Gay Erotic Stories

Tasmanian Tiger

by Aussie Slick
28 Jul 1997

Sex On The Beach

The birthing sun was hardly visible. Simply golden and pink tinges across the rim of the ocean, far from shore. Scattered amid the early sunrise were drifting clouds, now discernible, as they become emphasised by the morning rays. The warm night began to take upon itself the cooler breeze that always sweeps in with dawn. A chill that can be embracing to some; annoying to others. It can be especially annoying if you have just finished jogging a few miles and ended it with a swim in the ocean. The body is still hot from its exertion. The bloody is flowing rapidly through every vein. The heart is pounding. Temples throbbing and, every nerve is awake, alert and too willing to transport the news of this wind, to the brain. Ben started to shiver in his near nakedness. He jogged from the water and along the beach, massaging his arms and chest and wished he'd not slept in again. Far in the distance, he could see the single light beaming from his bedroom window and now wished he was there. His little beach house cottage snuggled amongst tall pines, on the headland. Not another house in sight. But he liked his isolation. That's why he moved to Tasmania and then sort the most uninhabited area he could find, which was still within an easy drive to Hobart. Being a writer, he needed to be close to a major centre, yet enjoyed the peace and quiet for his busy mind. Nothing ever flowed to him, when he was surrounded by people. They distracted him too much. Well, their bodies did anyway. He knew his limits. He was simply too hot blooded. Too many veins led into his dick. That was his problem. Solitude, peace and quiet, early morning jogs and strict timetables for his manuscripts kept him in check. Without the discipline, he knew the animal in him would dominate. Simply remembering why he isolated himself here was enough to stir those emotions. He felt his cock start to swell and push into his damp shorts. That was all he wore. And he had to wear them because experience showed him the constant whipping as he jogged and the direct surge of water around him as he swum, always brought results. Fuck ! It was a curse being so oversexed ! Nor did anyone understand. He took the problem to a shrink and was told he was rejecting his sexuality. But he never rejected it. Merely wished it would restrain itself for the right moments. He knew he was gay from early teens but his many conquests before he turned 18 hinted of a problem in the future. He was right. By 20 he had been beaten up many times, because he failed to harness his inner lust for men. No relationship ever lasted more than a few days, because no single man could ever be enough to fulfil his needs. No, he never rejected his sexuality. He only wanted to live a little longer and at the rate he was going, that was at risk. It was either the hell of detachment or the abyss of a prison or a grave. The light from his bedroom window now cast a guiding path for him, up the worn track toward the house. But just as he was about to leave the sandy beach and clamber over the rocks that separated the grass, shrubs and sand, something on the rocks moved and caught his eye. "Shit !" He heard himself spit with a stunned outcry. He stopped in his tracks and stared into the dim morning glow, toward the shadowy figure on the rocks, some 20 feet away. Slowly, the silhouette took form. It was a man alright. But he had his back to Ben and was casting a line out into the foam, well beyond the rocks. And although he realised the innocence in all this, he wondered what the man was doing here. In the 2 years since buying the cottage, no one ever came to this beach to fish. The only road leading here, had to go right by Ben's cottage. And that road was about 4 miles in from the main country road, with no signs to indicate where it led - only Ben's roadside mailbox. A stranger here, would never be by accident. With some reservations, Ben took a few steps closer. "Excuse me ! What are yu' doing here ?" Stupid question - he realised as he spoke. "Good morning !" The man swivelled at the hips and gave him a wave. "Why ? Am I on private property ?" He began reeled in his line slowly and took a few steps closer to Ben. "No." Ben stopped. He felt his heart start to quicken. "No but...." "Oh that's alright then. Though I was trespassing for a minute." The line was now reeled all the way in and the man was but a few feet from Ben. "Guess you live there." He pointed to the cottage on the small hill, overlooking the ocean. "Prime location." He stopped once face to face with Ben and brought his rod to attention, standing like a sentinel of ancient times; spear in hand. The quickening blood flow rushed down all the pipes in Ben's body, as they always did when he was near a man and, started to fill his dick uncontrollably. "I don't get many down here. How'd yu' find the place ?" "By accident." Oh yeah ! Ben thought. "I was fish'n on the other heads over there." He pointed to the headlands at the opposite end of the beach. "Saw yu' light and wondered if the fish'n might be better here." Ben found that more acceptable, since