Gay Erotic Stories

Celebrity Pickup Game #1- Lucy Liu

by Stardog Champion
03 Oct 2000

Celebrity Fantasy

Celebrity Pickup Game #1 Lucy Liu By Stardog Champion Trying her best to stomach a $5 box of stale, barely buttered popcorn, Lucy Liu watched from her seat in section 104, courtside at Los Angeles’s new basketball arena, The Staples Center. One of the perks she had treated herself to following her success on Ally McBeal and the subsequent movie roles, including a starring role in the upcoming remake of Charlie’s Angels, was season tickets to all the Lakers’ home games. She had always been an energetic sports enthusiast and was miniacal about staying in shape, so she had always loved the pace and athleticism that basketball offered. As much as she went to the games to see the game itself however, living in LA offered the bonus opportunity to spend hour after hour of celebrity watching. She looked through the crowd with child like admiration at all the stars surrounding her. Even though she was a star now herself and many fans stared at her, Lucy couldn’t help but study people like Nicholson, Whoopi and Speilberg scattered throughout the crowd as they watched the game with her. Looking up at the scoreboard, seeing that the Lakers were up by 20 over the Nuggets with 6 minutes left, Lucy decided to ease up a couple of rows to try and strike up a conversation with a middle aged blonde that had reserved seats directly in front of her. One of the idiosyncrasies of Los Angeles crowds was that they arrived late and frequently left early. With this night’s game well in hand, Lucy decided to sneak up a few rows, stepping over the seats in her skin tight black slacks and introduce herself to the 40ish beauty she had many times recognized on TV attending Lakers games. Her name was Dyan Cannon. Awkwardly stepping over each of the seats, Lucy finally reached the same aisle that Dyan was sitting. “Hi,” Lucy said, startling the mature, pretty blonde. “ scared me...hello to’re that girl from Ally McBeal...Ling....right?” Dyan replied, slowing regaining her breath. Dyan quickly extended her hand and the two women shared typical “LA handshake” of mutual stardom. “Lucy...Lucy Liu, pleased to meet you Ms. Cannon,” Lucy smiled back. “Oh dear God.. you knew my name. I’m surprised anybody as young as you remembers me..,”Dyan replied gleefully over the light din of the crowd. “Oh yeah, my brother used to have posters of you all over his room, and of course I have always saw you courtside back when the team played at the Forum. I’ve got season tickets right here behind you,” Lucy said pleasantly. The two women continued to talk for the remaining 5 minutes of the ballgame. As the final buzzer sounded and the remaining fans began filtering up the steps to leave, Dyan told Lucy that she had a dinner date to meet at 10:30. “I’d love to stay and chat...I love your show Lucy...we have to get together sometime for lunch. I’d really love to get together and hear all the dirt about what goes on behind the scenes at the show,” Dyan flattered as she left. As Lucy prepared to say goodbye when suddenly Dyan yelled towards the court. “Hey Kobe,” Dyan screamed so that all the players turned to look. Kobe looked up into the crowd and smiled at his blonde admirer. “Hey Dyan, you coming by later?” “Can’t make it tonight sweetie...already have a date...we’ll do it again sometime,” Dyan said reassuringly. Kobe waved and smiled as he left the court, victorious with his team. “You really know him?” Lucy asked , looking a little more than surprised. “Oh Yeah,”Dyan replied.”As big as LA is, the social circle here is still pretty small. We are always bumping into each other. Sometimes some of the movers and shakers hang out with a few of the guys in the players’ lounge outside the locker room... no big deal. I’d love to stay and chat Lucy... but this guy I’m meeting tonight for dinner is doing a movie and I’m trying to weasel my way in... But we’ll get together...OK.” “I look forward to it,” Lucy gleamed, watching her new middle-aged friend ascend the stairs and leave. “Players lounge, huh,”Lucy thought to herself. I guess since I’m a star now they might even let me in.” Even though she had to be on the Ally McBeal set at 7am sharp, looking at her watch seeing that it still was only 9:30 in the evening, Lucy figured a few minutes of mingling and carousing wouldn’t hurt. Bouncing down the half dozen or so steps onto the large hardwood court, Lucy strolled past an elderly, smiling security guard posted on the floor. Rather than stopping her and questioning her, he simply tipped his cap and watched as the Asian beauty wearing a pair of skin tight black slacks, heels and a light blue tank top gracefully walked by. As she made her way by the gauntlet of yellow jacketed security, many of whom had stopped autograph seeking kids and female groupies, Lucy was amazed she