Gay Erotic Stories

Major Buck's Odyssey Part 2

by Aussie Slick
15 Aug 1997

Sci-Fi Fantasy

Major Buck's Odyssey Part II Chapter Two Buck held the cylinders in his arms, shaking with fear, as he watched the Professor twist the knobs and adjust the various dials. He prayed the man made no mistakes and it all worked out, just like that test run he witnessed a few minutes ago. The Professor turned at the hips and gave Buck a wave, before throwing that final switch. Buck felt a strange surge stream through his entire body. He felt a little light headed and the room seemed to become faint and blurred. Then suddenly the Professor was gone and so were the tables, piles of paper and other things in the room. Where the Professor once stood, a large box appeared and then, the room ceased to appear blurred although it was much darker than moments before - the tingling sensations also stopped. He had arrived. He knew he had 30 minutes before the Professor would recall him and the cylinders from the coordinates set. Looking around the room, it appear just as it had done, when he left except for those missing desks, the panel itself was gone too and all that paper work. Otherwise, it could have been exactly as he last saw it. There was no one in the room. The air smelt stale and smelt disgusting. The room had no windows and the steel door remained closed. The lights still burnt, although most were gone now. Only a few still seemed to be working. Out of the 3 rows of some 20 globes, no more than 3 were still glowing. He made his way over to the box. It was only a plain card board box without markings. He flipped the lids and found rolls of paper, already prepared to fit neatly into these cylinders he had brought with him. Quickly, he stuffed them into the cylinders, without looking at any of them. Besides, he thought to himself, even if he did look at any of these plans and papers, he wouldn't know what they meant anyhow. He was able to place all but one small roll into the cylinders. Trying to arrange it all, so this last one would fit, seemed to make no difference. Once again, he took out some of the rolls and tried to tighten the barrel, so maybe more could fit into each cylinder, but it was always just that little bit too much. Finally, giving up, he stuffed the last roll under his shirt. Then, returned to the silver plate. Looking at his watch, he gauged he still had maybe 20 minutes before the assigned time to return. How he would love to get outside and take a look around. What would the world be like in the year 1993 ? Would it be anything like he had left ? Would it exist at all ? Had the Japanese won the war and now the USA were under their control ? If so, surely they would have found and destroyed this place. He remember his key. Placing the cylinders down, onto the plate, he quickly dashed to the door, inserted his key and unlocked it. The heavy door didn't seem to want to budge. He forced it and suddenly, dust, rust and other long left grim fell through the crack made and the door began to swing open. He tried to look through the crack he had made but he seemed to be staring into inky darkness. He tried to recall what was beyond this door. Although he had only come in here an hour earlier, it was his first visit and he had been taken down corridors, steps and concrete hallways, until he only knew he must be underground, somewhere. He eased the door open a fraction further. He could see, with the aid of the light from behind him, that the corridor was in complete darkness. Not a sound came to him. Toward the end of the corridor, in the darkness, he could faintly see the same steps he had come down earlier - 50 years ago. From there, he was sure he could make his way out into the sunlight. He ventured along the hall and slowly took the steps up to another closed door. It seemed locked. His key wouldn't fit this lock, as it was a normal door lock, while the key for that steel door was even larger than a normal safe key. His shoulder found it solid but a second nudge and it burst open. He found himself in the upstairs offices, but these were now in ruin. The windows were boarded up and everything was covered in thick dust. Peering through the gaps in the boards, he could see the once proud air base was no longer in use. Many of the buildings were now gone, leaving only bare concrete slabs as an indication where they once stood. The roadway was also covered in dirt and sprigs of grass and small shrubs cropped up here and there through the tar and dirt. Buck went to the door and it broke open with hardly any force at all. Stepping out into the sunlight, the air smelt different. He couldn't put a finger on what it was - it just had a scent to it. He walked out onto what was once the roadway and looked around. It amazed him how things had changed in what seemed only a very short space of time. Keeping