the main road came within a mile of that headland, which had a little known lookout perched at the top. It was rare, but sometimes he had seen a fisherman there. "You look cold." The man couldn't fail to see Ben quivering and massaging blood through to his arms. So much had travelled down into his dick, it was a wonder he hadn't fainted. "Yeah. Once yu' stop jog'n - yu' know what its like." Ben would give anything for that warm jumper the man was wearing, as well as the black jeans. But with the sun starting to rise behind the man, he remained only a shadow. The one thing Ben could make out was, the well padded thighs in those jeans. This guy sure had a powerful pair of legs. But he wished he hadn't noticed that, nor begin to take wonder further, including what must lay between them. His cock was already pushing the hem of his shorts aside. Control yourself man ! He knew from old, how he would become brazen if the slightest opportunity presented itself. He'd gotten into bother too many times before this way. "Bet that worm would catch a whale !" The man laughed and pointed to Ben's shorts. Oh he shouldn't have said that. "Sperm whale, at that." The man cackled himself. But Ben remained silent, somehow. The man composed himself, straightened up and apologised. "Sorry. Just joke'n." "Jog'n always does it to me." Ben tried to cover up; both verbally and with his hands. "Noth'n to be ashamed a mate. We both got one." Oh he shouldn't have reminded Ben of that fact. His mind started to conjure up just what the man might have and remembering it had been a long time since he held or chewed on one. Damn. He felt the material in his shorts stretch a little more. "Well, I better go and get something on before I catch a cold." "That's about all I'm get'n here myself." Ben forced himself to turn away but the man stepped up beside him and kept pace. "Look, mind if I drop by ? I got some coffee here but it need heating up." Ben stopped and looked him in the eye. Now, the sun was equal on the both. He saw a young face, shaven and fresh. Jet black hair sat unruly and wind swept on his head and across his face. The jumper was a tight fit and hinted to a nice athletic torso. And those leg. Those fucking wonderful leg. "Sure." Ben kept walking, because he knew the guy would follow and he really wanted to get something warm on himself. His advantage of a minute or so was lost, as the man jogged until he caught up with Ben. He had the rod in one hand and a woven basket in the other. A cheeky smile on his face made him look all the more cute. Nothing was said between them as they made their way up the sandy path to the cottage. Ben led the way through the door and into the lounge, which looked out over the beach and rocks below, where they had just come from. "There's the kitchen. I've got to get something on before I freeze." Ben pointed to the kitchen through the doorway and headed off down a hall. Glancing back, as he entered his bedroom, he saw the man going into the kitchen. "You're a bloody fool Ben Wilde !" He said quietly to himself. "That's not much." The man stood at the bench, pouring coffee from his thermos into a couple of mugs. He put them into the microwave oven and gave them a few minutes. "I'll warm up now I'm inside." Ben had only put a sweat shirt on, over his bare torso. "So, where's the little woman ? Still in bed ?" "Not married." Ben popped some bread into the toaster. "Wise man. I got married too early I reckon." "Why ?" He now got the butter, plates and a knife out, for the toast. "Bloody kids ! We thought it was great screwing around all night every night but next thing I know she's dropping calves all over the barn yard floor." He laughed in his usual fashion. "How many you got ?" "4. Two sets of twins. Either she's a breeder or I'm a stud. Don't know which." Ben wished he'd stop saying things like that. It wasn't helping his dick from staying hard. "You don't look old enough to have 4 kids." "24. Got married when I was 18 and she dropped the first set when I was 20. She's got something baking in the oven again. Hope to Christ it ain't twins again. Get'n expensive." "That's plenty long enough." Ben pointed to the microwave oven as he popped the toast up and buttered them. "So, where yu' work ?" He took the mugs out. "I'm a freelance writer." Ben handed him a plate with toast and took up one of the mugs. "Unemployed ah ?" Cheeky arsehole, Ben thought, as he led the way back into the lounge. "What about you then ?" Ben took his favourite seat by the large window. "I'm in the navy. AB One. Radar Plotter." "That accounts for the break between the batches of twins." Ben felt he got his own back. "Yeah. They don't call us Pus's for noth'n." "Pus's ?" "Yeah. Yu' know ?" He grabbed his nuts inside his jeans. "Build up heaps of pus when yu' away from the slips." "Well I guess its good to be back home." Ben tried not to keep his eyes locked on the basket the man had just grabbed. "Not yet. Been on patrol for the last month. Head'n back home now. We stopped over in Hobart because of some problems with the Avon's." The sailor sipped his coffee and bit his toast. "Submarines then ?" "Hmm." He swallowed