Gay Erotic Stories

Strange Bedfellows Indeed: Part 4

by Stardog Champion
12 Oct 2000


Strange Bedfellows Indeed (Part 4) Hillary Clinton tweeked her nipples as she lay flat against her hotel bed, her short legs splayed limply to the side as she soaked in several post orgasmic aftershocks. As she flipped her erect nipples, bathed in the blue light coming off the TV in front of her, the siren like pounding in her head slowly subsided, allowing her to attempt some level of rational thought. For each of the over 20 years that Bill had been unfaithful to her, Hillary, although tempted, had never officially cheated on him. Although the thought had crossed her mind on a daily basis, she took extreme pride in the ability to keep to her marriage vows, even under severe duress. This case with Latrell was no different. She couldn’t deny that there was a mysterious, intense attraction to the young black athlete. But like all of her other temptations over the years, a good dose of self gratification and a good night’s sleep usually put those thoughts out of her head for another day. As she zapped the TV off and tried closing her eyes, a slow burn however, continued to persist between her legs. A good masturbation session usually quenched the fires for a while, but now, less than 30 minutes after having such a powerful orgasm, Hillary Clinton still felt a gnawing need still entrenched somewhere deep within her loins that still hadn’t been touched. “I’m not doing this!” she muttered to herself. “Unless...” another voice, this one deep within the reaches of her mind offered. Suddenly the name Scott Jacobson rolled off her lips in the dark. If she was going to cheat on her husband, a man like Scott Jacobson would not be the ideal candidate for Hillary. He was the head of the Secret Service team charged with protecting the first lady during her visit to New York and nothing about the rapidly graying, crude ex-marine did anything for the first lady sexually. But as Hillary fertilized the beginnings of an idea in her head, she knew Scott Jacobson would play a major role in making it work. The Secret Service was there to keep anyone from getting to the First Lady, but in the course of their duties, it also meant Hillary was basically a prisoner in their eyes, unable to get out and do anything on her own either. But Hillary knew something about her head agent that just might make her idea work. Jacobson had been at the White House for 7 years, ever since Bill had taken over, and had grown as close to the first family as someone in that position could. Hillary counted Jacobson’s wife Shelia a close friend and wondered openly how Shelia would react if Hillary told her that she had discovered Shelia’s loving asshole of a husband had consummated a brief but tawdry affair with a White House page less than a year earlier. Hillary smiled knowing that Scott Jacobson knew that Hillary knew. This provided carte blanche, Hillary reasoned, for at least one favor. The first lady shot upwards in bed, her lust guiding her as she set the wheels in motion, After a quick call to her round the clock secretary for an address check, Hillary went to the front door of the hotel room, throwing her heavy white robe over her nightgown and asked the late night guards posted outside the door if they would go get Mr. Jacobson, she had to ask him a question. “You want to do what?” Scott asked. “This is none of your business, this is my personal business! Will you do it!”? Hillary ordered rather than asked. “Oh, I don’t know Mrs. Clinton, this ahhh...”Scott said, trying to work through Hillary’s insistence. But as he looked into the First Lady’s eyes, he realized that she was willing to use her trump card and with a bitter surrender and a dull pain in the pit of his stomach, he conceded to Hillary’s request. “Get the car ready!” Hillary commanded as if she was on a mission. “I’ll be out in 15 minutes.” Shaking his head from side to side, Scott Jacobson finally turned slowly, tail between his legs, and walked out the door. He was happy his extra-marital affair would still be concealed, but he didn’t feel very good about a late night journey to an unspecified location in New York City. Meanwhile, Latrell Sprewell was spending another night in his 12th floor apartment, satisfying the longings of yet another lustful female fan. After the commotion had died down at Hillary’s speech at the Boys and Girls Club, Latrell had stayed there, hanging out with the youth of the city, shooting hoops and signing autographs. As he was preparing to leave, an 18-year-old freshman from St. John’s walked up and introduced herself. Latrell, being adequately impressed quickly offered the girl dinner and they both left. Within an hour, they were both back at Latrell’s place soaking up the sheets. The fiery 18 year old with long legs and an innocent looking mocha colored face with large brown eyes had instantly peaked Latrell’s attention and what a tight exquisite fuck she had been. After the two had gone at it for the better part of 2 hours, they both collapsed and took a long nap. After waking him up with a delicious blowjob, showing she was ready to go at it again, Latrell