Gay Erotic Stories

Wrong Place, Right Time: Part 1

by Stardog Champion
23 Oct 2000

Sexual Encounters

Part 1 The six lanes of downtown traffic surrounding Beverly Morgan grew steadily into an overwhelming foggy haze. Barhopping downtown Detroit at 1 a.m. had made her wax nostalgic back to her carefree and downright rebellious days as a teenager growing up in Little Rock. As she tightly squeezed the steering wheel in front of her however, Bev realized those days of hardcore partying were quickly losing their appeal. Her head pounded, her eyelids felt as if they weighed 10 lbs. each, and her lifelong friend Stacy Durham sat beside her in the passenger seat chattering away endlessly. Stacy laughed obscenely at herself as she continued her meaningless drunken spiel of unconnected thoughts. Bev thought as she watched Stacy laugh to herself, that Stacy’s husband Mike would be horrified to see his normally reserved wife act like this, but as she thought about it, Bev realized that the only time Stacy acted like a drunk ditzy teenager was when she was out on the town playing the part of a drunk ditzy adult. She concluded Mike would be thankful he’d never have to see how Stacy behaved during these rare girls’ night out. Bev on the other hand, had no such worries. She was two years removed from her divorce. While the days were much more pleasant being single, the nights were more lonely than she would ever let on. She didn’t expect to find love barhopping as she did occasionally, especially 800 miles from home. In her own drunken optimism though, she did hold out hope she’d at least find something. “Would you just shut up,” Bev screamed half laughing, half exasperated at her friend. “Ahh, come on Bev hon, you know the guys at the last club said there was a cowboy bar right up the road a bit. I didn’t fight my way into the tight jeans and these new damn boots not to meet my honky tonk prince charming tonight,” Stacy hollered intensely back at Bev sarcastically.” Keep Driving!” “Fight to get into her jeans,” Bev said to herself, almost disgusted. Bev was a little more than envious of Stacy than she had ever let on. Stacy had a stable 10-year marriage to a really nice guy who made a very nice living and Stacy acted more single than Bev ever did. On the outside the two women couldn’t have been much more different either. Stacy was a little spitfire, barely 5 feet tall and barely 100 lbs., and she was also full of boundless teenage energy even though she had just turned 33. Bev, on the other hand, was a few months younger than Stacy, but made the initial mistake of marrying the town loser. Partly because as a teenager, she was more than a little overweight and didn’t feel anyone else would want her, and partly because she felt sorry for the poor bastard even though all his problems were of his own making. Being an awkward small town teenage girl with low self-esteem was not a good prescription when it came to picking a spouse, and she had fell hard into that trap. Bev’s job at the temp agency however, had turned into a full time position 6 years earlier at a large clerical agency where Stacy also happened to be employed. With each passing day her self-esteem had grown and two years ago, she was awarded a management position with the company. As it slowly became apparent that she did not have to tolerate being called a “fat bitch”, and other terms of endearment by her husband, her days being married were becoming numbered. He couldn’t handle her success and couldn’t hold a job of his own either. So without any children to complicate the divorce proceedings, each moved on with their respective lives. Her weight had also come under control for the first time in her adult life. Although she weighed 150, she knew she could get down to 135 before summer and fit into the size 10 that had always been her goal. A far cry from the 180- 200 that she had weighed throughout her marriage. Her breasts had retained their fullness even through the weight loss and trimmed her most prominent feature, a large round ass had lost a little of it’s roundness. But with it fit snug inside a tight pair of blue jeans like she had on tonight, it was clearly visible to any straight guy from across the room. She looked the picture of a full bosomed country beauty. As she continued to drive and listen to Stacy ramble, she painfully tried to keep her eyes open looking for the western bar that they had been told about. In reality, all Bev wanted was to go back to their hotel, take a shower and go to sleep. Watching the way Stacy’s head bobbed and weaved, Bev realized there was no way Stacy could even get out on the dance floor and do anything in her ever worsening condition. Bev sensed her friend was less than 2 beers from hitting the proverbial wall. “I think that’s it, turn turn Bev, we are here. Whoaa, oh hell yeah, Let’s party!”, Bev whined in her slurred droning voice, causing Bev to wince. Bev turned the rental car into the lot, feeling a little adrenaline rush herself when the glow of the neon lights and the slow pounding from the music inside wafted into the car. Cutting the ignition off and reaching for her purse, Bev was a little surprised Stacy hadn’t taken off for the front door like a kid at a candy store wanting to get to the front of the line. When Bev looked up at Stacy, she was a little more than unsettled at the curious wide-eyed expression on Stacy’s face. “What’s the matter?”, Bev asked softly. “I don’t think this is the right place,” Stacy answered slowly, keeping her head facing straight forward at the entrance to the bar. “What,” Bev replied as she looked forward as well. There were no