a check on his watch, he strolled around, close by the main building, from where he had come out. Curiosity drove him further, but knowing he must be back within the next 15 minutes, he took no chances of getting lost. Needing a piss badly, he worked his way back to that main building and just at the doorway, dropped his hefty tool out, into the air and proceeded to urinate against the brick wall. His dick was so close to the wall, it made little or no sound and certainly had too short a distance to fall, to splash back on him. Having an 8" hose had many advantages - before and after erection. As he watched the last of his piss dribble out, the thought crossed his mind - how great it would be to drop a load of cum, 50 years into the future. How many guys had the opportunity to throw their seed around, over such a long period of time - still from their young dicks ? None he knew anyway. So as the piss ebbed and stopped, his fist worked the shaft slowly, then more quickly as it began to harden and rise up. In no time at all, egged on by the idea of dropping his spunk on that brick work so far into his natural future, his cock rose hard and arched back passed his army clasp belt, wanting to kiss his khaki green shirt half way up his belly. "What the fuck....?" Buck swung around to a voice behind him. A young guy in a strange uniform, stood at the corner of the building, some ten foot away. "Major ?'s not supposed to be any personnel on the base, sir ?" The man looked at the uniform, knowing it was that of a Major but it looked different somehow. "I'm working on a special project." Buck tried stuffing his massive cock back into his pants. It was a Mission: Impossible. "Just had to have a leak." He tried to draw the young man's attention away from his valiant efforts to hide his vertically arching dick. It was then, he read the patch on the man's biceps - "Roswell Security Co" and realised the uniform didn't belong to a military unit. "You don't get many of us around here these days ?" "Not since it all closed down 10 years ago, sir. Maybe 2 inspections a year, that's all." The young security guard couldn't focus his eyes on anything other than the giant whip thrusting out of Buck's buttoned fly. "You sure have a fucking big dick Major !" He just couldn't hold it back any longer. He licked his lips and slowly shook his head, in amazement. "Yeah. Well, normally its a bonus but sometimes..." he finally stuffed it inside but it sprung down his trouser leg and went almost clear to the knee. "Well, I gotta go. I'm due.." he looked at his watch, "back downstairs in 10 minutes." He gave the young man a wave and walked inside the door. "Hang on there, sir." The guard now rushed to the door and stepped inside, following Buck. "I've got no clearance for anyone to be here today. I always get a week's notice when someone is coming. I need to see your pass." "Yeah, well, its downstairs, with some papers I got there." Buck walked toward the door leading to the stairwell. He looked back over his shoulder and saw the guard was following. "No one's been down them stairs in years. We've been told to stay away from there." "Special project, right ?" "Yeah. And if you're work'n on it, then you know the password." "Password ? There ain't no password. I'm working with Professor Peterson, that's all I can tell you." The young guard laughed when Buck fumbled over what to say. "That's the password. Peterson." "Oh really ? Well, nice talk'n with yu' but I gotta go." Buck made down the steps and into the dark hallway. He heard footsteps behind him and knew the guard was following. He stopped and turned back to watch the young man reach the last step. "You shouldn't be down here. Top Secret." "We're under orders to lock up the place once you came and left, sir." The guard stood at the foot of the steps, waiting for permission. His voice now had a tone of compliance. Buck nodded, turned and made for the heavy steel door. "I'll just wait here until you leave, sir." The guard stayed at the door, turning his back on the room. Buck checked the time out again - he had about 5 minutes to wait and the cylinders were still laying on the silver plate, waiting to return with him. He returned to them and tried one last time to shuffle the papers around inside some of them, to make room for that last roll might fit in as well. He knelt on his right knee and glanced down to see his big dick, still more hard than flaccid, running along the left thigh and forcing the seam of his pants tight. Glancing over his shoulder, he caught the guard, standing there, eyeing it off as well. "No offence sir, but if yu' got a spare minute I wouldn't mind taking another look at that cock of yours." "And that's just about all the time I've got." Buck gave up trying and returned the roll of paper inside his shirt. He gathered the cylinders up, into his