Gay Erotic Stories

The Jake Chronicles: Chapter 1

by JohnPaul
28 Jul 2003

Caught In the Act College Days Older/younger Tales From School Teachers

The Jake Chronicles: Chapter 1 – Teacher’s Pet

Jake’s life had changed in so many ways since he met John Paul. For the first time, he’d met someone who truly understood and accepted him – not in spite of his many quirks and imperfections, but because of them. They were the unlikeliest pair, yet the closest of friends. Actually, the term friend didn’t do justice to the bond that they shared; their relationship defied definition and categorization.

In John Paul, Jake had also found a business partner. With the astonishing success of “The Alphabet Lovers,” the writing duo went on to co-author several other erotic novels, whose subsequent success afforded them the opportunity to launch their own publishing company. The company flourished to the point where it almost ran itself and started reporting profits in the millions of dollars.

Now, 38 and 39 respectively, John Paul and Jake had enough money and free time to do whatever they wanted, whenever they wanted to. They’d both quit their jobs at the magazine many years before and had now turned their attention to other leisurely and philanthropic activities. For Jake, the emphasis was definitely on leisure. Ever mindful of his money, he still managed to live large. He had a small fleet of expensive sports cars; a 50-foot yacht; a beach house in Puerto Rico; and a ranch in his home state of Texas.

His wife, Melanie, lived on the ranch which meant Jake spent most of his time somewhere else... anywhere else. She was Jake’s attempt at settling down; however, in the two years they’d been dating and the three years they’d been married, he spent very little time with her and cheated on her whenever the opportunity presented itself. He couldn’t even remember Melanie’s birthday without being reminded by his beautiful and efficient assistant, Tiffany, whom he jokingly called Moneypenny. Dear Moneypenny just happened to be one of his regular mistresses – at least he’d settled down enough to have regulars.

Now, before you go boo-hooing for poor Melanie, you should know that she was well aware of Jake’s philandering ways and had her own share of boy toys to help her spend the healthy allowance that Jake gave her. As long as her two-timing husband kept her in the lifestyle to which she had grown accustomed, she didn’t care what or who he did in his spare time.

Jake also developed a slight drinking problem. Okay, maybe slight is an extreme understatement; Jake drank like a fish on a regular basis and quite often got in trouble for his excess. He'd had countless run-ins with the law that resulted in thousands of dollars worth of fines, numerous revoked drivers licenses, and MONTHS of community service – not to mention three or four paternity cases still pending.

"You're out of control, Jake," John Paul admonished. "I can't keep bailing you out like this... I WON'T keep bailing you out like this."

"C'mon Paulie... it wasn't even my fault. How was I supposed to know that she was married?" he asked, pressing the ice pack against his rapidly swelling eye.

"She was wearing a 4-carat diamond ring on her left ring finger. That seems like a pretty obvious clue. Now keep still while I clean up this wound."

Jake hissed loudly when the ointment made contact with his busted lip. Adam just looked on and chuckled. He had seen this same scenario play out too many times to be worried anymore. "You're lucky the guy didn't press charges; the last thing you need is more service hours."

"Press charges?!! He hit ME!!" Jake bemoaned.

Adam and John Paul just looked at each other and shook their heads. "Speaking of service hours," John Paul began, "when are you actually going to start serving them? You know the court-ordered deadline is quickly approaching."

Jake groaned and rolled his eyes. "I'll start as soon as I figure out what I want to do."

"You've been thinking of something to do for two months now," Adam reminded him. "Time's up Jake."

"Fine!" he snapped and slapped John Paul's hand away. "What do you propose I do?"

"Volunteer at a retirement home," John Paul suggested. "Or at a hospital."

Jake frowned his face. "I hate old people and sick people are gross."

"How about teaching at one of the local universities," Adam offered. "They've all asked you at one time or another to teach a seminar, and you seemed to show a little interest in trying it out. If you teach for free, that could count as community service, right?"

John Paul nodded in agreement to Adam's suggestion. Jake just stared at the couple and sighed. "Okay, I guess that wouldn't be so bad."

Of course, he would have said anything at the time just to escape John Paul and Adam's disapproving stares.


