Gay Erotic Stories

The Alphabet Lovers: Zach

by JohnPaul
08 Jun 2003

Cultural Exchange Interracial Military Outdoor Sex Sex On The Beach

Can you believe that in close to 15 years working for an exploration and travel magazine, after having traveled all over the world, going wherever the four winds would take me, I never once went to Hawaii? I’d heard about it, read about, and even seen some excellent pictures of it, but I’d never had the opportunity to experience the “Aloha State” personally or professionally. So, when it came time for me to take my vacation, I set aside four glorious weeks and bought a ticket to Hawaii.

When I got there, I immediately fell in love. Hawaii is much more breathtaking in person than anyone could ever dream to capture on film – even me. The water, the sand, the trees, the volcanoes, and the people were all so beautiful. It was truly like living in paradise.

I spent the first day unpacking, checking out the area, and then I finally decided to lay out on the beach and watch the sun set behind the mighty Pacific. While I was sprawled out on the beach, I had the great pleasure of watching a parade of golden brown native men passing in front of me. It was hard to keep my trunks from tenting up as one beautiful, nubile Hawaiian after another sashayed across the beach. Most of them were surfers, carrying elaborately decorated boards under their arms, on a mission to find the next big wave.

That’s when it occurred to me that I’d never taken up surfing. Yeah, California born and raised, world adventurer and daredevil extraordinaire, and I’d never ever picked up a surfboard. I couldn’t think of any reason why I hadn’t and, as I watched the next cocoa-colored beauty walk by, I couldn’t think of any reason why I shouldn’t. Maybe it was the fact that the beauty in question was by far the sexiest dude I’d seen all day.

He looked to be about 18 – maybe even younger – and had that look about him that said he’d do just about anything for money.

“Hey!” I shouted out to him.

He turned and pointed to himself to make sure I was talking to him. I nodded and beckoned him over. I pushed up off of my elbows as he approached. As he drew near, I got a better look at the stunning Polynesian youth. For someone his age, he had a body that looked like it was sculpted by Ki’i himself – killer washboard abs; a nice, round, firm set of pecs decorated with delicious, dark areola the size of quarters and nipples the size of pencil erasers; and legs and arms that rippled with muscles molded by hours of swimming and surfing. His jet-black hair fell in tiny rings over his mocha-hued shoulders as squatted down in front of me.

“What can I do for you, brah?” he asked, brandishing a dazzling white smile that shone even brighter against his beautiful dark skin.

“What’s your name?”

The boy’s face wrinkled in puzzlement. “Leilani... but my surfer buddies call me Scratch.”

“Well, hello Scratch. Nice to meet you. I’m John Paul,” I said, reaching out my paw to shake his hand. The smile returned to his face and he shook my hand. “I was wondering if you were interested in making a little money.”

“How much little money... and what do I have to do to earn it?”

I thought about it for a minute. I didn’t know how much this kind of service would cost – I wanted to be generous, but not TOO generous. “I’ll give you $500 if you spend all week with me and teach me how to surf.”

“All week?! $800.”


“$750.” He smile grew wider, showing off the dimples in his silky brown skin.

He’d make a good hustler. I would have foolishly paid $1000 or more to spend all week with the gorgeous Leilani, so $750 was a bargain as far as I was concerned. I’m sure he was ripping me off... maybe not. I didn’t care.

“Fine... $750.”

We shook hands and completed the deal.

“So should I meet you here tomorrow morning for my first lesson?”

“There are still three hours of good light left... we’ll start now. You’ll probably need all the practice you can get.”

“Gee thanks!”

He smirked and held out his hand to help me up. “I don’t even have a board,” I said, standing up and brushing the sand off.

“Don’t worry; we’ll get you one. C’mon... we’re wasting time.”

I followed the rambunctious youth down the beach to a more secluded stretch where a group of his fellow surfers were gathered – about 15 in all. They yelled out Scratch’s name as we approached – I gathered he was their local celebrity.

“Who’s the malihini?” one of them asked. I could hear the derision in the guy’s voice.

He looked more like an outsider than I did. His lily-white skin and thin coat of light brown hair contrasted greatly with the many smooth, hairless, brown bodies of the other surfers around him. Even his haircut stood out – a severe buzz-cut as opposed to the long hippy-like coifs that most of them wore, even the other white dude who rolled with the group. The two shiny dog tags dangling on his chest quickly identified him as a military man and explained his G.I. Joe haircut.

Scratch turned to the guy – an older fellow maybe in his mid-20’s – and frowned. “This is my buddy, Frog,” he said, assigning me a nickname on the fly. I didn’t argue, although I wasn’t sure where he got the name. “Don’t be so rude, Crush. You may run with us, but you’re still haole.”

