Gay Erotic Stories


by JohnPaul
21 May 2003

Chance Encounters Cultural Exchange Free Form


A Serial Tale of Intrigue. An illusory, collaborative work created by Jimmy Gordon and John Paul Batista. This story is based on fictional characters, and any similarity to actual individuals or groups of individuals is purely coincidental. It contains graphic descriptions of alternative and fetish sexual acts, and is intended as entertainment and erotica. This story may not be appropriate for the general public…

Shaun sat at a tiny table outside the rundown restaurant, stabbing at the chunks of meat in his hasenpfeffer and wondering how in the hell he'd gotten there. He should have been in Moscow, completing his assignment; instead, he had traveled a thousand miles off course with a guy he barely knew and was now in Berlin choking down a large bowl of spicy rabbit stew. He looked at Kurt whose face hovered inches above his bowl as he shoveled the thick stew into his mouth.

A steady breeze cooled the air and caused the scallop-edged awning to dance and flutter in its wake. Its shadow rippled across his traveling companion's face. That image reminded Shaun of the way the moonlight danced across Kurt’s contorted face the night before, as Kurt ferociously and repeatedly stuffed his fat dick into Shaun's tight, eager ass. Shaun felt his cock growing and swelling and stretching the material of his thin cotton briefs, and he suddenly remembered how he'd gotten there. His overactive sex drive was always taking him places he shouldn't be. In this case, a sob story and the prospect of a good fuck was all it took to distract and divert him from his main objective.

Who could resist such a sexy stud? Even with broth dripping from his lips, Shaun thought Kurt was the hottest man he'd ever laid eyes on. That's what he thought when he first saw him, stretched out on a park bench in Kiev. His roguish good looks were softened by his deep slumber, but Shaun could recognize a bad boy when he saw one. It was something in snarl that he wore even while he slept. It was the heavy, black army boots, the studded leather wristbands, and the chains dangling from his belt loops. It was the dagger-shaped earring dangling from his ear and the unkempt mass of black hair sitting atop his head. This guy had trouble written all over him and that alone drew Shaun to him. As he lay sprawled out on the bench with his arms over his head, his shirt lifted slightly to reveal a scar on one side, a tattoo on the other, and a nice patch of jet-black fur just below his navel. He wanted to reach down and run his fingers through the curly plot of hair and follow it into the crotch of the man's faded and ripped jeans. Instead, he reached down and tapped the guy on the shoulder and asked him if he was okay. And that's when the trouble really began.

Shaun snapped back to reality and sighed. He forced down another spoonful of hasenpfeffer just to pass the time. He was expecting a call from Mr. Kauffman any minute now, asking him about the status of the project. What was he going to tell him? He couldn't tell him that he'd deviated from the plans in order to take a hot guy, whom he hardly knew, halfway across Europe for reasons that were still unclear to him. That wasn't going to fly. Regardless of his reasons, Kauffman wasn't going to be happy.

Shaun felt his cell phone vibrating against his hipbone. Ordinarily, he would have gotten a cheap thrill from the sensation, but he was a little on edge and the sudden vibration startled him. He didn't have to look at the display to know who it was - Kauffman was the only one who had that number. Shaun nervously unhooked the phone from his belt clip, flipped it open and held it to his ear.

"Hello? No... No... There's been a slight change in plans, sir," Shaun said, glancing across the table. "No, I assure you, the project will be carried out as discussed. Yes... Yes sir... okay... goodbye."

He slammed the phone shut and clamped it back to his hip. "How the fuck did I get into this mess?" he pondered for the hundredth time.

It had been too easy. How powerful sexual attraction can be! I’ve used it to my favor several times in my life, and I knew it could get me off the streets again. But never in my wildest dreams did I think it would get me back here, back to Berlin. But here I was, eating more in this one meal than I had all last weekend in Kiev. Shaun was a nice guy. They usually finish last. I promised myself that he wouldn't get hurt, but I rarely keep my promises, especially the ones I make to myself. I knew the moment he tapped me on the shoulder, asking me if I was all right, that I could make use of this man.

A hot shower and clean hotel sheets...It was nice sleeping in Shaun’s bed last night. Making love to him was a pleasant plus. I saw the look in his eyes as I rubbed the KY into his butt. He was hooked, and I knew if I played this one right, he could be my ticket home. His face was sweet and willing; his eyes told me that I could have my way. I spread his thighs, and he whimpered softly in my ear as I slipped my cock into his asshole. I knew he didn’t want it gentle. I sure as hell don’t give the impression that you could expect gentle from me! I forced my dick in, until my swollen balls slapped on his ass. He gasped, then relaxed and clung to my neck as I pulled his legs up over my shoulders and took him for a ride. His smooth, hairless chest was pressed against the thick mat of black fur that covers my pectorals. I grabbed him by the hair and pulled his face to mine, my tongue probing deep in his throat as I shot my nut into his gut.

How different this man was from Gunnar. The fucking bastard had involved the police that night at the Z Club; I knew that for a fact. We had been lovers, although love had little to do with what we shared with each other. The door had been good; we had taken in over 10,000 Euros in covers that night. (I always had to calculate that into Deutsche marks to understand how much that actually was, I just couldn’t get used to this European Community crap.) The big money was being made on the balcony. The leather-clad locals called it “The Pharmacy“, for obvious reasons. The tip-off should have been when I saw a nervous Gunnar leaving quickly through the back door. Seconds later the lobby was crawling with police. I escaped just seconds before they sealed the club. I could still feel the ache from the broken rib, a souvenir of the cop’s heavy billy-stick as I pushed past him into the cold night air. If caught, this would have been strike three and I would be in Deutsche Bundesrepublik Correctional right now instead of here in the shadow of the Brandenburg Gate eating Hasenpfeffer.

So I was back. The stew was delicious, and I had a very hot man sitting opposite me obediently waiting for me to finish my meal, ready and willing to do whatever I wanted. Life is funny, sometimes.

“You don’t like the stew?” Kurt asked, scraping the last bits of stew from his bowl.

Shaun wrinkled his nose and shook his head. Kurt pushed his bowl aside and dragged Shaun’s half-eaten meal up to his chest. He dug into it like he had the two bowls before that. Shaun had never seen one person eat so much in one sitting, especially someone Kurt’s size. He wasn’t skinny or frail – he just had a very lean, tight body with no visible signs of fat anywhere.

“I can order you another bowl if you’d like,” Shaun offered.

Kurt looked up from the bowl. “No, this should fill me nicely.” He hadn’t bothered to swallow the mouthful of potage he’d ladled up. He saw the look of aversion on Shaun’s face and lowered his eyes in shame. “Thanks,” he muttered.

Shaun shrugged. “You looked hungry and I knew you didn’t have any money...”

“Not just for the food... you know... for everything,” he said into the empty dish.