Jake strolled into the auditorium. There were easily 100 young, corruptible minds present, just waiting to be filled with knowledge. Jake got a sudden rush as he realized just how much power he had over them. The din of gossip hushed to a sea of murmurs and whispers as he climbed onto the raised platform in the front of the room. It may have been some time since he was in college, but he knew what they were talking about. "Is HE the instructor?" "I wonder if he grades on a curve." "This guy is a jerk; I had him in another class last year." "He's cute!" "Nice pants."

Jake, like wine, got better with age. With the exception of his drinking and any liver damage he may have caused because of it, Jake was in excellent condition. He had the body of a man in his early 20's, and if not for the patches of gray forming on his temples, no one would have guessed he'd be 40 in just a couple of months. And there was something about him that just exuded sexuality. Maybe it was his slow, deliberate swagger; or maybe it was the playful sparkle in his eyes and the sly grin that never seemed to disappear from his lips. Whatever it was, Jake never had any problems attracting members of either gender. Apparently, this was the case in the classroom as well.

As he turned to write his name on the chalkboard, almost every young woman in the classroom – and quite a few young men – leaned forward in their chairs to get a better look at his round, firm butt. They filled the back of his khakis very well. He turned quickly and caught a few of them in the act.

"This is Creative Writing 201. My name is Julian Jacoby," he said with a smirk that could melt the panties off of an ice princess. "You may call me Mr. Jacoby, Mr. Jake or just plain Jake. Anyone who calls me Julian automatically fails my class. Understood?"

The room answered with a collective "mm hmm." Jake nodded his head and continued. "I am not a teacher; I am simply a muse sent here to inspire you to be creative. There will be no examinations but you will be responsible for writing seven 10-to-15-page works of ORIGINAL literary prose. Unless your work is plagiarism or is absolutely crap, it will be impossible to fail this class... unless, of course, you break the one rule that I have already laid out for you. That completes our review of the class syllabus so, if there are no further questions, let's learn something about creative writing."

There were no objections so, with that, Jake launched into his first day of teaching. He really was a natural. He was captivating, witty, and extremely knowledgeable. Most of all, the students felt comfortable around him. He understood them and even behaved like them at times. By the end of the class, anyone who wasn't in love with him when he walked in door was now.

After the first week, he had everyone hooked. They literally ran into his classroom, not wanting to miss a single word, and groaned and whined every time he announced that class was over. Jake started to get a warm feeling inside from all the love and devotion his students bestowed upon him. "This teaching thing ain't so bad," he commented to himself.

They were a talented group of writers too. Jake was thoroughly impressed. There were a few who he thought would be better off not pursuing a career in writing, but all in all he was impressed with their creativity and attention to grammar and mechanics. As he handed back their first assignment, he could hear each student eagerly rifling to the back page looking for his comments. He tried to keep the comments positive considering it was their first assignment, but as with any class, there were students who questioned and disagreed with his opinion.

So, at the end of class, "the bitch and moan" line formed. Jake politely listened to each student try to explain how he had somehow misunderstood their literary masterpiece. He would then remind them that they weren't being graded on their stories and that he was just giving them guidance as a professional writer. So, one-by-one, the students left the room feeling a little better about their work and still completely enamored with the handsome, fun-loving Mr. Jacoby.

The last student to approach him was a young Asian dude. Jake chuckled to himself at just how young and innocent the guy looked. He also seemed very shy as he slowly took the last few steps towards the lectern where Jake was standing. His hands were shoved in his pockets. He took one out and extended it to Jake, "My name's Kenny... Kenny Wu."

Jake shook his hand and grinned. "So you're Kenny Wu. I was wondering if I'd ever get a chance to meet you."

"Y-you know who I am?" he asked, shoving his hand back into his pocket and looking down at his feet.

"Well, I know your story... it was... very interesting."


"So what's the problem?"

"Well... your comments were kind of... well... it seemed as if you didn't like it."

Jake thought about it for a minute. "I wouldn't say I didn't like it... I just think I could have liked it more."

"What do you mean?" Kenny asked, finally looking up at Jake with a frown of confusion wrinkling his brow.