arms and stood on the silver plate. "Tell you what buddy. I gotta do something very secret, but if you close that door and about 5 minutes, then you can come back in and you can do whatever you want with it. Sound fair enough ?" "You bet your life Major." The guard reached in, took the lock in his fist and drew the door closed. Buck smiled to himself and felt he had made a good deal there. If this thing didn't work and he was still here in five minutes, then he was in for a good time. If not, then he'd be back home, task done and he could get on with his life again. Maybe a quick trip to San Francisco to see Hank before he flew out for Guam in a week from then - that would be nicer still. And his smile widened when he pictured the young guard opening the door to find the room completely empty. Yes, if it did work, then there was going to be one very confused guy, forward, in 1993. But just as his brain formed this up and amused him, he noticed something in the corner of his eye. Glancing up, he saw desks, bright lights and Professor Peterson, standing at the control panel. "Welcome back Major. I see you got what we sent you for ?" He stepped over to where Buck Wright had reappeared and helped him with the load of cylinders. "We'll just pop these over here for the present." He walked his load to the main desk and put them down, turned and took the next lot from Buck, as he joined him at the desk. "Well, what now Professor ?" "That's all for now. You've not even settled in yet, have you ?" "No sir. Came direct to here." "Alright then, you go and set things up for yourself. It should be lunch time by then. What say you come back around 2 P.M. ?" "Sounds alright by me. But what'll we be doing then ? I mean, we've done what this was set up to do." "Not by a long shot we haven't. But I'll cover that later." The Professor waved him away while opening the first of the cylinders. "Tell the Sergeant the dishes have been washed will you ?" He called out to Buck as he was about to insert his key in the door. "Dishes are washed ?" Buck queried. "Otherwise, he's got orders to shoot you, remember ?" Buck made his way out of that same building once again, looking down at the brick work he knew he would - or had pissed on, in 1993. He recalled the way the Sergeant went straight for his pistol when he walked out the door, stopping only when he gave the preferred line, suggested by the Professor. He as lucky the Professor wasn't absent minded. He found the Officer's Mess and as his driver had promised, his kit was waiting for him. The Duty Officer handed him a key and told him which billet he was staying in and where to find it. Strolling around the base was certainly a whole new experience, to the one only 15 minutes earlier. Now, buildings stood in every direction he looked. Some looked brand new, some had a temporary look to them and others were very old - possibly original structures before it become a base. He found his billet where he had been told to look and it was a reasonable room with a solid bunk, robe, chest of drawers, shelf over the bed and colourful curtains too. Quickly unpacking his bag, he made for the shower block, carrying a fresh change of clothes. He had seen it a few doors down the corridor from his room, when he came in, so didn't need to search for it. His towel, wrapped around his narrow waist, completely gave away what was supposed to be hidden beneath the toweling. His dick pushed the towel out and down, and as he walked, thrashed back and forth in a dangerous manner. Once inside the shower block and finding himself alone, he tossed the towel over a shower curtain rod, set his shaving gear and other items down, onto a bench provided, then stepped into the shower cubicle. The water came through hot almost instantly, but then, the shower bay was still wet, showing someone had not long left it. The billet block had about 20 Officer's rooms, the one shower block and only two stalls in it, along with a urinal and two crapper boxes. Buck held no expectations of meeting or seeing any hunky young Officers his own age, as most of the Officers he'd billeted with in the past were anything from 35 to 50. Only a few junior Officers were in his age group of 20 to 30. But so long as he found himself a few guys here who wanted to try him out, and unload his cargo from day to day, then he'd be happy. There were always plenty to do that for him. And he didn't mind the older guys in their 30's or even older, because they were often more experienced and knew just what to do to make life so pleasurable. Considering his future prospects here, he dropped his eyes to the tiled floor and in the corner, about 6" from the floor, he could see some slime. Dipping a finger into it and bringing it to his nose, there was no question the guy before him had dropped a load. This was spunk. He smiled to himself and