Gay Erotic Stories

School's Out

by Stardog Champion
26 Sep 2000

First Time

“So Ms. Casey, it seems all your paperwork is in order. I don’t see any reason why you can’t start first thing Monday morning,” the silver haired principal said while he halfheartedly thumbed through the resume in front of him. “Please Mr. Burkett,” the young well dressed woman nervously added, trying to contain her excitement,” Call me Kathy.” “Oh, don’t worry about that Katherine, I will. I know it’s very difficult for young teachers especially, to get used to being called Mr. or Ms.. But the first step in gaining control of a class, especially in your situation where you’ll be filling in for a popular teacher for three wees while she’s gone on maternity leave, is gaining the respect of the students’ immediately. I know you’ll want to be liked,” he continued, as he coyly looked over her demure frame,” and I’m sure you will.” Katherine Casey sat there patiently and took in all of her new boss’s dime store advice. She quickly drew up in her mind the list of people she was going to call as soon as she got back to her modest apartment, to tell them that she finally had gotten a job. Her mother and father of course topped the list, her older sister in Atlanta, her pastor at the church that she was attending, and a few assorted friends. Hell, she even thought about calling her ex-boyfriend back at college that had dumped her three weeks before she had graduated. Kathy however had no delusions of grandeur. She knew this wasn’t a permanent position. Three weeks filling in for a popular teacher on maternity leave with no guarantees for next year was not exactly a meal ticket. But it was a foot in the door, and being a 23-year-old small town girl in the big city of Charlotte, getting your foot in the door was rather important. “Your welcome to stay after school today to meet with some of the other faculty if you’d like. I’m sure they would love to meet you Kathy. Other than that, congratulations, you’re a part of the team,” said Principal Burkett, extending his wrinkled tanned hand to her. “Thank you very much,” beamed the new teacher, her soft chestnut brown eyes gleaming with relief and anticipation as she calmly shook his hand. “I think I will do that, as for Monday morning, be here by 7:30?” she asked. “That would be fine,” answered the man in front of her as they exchanged goodbyes. For as shy and reserved as her southern ladylike upbringing had made her, none of her relatives or close friends would have recognized the Kathy Casey that jumped up and down in place, pumping her fists wildly in the privacy of the first floor ladies restroom, celebrating her good fortune. The phone calls that night went well. Mom and Dad were proud of her; her grandmother was so happy that she wrote out a check for $500 while Kathy was on the phone and said she’d mail it tomorrow for new clothes or anything Kathy wanted to use it for. Her sister was ecstatic as well, as were her various church friends and pastor. She couldn’t bring herself however to call her ex, Jerry, back at Wake Forest. They had dated for her final three years at Wake and she had fully planned to spend the rest of her life with him. They had shared similar backgrounds, had similar goals in life, but in one very important area there was a big disagreement. Having kept it miraculously for over 23 years, Kathy made it known up front when she started dating Jerry that she didn’t intend to lose her virginity until her wedding night. Early in the relationship, Jerry had not forced the issue. He had lost his years earlier, but as the tensions grew as the years went by, Jerry finally discovered he’d rather get his milk for free elsewhere, deciding to dump Kathy right before her graduation. Kathy desperately wanted to call him up and rub the good news in his face, especially since he was serving an academic probation back at college. Her good Christian upbringing though, prevented her from going through with such a vindictive act. She figured word would eventually get back to him through the grapevine and she frowned knowing she wouldn’t be there to see his face at the discovery that she was getting ahead while he floundered. That whole weekend, Kathy crammed as she’d done many times studying for exams. This time however, all the answers were in front of her she ironically noted. She spent the whole weekend trying to learn names, update grades, and nail down a lesson plan for the last three weeks of school. A smooth transition was her goal, and when she walked through the doors of Graham H.S. early on Monday morning, Kathy Casey was ready for anything. After two full weeks on the job, to her pleasant surprise, she had discovered her concerns over controlling the students in such difficult circumstances were unfounded. With classes full of 12th graders worried about prom, graduation and thinking about their first summer totally away from school, dealing with a novice English teacher really didn’t register on most of their radars. A few of the students did have legitimate concerns about passing the course. With finals quickly approaching, Kathy