"I just think you... chickened out." The boy still seemed confused. "Okay... you have these two guys who have been harboring feelings for each for – what was it? – five years. So, when they finally get the courage to express their feelings to each other, all they do is kiss and fall asleep on the sofa?"

"Yeah... what's wrong with that? I thought it was very sweet and romantic."

"Perhaps, but it's also very unrealistic. I know if I had a thing for someone for five years, the last thing I'd want to do is fall asleep with them. You know what I mean?" Jake grinned at the kid and gave him a knowing wink.

Kenny blushed uncontrollably and dropped his eyes to the ground again. "Um... yeah, I guess I know what you mean. I wanted to take it a step further, but... can I write about stuff like that?"

"You mean sex?"

"Yeah. I mean, you wouldn't get offended?"

Jake laughed. "Kid... four of my last six books were erotic fiction, do you really think I would be offended by something like that?"

Kenny cracked a smile. "I guess you're right." He fidgeted for a bit then said, "If I rewrite it the way I really wanted to write it, will you read it again and tell me what you think?"

"Sure," Jake answered, giving Kenny a pat on the shoulder.

The young man seemed to jump with excitement. He said goodbye to Jake and ran out of the room. Jake laughed to himself, picked up his briefcase and went home.

The next day, while Jake was roaming around campus perusing the beautiful 19-year-old coeds that Georgetown had to offer, he heard a voice calling his name from the distance.

"Mr. Jacoby! Mr. Jacoby!!" He turned to see Kenny running across the lawn, with a document in his hand. "Mr. Jacoby," he said as he approached. He was panting lightly but still had a broad smile across his face. "I was going to wait to give this to you after class, but I saw and thought I could give it to you now if that's okay. It's my rewrite."

"Oh," Jake said, surprised at how quickly the student had completed the rewrite. "Yeah, that's fine. In fact, if you'd like, I'll read it right now and tell you what I think."

"Really? You'd do that?"

"Sure." Jake walked over to a nearby bench and plopped down.

He started to read the story. Kenny was on pins and needles the whole time because Jake never gave any indication of whether he was enjoying the tale or not. All he would volunteer was an occasional "hmm" or "mm hmm," which could have been good or bad. Finally, he finished the last page and put the paper down on the bench beside him. He looked at Kenny and smiled.

"MUCH better. Now that's what I'm talking about. After I read that I really believed that they were in love... I could FEEL their passion. Great job!"

Kenny almost pissed his pants; he was so excited. He didn't know whether to scream or jump around like a fool, so he did both. Jake just shook his head and laughed. He handed the excited youth his revised story. Kenny thanked him and ran off.

Jake sighed and cleared his throat. In all honesty, Kenny's story was pretty hot. The sex was pretty raw and gritty... not quite as filthy as the stuff he wrote, but pretty darn close. He stood up, adjusted his crotch, and then headed to the Student Union in search of a young, nubile sorority girl to take care of his growing problem.

A few days later, Jake was slouched down in the overstuffed pillows of his sofa reading the latest round of student writing. He would read one, scribble down a few notes, toss it aside, and then grab the next one. He sighed at the current level of imagination and creativity. For the most part, they were rehashes of the stuff they'd turned in the week before. By the fifth one, he grew tired of reading the same stories over again and was about to quit for the evening when he saw Kenny's name.

"Clever Seduction" by Kenny Wu. The title had promise, Jake thought as he flipped to the first page. As he read through it, he was pleasantly surprised by Kenny’s increased boldness. If he was shy with his sexuality before, he certainly wasn’t anymore. The sex was vivid and explicit – just the way Jake liked it. By the end of the story, he was truly boned.

“Wow,” he mumbled to himself and picked up his favorite red pen. He wrote: “Kenny – Very well done! I’m happy to see you come out of your shell. Your story was very riveting to say the least. –Jake.”

The next day, Jake handed back the stories to the disgruntled groans of many. There was one student, however, who was pleased with his comments. Jake could feel Kenny’s grin even with his back turned to the young man. He couldn’t help but smile himself.

A few days later, Jake was once again slouched in his sofa, facing the latest batch of student stories. He stared at the pile and wondered what possessed him to go through with this – picking up trash on the side of the highway would probably have been more entertaining. He flipped through the stack, subconsciously looking for that one story that he knew would make it all worthwhile.

