Gay Erotic Stories

Major Buck's Odyssey Part 3

by Aussie Slick
28 Jul 1997

Sci-Fi Fantasy

Major Buck's Odyssey Part III Chapter Three Buck watched the Professor walk quickly to his operating panels and turn all the necessary dials. The room once again become dimly lit but then, faded completely away. Within a matter of seconds, he found himself standing in a busy plaza. Well honed stones under foot, blue sky above and lush greenery and trees all around him. Dotted amid the trees were many beautiful marble temples and other ancient styled buildings. Walls or pillars not marble, were painted bright colours of red, blue, chocolate and yellow. He noted his spot well, ignoring those around him, who were staring in a puzzled way. One man had narrowly missed walking into him, as he had "suddenly" appeared in the man's path. Buck knew his outfit was not out of place, as others wore similar or almost exact copies of his uniform. It must have been his sudden appearance which caused the confusion. He counted the stone blocks between himself and the steps, then walked those slabs, until he reached the steps of a glorious building. 10 stones. Then he walked to the end of the steps. 5 stones. So, now he would only need to remember this building, come to these steps and count them out - in 4 hours time. "Good morning. I'm a little lost. Can you tell me where I am please ?" He asked a small man sitting on the steps, looking out over this splendid city. It would be a good test of the translator too. "Indeed you are lost. It is almost evening. Does our Emperor's Guard not even know the time of day ?" The man laughed, shaking his head. "You be looking for the Palatine Hills where his palace stands I wager. It is there, across that hill. Take the way there." The man pointed to a cobble stoned street leading away from the plaza area, toward the hill he had pointed to. "You cannot miss it." He laughed again. "But then, such a stupid one as you, may." "Thank you." Buck decided not to return the rude comments. It was best he drew as little attention to himself as possible. He walked toward the street pointed out to him, then when almost there, turned, faced the temple he had just left. He not only set its features well into his mind, for later, but raised the butt of his dagger, aiming it at the temple and depressed the node on the sword. He heard a click and hoped it had successfully taken its first photo. He walked down the stone path between tall buildings. Except for the absence of glass windows, the buildings looked like pensions in Europe, in his own time. As he passed some of these, he looked inside and saw central courtyards, from which staircases rose up to the many floors above. It was like a rabbit warren of apartments. The streets were narrow and only gave room for 3 people to walk abreast. All the street stones were marked by splashes of water and it smelt putrid. Ahead, he saw a woman leaning out a window. She poured a basin of water into the street, with little care if anyone might be below or not. Gutters in the streets, took much of this away, but much remained. Some side paths leading off this main street were not covered in stone. They were dusty tracks, crowded with refuse, tossed out by the residents. All kind of animals mingled with the people and their habits of shitting and pissing anywhere were obvious. Soon, the street brought him out into yet another plaza area. Beyond, he could see a number of hills, dotted with the most beautiful buildings seen thus far. On each level of these buildings, he could see men in uniforms not unlike his own. They stood as sentinels to every door, balcony, path and staircase within the complex of buildings. From large windows and entrances, soft curtains billowed out, dissolving in splashes of colour against the white, grey and red marble. The streets were cleaner now and the smell was now mixing with sweet fragrances. The people wore fine linens, silks and satin, in all the colours of the rainbow. The women's hair were tied up in bunches, held with ribbons and jewelry. And as he neared even closer to the palace buildings, he saw sedan chairs, hoisted high by black men in scant loin cloths of white. He was indeed coming closer to the palace of the Emperor. Buck walked to a gate, guarded by two men with long spears. They did not stop him, but instead, saluted him. Buck mimicked them, slapping his breast plate with a clenched fist, but glancing down, realised he had activated his clock face. He quickly closed it shut and marched through the gateway and into a courtyard beyond. His sword clicked in this direction and that, as he took photo after photo of the exquisite buildings, towering up before him. "Centurion !" A soldier with a white cape and breast plate approached from behind Buck. "What be your Legion and name ?" "I am and I'm with the 5th Army Corp." Buck hoped the translator would now do its job and convert that, into something "Roman". "They are supposed to be camped in Herculium. What brings you here ?" It must have worked ! " have a message for the Emperor." "Give it here. I am Captain of the Partorian Guard." "It is verbal and for him alone." "Impertinent slime ! Nothing goes to the Emperor except through me and certainly never without written authority from your Commander." Buck tried to think quick. Not know much about Roman history, wasn't a help. He really should be brief before such a mission. "I am visiting Rome. A friend of the Emperor felt the Emperor might be interested in seeing me, as I have an unusual...feature." He did remember one major thing about the Romans. Their sex activities. "You speak strangely. What is this...feature ?" "I am told the Emperor is interested in men with large endowments." Buck lifted the skirt of his tunic to reveal his mighty cock. The Captain looked