was able to quietly walk through without incident as she made her way to the backstage area of the arena. Reaching the inner sanctum of the coliseum, Lucy tried her best to blend in with the “in” crowd milling about the hallways in the bowels of the Staples Center. Somehow, Lucy felt she had been transported through some kind of dimensional portal. One moment she had been in a cavernous basketball arena and the next she was surrounded by movie stars, entertainers, wanna be hangers’ on, a ton of agents on their cell phones, and plenty of free food and wine in a cramped lounge. Lucy gladly took a glass of pink champagne from one of the male servers and continued to mingle. About 20 minutes later, several of the players began to emerge from the adjoining locker room and worked their way through the assembled crowd. Lucy recognized many of the players from watching them on TV and even made brief eye contact with coach Phil Jackson as he passed by on the way out of the arena to head for home. The music in the background picked up as well as the players gradually worked there way around the room. Lucy found herself swaying slightly to the bass rhythms as she laughed and caroused with a few strangers. As she continued to dance in place, suddenly a hand reached and with a heavy but gentle tug, pulled her around by the shoulder. The lovely Asian actress turned to see who was trying to get her attention, only to look up and see nothing but the buttons of an expensive shirt right in front of her face. Swallowing the sip of champagne in her mouth with a quick gulp, slowly Lucy lifted her almond colored eyes up to see the gigantic frame of Shaquille O’Neil looking down on her. “Oh.... I’m sorry lady. I thought you were someone else,” Shaq said as the lithe Asian beauty turned to face him. “Who did you think I was?” Lucy jokingly asked. “Ohhh...I thought you were that Asian chick...ahh...I mean lady... from that Ally McBeal show,” Shaq replied. “You mean Lucy Liu?” Lucy asked innocently. “Yeah... that sounds right,” Shaq answered. “Well keep looking.... she might be here somewhere. By the way, have you seen Mr. O’Neil?” Lucy gleamed playfully. Shaq looked down at the girl facing him smiling and was frozen in stunned silence for a couple of seconds. “Wait a minute,” he finally said “I’m Mr. O’Neil.” “That’s right, you are and I’m Lucy.... Lucy Liu, pleased to meet you,” she said extending her small, dainty hand up to him. Shaq took Lucy’s demure hand into his large, massive grip and squeezed it gently. Instantly, Lucy felt an incredible rush of power course up her arm and vibrate against the nerves in her spine. Looking on as Shaq’s baseball mit sized hand encompassed hers, it looked to Lucy as if her entire hand had momentarily disappeared. “I’ve never seen you at any of these post game parties before...” Shaq said as he continued embracing Lucy’s thin soft right hand. “I just got my season tickets last week… this is only the second game I’ve been to.” Lucy replied, feeling more than a jolt of excitement in shaking the muscular stud’s hand. “I ran into Dyan. Dyan Cannon during the game and she asked if I wanted to come down,” Lucy continued. “Ahhh.....Dyan…,” Shaq smiled with a brief twinkle in his eye. The gleam in the athlete’s eye spoke of some appreciation for Ms. Cannon much deeper than he was verbally letting on, but rather than saying anything about the middle aged blond sultress, he simply asked Lucy, “Wanna dance?” The thought of getting onto a dance floor in the 3-inch spike heels she was wearing was the closest thing to torture Lucy could think of. But just as she prepared to turn down the imposing basketball player’s friendly invitation, a slow song began to play. “Listen...its a slow groove Lucy...let’s go,” Shaq urged. Before she knew what had hit her, Shaq had grabbed her by the arm softly and in a matter of seconds she was on the small cramped dance floor, pressed obscenely close to the insistent athlete. Lucy felt sort of like a small child dancing with an adult, the size disparity was so great between the two. Shaq was nearly 7 foot 2 and weighed well over 300 pounds. Lucy was barely 5 foot 6 and weighed 120 only if she had eaten a big dinner. As Shaq embraced her, she could feel the majestic power of his arms as he held her tightly against his barrel like chest. Lucy found herself grinding her head and chest into Shaq’s expensive colorful outfit, pressing herself tightly against him as a child would once it had found a comfortable sanctuary. Taking a deep breath, trying to quell her lustful angst, Lucy ‘s senses were filled by Shaq’s masculine scent and imposing presence. Laying the side of her head seductively against the towering player’s rock hard abdomen, she continued to playfully sway to the soft steady beat of the jazz music that played on and on around her. Looking down over the Asian beauty clinging to