had met with each one of them and she confidently felt she would not have the difficult task of failing anyone on her first job assignment. What Kathy did feel during those three weeks was a powerful sense of nostalgic remembrance back to the last days of her high school experience. She took great joy in seeing the wide-eyed enthusiasm of students looking forward to finishing school and how many of them were heading off to college as she had done five long years ago. In her classes she had several students receiving scholarships in various areas including literature, drama, and even one fellow who was going to N.C. State on a football scholarship. Being from the South, where football is king, Kathy’s Father was pleased to discover, despite his slightly racist tendencies, that one of her students was the great Marcus Anderson, who was going to be the next great running back in the ACC. Right now though, Marcus was a C student, who still needed a solid final exam score to insure he would be eligible to play his first year in college. On the next to last day of school, Kathy allowed those students who had a final scheduled for the last day, to take it a day earlier so they could blow off the last day, further indebting them to her. As the students filtered out, laying copies of their finals on her desk, each one took a moment to thank her for filling in so admirably for Mrs. Thompkins. Marcus was one of the final students to finish, and as he handed in his essay, Kathy asked, “So did you pass, a lot of people in this state are pulling for you?” “I think I did, but I guess in the end its up to you Ms. C.,” Marcus shyly replied. “Thanks for taking the time to help me, you’re going to be great at this!” Flattered and a little flush from his compliment, all Kathy could muster was a heartfelt “Thank You” back at Marcus and wished him luck as he left. She did however, as she had self consciously done several times during the past weeks, steal a glance at his youthful yet powerful body, as he walked confidently out the door. Without missing a beat, Kathy began gathering up her stuff to leave as the final few exams trickled in. On the way out, she noticed a wallet lying next to one of the desks as if it might have fallen out of a students’ backpack. Routinely, she strolled over to pick it up and find a name in it. Marcus Eugene Anderson, 511 Blenhiem Court, Charlotte NC. “ Well,” she quietly whispered to herself.” No money here, I can just give it back to him when he comes in tomorrow for his grade.” As she attempted to close the wallet, it slipped out of her small hands and spilled again, only this time the contents of the wallet went scattering to the classroom floor. “Damn”, Kathy blurted out softly, the word sounding foreign coming out of her mouth. On her knees in her long pleated grey dress with a flowery design, she quickly gathered up the contents of Marcus’s wallet and tried to arrange them in an organized manner. Shoving his driver’s license, library cars, phone numbers, and pictures of him playing football back into their respective slots, Kathy felt confident he would never know what had happened when she gave it back to him. As she stuck one of the last photos back into a slot, an audible gasp escaped her lips as she knelt there. Her now suddenly shaking hands lost grip and dropped the photo back to the floor where it came to rest laying face down. “That couldn’t be,” she said out loud to herself, as she contemplated picking the picture up one more time without having to see what she thought she had briefly saw.” Maybe I’ll just shut my eyes and pick it up and put it back,” she quietly said, trying to reassure herself. That sentiment was easier said than done. As her trembling hands fumbled with the photo, finally raising it by using her long red nails to lift it up off the flat floor, she discovered that her eyes had in fact not deceived her the first time. Holding the small photo in her diminutive trembling white hand, Kathy muttered the words “Oh my God” silently to herself over and over again as she soaked in the lurid contents of the picture. The young teacher’s pupils were fully dilated taking in the image of Marcus in the picture, laying on his back on a sofa with a young blonde girl, whom Kathy recognized as one of the cheerleaders she had seen in the halls, kneeling between Marcus’s wide spread legs holding an enormous black cock in her left hand with a drunk smile on her face. Kathy could see other men and women in the background, but she sat there on her knees transfixed by the image in the center of the photo. Both the girl and Marcus were completely nude in the picture and she couldn’t help but notice the cocksure wicked smile etched across Marcus’s handsome face. Slowly and mechanically Kathy began to try and place the obscene photo back into the wallet, so she could return it properly to Marcus, but her eyes just would not allow her to peel away from looking with shock at the picture. She had seen plenty of naked pics, as well as plenty of love scenes in movies, but nothing had prepared her for the startling primal contrast and lustful