinse with several pots of water and Bob bless him was even untying my hands and telling me to stand up so that they could admire their work. Jim stoked up the fire so we'd have a better light and they turned me around a few times to fully admire my complete nakedness. While I was relieved that they had indeed spared my head, I certainly was naked otherwise and felt it as the night breeze brushed over my body. I sarcastically asked them if they minded if I rinsed off with a dip and they said they would even join me! While this had been a real experience, the water felt even more wonderful against my new nakedness. We swam and horsed around in the water a while still making fun of my new nakedness, somewhat becoming friends again, until Jim said - Boy I'm hungry, shaving him was a bunch of work! To which we climbed out of the water and headed back over to the campfire. We opted for some snacks and while I was ready to turn in and thinking about getting my sleeping bag out of my kayak - Bob totally blew me away by saying - Well, who's next to get totally naked? And it was proposed that indeed Jim would become our victim and while Jim protested lightly and even struggled a bit - he too was soon bound and staked out and I was expected to take my revenge! While I had never jerked anyone else off - I took particular pleasure in extracting my just revenge! And then it was Bob's turn to be agonized beyond belief as we re-played the whole agonizing event for his benefit and his turn to be the victim. Bob actually got his head shaved too and while I would have been totally pissed - he seemed to enjoy being the most naked of the naked and even teased Jim by exposing a nostril saying - hey fools you missed some! So Jim and I figured what the heck, and with our last bit of energy, wrestled him to the ground and pulled out those pesky nose hairs too! Bob was crying like a baby when we finally got through - but otherwise, it was all in fun (thankfully!). Daylight came early and while we were pretty much whipped - we enjoyed just lounging around enjoying our ultimate nakedness in the sun! While Bob was still trying to convince us that we should enjoy the final nakedness and shave our heads too - I stood my ground as well as Jim and we threatened Bob with all kind of wickedness if he didn't give up that notion. Only by proclaiming him King of the Nudes did we finally shut Bob up! Jim applied the final blow - telling Bob - another word out of you about shaving our heads and you won't even have eyebrows or eyelid hairs to call your own! Figuring that might be just too naked or too painful Bob relented and hair removal became a moot issue. Since we had used up all our razors - we did decide that beards might be acceptable since there was little damage left to do. A few days later, we parted company and went on our hairless way. I enjoyed a few more days in the naked wilderness and then reluctantly headed back to civilization if nothing more than to grow some more hair. Now that was agonizing as it began to come back in!


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