him below, Shaq finally gave into temptation and raised one of his large meaty hands and gently laid it down onto the top of Lucy’s head. He then proceeded to pet her long jet-black hair lovingly in a series of long, sensuous brush strokes. As he felt Lucy’s body weight melt against his unrelenting frame, he dropped his free hand down to his side and wedged it between their two bodies, taking her free hand in his and closing his grip around it tightly. With Lucy’s hand held securely in his, Shaq gradually lowered it between their two straining bodies until it reached the center of Shaq’s muscular thigh. As Shaq pressed Lucy’s touch against him, she instantly felt like she had placed her hand on a boulder. Even though the pants Shaq was wearing were smooth and velvety, the brute raw power of years worth of work in weight rooms coursed through her tiny fingers as she touched him. Feeling the heat and lurid intensity flowing through Shaq’s body, Lucy lustfully dug her fingers into the black stud’s groin. Feeling Lucy’s hand explore his aroused private regions, he carefully bent down and whispered into the actresses ear before kissing her lightly on the neck. “Do you like how that feels?” Shaq gently asked. “Yesssss,” Lucy gasped slightly in return. “Then try this,” Shaq added as he lifted Lucy’s hand from the rock solid firmness of his thigh, until it grazed against the unmistakable throbbing in the center of Shaquille O’Neil’s crotch. “Ohhh..mmmyyy...Goodddd..”Lucy groaned as the heat of Shaq’s growing manhood radiated out of his expensive trousers and into the small weightless grip of Lucy’s dainty hand. “Dear Jesus..” Lucy cried softly as she pressed against Shaq even tighter. Forgetting she was in a crowded room with dozens of other people moving and watching around her, Lucy Liu brazenly slammed her full weight against the brick wall-like presence of the imposing stud controlling her. “Do you want it Lucy, huh?” Shaq whispered insistently. “We have a few private suites down the hall where we could get a little nasty if you want.” Lucy was silent for a moment as she gathered her breath before finally answering. “Yesss...ahh..ahh. And hurry up!” With that, Shaq led Lucy away, out of the main party area to one of the adjoining rooms, the same way he had done with a few other celebrities and many groupies during his four years in Los Angeles. As he led the sultry brunette towards the private room, he followed close behind, measuring her up and contemplating how he was going to go about sexually ravaging the catty TV star. As Shaq pushed open the door to one of the private suites with one hand, he placed his other flush against the rear of Lucy’s tight midnight black pants. Shaq’s hand, which made a basketball look more like a tennis ball in his grip, covered most of Lucy’s firm hips as he powerfully guided her into the empty room. Once in, Shaq quickly closed the door behind him and as soon as Lucy heard it slam shut, she rocked backwards against the imposing stud trailing her, with all her might, imploring the massive athlete to grab her body and squeeze it even harder. Lucy was amazed that one human hand could cover so much space and grip her with such shear force. Grinding her hips backwards against Shaq’s crotch, Lucy proceeded to bend forward slightly, much the same way a center in football would bend over in front of a quarterback, and pressed the back of her thighs and her heart shaped ass snugly against O’Neil’s legs as he towered above her like an imposing Redwood. Shaq massaged Lucy’s sweet asscheeks for several moments, enjoying just how eager the Asian temptress behaved under his powerful touch. Using his other hand to grab a handful of Lucy’s jet-black long hair, Shaq took it and rolled it between his meaty fingers. Once he had a firm grip of her hair, Shaq pulled Lucy back up towards him. As Lucy’s back slammed once again against Shaq’s solid frame, Shaq bent forward slightly and planted a soft kiss directly on top of Lucy’s swimming head. As the hulking athlete ground his rough lips into the depths of Lucy’s soft angelic hair, he inhaled the essence of her fresh smelling tropical conditioner. Feeling Lucy’s warm body vibrate with anticipation in his controlling grasp, Shaq realized the girl that played Ling on Ally McBeal was going to allow him the opportunity to use her long, lithe lovely body as his personal post game spread. With her back pressed tightly against Shaq’s rock hard abdomen and her eyes closed, Lucy was totally unaware that the aroused stud behind her was in the process of lifting his hands up into the air and was guiding them down across her chest. Sensing the shadow of his arms descend in front of her face, Lucy opened her eyes just in time to see the seven footer open the palms of his massive black hands and caress them firmly against her small supple breasts until the entire mass of