with wide eyes; his mouth fell open even wider. "Indeed ! His Imperialness would be most interested. He is planning a party this very evening and I am certain he would like to watch you performing for his guests." The Captain turned on his heels and stormed away, then looking back, seeing Buck still standing there. "Come !" He walked off and Buck quickly followed. The Partorian led Buck into a building and down a number of corridors, past many rooms guarded by men in the white Partorian Guard uniform. Eventually, they reached a large room, lined with tall columns, painted red. It was too dark for his camera to shoot in here, so he never bothered. As they passed through the columns, it opened out into a bathing area. Soldiers lay about on benches or swam in the large indoor pool. The Captain pointed to an empty bench and walked on to a group of attendants nearby. They held linen towels, goblets, platters of fruit and jars of wine. He spoke to them and they came over to Buck. The attendants immediately began helping Buck out of his cape, breast plate and tunic. They removed his belt, sword and sandals as well. He was now naked and stood there for the entire group to ponder. Men swimming nearby stopped and edged closer to his side of the pool. First, silence, then a hum of voices rose up. More looked his way. Soon, the entire room was focused on Buck. Buck decided it might be wiser to go into the pool. He walked over and casually sat on the edge, allowing his huge cock to dangle from between his thighs, dipping into the cool, perfumed water. Some swam closer and trod water a foot or so away from him. Buck pushed off, from the side of the pool and plunged into the water. He swum around, with the man closing in on him. He didn't feel threatened. He ducked under the water, emerged and swum to the pool edge again. "May I have some wine please ?" He wanted to test his ear piece. Maybe it wasn't water proof. An attendant bent and poured wine into a goblet, passing it to Buck. "What is your name ?" He still needed to see if sounds were converted back into English. "Marcus, sire." The young man smiled, pressed his lips tightly together and winked. Yes, it was still working and so was Buck's more obvious charm - his fat dick. These Romans appeared to be, not in the least bashful. Marcus turned away, went down on his knees and parting his ass cheeks so wide, Buck saw into the well used pathway of the youth's bowel. Marcus pressed a finger deep into the hairless ring. It shocked Buck slightly, but for only a moment. "Do you prefer men or women ?" The Partorian Captain boldly asked. "I am pleased with both." Buck wasn't completely sure what was more acceptable, even though he witnessed enough to believe - all forms of sexual passion were in fashion here. "So long as you do not tire yourself. The Emperor will wish to see you performing tonight." The Captain looked around the pool area, taking in each man, one at a time. "And you all beware you do not drain him before he entertains !" Once again, he scanned the many faces bobbing in the water or loitering by the pool side. "I go to inform his imperialness of tonight's sport." And he was gone, behind one of the many pillars. Buck watched him disappear then slowly looked around him. Faces with wide smiles beamed back to him. While at the water's edge, a few were laying back, slowly masturbating - working their Roman cocks into shining spears of flesh. Buck licked his lips and smiled back. Perfumed bodies, all in their youthful prime, drew closer to him. Their strong bodies glowed in the flickering lamp light. Buck swum slowly toward the edge of the pool again and scaling out of the water, sat onto the marble rim. There would have been 10 men, now hovering in the water, around his dangling feet, looking directly at the one point - his massive dick. Another 6 men moved in closer, behind him. Hands fell upon him from everywhere. They caressed his feet, calves, thighs and belly. From behind, he felt more hands running over his back and shoulders. 20, maybe 30 hands drifted over him but none touched that prize piece, which had lost the battle of flaccidness before he leapt from the water. His mighty fleshy sword rose in a threatening arch, out over the water and with each bold throb within its length, aimed higher, targeting his compact abdomen. A few fingers brushed against his nuts or the base of the tool. These weren't accidental but no one was complaining. Least of all, Buck. Then, a thousand strong arms lifted him up from where he sat and effortlessly carried him away to one of the benches. Suddenly cushions covered it and he was laid carefully upon them. They crowded around him, each boldly stroking a part of him, while sensually massaging their own dicks. Hard cocks sprung up in whatever place he looked. He had never seen so much masculine flesh at one time. Even in the showers of an army camp, not this much hard dick was ever displayed so openly. Their tanned, powerful bodies flexed and moved in a hot erotic dance. Cocks of all shapes and sizes bobbed over his body. Fat, short ones. Thick, long ones. Painfully erect ones, which curved tightly back on themselves, while others shot out straight from the body, or bent, heavy from the weight of the bloody amassing inside the fuck tube. Some were smooth, others rough, craggy, covered with fierce veins. Some were sprouting from a mass of untidy hairs, while others had sculpted crotches, shaped in hearts or circles. Some bounced above heavy balls, coated with fur, while others had such tight nuts, they were fast disappearing from sight the moment the erection began. The fingers fondled and scurried faster, up and down rigid shafts. The pace and fever was growing, but still none took hold of his dick completely. All this attention, without his cock actually being