The military man’s face turned beet red as snickers erupted throughout the gang. He sneered at me, then yanked his surfboard out of the sand and ran out to the water.

“Don’t mind him,” Scratch explained. “You know how intense those military guys can be. Now let’s get you a board.”

I nodded. Scratch walked over to one the guys sitting on a large rock a few feet away. The guy had a cast on his leg, but still had his shorts on and board in tow as if he were still going to surf. They talked for a minute and I saw the other dude nod his head and smile. Scratch grabbed the injured surfer’s board and came back to where he’d left me. He proudly handed me the board and smiled.

“Okay, ready?”

“Yeah, sure... I guess I’m as ready as I’ll ever be.”

“Good... follow me and do exactly as I tell you.”

I nodded again and followed Scratch out to the water. One of his buddies yelled out, “Good luck!” as we splashed into the incoming surf. “You’ll need it,” soon followed.

I have to say, that didn’t fill me with an overwhelming feeling of confidence. Did they know something about Scratch’s surfing abilities that I didn’t? Foolishly... courageously, I continued on. After all, we had a deal.

My worries were soon put to rest. Scratch was an incredible surfer and an even better teacher. It obviously wasn’t his first time breaking in a new surfer. He was incredibly patient and was quick to give encouragement. Before the last ray of good light faded over the horizon, I was able to paddle out, catch a small wave and stand up... for a few feet at least.

“Good job!” he said as we stepped onto the beach. “You’re a quick study... my best student yet.”

“Yeah right!! How many people have you taught?”

“Counting you? Two... but you’re definitely the best,” he said with a toothy grin. “Join us for supper?” he asked, gesturing with his head towards his gang of surfers who were all sitting around large bonfire burning further up the beach.

“Sure,” I said.

We feasted on mahimahi and poi, and laughed and joked the night away. I noticed Crush was missing. If he was still on active duty, he probably had to return to base – Camp Smith wasn’t too far from the beach. I was hoping to get to see him loosen up a bit; his dour attitude added to his appearance as an outsider amongst the happy-go-lucky group of young surfers.

By the time I returned to my hotel room, it was close to 3:00 in the morning. Scratch said he’d meet me in the hotel lobby at 9:00 to go shopping for a surfboard which meant I was only going to get a good five hours of sleep. So much for a vacation; I slept more than that on a work night.

I got up the next morning, groggy and grumpy, but a few minutes in Scratch’s effervescent personality and I was back to my normal cheerful self. He helped me pick out a board – a white longboard with a green tree frog on it.

“A frog for Frog,” he said.

I laughed. “Why Frog?” I asked.

“Because you have long, powerful legs. I imagined you’d look like a frog when you squatted on the board.”

“Do I?”

“Yeah... kinda.” He snickered.


“It’s all good... I like frogs. They’re good luck.” I could only smile. I could have read more into his comment, but figured he was only trying to be nice.

“You still don’t look right,” he said, looking me over and scratching his chin. “You need some board shorts... and a necklace.” He yanked a pair of shorts from a pile beside him and threw them at me. “Try these on while I look for a cool necklace.”

I nodded and padded off to the dressing room. A minute or two later, I stepped out to model the royal blue and lime green shorts for him.

“Looking good,” he said, giving me two thumbs up. “I couldn’t find a nice necklace though. Here...” He removed the chain of shells from his neck and handed them to me. “Wear this.”

“I can’t take your necklace...”

“I insist. A gift to my #1 student.”

I blushed and accepted his kind gift. I tied it around my neck and modeled the whole ensemble for him.

“Beautiful,” he said, drawing another blush out of me. “Now let’s go surf!”

We were the only ones at the meeting spot that morning. Unlike the rest of the gang, Scratch was “in between jobs,” and had all day to surf or whatever. It was nice to have so much time with him. We surfed, uninterrupted, for hours. I finally yelled for mercy, too exhausted to ride another wave. He admitted he was tired too, so we crawled up on the beach and lay on the hot white sand. We talked for a little while, about nothing in particular, until the gang slowly started trickling onto the beach.

I’d learned most of their names. Turtle, Rip, Coco, Tidal, poor Zip with his broken leg... they were all there, except for Crush. A few minutes later, the cocky military man strutted onto the scene toting his board with blue-hued camouflage patterns. He stood his surfboard up in the sand and walked towards the unorganized circle we had formed. Making a beeline for Scratch, he leaned towards the young Hawaiian surfer, almost as if to give him a kiss; but, as he did, he spotted me standing next to Leilani and froze.

“Where’d you get that from?” he asked, pointing towards my neck.

