Gay Erotic Stories

Alvin and Saturday, Part 2

by Bob_N_Head2
12 Sep 2011

First Time Neighbors Parties To Remember

Alvin and Saturday, Part Two

Oh, Yes! The party was very much officially opened for pleasures not before known to this virgin high school senior.

Alvin, my Marine PFC lover was on his knees giving my ten inch hard thin cock the best sucking it had had in the week that I had been found to be gay. Bill, one of Alvin’s Marine buddies from Camp Pendleton, was standing next to me, a sound that was almost the purring of a cat coming from his throat as Frank, the other buddy of Alvin was trying to match Alvin in his fellatio skills. In an entirely involuntary reaction, both Bill and I were using our cocksucker’s mouth as a girl’s vagina and our hips were moving almost in identical thrusts and withdrawal movements.

The only real difference between Bill and me was I was standing there with my fingers squeezing my tits while Bill was playing with Frank’s auburn hair which was cut short and required Bill to almost pull on it to do with it what he wanted.

“Oh, yeah! Suck that hot prick,” I commanded Alvin who did not need my senseless command as he was volunteering to suck me dry, I am sure.

“Damn it, Franky!” Bill exclaimed. “How come Alvin can deep throat Bob’s ten inches and you can get only half of my seven inches in your cock loving mouth?” If Bill had only looked closer he would have seen his six and a half inch cock was much thicker than my long thin one with a arrowhead knob unlike the mushroom head on his own. Frank only grunted and tried harder to accommodate his buddy’s man size penis but after all, the throat of any man can only open so wide and I think Frank was at his limit.

As we stood there allowing our friends the opportunity to savor our love makers, Bill was busy with his index finger on his left hand trying to open up that tight rosebud made up of my anal lips while mussing up the crew cut on Frank, his very active cocksucker with his right hand. Each time he made an attempt to get my virgin hole to let him in, something in my mind said I would be fully happy after I knew the exotic pleasures my companions already knew when a man they appreciated filled their anal cavity with his very personal love tool for their satisfaction and they could feel his condom fill or if bareback they could feel his cum spray their anal cavity and they knew they had satisfied their lover. They knew their satisfaction was due to his satisfaction.

“Hey, you guys!” Bill called out, “Let’s move to that big soft bed and do some really great sixty nines so I can get a little cock to suck.. Or better yet I can get a really beautiful long hunk of joy meat like is hung on Bob.” Like we were one person, the four of us got on our way to the bed. Bill and I were soon coupled as was Frank and Alvin and I was trying as hard as Frank had tried to deep throat that chunk of manhood that was indeed a mouthful. I was not even as successful sucking it in as Frank had been.

Even though Bill’s hard thick prick was much like Alvin’s it was a different experience and I thought back to Monday when I sucked off all those guys in the steam bath house and how each of them were as different as each book you read is different from other books. I also thought of Glenn Carter who was even at that moment just across the alley from the house I was in. Glenn was one of the last of the group who had used my throat for a cum dump and he had told me he really wanted to have another party later here.

Our quartet spent nearly fifteen minutes when the only sounds were those of moans of thrilling pleasure and the slurp, slurp of four mouths on four virile and juicy male tubes of joy. While there were periods of vigorous mouth work, none of us wanted an ejaculation so early in the party. We were all lucky to be able to bring our partners to the edge without going beyond the limit. I know I was nowhere near the skill at fellatio that my partner at the time, Bill, could demonstrate. The boy from New Mexico was what the books all called a natural cocksucker and I was anxious to see if his fucking measured up favorably with his mouth work. Therefore I was happy to hear Bill say as he rested for a moment, “Bob, you are one great cocksucker and that prick of yours is out of this world. It is just the best I have ever sucked!”

“We can always get hot cock, but those pizzas will soon be cold.” Alvin told us and we knew he was right. The quartet soon had a cold beer and as much pizza as each member wanted as we sat and admired each other and thought of how we wanted to use the talents and equipment each of us had to offer. Even though each of us no longer sported the really hard cocks we had a few minutes before, each of us had a pretty attractive appendage to desire and to savor in our individual imaginations.

Each of us drank two beers and I was feeling a little high as I am not used to beer or wine like these Marines are.

“While we are building up our strength,” Frank spoke, “You have heard my story or at least a little part of it. Who wants to tell his first experience story to the rest of us?” As the farm boy was speaking, he lifted his well filled ball sack that had a light covering of reddish hair that was lighter in color than his pubic hair that was a darker red and scratched an itch on the inside of his right thigh.

“My story is not as touching as yours Franky,” Bill replied, “But is the only story I have to tell.” We all urged the Latino boy on and he continued. “I was born on a sheep ranch in the mountains of Northern New Mexico but my parents moved to Santa Fe when I was like eight or nine. My grandfather still has the ranch and his crew is mainly full Mexicans or second generation Mexican young men. I admit that a few are illegal’s but after all they only crossed the line to get a better life and they work hard for the low pay they can earn as sheep herders or pastores as they call themselves.