worked on, made his tool throb all the hard for the yearning of touch. His precum oozed and dribbled out the eye, running down his impressive snake. Looking from one man, then another, they too were beginning to irrigate their fingers, mashing their precum into their hairy growth. Bucked eyed a number of the men and inwardly wished he might get down to business with them. Licking his lips, he focused on them, one at a time. He watched their dicks being manhandled and decided he couldn't remain still any longer. Buck reached out and took 2 cocks, taking over the action on them. Lifting his head, his tongue lashed out at a third, which obliged him by moving closer and slipping between his very happy lips. Having increased the stakes in this game himself, others felt more prepared to venture further as well. Buck felt fingers play across his ass. He cocked a leg higher and let the hands do their best. He could feel fingers pushing inside but he was so feverish, he had no sense of pain. The dick in his mouth gushed. His mouth filled with cum and he swallowed it down as quickly as the cock distended it inside. Most men were now voicing their tensions aloud. All knew Buck was taking a load and as soon as the man gave sign, he was finished, he was pushed aside and replaced immediately. Another hot dick slipped by Buck's creamed lips. The hot spunk in his mouth helped to oil the new cock crashing into his throat. Fingers up his ass were replaced by a mouth. His legs were being held high, to allow some soldier to eat into his tanned trail. Other hands could be felt parting his cheeks wider, to assist that tongue and lips bruising his wide open ring. Almost as one, the 2 men receiving Buck's fisting delights, blew wads of spunk across his body. Strings shot onto him and others nearby, ebbing to drools that clung to cockheads for s moment, before impacting onto the marble floor below. These men broke free and stepped back to allow others to take their places. Just as Buck reached out for 2 more dicks, he received his second hot lava load into the throat. The taste of the first was almost gone and this salty load removed all memory of it, as the bursting dick was dragged out and deposited more waves across the tongue and taste buds. Then, it too was gone and a new, fresh, precum coated dick took the place, almost instantly. One head slipped from his lips as the other pressed inside. Buck was almost going crazy. He'd had 2 loads down his throat and another 2 over his muscular body. He had a third in his mouth and 2 more rooting inside his tightened fists. A mouth worked wonders on his ass and many fingers run across his body, but they still stayed well clear of intimate touching on his own weapon. His eyes scanned the men still remaining in the milling circle. They locked onto a man standing near his left leg. He was helping to hold that leg higher, while he massaged his dick across Buck's hairy thigh. His own eyes were fleeting back and forth, from Buck's cock to the ass action below him. The deadly cock he rubbed on Buck's leg was easily the nicest piece of meat Buck had seen so far. Fat from head to base, covered with wires of blood vessels, making it appear wild and angry. It leaked slimy trails across the thigh. But it was the length which intrigued Buck. Oh nothing like his own, but certainly a most glorious slab of beef steak. Buck gauged it had to be 10" and being as thick as it was, made it seem very threatening. However, the way Buck felt right now, even his own cock would be welcomed inside his hot ass. "You !" Buck spat the dick from his mouth. All heads turned to Buck and his eyes met the man he wanted. "Yes you." The man smiled, slowing his butting action across Buck's leg. "Fuck me." As if any wish was a command to them all, the man sucking out his ass stopped and moved away. While Buck's preferred relocated himself between Buck's thighs. Others held the legs wider and higher. Buck lay back and watched the man position himself between his thighs and waited until he felt the heated cock slip against his crease. Then, opening his lips, he swallowed the dick, spanning out over his face. He muffled a cry of pain as his ideal man pushed home in one complete stroke. The man begged no pardons or even tried to give any thought to what he did. He simply plunged inside and immediately commenced a swift fucking action. Buck bit down on the tool in his mouth and its owner bucked, pulled back, then replied with equally hard, fast fucking. All this was too much for the men being jerked by Buck. First one, then sighting the ropes of creamy spunk, the second man shot too. The man fucking Buck reached up and scooped some of the cum from Buck's belly and massaged it into his own cock, as it emerged from inside the pulsing ass ring. Buck could sense the slippery cum aiding his efforts and the man speeded up his performance. Meanwhile, with lightning speed, the one screwing into his mouth burst open and filled Buck's throat with yet another stack of cum. But before he could pull away and be replaced by another mouth prod, Buck's chosen slave lunged harder and faster still. Then, bellowing like a mad bull, with his head thrown completely back in a painful manner, he washed out the insides of Buck's ass. Too quick. Buck had selected him, with the hope that he would fuck him for hours. But he had shot his bolt in a matter of minutes. As his mouth was filled with more manly muscle, he examined the last few men, who were yet to toss a load his way. There were only 5 or so left. None has equipment to go anywhere near his husband of 3 minutes. Only very ordinary slugs remained. None more than 6" in length and hanging from guys he might usually ignore. Even the guy down his throat was merely passable. His eyes searched the ranks of those who had already given