A smile crept across Shaun’s face. He reached across the table to take Kurt’s hand. Kurt pulled his hand away and reached into the pocket of his leather jacket. He pulled out a wrinkled slip of paper and read it.

“I have a cousin who lives not too far from here. Maybe he’ll let us stay with him tonight. We can get a good night’s rest before leaving for Vienna tomorrow.”

“Vienna? We’re going to Vienna? What’s in Vienna?”

“I have some friends in Vienna. I can stay there for a while until I get back on my feet. I know we hadn’t discussed it, but it’s not that far and I didn’t think you’d mind. I promise, once I get there, I won’t bother you anymore.”

Shaun’s tightly knotted eyebrows relaxed when he saw the pleading look in Kurt’s eyes. He was already way off schedule. As much as he wanted to help his downtrodden friend out, he couldn’t afford to spend another day driving in the opposite direction of where he was supposed to be.

“I have to get back to Moscow,” Shaun replied. “I’m catching the first plane out of here tomorrow. I can get you on a flight to Vienna if you’d like, but I can’t take you there.”

Kurt shook his head vehemently. “No flying.”

“Fine. Then how about a train?”

“Can’t you just go with me to Vienna and catch a plane to Moscow from there?” Kurt put his hand on Shaun’s knee. “I don’t want to be alone.”

Shaun’s dick jumped in his briefs. He tried to ignore it, knowing it would steer him wrong, but he couldn’t. He was usually stronger than that. In his line of work, he had to be. But there was something about men – especially the Kurt’s of the world – that made him act and react differently...weakly. Against his better judgment, he agreed to drive Kurt to Austria. Kurt smiled and gave Shaun’s knee a firm squeeze. It occurred to Shaun that, before then, he’d never seen Kurt smile. It made his heart sink into his stomach to see him happy.

“Let’s get out of here,” Shaun said.

“I have to go to the bathroom first.”

“Okay, but hurry up.”

Kurt leaned across the table and gave Shaun a deep, sloppy kiss. His tongue wormed its way into his benefactor’s unsuspecting mouth. “I’ll be right back.”

Shaun licked the spit from his lips and let out a sigh. He reached for his cell phone again and dialed some numbers.

“Hello, Dmitri? Listen, I’ve been delayed in Vienna for a couple of days; I need you to do me a favor... Yes, I know I already owe you, but this is really important... I need you to tail someone. He’s very sneaky so you can’t let him out of your sight, not for a single second... Yeah... His name’s Gunnar... Gunnar Rasmussen... Okay, keep me posted. I owe you my life, buddy.”

Berlin is divided into subsections, each neighborhood with it’s own character and attitude. My cousin lived in Schoneburg, the most vibrant and most gay. It is similar to Chelsea in New York, or Castro in San Francisco. To get there, we entered the U-bahn, and took the train to the Muhlen Strasse stop. We strolled from the station to my cousin’s flat, passing the colorful bars, dance clubs and restaurants. Cute guys everywhere, everyone having fun and enjoying themselves. Why did I feel so out of touch with life? Why wasn’t I able to enjoy sweet, handsome Shaun’s company, and forget everything that happened with Gunnar, was it just two months ago?

Z had been very crowded that last night in Berlin. Gunnar and I were working the crowd, looking for any signs of undercover police. The owner had hired us for our image and our attitude--bad boys, not to be messed with, dangerous and aloof from the wild fetish scene playing out around us. The club was fetish with a capital “F“. The bar consisted of a sex shop, a dark room, a dance floor, and of course a leather room. The waitresses were all enormous drag queens, who would happily serve up a face full of boobs with every drink. The legitimate bar had great receipts, but the big money was in the illicit traffic going on in noisy corners and intimate booths. Drugs, paraphernalia, and flesh trade were the order of business, and our job was to keep it an open marketplace, free from governmental influences. That night Gunnar had been unusually nervous. He was looking around the club furtively, searching for something or someone elusive. I saw a man tap him on the shoulder, and he jumped out of his skin. He shook with anger at the poor man, who only wanted to know where the restroom was.

What I didn’t understand at the time became clear to me later. Gunnar was playing both sides of the fence, working for the owners of Z and also the “Lavender Mafia”, a loose association of gay thugs who tried to make Berlin underground their personal cash cow. They were offended by the club, a powerful moneymaker that had successfully eluded their control. They would do anything to close the place down, to either take it over as is or crush it out of existence. I didn’t resent Gunnar’s duplicity... hell; I’ve double-crossed more than a few dupes in my time, too. I resented the fact that he didn’t tip me off to what he planned to do that night, and didn’t warn me to stay away from Z Club. He didn’t seem to care if I were arrested in the choreographed sting, and would be forced to finish the three-year sentence that I had just recently been paroled from.

Earlier, Gunnar and I lay in each other’s arms, exhausted from a serious bout of sexual aggression. Gunnar liked it rough. I had tied him diagonally across the bed, his hands stretched up and looped around the bedpost, his legs belted tightly together and strapped to the footboard. He got off on mild pain, and I found that if I clamped his nipples in ordinary wooden clothespins and sucked him off, he would reward me with a generous stream of hot sticky cum that I savored and loved to swallow. He came as usual that night, but something was different. He didn’t respond to my torment with the same passion as usual. His groans were unenthusiastic, his back arched a little less than usual, and his screams of encouragement were lacking any real intensity. I had no way of knowing that later he planned to set me up, along with the rest of the staff at Z Club.

Now Shaun stood next to me, on the familiar doorstep leading to cousin Janne’s apartment block. It was a charming gothic hulk, with crenellated roofline and a great stone arch over the front door. He would let us spend the night on the futon, maybe I’d get laid if Shaun was in the mood, and then get a good night’s rest before we embarked on the last leg of my journey...Vienna.

Gunnar waited there, I was sure. Did he suspect I was on my way to him? Would he be excited to know, or fearful? And what about Shaun? He thought he was playing the guardian angel, rescuing the hot but helpless Kurt. Hah! Did he know that he was part of the plan? Did Shaun have any idea where this adventure as the Good Samaritan would lead him?

Schoneburg seemed like a nice enough place, but the overall ambience was too garish for Shaun’s tastes – he wasn’t much into the “gay scene.” Kurt, on the other hand, seemed very much at ease – more than that, he seemed at home. Shaun was glad that Kurt didn’t suggest stopping by one the clubs in which the young roughneck had surely spent many drunken nights. Shaun definitely wasn’t in the mood to party. All he wanted to do was kick back and relax, get his thoughts together… maybe talk Kurt into giving him some more of that thug loving. He really loved the fucking Kurt gave him the night before, but was the roguish young man willing to give a repeat performance?