her 34B titties were hidden in an all encompassing grasp. Lucy nearly fainted, feeling the giant’s strength as he massaged her tits through the dainty fabric of her light blue tank top. “Real nice,” He whispered huskily down to Lucy as he kneaded her breasts like raw dough through her shirt. Lucy urgently strained backwards against Shaq behind her, feeling the sausage like growth of his erect cock radiating heat and pushing out against her through the friction of their pants rubbing together. With a great deal of ease, Shaq removed the slinky fabric of Lucy’s shirt, taking it into two small balls in his hands and effortlessly lifted it up over her chest, then finally over her head and then dropped it harmlessly to the floor below. As she lifted her toned arms up over her head to allow Shaq to begin stripping her, she could feel tingles and spasms work their way up and down her spine like random darts scattered through out her trembling body. After he dropped Lucy’s tank top to the floor, Shaq returned both hands back onto Lucy’s quivering body, back down directly onto Lucy’s chest, which was now only covered by a skimpy black Frederick’s of Hollywood bra. With his thumbs and index fingers Shaq slowly traced the area around Lucy’s areola and nipples through the lacy black mesh of her bra until the buds of her nipples grew like marbles between the powerful fingers manipulating them. Shaq then tweaked both Lucy’s nipples before pulling on them like a pinball player would sending a new ball up into the table causing the Asian actress to gasp loudly...”Ohhh Goddd...I’ve never...ever... been touched by anyone your size...but dear sweet Jesus. You fuckin’ black stud...don’t be gentle with me...ahhhhh....give meee...the best!” Shaq simply smiled down at Lucy’s plea without saying a word. He steadily continued going about his business. Taking the snap of Lucy’s slinky bra, he deftly undid the snap despite the fact his meaty fingers had trouble with such a small hook. Deliberately pushing the attachments of the bra apart, Shaq sighed with approval looking down over Lucy’s bare chest as he dropped the dark lacy garment to the floor beside her already removed shirt. Placing his strong hands on each side of Lucy’s waist, the towering center swirled Lucy around effortlessly bringing her face to face with his massive chest. Bending over, Shaq opened his mouth wide, taking the entirety of Lucy’s taunt breasts, one at a time, into his hungry mouth. Writhing hypnotically, on the verge of passing out, Lucy mashed her red lips desperately against Shaq’s bald and smooth head as it rested against her chest and began kissing his scalp madly as the eager athlete continued using her body for his own luscious pleasure. With Shaq’s head buried in her chest, Lucy clumsily tried reaching for the zipper of his pants, fumbling with the fly trying to get it open. Sensing what she was trying to do, Shaq suddenly lifted up and faced Lucy. “It’s not going to fit through there. Undo my belt and drop the whole package Lucy...then you can take it out...its just to big to fit through that hole honey,” Shaq said in all seriousness. Rubbing her palm wantonly against the throbbing mass just inside the fabric of Shaq’s expensive trousers, the reality of the physics equation that the basketball player had just laid out began to sink in for Lucy. Realizing that Shaq was getting ready to help her lower his pants, Lucy quickly lifted her shaking hand up to the snap of Shaq’s slacks and brutally pulled them down over his waist like an eager child ripping open Christmas wrapping. As Lucy tore Shaq’s pants down to his knees, the ridge rising inside his tight bikini briefs was nothing short of obscene. A small dibble of saliva dripped out from between Lucy’s full red lips and down onto her chin as she took in the sight in front of her. Lifting her hand up and placing it in the waistband of Shaq’s briefs, like a tentative Private trying to disable a bomb, she slowly worked Shaquille’s underwear over the massive spear that was causing the tight fabric to jut out majestically. The air seemed to go out of Lucy’s body momentarily as her gaze widened and her body movements stopped, staring at the 10 inch curved girth of Shaq’s cock as it dangled in front of her shocked face like an angry animal, freed from its constraints. As she tried regaining her breath, Lucy watched as the cock continued to grow, rising like a weapon between his muscle bound legs. With his crotch almost at Lucy’s chest level, she only had to bend slightly to get a closer look. Staring at it with her eyes still agape, Lucy gently took the massive member in her small tan hand and lovingly rubbed its weight against her smooth cheeks and lips. Shaq reached down and grabbed his dick by its base and laid it’s nearly foot long length, with a width the size of a soda can, across Lucy’s chin all the way up until