themselves to him. Most sat or lay, thereabouts, with slack dicks hanging over tired balls. There seemed only one thing he could do to try and salvage the loss of that wonderful big cock, now drawing out of his butt. Maybe his idea was something these Romans had not thought of. He wondered how he might put the proposal to them. He broke from his laying position and taking the nearest, biggest cock of those remaining. He coaxed the man to take his place on the bench. He knelt over the man, then turning to the next best selection available, hinted for him to come in behind him. Now, he gave them the idea. Buck lowered his ass over the dick of the man laying on the bench, thrusting his butt into the air, so that the second man might move in behind. Yes, he got the message and swiftly, Buck found 2 cocks churning inside his ass. He hovered there on his knees and let the men work inside him. One thrusting upwards, from below, while the other surged into him from the rear. Everyone crowded in again. They all wanted to see this sight from a closer angle. Buck's mighty dick swung back and forth, skirting along the belly of the man below. His juices streaked lines across the stomach from his hairy crotch to his chest. The man who had just commenced screwing Buck's mouth, now moved back into place at the head of the bench and drove his dick back between Buck's lips. The two fucking him up the tail worked hard - and long. He only wished his first fucker could have stayed on him as long as this pair. But eventually 2 cum together. One in his mouth and the man behind him. He felt hot spunk filling both holes in unison. Quickly, both men backed away and were replaced. It felt great to be filled once more. Having only 1 dick up his ass for that short while was enough to send him crazy. But still, everyone obeyed the Captain. No one dared to work on Buck's cock. It was so enraged by now that even he was finding it difficult to control himself. Normally, he could hold out against any onslaught, except Hank. Hank had been his first failure and what a beautiful failure he had been. His thoughts drifted back to the day before, when they had parted in San Francisco. A day in a week of days which he would never forget and prayed would return as soon as possible. And yet, somewhere in the back of his mind, he remembered he had a mission here, in ancient Rome. It seemed he would be able to get really close to the Emperor, whomever it might be at this point in time. And if he could take some shots of this Emperor, it would make wonderful footage for Peterson, when he returned. This memory of the mission helped him to find that little piece of self control he needed. He felt his dick swell, then as so often in the past, flag just that bit, under his mental command. But as he composed himself, the man laying under him broke his banks and shot streams inside the bowel, washing over the second dick, still pumping Buck's ass. Buck glanced around yet again, even while the man was still shooting inside him. There was only 1 man left. As he felt the man under him dislodge, he indicated to that last person to take his place. Instead, he took the head, which was now vacant. Buck had no choice but accept the dick inside his mouth and be happy with the single spear up his ass. One by one, the men drifted away, as only the 3 men were now left. They took to the pool and washed themselves free of the spunk and sweat collected over themselves in the last hour or so. And before very long, the last man inside Buck's anal gateway, pulled out and slowly wandered toward the pool as well. His dick still dripping his nut juice from an inflamed, red crown. Buck worked harder on his last remaining piece of meat. The youth saw a hint of the hastiness in Buck's character. He spread his thighs wider, rose up on his toes, clenched his fists and expelled his cargo from his balls down the well oiled throat. Buck removed his mouth and knelt there licking his lips. He looked about him and saw that no man was ready for any second session - yet. He particularly sort out his favourite. He found him laying on the edge of the pool, an arm casually draped across his face, a knee bent to a raised thigh and a very juicy dick laying limply across the outstretched thigh. Even flaccid, he looked potent. Buck walked over to him but he wasn't aware of his presence. "Could you do it again ?" Buck asked as he manhandled him softly. The man raised his arm, covering his eyes and looked into Buck's pleading face. He smiled. "I could but I too am to perform this night for the Emperor. I should rest." "Will we perform for him together ?" "No. My wife and I are expected to please him as always." "What will I be expected to do ?" "Whatever he asks. He has many like you. He asks different of each." "When do we go ?" "When called. The celebration has already commenced." The man reached down and calmly removed Buck's jerking fist from his dick. It had started to respond and he knew if he didn't stop Buck from working on him, then he would fall to his desires and want to fuck Buck once more. That would be bad, as the Emperor always expected the best from his entertainers. "Tomorrow." "There mightn't be a tomorrow." Buck tried to recapture it. The man brushed him away again. "Buckus !" He turned to see the Captain walking toward him with 2 armed soldiers. "The Emperor will see you now. Dress." Buck quickly stood and moved to the bench where his Roman uniform lay. The 2 with the Captain of the Guard helped Buck get into his clothes. Then, they marched him off, away from the pool. Glancing around, wide smiling faces beamed back at him. Were they happy for the time had together or was it because of what they knew might follow ? Buck felt a slight twist in his guts. Fear. He didn't scare easily. But right now, he wanted to