look in the participants’ eyes that the photo in front of her so blatantly showed. A voice came crashing, without warning, into her senses from behind, scaring her to the core. “That’s exactly what I’m looking for,” came the voice behind her laced with casual relief.” “Thank’s Ms. C. for finding it, I got to my car and realized it was gone.” Kathy’s young body now was tense almost to the point of paralysis as she sat there on all fours feeling Marcus’s footsteps ease up beside her. She closed the picture tightly in her right hand and folded the rest of his wallet up and clumsily handed it back to him as she tried to stand up. “Yep,” she said trying her best to sound composed.” I found it right here at your desk, I didn’t see any money in it when I looked for a name. It kind of slipped...” “That’s O.K.,” Marcus calmly interrupted. “I didn’t have any cash, just my license and a few phone numbers, that’s all.” He took the piece of leather from her cold hands and placed it in his pocket. “Thanks again Ms. C, I owe you one!!” Kathy stood as still as a statue as Marcus began to walk out the door. As he turned his back to leave, a voice from deep within the recesses of Kathy Casey’s mind blurted out awkwardly, “There’s one more thing!” Curiously, Marcus turned towards her and slowly took a few steps back towards her desk, “Yes,” he asked? Kathy’s eyes were locked onto the floor, being too ashamed to look Marcus in the face as she hesitantly handed the photo back to him. Quivering as she spoke she said, “This ahh fell out of your wallet too when I was picking it up.” Taking the photo from her trembling hand gently, Marcus flipped it over like a blackjack dealer to see what it was. A large grin grew on his face as he looked at the 2-month-old photo that he had totally forgotten he had. It was from a party that several of the cheerleaders from the school along with a few of the football players had attended. When Marcus looked back at Kathy, he noticed she had still failed to look up. He sensed she was offended and embarrassed at the contents of the photo. “I’m sorry you had to see that,” he said, fishing for a response. “Oh no, oh no,” Kathy apologized still avoiding eye contact with Marcus. “What you carry in your wallet, and what you do away from school is your own business. I just ahh, well it was kind of ahhh..” “A shock,” Marcus added casually, finishing her thought. He surveyed her demure thin frame and wondered if there was something she still was holding in. Marcus effortlessly eased himself up and sat on the corner of her desk, wiping away several piles of papers and waited patiently for her to say something. She tried aimlessly to find the right thing to say to get out of this situaton. Marcus lifted the photo up and looked at it admiringly, then turned it back at Kathy. “I guess it would be shocking to see this, if you weren’t expecting to,” he said. Slowly, Kathy lifted her tender innocent freckled face to look again at the photo Marcus was now calmly taunting her with. She gulped and tried to speak as her eyes once again focused on the pretty blonde in the picture proudly fondling the young man’s manhood who was now, at this moment, perched on her desk. Marcus offered her the soda that she had sitting on her desk. “You look like you need a drink,” he said as he handed her the diet soda. Thankful for the gesture and definitely needing something to soothe her parched mouth, she took a long sip from the can and handed it back to Marcus. The closer she got to the handsome young black stud on her desk, the more she felt a strange spell wash over her body like a warm syrup. As she handed the can back to him, Marcus took her small hand in his large one and squeezed it firmly, forcing her to notice the contrast of their very different skin tones. Noticing that she looked with deep curiosity at their hands together, he asked,” It shocked you to see that pretty white girl on her knees acting like a slut for this, didn’t it?” He took his other hand, and firmly rubbed his crotch making it noticeably rise under his jeans. Kathy’s nipples had now hardened to the size of acorns under her white paisley print blouse and white bra. She had no way of covering herself; her body had given away what her mouth could not admit. Seeing the photo, and all its implications had touched something deeply taboo yet deeply needy within her. Buoyed by the fact that the school was virtually empty, and on the third floor, no one could see in the windows, Marcus made his move on his pretty white English teacher. Standing as if she was a doe caught in a headlight in front of him, Kathy begged, “Please don’t do this Marcus..” Gently placing his hand on the small of her back, he smoothly guided her towards him. Kathy fell hard against Marcus and he kissed her flush on the lips for a moment than pulled away leaving her mouth open waiting for more. Kathy’s head now was swimming; even after he stopped she could still feel his powerful lips massaging hers. He sat there and smiled wondering about all the complex thoughts that must be going through her head at that moment. Loud and very