Kurt’s behavior had been hot and cold since the minute they met – friendly one minute, cold and distant the next. Kurt seemed eager to let Shaun buy him some food and he readily accepted Shaun’s offer to drive him to Berlin. It didn’t even take a lot of seducing to get his dick out of his pants and into Shaun’s cumhole. But he never really seemed to open up. Shaun wasn’t foolish enough to think that they’d have this immediate bond, but he started to wonder if Kurt had any feelings for him at all. Was Kurt even attracted to him? Was the incredible sex they’d had just way to show his gratitude for Shaun’s generosity? It didn’t feel like it. Nobody fucked like that if they weren’t into it. Did they? Maybe, he thought, it was just his desire to have a deeper relationship with Kurt that made him think there was more to their coupling than just physical gratification. He had no objections to a meaningless fuck with someone as sexy as Kurt, he would have even accepted having Kurt as a regular fuck buddy. What he really wanted, though, was a companion.

It wasn’t such a farfetched dream. Their lives weren’t so different really. As a hired gun, Shaun had seen and done things that would make most hardened criminals cringe, and he did them with ruthless accuracy and indifference. Most of his targets were slimy bastards, who deserved to die, but it was guys like Kurt, who were just down on their luck, that made Shaun’s heart bleed and made him seem foolish and weak. And he was. He would have done anything to make Kurt happy as evidenced by the ridiculous trip to Vienna.

He followed Kurt into the building where his cousin lived. It was quaint…comfortable… clean. He didn’t require much else. He didn’t even need a bed. They walked up the flight of stairs to Cousin Janne’s apartment and knocked on the door with the crooked number 7. A few minutes later, a young man answered the door.

“Kurt? Is that you?” Janne swept Kurt up into a warm embrace then stepped back to look at his noticeably younger cousin. “What are you doing back in Berlin? I’d heard that you’d gotten into...” Janne looked at Shaun, and then looked back at Kurt.

“Janne, this is my...friend, Shaun.” Janne and Shaun shook hands and shared brief pleasantries. Then Janne invited his cousin and his cousin’s “friend” in.

“Are you back for good?” Janne asked.

“No,” Kurt replied, “We’re leaving for Vienna tomorrow... I was hoping you’d let us spend the night here.”

“Yes, of course you may spend the night, but...why are you going to Vienna?”

Kurt glanced at Shaun. “I’m going to stay with Ludwig for a while...just until I get back on my feet.”

Janne’s brow wrinkled with contention. He opened his mouth to argue then choked back his words when he remembered he was in the presence of a stranger. Instead, he ushered his cousin and his guest deeper into his apartment, to a cozy little sitting room.

“I don’t have much room...I hope you don’t mind sleeping on the futon.”

“This will be perfect,” Kurt answered before Shaun could object – not that he was going to. “We just need a place to lay our heads down for the night.”

Janne smiled and nodded his head. “It is really good to see you, Kurt,” he said.

“It’s good to see you too, Janne.”

They sat down – Janne in a well-worn, leather armchair, Shaun and Kurt side by side on the futon – and the cousins caught up on current happenings and reminisced about old times. Kurt seemed a little uncomfortable having Shaun there. He’d never felt close enough to anyone to share the intimate and often embarrassing details of his past, yet there he was revealing talking about his life in front of a stranger with whom he had questionable feelings. Shaun noticed Kurt’s discomfort and tried to downplay his interest in his companion’s life even though he desperately wanted to know everything there was to know about the enigmatic German. Kurt and Janne talked through the afternoon and into the evening. Shaun listened in feigned disinterest and watched the sky change from blue, to amber, to black. It was close to 11:00 when Janne decided he should let the road weary travelers get some rest.

“Are you sure you’ll be okay on the futon?” he asked, handing his guests some pillows and a blanket.

“We’ll be fine,” Shaun assured him.

Janne restructured the futon, bade them goodnight and left the room. Kurt was the first to get undressed – making quick work of his leather jacket and T-shirt before fumbling with the hook and zipper on his jeans. Shaun turned his back to Kurt as he slowly undressed. He wiggled out of his gray turtleneck, trying to remove his gun holster at the same time without letting Kurt see it. He had no idea how a man with an obvious criminal record would react, but he was pretty sure it wouldn’t be good. Shaun turned around and finished stripping down to his briefs.

Kurt was standing by the side of the bed watching Shaun undress. The lump in his boxers made it very clear that he liked what he saw. Shaun blushed slightly. He wasn’t used to someone staring at him so licentiously although he liked the way it made him feel. Kurt turned out the lights. Everything in the room was bathed in the cool, blue light of the moon. Shaun spread out the blanket and slipped under it. Kurt shimmied out of his underwear, crawled into bed, and snuggled up to his partner. He was unapologetic in his desires to fuck Shaun again, moving in and taking what he wanted.

Shaun felt Kurt’s angry cock poking against the back of his thigh and his rough hand sliding across his hip.

“You sure we should do this in your cousin’s living room?” Shaun asked.

“It’ll be okay as long as we’re quiet,” Kurt whispered. His fingers slid under the waistband of Shaun’s underwear and pushed them off his hips. Shaun kicked out of the briefs and tossed them on the floor beside the bed.

Now Kurt’s dick lay nestled between Shaun’s firm butt cheeks. It was a familiar sensation, one he’d experienced less than 24-hours prior when he poked him in the hotel room. He longed to be in Shaun’s tightness again, listening to his muffled growls as he pounded that pristine asshole.

Shaun felt the thick cock head poking against his unforgiving sphincter. He topped most of the time and wasn’t used to taking a cock up his ass, especially not one as thick as Kurt’s. Last night, he’d convinced Kurt to put on a lubricated condom and use a generous amount of KY but, in their haste, he’d left his bags in the car parked by the restaurant. He was so eager – so horny – he was willing to let Kurt fuck him dry and bareback. And Kurt tried...and tried...but Shaun’s barrier wouldn’t give.

Kurt spit into his hand and coated his fat dick with saliva. He took another stab at Shaun’s ass. He popped through the tiny ring and sank in a couple of inches. Shaun bit his lower lip to fight back the scream that was building inside of him. The pain was incredible! Kurt pressed forward, driven by unquenchable lust – he was getting that ass if it took all night. Slowly, painfully, his cock burrowed deeper and deeper into Shaun’s bowels until it was buried ten inches deep into the hot, spongy, tightness, and his hairy nuts were nestled against Shaun’s soft ass.

Shaun’s dick had stayed fairly hard throughout the whole agonizing ordeal thanks to Kurt’s coarse manhandling, but now, it stood proud and strong in his partner’s firm grip. Shaun pressed his back against Kurt’s hairy chest and let his brutish lover have his way with him.

“You good?” Kurt asked in a surprising display of kindness, his hips gently rocking back and forth, molding Shaun’s rectum into compliance with his demands.

Shaun simply whimpered. It was a good whimper. It was the whimper of a man ready to have his ass pounded into submission. Kurt was eager to oblige. The two horny lovers rutted around on the futon, working themselves into a sweaty tangle of limbs. They quickly abandoned their awkward sideways coupling for a more familiar and convenient position with Shaun on his stomach and Kurt laying on top of him, furiously wedging his prick deep into his mate’s smooth, round ass. Their muffled grunts and the steady creaking of the wooden bed frame were the only audible clues of their intense lovemaking.

