Gay Erotic Stories

Alvin and Saturday, Part 1

by Bob_N_Head2
12 Sep 2011

Birthday Presents Friends Neighbors Parties To Remember

Alvin and Saturday, Part One

If you have read my earlier story, “My First Time Part 2” you would have known I have spent the last week anxiously waiting for Saturday and the return visit to his aunt by Alvin. Alvin Martin is the nephew of an elderly neighbor lady, Mrs. Agnes Hamilton who lives down the street, in fact in the corner house on the next block. Well, after a little party in my room, Alvin, who is a new Marine at Camp Pendleton, said he would be back in town at his aunt’s house on the next Saturday which was just two days ago.

In my mind, I have been promising myself that I would let Alvin have my butt hole cherry. In my other stories I have had experiences where I could have let other guys have my prize but I have been true to Alvin as far as that cherry is concerned.

Saturday morning finally arrived and I was at the breakfast table with my bowl of Total and a banana and a cup of cocoa when my Mother asked me if I would take her to WalMart. I, of course, agreed even though I had no idea when my potential lover would arrive in our neighborhood. Fortunately, the local WalMart is about a mile away and my Mother is a good shopper. At the store, my Mother had me give her my opinion about several toasters on display but I told her we had a really good toaster already.

“It’s not for us, Dear, “Mom said with a smile. “I am going to Santa Ana this evening to your Aunt Milldred’s birthday party. I will stay overnight. I think you can take care of yourself for one night.” She added with a laugh. “I will take the sedan and leave about three o’clock.”

It was only eleven o’clock when we got back home and I was bringing in the last of the shopping bags when the telephone rang. My Mother answered the phone and then told me the call was for me.

“Hi, Bob!” the caller exclaimed and I recognized the voice of Alvin. “We are at the Old Town trolley station ‘cause we just got off of the Coaster. Can you come and pick us up???” Well, I quickly replied that I would be there as soon as I could make it. I asked about his trip and made enough conversation so it did not seem that his being picked up was the only reason for the call.

“Who are “we”?” I asked after we, Alvin and I, had had a short conversation about not important things just so my Mother would not wonder at my dashing out of the house after receiving that call. “Is that the royal “we” the queen of England uses?”

“Oh, a couple buddies wanted to come to town with me this weekend,” Alvin replied. “I know you will like them.” the Marine added. I was not sure I liked the whole idea but then what will be will be so I assured my friend that I was on my way to pick them up and hung up. I was afraid my Mother would want to go along for the ride but she was busy putting groceries away so that was good.

The trolley station was busy and I had forgot to detail a spot to pick up Alvin and his friends. Parking is restricted to buses but I saw my Marine and two other young guys standing at the curb. We greeted each other like old friends and then Alvin introduced me to his companions. “This red-head is Frank and he’s from Kansas and this Mexican is Bill and he’s from Santa Fe, New Mexico.” I shook hands with the two and drove back to get on the freeway.

“So, Alvin, how was your week?” I asked trying to make what I thought would be normal conversation for old friends.

“Pretty hot and busy, but mainly I was waiting for today to get here,” Alvin replied. “Now, Bob, you know me. I hate to beat around the bush as you can remember in your room when I told you I needed a good fucking.” I looked sideways at my friend at that remark, thinking how he could say that in front of his friends from the base. “Well Frank and Bill and I have had a few sex parties out in the wilds of Pendleton and I have told them about your cock and they want to try it out if that is okay with you.”

“I don’t know what to say,” I said as I nearly sideswiped a convertible that was passing on my right. I directed my next sentences to the boys in the back seat, after cursing the offending driver of the sports car, “Is Alvin blowing smoke or is he telling the truth?”

“Look Bob,” replied Bill. “I think I can talk for Frank also when I say that Al has told us a wild story about you and your fuck tool. Both of us enjoy a good butt hole pounding and we have never had ten inches up our hole in all the time we been doing it with a lot of guys.” The young Latino paused and then went on, “Now don’t get me wrong!” He exclaimed. “Al, Frank and me… we ain’t no fags or pussy boys. We have just learned that we can get our rocks off with other guys who like what we do and we can still be all a man can be also. I have a girl in Santa Fe and a baby girl also.”