his cock head rested neatly in Lucy’s dark mane of hair. As Lucy breathed in Shaq’s masculine scent of virility, she couldn’t wait to get as much of his black cock into her drooling mouth as she could stuff in. Feeling the heaviness of Shaq’s balls as they rested on her chin and the shaft of his cock across the rest of her sleek face caused Lucy’s knees to buckle with lust. Spreading her knees into the plush carpet below, Lucy took her position, kneeling in front of the statuesque sports icon who stood above her in a cocksure, daunting pose. Shaq simply put his hands on his large waist and looked down as Lucy Liu tried her best to accommodate what she could of his massive erection in her tiny mouth. “Yeeesss...” Shaq hissed down as Lucy’s small quick tongue darted across his veiny manhood. Lucy hurriedly breathed through her flared nostrils as she filled her mouth with all the cockflesh she could possibly fit in. As her knees ground into the expensive carpet below, she opened her sultry eyes and looked up at the giant man standing above her. Her eyes latched on to his and they both shared a long unabashed stare of mutual anticipation and arousal. Grabbing Shaq’s cock with both hands, Lucy held it like a microphone tightly as she continued depositing her sticky saliva over every inch of the throbbing jock that was consuming her. Shaq playfully brushed the actresses long silky hair with his hands as his hips steadily began to rotate in lurid circles, jabbing his dick in and out of Lucy’s mouth, watching as the liquid traces of Lucy’s handiwork coated his glistening ebony penis. “I want to fuck you,” Shaq ordered.” I want to fuck that sweet Asian pussy of yours, get up.” Guiding Lucy’s face of his spit-soaked cock, leaving it hanging there like an extra appendage covered with the moist remnants of Lucy’s mouth, Shaq lifted the petite actress by placing his hands behind her and then raised her weightlessly into the air. Shaq gently carried her over to where a sofa rested in the center of the room and sat her down on the floor directly behind it. Taking Lucy by the shoulders, Shaq spun her heaving, tingling body around so that Lucy once again had her now naked back facing him. Running one of his rough hands directly down the smoothes of Lucy’s spine, he used his free hand and placed it against the back of Lucy’s neck pushing her down wantonly so that the Asian Goddess’s chest and belly were draped across the back cushions of the sofa. Looking down at Lucy bent over in front of him, her ass naughtily displayed for him, Shaq quickly eased his probing fingers around Lucy’s front and dug at the button snap of her tight black slacks. Shaq could feel a low gasp of relief and expectation escape Lucy’s lungs as he undid her pants and then slowly pulling them down, first off her waist, over her slim hips and then down the lithesome toned thighs. Helplessly bent over the back of the couch, Lucy’s rear end was raised into the air in front of Shaq, signaling she was ready to surrender every crevasse of her body to the powerful jock’s advances. He slipped his middle finger into the thong strap of Lucy’s black bikini panties and then eased his digit up and down, teasing the sensitive exposed entrance to Lucy’s anus. “Beautiful booty you got there honey,” Shaq complimented. “You like it,” Lucy lashed back eagerly, “Then fuck it!” “I just might do that, “Shaq answered,” But first I want a crack of that sweet pink pussy of yours!” Pulling his cock up into his meaty hand, Saq powerfully eased forward and pressed his insistent bulk against Lucy’s soft frame bent over invitingly in front of him. “Are you ready?” Shaq asked. “UMMMPPPPHH...UMMMMHHUUMM,” Lucy agreed, her face buried into the cushions of the couch below. “Better be,” Shaq said, ready to pounce. With a couple of fingers from his right hand still intertwined around the slim thong of Lucy’s panties, Shaq slid his left hand up onto Lucy’s tight ass, and with both hands he powerfully ripped the thong apart with a quick resounding tug. Now with her pants down below her knees, Lucy shivered as she continued dangling over the rear of the sofa, knowing exactly what was coming next. With the elastic band of her panties still around her waist, the thong strip covering the crack of her ass and the triangle of fabric that covered her vulva both hung in two loose shreds, a result of the crude way the basketball star had stripped her. A moment later, Lucy felt Shaq’s rough fingers spin and swirl over the soft angelic whisps of her small, trimmed patch of pubic fur. Shaq quickly then brushed his fingers across the electrically charged nub of Lucy’s clitoris before submerging his fingers into the honey pool of bubbling nectar that was Lucy’s cunt. Shaq spread apart Lucy’s tethered, bubble gum pink vaginal lips as he guided his warm steel-like directly at it’s intended target, savoring the