guys dressed in tight jeans and cowboy boots. No guys wearing 10 gallon hats, and it certainly wasn’t Billy Ray Cyrus blaring from the DJ inside. There were however, several young black men in silk shirts, baggy jeans, and athletic jerseys as well as a few scantily clad young women of several races making their way to and from the bar. “Bev, I don’t think we’re in Arkansas anymore!” Stacy sighed to her friend. “Do you wanna leave? Bev asked timidly almost afraid someone outside the car would hear her. “I guess”, Stacy replied scanning her watch. “The bars close at 3, and it’s already almost 2. No reason to hang around here!” Almost immediaty Bev turned over the ignition to the rental car and was met with an ungodly loud rough grinding sound. The car made every sound but the expectant humm of a successful start. “Uhhohh,” Stacy and Bev both said in unison. “Damn Avis,” Bev said as she frantically tried to turn it over again to no avail. The awful churning sound of the car trying to start had attracted the attention of everyone else in the lot. Suddenly Bev and Stacy both could feel the bar patrons descend upon them like vultures to raw meat. Bev tried once again and failed. There was a knock on the driver’s side window. Taking a deep breath and trying to regain her composure, Bev rolled her window down to talk to the young black man dressed in jeans and a white muscle shirt who had knocked. “Car problems?” he asked in a friendly tone. “It seems so,” Bev calmly replied. “Just a rental though. If you could show us where the nearest phone is, I could call the 800# for some help.” As the young man pointed at the payphone on the corner, Bev could feel dozens of pairs of eyes follow her her across the lot, consciously aware she was dressed as if she was an extra from “Hee Haw” in the middle of downtown Motown. Fumbling for the rental agency’s number, she dialed quickly hoping for the best. Her hopes would not be answered. No service would be available until at least 8 a.m.. Even a little unnatural (for her) cursing didn’t make any dent with the representative. “What to do now?” she seriously asked herself as she hung the phone up hard, standing in the lonely dim light of the phone booth. Meanwhile back at the car, Stacy popped open another beer to calm her nerves as she sat watching the late night partygoers come and go, while at the same time she also cursed Bev for leaving her alone surrounded by all those drunk blacks. Her husband Mike, a certified bigot would shit if he knew she was in such a pinch. She hurriedly unlocked the driver’s side door that she had looked when Bev got out and anxiously awaited Bev getting in and telling her help was on the way. It wasn’t. Bev climbed back into the car and relayed the bad news. “Can’t we just call a cab, I don’t like this place!” Stacy moaned, more soberly than anything she had said for hours. “I guess that’s our best...” Bev began before she was interrupted again by a knock on her window. It was a different young man from the first time. This one was a little taller but seemed a great deal more bulky and insistent. A chill went up Bev’s spine as she slowly rolled the window down to see what he wanted. “It looks like you are having some technical difficulties. I’ve got some jumper cables in my car if you need them,” the black kid asked in a pleasantly sarcastic tone, knowing full well it wasn’t a battery problem. Bev could smell the strong prominent odor of liquor on his breath, much more distinct than the smell of beer on hers or Stacy’s. “I don’t think it’s a battery,” Bev replied turning the engine fruitlessly one more time. “How hard is it to get a cab down here this late?” she curiously asked. The young man ignored her question. “Where are you two staying tonight? I see this is a rental; you girls must be from out of town,” he asked. Bev began to answer when Stacy seemingly sprung to life beside her and shot back, “That’s none of your damn business motherfucker!” Several heads turned in the parking lot, but the young fellow standing over the car door just laughed, “You’re friend’s got quite a mouth on her to be so small. Hey, I’m just trying to help!” he said smoothly. “I really don’t think you two want to be stuck down here this late at night, and a cab ride is going to cost out the ass. Why don’t you let me and LJ run you to your hotel? By the way my name is Jo Jo,” he offered. Stacy could see through her alcohol soaked eyes that Bev’s expression indicated that she was seriously considering accepting the offer. As Bev again tried to answer, Stacy’s small bony hand clasped down tight against Bev’s jean clad thigh. “Don’t you dare accept a ride from these goddamn boys!” Stacy venomously pleaded with Bev, trying her best not to be heard by the gentlemen outside the car. With Stacy’s hand still dug deep into her thigh, Bev tentively agreed to the invitation. The prospect of a $30 cab ride or sitting in the rental for 6 or 7 hours in downtown Detroit did not seem like very favorable options. With each passing moment she was becoming more drowsy as well, “O.K. I think we’ll take your offer.” Bev cautiously accepted. “We’re staying at the Hampton Inn about 5 miles from here I think,” Bev added, feeling Stacy’s grip tighten on her leg and finally release in bitter acceptance. The alcohol had seemed to severely dull Stacy’s will to fight Bev’s impromptu decision. “Know it well ladies, it happens to be on LJ and my way home, “Jo Jo added, signaling his buddy to bring the car around. Stacy’s face was flush and Bev began to think she would have to literally drag her from the car kicking and screaming. Stacy however was able to leave