Gay Erotic Stories

Accidents Happen For a Reason

by Stardog Champion
16 Sep 2000

Celebrity Fantasy

Accidents Happen For A Reason With a stern press of her pink 3-inch pump, the attractive, lithe dirty blonde sped her Mercedes down the 101 towards the Burbank Studio where she worked. She was supposed to be there at 9 a.m. for hair and makeup, but a glance at the gold watch on her wrist said she was going to be late, it was already quarter till. With a deep sigh, Vanna White looked helplessly down the highway, which was more jammed than usual. "Damn," she said audibly to herself. The traffic reporter on the radio did nothing to quell the frustration either. A wreck had occurred two miles further up the freeway and those stuck behind it were going to be there a while. Stewing in her driver's seat, an idea suddenly flashed in Vanna's head. Like a daredevil, she shifted into high gear and made a beeline for the nearest exit ramp, cutting off two cars in the process. This detour would certainly be a little out of the way she thought to herself, but it beat waiting, stalled on the freeway. Besides, this side road would definitely get her to the studio no more than 15 minutes late. Instantly feeling better about the prospects for her day, Vanna clicked on Bach on her cd player, gunned the gas and headed for Studio Park. The little voice of her husband echoed in her head as she drove. "Vanna, you know it's not a good idea for a lady driving an expensive luxury car to be alone on these backstreets," it said. Vanna knew that little voice was right, still she was in no mood to listen to anything at all her husband had to say right now. He had woke Vanna earlier that morning for a little sunrise fuck, and being a little more than horny herself, she gave in. Just as Vanna was beginning to get into it, her loving Hubby blew his load - less than two minutes into it. Frustrated, Vanna pulled herself off of him, showered, dressed and left for work without a word. Now as she drove, she realized the pulsations between her legs had not totally dissipated. With the traffic jam now a memory, her mind was free to concentrate on her far from quenched libido. Without noticing, she had worked her right hand under the hem of her conservative pink skirt and was massaging her upper thigh through the lace of her stocking as she drove. As she slowed to meet a stoplight, another reason she liked using these shortcuts through town came back to her. Through the tinted windows of her Mercedes, she watched as many young black boys and girls crossed the street in front of her and filtered up and down the streets beside her. Many of the boys she pleasantly noticed had their shirts off in the early morning August heat. She thought to herself, as her nipples visibly hardened through the fabric of her sheer white blouse, "My God, mmmm, these boys wouldn't leave a girl hanging the way I was this morning." She had become fixated on a tall young black man walking up the sidewalk towards her, when the car behind her honked its horn angrily because the light had turned green seconds earlier. Accelerating, she couldn't help herself from sneaking another peek in her rearview as she drove off, admiring the confident way the boy walked up the street. Lost in her own little world, oblivious to the fact that there were stoplights at nearly every corner, Vanna was still looking in her mirror when she heard a voice yell, "OHH Shittt!" Turning quickly Vanna realized she had no chance to stop as a young black kid on a moped went sliding across the street into the curb right in front of her. Somehow she had managed not to hit him, but he had taken a rather nasty spill. Flush with fear and guilt, Vanna ran out of the car to the hurt boy, "Oh my God, Oh my God, somebody help, someone call 911!!" "Are you O.K.?" Vanna asked as she knelt down beside him. "Yea, I think so. Why didn't look where the hell you were goin lady, I had the light!" the boy angrily replied. His forceful tones made Vanna blush, secretly knowing that he was right, still she was extremely relieved to see he was feeling good enough to be mad after the fall he'd taken. Two police officers happened to be at the donut shop at the next corner when the accident occurred and were on the scene quickly, and Vanna could hear an ambulance making its way through traffic. The young boy did seem to be fine, he had sat up now and his only injuries seemed to be some cuts on his hands and a nasty skid mark on his right leg. Vanna knelt beside the young man with her long white stocking clad legs right in the kid's face as she pulled a clean handkerchief from her breast pocket to wipe some of the dirt and gravel off the boy's bleeding leg. "Look lady, I'm fine! Just help me up." He told her. As Vanna tried to convince him to stay down until help arrived, out of the corner of her eye she saw something that startled her. As the boy was shifting about, Vanna caught a brief glimpse at his quite large semi-hard cock through the leg of his shorts. Transfixed for a moment, she was snapped back to reality by the hand of an EMT worker trying to get access to the injured boy. The boy's name it turned out was Daryl Peters and he was 19. He was going to be all right, the wink he gave her as they loaded him into the ambulance