rational voices were indeed shouting in Kathy’s brain. She was 23, and she had just gotten her first real job and now she was on the verge of potentially ruining her career, not to mention lose her virginity to a 18 year old black kid. The voices clearly shouted, “Stop you stupid bitch, you know you’ll let him and you know you’ll like it too much and that would make things very complicated!” “Cold feet,” Marcus asked coyly. “I just don’t think its right. Your 18, I’m your teacher, and you know.” She said fighting back tears. “For one thing, I’m no longer your student and your probably wondering what your mommy and daddy would think if they knew their little girl is freely giving herself to a black guy, Am I right,” he asked cockily, knowing he was. Kathy didn’t answer. When she looked down and saw his hand disappear under the hem of her skirt, she bit her lip waiting for the inevitable beginning of the end of her virginity. His strong hand worked skillfully up over her shaking knees, over her thin white bare thighs, then roughly against her panty clad virgin pussy. “OOOHHHHHhhhhhhh,” her voice trailed off in a gasp sending a pleasant rush of warm air against Marcus’s ear. She clutched both of his muscular arms trying to support herself from collapsing against him. “Don’t dooooo that,” she whispered halfheartedly. “That, “ he said as he brushed the hairline fissure of her pussy through her panty again. “YESSS”, she said louder this time. “Did you say yes,” Marcus asked sarcastically, loving the way she was slowly giving in to him. She didn’t answer, only shaking her head up and down twice with her eyes clinched tightly shut as her chest heaved heavily trying to breathe. Marcus then boldly snaked his middle finger under the lining of her panty and ran it though the soft fleece of her untouched pubic hair. Momentarily surprised and aroused by just how moist she had gotten, he jabbed his finger deep into the swampy heat of his teacher’s pussy, and swirled it around briskly letting her tight juicy folds collapse around it. He then began passionately kissing her and this time she freely returned them. “Shit! You must be a virgin to be this tight,” he asked rhetorically, knowing full well no one was still a virgin at 23. Kathy shock her head, brushing his face with her long brown curly hair and answered honestly as she began to blush,” Yes, I am.” “Holy Shit,” was all Marcus could manage as he continued to finger his teacher’s virgin cunt. His dick had now grown so rigid inside his pants that it was becoming painful; he needed to let it out. As Kathy began to build up a rhythm on Marcus’s long fingers, he took her hand in his other one and guided it down softly onto his crotch. Kathy couldn’t help but rub the monster that was preparing to come out through his jeans. When he commanded her to unsnap and unzip his pants, she quickly and dutifully complied. Looking down with great joy, Marcus smiled as his cock sprang free into his teacher’s waiting hands. As petite as she was and as endowed as he was, it was a magical site seeing his cock that close to her. It literally was longer than half of her forearm and as thick around. He instantly noted the fear and fascination that brewed on Kathy’s face. “I don’t think I’ve every fucked a virgin,” he said. “Neither have I ,” Kathy laughingly replied. “How about any other teachers?” “Why do you think Mrs. Thompkins is on maternity leave,” Marcus answered matter of factly. Kathy didn’t know whether to believe such an outlandish comment. However, when she looked down at the way she had submitted herself to him, it didn’t seem so unrealistic. She questioned him with a curious glance and he nodded back at her seriously as if he wasn’t kidding. When he inserted his index finger as well into Kathy’s pulsing cunt preparing her for his cock, she truly felt as of she was impaled, as if something hot heavy and relentless had entered her body and taken over. Marcus used his free hand to roughly massage her titties through the fabric of her blouse; forcing her to shoot her head backwards from the sensations he was giving her. Not being able to hold back for him, Kathy instantly began creaming all over Marcus’s hand as he began fucking her with two fingers stretching her tight pussy lips far apart in the process. She bit down hard on his shoulder and he could feel the traces of her tears wetly wash over his arm as she wildly bucked against him. With a quick tug, her dress and panties were now down to her ankles, leaving her totally bare from the waist down in front of her black student in her own classroom. The cool air brought goosebumps to Kathy’s pale white legs and small shapely ass. Marcus quickly jumped off her desk and dropped his pants to the floor. He reached gracefully around Kathy with both arms and lifted her from the legs up into the air and held her lithe body against his. He expertly reached around her frame and blindly took his huge black cock in his hand and found the moistness of Ms. Casey’s love canal. When he had finally aimed his peach sized cockhead between the initial folds of her pussy, he slowly let her descend ever