quickly, obviously used to eating fast. "The new Collins Class but." "So, what's yu' name. Sorry. Mine's Ben. Ben Wilde." "Steve Brown. Everyone calls me Bomber." He extended a buttered hand. "pleased to met yu'." They shook hands. "Bomber ? How do yu' get that nickname ?" "Dunno rightly. Anyone called Brown gets Bomber. Navy tradition I guess." Steve put his mug down on the coffee table and some coffee spilt onto a magazine. "Oops, sorry." He took the magazine up and wiped the coffee off it, then realised what he was holding. Gay Monthly. "Shit, you a turd pusher or something ?" "Yeah. But you'd be used to all that in the navy." Ben felt guilty for a second then decided he had no reason to be. "Fuck, we had one of you guys on our boat last trip and did we give him curry." "Maybe yu' should have given him what he wanted and both of yu' would have had some fun." "Doubt it. Besides, my misses is always wanting me to screw her tail and if I refuse her, then I ain't gunna do it for some bloke." "There's plenty of ways to get the stream out of your pants without fucking arse mate !" "Yeah ? Like what ?" "Well, a good wank never hurt any fingers I know." "I can do it myself. Why would I want someone else to do that ?" "You could buy fish in a fish shop but its more fun catching them yourself, right ?" "That's different." "No its not. If there ain't noth'n around, then sure, we have to go for the five finger exercise but if someone is willing to do it for us, why not ?" "I just couldn't. Most of the guys do and some even suck one another. Dirty bastards." "Never been sucked off then ?" "Nah, she don't like to do that sort of thing. Don't blame her. I wouldn't either." "But if someone doesn't mind doing it to yu' then what's the harm in enjoying it ?" "Just not my style." "What's your style Steve ?" "Just chicks. Just screwing a but of cunt." He pulled out a cigarette and went for a match. "Here." Ben reached across with a lighter. "See ? That smoke is gunna taste just as good whether its lit by a match or a lighter. True ?" Silence. The man dragged on his smoke, sipped his coffee, then picked up the magazine and flicked a few pages. "This is disgusting ! Look." He showed a page with 2 men jerking one another. "What's so bad about that ? One's just making the other feel good. That's all." "Oh I don't think I'd like that." He tossed the magazine back on the table. "You'd love it if you were so bloody small minded." "Well, if being broad minded means I gotta bend over and cop a dick up my arse, no thanks." "It don't mean that at all. God yu' naive." Ben felt a little pissed off with the guy now and decided he should show his feelings. "But one thing always leads to another." "Only if yu' want to it. But if yu' had a hard-on and a guy offered to jerk it off for yu' then it don't mean yu' gotta bend over for him. Chances are, he only wants you to wank him off too !" "Yeah ? But..." the man pondered it a moment, "I don't think I'd like another guy working me up anyway." "Look, you don't interest me at all, but I'll make you a little bet." Ben stopped and waited for a reaction, which never came. "I bet if you were to get yourself hard, then let me take over jerking your dick, I bet you wouldn't want me to stop, after a minute or so." "Yeah ? How much ?" "Well, $10 ? Just for interest sake ? But yu' gotta be fair. If yu' find yu' enjoying it. Then at least be honest enough and sit back until the job's done." "But then its cost me 10 bucks to be wanked off !" "No. If you really don't like it, I pay yu' $10. If you do, then you admit it and take it to the end. Sound fair ? I mean, what could be fairer ? Yu' either gunna end up emptying your balls or walking off with $10 ?" The young sailor sat back in his seat and sucked on his smoke, pondering his options. Occasionally, he shook his head and Ben felt the answer must be - no. "But yu' got to stop if I say so !" "Sure. But yu' gotta give it time too ! I mean, you can't tell me to stop, the second I grab your dong and start working either." "Well, lets make a time limit. I say.." he stopped and licked his lips, "60 seconds." "But you get yourself hard first." "Oh OK." Almost with a sigh of resignation, he reached down, unzipped his jeans and dragged his cock out into the fresh air. He sat there jerking on himself for a moment or two. "Come on ! Yu don't do it like that normally I bet ! Get comfortable." The man stood up. His slightly tanned cock hung limply from his fly. He unclipped his belt and top button, then slide his jeans down to the middle of those strong, muscular thighs. He glanced over, toward Ben, looking a little sheepish. Ben deliberately took the last of his toast, sipped his coffee and looked out the window, across the vast ocean and the sun, which was by now, hanging well above the horizon and lighting up the entire panoramic view. It took all his strength and courage, not to look at the man and his equipment, being brought to readiness. To avoid the pressure, Ben stood, collected the mugs and plates and walked off, into the kitchen. He felt sure, if the man was left alone, he would do a better job of it. A sideways glance as he left the room, disclosed