tried to picture what the guy might look like, judging from the scent it had. It was a powerfully potent spunk smell, that was for sure. And although it was no longer creamy white, it was still rather like thick custard. Its manufacturer was most likely young, horny, not getting enough or any at all and trying hard to leave messages around for those who would seek and find it. He soaped himself up under the hot shower and ignored his rising meat, as these thoughts prompted the blood flow to course through his dick veins. He heard a guttural cough, as the door closed. He'd not heard anyone come in the door, so would remember in future, it made little or no sound. Whoever it was, went into a shitting booth opposite the shower cubicle. There were no doors in the entire block, only the curtains. He watched the shadow of an average height man squat onto the crapper and heard the tinkle of the metal belt hitting the floor. The man started to whistle, stopped, grunted noisily and then farted long and loud. Buck heard a large turd splash into the bowl, followed by further farts and even more turds falling away. He tried to gauge from the grunts and moans, if it came from a young man or not. Hard to tell. "Noth'n like a good shit." The man spoke loud enough so as to indicate he wasn't merely talking to himself. "Been hold'n that in for the whole double shift." "Better out than in they say." Buck replied, not wanting to embarrass the guy or let him think he was a prude - after all - Buck was everything except that. "Guess yu' Major Wright. Been expecting yu' for a week or more." Buck was now a little shocked this person would know of him, on such a large base. Especially since he was assigned to this top secret post. "I'm Captain Kelly. I got the bunk next to yu'." Buck parted the curtains, mainly because the voice had a younger ring to it than most Captains he'd been posted with. He found the man sitting on the pot, thighs wide apart, trousers down to the floor, shirt tails lifted, as he massaged his midriff and his loose cock hanging outside the bowl, a goodly 4". Now, bothering to lift his eyes north, he stared into the face of a man in his mid 20's who beamed a wide and friendly smile back. "And as yu' can see, we don't stand on ceremonies here." "No ! Yu' sit on 'em. Pleased to meet yu'." He gave the man a wave and pulled the curtain back into place. Now, if this guy was to get interested in his mighty cock, then he would be very happy. He was a burly built man, quite hairy from what he saw and he saw more than most already. The strong muscular thighs and rippling belly announced the guy was in fit condition. And his tool was as soft as uncooked bread dough, so would have to grow to a lovely, tasty 8" at least - or so Buck hoped. "So what we got around here for pleasure ?" "Not much. Roswell's just a small place really. But with these bases cropping up here, its grown a bit lately. Still - its only got a couple of bars, one of which is already off limits because of a few fights with locals there and a movie house which don't get the latest." Silence fell in the room, except for the shower. But Kelly eventually broke the silence. "Best fun around here is in our billets." "Oh ?" Buck immediately conjured up what that might be. "Cards, that sort of thing." "Yeah right. Strip Jack Naked more like it." The young Captain gave a belly laugh. Buck poked his head around the curtain again, even though it was lather in soap. "Sounds like fun but no good for me." The Captain frown and shook his head to show he didn't understand. Buck parted the curtain more to display his lengthy, fat dick. "Scare's 'em off." "Shames 'em more like...fuck me dead !" The sight eventually made sense, then didn't. What, at first appeared to be a big cock, suddenly settled in his mind, what it really was - a fucking big cock. "Christ, rumour had it you were a sight, but this is crazy. Wait'll the guys see this !" He rose off his pot and stepped into the avenue between the row of shit boxes and shower cubicles. "What don't you guys know about me ?" Buck asked with a sincerely serious tone. "Not much." Shaking his head, but eyes fixed on the dangling tree truck between Buck's thighs, he backed up and sat down once more. "Doesn't that fuck'n hurt ? I mean it must weigh a ton." "Two ton when full." Buck gave it a few quick jerks then let it go. "Never known any different, so can't say it does." He dropped the curtain shut, knowing he'd said and done all he need to, if this guy was going to be earnestly interested. Or had he frightened the poor guy off , as he'd done many times before ? "Mind me ask'n how big it gets Major ? Must be over 7" already." "Its just over 8" on the slack and its been measured at 13" fat. But I reckon that's only when I'm really horny. By the way, my name's Richard." "Buck for short." Kelly laughed loudly