“Head of the Class,” by Kenny Wu. Jake anxiously flipped to the first page and started reading. He was shocked at what he read. One thing was for sure; Kenny no longer had any problems expressing himself sexually. In fact, his latest submission was pure, unadulterated, unapologetic, raunchy sex from beginning to end. The action and language were quite graphic. If Jake weren’t who he was, he may have actually been offended. Instead, he was incredibly turned on – to the point where he actually had his dick in his hand, stroking it to a creamy, mind-blowing conclusion. Jake lay slumped on the couch, panting heavily and trying to compose himself. Wiping his cum-soaked hand on his t-shirt, he then picked up his red pen and wrote his comments on “Head of the Class”.

The next day, Jake handed back the stories. There were significantly fewer groans this time as the majority of the class had surprised him with completely original streams of consciousness, and pretty well written ones at that. He liked to hand them out at the end of class so that he could make a quick escape while they tried to decipher his often-illegible handwriting. He had made it safely back to the office that he shared with all of the guest lecturers and professors.

Jake sat down at the weathered wooden desk, loosened his tie and kick up his feet. He had another class in a couple of hours. It was a higher-level comparative literature course and he liked to unwind a little before he had to listen to a bunch of pretentious upperclassmen overanalyze a 10-page story. He was five minutes into his midday siesta when he heard a knock on the door. He sighed heavily and sat up.

“Come in!”

Kenny’s familiar face poked out from behind the door. “Hi, Mr. Jacoby. Your note said you wanted to see me.”

“Yeah, Kenny. Come on in and have a seat.”

The bright-eyed boy bounced into the office and took a seat in front of the desk. He had a look of concern on his face that bordered on panic. “What’s this about, Mr. Jacoby? Was there something wrong with my story? It wasn’t too... dirty, was it?”

“No, there’s nothing wrong with your story, per se; I just had a couple of questions.”

Kenny seemed to relax in his chair a little bit, but still seemed a little on edge. Jake stood up and came around to the front of his desk. He leaned against it and looked at his star pupil.

“The main characters in your story – Lenny Lui and Jack Jacobson – they seem a bit... familiar. I could be way off base here, but it seems like that story was about you and me. Am I right?”

Kenny gulped and started fidgeting in his seat again. “I guess... sorta,” he mumbled.

“So this Lenny and Jack did some pretty interesting things in this story... some very wild and sexually explicit things.”

“Yeah... but nothing wilder than the stuff I wrote about in my last story.”

“No, maybe not, but the problem here is that... if someone were to read this story, they might get the wrong idea about Kenny and Jake. You follow?”

“Yeah, I guess... but it’s just a story. And no one else is going to read it, I swear. I just wrote it for this class... for you.”

It was Jake’s turn to squirm. Kenny didn’t seem so shy anymore as he sat in the chair looking into Jake’s eyes with confidence... and lust.

“It can be our dirty little secret,” he said, standing up and taking the two short steps that separated him from the befuddled Jake. The eager student pressed his lithe, young body against his teacher’s taller, bulkier physique. “No one has to know about any of the things that happen between us.”

Jake’s breath grew shallow, and then got caught in his throat when he felt Kenny’s hand on his thigh. It slowly crept upward until it came to rest on Jake’s slowly awakening bulge. He could have stopped him – he should have stopped him – but he didn’t want to. There was something very captivating about Kenny’s naughty, aggressive behavior. And then there were the sexual acts detailed in Kenny’s story – so raw and nasty. Jake wanted to know if the adage about life imitating art was really true.

The 39-year-old writer turned teacher was used to being the one in control when it came to sex but, on that day, in the tiny little guest faculty office, Kenny was the one taking control. Jake felt like the student and, oddly enough, he liked that feeling.

Kenny soon had his hand inside Jake’s jeans, snaked inside the fly of his boxer briefs, and wrapped around his fat, six-and-a-half-inch cock. The young dude measured up the piece of meat with his fingers and smiled.

“Perfect size for my first time,” he said demurely.

“Y-you’re a v-virgin?” Jake stammered.