Shaun pressed his face into the pillow and wailed like a wounded beast as he pumped his load into the sheets. It was the most intense orgasm he’d had in – well, forever. The rhythmic clenching of Shaun’s already tight bunghole was all it took to bring Kurt to a gasping climax. He bit into Shaun’s shoulder and buried his cock balls-deep into Shaun’s ass. His quivering nuts flooded the man’s overworked bowels with sperm.

They lay there in silence, gasping for air and waiting for the world to stop spinning. Shaun enjoyed feeling the full weight of Kurt’s lean body sprawled on top of his larger, more muscular frame but eventually Kurt rolled over and curled up on his side of the bed. Shaun felt empty and alone without Kurt’s slimy cock filling his abused hole. He wanted to curl up next to him but didn’t know how he would react. He didn’t want to cause waves because, maybe, if he played his cards right and didn’t overstep his bounds, Kurt would violate him one more time before they parted ways in Vienna. So, he quietly withdrew to the other side of the bed and drifted off to sleep.

Shaun’s athletic body lay in the pale light streaming through the window facing the courtyard between the apartment blocks, the swatch of blue light hitting his milky-white skin--such a beautiful man. Broad shoulders tapering into a V-shaped back, his hips curving gently into round muscular buttocks. He lay facing the wall, his head buried in the pillow. Was he asleep? Or was he laying there thinking about me, the way I was thinking about him? Why had he rolled over like that? I thought that after all we had been through the last few days that he would feel more of a bond with me. All he seemed to want was my fuck pole shoved up his ass. I had so much more to offer him. I reached out to touch his perfect arm, but he seemed to sense my move and rolled further towards the edge of the bed. Well, if that’s it, then okay. For some reason (about ten inches of reason) he was still willing to help me get to Vienna. I was still in control of what’s going down, and finding Gunnar seemed like a not so impossible thing. Fucking bastard Gunnar...

The night of the raid, breathless and in pain, I’d rushed back to the apartment Gunnar and I were sharing. I knew I had to get out of town. The Lavender Mafia would be looking for me, I had too much information in my head, and had records of the transactions at Z Club that would easily implicate the brotherhood in some pretty shady stuff, including murder. It was all kept, like insurance, in a safe-deposit box in the Overseas National Bank along with over a million dollars in US currency. I guess I was a fool to think the keys would still be in the hiding spot under the floorboard. Gunnar had cleared out his belongings, along with the keys. I didn’t give a fuck about the records, I was sure they were in the hands of the thugs by now. I needed that mil! It was my own personal safety net, and I needed it desperately. I knew way too much, and the boys in the gang would surely try to eliminate me. The money would assure me a safe haven somewhere out of their reach. Finding Gunnar and neutralizing him was critical. Thank God for Shaun. He may be a fool, a patsy, and a submissive sucker for a pretty cock, but he certainly was becoming invaluable to me. Trouble was, I was beginning to really care about him... It might complicate things, but I couldn’t help it.

The next morning, I woke up to the smell of coffee and streusel. Janne had gone to the bakery early, and the warm apple and cinnamon scent wafting through the room was making my stomach grumble. Shaun was already up, chatting with my cousin over a cup of the hot, steaming Arabica. I didn’t realize that Shaun spoke such perfect German. I had assumed that we needed to speak English, and I’d never tried to have a conversation with him in any other language. He was certainly full of surprises. What else didn’t I know about the guy? Janne was telling Shaun a silly lesbian joke, and he was waiting with a sly grin on his face for the punch line.

“What is the difference between a walrus and a lesbian? One has a moustache and likes to eat fish. The other is a walrus!”

Shaun cracked up, holding his ribs and laughing loudly. The table shook, and he spilled coffee into his lap. Janne quickly picked up a towel and began to daub at Shaun’s wet pants. I pretended to sleep, but watched as he gently rubbed the dishtowel into Shaun’s crotch. Janne was getting into it, and soon the spill was forgotten as he vigorously massaged Shaun's growing erection through his trousers. Janne dropped to his knees between Shaun’s legs, and slowly opened his fly. Shaun had an awesome morning woody that popped proudly from his zipper and stood firmly erect in Janne’s face. Shaun looked over at me, but I seemed to be oblivious to what was happening in the next room. Janne couldn’t care less about his sleeping cousin. He devoured Shaun’s thick cock in one gulp, letting its shiny cap glide past the bend in his throat. He slowly pulled himself off the throbbing tube, rolling his tongue around its engorged head. Shaun poured himself another cup of coffee, and settled back into his chair. I had no hold on him, he owed me no fidelity, but I couldn’t help feeling jealous. Maybe Shaun was not as smitten with me as I had assumed, maybe I wasn‘t totally in control of this journey. Last night, turning his back on me. Messing around with my cousin right in front of me this morning. I would have to be careful. My free ride might not be as secure as I thought.

Janne opened his cargo pants and dropped them around his knees. I saw his wide, generous ass sticking up into the air as he slurped on Shaun. He pulled at his own cock, and I saw that they were both getting close. I didn’t want to see this. Turning around, I faced the wall and pretended to sleep. Shaun continued to casually sip his coffee, as Janne pumped away at his mighty staff. It went deep into his throat, and I could hear Janne gagging and groaning as it pressed roughly against his palate. Shaun grunted a few times, and I knew he was cumming in Janne’s mouth. Soon the sounds of sex stopped, and I heard the bathroom door open and close. I clung to the edge of the bed and looking at the floor, saw a metal shaft protruding from inside Shaun‘s jacket. I reached down and gingerly opened the flap. The pistol was small, but I could tell it was a deadly weapon. What kind of shit was Shaun into, anyway?

The bright red Audi Shaun had rented for the trip was created just for roads like the wide, flat stretch of Autobahn between Berlin and Vienna. The big six-cylinder engine pulled us forward at incredible speed. The trip to Vienna would only take a few hours at this rate. I sat in the plush leather cocoon and thought about the mysterious man sitting next to me. He seemed so submissive. He loved me to dominate him, take him roughly and quickly up the ass. But he was full of surprises. I guess still waters really do run deep. I wanted to keep Shaun, not just for the convenience he provided me, but because I was genuinely falling for him. In my mind, I had forgiven him for getting blown by Janne. I would have to work a little harder at forgiving my cousin, however.