again. "I'm Greg." Buck called a greeting back to him with bubbles popping in his mouth, as he head was under the shower. When he turned the water off, he could hear Greg wiping his ass with the paper, so he quickly threw the curtain back, to get a last, quick look at the man on the pot. He stood drying himself and watching the man clean himself up. Greg looked up, stopped his wiping, smiled and shook his head in amazement again. "God I gotta see that in action." Buck smiled and maintained his stare on Greg as well. The cock throbbed and bobbed up once, then again and soon was fattening up second by second. As it started to arch up, to stand out straight from the toilet seat, Greg rocked on his right ass cheek and stuffed more paper into his crack. All the time watching Buck drying off and showing his obvious pleasure at doing so. "I reckon you'd finish off pretty big yourself." His own cock was on the way to developing too, as Greg's shaft filled with blood and now bent back toward his body. "What's the little corporal like doing ?" "Oh teasing holes of all shapes and sizes. But it ain't had much tunnel vision since coming here." "I see. And how long you been out of action then ?" "Been here about 2 months now." "So its kind of itching for something I guess." "Could say that." Greg stood, twisted his body from the hips and pulled the chain. Slowly, he bent and dragged his pants up his legs, hooking the top button into place and adjusting his belt, but left his tool towering outside. "But I got a feeling it might see a tour of duty soon." "Well, I reckon its had long enough in training myself. Can't let it get rusty." By now, Buck's cock was almost fully erect, arching to the right, toward his hip. It hung there, heavy, throbbing occasionally, but he kept his hands well away and the towel worked on all places, except his crotch. "I really gotta do this." Greg said with almost a regretting tone. He stepped forward the one foot needed to be standing up close to Buck and then he reached out and gripped the surging mass of monster meat. Buck continued to dry his head, face and under arms as if nothing unusual was taking place. "Oh God its just so fucking big !" He rolled his fist up and down part of the shaft, squeezing it and testing its hardness. "We gotta be careful. I was kidding. Nothing ever happens here. No one is game." He took his fist away, dropped to his knees and tried to take the head into his mouth. It took a few attempts but eventually it was swallow past the rolls of foreskin and he sucked on it with amazing force. "Not here." Buck run his fingers through the Captain's blond hair, grabbing both of his ears and ramming his cock deeply into the mouth until he felt it clog up against the back of his throat. He flexed his dick muscles, making the dick dance and swell even more in the mouth, then slowly pulled himself out, leaving the head rest on the lips and watching Greg lick it like a dog licks his own. "I don't have to be back on duty for an hour." "Great. I just finished." He drove his mouth over the cock again, sucking it a few times, quickly, then spat it out, lapping at the head. He stood, tucking his shirt tails in, forcing his very ample 9" dick inside his pants and buttoning it up. "I'm the next door along from you. The door after mine is the cleaning closet so we'll be OK. No one can hear us." He looked down at the mass of meat which was now swinging up completed erect and pointing beyond Buck's navel. He walked toward the basins and washed his hands, then came back to Buck, who was now drying off his crotch and thighs. "Don't make me wait." Greg walked quickly to the door and slipped out into the hall. Buck ceased his drying, gathered his things together and wrapping the towel around his waist, followed after Greg. He held as many items to the front of himself, as he could. So, if anyone else did happen into the corridor, his raging fat brute couldn't be seen. Greg was already out of sight. He walked to his room, dropping unnecessary things aside, grabbed up a pair of shorts and singlet, then headed out of his room. He turned immediately into the next door, which was partly open. Greg lay on his bunk, wearing only boots, socks and his shirt, which he was undoing the buttons on, as Buck walked in. He lay with his head hanging over the foot of the bunk and both hands working on his cock with quick short strokes. Buck closed the door and slowly approached the prone man, who's eyes were locked on him. He reached down and dragged his broad, protracted tool out, from the leg of his shorts, pulling the shorts up a little to give him the room to do this. He also rubbed himself up to regain the erection he had slightly lost by this. He walked to the end of the bunk and squatted over Greg's face. His balls sunk down into the open mouth and the man sucked on one at a time as best he