“Technically, yes. I’ve fooled around with a couple of guys before, given some head, but that’s about it. I wanted someone with experience to be the first one to pop my cherry, though. Rumor around campus is that you have a LOT of experience.”

“Mmmmmaybe,” Jake moaned. Kenny had a death-grip on his cock that felt so good. It was hard to concentrate with him stroking his pole like that. “But they were all chicks; how’d you know I’d fool around with another guy?”

“Just a hunch. That’s why I wrote the story – to see if you’d take the bait,” Kenny admitted. “It looks – and feels – like you’re game,” he commented, alluding to the fact that Jake was rock hard and leaking like a fucking fountain all over Kenny’s hand.

Jake grinned at the innocent-looking student. “Yeah, I’m game. So why don’t you stop playing with that thing and start using it like it’s supposed to be used.”

The young seducer enthusiastically yanked out his teacher’s dribbling dick and licked his lips. Before Jake could blink, the kid was on his knees and had the prick in his mouth. It was very obvious that he’d given head before – he was damn good at it. His talented tongue and mouth brought Jake to the edge of orgasm at least six times in the course of fifteen minutes but, like the talented cocksucker he was, he made sure Jake didn’t blow too soon. Instead, he tortured him with his tonsils. Jake’s bulbous knob bumped the back of Kenny’s wet throat over and over, feeding the greedy kid at least a half-gallon of pre-cum.

“Stand up,” Jake commanded, finally unable to hold back the urge to tap Kenny’s unused anus.

Kenny obediently complied and shimmied his way back up his instructor’s body. Jake grabbed him by the waist and swapped places with him so that the pupil was now leaning against the dilapidated, awaiting further instructions. “Take those pants off and let’s see what you’re working with.”

Again, he was all too pleased to oblige. He quickly unfastened his khaki cargo shorts and slipped then down over his slender hips. The pouch of Kenny’s white briefs were stretched to capacity by whatever they struggled to contain. Jake hooked his fingers into the elastic waistband and yanked them down too. A nice slab of uncut boy meat sprung free. It was about as long and thick as Jake’s, but on Kenny’s smaller frame, it looked fucking enormous.

Jake looked at it with fascination. In the few experiences he’d had with other guys, he’d have very few encounters with uncircumcised cocks. He stroked it a few times and watched the foreskin slide back and forth over the fat knob. Each time he pulled it back, more precum spilled out and dripped onto the floor below.

Kenny looked down at the spectacle with lust and adoration. He wanted so badly for his sexy, older lover to suckle his virgin cock. Jake, however, had other plans for the boy. He spun Kenny around so that he was facing the desk, and then gently pushed his shoulders forward so that he was leaning over it. Kenny’s smooth, round ass pushed out into Jake’s face. Jake grabbed the two fleshy mounds and pulled them apart to reveal Kenny’s virgin hole. It was pristine in its wrinkled pink tightness. The talented Mr. Jacoby could just imagine plunging into that... and he would, soon enough.

With those beautiful globes of flesh still parted, Jake dived into the sophomore’s crack – tongue first. Kenny squealed in delight as he felt the slimy muscle penetrate his arse. It was the first thing other than his meandering finger that had ever gone in there and he LOVED it. He immediately started backing his ass up to get more of Jake’s expert tongue. The older man had eaten plenty of pussy in his life – he ate ass with the same zest and vigor. In seconds, Kenny’s hole was opened slightly and dripping with spit; Kenny was moaning in sheer delight and ready for more.

Because the ass he was about to poke had never been poked before, Jake decided to give it a little more prep work by easing a couple of fingers inside. He whistled at the way the tight ring of muscle gripped at his slender fingers. Just for good measure, he slipped in a third one and worked his digits in, out, and all round Kenny’s tight anus.

Kenny started whimpering when he felt his ass being stretched by Jake’s fingers. It hurt a little, until he felt Jake brush against something inside of him. It sent a tingle through his body. Jake’s finger tapped it again and Kenny simply melted into the desk. He’d never felt anything so incredible in all his life. He started wiggling his hips so that Jake’s fingers never left that electric spot. Jake grinned and kept his digits buried in Kenny’s butt. Then he started slapping the boy’s prostate with his fingertips, sending Kenny into a series of high-pitched squeals.