Frank leaned over and put his hand on my shoulder as I was trying to keep on a straight path in the same lane. “Al says you are an asshole virgin. Is that still so? Like Al the other night both Bill and I have taken care of asshole virgins when the other guy I am with just wants to use my hole to get off in and that’s okay if he don’t know what he is missing.” I felt the boy squeeze my shoulder as he leaned back into the seat.

“Gee, Bob!” Alvin exclaimed, “That is the most I have ever heard Frank say at one time!” The Marine turned in his seat so he was more facing me and went on, “I know you were thinking this weekend was for you and me alone. Well, we got word yesterday that we can expect to be shipped out to Camp Lejeune next week and I wanted this to be a weekend you would remember a long time. Maybe, if it is good enough, you will remember it forever. We could be in the middle east this time next month.”

“Look, Bob,” Bill the boy from New Mexico spoke up, “We have learned to live within limits both in the Marines and in our sex affairs. If a guy will do what I want done to me and still respect me for the man I am, I won’t put pressure on him to take care of my needs if he doesn’t swing that way. For one thing, there are a lot of real men in the Marines who enjoy a mutual fuck hole working over so I always hope to get a piece of ass when I give up on one but I won’t die if I don’t get it…” The young Marine gave a low laugh as he continued. “Now, what I want to feel your ten incher slapping my prostate around good.”

Frank, the boy from Kansas had been murmuring his complete agreement to what Bill had said and then he gave a sigh, and spoke, “You guys know I get picked to be on all the sport teams. It is because I have a great body, if I do say so, and I am well built like a man should be.” Both Alvin and Bill spoke words that agreed with Frank’ frank statement. “Well, my mother remarried when I was 14 and we lived on our farm. My step-father was okay and treated me good, but he already had three sons who became my step-brothers and the youngest was three years older than me. Not a good looking one in the whole crowd.”

“Sounds like you are telling us the story of Cinderella,” Alvin said with a smile in his words.

“You guys should listen,” Bill said and we did as we were told.

“Well, one day I am 14 and Steve who is 20 grabs me in the barn, twists my arm and I lose my butthole cherry to him. Then the next day, Art who is 18 and a half and Walt who is 18 catch me cleaning the chicken house and says Steve says I am a hot piece of ass and I have to put on a show for 200 clucking chickens as the two are fucking me with my overalls to my shoes. From then on, I am the bitch boy for my so-called straight step-brothers. When I protest and say I am going to tell their father, Steve says that he had taken pictures of Art and Walt pumping my hole and I did not look like I was being tortured in the photos. Well maybe he was right as I did not really hate being ass screwed like the girl friend they couldn’t get because they were the three most homely guys you would ever want to meet.”

“Now, Frank,” Alvin said, “Don’t tell us you met a prince charming and got away from the ugly step-brothers.”

“Not really, Al,” Frank replied and then continued; “When I was 17 I left home and got a job in construction in Kansas City, Missouri. I kept to myself a lot but I missed that man to man sex even if I only had known a one-sided version of it. Then I met a school councilor when I went to try to get my high school diploma and he was an ex-jarhead and Sarge was the first guy I got to fuck. Sarge was great but he knew I liked younger guys so he convinced me to join the Marines and I did and now, here I am with three more of the ugliest men you would want to meet and I am hot to have sex with any one of them or all at once.”

“Well, thank you Frank,” I spoke up as I was on a city street and at a stop sign. “I guess I am glad to be ugly as I sure want to fuck your ass good.”

“And so say all of us, Bob,” Bill said laughing as he groped Frank who was sitting next to him in the back seat. Frank became quiet as if he was surprised at how he had told us so much about his young life.

“My Aunt Agnes expects us to stay in her guest rooms tonight,” Alvin remarked. “She knows there are three of us but she might get suspicious if you joined us in our rooms.. Do you have any suggestions, Bob?”

I then revealed the good news that my house would be for us alone after three o’clock and until late Sunday afternoon if I knew my Mother’s habit of getting all the family news she could get at one setting.

“That is the best news I have heard since they made me a PFC. We will tell Aunt Agnes we are going into town to the USO and a movie and I will take a key. Then we will all get something to eat like pizza or burgers and meet at your house later and see who is the fastest at stripping naked. I get dibs on sucking first on your tender spear of death.”