quickly tossed her long legs back so that her knees were beside her ears and forcefully entered her. He could not believe her endurance. She had told him that she was a member of St. John’s track team, and now Latrell was beginning to believe her. Most of the young beautiful model types he had bedded in his time in New York had been eager and OK fucks but had never been able to achieve this sort of staying power. As she writhed underneath him, Latrell savored her childlike expression of glee having her once in a lifetime opportunity to get fucked by a real celebrity. It was 5 minutes until 2a.m.when the grunts and groans from the bedroom were broken by the sound of the doorbell. As the young girl laid there, pleading Latrell to ignore the late night caller, Latrell pulled free from her pussy with a loud plop and cast her long legs to the side. Ignoring her desperate pleas, Latrell wrapped a white bath towel around his waist and went to see who was at the door. Peering through the peephole, Latrell tried putting a name to the vaguely familiar face standing alone outside in the brightly lit hallway. He undid the deadbolt and opened the door allowing the mysterious short older blonde into his apartment. Hillary had dressed rather quickly, throwing the same red knee length skirt on that she had worn earlier, with a white blouse and her matching red jacket. She hadn’t taken the time to put her hose on but slipped the same red high heels she had worn earlier in the day also. She did put on her bra and panties however, even though in the back of her mind she wondered if she’s even need them either. As Hillary looked at the black stud rising above her, covered in nothing but a layer of sweat and a bath towel around his waist, she got the feeling he wasn’t alone in the apartment. “Can I come in?” Hillary asked feebly. Latrell looked at the 52 year old married woman with surprised awe. Without saying a word, he took a step back and flung the door open, allowing Hillary to take a couple of tentative steps inside Latrell’s pad. Wondering if the secret service agents would also want in, Latrell asked if it was OK to close the door and Hillary nodded that it was. Scott Jacobson had driven Hillary all by himself to the apartment and had no clue who she was meeting, all he was concerned about was that Hillary was going to keep her promise to keep his affair a secret. The hulking basketball player looked down into the face of the first lady waiting for her to make a move. He knew from her eyes and her posture what she had come for. Why else would a married woman show up at his door at 2 o’ clock in the morning. He simply glared down at her like a tiger stalking it’s prey. Finally as Hillary began to speak, Latrell moved his soft right hand onto her waist and placed it firmly on her hip. “I ..ahh.. when we talked..” Hillary stuttered as Latrell slowly began rubbing her fleshy ass cheeks through the fabric of her expensive dress. “ the club earlier... this ..afternoon, well I... ahhh.. thought.. we could.. ahh...”Hillary continued as Latrell’s ass palming became rougher. “... discuss some... ahh.. ideas about helping the.. ahhh... underprivileged....”Hillary finally finished her weak attempt at making her visit seem like business. “I thought that your husband was the lier in the family” Latrell quietly countered, succiently. He then lifted his right hand off of her ass and with his left hand encircled them around Hillary’s neck, circling his thumbs softly along the front of her throat. Hillary looked up at Latrell towering over her, too nervous to make sustained eye contact for fear of showing the guilt of breaking her marriage vowels, compromising her political career and as a strong intelligent woman, the more basic primal feeling of surrender allowing her temptations and lustful urgings to conquer her rational will. Latrell softly kissed the first lady deeply on the lips, his massive dark lips crushing her willing pink ovals in an exquisite collision. When he felt Hillary collapse in his grasp, Latrell wasted little time in offering Hillary the opportunity to get exactly what she had came to his apartment for. “Get on the floor” Latrell said , pulling away from Hillary. Her eyes still were closed and the sensations of his lips on hers still resonated tangibly. She didn’t respond to his order at first so he said it again. “Right now and right here, get.. on.. your.. knees.. get.. on.. the.. floor” Latrell said slowly and deliberately. Hillary looked up at the 6’6” frame of muscles in front of her and saw the cold hard look of control in his eyes. Hillary thought about resisting but by coming over to his place at that late hour, she knew her feeble attempts at trying to be demur just wouldn’t cut it. She had offered herself up to him as a slut and now he was going to treat her as one. Hillary dropped to her knees slowly in front of him waiting for him to give her another command. She just knew he was going to make her take his towel off from his waist and she would finally get to see his virile dark manhood that rose quite noticeably beneath the towel. “You think I’m going to let you just suck my cock, just like that.? Your