“Not so loud, dude! Do you want the whole building to know what’s going on?”

“Sorry,” Kenny whined. “B-but it just feels... unh... so good!!”

“Yeah, I noticed. So, d’ya think you’re ready to get fucked?”

Kenny looked over his shoulder and shot Jake a glance that could make many grown men cream their pants. There was nothing but lust in his eyes as he said, “Fuck me like you fucked Crystal Witherspoon under the bleachers during the football game Saturday.”

Jake was too turned on to be shocked. I guess his exploits on campus weren’t as discreet as he’d hoped and planned. Oh well! He enjoyed fucking the shit out of the perky blonde cheerleader last weekend and he was pretty sure he was about to enjoy doing the same to his perky young writing student right now.

He stood up and aimed his proud member at Kenny’s hole. With a careful but forceful thrust of his hips, he pushed past the unyielding anal ring and broke the virginal seal once and for all. Kenny thanked him with a savage growl that sent chills up Jake’s back.

“That’s it, Tiger; take this cock like a man.”

The feeling of Jake’s cock stretching his tight, young hole hurt like hell, but hearing the older man talk to him like that really turned Kenny and made him want that fat cock inside of him now more than ever. Jake was taking it slow – out of consideration – but Kenny wanted it all and he wanted it now! He pushed his hips back and Jake’s cock slipped all the way into Kenny’s guts.

The boy gritted his teeth and just took it. Jake felt his body shaking in his hands and asked, “Are you okay? Do you want me to take it out?”

“No! I want you to fuck me! I want you to open me up with that fat dick, Mr. Jacoby, and then I want you to fill me up with your sticky cum!”

“Well, okay then,” Jake replied and started reaming Kenny’s ass properly.

He made the young dude’s ass ripple every time he pushed into him. All Kenny could do was hold on and enjoy. Frequently a tortured whimper or moan would escape his pretty little lips in response to one of Jake’s grunts or groans. Such a primal form of communication, but it was appropriate for the savage way they fucked. Both of their sweaty bodies were lurched over the desk, locked in a sticky, lustful embrace. Jake’s hips thrusting brutally back and forth, driving his cock into Kenny over and over again.

Finally, the young lover couldn’t take it anymore. “Ooooooh, Mr. Jacoby, I’m cumming!! Oh yeah, fuck the cum out of my little virgin ass!! Oh shit! Oh fuck!! Uuuuuugggghhhhh!!!”

Jake felt that tight ass get even tighter as Kenny squeezed out a sizable nut all over the desk. With such a powerful grip on his cock, it wasn’t long before Jake chimed in with his own orgasmic announcement, “Gonna fill this fucking ass!!”

With a final, bone-crushing thrust, Jake buried his bone deep inside of Kenny and filled his guts with a hot, fresh, creamy load of jizz. Kenny had never felt anything like that before and the sensation sent him into a second orgasmic frenzy. There was no way he could possibly pump any more juice out of his nuts, but the tingling, shivering sensation was just as powerful during the second release as it was during the first.

Satisfied, both men fell forward on the desk. Jake’s larger, heavier frame felt comforting against Kenny’s back. They were both panting heavily and reveling in their post-orgasmic glow when they heard the doorknob turn. Neither one of them could pull their pants up in time to prevent being caught by Dr. Livingston, the chair of the English Department.


“So he fired me!! Can you believe that?!” Jake complained into a half-empty glass of vodka.

“Yeah, I can believe it; you were fucking a student,” John Paul reminded him.

“But I didn’t even work there... officially. And to top it all off, he’s not going to give me any community service credit for the work that I did!!”

“You’re lucky that’s all he did, Jake,” John Paul snapped. “Jesus Christ! After all these years, you’d think you’d know to lock the door.”

“You’re no help at all; you know that? Now what am I going to do?”

They both sat in silence for a moment, nursing their drinks. Jake polished off his vodka and licked his lips. He turned to his best friend and said, “I wonder if they have any openings at the new Catholic school... you know... the all-girls one.”



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AUTHOR'S NOTE: I'd like to take this opportunity to apologize to any reader who had the misfortune of reading the first version of Ivan's chapter. It may have been a good story with the right amount of love and attention, but, quite frankly, it sucked. On top of that, it didn't fit in with the theme of the series. So, to repay for my sins, I am posting a more suitable version of Ivan's tale.