I reached down and touched the tiny row of shells adorning my neck. I’d gotten so used to wearing them already, I’d almost forgotten about them. “Scratch gave them to me.”

He looked at the pale ring around Scratch’s neck where his necklace used to be. Crush’s face grew bright red and his eyebrows furled into an angry grimace.

“Fuck you, Leilani!” he spat out and stormed off down the beach.

The tension on the beach was so thick; you couldn’t cut it with a diamond-tipped chainsaw. No one said a word or uttered a sound. I looked at Scratch who seemed unmoved by Crush’s show of dramatics. “What was that all about?” I asked.

He simply shrugged his shoulders, grabbed his board, and headed back into the water. The rest of the gang slowly followed behind him. I was still too tired to join them and quite concerned about the theatrics that took place – which I had apparently caused. I felt awful, like I’d single-handedly disrupted the sanctity of the brotherhood. Everything seemed fine before I got there. Why did drama seem to follow me?

Crush hadn’t made it off the beach yet. I ran off to catch up with him. I don’t know what I’d done to cause the rift, but maybe I could do something to patch it up.

“Hey Crush!! Wait up!! Let me talk to you for a minute!!”

Crush turned around. The look of anger on his face had intensified ten-fold since I’d last seen him. He looked like he could chew through a cinder block. “I swear to God, Frog, if you don’t get the fuck away from me, I’m gonna beat the shit out of you!!”

“Look, I didn’t know you and Scratch had a... thing. I never would have taken the necklace had I known. He was just trying to help me fit in.”

“A thing?! You think we have a thing?! I’m in love with that guy!! I worship the ground that he walks on! Do you know how close I’ve come to being kicked out of the Marines because I was late reporting to duty just so I could be with him? Then you come along with your sexy green eyes fluttering all over the place, your pretty-boy highlights, and that $5,000 smile, and he forgets all about me!! So fuck him and FUCK YOU!!!”

He turned to walk away. “Crush, wait!” I said.

I grabbed him by the arm. He yanked his arm loose then spun around, fist first. His knuckles felt like tiny steel hammers against my jaw. I’d been hit before, but never THAT hard. I literally saw stars as Crush walked away, hopped in his jeep and sped off.

I walked back down the beach to lick my wounds. I could feel my cheek swelling up beneath my fingers. Some fucking vacation!!

“Oh my God, what happened to you?!” Scratch asked, dropping his board and running up to me.

“Your boyfriend decked me,” I snarled.

“He’s not my boyfriend.”

“Well, someone needs to tell HIM that.”

I yelled out as Scratch poked at the tender jawbone. “I’m so sorry... I didn’t mean to involve you in this mess.”

“Yeah, well, you did... so do you mind telling me what the fuck is going on?”

Scratch sighed and sat down beside me.

“I met Crush about a year ago. He’s a Marine and had just transferred to Camp Smith. He liked to surf and he was looking for a nice spot and somehow stumbled upon this little stretch of beach that we kinda claim as our own. You know, we’re not bad guys and we knew he wasn’t from around here, so we let him hang out with us. He was a pretty bad surfer. I mean, he knew the mechanics of surfing, but he didn’t know how to REALLY surf... ya know? So I took pity on him and told him I’d teach him how to surf properly. Crush is really serious and intense... not like the rest of us but, for some strange reason, we started hitting it off. Knowing he was military, I told him about me being gay pretty early on... just so there’d be no misunderstandings or anything. He was completely cool with it and ever since then we’ve been like best buds and stuff.

“Then a few months ago, Crush started acting strange. He’d get real quiet or even angry whenever I wasn’t hanging out with him, or he’d stop talking to me whenever I brought a new guy around. It seemed kinda strange, so I asked him what was going on. At first he denied everything... said I was imagining things. A little while later, he admitted he had a crush on me and was jealous when he saw me with other guys. That’s how he got his nickname. So anyway, we talked it out, one thing led to another, and we ended up having sex. It just kinda happened, ya know? I like him and everything, but I’d never date him... there’s no way I could deal with that ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ bullshit the military puts guys through. I wasn’t about to be stuffed in the closet. Can you blame me? You’ve seen him... he’s hot!”

I nodded. Crush was pretty delicious, even if I did hate his guts.

“So, we started fucking pretty regularly. It was just sex to me... but I guess he it was a little bit more to him. He started getting real clingy and he’d buy me stuff all the time. He bought that necklace you’re wearing – which is why he got so mad when he saw you wearing it. He bought me that board I ride... it was really expensive. That’s when I figured I should get things straight before feelings got hurt. So I sat him down and told him I didn’t love him like that, ya know? He said he understood, and things were fine between us until...”

“Until I came along. Lucky me.” I touched my swollen cheek – it hurt like a bitch!