hardly the slightest sign of an erection growing under his manipulating fists. He noisily did the wash up, hoping Steve might feel even more relaxed to know Ben wouldn't b back in any time soon. But on the other hand, hoped it didn't achieve the reverse - reminding him of his wife and dull his needs to produce a hard fat. "Its ready." Ben heard Steve call, as he quietly dried the dishes. "Well, keep working on it. I'll be there soon." He felt if the guy had a little more time to wank himself, he might become so horny, the bet was as good as won, the second he took a hold of it. He casually sauntered into the room. Steve was now laying back in his chair with his jeans down around his ankles. Both thighs were spread wide and Ben first noticed the 2 hairy balls hanging like a stud bull, blocking part of the view of the cushion, on which he sat. His eyes drifted up as he slipped between the parted thighs, to see the throbber give a convulsive jerk, forcing a trickle of ooze out of the wide eye on the top of the flaming red crown. It was a most beautiful cock. No wonder his wife loved it so much. It was a soft brown in colour, criss-crossed with heavy veins, giving it a cruel appearance. It arched from above those heavy balls, aiming toward his jumper. Ben gauged it to be about 7" long and a meaty 5" in circumference. Steve was not holding it now. He allowed it to tower away from his crotch, resting a hand on each furry thigh. The same jet black hair licked all around that cock like flames and coated those bovine nuts thickly. He could see the hairs scurrying up his lower abdomen and hiding under the jumper. He wondered if Steve was hairy all over, or if he just had a nice trail leading up beyond his navel, to his chest. Ben looked up, into Steve's face, as he knelt before him. The man was looking down at his cock with a furrowed brow of concern. He too glanced into Ben's eyes then turned his entire head away, looking down the hall to the bedrooms. "Well ?" Impatient bastard, Ben thought. "Time starts now." Steve raised his hand, so he could see his wrist watch. Ben gently gripped the dick in his fist. It felt hot, hard and powerful in his clutch. The trickling precum made his first few strokes very easy to perform and in no time at all, he had forced more from the head of the dick and massaged it into the shaft. The cock become slick. His fingers drew tighter around the pole and his motion increased slightly. His other hand come up and worked on the head, forcing the foreskin back a little, to tighten it up and transform the head into a shiny, engorged mass. Steve gave a buck in his seat. Ben had struck a cord he liked. He continued on this way. Steve lifted his arse off the chair slightly and before he knew what he was doing, commenced to fuck into the fist just a little. Ben reached lower and gripped those hairy nuts, dragging them down, to achieve the same result, of drawing the foreskin tight, as well as massaging those balls at the same time. "Hey, that's not part of it !" Steve complained and threw his head back in pleasure and pain. "Why not ? You'd be do'n this if you were wanking yourself off ! Besides, yu' gotta admit yu' liking it. Right ?" Steve said nothing, but his body jerks and flexing answered for him. Ben knew the time was well and truly up by now. It seemed like hours since he took that gorgeous cock into his hand but knew it was only a couple of minutes. Long enough to have won his bet. And he'd worked on enough dick to know this guy was not about to tell him to stop now. Nor was Ben's experienced hands going to allow it all to end too quickly. He sensed if he wasn't careful here, Steve could shoot any time soon. He dragged those cum containers down even harder and forced them from climbing up into Steve's body, where they were ready the fleshy cannon for firing. He wasn't about to let the breach be loaded just yet. Steve hummed groans of pleasure from the depths of his throat and occasionally glanced down at the handy work being performed on his dick. With gritted teeth he would hiss, then toss his head back once more. Ben had definitely won the bet and now he would see if he could raise the stacks. "Well, you certainly don't mind this, I can see. I bet yu' now wish yu' wife was here to chew the end right off your cock, ay ?" Ben rubbed the dick harder, hauling those billiard balls down even further, though he didn't know how he did that, without tiring them away from the body. "Yeah ! Yeah ! But she don't like that." "You ain't never been sucked off then ?" Ben teased him. "Once. Paid for...a Hong Kong. She did it...for me." He spat the words out "Want to make another little bet ?" "What ?" But he yelled before Ben could propose his idea. Then, Steve gathered himself together and answered for Ben. "I wouldn't last a fuck'n minute anyway !" "Oh I reckon I can stop yu' shooting a little while." Steve never answered. Ben maintained his massaging action, quickening the pace and tightening his grip. Steve lunged in the air every few seconds, trying to fuck the ceiling. Time past and Ben decided he had nothing to lose. He dropped his lips over the head and masturbated the cock into his