could. Buck raised himself up slightly, bent forward and aimed the head of his dick for that same open mouth. It opened wider and he drove it inside. Greg shuffled down further, throwing his head right back to form a perfect tunnel for the cock to slide into. Buck's throbber slipped deeper and deeper inside until he was well into the throat. Greg was very experienced at taking dick down his throat and he didn't seem any less able, because of its width and length. "Wow !" Buck uttered, as he felt Greg's nose nuzzle his balls. His dick was completely inside the man now, so he pulled back slightly and pushed home again. Greg readjusted himself before reaching up to run his hands over everything within his grasp. He felt the strong thighs, buttocks, nuts and stomach. His tongue rubbed the under belly of the shaft and his lips and teeth squeezed at the base. Buck dragged himself out of the throat and knowing Greg knew exactly what to do with a hard cock in his mouth, started to fuck that face in long, slow strokes. He felt great to have another accomplished mouth and throat on him. They were so hard to find and train. Hank had become very adapted to Buck and by the time they parted yesterday, Buck was able to face fuck him at full speed. His ass was also well oiled and opened to accommodate Buck too. There was no need to prepared him aside from some pleasurable fingering and greasing. His butt was even able to take him dry - which he had come to prefer, as it gave him that pain he sort so much. Now, Buck would need to train new recruits. Although, Greg was enjoying fingering Buck's ass now, while working on his own hard cock, giving Buck ideas of being fucked too. Hank gave it to him a few times, but much preferred being screwed than playing the man role. Buck enjoyed cock up his ass and the bigger the better. He had a secret wish to find a man as big as himself one day. He could smell the man scent rising out of Greg's crotch. He was being attracted to it like north and south pole magnets. His head dropped lower and lower until he could take the bulbous head into his mouth. It tasted salty and he now smelt Greg's dick scent and balls too. Swallowing him down to the nuts, the odour from the mass of brown hairs around the base of the cock gave off a new fragrance and all three mixed to churn his blood hotter. The fingers in his butt hole were dancing in and out. By the feeling of it, he had only two going up into him and he yearned to feel the third. His sort between Greg's thighs and found the hot, damp crease. Then he found the puckered hole, which minutes earlier had pressed a few large turds away. The hole was dry, from cleaning, but he found he could push two digits inside without the slightest resistance. Maybe it was because the man had just done a big shit. Maybe it was because the man liked things up his ass and fingered himself often. Or maybe it was simply because the man wished a dick up his ass and was well relaxed now. Whatever the reason, Buck fingered Greg a few times before trying for a third digit. He hoped this might sound a response and Greg would also drive a third finger inside his ass. The ring sprung open. Greg parted his thighs wider and raised his knees, pressing his feet into the bunk, so as to force his butt off the mattress. Now, Buck had free access and he finger fucked that hole with similar strokes to his cock, inside Greg's throat. As hoped, he felt Greg forcing a third finger inside him as well. Lifting one leg and resting his foot on the bed, he cleared the path for Greg, just as Greg had done for him. The three finger exercise felt terrific. And Greg knew just how to insert and work them around. He pumped them hard, forcing his knuckles to bash the outer ring, as his fingers climbed as far as they could. Both men were churning their butts onto the hands of the other, making those digits work really hard. Then Buck could stand this no more. Without a word, he took his mouth off Greg's tool and dragged himself out of Greg's throat. Then he scurried onto the bunk, straddled Greg, turned and faced him, then lowered his ass down over the top of that 9" throbbing mass of flesh. It drove inside without resistance and within seconds, he was sitting on Greg's thighs and riding up and down on the hard shaft. He rocked forward and his 12" tool was still within reach of Greg's mouth. He could only take in a few inches, but now they were coupled together completely. Buck rising and falling the entire length of Greg's cock, while Greg sucked and licked the many inches he could reach. They quickly fell into a rhythm, so that, as Buck rose up over the hot meat up his ass, Greg sucked the colossal dick deeper inside his mouth. But Greg had been right. It had been far too long since his snake had been given a proper fed. It only took minutes and he was bucking and squirming under