The Alphabet Lovers: Jake

If you’ve been following the series, you’ve seen Jake’s name pop up every now and then, providing some chaos and comedy to my mundane life. I’ve been unfair in my portrayal of Jake. I’ve trivialized him as a secondary sideman when in fact he’s much more that. I’ve reduced him to a shallow, one-dimensional character when actually he’s a very deep and complex person. What can I tell you about

The Alphabet Lovers: Koji

A good friend, Mya, once told me about this resort she’d discovered in Japan. Some of the World’s wealthiest and most famous had been known to frequent the spa because of its secluded location in the lush countryside of Kyushu. It was also priced for wealthy and famous, but she said the price was worth it for the massage alone. They used some kind of new age; pressure-point aromatherapy that

The Alphabet Lovers: Liam

AUTHOR'S NOTE: To my knowledge, the band depicted in this story does not exist outside of this work of fiction. Any similarities between this fictitious band and their music, and a real band and their music are purely coincidental. With that being said, enjoy. - jp. “At first you were loving me, needing me, wanting me Now you’re leaving me, teasing me, taunting me You promised you’d be

The Alphabet Lovers: Malcolm

“20 to 19, Johnny boy,” Malcolm taunted. “1 more point and you lose…again!” He dribbled the ball and threw me a smug grin. He knew how much I hated being called John or Johnny -- it was part of his ploy to break my concentration. He loved to talk trash to get me all riled up. But after all those years, I was used to it. I don’t know why he bothered anyway; he could beat me without

The Alphabet Lovers: Nicolo

If you’ve been following the story – and I certainly hope you have – you may be wondering, “What happened to Elliott?” It may seem that we hooked up a few times and then I moved on, but that’s not true. You see, the downside of writing about my lovers in alphabetical order is that the continuity of the story gets all messed up. For the most part, it doesn’t matter who I fucked first. But for

The Alphabet Lovers: Omari

“JP, I think this camel hates me,” Jake griped. “The camel does NOT hate you, Jake,” I argued. “I’m serious. Look at the way it’s looking at me with those beady little eyes.” “You’re being ridiculous.” He was silent for the first time in an hour and I thought I’d heard the last of Jake’s bellyaching. This whole desert trek was his idea yet he was the one complaining incessantly about

The Alphabet Lovers: Philipe

Philipe dipped the strawberry into the melted chocolate sauce then offered it to my watering mouth. I bit into the large, juicy berry and savored the intoxicating flavors of sweet fruit and bitter chocolate. A drop of juice ran down the side of my mouth and onto my chin. I reached up to wipe it off. “Non, laissez-moi,” Philipe demanded. I moved my hand and let him lick the sweet nectar

The Alphabet Lovers: Quinn

The only way to describe the sensation of hang-gliding is liberating. In my opinion, it is the closest that humans will ever get to unaided flying and I can’t think of another activity that is more exhilarating – well, maybe just one. As with most life-threatening hobbies I partake in, I got into hang gliding on a dare from none other than Mr. Daring himself, Jake. As with everything he did,

The Alphabet Lovers: Reese

John Paul Batista, Executive Director of Photography. Has a nice ring to it doesn’t it? I thought so too when Adam offered me the position. After 40 years of service for the publishing company, our beloved Larry Marshall decided to call it quits and spend the rest of his life on a tropical island in the middle of the Pacific where there were no magazines. It was at that point that Adam

The Alphabet Lovers: Seth

I can clearly remember the day that I first met Seth. It is as permanently etched in my psyche as the ability to speak or tie my shoes. It’s not often that you see someone across a busy office and realize that he is the man with whom you want to spend the rest of your life. Special moments like that stay with you forever, whether you want them to or not. Okay, maybe I’m being overdramatic. I

The Alphabet Lovers: Thai

Thai had the body of a god; tight, lean, and rippling with muscles in all the right places. I loved waking up with his perfect body against mine, my rising cock wedged between his firm ass cheeks. I was always horny around him, ready to fuck even if we’d already done it three or four times the night before. He was always ready too. He never complained about being too tired or sore. He never