mouth. Steve quivered and shook. Looking up, Ben found the man was staring down at him with an amazed stare. Steve was in shock. Here he was, sitting in a strange man's lounge room and letting the guy suck his dick ! How did he get into such a situation ? But it all felt too good to stop him from carrying on with it all. Somehow, it even felt better than the time the Hong Kong whore chewed him off. Maybe because he felt some guilt - letting another woman have what he promised his wife, no other woman would have. But he'd never promised anything about another man ! Even if Steve had demanded Ben take his mouth off the dick, he doubted he could now. He'd been in similar situations before and even had the guy bashing his skull to try and remove the mouth from his stork, but Ben always held on tight, like a rodeo rider on a stallion. This guy was no stallion but he was no colt either. The meaty taste was delightful and the saltiness of the precum seeping into range of his taste buds now and again, urged him on even further. The cockhead lost any sponginess it once had. Maybe because he was tugging those nuts down so firmly. Or maybe because Steve was drawing too close for comfort. Ben tossed it around in his mind. He wanted that juice now, more than anything else in the world, except maybe, more time on this throbber. He calculated that he could stand the wait, so long as he was munching away on this meaty delectable piece. The longer he had the guy down his throat, the more he would enjoy the prize at the end. And that reward would be impossible to be taken from him, every second that passed. "No ! No !" Steve reached down and forced Ben's hands away from his cock and balls. "Please ! Let me blow." At first, Ben thought he was having it taken from him altogether. But if all the man wanted, was to get his rocks off, then he would oblige. His lips and tongue worked a treat over the sensitive succulent crown, while his hands become gentle teasing tentacles, caressing and softly worrying those furry nuts. His earlier desire flashed back to mind and he took a hand away, driving it up, under the jumper. He lifted the jumper higher and higher, until he could see the six-pack belly violently flexing and contorting, as the man jived in his early throes of deep pleasure. Steve helped him. He took his jumper and dragged it up and over his head, tossing it to the side. Ben was now free to finger dance over the hard plates in the stomach and on, up to the slightly hairy chest. Yes, the same black hairs coated both breasts, sparsely but in a very erotic way. With his arms stretched up, so he could cling to the back of the chair, Ben enjoyed watching the well formed biceps also flexing. Patches of dense hair smothered his armpits and the ballooning upper arms would have raised some fear and threat, except for the present time, they were playing their part in the lewd cavorting of Steve's entire body. "Maybe yu' ought to see that it can be fun jerking another guy off too." Ben stopped all his action just as Steve was fucking into his mouth like a professional. "What !" Steve looked down at him with a horrified stare. "Christ man ! I was just about to spit and you stopped !" Ben smiled and slowly stood up. His own hot dick was dripping with precum. All this behaviour had brought him within reach of shooting too, without a finger touching him. "Trust me. You liked the feeling of me working on yu' - right ?" Steve nodded angrily. "Well believe you me, yu' not gunna find it unpleasant wanking me off too." He stepped right away from Steve and took a few strides toward the hall. "Come on. More comfortable in there anyway." He walked off to the bedroom, next door to the lounge. He didn't even bother to see if Steve would follow. He knew he would. He fell onto the bed, facing the end of the bed and doorway. Steve came around the corner, trying to drag his jeans away, over his heavy boots. Done, he stood at the end of the bed and looked down at Ben. Then, slowly strolled around to the side and sat down. Ben turned him around, so that Steve was laying on his back, with his head on a pillow. Then, Ben rose up on his elbow and dropped his mouth back over the head of the dick again. It hadn't lost an ounce of blood and was still as hard as the rocks below the window. Ben shifted on the bed so that his own tool was now resting near Steve's shoulder. He removed his mouth from the prick again and simply looked down their bodies to Steve. The man resigned to his new fate, reached out and took Ben's raging fat dick in his hand. He tentatively worked a slow pump along its shaft. Ben fucked himself into the fist to indicate to Steve the speed he should be handling him. As soon as Steve got the message and increased his strokes to a steady, firm pump, Ben returned to licking and lapping at the head. This encouraged Steve a little more. His fist increased speed, squeezed a little tighter and Ben heard the man sniff. A quick glance found Steve resting his nose near Ben's nuts and breathing in the scent of him. "Ever tasted precum ?" Ben lifted his mouth away and asked. "Me own." Steve didn't even look down to Ben. "Like it ?" Steve shrugged