The throaty Audi growled to a stop in front of the Rosenthaler, a grand old Beaux-Arts hotel on Friedrichstrasse. The concierge opened the doors for us, and soon the car attendant was speeding around the corner with our car. I hadn’t said anything, but Shaun’s choice of hotel surprised me. The Rosenthaler was big money, high teas and fancy lace doilies. I expected something more modest, a pension or hostel where we could crash and shower. Shaun suggested I wait in the lounge as he checked us in. I felt odd in my leather jacket and torn jeans, sitting among the silk dressed granddames and navy blue-suited gentlemen. The bellboy took us up the elevator, and opened the suite’s door for us. The first thing that struck me as I entered the room was the expansive view of Vienna through the high arched windows. I immediately went to the balcony and stood in awe, as Shaun tipped the boy. He looked at us suspiciously, then grinned knowingly and suggested room service for our evening meal.

The bed was enormous, a richly carved antique four-poster that had been retrofitted to accommodate a king-size mattress, and what seemed to be numerous box springs. The actual duvet was several feet off the floor, while a huge pile of fluffy brocade pillows and satin shams lay in a composed heap against the headboard. I figured the time was right, I needed to re-enforce my dominance, needed to show Shaun who was still in control here. I took him in my arms, and pulled him into an embrace. He didn’t fight me, but seemed to melt into my arms, our chests heaving against each other as we breathed in each other’s scent. I backed him against the bed and slipped my arms into his jacket, rubbing his ribs and caressing the small of his back. I felt his gun against my forearm. Moving quickly, I grabbed the thick textured handle and pulled it out of its holster. Shaun was taken completely off-guard. I pulled away from him and aimed the loaded pistol at Shaun’s chest. I play the tough guy, but really I didn’t know how to handle this piece. Shaun laughed nervously. I saw the fear in his eyes turn to anger, and he demanded his gun back.

“Stop playing games. Give me that gun, Kurt, you’re gonna hurt someone, and it’ll probably end up being you!”

“Shut up, Shaun. Who the hell are you? You’re not what you seem. You better fucking tell me what’s going on, or I’m gonna blow that smirk off your face right now!”

Shaun put his hands above his head, and stepped forward a foot. I backed off, but he continued to pace towards me. I was bluffing, of course, and could never hurt Shaun. What was I trying to prove with this goddam gun? That I was the boss? I saw by Shaun’s determined attitude that I certainly was not. He held his hand out to me, and I placed the gun in his upturned palm.

Shaun tossed the gun on the armchair, and grabbed my arm. He slapped me across the face and pushed me to the floor. I could feel his anger, his frustration. I really screwed up. He had gotten me to Vienna and that’s all I really wanted at the start of this adventure, but I was beginning to think there could be more. If he didn’t kill me now, he would surely leave me aching and broken in this hotel room and I would never see the incredible man again. He grabbed me by the hair and forced my face into the thick Turkish carpet, straddling me like a pony. Wait a minute, this was getting hot! I felt Shaun fumbling with my belt as he held me by the waist with one hand, the other still pressing my head to the floor. His breath was hot on my neck as he pressed his chest against my shoulders, pinning me down and helpless. He was much bigger than I was, and my struggles seemed to just make him more determined. He slipped my pants off my hips and turned me over on my back. I stopped struggling. What was the use? I had assumed he was totally submissive, a total “bottom“. This was a new twist in the plot. I had to see what would happen next.

“What the fuck were you thinking, Kurt? Huh?” Shaun screamed into the young punk’s face, his fingers wrapped firmly around the guy’s throat. “Were you actually going to shoot me? After all I’ve done for you.”

Tears welled up in Shaun’s eyes. He’d never felt so hurt! He had no one but himself to blame. How could he have been so foolish? How could he have trusted this common street thug?! God, he was weak when it came to a cute guy with a big dick, and look where it got him. He could have loved Kurt. Maybe. But now, as his fingers tightened around the young German’s neck – cutting off his circulation – all he could feel was betrayal and hatred! He wanted to kill him... badly!! Kurt lay defenseless in Shaun’s powerful grip; he wasn’t even struggling or pleading for his life. Shaun loosened his grip. What the fuck?! He made a living hunting and killing people like animals. It would have been so easy for him to snap the insolent punk’s scrawny neck, but he couldn’t. For reasons unclear to him, he couldn’t bring himself to kill Kurt. But he COULD make him suffer.

With his free hand, Shaun ripped the underwear off of Kurt’s body then started fumbling with his own belt and zipper. Kurt couldn’t believe Shaun’s sudden aggressiveness. It turned him on to no end. Oh God, he wanted it! His desire was written all over his rock hard, ten-inch dick as it sprung to freedom. He wanted Shaun to fuck him violently like he had fucked Shaun the last couple of nights. He’d never seen such anger and hatred in any man’s eyes before and, aside from the fear it brought, he found comfort in the fact that Shaun felt SOMETHING for him, even if it was hatred. Kurt got his first taste of Shaun’s anger when the hit-man’s fat dick suddenly and brutally occupied his unsuspecting hole. It was a pain more powerful than any he’d ever experienced before. Tears poured down his cheek as that thick cock dug into him, stretching his rectum wider than it was meant to be. It hurt like hell, but he took it. More than that, he cherished it!

Shaun’s salty tears splashed onto Kurt’s lips, which were stretched into a horrifying grimace. As he viciously reamed Kurt’s ass, he thought about what he’d done to deserve such betrayal. He’d done everything Kurt asked him to do. He risked job and life to help the fucking bastard. He let Kurt dominate him, violate him...use him. Yeah, deep down, he thought he was being played. He was willing to play Kurt’s bitch – he rather enjoyed being dominated for a change, although there was still a part of him that yearned to be in control – and desired. That’s why he let Janne suck his cock. He could tell by the way Janne looked at him that Kurt’s cousin wanted to get in his pants. Why would he deny him? After all, Kurt didn’t want him. If Janne wanted his dick so badly, he was going to give it to him. But, as Janne expertly sucked on his prick and he bust his nut inside down the greedy cocksucker’s throat, all Shaun could think about was Kurt, who lay sound asleep less than 20 feet away.

Shaun grunted viciously as he clutched Kurt’s throat and banged his head against the floor. As he continued to rip into the German’s hot, tight ass, Kurt’s juicy dick spat out gobs of thick, sticky pre-cum. Shaun didn’t really care that Kurt was getting off on his brutal fucking, by then, all he cared about was exacting his revenge on the traitor’s mancunt.

Kurt could only moan in response as he endured the most savage fucking of his life. Shaun’s stout dick was doing things to his ass that he’d only dreamed about. It still hurt like hell, but it hurt so good! Shaun let go of Kurt’s throat as he gave into the heady swell of anger and lust spinning through his head.

“Does this hurt, Kurt? Do you feel violated? Huh? How’s it feel to be fucked, asshole?!”

Kurt was speechless. All he could concentrate on was Shaun’s meat plowing into his sore guts. He reached up and held onto Shaun’s powerful shoulder as the powerful man ravaged his rectum. Somehow, he found his voice.