contrast of his thick, dark phallus against Lucy’s pink femininity. Arching his legs wide apart, Shaq proceeded to lunge forward and buried the tip of his manhood in Lucy’s splayed body. As his cockhead snuck between the flowering folds of Lucy’s pussy, Shaq took a slow deep breath, gathering himself, before pushing the full weight of his being inside the beautiful TV star. Slowly pushing his over 300 lbs. of bulk forward, Shaq slid his throbbing piece up through the slippery and clingy walls of the Asian goddess’s cunt. “GA....GA...GGGAAWWDDD...DDAAAMMNNN..,” Lucy cried joyously into the cushions below, being filled so roughly and completely from behind. Lucy’s feet were the only part of her still touching the ground, but as Shaq pushed forward, her ankles shot upwards from the shear force of being entered so harshly, leaving only her toes and the tips of her three inch heels touching the carpet below. Lucy also stretched her arms out like wings on an airline , grabbing the apex of the sofa to each side of her in an attempt to balance herself, sensing the carnal release of energy that was forthcoming. As Lucy’s calf muscles tensed, Shaq pushed his full erection forward with a crude pelvic thrust, completely embedding his seething cock deeply into Lucy Liu’s frothy womb. The Ally McBeal star was far from the first celeb Shaq and his teammates had bagged during his time in LA, but he was hard pressed to think of any that were as eager and ready for his virile onslaught as the Asian girl that was pressed between his weight and the soft couch below was at that moment. With a series of long slow and deep thrusts into Lucy’s pussy to loosen her up, finally his rigid black dick felt snug and flexible enough inside Lucy so that he could begin drilling her in earnest. Having been so busy with her TV show, Lucy had sorely neglected her social contacts during the recent past and had not had a real cock, much less one so endowed and eager in her snatch in over two months. With only her fingers and vibrating toys to help her fall asleep at night, Lucy quickly realized she wouldn’t be able to hold back her glorious release for very long, especially when Shaq powerful fuck motions began to hit overdrive. Once the athlete’s rapid, deep thrusting pace began, every area of Lucy’s body started to jerk and twitch in spasmic fits of involuntary approval. With all her blood rushing to her head, bent over the back of the sofa, a dizzying swirl of arousal swept through every tingling fiber of Lucy’s existence. She felt like such a whore for the stud’s crude advances and as she closed her eyes and pictured what she would look like from afar; naked, bent over a sofa with her black slacks pulled down past her knees and her slinky panties ripped apart, getting pounded by a well over 7 foot basketball player in a small private room after a game, Lucy feel hot chills pulse all over and through her sexy body. “MMMMMMM... FUUUU.. FFFUUUUU... GOONNNAAAA... CUUUU.. CCCCUUUU... MMMMM... GGGOOONNNAAAAA... CCCCUUUMMMM.. AHHHHHAAAAAHHHHH... AAAAHHHHHHHHH,” Lucy screamed, her shrieks thankfully muffled by the sofa cushions she had jammed into her mouth to keep from scaring the partygoers assembled outside. As the Asian goddess bucked wildly underneath him, cumming harder than anyone had ever done under his brutal assaults, Shaq shot is massive bald head backwards and tensed his towering frame, preparing to unleash his orgasm as well. Not wanting to take a chance of impregnating Lucy, as well as also rather enjoying the look of his load covering the body of his partners, Shaq pulled his cock free from Lucy soupy grip like he was pulling Excalibur from a stone and jacked it off with several quick priming motions before his cum spewed like white lazors across Lucy’s soft, coffee and cream colored back. The first stream landed just below Lucy’s hairline and the second and third dribbled down over the concave area of her spine, dripping down the canal of her back which was still dangling over the back of the sofa. The last few releases of semen fell like large round white bubbles across Lucy’s quivering ass as Shaq milked every bit of juice out of his snake. ----------------------------------------------------------- With her pants rebuttoned and her tank top back on, Lucy slowly and methodically left the room , her whole body drained from the workout it had just received. With Shaq following her close behind as they left the room, Lucy paid no attention to the fact that her nipples were solid spheres poking out through her thin blue shirt. She had let Shaq keep her bra as a momento of the brief encounter. As she tried her best to resume mingling with the assembled crowd, Lucy looked up at the large Lakers schedule posted on the wall and thought pleasant thoughts seeing that there were still 32 home dates left before the playoffs. THE END Thanks for reading!!