told her that. As Vanna gave her personal information to the officer, she realized that her celebrity was most likely going to help her from having to take any blame in the accident. She had filled out four autographs to their relatives while the officers finished their report. Still Vanna felt entirely guilty for the whole incident. Her unquenched lust and wondering eyes had almost gotten an innocent kid killed. For the rest of the day, Vanna went about her chores of smiling for the cameras, turning letters and waving to the audience. Still, the thought of her mistake earlier that morning continued to haunt her. In fact, during lulls in the TV taping she stared at the letter board and saw things that weren't there. At times the board would say, "IT WAS YOUR FAULT" or I SAW HIS BEAUTIFUL BLACK COCK", and she would answer the puzzle to herself as if she was a contestant on the show. "Were on in 30!!" shouted a voice from the control room, effectively snapping her out of her lust-crazed daydream. She was very moist now standing in front of the cameras and live studio audience and hot swirls of energy seemed to whistle through her head. She bit her lip and tried as best as she could to finish the day. Deep down though, she knew what she had to do. Her guilty feelings and lustful curiosity had given her only one option and she knew she was going to take it. Immediately after work, Vanna phoned the hospital closest to where the accident occurred and asked if a young man named Daryl Peters had been admitted. When she finally heard "YES " as a reply to her question, it sent a tingling jolt of electricity down her spine. Walking out of the sticky late afternoon heat into the cool sanctuary of the hospital lobby, several visitors looked at Vanna as if they knew who she was, thankfully none tried to approach her, given the surroundings. Carrying a large bouquet of flowers and a get-well card, Vanna approached the large receptionists desk. "I'm looking for Daryl Peter's room please." Vanna asked. "Ahh, let's see. He's in room 204. Just go right to the elevator over there and go up one floor, it should be the fourth room on the right," politely answered the receptionist. With that Vanna headed to the elevator, part nervous schoolgirl, part horny desire driven slut, but totally believing this was the right thing to do. Wearing the same pink skirt and white blouse she had on earlier in the day, she knew she had made an impression on several doctors she shared the elevator ride with up to the second floor with. She could literally feel their gaze upon her and this only added to her sense of need, she was a beautiful famous woman who deserved to give herself all the finer things in life and subconsciously she knew that this was what her visit here was all about. After signing in at the second floor desk, Vanna took a deep breath, gathered herself and prepared to enter the young boy's room. The sterile hospital surroundings combined with the early evening silence allowed Vanna to hear and feel her heart pounding in her chest. She knocked on the door for room 204 with her lovely long fingers. "YEA. Come in", came the boy's deep familiar voice. Vanna opened the door slowly, smiled shyly and took a few steps into the room. "Do you remember me?", she asked meekly. Daryl sat up gingerly and genuinely looked surprised. "My Mom and Sis just left, I thought you were gonna be one of my homeboys. I could not believe it when the cops told me who you were. Damn! I almost got killed by the lady who turns the letters on TV." Vanna laughed from relief, glad the young man had a sense of humor about what had happened. She instantly felt better about coming. "I brought you these," she said as she sat the flowers and card down on the stand beside the young man's bed. She began," I just wanted to stop by and apologize and say how sorry I am. I feel it was all my fault, I guess I just wasn't looking..." Noticing how nervous she was, Daryl politely but assertively stopped her rambling and said," It's fine, I'm going to be fine. They are just keeping me for observation overnight to make sure I didn't get a concussion or anything. I'll be home in the morning!" "OHH, that's a relief ", Vanna sighed. There was an awkward silence between the two for a few moments. The young man was sitting up in his bed, shirt open revealing a bare chest of rippled muscle and his hands were folded in his lap covering a growing erection. Vanna contemplated turning and leaving, but the sex-starved voice in her head told her insistently that she had not gotten what she had come for yet. Making eye contact with the handsome young boy, Vanna eased down beside him on his bed and laid one of her stocking clad legs right next to his. He had seen this look in many girls' eyes over the years, usually right before he got ready to fuck them and here was a gorgeous rich white lady next to him on his bed with that same primal look in her eyes. Daryl also knew he was in a hospital room where anyone, whether it be a doctor, nurse, or another visitor could walk in at any time. He looked at the door then back at Vanna, but she was looking directly at his lap with a gleam in her dark brown eyes. One of her soft tender white manicured hands was slowly rubbing the top of Daryl's muscular