be far away from here - back to 1943. They marched him down many hallways, up flights of marble staircases and eventually, they reached a large covered patio area. Lined around the many columns supporting a very ornate ceiling, were couches, side by side. On them lay men and women of high breeding. They were swamped by twice as many servants, offering them all varieties of food and drink, constantly. Despite their high standing in Roman society, almost to a person, they were drunk. "Buckus, your imperial majesty." The Captain addresses one particularly drunk slob of a man, laying on a couch with many other couches, surrounding his. He wore a robe of white with purple borders and a gold band around his head, resting in curly locks. "Ah ! The one spoke of ?" "Yes sire." The Captain saluted his Emperor, then ordered Buck to step closer. He obeyed but secretly aimed his camera sword at the Emperor and took a snap. "What will we have him perform ?" The Emperor looked from one person to another. He asked the question but expected no answer. No one ever suggested entertainment, in the event it was not what the Emperor wished. "Is he an important man in my service ?" "No your imperial majesty. Merely a Centurion." The Captain replied. "And he seemed to enjoy being served ?" "Yes your imperial majesty. He enjoyed them all." "Plattius too ?" "Yes sire, even Plattius." "Then let him show us his strengths with Equinus and Horrendus." The Emperor clapped his hands and from a distance, Buck heard loud voices calling. The two names rang out from all directions. "Centurion, part your skirt." Buck reached down and lifted the hem of his toga to reveal his still semi erect dick to the Emperor and all his drunken guests. The Emperor gave a slow nod of appreciation but unlike everyone else in Buck's history, showed less surprise by the sight. He had obviously seen many equal to Buck and was impressed but not overly affected. His attention drifted across the room and Buck saw his eyes light up and a wide smile crept across his lips. "Ah !" But then he frowned and Buck looked to see to whom he was giving this attention. "But you kept me waiting." "We were bathing sire." 2 men stood at a distance. Both wore only a scant wrap around their waists, held in place by a wide belt with a buckle of gold. Their feet were bare and their bodies were still glinting with droplets of water. Buck aimed his camera at the 2 men and took another photo. "No account. No account." He turned his eyes back to Buck. "We have a play thing for you." The 2 men looked at Buck and smiled. Buck had allowed the toga to fall back into place but his dick still tented outwards and signalled nicely for the men and all the audience. "Have you a wish sire ?" "No Horrendus. Just entertain us. We are bored." Buck took a snap of the Emperor yawning. Buck watched Horrendus walk over to him. Equinus followed close behind. Horrendus was a very powerfully built man, with rippling stomach muscles, broad shoulders and powerful biceps. His white and gold wrap cloth covered a large protrusion. His jet black hair and tanned complexion gave rise, that he might be Greek. But he had a Roman name. Equinus, on the other hand, was blond and youthful. His body was athletic, more like Buck's build. And he too had an obvious distended hem line. Horrendus reached Buck and without warning, extended his hand out. He grabbed Buck by the base of his dick and squeezed it very tightly. This forced the cock to spring outside the toga again, in full view of everyone. Horrendus looked down at it and smiled. He gave it a number of swift, grinding tugs which couldn't fail to bring Buck to almost full erection. Buck felt he might as well be as defiant. He drove his hand under the scant cloth covering whatever Horrendus was hiding. He pulled his hand away quickly with the shock. His hand had finally met a dick equal to his own. Once his thoughts gathered, he grasped that giant organ again. He felt its enormous power swelling in his grip. It spread his fingers wider and wider apart with each bold throb it gave. Horrendus reached down with his spare hand and tore his own garment away. Now Buck was able to view it completely. It was indeed similar in size to his own. But it wore a dark brown cloak of skin which hooded the mighty head. The rough treatment Horrendus was giving Buck's tool was close to painful. Maybe it was because of the long needed release, after the hot session by the pool. But it truly hurt. It hurt in one of the most delightful ways. Buck felt something rubbing against his hip and a second hand was now working just as disturbingly on his nuts. Then, he realised that Equinus was there beside him. He was turning those balls into jelly, with his vigorous clenching. And he was rooting against Buck's hip with one of the most extraordinary cocks Buck had laid eyes on. As with Buck and Horrendus, it had to be around 15" long. But it was outstanding in its thickness. Buck couldn't contain himself and put his free hand into play. He found his palm couldn't cross the flat upper portion of the shaft. He gripped the cock and his fingers failed to clutch half its diameter. It would have come very close to being as fat as his own forearm. But Equinus was also uncut. Then Buck realised, all but a few of the men at the pool were also uncut. And those who seemed to be circumcised, still retained ample foreskin's, that partially covered the crowns. Both men were obviously the Emperor's largest men of the empire. He felt a burst of pride to know that his own cock was almost as large as those held high in the Roman Empire. The rough handling was producing plenty of juice out the end of Buck's cock. It oozed out and was quickly stroked into the inflamed shaft. His dick shone, as if oiled. And was a bright red, from the tough deal it was