Gay Erotic Stories

Wrong Place, Right Time: Part 3

by Stardog Champion
25 Oct 2000

Sexual Encounters

Part 3 Picking Stacy’s limp but still quivering body up, JoJo gently dropped her small naked frame down beside Bev on the bed in the center of the room, and then he disappeared into the bathroom along with LJ. Both women were exhausted from the intense fucking that they each had just received, and while their eyes met as JoJo sat Stacy beside her, neither Bev nor Stacy could muster anything to say that seemed appropriate. Each lady had shamelessly fucked the first black guy of each of their lives in front of each other, and both were unmistakably ashamed at how easily each had given themselves up. Stacy was especially embarrassed because her husband was sleeping back home in Little Rock assuming that she was also sleeping quietly in her hotel room a thousand miles away. Stacy covered her face with her hand as this thought crept in her mind. Finally Bev broke the silence, as she lay prone on the bed, still trying to fully catch her breath, “ What do you think they went to do, Stacy?” Stacy, who still had her hands over her face, hoping that the room would soon cease spinning, hadn’t even realized that the young men had left the room. As she uncovered her face to slowly look up, the bathroom door suddenly swung open, and both LJ and JoJo made their way back to the white girls in heat, spread out on the bed before them. Both Bev and Stacy could see faintly through their half opened exhausted eyes, the pair of large dark frames descend upon the bed once again, and it appeared to both girls that each guy had something in his hands. Stacy thought for a moment, as her guilt began to significantly rise, that she should suggest that the two young me now take their leave, that what had happened was nice but it was over. Before she could get her still drunk swirling mind and tongue to come up with a proper way to say it, both LJ and JoJo sat themselves down on the bed. Bev was first to recognize the shaving cream and razor in LJ’s hand, and she began to have an inkling about what was getting ready to happen. “Wha, Wha,” Bev tried to ask in her raspy, tired voice. “We are going to clean you up just like we promised,” JoJo tauntingly smiled! Wasting no time, LJ spread Stacy’s tiny cumsoaked thighs apart, shook up his can of shaving cream and placed it between her legs. Stacy tried to lift her heavy alcohol filled head up to see what the black kid was doing when she felt the cold creamy rush of the cream bubble up and surround her still hot cunt. Instinctively, Stacy mashed her thighs together only succeeding though, in spreading the thick cream fully over her entire pubic mound. LJ easily spread her legs open once again and finished spreading the cream evenly over her pussy. JoJo did the same for Bev, causing her to flinch several times as he let the cold shaving cream can brush up against her sensitive pussy lips as he spread the cream evenly around. He laughed mightily with LJ each time Bev yelped from the contact. “What the hell are you doing?” , Stacy whispered almost incoherently. The smooth shearing cut of the razor blade gently easing through the mass of shaving cream, gliding slowly over her entire pubic mound was all the answer she needed. “Oh my God no, PLEASE NO !!,” Stacy begged. Through her clenched eyes she looked over at Bev for any help she could get. What she saw was JoJo doing the same exact thing between Bev’s fleshy thighs as Bev held her breath tightly, shocked just as Stacy was from what was being done to them. Still though, with each downward pull of the blade, more liquid escaped Bev and Stacy’s pussy, sweetly coating the cream that was quickly disappearing along with their thick bushes. Stacy covered her face again as she realized how she’d have to explain to her husband why she brought home a bald pussy for him to fuck. It was his ritual to attack her as soon as she walked in the door from these long business trips, and he dearly loved burying his face in her thick beaver. The only times she trimmed it was when she wore a swimsuit, and never fully, even then. She would certainly have some “splainin” to do as they used to say on “I Love Lucy”. Still though, the smooth efficient and tender way that LJ trimmed her bare, felt indesribably good and Stacy embarrassingly found herself trying to keep herself from grinding back against him. This would be the first time since she was a teenager that she had gone totally bare and the smooth sensation really began to turn her on. As each guy put his finishing touches on their handiwork, LJ and JoJo used the lush thick hotel towels to wipe clean Stacy and Bev’s clean shaven snatches. As the guys looked down at each of the girls’ pink lips spread open eagerly waiting to be filled again, LJ and JoJo smiled at each other admiring their work, knowing it wasn’t completely done just yet. Pairing off this time with the opposite girl from the first time around, JoJo eased down on Bev and softly began kissing her large breasts as his fingers playfully explored her sensitive freshly shaven hotbox. LJ did the same to Stacy, taking special joy in how animated the married blonde got as he sunk his hand down between her thighs and played with her pussy as well. She kissed him back hard, begging him without words to continue the powerful way he had taken control of her body. JoJo wasted no time in dipping his cock into Bev, soon he had her back rising off the bed with each downward thrust of his cock, and looking over at his buddy, LJ noticed with excitement at how erotic it looked as JoJo’s large black staff clearly