forearm. " I want to do something special for you to show you just how sorry I am for putting you in here," she whispered to him. Daryl moved his arm down revealing a large bulge under the thin white hospital sheet. Daryl looked down at this amazing sight with anticipation and delight. Vanna dug her flawless red nails into the fabric of the sheet as well as the waistband of Daryl's boxers and with a greedy yank down allowed the young black kid's massive inflated cock to spring free, smacking Vanna hard in the cheek with a thud. Vanna took her right hand and placed it on his large throbbing dick and brazenly rubbed it down to its base. She wasted no time in going down on him, her hot saliva immediately coating his dick making it glisten as she licked and sucked it. Daryl looked down in ecstatic disbelief as Vanna White gave him a blowjob like a sex-crazed whore. Her hot mouth was all over his cock, while her hands skillfully and wantonly caressed his balls. The highly charged erotic contrast of her pretty white face all over his crotch turned Daryl on to no end, he knew he could not hold his load back for long. As Vanna slurped and drooled over the young Adonis’s impressive tool, Daryl realized his orgasm was quickly approaching. The thought of his cum dripping down the mouth and face of this famous TV star nearly made him delirious. But Daryl sensed something within her, something that he knew she needed and he decided he was going to give it to her. Vanna increased the speed and intensity of her sucking, desperately wanting to taste his rich young seed. She looked up and saw the young boy's face and the definite joy that was etched across it. She loved the feel of his strong hand holding her head and rubbing her brownish blond hair while she sucked him hard. Skillfully, Daryl eased his hand under Vanna's chin and pulled his now fully 10 inch cock from Vanna's hungry mouth. "What are you doing?" Vanna asked puzzled. "You came for this, I want to see what you can do with it", he said cockily waving his dick in front of her lust filled eyes. " I want to see if you can fuck as good as you look!" Even though she had come to taste his young cock, she knew that she wouldn't be totally satisfied without having him inside of her. In the end this is what she really wanted. The days, months and years of not being fully satisfied had built up and finally now she was on the verge of having those frustrations washed away. Like a she-bitch in heat she hiked her pink skirt up to her hips and ripped off her white panties exposing her well trimmed dark bush and white stocking clad thighs. Straddling her young black lover, she bent down over him and gave him a kiss and an order to fuck her cunt until he came deep inside her. Daryl loved the way her soft hand massaged his peck muscles and when he began teasing her pussy lips with the head of his cock, she instinctively dug her nails into his chest. He could literaly hear Vanna White beg, "Please put it in me , Please, now, Oh God I need it now." Finally, Daryl obliged and for Vanna it felt as if a missile had taken off inside her vaginal walls. She ground down against his crotch and squeezed her ass cheeks tight attempting to fit all of his sweet hard dick inside her and let a out long soft moan then gasped when he hit the back of her working pussy. Vanna could feel Daryl's strong legs underneath her vibrating every time she slammed down on his large pole, "OHH GODDD, OOOOH MMMY GAWDDD, " she began to shout. The sound of her lust driven voice as well as the beauty of her body proudly riding his big dick made Daryl want to savor this moment for the rest of is life. Every time she rose up, he could see Vanna's juices glistening brightly on his dark cock, only to have her slam back down on it again and again. Daryl knew he couldn't handle much more of this without cumming hard. Sensing he was getting close to empting his large balls deep within her, Vanna sped up her fucking motions. Her hips were now spinning like a paint mixer on his hard cock, her pussy muscles clenching his rod in a tight desperate grip. Vanna grabbed Daryl hands in an interlocking grip as she felt herself falling helplessly over the cliff of ecstasy. "YEEESSSS. OHHH YESSS GOD YEESSS, I'MMMMCUMMMINGGGGGG...." Vanna's head shot back and her nipples were now painfully obvious through the sheer silk of her blouse and bra. This was all Daryl could take and he began filling Vanna White pussy with shot after shot of his thick hot cum, each stream bringing a quiver to her sensitive cunt walls. As beads of sweat dripped off Vanna's forehead onto Daryl's chest, he could see the unmitigated joy he had given this rich, famous lady that had nearly killed him earlier in the day. As she eased unsteadily of his cock and off the hospital bed back onto the floor Daryl took satisfying note of how her legs shook while she tried to put herself back together again. Vanna picked up her white lacy panties from the floor, stuck them into Daryl's strong hand and closed it around them, bent down and shared a short parting kiss when the young man that had given her exactly what she had come looking for. With that she turned and walked out the door and fully satisfied and fulfilled woman.


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