going to have to work a little for it Bitch, you’re going to have to earn it” Latrell mocked down at Hillary, cowering on her knees beneath him. He took at step back and said, “Now turn around and put your hands on the floor and just kneel there and let me get a good look at you for a couple of seconds.” Hillary was now blushing noticeably, her embarrassment of being ordered around so effectively only outweighed by the urgent need for what she knew he was equipped to give her. Slowly, Mrs. Clinton swiveled her body around on the rich, lush carpet and dropped to all fours, her rear end facing Latrell as he looked on approvingly from above. Latrell dropped the white towel hanging around his waist as Hillary knelt there, eyes closed and ass in the air ,like a bitch in heat. Latrell slowly began walking over to Hillary stroking his erect bulging cock in his hand as he took his place directly above her, each one of his legs straddling her quivering torso, deciding how he was going to use this woman who had submitted herself to him . Peering around the corner of the living room, the 18 year old black girl that Latrell had left needing more in bed ,stood looking on. She was transfixed on how this middle aged well dressed white woman who looked to be quite well put together, had come in and had quickly taken her place, still dressed, on all fours on the living room floor in front of the same man that had just fucked her for several hours. She watched in secrecy as Latrell approached the kneeling woman stroking his cock that still glistened from her own substantial juices. The young girl pinched and tugged at her erect nipples watching the perverse scene unfold wondering how HER stud for the night was going to use the vaguely familiar looking white woman waiting for him on all fours. Latrell stood over Hillary, helping her out of her red double breasted jacket one arm at a time before tossing it off to the side, leaving Hillary just in her white blouse and skirt kneeling on the floor. “Stick your hand between your legs and rub your pussy, you know you want to” Latrell ordered. Hillary hesitated for a moment until she finally decided that she really needed to bring some relief to her rapidly creaming vagina. She lifted her right hand off the carpet and let it slip slowly under the hem of her skirt, forcing more of her weight awkwardly onto her left hand as she tried holding herself steady. She steadily snaked her fingers up between her legs and Latrell could look down and see Hillary turn her wrist to get her hand under the elastic band of her panties. When she lurched underneath him slightly, Latrell knew that Hillary had hit her fleshy mark. Latrell looked over his shoulder, down at Hillary as most of her white sleeved forearm disappeared up under her red skirt between her spread thighs. He looked on with approval as he watched her hand make slow sporadic circles near her crotch as Hillary Clinton frigged herself on the floor between his arching legs. “You might want to steady yourself,” Latrell warned before reaching down over Hillary and taking a fistful of her blouse and one by one ripping the buttons off, making them fly sporadically across the large room. After the last button had been ripped off, Latrell took what was left of the lacy garment and pulled it off of Hillary’s body, leaving her between his legs in nothing but her bra and skirt. Hillary closed her eyes tight, letting the strong young black athlete strip her of her clothes and everything else. She could feel his strong fingers make easy work of her 4 bra hooks as he pushed the bra straps over her pale shoulders and let it fall to the floor beneath her. Hillary gasped as her heavy sagging breasts feel to the plush carpet below when their constraints were freed. As the carpet fibers tickled the erect nipples of her spherical white orbs Latrell moved in for the kill. Latrell looked down at Hillary’s pale white back, marveling at how lurid the scene was the way it contrasted to his dark muscular legs as they rose up above her. He bent down slightly with his fully erect cock in his hand and dropped it’s weight directly between Hillary’s naked shoulder blades and slowly began tracing it down her spine, causing her to jump and grind once she realized just what it was sliding down he back. Latrell slid his cock like a foot long black snake all the way down to the waistline of her skirt before lifting it back up and letting it come to rest directly in the small of Hillary’s pale white back. “Is this what kept you up all night, Is this what you came all the way over here hoping to get. Huh? “Latrell asked knowing the answer was yes. When Hillary shook her head from side to side acknowledging his inquiry, he was pleased that she would be woman enough to admit it. Now he was going to see if she would be woman enough to handle his cock buried deep in her cunt. Latrell reached around and fumbled with the snap of Hillary’s skirt until it finally came free. Taking her red skirt and white panties in two big handfuls, Latrell jerked them down to Hillary’s bent knees and then to the floor around her ankles, leaving her in nothing other than her red high