taking. But he gave them much the same. They appeared to be enjoying it as much as he secretly welcomed. Equinus now tore his wrap away, so that both men were completely naked. Buck had no free hand to do anything with his garments. He stood there, rocking on his heels, as he was pushed and pulled by the 2 huge men. His eyes closed and he swooned in their exertions on him. But then, without a word spoken, both stopped, as if on a signal. Taking Buck by the arms, they forced him to the cold marble floor. His cape was swept aside when it fell across his body and his toga and leather girdle straps were also moved aside, so that his dick speared into the air. Equinus stepped over Buck. One foot planted on either side of his hips. Equinus parted his ass cheeks and dropped down onto Buck's manly sword. He waited no time for it to find his hole, nor to grow accustomed to its giant thickness. His ass opened wide and the cock slipped effortlessly inside. Never had Buck felt his snake being taken with such ease, from the word go. Hank had come to be able to do much the same, after they had been screwing for a while. But even if there was a break in sex for as little as an hour, it would take Hank a few minutes to let Buck back inside. His dick was gone. Completed swallowed inside Equinus' ass in one swift movement. The man's ring seemed to flex open and spread as if he had only moments before, been fucked by it at a wild pace. Maybe Equinus had just got of Horrendus ? That would explain his instant ability to take such a massive cock in so short a time. Equinus rose and fell over Buck's cock in slow motion. But Buck could tell it had nothing to do with him having a large dick up his ass. He was deliberately taking his time. He was savouring every last inch as it climbed inside him and visibly become distressed as he rose off it again and felt himself being emptied of the meaty pole. Equinus slowly lifted away, letting the enormous cockhead remain inside, then dragged himself completely free of it. He moved up and over Buck. His own dick, much larger than Buck's, pointed toward Buck's lips. He opened his mouth and licked at the head, washing some glue out of the eye and then he tried to take the head. Impossible. His jaws would simply not open wide enough to accept such a thick column of beef. Equinus knew this and hovered there a short while, to let Buck lick it and come to the realisation that sucking this dick was out of the question. Then he rose up again and moved forward a fraction further. Dropping down, he let his ass rest squarely over Buck's lips. The hole was so well parted that he was able to drive his tongue inside without the slightest resistance. Equinus bucked up and down, turning the tongue into a mini dick. But again, he rose up and moved forward once more. Buck twisted his head and looked back at the spacious cave presenting itself. He rolled over and came to his knees. He nuzzled into that hot hole and licked, slurped and drove his tongue inside. "Fuck me." Equinus pleaded. Buck thought - with pleasure - as he elevated himself just that extra bit and aimed his enormous tool at the moist opening. Just as Equinus had swallowed him in earlier, Buck found he was able to travel deeply inside and mash his hairy crotch into the crease of the ass. Totally inside, Buck commenced his usual ride. He fucked the man hard and fast. He knew that he could not harm this ass and gave it the hardest screwing he had ever bestowed on a sweet, hot tail. He fucked him as he might have fucked Hank after plenty of work outs. And Equinus lifted himself up to meet each and every stroke. He was impaling himself on a dick fit for a mare and only enjoyed every convulsing attack Buck could give him. It was one of the most extraordinary experiences Buck could remember and with his earlier session by the pool with all those other guys, he was so very hot now. His mind was becoming misty and he was screwing in automatic mode. There was no longer any sense of control or deliberation about his thrusts. He fucked like a wild dog into that ass. He felt the tail of his toga being lifted and the warm, wet mouth licking his own crack. He slowed his pace a little to try and capture this new pleasure coming into his brain. A tongue probed his hole and it felt delightful. He was wide open himself, after having had that hunk of a guy with the thick 10" dick, followed by a number of double headed fucks. His ass was wide open to the tongue. But the tongue went away. It left and seconds later he felt the nudge of a hard, round object, pressing into him. His loosened ring gave only minor resistance. But the attacker was much larger than anything he'd had that afternoon. He felt a slight pang shoot from his ass, up his spine and spray as sparks inside his brain. Then, he felt and seemingly heard whatever it was, pop inside his hole. Only now, did he looked between his thighs and could see the hairy brown thighs of Horrendus. He was sandwiched between 2 of the most glorious men on earth - at that time. Remembering his wish to have a dick equal to his own up his ass, Buck relaxed his body and pressed back against Horrendus' cock. He felt it ranging deeper inside him. Inch by inch it steadily broke new ground and within moments was full emersed inside his bowel. Horrendus gave no time to settling in. He commenced rocking back and forth, drawing only a few inches at a time at first, but then increased to longer, faster strokes. Buck fell into a pattern with the 2 of them. He screwed into Equinus at the same pace Horrendus fucked him. Then, he remembered where he was. He looked around but found hardly anyone taking any notice of them. Not even the Emperor seemed to be taking an interest in his - entertainment. What the fuck did this man expect ? He had 3 of the largest dicks in