so slightly allowing gravity to help in getting his massive dick into her virgin cunt. With each inch that descended into Kathy’s vaginal depths, the harder she clung to the virile young black stud fucking her. She really couldn’t speak, only the incessant combination of pleasurable sighs and painful grunts escaped from her mouth as she had her head tightly pressed into Marcus’s torso. As the minutes pass and Marcus worked up a steady rhythm, feeling his teacher’s pussy noticeably expand for his immense girth, he wanted her to get a full view of the torrid scene they were sharing. He lovingly pulled her pretty face out from his body and forced her to look at their two bodies, which couldn’t contrast much more than they did. One demure, white and petite and the other black, strong and huge coupling in such an erotic manner. Marcus looked her directly in the eyes as he fucked her loving the fact she couldn’t hide how much she was enjoying it. When his dick was firmly entrenched in her pussy, he grabbed Kathy by the waist and slowly began bending her over, forcing her to hang on his cock upside down. “What are you doing?” Kathy begged barely able to catch her breath. “I just want to to get a good view of the first time a real dick cums for you,” Marcus answered simply. With that, Kathy was now hanging upside down, with Marcus still firmly holding her by the waist as half of his foot long cock was buried as deep as it would go in her tight pussy. Slowly with long powerful deep strokes, Marcus began fucking his teacher in this quite unique position. As Kathy looked up, she couldn’t help but marvel at how powerful he looked above her and with such ease that he manipulated every inch of her body. His dark ebony staff glistened with her pussy juice as it glided masterfully in and out of her ever-expanding tunnel. She dug her nails firmly into his legs as her titties bounced helplessly above her face as Marcus’s thrusts hit high gear; she realized she was in a totally helpless position now. He had taken her, now he was taking her to unspeakable heights. She wondered how on earth, if this was going to be her first time, how anything in the future would ever top it. Looking down at her hanging below him, a powerful sense of control filled Marcus and when he felt Kathy’s nails dig deep into his leg, he knew she was on the verge of cumming hard, and so as he. Seeing the way her soft brown hair dangled down onto his shoes and the way her small pale white breasts shook and the expression on her face combined with just how tight a virgin pussy really is on a 12 inch dick propelled Marcus to cum in great spasmic fits. Hanging helplessly, Kathy began to explode as well, as Marcus brutally lifted her by the hips, pulling his cock out to the head and then over and over again slamming it back to the hilt. She felt Marcus’s young black seed hotly course through every part of her undersexed womanhood until it overflowed coating her dark pubic mound with his rich white cum. With all the blood that had rushed to her head combined with the sheer ruthlessness of their shared orgasm, Kathy thought for a minute she was going to pass out as Marcus gently sat her down on the floor between his legs and collapsed lovingly on top of her. Still working his cock her womb, he planted kiss after kiss on her body, as she simply tried to regain any sense of lucidity. “I’ll say the same thing I said earlier about your teaching, your going to be very good at this too, baby. You can keep the picture if you’d like. Something tells me you might want it,” Marcus quietly whispered into Kathy’s ear. As he stood up over her still quaking frame, he dressed, and left high school for good with Ms. C no longer a virgin, laying naked on the floor beside her desk with a large exhausted smile on her face.


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Part 1 The six lanes of downtown traffic surrounding Beverly Morgan grew steadily into an overwhelming foggy haze. Barhopping downtown Detroit at 1 a.m. had made her wax nostalgic back to her carefree and downright rebellious days as a teenager growing up in Little Rock. As she tightly squeezed the steering wheel in front of her however, Bev realized those days of hardcore partying

Wrong Place, Right Time: Part 2

PART 2 Hearing the shower roar to life from the bathroom, it reminded LJ of something rather important he had to do. “Damn, man, I got to take a piss really bad!” he said to Jo Jo. “I saw a row of bathrooms on the way up,” Jo Jo offered, not knowing what LJ really had in mind. “Nah, I think I’ll just use the bathroom while she’s in there taking a shower, she’ll never know I’m

Wrong Place, Right Time: Part 3

Part 3 Picking Stacy’s limp but still quivering body up, JoJo gently dropped her small naked frame down beside Bev on the bed in the center of the room, and then he disappeared into the bathroom along with LJ. Both women were exhausted from the intense fucking that they each had just received, and while their eyes met as JoJo sat Stacy beside her, neither Bev nor Stacy could muster


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