“Yeah, brah... I’m so sorry! I didn’t think he’d act like this. Damn... he was so mad he left his board. I guess I oughta take it to him, but I really don’t feel like dealing with him. I know it’s going to be a big scene.”

“I’ll take it to him,” I said.

“Huh? No way! I can’t ask you to do that.”

“It’s okay; I’ll take it to him.” I don’t know why I offered to do it. I wasn’t in the mood for another confrontation with Crush either, but I somehow felt responsible for this whole mess and I felt obligated to try to patch things up.

“You sure?” Scratch asked.

“No, but I’ll do it anyway.”

Scratch seemed more than a little relieved to relinquish the duty to me. He told me where to go and how to get in contact with Crush at the base. It was getting late and I wanted to give the scorned leatherneck a chance to cool off, so I decided to take it to him the next day.

The following morning, I got up, rented a jeep and headed off to Camp Smith. I drove up to the gate where Scratch instructed me, where I was stopped by a guard.

“I need to see Lance Corporal Zach Nelson. He left his surfboard on the beach yesterday and I want to return it to him.”

The guard opened the gate and told me to park in the visitor’s lot and wait for Zach there. A few minutes later, I saw Crush – Zach – walking down the sidewalk towards me. When he saw me, he got a panicked look on his face and rushed up to the truck.

“What are you doing here? You’re not here to report me, are you? Look, I’m sorry I hit you! But you can’t report me! Please!! If I get in trouble again, they’re gonna kick me out!”

“I’m not here to report you, Zach. I just came to return your surfboard.”

His face relaxed and he let out a huff of air. I jumped out of the jeep, grabbed his board and handed it to him.

“Thanks,” he said. “Why’d you go through the trouble to return this to me after what I did to you?”

“I don’t blame you for what happened yesterday. Scratch explained everything...”

Zach scoffed. “Yeah, he probably told you some bullshit story about how I fell in love with him and how he made it clear that it was just sex between us, right?”

I hardly had a chance to answer before he continued. “Funny, he never made it clear whenever he wanted some ass. It was always, ‘Crush I love you,’ and ‘Crush, you’re the only one for me.’ Anything to get in my pants. He probably told you I bought him a surfboard as a token of my love, didn’t he? But I bet he didn’t tell you how he begged me to get it for him and even promised to suck my dick three times every day if I did. God! He’s such a fucking liar!! You’ll be sorry you ever got involved with him.”

“Whoah! Hold on, soldier!! I didn’t get involved with him. He’s teaching me how to surf... that’s it.”

“Sure... believe that if you want to. I see the way he looks at you and treats you. He used to treat ME that way. I used to be his #1 student. It’s only a matter of time before he convinces you to take a walk with him down to Lover’s Alcove. And as he shoves his dick up your ass, he’ll tell you how much he loves you too.”

My head was spinning. I couldn’t believe I was caught in the middle of this drama. All I wanted to do is learn how to surf! I could have just washed my hands of the situation right then and there. I should have, but I didn’t. I believed Zach’s version of the story. Some of the things he said were too dead on to be a lie. If that were true, I could relate. I knew what it felt like to fall in love with someone who told you that you meant the world to him only to find out that you probably weren’t the first or the last person he’d told that to. I knew how used and worthless he must have felt, because I’d been there too.

“Thanks for the warning,” I said, “but I’m a big boy; I can take care of myself... but are YOU going to be okay?”

He shrugged his shoulders and nodded. I could tell that he was lying. He loved Scratch, for whatever reason, and the realization that the surfer punk didn’t love him in return was hard for him to deal with. I knew exactly what he needed to make him feel better.

“You got plans this evening?”

“No. I’ve been surfing with the guys almost every day since I came here – that’s all I know. Now, I can’t even do that.”

“Says who? They don’t own that beach. I’d really like it if you came to the hangout and went surfing with me.”

“Huh? Really? That’d be cool, I guess, but...”

“No buts.... just come to the hangout around 5:15, okay?”

He gave me a skeptical smirk, but nodded his head and agreed. I smiled and told him I’d see him later. I went back to the hotel, put a cold compress on my shiner, and rested until it was time to go to the beach. Around 4:45, I got up, threw on my shorts, grabbed my board, and headed out. I got to the hangout around 5:00. The rest of the gang was there and everyone was already in the water except for Scratch. He was sitting on the beach, watching the other guys surf. When he saw me, he jumped and ran to meet me.

“So, how’d everything go?”

“Fine,” I said.

“He wasn’t upset or mad, was he?”

“A little, but we talked it out and everything’s cool now.”

“Good. I didn’t mean for things to get out of hand between me and Crush... I wish I go back in time and start all over again.”