history, working away in front of him, and he didn't seem to give a pigs ass for it. But as if the Emperor had read his mind, he turned his eyes toward the scene. He found Buck frowning at him and replied with a smile. "Horrendus. Don't be greedy." The Emperor almost quietly said. Horrendus came to an abrupt halt. He gave Buck a couple of very shallow stabs, almost as if he was wanting to keep fucking but didn't want to Emperor to see him carrying on. "Give Equinus a turn." As Buck heard these words, he looked down, beyond the thighs he was ploughing between, to that abnormal sized dick of Equinus and wondered - but could I ? Horrendus gave Buck a half dozen extremely swift, hard stabs before pulling out. Buck felt the mighty cock surge up and rest upon his back. Then it was gone. Horrendus prised Buck away from Equinus and the 2 men forced him back onto the marble flooring. Buck still didn't resist, even as he watched Equinus step between his thighs and spread them wider. Buck watched that oversized cockhead disappear between his thighs and then felt it nudge against his asshole. At first, it found no obstruction and Buck felt a great relief and deep pride as the unnatural proportions broke through the outer ring. The head drove past the gateway and Equinus pushed himself harder, forcing more and more of himself inside Buck. As more climbed within him, he sensed its widening girth and difficulty in accepting it. He tried to relax and Equinus gained further ground. He turned his eyes back down his body and saw that there was very little remaining of that horse dick. But it did get more broad as it proceeded to the base and the pressure he was feeling now, made him more concerned that those last few inches may prove to be - just too much. Glancing up into Equinus' face, hoping he wasn't showing his concerns, he saw a most handsome, angelic face. But it appeared to be in a state of shock. Their eyes met and Equinus slowly shook his head. "Can you take more ?" "I...I think so." Buck really wasn't sure. Equinus licked his lips, looked hard and long at his own mastering of Buck's ass, then thrust his hips harder. He looked up with a wide smile, as Buck felt those blond curls mash up against his butt. "You are only my second." Equinus panted. The effort was straining him. "Only you and my brother ever took me all the way in." He looked over his shoulder to Horrendus. "Not even he can but he would like to." "You own brother ?" Buck was shocked. "Yes but we started when I was young so he grew used to me." "Is he still living ?" Buck spoke in jest before he could stop himself. "Yes. You met him. Plattius." "I was with many men today Equinus." "Yes but I noticed you liked him best." "You were watching us ??" "I was watching Plattius." "But he's married." "So am I." Equinus had been slowly drawing back and surging forward but now, he increased his attack. His pace increased and he drew away more than half his length before charging back inside. It took the breath out of Buck but this fast pumping also acted like a resuscitator. With each quickened stroke, it worked like an iron lung on Buck, breathing life back into him. "And we have 10 children. Now, I will make my 11th child, in you." Equinus spirited in and out of Buck at a most incredible rate. Buck suddenly felt the giant organ shudder and tremble inside him and Equinus somehow increased his speed even more, before abruptly stopping dead in mid stroke and hung there, shaking and quivering. He attempted to thrust back inside deeper but instead, his knees gave way and he fell backwards. Both men grabbed the withdrawing dick, holding it in place, with only the head lodged inside Buck's asshole. As if an earthquake was moving him, Equinus hovered there, mouth gaping wide. Buck could feel the rumblings surge along its mammoth expanse, under his fingers. Then, he experienced the most mightiest eruption he ever knew. The hot spunk stung inside him and came with such force, it spurted out through his ass, splashing on both men's thighs and Buck's ass cheeks. Equinus fell forward in rapture, pushing himself back inside the hole and stuffing it up tight. No more cum broke through. "Now me." Buck heard the words and opened his eyes. Horrendus was pulling Equinus back. The man fell to the floor, uncoupling from Buck. But his dick was still spewing cum out the end in thick rivers, which trickled down the massive, quaking shaft and criss-crossed his hairy nuts. Horrendus took his place and with no problem at all, drove his giant dick into Buck's waiting ass. The hot spunk just spilled by Equinus, made a wonderful lube for him. His cock drove to its full length instantly, withdrew to the head and plunged back once again. Buck forgot what he had just lost and threw his legs into the air, wrapping ankles around Horrendus' thick bullish neck. He locked tightly onto the man and lifted his itching butt up to the crashing assault. "Yes ! Yes ! You are better than Plattius !" "Oh God. And so are you !" Buck raised himself up and forced Horrendus back, onto his haunches. He sat onto his lap, forcing every inch deep inside him. Then, took over the roll of fucker. Buck rose and fell over that enormous tool. The powerful, muscular man lifted Buck off the marble floor and carried him bodily, over toward the couches, where the audience now watched with great interest. He neared the Emperor, who sat up, watching the event unfold, so close to his eyes. Horrendus perched Buck onto the end of the Emperor's couch, so his tail hung over the edge. Buck remained ankle-locked to him and then the giant man began to drill that ass with super human force and speed. Even the Emperor dropped to his knees and moved in between Horrendus' thighs to get the closed view possible. He watched the massive dick slam in, then drag the red, bleeding