“Oh God, Shaun…I’m sorry, man… unnnghhh!! Please don’t be mad! Uuugh…oh shit! And please….don’t stop!” Shaun leaned forward and roughly kissed Kurt. Kurt’s hungry mouth accepted Shaun’s probing tongue just as his ass accepted the angry probing cock. They both grunted and growled like angered beasts as the fucking intensified. Kurt hoisted his legs in the air to accept more of Shaun’s barbaric pounding. It wasn’t long before Shaun was wailing and groaning and unloading the fruits of his labor deep into Kurt’s thoroughly ravished bowels. As soon as he’d gotten his rocks off, Shaun pulled out his gooey dick and stuffed it back into his pants. He got up and walked over to the armchair, leaving Kurt’s writhing body lying on the floor. He sat down, holstered his gun and looked on as the recently violated man jerked himself to a messy completion. Kurt lay on the ground, breathless and sore – his shirt, hands, nuts and thighs covered in his own cum. He felt Shaun’s stare as he slowly slipped into unconsciousness.

Kurt woke up some time later, face down in the large, lavish bed. He was pretty sure he hadn’t gotten there under his own power and was surprised he was even alive. He turned over to find Shaun, who was still sitting in the armchair but had moved it to the foot of the bed. After the reaming Shaun had given him, Kurt looked at his former pawn in a completely different light – part fear, part awe, and 100% lust.

Seeing that Kurt had finally come to, Shaun leaned forward in his chair and stared intently at the groggy man.

“How’d you find the gun?” Shaun asked.

“I saw it in your jacket this morning, while you were in the kitchen...with Janne.”

“What else did you see this morning?”

Kurt stared at Shaun, a mix of contempt and desire burning in his eyes. “Everything.”

“I don’t owe you an explanation,” Shaun said, somewhat defensively.

“I know.”

“I don’t owe you anything.”

“I know.” There was a lengthy and weighty pause in the conversation before Kurt finally spoke up. “Are you a cop?”


“Then what’s with the gun?”

Shaun sighed but said nothing. He wondered how much he could trust the stupid fucker. Kurt had already betrayed him once; with the right amount of information, Kurt could really screw him – big time!

“Wouldn’t you freak out if the guy you’d been traveling with and fucking for a couple of days was running around with a gun and you didn’t know about it?” Kurt added to his defense.

“I suppose...but that doesn’t give you the right to wave it around in my face like some raving lunatic. You were lucky the safety was still on or I would’ve been really pissed.”

Kurt’s face turned red with embarrassment. “I’m sorry, Shaun...I just panicked.”

Shaun scanned the dude’s face for signs of treachery. He seemed sincere enough, so against his better judgment, Shaun decided to tell him. Worst-case scenario, if Kurt tried to fuck him over again, he’d just have to kill him.

“I’m a hired assassin,” Shaun confessed.

Kurt’s face grew ghostly white and he scrambled to make a run for it but, before he could get out of the bed, Shaun was out of the chair and straddling his waist. The hired gun pressed his hand into the smaller guy’s chest to keep him still.

“Get offa me, man! Get offa me!!” Kurt screamed. Shaun was certain his panicked shrieks could be heard outside the room, even through the room’s special, double-layer of soundproofing. He covered Kurt’s mouth with his had before security came knocking at the door. Kurt continued to kick and scream beneath him. With few options left, he pulled out his gun and aimed it at the frightened man’s forehead.

“Calm down,” he whispered. “I’m not going to hurt you.”

Kurt stopped screaming; Shaun removed his hand and put away his piece. The two men stared at each other for a few tense moments.

“Who hired you?” Kurt asked. “Was it the Lavender Mafia? They sent you here to kill me, didn’t they? Shit! I knew it! I knew you were too good to be true.”

“Listen, dumb-ass, if you were my target, you’d be dead and at the bottom of a pond in Kiev right now.” Shaun slid off of Kurt’s body and lay down beside him. “In fact, thanks to you, my victim has been given an extended lease on life. Instead of hunting him down, I’ve been dragging your sorry ass all over Eastern Europe.”


“Why what?”

“Why’d you pick me up in Kiev? Why’d you agree to bring me here? Are you using me to get to your target?”


“Then why?” Kurt asked again. “None of this makes any sense.”

Shaun didn’t answer. He just slid off the bed and started undressing. He gave Kurt an intense stare, placed his holster and gun on the nightstand beside the bed, and then walked into the bathroom. A few minutes later, Kurt heard the shower running and the sound of Shaun humming an old German folk song.

I thought about what Shaun had told me. If he was a hit man and I was the target, he could have killed me seven times over since we met on that park bench. I really couldn’t see that as his motivation. If I was not in his sights, then he was with me because he wanted to be with me. I decided to accept that as fact. I had to also accept the fact that I was too deeply involved with this guy to run. Let it run out, let’s see where this ride takes me.

The water stopped, the last drips echoing in the tiled bathroom, and I heard the glass shower door open. I pictured Shaun in the next room, toweling off his glistening body, the sleek well-developed arms rubbing soft terrycloth across his large pectorals. I began to salivate. Suddenly the cell phone on the table next to his gun began to hum. I instinctively reached for it, as Shaun came out of the bathroom. He literally flew across the room and grabbed the gun, then the phone. Snatching me by the hair, he answered.

“Hallo. Ja, Dmitri, you found Rasmussen? I see. Yes...No, don’t do anything. Keep me informed, I will need to contact him today. Danke. Yes, thanks. Same number.”

I looked up at Shaun. He released my hair, and I put my arms around his waist. He was warm and moist from the shower. I smelled the clean scent of soap, and felt his heart beating in his body. I clung to him, as he stroked my back with his hands. His cock pressed assertively into the hair on my chest. Shaun fell across me in the bed, and we embraced. Our kiss was more intense than before, our passion heightened by what we had endured, and I knew that we had passed a threshold. Our relationship was changed forever.

Vienna is a beautiful city, full of relics and architecture dating to the Roman Empire. We exited the plush comfort of the Rosenthaler and took to the streets. We left the car at the hotel, and instead began to walk through the narrow cobble stoned alleys that snaked deep into Alstadt, the oldest section of the city. I filled Shaun in on everything. He needed to understand why we were here, why I needed to find Gunnar and retrieve the key and contents of the safe deposit box. Shaun fascinated me. He told me what his life was like, the constant travel and the hundreds of hotel rooms he slept in, often alone, sometimes not. It was a lonely life, and a dangerous one. I wanted to be a part of it. He was committed to helping me find Gunnar, and I accepted his help gladly. Dmitri had located him immediately. He was not good at covering his tracks; he was really nothing more than a foolish street thug, after all. We headed to the address that Dmitri had given Shaun. Acht Hanen Strasse. A narrow stucco and timber building pressed between two stone walls that terraced the street behind a great cathedral.

“Dmitri says he’s there now. Are you ready to confront him? What's your plan, Kurt? How much will he struggle? And what do you want to do with him when you’ve gotten what you want?”