“Well don’t bite it this time,” I said laughing at my lie.

“If Al bites, we won’t let him suck our dicks,” Bill said going on with the joke.

“Al has never bit my cock!” Frank exclaimed. “He is one of my favorite cocksuckers in all of Camp Pendleton.” the ex farm boy now a corporal in the Marines said thinking we had been serious. Then catching our humor, he merely said, “Oh.”

“If you guys give me a call when you are ready to go get a bite, I will pick you up.” I offered and Alvin said he would call me.

With all of us in a good mood for what was coming up later, I let the trio out at Mrs. Hamilton’s house where Alvin’s Aunt Agnes was on the porch waiting to see her favorite nephew. Shouting their thanks for my picking them up and bringing them to their destination safely, the gang went into the house.

I went on home and had lunch of soup and a sandwich. My Mother had packed an overnight bag and asked me to put it in her sedan. “Maybe you might have time to wipe the dust off of it so I won’t look like someone from ‘The Grapes of Wrath’ when I get to Mildred’s house.” my Mother hinted and I spent several minutes polishing her car even though it was not dirty.

After watching a good college football game, I told my Mother I was going to take a shower as I might find a girl to take to a movie later and she said she hoped I would be successful. While alone in the bathroom I used my Mother’s douche bag to clean out my colon good for tonight’s fun time. In the shower, while I cleaned it especially good, I did not jerk off my love pole even when it swelled up to its magnificent fullness. I was sure it would get a real workout that night.

My Mother left at 2:30 on the dot after she left me twenty dollars in case I would need more money than I already had in my wallet. I think she was hoping I would spend her gift on a girl as I seldom went out on girl dates.

At 4:00 o’clock, Alvin called and said the boys were ready. His aunt had wanted to fix the boy’s their dinner but Alvin said he had convinced her to just fix a nice dinner on Sunday as they would survive this night on pizza and burgers at the show and the USO. Alvin said he thinks his aunt was pleased as she told him there would be fried chicken and biscuits for all the next afternoon.

The guys were on the curb waiting for me when I pulled up. We went first to a pizza place and got two large pizzas and then I went to the small store we patronize and the clerk let me buy three six packs of beer when I told him that there were three Marines who were being shipped out to the war zone in my car. The clerk, a Latino of maybe twenty or twenty one added that he would be glad to deliver more stuff if I would call him after eight o’clock. I was sure he knew the score as his pants tented up when he saw the guys in the car waiting. “Just ask for Mario and please call before seven thirty,” the good looking man said and his hand dropped to his fly, I think, on purpose.

When I told the guys in the car what had happened in the store, Bill said we might just want some fresh stuff about that time. Frank asked me if Mario was as good looking as Bill and I had to tell him the clerk was a close second in being handsome as his buddy. Alvin took the cash register receipt to figure how much each guy owed and he laughed when he told us Mario had only charged me of one $2.00 sack of potato chips when I had bought three and only two of the six packs of beer. “Mario is hot for your body,” Alvin laughed and I replied that maybe he was hot for some Marine meat to chew on.

I put the car away in case Mrs. Hamilton might take a walk up the street later as she sometimes did. We all went in the house and decided my bedroom and the study room that is next to it would be the scene for our party. My bathroom was handy the beer could be kept cold in the bathtub since we had plenty of ice in our kitchen ice maker.

Each of the guys picked a spot to store his clothes and I put mine in the closet. In five minutes after I had locked the front door, there were four very naked guys on the second floor in my bedroom. I was hard and also hard put to say which of the Marines was the sexiest and had the most magnificent loving tools and balls attached. I still wanted Alvin to open me up, but my butt hole ached to be used by Frank’s seven inches and Bill’s six and a half.

The guys were kneeling in front of me as they handled and played with my ten inch prick, making ribald remarks that were more than halfway envious of what my father left me for my inheritance. Then, Alvin true to his word took it into his mouth and it felt even better than it had the week before. Frank was kneeling next to Alvin sucking on Bill who was standing next to me with his right hand in the crack of my ass and nicely fingering my virgin rosebud at the opening of my hot and strangely hungry feeling anal lips and the party was officially on.

Continued in Part Two.


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