his shoulders, but couldn't hold back the signs of a grin coming out on one the corner of his lips. "Your tastes good." Ben licked hard into the eye of Steve's cock and scooped away yet another leaky drool collecting there. "Try it if you like. You don't have to." Ben returned to full-on sucking. Steve gave out a little cry of pleasure as he felt his balls being sucked up into his body and out the end of his dick. Ben easied back when he saw how it effected him. He deep throated the man, swallowing him entirely and poking his tongue out to lick at Steve's balls. The man fucked into the mouth and rolled closer, trying, somehow, to drive more meat into Ben's throat. Ben watched him in the corner of his eye. The sailor again dipped his nose close and sucked in a breath of nut aroma, before nuzzling his snout into the silky bag. The man eased back and bent Ben's tool down toward his face a little, squeezed it and watched some juice spill out and trickle over the head. He bent closer again and sniffed at the fluid. He smelt it again, then stuck his tongue out. Ben was holding back from giggling, as he watched the man experiment for the first time with spunk juice. The tongue touched the head of Ben's cock and lashed back into the mouth. Steve savoured the flavour and immediately lashed out at it again, wiping the entire river away from the dick this time. He retreated once more and relished what he discovered on the tongue. He would only have pondered this for seconds, before his lips parted and wrapped over the head of Ben's prick. They lay there, doing nothing at first, then he sucked, as if it were a lolly. He must of been rewarded with more sticky glue, because he suddenly sucked a little harder and moaned. Ben felt the tongue become more slick and knew the pent up energies were flowing well now, and the sailor was having a feast of him. Ben was so horny, he knew he could never stand the lengthy service he had given Steve. But he also knew, he Steve shot first, then he would have to finish himself off, without the man's assistance. He let his brain swim in the pleasure of it and witnessed his spunk driving forward, up his fuck tube. But the moment he knew he was on the verge of discharging his hefty cargo, he quickly reached down and dragged his cock out of Steve's throat. The man tried to recapture it, so Ben lifted his own mouth off Steve, long enough to give the swiftest of warnings - "I'm cuming !" - then he swallowed Steve back into his mouth and greedily ate him, until the cock was firmly lodged inside the throat again. His dick spewed spunk in hot bursts across Steve's chest, biceps and throat. The sailor reeled backwards as he began to be coated with the hot sticky slime but as the idea settled in and the strangeness of it all was accepted, he saw this as a great disappointment. Steve grabbed the dick in a tight grip and helped a volley eruption onto the palm of his other hand. This was hurried to his mouth and he sipped at his first full blown sample of spunk. He obviously found it to be pleasant, when Ben watched him drop his lips back over the end of the cock and sucked at what remaining explosions were coming. His attention was now so attuned to enjoying his first load of cum that Ben noticed the dick in his own mouth wither ever so slightly. The head become more spongy and it throbbed to a softer density. Steve sucked the life from Ben and then scooped up the strings of cream laying on his body, whisking them to his mouth and gobbling them down with a lapping tongue. He licked what lay on his arm, washing into the crease of his biceps muscle and armpit. The glutinous remnants twined through his hairy socket and across his chest were quickly disposed of. And then, he fell back onto the pillow at his head, raised his hips and commenced deep, concentrated fucks into Ben's oral embrace. When he cum, he did so, like the brute of a man he was. No warning, as Ben had given, nor any care as to where his dick might be lodged. He simply pumped his spunk into the throat and it was only Ben's better knowledge of suctioning man juice from spunk vats, that gained him his reward. Ben pulled away from the dick and snapped at the ropes of thick cum, as they climbed out of the jerking shaft. Some he captured on his teeth or inside his mouth, but others pleased him, by splattering against his cheeks, brow and throat. He so loved to feel a man shooting his load on him. Only after Steve had finished, did Ben bother to enjoy all the food dished up for his feasting. Then, with both men spent and showered, Ben sent him on his way, to never again downgrade the delights of sharing such joys with another man.


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Tasmanian Tiger

The birthing sun was hardly visible. Simply golden and pink tinges across the rim of the ocean, far from shore. Scattered amid the early sunrise were drifting clouds, now discernible, as they become emphasised by the morning rays. The warm night began to take upon itself the cooler breeze that always sweeps in with dawn. A chill that can be embracing to some; annoying to others. It


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