I hadn’t really thought it through. Gunnar was dangerous, and worse, he was stupid. That’s always a bad combination. I knew he would fight back, like a wild dog backed into a corner. The fucking idiot would get whatever he deserves. His fate will be determined by his actions. We stepped through the heavy oak door and into the cool, damp stairwell that led up to Gunnar’s second floor flat. Shaun played with the old latch for a few seconds, and the door opened with a creak. The apartment was in the back of the building, and it faced the stone buttresses of the cathedral. I could see the mighty arch of stained glass in the church’s nave through Gunnar’s window. There was muffled sounds coming from the bedroom, and we slid silently across the parlor to the open door.

The man stood at the edge of the bed, totally naked except for a visored military cap and heavy leather straps criss-crossing his massive chest. He was a huge bear-like man, rolls of muscle layered over an immense frame. His entire body was covered in a dense growth of tightly curled black hair. His colossal cock stood straight out in front of him, as he turned to us in astonishment. On the bed lay Gunnar, face down, his wrists and ankles tied firmly to the bedposts, his ass stuffed with a large black dildo. His buttocks were red and chafed from the beating he was obviously enduring at the hands of this wooly mammoth. I knew Gunnar was having a good time. This is just the scene that he hungered for.

The beast started towards us, anger showing on his heavy features, his teeth clenched beneath his heavy moustache and fists knotted in rage. Shaun quickly pulled his gun, and the man stepped back, surprised.

“Put on your goddam pants and get the fuck out of here. Now!”

The hulking beast stared into the chrome gun barrel for a second, then grinned.

“So, mien Herr, why not join me? There is no reason we cannot enjoy this boy together. You may rob him as we leave. I will not stop you!”

He assumed we were armed burglars! Shaun grabbed the larger pair of Levi’s from the floor and tossed them at the man. He smiled sadly as he raised them over his hips, pulling his thick uncut erection back into the denim fly. He shrugged his shoulders and walked out of the flat, pulling the door shut behind him. Gunnar had a ball gag in his mouth. I reached down and loosened the buckle on the leather dog collar that held it firmly in his jaw. He gasped and sobbed for a few seconds.

“Kurt! Thank God you came! That man was raping me! I’m so grateful to you, my best friend! Please untie me! You are here like a guardian angel, here to rescue me!”

“Shut your fucking trap, Gunnar! You lying piece of shit! You were getting just what you wanted, and far less punishment than you deserve! I'm not here to rescue you, and you know it!”

Shaun had started to poke around the apartment. He opened the drawers, and felt around the boards under them. I knew the key would be hidden better than that. Gunnar may be stupid, but he was also cunning. He would have devised a very novel place to safeguard the key. The bureau was covered in tubes of lubricant, toys, clips and clamps, and assorted paraphernalia for various sexual acts. Some of the items defied description, and Shaun had no clue how they were used.

“But Kurt, my love, what do you mean? I am very happy to see you. Please untie me! What are you and your handsome friend looking for, anyway?”

The dildo started to pop out of his asshole as Gunnar’s body relaxed. It slid down between his legs and lay motionless in a pool of oily lubricant on the soiled sheet. I recognized the big black latex tube. It was twelve inches long, as thick as a beer bottle, and covered from tip to base in pleasure-enhancing ribs. I thought of the many times I had flipped it on, the big plastic sausage humming in my hand as I inserted the vibrating staff up Gunnar’s willing butt...But wait, it was laying motionless! I ran to the bed and grabbed the toy from Gunnar’s crotch. It smelled like sex, and was slimy in my hand. It felt remarkably light. I unscrewed the base, and realized I was correct; there were no batteries in the fucking thing! I flipped it up and the little silver key fell from the opening into my hand.

I looked over at Shaun. He still had his gun drawn, and crossed the room to the other side of the bed. Gunnar had a tortured look on his face. I think that our discovering the key hurt him a lot more than the beating he endured at the hands of the leather bear. Shaun was very agitated. I saw the killer exposed in his expression. He aimed the gun at Gunnar’s temple and cocked the trigger.

“You found it? Is that the key? Gunnar, you goddam animal, I should fucking plug you and put you out of your misery, like a rabid dog!”

I reached across Gunnar’s raw ass, across his shoulders pulled taut between the bedposts, and raised my palm up to Shaun.


He looked at me skeptically, and then I saw his beautiful face relax. He hesitated for a second, then handed me the gun. I put the gun into my waistband, and handed Shaun the key--a simple exchange of items. Our trust was complete, our bond was sealed.

“Should we leave him here like this?” Kurt asked.

“Yeah. Maybe his boyfriend will come back to finish where he left off,” Shaun replied with a devilish smile.

Kurt couldn’t resist leaning further over Gunnar and giving Shaun a wet, nasty kiss.

Shaun hummed and pulled away from the kiss. He could get used to that kind of treatment. “Let’s get out of here,” he said.

They left the flat and stepped out onto the nearly deserted street. An old man walked by with a horse-drawn cart full of cheeses, breads, and cured meats. Shaun’s stomach churned and snarled – a not so friendly reminder that he hadn’t eaten since breakfast at Janne’s. He pulled out a few Euro notes and handed them to Kurt.

“Take this and buy something good to eat.”

Kurt shot him an inquisitive look. “Can’t we order something back at the hotel?”

“Yeah, but I that old man needs the money more than The Rosenthaler.”

Kurt smiled. Shaun continued to amaze him with his odd combination of ruthlessness and compassion. He’d never met a man like Shaun before and he was sure, now more than ever, that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with the kind-hearted assassin. Kurt ran off after the man and his horse. While he was gone, Shaun slipped off around the corner and down a dark alley.

A very large man stood at the end of the alley, shrouded by the shadows and wrapped in a long, black leather trench coat. He was leaning against the building, but straightened up when he saw Shaun approaching. He lifted his black, leather visor and greeted his visitor.

Shaun looked up at the hulking figure and smiled. “Hello Dmitri.”

“Guten tag, Shaun.”

The two friends shared a handshake and a hug. Shaun felt the studded leather straps poking through the leather coat. “What was that all about in Rasmussen’s room? I only told you to tail him.”

“You said he was sneaky,” the sexy giant replied with a grin. “I figured if I tied him down he could not escape me, nein?”

Shaun could only laugh. “You both seemed to be enjoying it very much... especially you.”

“Ja...that is, until you came in wagging your gun at me.”

Oh yeah...sorry about that...I couldn’t let Kurt know what was going on.”

“Yes, I understand...but who is this Kurt?”

“My new partner,” Shaun answered with a smirk.

“Ah,” Dmitri said with a knowing smile. “Did you finish the assignment?”

Shaun sighed. “No. I was hoping you could wrap that up for me.”

The enormous man grabbed at his crotch and smiled. “Gladly.”