ring out with its mass, in a very swift motion. The wrinkled band of muscle was being tortured. But Buck only begged for more. He drove his butt onto the spearing organ and pulled away as it did. It slithered the entire 15" in a fraction of a second. And the Emperor could also see that Buck was trying his best to clamp tightly onto the cock, to make the travel all the more friction-bound. But unlike Equinus, when Horrendus reached his zenith, he hardly made a whimper. He gritted his teeth, forced himself completely inside, then locked himself there. His quivers were small shudders. His muscular thighs locked tight. He hissed and grunted, then simply stood erect and tossed his head back. No one saw much. But Buck could feel every seething, boiling spurt flooding his insides. He even believed he smell the spunk rising up from inside his belly, into his nostrils. He could also sense the even greater mass, that dick swelled up to. Pushing his innards in every direction as it expanded in length and breadth. "Good man. Good man." The Emperor clapped then patted Horrendus on the back. Buck knew he was walking bandy when he returned to the pool area. He stripped his clothes away and dived into the water. When he placed his hand on his butt ring, it had become so expanded by all the action, all 4 digits were able to climb inside and wash out some of the spunk near the entrance. He had never been so well opened up. Now he knew what other guys felt, after he had been fucking the life out of them. But no. He had been screwed by even bigger men. They would never know this. Men such as Horrendus and Equinus surely didn't exist back in 1943. Out of curiosity, he closed his thumb into the palm of his hand and pushed harder. Sure enough, his forced his fist inside his own ass, beyond the wrist. He gave himself a few quick, pleasurable stabs, then pulled his hand out. He knew he had missed the 4 hour deadline, but Peterson could wait. And he had some great photos to take back. Although, he would have to be careful not to let anything slip about the events which took place. Oh, if only he could remain here for the rest of his life. He was sure the Emperor would welcome him in court and he would be able to enjoy all these wonderful guys, each and every day. He dragged himself from the pool and slowly wandered over to the bench, where he had left his armour and other clothes. He lay back. He needed to rest, if only for a little while. He lay there and pondered the amazing adventure he had just experienced. His dick stirred with each passing thought and then he realised - in all this action, he had not got his own rocks off. He had been so busy getting other men to shoot their wads, he had not been given the chance to blow a load himself. His fingers quickly went to work and slipped back and forth over the wet foreskin. He closed his eyes and pictured the various scenes that had taken place over the last few hours or so. Horrendus, Equinus and Plattius, as well as the other 15 or so men from around the pool. His dick throbbed and gave signs of discharging possibly the largest load he'd ever amassed in his balls. "No !" Buck stopped in mid stroke and opened his eyes. Plattius was rushing toward him from the other side of the pool. Buck felt the rumblings inside his nuts and even though he'd stopped, he wasn't sure he could halt the rush of sperm surging up his dick. He threw his arms out wide in resignation and lay there quivering from head to foot. And as he felt the torrent spreading his entire shaft to its most rigid and unrelenting boundaries, Plattius reached his side. "No !" he repeated. "Hold it back, please." But it was too late. Buck was simply too excited now and after all he had been through, there was just no way he could contain it any longer. A shot of spunk climbed high into the air, arched and like a continuous missile, fell upon his chest, chin and lips. As he lapped at it, he felt other lips lap at him as well. Glancing down, along his athletic frame, Plattius knelt beside him and lapped at the following issues, trying to capture them before they shot more than a few inches out of the expanding eye. Then, when he too could contain himself no longer, he dropped his mouth completely over the bursting head and sucked the juices right out of Buck's nuts. He slurped unashamedly while his hands worked the thick shaft in a flurry of whipping strokes. And only when the tide of cum slowed, then stopped, did Plattius remove his mouth. He licked his way up Buck's abdomen, chest and throat. His spunked tongue plunged into Buck's mouth and they locked in a deep kiss. Their teeth clattered noisily and their tongues drove into one another's throats. Buck could taste his own cum and knew why other guys wanted to eat it all the time. It was with a truly great sadness, Buck worked his way back to that temple in the dead of night. He found it and counted out the stones required, to position himself on the very spot for retrieval. According to the clock in his breast plate, he would only have a few minutes to wait for the next recovery attempt by Peterson. It was too dark for photos now. So, he captured the last views in his minds' eye. Flickering torch lights dotted buildings in every direction. They cast strange and frightening shadows across the landscape. And as he noticed the scene fading, and knew instantly, that Peterson had activated his retrieval from ancient Rome, he hoped that for some reason, he might be sent back for more information or any reason at all. "Welcome back Major. I trust you had an interesting stay ?" Buck nodded but knew his sadness must be showing through. "Oh come now. Don't be like that. I've got a really interesting place to send you tomorrow. I think you'll really like it."


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