“Yeah, well, you just gotta move forward,” I said dismissively.

“True,” Scratch said with a devilish grin. “So, are you ready for your surfing lesson?”

“Mm, no, I won’t be needing your services anymore. I found another instructor. You’ve been great... really, but I need someone more... disciplined.”

“What? You’re kidding right? I’m, like, the best surfer on this island.”

“Sorry. This guy’s better,” I said shrugging my shoulders. “Oh, here he comes now.”

Scratch turned around to see Zach walking down the beach with his surfboard under arm.

“HE’S your new instructor? HA!! What is this, some kind of joke?”

“Oh, it’s no joke at all,” I said as Zach walked up to us and stood beside me. “I told you, Crush – I mean, Zach and I had a long talk and we worked things out.”

I turned my head and gave Zach a long, deep, wet kiss on the lips. I could sense his hesitation at first but, eventually, he caught on and returned the kiss with equal passion. The kiss was way over the top – lots of tongue, lots of slurping, a whole lot of moaning, and a little groping thrown in for good measure. We finally disconnected with a resonating slurp and stared lustily into each other’s eyes. I can’t speak for Zach, but the lust in my eyes was not an act. That kiss had done a number on me.

“What the fuck is going on?” Scratch screeched.

“What do you mean?” I asked, batting my eyes innocently.

“You two are just going to make out in front of me like that? Crush, I thought we had something!”

Zach looked into the Hawaiian’s beautiful brown eyes and said, “Scratch, honey, when will you accept the fact that I don’t love you? I mean, we were just in it for the sex, right?”

I struggled to contain the grin that was forming at the corners of my mouth. Scratch scowled then, grabbing his board, he stormed off into the surf. I turned to Zach and grinned. The smile on his face was bright enough to outshine the sun.

“Damn, that felt good,” he said.

“You’re telling me,” was my response to the loaded comment.

We stood there in silence, staring at each other, smiling like Cheshire cats. Then Zach’s sparkling green eyes started to wander over my body – his smile twisted into a lecherous grin as his gaze settled on the lump in my shorts formed during our incredible lip lock.

“I can see why Scratch wanted to dump me for you,” he said. “You’re one hot number, Frog.”

“Please, call me John Paul... I hate that nickname.”

“Okay, John Paul, so what do you want to do now... get some surfing in, perhaps?”

I shook my head. “I was thinking maybe I could convince you to take a walk with me down to Lover’s Alcove.”

“You don’t need to convince me,” he said, tucking his board under one arm and me under the other. He gave me a gentle kiss on the cheek and guided me further down the snow-white sand.

We turned the corner and entered a cave of sorts. The grotto was large enough to stand up and move around in, but had a cozy, secluded feel to it. The natural volcanic rock formation protected the occupants from the elements and prying eyes. As we walked into the alcove a few yards, it became dark to ensure our privacy but bright enough to allow us to see each other.

I leaned my board against the cave wall beside Zach’s. Before I could turn to face him, his hands were on my waist and I felt his soft chest hairs brushing against my back. He kissed the nape of my neck, forcing a moan from deep inside my chest. His lips lightly pecked their way across my right shoulder, and then my left, before finally returning to the sensitive spot just at the base of my neck. Then he kissed a soft trail down my spine until his slender lips came to rest on the small of my back, just above the waistband of my board shorts. They hung low on my hips, revealing a tiny sliver of my ass crack. He kissed it then licked it, sending goose bumps up my spine and shivers throughout my body.

He reached around to untie the string holding my shorts up. With the slightest tug, the bright orange, hibiscus-covered shorts fell off my hips and onto the sand around my feet. I was completely naked with a sexy jarhead squatting behind me, holding my hips firmly and admiring my sun-kissed rump. His rough hands glided across my smooth skin and took a firm hold of my ass. He vigorously massaged my tush and as he did, his thumbs accidentally slipped between my cheeks and brushed against my sensitive hole. I leaned against rough cave wall and purred, which prompted him to deliberately tickle my pucker again. I moaned loudly to let him know that I liked the attention he was giving my hole and hopefully convince him to take it a step further. He got the hint.

I felt his tongue circling the incredibly receptive ring around my anus, getting the fine hair wet with his spittle. After he’d teased me enough, he gave into my incessant demands to lick my ass. I whimpered in sheer delight as his pointy tongue flickered across my puckered ring then pushed its way into my hot and horny hole.

“Mmmm yeah... lick that ass Zach,” I murmured.