The Alphabet Lovers: Ulrich

What a gorgeous specimen!! I’d never delighted in something so magnificent and breathtaking in all my life. As I ran my hands over that steel-hard body, I could feel the power lying beneath and it made me hard thinking about how incredible the ride was going to be. But I was getting ahead of myself. It isn’t every day that one is in the presence of such beauty; every minute should be drawn

The Alphabet Lovers: Victor

One of the many perks of my promotion is that it allowed me more time to do things that I had neglected over the years, like unpacking the boxes in my condo, hanging out with old high school and college buddies, and spending time with my parents. I love my parents very much and it always bothered me that I only got to see them a couple weeks out of the year, so I decided to spend my first

The Alphabet Lovers: Virgil

I was sitting in my office poring over the layout for next month’s magazine when Adam strolled in. Even though I reported directly to him, it was rare for him to show up in my office. It was good to see him, though. After he’d started dating Michael, I never saw him outside of work; and before my promotion, I saw him in the office once a month, at most. I missed his friendship. I missed

The Alphabet Lovers: Wyatt

Goddamn phone!! Why is the ringer so loud? My head is killing me! Oooh, I think I’m going to be sick! I shouldn’t have had that sixth tequila shot. Will someone answer the fucking phone? I clawed my way from beneath the warmth and safety of the blanket and looked at the clock. It was hard to see through the haze of my hangover, but I was pretty sure the fuzzy blue numbers said 3:06.

The Alphabet Lovers: X

“Heya, Mr. B!” Reese rolled his mail cart into my office. He was looking as cute as ever. It would have been nice to have another go at him, but we had had our moment and that was that. We’d decided to be friends and coworkers and nothing more – and I was content with that. That didn’t mean I couldn’t stare and dream, though. “Good morning, Reese,” I said, returning my attention to the

The Alphabet Lovers: Yuri

“Tell me why we’re here again,” I asked Jake over the roar of the crowd. “To get an interview with him,” he said, pointing to the guy in the number 39 jersey. “But we work for a travel and adventure magazine, not Sports Illustrated.” “I’m doing a favor for a friend.” “Okay, so what am I doing here?” Jake took his eye off the game long enough to shoot me a befuddled expression.

The Alphabet Lovers: Zach

Can you believe that in close to 15 years working for an exploration and travel magazine, after having traveled all over the world, going wherever the four winds would take me, I never once went to Hawaii? I’d heard about it, read about, and even seen some excellent pictures of it, but I’d never had the opportunity to experience the “Aloha State” personally or professionally. So, when it came

The Alphabet Lovers:.Epilogue

“This is the last one,” I said, holding up the 26th and final consent form from one of my Alphabet Lovers. Jake looked up from his newspaper. “Who is it?” “Liam,” I said. “Ah, the rock star. I wonder why it took him so long to reply.” “I dunno...maybe he was worried about how his current boyfriend would react.” “Hmm, maybe. This is number six for him right?” I shrugged.

The Jake Chronicles: Chapter 1

The Jake Chronicles: Chapter 1 – Teacher’s Pet Jake’s life had changed in so many ways since he met John Paul. For the first time, he’d met someone who truly understood and accepted him – not in spite of his many quirks and imperfections, but because of them. They were the unlikeliest pair, yet the closest of friends. Actually, the term friend didn’t do justice to the bond that they shared;

The Jake Chronicles: Chapter 2

Jake and John Paul’s little business venture had turned into a gold mine. In a few short years, their two-man, home-office project had turned into a multi-million dollar company that employed a few thousand hard-working and dedicated employees, with offices in D.C., New York, Dallas, and Los Angeles. Not too shabby for a company that pushed smut; tasteful, high quality smut, but smut

The Jake Chronicles: Chapter 3

The Jake Chronicles: Chapter 3 – Legal Briefs Mr. Bourne walked out of his office to find Jake pacing manically in front of his secretary’s desk. Jake’s face was drawn into a savage scowl – so savage that the young lawyer wasn’t sure if he should approach the man or not. “Mr. Jacoby?” he said, to get Jake’s attention. Jake stopped his frantic pacing and looked up at the man. He gave


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