heels. She caught the feeling of an intense shiver as the air around her mingled on her hot naked flesh. Latrell could see the distinct traces of Hillary’s arousal as it glistened on her inner thighs. He knew she was ready to fuck when he dipped two of his fingers into Hillary’s opened cunt and the interior muscles nearly sucked them in whole. He pulled his fingers free, coating his ready cock with those juices from Hillary’s pussy and knelt down over her, aiming his dick right at her steaming hair rimmed fissure. Once Latrell pushed his massive cock head inside Hillary’s cunt, he tortured her, making her wait as he teased her, jerking his cock with his hand all over he exterior of her pubic mound. Finally, out of nowhere he jabbed his thick black pole with a brutal thrust all the way into Hillary’s frothy pussy. “EEEEEEEEE...GODDDAMMMITTTT” Hillary cried as her arms gave out and she collapsed flat onto the floor, crushing her large breasts into the soft carpet below. Latrell never missed a beat however. He followed her down on the floor and guided his cock at just the right angle so that it would slam over and over again into Hillary’s most sensitive regions. Like an eager piston, once he had gotten a foothold in Hillary Clinton needy pussy, he rose up and down, plowing his rigid length rapidly into Hillary’s pulsating pussy with virile abandon. Hillary felt as if she was the shoreline absorbing the pounding surf during a hurricane as Latrell relentless slammed his manhood in and out of her. Never in her life had she been so desperate to fuck and never in her life had she ever had it done with such brutal effiency as this black stud was giving it to her now. OHHHHH DEAR GODDDDDD ..UMMMPHH...UMMMPPPHHH.. OOHHHH SHITTTTTTTTTTTT” Hillary cried into plush carpet around her face. Latrell reached down and took her short blonde hair in his hand and squeezed her hair tight as he rode her relentlessly, his cock a dark blur in and out of her pink bubbling quim. Burying his full length to the hilt in Hillary’s vagina, Latrell took his left hand and played with Hillary’s asshole as he brought her to orgasm. “I’MMM CUMMMIGGGGGGG... DAMMITTT ..DON’TTTT STOPPPP! LET ME CUMMMMMMM ON THAT GLORIOUS BLACK COCK PLEASE DON’T STOPPPPP” Hillary cooed in a mix of sobs and screams, her body spasming in helpless fits and stops beneath Latrell’s weight. Latrell was relentless. He didn’t let Hillary’s explosive display stop him from pounding her pussy in any way as he was determined to get a nut of his own. “SHEEEZZZ. AHHH.AHHH YEAH BITCH. YOU GOT WHAT YOU WANT AND NOW I’M GONNA FILL THAT SWEET FUCKIN’ WHITE CUNT OF YOURS UP WITH MY FUCKIN’ LOADDDD.. YESSS..YESSSSS .UMMM......YESSS” Latrell screamed as his head arched back and he spewed what was left in his balls into Hillary’s sucking womb. As the first lady of the United States lay in a heap beneath him, Latrell lifted himself off of her and pulled his cock free with a moist plop. The goo from his cock head stuck to Hillary’s vaginal lips as he pulled away, before finally breaking off after he had pulled over a foot off of her. When he turned around regaining his bearings in his living room, he saw the young forgotten black girl standing in the hall with one hand on her small firm breasts and the other covered in her own pussy cum from watching what had just unfolded. “You want some of this?” he asked. The young black girl made her way into the living room to get a closer look at the helpless middle-aged white woman savoring the afterglow, exhausted from Latrell had just put her through, the same way he had relentlessly fucked her over earlier in the night. The young girl bent down to Latrell’s semi erect dangling cock and licked it clean with her eager tongue. Once that was done, she turned her attention to the white lady on the floor, face down in the center of the living room. Placing her face directly between the steaming fissure between Hillary Clinton’s thighs, the innocent looking black girl licked her tongue eagerly over the pink sensitive folds of Hillary’s cunt, savoring both Latrell’s rich creamy ejaculate as well as Hillary’s copious juices. The First Lady looked up with her exhausted eyes to see the head of a young black girl repeatedly sink deep between her own loins and Hillary could feel the girl’s tongue, seemingly a foot long and 200 degrees slither over her freshly fucked pussy. After the girl had covered her face with Hillary’s honey pot, her and Latrell retreated back to the bedroom for another passionate go around, leaving Hillary on the floor trying to catch her breath. “You can let yourself out if you want” Latrell told Hillary as he walked arm and arm with the 18-year-old track star back to his bedroom. “Or you can come with us if you want” The girl offered. "Bitch kind of looks like Hillary Clinton a little, doesn't she?" the St. John’s freshman laughed into Latrell’s ear as they walked back down the hall. He simply smiled and went back to his room with the long legged black beauty on his arm while Hillary Clinton crawled nakedly across the living room floor following the pair. Thanks for reading!!


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