His slimy, serpentine muscle slipped in and out of my ass like a tiny cock; the surface, like sandpaper, rasped against every nerve in my tender hole. He clamped onto my ass with his lips and sucked my swollen anus. I clawed at the jagged rock and pushed my hips back, trying to force his tongue further up my chute. He lightly slapped my ass – THWAP! I hissed and cooed and begged him to do it again. He slapped the other cheek – THWAP! By now, my dick was rock hard and pointing straight at the cavern wall. My balls dangled between my widespread legs and bounced against his chin as I rocked back and forth on his hungry mouth. His powerful fingers kneaded my ass like clay, spreading my rump further apart so that he could violate my insides with his mouth.

His tongue slipped out of my hole and I quickly begged him to put it back in. His incredible tongue fuck had almost brought me to the point of orgasm; I wanted him to finish what he’d started and rim me to a powerful climax. He had other plans for me as he made evident when he started massaging my pucker with his fingers. First one – then another – swirled around the spit-soaked spot. Then I felt the pressure against my tight opening. I clenched my anus, wanting to intensify the sensation of his fat thumb breaking the seal to my awaiting rectum. He pushed harder and harder until my pucker relented to his demands and his thumb dug into my rectum – all the way to the last knuckle.

I arched my back and wailed as his digit playfully wiggled around inside the sensitive entrance to my colon, rekindling nerves that his tongue had already set on fire. The thumb worked in, out and around my ass for a couple of minutes before it was joined by another. Together, the two thick, calloused digits poked and stretched my hole and drove me into a sexual frenzy. Zach pulled his thumbs apart then hocked a thick wad of spit into my open, throbbing rectum.

He released my ass from his powerful grip and stood up. I turned around and watched him untie the drawstring on his board shorts. The bright yellow and gray garment fell to his feet, revealing his neatly trimmed bush and thick, uncut, seven-or-so-inch Marine dick. It was dark compared to the rest of his body and smooth, except for the inch or so of foreskin pushed back behind his red, swollen cock head. He stroked it a few times, smearing the thick precum all over, getting it slick for the impending assault.

I turned back to face the cave wall, pushed my hips back and waited for the familiar knock at my back door. The tip was thicker than I’d imagined and it was a tight fit. I grunted as he pushed against my defiant bunghole, demanding entrance into my soft, hot depths. Eventually, his persistence paid off and the stout knob popped through my sphincter. It opened up for him and allowed him into the depths of my bowels. I savored every inch of his beautiful cock as it slowly dug me out.

“Uhhhhnnnnn... oh yeah!! That’s it, Zach... give me that dick!!”

I heard him sigh and felt his scratchy bush and hairy nuts pressed against my rump. He was all up in my guts – his thick cock throbbing against my tightly stretched innards. Zach slowly withdrew from my aching cumhole then slid back in, to the hilt. He groaned in satisfaction and gave my ass a firm swat.

“This is one sweet, sweet ass... don’t let anyone tell you different, okay?”

“Mm hmm,” I moaned. How did he expect me to hold a conversation with his fat prick rooting around inside my ass? I appreciated the sentiment, however.

He slapped my ass a few more times – his hands stung my burning flesh – then he started pumping his dick in and out of my shitter. At first, his rhythm was slow and his thrusts were gentle but deep. Gradually, his pace quickened and his thrusts intensified. His fingertips dug into my hips and he started pounding my ass with all his military might. I whimpered every time his hips slammed into my buttocks and his cock tapped a sweet spot deep, deep in my bowels. He wasn’t fucking me anymore, he was fucking Scratch – at least in his mind he was. And, through me, he was fucking the young Hawaiian with a vengeance – taking out all his anger and frustration on my poor ass. That was just fine by me.

My dick was so hard; it hurt. With each powerful thrust of his cock against my throbbing prostate, a drop of precum splashed on the sand below. In just a few minutes, I’d dripped a sizable puddle in the soft white crystals.

“I wish I could fuck this ass all night,” he huffed, continuing to pillage my hole.

“Oooh... me too,” I moaned.

He slowed his pace again and was pulling out, driving in deep, and working his hips to make sure he hit every tender spot inside of me. I can honestly say that he didn’t miss one. My dick begged for attention, so I reached between my legs and stroked the aching monster while Zach meticulously reamed my ass with his fat, juicy cock. The lewd sounds of his manly grunts and his prick sloshing about inside my spit-and-precum-filled rectum were incredibly arousing. They alone were enough to bring a horny man such as myself to the edge of ecstasy. Now combine them with the incredible sensation of his meat filling my hungry void and the continuous poking of my hyperactive love gland, and you’ve got yourself a bona fide, spine-tingling, toe-curling, gut-wrenching orgasm. One that ejects thick, creamy ropes of jism all over the walls of a cave, in the soft, white sand at your feet, and dripping through your fingers. Oh yeah, it was like that! I bust my nut so hard, it left me dizzy and breathless.