on her own, muttering at Bev over and over, “I can’t believe this shit, I just can not believe this fucking shit!” “Just get your stuff and lock the door, Stacy. We’ll be all right!” Bev tried to say reassuringly, not totally convinced of it herself. “ We’ll be back at the hotel before you know it and we can begin forgetting about this whole night”. Stacy continued muttering to herself as the two small town country girls got into the backseat of Jo Jo’s small car. The sweet pungent odor of marijuana hung in the air as the two girls awkwardly tried to fit themselves into the cramped quarters. As Jo Jo pulled out of the lot and began speeding east down the empty downtown streets, Bev took a deep breath feeling for the first time in an hour or so that everything would work out, and in less than an hour she would be safely tucked into bed for some much deserved rest. As she looked over at her friend in the darkness of the back seat, it appeared that Stacy had already beaten her to it. Stacy’s head flopped comically down over her shoulders, as she began to snore softly. This brought a light chuckle to everyone in the car. “Hampton Inn, right little lady?” Jo Jo asked as he took a toke from his joint. “You can call me Beverly if you want, the sleeping beauty beside me here is Stacy. Let me apologize for her outright stupidity back at the car,” Bev tiredly responded, petting Stacy on the head as she slept. “You know, you two wouldn’t have lasted very long down there trying to get a cab dressed like that. I take it you stopped at the club by mistake? Jo Jo inquired. Yea,” Bev said softly, trying not to disturb her friend sleeping.” Some guys at another bar wanted us to meet them at some country-dance club. It was probably the one we passed a second ago. I guess we would have stuck out like sore thumbs if we had gone in your place huh?” “Yep, I think you would have,” Jo Jo answered laughing, more from Bev’s Arkansas accent than from what she actually said. “Plenty of white girls come in, but very few dressed like they are going to the Grand Ole Opry though. “It looks like you are home. We’re here,” Jo Jo sung as he pulled into the Inn’s front lot. “Wow, thanks guys, How can we repay you? Bev asked gleaming from finally being back on familiar ground. “Don’t worry about it,” Jo Jo responded. “We live right up the road.” “Tell you what, Stacy and I have a 12 pack back in the room. The least we can do is give it to you as thanks for the ride. I don’t care if I see another beer for a long time and I don’t think Stacy needs anymore tonight either. Besides, it looks like I might need some help getting Stacy up to the room!” Bev offered. The thought of some beer defiantly got Jo Jo and LJ’s attention. “OK !” they both smiled. As they made their way up to the 3rd floor through the eerie early morning hotel silence, they made quite a sight. Two middle aged white women, one too drunk to walk on her own, dressed as if they had walked in from Nashville being helped to their rooms by a pair of tall muscular young black kids dressed in full hiphop garb. The lonely desk clerk, busy with the sports section, was the only one to take notice however. Fumbling with the hotel keycard, Bev realizing just how drunk she had gotten, finally giving it to Jo Jo and allowed him to swipe it as they all entered the cool darkness of Bev and Stacy’s hotel suite. As LJ gently sat Stacy’s little frame down in a chair, she slowly began to stir awake again, giggling incoherently to herself. Bev disappeared into the corner of the room to fetch the boys the beer she had promised them. As she turned back towards them with the 12 pack in hand, she could tell from their expressions they had watched her intently as she bent over to pick up the beer. Suddenly she began to feel slightly uncomfortable once again. “Here you go guys, thank you so much for bringing us home and for helping me with Stacy,” Bev said nervously as she handed the beer to Jo Jo. “I’m sure Stacy will be all right right there. It looks like she is coming back to Earth as we speak. I’m going to take a quick shower; you can just let yourselves out. Goodnight!” Bev then disappeared into the bathroom and closed the door behind her. BEV THOUGHT THE NIGHT WAS COMING TO AN END WHEN IN FACT IT WAS JUST BEGINNNG. PART 2 COMING SOON


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Part 1 The six lanes of downtown traffic surrounding Beverly Morgan grew steadily into an overwhelming foggy haze. Barhopping downtown Detroit at 1 a.m. had made her wax nostalgic back to her carefree and downright rebellious days as a teenager growing up in Little Rock. As she tightly squeezed the steering wheel in front of her however, Bev realized those days of hardcore partying

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PART 2 Hearing the shower roar to life from the bathroom, it reminded LJ of something rather important he had to do. “Damn, man, I got to take a piss really bad!” he said to Jo Jo. “I saw a row of bathrooms on the way up,” Jo Jo offered, not knowing what LJ really had in mind. “Nah, I think I’ll just use the bathroom while she’s in there taking a shower, she’ll never know I’m

Wrong Place, Right Time: Part 3

Part 3 Picking Stacy’s limp but still quivering body up, JoJo gently dropped her small naked frame down beside Bev on the bed in the center of the room, and then he disappeared into the bathroom along with LJ. Both women were exhausted from the intense fucking that they each had just received, and while their eyes met as JoJo sat Stacy beside her, neither Bev nor Stacy could muster


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