“And.…can you give Kauffman a message for me? Can you tell him I couldn’t find the key and Rasmussen claimed he didn’t know anything about it.”

“Of course, mien freund,” Dmitri said. “So where is your next assignment?”

“I think...Berlin.”

They exchanged a knowing glance, and then Dmitri extended his mighty paw to Shaun. “Until we meet again, old friend.”

“Take care, Dmitri.”

Shaun stepped out of the shadows and back onto the street where Kurt had left him. He was happy to see Kurt so happy. The young German smiled and laughed with the old vendor – the gloom of anger and angst that hovered over him when Shaun first met him had faded away. Shaun felt a little guilty about deceiving his new lover, but he didn’t think Kurt needed to know about his assignment to kill Gunnar. Besides, he liked being Kurt’s knight in shining armor. He’d tell him someday...but not then.

Kurt returned with a large wheel of Schloss, a couple of baguettes and a large salami all tucked under his arms.

“What’d you do, buy the whole cart?”

“It all looked so good,” Kurt replied sheepishly.

He kissed the adorable thug firmly on the lips. “That’s fine. What we don’t finish tonight, we can eat on our way to Budapest.”

“We? You’re taking me with you?”

“If you want to go.”

Kurt beamed brightly – brighter than Shaun had ever seen the man smile before. “This will be great! I can be your streetwise sidekick; guiding you through the vicious underground and in between assignments we can have wild, passionate sex. We can use some of the money to buy me some nice clothes like you. Not quite so – how do they say? – stuck up, though and...”

Shaun smiled and listened to his new partner’s ramblings as they slowly made their way back to the hotel. Less than a block later, Kurt interrupted himself to say, “Budapest? We’re going to Budapest? I thought you were going to Moscow!”

Shaun grinned and said, “There’s been a slight change in plans.”


More Gay Erotic Stories from JohnPaul


“Convergence” A Serial Tale of Intrigue. An illusory, collaborative work created by Jimmy Gordon and John Paul Batista. This story is based on fictional characters, and any similarity to actual individuals or groups of individuals is purely coincidental. It contains graphic descriptions of alternative and fetish sexual acts, and is intended as entertainment and erotica. This story may

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I can clearly remember the day that I first met Seth. It is as permanently etched in my psyche as the ability to speak or tie my shoes. It’s not often that you see someone across a busy office and realize that he is the man with whom you want to spend the rest of your life. Special moments like that stay with you forever, whether you want them to or not. Okay, maybe I’m being overdramatic. I

The Alphabet Lovers: Thai

Thai had the body of a god; tight, lean, and rippling with muscles in all the right places. I loved waking up with his perfect body against mine, my rising cock wedged between his firm ass cheeks. I was always horny around him, ready to fuck even if we’d already done it three or four times the night before. He was always ready too. He never complained about being too tired or sore. He never

The Alphabet Lovers: Ulrich

What a gorgeous specimen!! I’d never delighted in something so magnificent and breathtaking in all my life. As I ran my hands over that steel-hard body, I could feel the power lying beneath and it made me hard thinking about how incredible the ride was going to be. But I was getting ahead of myself. It isn’t every day that one is in the presence of such beauty; every minute should be drawn

The Alphabet Lovers: Victor

One of the many perks of my promotion is that it allowed me more time to do things that I had neglected over the years, like unpacking the boxes in my condo, hanging out with old high school and college buddies, and spending time with my parents. I love my parents very much and it always bothered me that I only got to see them a couple weeks out of the year, so I decided to spend my first

The Alphabet Lovers: Virgil

I was sitting in my office poring over the layout for next month’s magazine when Adam strolled in. Even though I reported directly to him, it was rare for him to show up in my office. It was good to see him, though. After he’d started dating Michael, I never saw him outside of work; and before my promotion, I saw him in the office once a month, at most. I missed his friendship. I missed

The Alphabet Lovers: Wyatt

Goddamn phone!! Why is the ringer so loud? My head is killing me! Oooh, I think I’m going to be sick! I shouldn’t have had that sixth tequila shot. Will someone answer the fucking phone? I clawed my way from beneath the warmth and safety of the blanket and looked at the clock. It was hard to see through the haze of my hangover, but I was pretty sure the fuzzy blue numbers said 3:06.

The Alphabet Lovers: X

“Heya, Mr. B!” Reese rolled his mail cart into my office. He was looking as cute as ever. It would have been nice to have another go at him, but we had had our moment and that was that. We’d decided to be friends and coworkers and nothing more – and I was content with that. That didn’t mean I couldn’t stare and dream, though. “Good morning, Reese,” I said, returning my attention to the

The Alphabet Lovers: Yuri

“Tell me why we’re here again,” I asked Jake over the roar of the crowd. “To get an interview with him,” he said, pointing to the guy in the number 39 jersey. “But we work for a travel and adventure magazine, not Sports Illustrated.” “I’m doing a favor for a friend.” “Okay, so what am I doing here?” Jake took his eye off the game long enough to shoot me a befuddled expression.

The Alphabet Lovers: Zach

Can you believe that in close to 15 years working for an exploration and travel magazine, after having traveled all over the world, going wherever the four winds would take me, I never once went to Hawaii? I’d heard about it, read about, and even seen some excellent pictures of it, but I’d never had the opportunity to experience the “Aloha State” personally or professionally. So, when it came

The Alphabet Lovers:.Epilogue

“This is the last one,” I said, holding up the 26th and final consent form from one of my Alphabet Lovers. Jake looked up from his newspaper. “Who is it?” “Liam,” I said. “Ah, the rock star. I wonder why it took him so long to reply.” “I dunno...maybe he was worried about how his current boyfriend would react.” “Hmm, maybe. This is number six for him right?” I shrugged.

The Jake Chronicles: Chapter 1

The Jake Chronicles: Chapter 1 – Teacher’s Pet Jake’s life had changed in so many ways since he met John Paul. For the first time, he’d met someone who truly understood and accepted him – not in spite of his many quirks and imperfections, but because of them. They were the unlikeliest pair, yet the closest of friends. Actually, the term friend didn’t do justice to the bond that they shared;

The Jake Chronicles: Chapter 2

Jake and John Paul’s little business venture had turned into a gold mine. In a few short years, their two-man, home-office project had turned into a multi-million dollar company that employed a few thousand hard-working and dedicated employees, with offices in D.C., New York, Dallas, and Los Angeles. Not too shabby for a company that pushed smut; tasteful, high quality smut, but smut

The Jake Chronicles: Chapter 3

The Jake Chronicles: Chapter 3 – Legal Briefs Mr. Bourne walked out of his office to find Jake pacing manically in front of his secretary’s desk. Jake’s face was drawn into a savage scowl – so savage that the young lawyer wasn’t sure if he should approach the man or not. “Mr. Jacoby?” he said, to get Jake’s attention. Jake stopped his frantic pacing and looked up at the man. He gave


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