Two minutes after I’d shot the last of my sizable load, my body was still shaking with excitement and my ass squeezed and milked Zach’s still-thrusting cock. He plowed through the tightness of my rectum towards his quest for the same soul-shaking orgasm that I’d had. I arched my back a little more and backed my ass into him. He put his hands on his hips, leaned back and enjoyed the ride.

“Fuck yeah!! I’m gonna milk the cum right out of your fat cock!!! I want to feel your hot load dripping from my ass. C’mon you fucker... fill me up!”

My dirty talk was all the inspiration he needed. He grabbed my hips and plunged back into me and I felt his wad drenching my sore, swollen insides. The sticky spunk was cool against my burning rectum. Zach rolled his hips around and around, working his cock slowly in and out of me while he continued to pump nearly a gallon of cum up my butt. Then his grip on my waist relaxed and the throbbing of his prick subsided, and I knew it was over.

He pulled his slimy, shrinking cock out of my ass, wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me into a standing position. As I settled back against his furry torso, streams of cum dripped down my thighs. Damn that was one amazing fuck! All I could think of as Zach lightly kissed the nape of my neck was how foolish Scratch was to not want that sexy soldier in his life, fucking his brains out every day or offering him his hot military ass.

We eventually got dressed and left the alcove. The sun had set and the stars were just beginning to twinkle into view. The gang had all disappeared, even Scratch.

“Shit, it’s late! I’d better hurry back to base.”

“Okay, I have to do something real quick. I want you to see.”

He watched as I stood my surfboard up and grabbed a piece of driftwood to write a message in the sand. I wrote, “Thanks for the lessons and the man. Your checks in the mail. Love, Frog.”

Zach had a good laugh at that. I grabbed his hand and started to walk away. “Hey, you forgot your board.”

“I don’t need it anymore... the only waves I plan on riding for the rest of my vacation are the ones we make in my waterbed.”

His lips twisted into a grin to match the one I was wearing. He stood his board up beside mine and we walked hand-in-hand back to his car. He went back to base and I went back to my hotel room. Every afternoon for the next three weeks, Lance Corporal Nelson visited me in my hotel and showed me military maneuvers that would make your head spin – mine sure did.

We've made it through the alphabet, but the story is far from over. Stay tuned.


More Gay Erotic Stories from JohnPaul


“Convergence” A Serial Tale of Intrigue. An illusory, collaborative work created by Jimmy Gordon and John Paul Batista. This story is based on fictional characters, and any similarity to actual individuals or groups of individuals is purely coincidental. It contains graphic descriptions of alternative and fetish sexual acts, and is intended as entertainment and erotica. This story may

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The Alphabet Lovers: Intro

My name is John Paul Batista. I am a 35-year-old photojournalist for a large publishing company that specializes in travel, leisure and exploration magazines. My assignments are worldwide – one week I might be hiking through the French countryside and the next I might be riding a camel in the Tunisian desert. I get paid (pretty handsomely I might add) to be a globetrotter; how cool is that? After

The Alphabet Lovers: Adam

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The Alphabet Lovers: Basil

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The Alphabet Lovers: Colin

There’s an unwritten law that when you break up with someone, no matter how amicably, you break up with their friends too. You’re allowed to engage in occasional friendly banter with them, but any meaningful bonding is strictly prohibited. Any attempts by one of your ex’s friends to maintain a friendship violates their code of loyalty. Such was the case when I broke up with Adam. Half the

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The Alphabet Lovers: Elliott

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The Alphabet Lovers: Gunnar

“It’s just a little further,” Gunnar shouted as he continued scaling the steep rock face behind me. Henrik was already a few yards in front and had almost reached the summit. Twin brothers, Henrik and Gunnar Bergstròm were expedition leaders for hire. They came highly recommended by the tourism board for their vast knowledge of the Finnmark region. The tourism board didn’t mention anything,

The Alphabet Lovers: Henrik

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The Alphabet Lovers: Ivan

AUTHOR'S NOTE: I'd like to take this opportunity to apologize to any reader who had the misfortune of reading the first version of Ivan's chapter. It may have been a good story with the right amount of love and attention, but, quite frankly, it sucked. On top of that, it didn't fit in with the theme of the series. So, to repay for my sins, I am posting a more suitable version of Ivan's tale.