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Liberties Taken on Copperhead Road by Stardog Champion ©© Sheriff Benjermin Deane Petitte sat patiently in his squad car outside the rundown trailer that belonged to Debby Sanchez. It was a quarter till 2 in the morning, and Sheriff Petitte was certain Debby had already gone to bed, the entire trailer was awash in darkness. He continued to sit there however in his squad car,

Living in Sin

Living in Sin by Stardog Champion ©© For the past 5 years Katie and I have been dating on and off. We met during our senior year of high school and after a failed attempt at college on each of our parts, we both kind of settled into each other, trying to latch onto some semblance normalcy in our early 20's Gen X malaise. By the time we had each hit 23, Katie and I were both

Living In Sin

LIVING IN SIN By Stardog Champion For the past 5 years Katie and I have been dating on and off. We met during our senior year of high school and after a failed attempt at college on each of our parts, we both kind of settled into each other, trying to latch onto some semblance normalcy in our early 20’s Gen X malaise. By the time we had each hit 23, Katie and I

School's Out

“So Ms. Casey, it seems all your paperwork is in order. I don’t see any reason why you can’t start first thing Monday morning,” the silver haired principal said while he halfheartedly thumbed through the resume in front of him. “Please Mr. Burkett,” the young well dressed woman nervously added, trying to contain her excitement,” Call me Kathy.” “Oh, don’t worry about that Katherine,

Strange Bedfellows Indeed: Part 1

Strange Bedfellows Indeed PART 1 Chapter 1 Struggling once again with insomnia, as a large volume of the “History of New York State” rested heavily on her lap, Hillary sat up in bed doing research. At 2:44 a.m., in actuality, Hillary was trying to find the dullest thing she could that would perhaps help her fall asleep. She had unfortunately built up a tolerance to the