Buck. Keeping his mouth filled with the tasty meat, he moaned and would otherwise have screamed in pleasure, had his voice not been stopped up. Buck felt the cock in his ass twitching, flexing and expanding, and knew Greg was right heaven's gate. He lifted his tail up until only the head of Greg's heavy dick stayed inside and then began to fuck up and down quickly over the head. Greg let Buck's tool fall from his mouth. He gritted his teeth, flexing every muscle in his most powerful body and gripped the sides of his bunk. "Shoot you bastard, shoot !" Buck encouraged him and frigged the sensitive head all the faster. "Oh God man, my balls are gunna explode !" With that, he mouth fell open wide and a rush of air hurried into his lungs and back out again. His body ceased to quake and he went rock hard and rigid. Veins stood out on both sides of his throat and muscles stretched painfully across his stomach. "Yes !" He cried out, as his slug violently shook inside Buck's bowel. Buck felt a hot burst and rising warmth inside himself. He could feel the man spunking inside. He frigged the crown all the faster and it moved with greater ease as the hot man juices lubricated the action. He could sense the cum seeping out the ring and splattering across his ass and thighs. Looking down between his legs, he watched the cock spasm, thicken then contract, only to convulsion, swell once more and pump further issues inside him. Buck rose off the cock completely and observed the final few surges out of the eye of the mighty cock, before reaching for it and massaging it in quick short bursts, pushing the last dregs of cum out the end. Greg lay back and took it all. When his cum stopped and the head of his dick become super sensitive, he still didn't stop Buck from jerking his tool faster and faster. He brought his knees up and his back arched, so he formed a "U" shape. "Keep it up. Don't stop !" Greg begged him. "Gunna shoot again ?" Buck moved more rapidly when encouraged by Greg. "No. No." His teeth gritted even more tightly than before. His body appeared to be like steel bands, contorted, twisted and painfully expanding against his tanned skin. "Yes !" With that last shout, he fell back, flat on the bunk and his entire body trembled aggressively. Buck watched closely, because it showed all signs of Greg about to blow a load once again, yet he had said he wasn't. He didn't. Instead, a fountain of yellow piss shot into the air. It spurt like spunk. Short bursts, which went clear toward the ceiling and fell back down over Greg's face and beyond to the floor behind his head. Buck immediately stopped his jerking action once he saw what was happening. "No ! Don't stop !" Greg cried out and tried to take over where Buck left off. Buck regained his strokes and the cock continued to spurt geysers of urine high into the air. Eventually, it slowed and become a steady stream of piss and Buck did stop. "You do that often ?" Buck almost laughed, as it was a crazy, yet exciting sight to watch. "Yeah. I love shooting piss after blowing a load. Hey, you should let me screw you and then keep fucking until I piss inside. That's really hot man. Never met a guy who didn't like it once he had it." "Take your word on that one." Buck got up, happy hardly any of the piss landed on him and stood beside Greg. "You better go have a shower buddy." "Yeah. But I'd still like a load from those nuts before you go back on duty." Buck looked at the clock on the shelf over the bed. He was due back in 30 minutes. Plenty of time. "Plenty of time, if you get your ass into gear."


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Major Buck's Odyssey Part III Chapter Three Buck watched the Professor walk quickly to his operating panels and turn all the necessary dials. The room once again become dimly lit but then, faded completely away. Within a matter of seconds, he found himself standing in a busy plaza. Well honed stones under foot, blue sky above and lush greenery and trees all around

Major Buck's Odyssey Part 4

Chapter Four Buck was told by Professor Peterson to rest up for a whole day and return the following morning, relaxed and ready for his new adventure. Buck tried to extract where he was going next time, but Peterson wasn't too forthcoming with information. He would only repeat his same line over and over again. He said that Buck would cease testing the equipment and start to

Tasmanian Tiger

The birthing sun was hardly visible. Simply golden and pink tinges across the rim of the ocean, far from shore. Scattered amid the early sunrise were drifting clouds, now discernible, as they become emphasised by the morning rays. The warm night began to take upon itself the cooler breeze that always sweeps in with dawn. A chill that can be embracing to some; annoying to others. It


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