disappeared into Bev’s pink snatch forcing her lips wide apart, without the cover of her pubic mound which had earlier been stripped bare. LJ turned Stacy’s face with his right hand, forcing her to see just how powerful the sight was and he felt her heart begin racing underneath him when she took in the sight as well. LJ then helped lift Bev’s chubby legs up over JoJo’s muscular shoulders admiring Bev’s fat ass suspended a few inches of the bed as JoJo’s cock bore deeply into Bev. Recognizing that the bed might not be big enough to fuck both girls side by side, LJ quickly got another brainstorm. LJ lifted Stacy’s lithe body up and draped it flat across Bev’s shaking belly, making the girls lay almost in a T formation across each other. Stacy supported her weight on her knees, her small white ass sticking straight up into the air invitingly. JoJo continued his rapid fire assault on Bev as LJ placed Stacy across her. Stacy could feel Bev quaking in waves beneath her chest as she prepared herself to handle the delicious fuck from behind she was about to receive. LJ wasted little time in submerging his once again rock hard cock into the depths of Stacy’s married pussy. He grinned with cocksure arrogance as he watched his long thick black shaft disappear into the depths of Stacy’s glistening bare pussy. As the bedsprings below began to shake violently, LJ loudly moaned in admiration as Stacy began squeezing his cock snugly with her vaginal muscles. He dug his fingers into her tight asscheeks and began thoroughly pounding her cunt doggie style. This forced Stacy to fully collapse all her weight down onto Bev below, as sigh after torrid sigh escaped her mouth. Stacy shuddered as thousands of carnal sensations shot through her head like a pinball. She had been friends with Bev for most of her adult life, and as jealous as Bev was about how thin and in shape Stacy was, Stacy was equally envious of how endowed and voluptuous that Bev was. Now laying spread out over Bev’s heaving chest, Stacy marveled at just how soft and inviting Bev’s large breasts felt underneath her slim frame. The soft erotic feel of Bev’s fullness below coupled with the brutal rough but exquisite pounding coming from the rock hard stud above was the most obscenely sexual feeling Stacy could have ever imagined. For support and also from shear wantonness, Stacy grabbed a handful of Bev’s bouncing tits and squeezed them hard in her dainty hand as both woman screamed lustfully as each guy continued their brutal pace. The room was now filled with the lurid sounds of flesh on flesh and the rich smell of sex oozing heavily into the air. Their plan had worked, JoJo and LJ looked down as the girls embraced each other for support and possible more as they quickened their assault. Sandwiched between everyone, Stacy was the first to begin shrieking in orgasm and the contrast in the softness of Bev beneath her and the virility of the stud above her combined in an almost evil rhythm. “OOHH..OOOHHHHHH..OOOOOHHHHHH!” Stacy squealed as she tightly closed her eyes. The image left burning in her mind was of several black hands roaming over her body, as two black pistons incessantly pounded her and her friend. The hazy image of her husband tried to sneak into her consciousness, but as she felt LJ’s cock crash time after time into the back wall of her vagina, the image quickly blew away. “SSHHHIIIIITTTTT YYYESS! OOOHHHH FFFUUUUCCKKKMMMMEEE!!” she yelled as LJ’s thrusts were now so rapid, she couldn’t tell if he was going in or out. Without realizing it she had grabbed Bev’s chest and had dug her fingers deep into Bev, trying for the life of her to hold on while her orgasm washed like a tidal wave through her every nerve ending. Feeling the torrents of sexual release above, mingling with the fire that JoJo had unleashed in her own pussy, Bev reached up with one hand and grabbed Stacy’s curly blonde hair and with the other, dug her nails into LJ’s powerful thigh as she started to buck madly as her second orgasm of the night and of the past few years for that matter began to explode wildly within her. Pulling their cocks out of each of the girls like a sword, they allowed the girls to fall together into one sweaty heap on the bed beneath them. Both LJ and JoJo had saved their second orgasm and both knew exactly how they wanted to use it. They both straddled the chest of the girl that the other had just fucked, and looked own at the two small town white girls as Bev and Stacy explored each other’s body in a post orgasmic embrace. Sensing the time was right, JoJo spoke up,” It seems both you girls enjoy each other’s company, either of you ever wanted to taste the other?” Bev and Stacy both held their breath from the embarrassment and were silent. They were too scared to look at each other for fear that their expressions would give away the secret depths of their lustful thoughts. LJ stuck his large throbbing cock, coated with Stacy’s sticky cum into Bev’s mouth and she eagerly sucked it down surprising LJ with her wantonness to taste it. JoJo did the same to Stacy and she was equally as brazen in devouring it and licking his ebony staff clean of what Bev had left on it. After a few moments the thrill was too much, each young man grabbed the head of the girl he was with firmly and began empting their seed down the throat of each eagerly awaiting woman. Their work done, both LJ and JoJo gathered their stuff, dressed and grabbed the beers they had come up for in the first place and left the two white girls laying fulfilled on the bed, naked, sweaty and almost glowing.


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