Strange Bedfellows Indeed: Part 2

Strange Bedfellows Indeed Part 2 As Hillary Clinton rushed through her day, from staff meetings, to photo-ops with world leaders, and three separate meetings with her senatorial planning committee in the White House, 200 miles away, in a luxurious 14th floor apartment in Upper Manhattan, Latrell Sprewell was taking a more leisurely approach to the day. For the third time since he

Strange Bedfellows Indeed: Part 3

Part 3 “The freakin’ first lady... what the hell does she want with me?” Latrell whispered to himself as he sat in front of the glowing computer screen. He thought about the strange offer for a few moments then typed in the simple reply, “Sure” without really knowing why, to his agent, then resumed checking his other accumulated mail. As he sat there, Latrell realized an entire

Strange Bedfellows Indeed: Part 4

Strange Bedfellows Indeed (Part 4) Hillary Clinton tweeked her nipples as she lay flat against her hotel bed, her short legs splayed limply to the side as she soaked in several post orgasmic aftershocks. As she flipped her erect nipples, bathed in the blue light coming off the TV in front of her, the siren like pounding in her head slowly subsided, allowing her to attempt some

The Tape in the Top Drawer: Part II

The Tape in the Top Drawer: Pt. II by Stardog Champion © ...I started to rub my dick even harder as my eyes did a double take seeing who it was, flat on her back, in the center of the noisy group of men. It was Amanda, the tall natural blonde that I had jacked myself off to while she was throwing herself around the sandy volleyball court. Amanda was spread out on the

The Tape in the Top Drawer: Part. I

The Tape in the Top Drawer: Pt. I by Stardog Champion © Like any Father seeing his only Daughter off to college, I was full of a mix of overwhelming pride for how well she had done to get accepted to the University of Florida with a partial band scholarship. At the same time, there was also a real sadness for me because I knew how empty the house was going to feel while she was

There Goes The Neighborhood

THERE GOES THE NEIGHBORHOOD BY Stardog Champion “So here are your two sets of keys, rent is due by the 5th of every month and you have my business card with my phone number if there are any questions,” the fatherly looking landlord said in his most friendly voice to his two newest tenants. “I hope you enjoy your apartment.” “Yeah, I got a question,” a scrufy

What Goes Around ... Part 2

What Goes Around.......Part 2 Stardog Champion As surreal as it felt having two complete strangers sitting to each side of her, fondling and groping at her breasts, thighs and vagina, Sara Rutledge was still able to detach herself from the overwhelming physical sensations and focus more on the pathetic state her husband Len was in. As Marcus continued squeezing

What Goes Around... Part 1

What Goes Around......... Part 1 Stardog Champion At 47 years of age, Len Rutledge had carved out quite a nice life for himself. If anyone was, he was a prime example of the American Dream. Growing up in the blue-collar, bucolic Midwest, Len went to Vietnam when duty called and then proceeded to serve his country in the Army for the next 30 years. With Sara, his

Wrong Place, Right Time: Part 1

Part 1 The six lanes of downtown traffic surrounding Beverly Morgan grew steadily into an overwhelming foggy haze. Barhopping downtown Detroit at 1 a.m. had made her wax nostalgic back to her carefree and downright rebellious days as a teenager growing up in Little Rock. As she tightly squeezed the steering wheel in front of her however, Bev realized those days of hardcore partying

Wrong Place, Right Time: Part 2

PART 2 Hearing the shower roar to life from the bathroom, it reminded LJ of something rather important he had to do. “Damn, man, I got to take a piss really bad!” he said to Jo Jo. “I saw a row of bathrooms on the way up,” Jo Jo offered, not knowing what LJ really had in mind. “Nah, I think I’ll just use the bathroom while she’s in there taking a shower, she’ll never know I’m

Wrong Place, Right Time: Part 3

Part 3 Picking Stacy’s limp but still quivering body up, JoJo gently dropped her small naked frame down beside Bev on the bed in the center of the room, and then he disappeared into the bathroom along with LJ. Both women were exhausted from the intense fucking that they each had just received, and while their eyes met as JoJo sat Stacy beside her, neither Bev nor Stacy could muster


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