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The Alphabet Lovers: Liam

AUTHOR'S NOTE: To my knowledge, the band depicted in this story does not exist outside of this work of fiction. Any similarities between this fictitious band and their music, and a real band and their music are purely coincidental. With that being said, enjoy. - jp. “At first you were loving me, needing me, wanting me Now you’re leaving me, teasing me, taunting me You promised you’d be

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The Alphabet Lovers: Philipe

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The only way to describe the sensation of hang-gliding is liberating. In my opinion, it is the closest that humans will ever get to unaided flying and I can’t think of another activity that is more exhilarating – well, maybe just one. As with most life-threatening hobbies I partake in, I got into hang gliding on a dare from none other than Mr. Daring himself, Jake. As with everything he did,

The Alphabet Lovers: Reese

John Paul Batista, Executive Director of Photography. Has a nice ring to it doesn’t it? I thought so too when Adam offered me the position. After 40 years of service for the publishing company, our beloved Larry Marshall decided to call it quits and spend the rest of his life on a tropical island in the middle of the Pacific where there were no magazines. It was at that point that Adam

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The Alphabet Lovers: Thai

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The Alphabet Lovers: Ulrich

What a gorgeous specimen!! I’d never delighted in something so magnificent and breathtaking in all my life. As I ran my hands over that steel-hard body, I could feel the power lying beneath and it made me hard thinking about how incredible the ride was going to be. But I was getting ahead of myself. It isn’t every day that one is in the presence of such beauty; every minute should be drawn

The Alphabet Lovers: Victor

One of the many perks of my promotion is that it allowed me more time to do things that I had neglected over the years, like unpacking the boxes in my condo, hanging out with old high school and college buddies, and spending time with my parents. I love my parents very much and it always bothered me that I only got to see them a couple weeks out of the year, so I decided to spend my first

The Alphabet Lovers: Virgil

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The Alphabet Lovers: Wyatt

Goddamn phone!! Why is the ringer so loud? My head is killing me! Oooh, I think I’m going to be sick! I shouldn’t have had that sixth tequila shot. Will someone answer the fucking phone? I clawed my way from beneath the warmth and safety of the blanket and looked at the clock. It was hard to see through the haze of my hangover, but I was pretty sure the fuzzy blue numbers said 3:06.

The Alphabet Lovers: X

“Heya, Mr. B!” Reese rolled his mail cart into my office. He was looking as cute as ever. It would have been nice to have another go at him, but we had had our moment and that was that. We’d decided to be friends and coworkers and nothing more – and I was content with that. That didn’t mean I couldn’t stare and dream, though. “Good morning, Reese,” I said, returning my attention to the

The Alphabet Lovers: Yuri

“Tell me why we’re here again,” I asked Jake over the roar of the crowd. “To get an interview with him,” he said, pointing to the guy in the number 39 jersey. “But we work for a travel and adventure magazine, not Sports Illustrated.” “I’m doing a favor for a friend.” “Okay, so what am I doing here?” Jake took his eye off the game long enough to shoot me a befuddled expression.

The Alphabet Lovers: Zach

Can you believe that in close to 15 years working for an exploration and travel magazine, after having traveled all over the world, going wherever the four winds would take me, I never once went to Hawaii? I’d heard about it, read about, and even seen some excellent pictures of it, but I’d never had the opportunity to experience the “Aloha State” personally or professionally. So, when it came

The Alphabet Lovers:.Epilogue

“This is the last one,” I said, holding up the 26th and final consent form from one of my Alphabet Lovers. Jake looked up from his newspaper. “Who is it?” “Liam,” I said. “Ah, the rock star. I wonder why it took him so long to reply.” “I dunno...maybe he was worried about how his current boyfriend would react.” “Hmm, maybe. This is number six for him right?” I shrugged.

The Jake Chronicles: Chapter 1

The Jake Chronicles: Chapter 1 – Teacher’s Pet Jake’s life had changed in so many ways since he met John Paul. For the first time, he’d met someone who truly understood and accepted him – not in spite of his many quirks and imperfections, but because of them. They were the unlikeliest pair, yet the closest of friends. Actually, the term friend didn’t do justice to the bond that they shared;

The Jake Chronicles: Chapter 2

Jake and John Paul’s little business venture had turned into a gold mine. In a few short years, their two-man, home-office project had turned into a multi-million dollar company that employed a few thousand hard-working and dedicated employees, with offices in D.C., New York, Dallas, and Los Angeles. Not too shabby for a company that pushed smut; tasteful, high quality smut, but smut

The Jake Chronicles: Chapter 3

The Jake Chronicles: Chapter 3 – Legal Briefs Mr. Bourne walked out of his office to find Jake pacing manically in front of his secretary’s desk. Jake’s face was drawn into a savage scowl – so savage that the young lawyer wasn’t sure if he should approach the man or not. “Mr. Jacoby?” he said, to get Jake’s attention. Jake stopped his frantic pacing and looked up at the man. He gave


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