“My grandfather had, at most, twenty pastores and two foremen or mayor-domos as they are called there. I think he had maybe two to three thousand sheep at the most. The big ranches had sometimes twenty five to thirty thousand sheep to pasture.

“When I was sixteen I spent a summer on the ranch with the sheep herders. It was there that I learned about man-to-man sex as there were no women on the ranch at least out in the pastures in the mountains. At first I saw some of the older men walk off together to sage brush or small tree groves and there was a common knowledge that each was going to engage in man to man sex or a dominant man was going to use a submissive Mexican herder as a woman.

Some of the herders had ewes that they kept in a small enclosure by the cabin. If one ewe was missing from the pen in the evening we knew the guy who favored that ewe was in the shed fucking her. I got to watch a couple herders using their ewe when the guys wanted me to do the same but I did not swing that way.

In the night, some of the younger men visited the beds of other men they had agreements with and we could hear sounds of sex and often the smell of cum. Since there were no women, none of these sex acts were frowned on as you might think and back in town with women around the men mostly went back to heterosexual activities.

“If you were curious, I suppose you could follow and watch the men having man to man sex but it was not the right thing to do and sometimes there was a knife fight when a guy did try to watch two guys sucking each other or one guy being fucked in the ass, or worse than just watching try to join in when the two were lovers. You see, out in the pasture was considered being private.

“A week after I was working at a remote camp, I met Juan from the interior of Mexico. He was a good looking guy, the best looker in the camp for that matter and at first he and Ramon, the mayor-domo of that camp seemed like close friends. Then one day, Juan invited me to walk with him to a small grove of trees where he said he would pleasure me with his mouth. I was an almost virgin, having had only a couple jack off sessions with kids in high school of which only one had gone as far as the guy sucking on my cock. I was full of sperm and jerked off every night out away from camp so I went with Juan. I intended to just get sucked off and leave Juan undone.

“When we got to the trees, Juan helped me remove my boots and lower and removed my Levi’s and shorts and he did start sucking on my hard cock as I stood there in my shirt and socks with my bare ass shining in the moonlight. Suddenly, Ramon, an older man of about thirty grabbed me around my waist and told me he was going to use my culo like I was his girl friend. It turned out Juan was in on it. I struggled but the two of them were stronger than me and I had to give in or get hurt and then fucked.

Juan held me while Ramon did fuck me, but he was gentle and used an ointment used on sheep for cuts for lube. It was not as bad as it could have been. Then Juan fucked me and I was allowed to fuck Juan. In between the fuckings, we drank wine and I got a little high. I found that my cock got very hard when Ramon’s good sized pinga was in me and I even had a very satisfying climax as he pounded my ass hard and told me I was better than his girl and I was better even than Juan also and Juan was standing there when Ramon said it which was satisfying. Later Juan and I sat on a fallen log with our butts on one side and forced out the cum we had received while Ramon, lying on his back, was licking our asses like he liked to do to his girl. Ramon fucked me at least once a week after that and he told the crew that I was a really hot fuck. Juan became very friendly with me and he was my regular cocksucker as the other men seldom did oral sex.

“Before I left the camp, I had had butthole sex with five of the eight men in that camp and it was usually mutual sex. The night before the truck came to take me to my grandfather, we had a party put on by Ramon with wine in gallon jugs. I sucked off the three men who had not fucked me and I was fucked by three of the guys who had already used me. It was not like that sounds. Everyone was doing everything and what I said is just what I did.

“When I got back to Santa Fe, I tried to stop having man to man sex and I did not engage again until I was eighteen. Then one afternoon, a guy who said he was a cousin to Ramon stopped by to see me and he said that Ramon told him I really liked to be fucked and he offered to fuck me. I don’t remember the guy’s name but he showed me his cock and it was clean and a good size. Well, I had been having wet dreams about being fucked and the guy was polite and good looking so we went into our garage and I bent over the laundry tub with my ass in the open and this guy fucked me real good and a little later I sucked him up hard again and he fucked me again and I knew then that I had to get out of Santa Fe where I had friends and join one of the services where I would be unknown and could enjoy sex the way I wanted to. I have a cousin in the Marines and he is really gung ho about the Corps so I went to the recruiter and here I am.

“Well, that is not the story of Cinderella and it made me hard again,” I told Bill and the others agreed that the story was hot. “What do we do next?” I asked, throwing out the question for anyone to answer.

“Let’s have another beer and get a little high,” Frank suggested. “I want to let myself go and do something real naughty.” the farm boy added.

“Well, after the beer,” Bill spoke up, “Let’ get into the real fun of a party and fuck the brains out of everybody we can stick a cock in.”

“How about it, Bob?” Alvin asked me and the rest waited for my answer. “Is it time for me to pop your cherry? Bill’s story made me hot to fuck someone and it might as well be you. You promised me that honor and I am holding you to your promise.” Even though Alvin ended his speech with a light laugh, I knew he really was ready to take my anal cherry in front of the other two guys.

“When I meet a new guy who wants to fuck me,” Frank offered, “I like to have him start dog fashion. That is my best position for comfort.”

“Yeah, that is cool,” Bill joined in, “But if the guy has a big cock like I like, I like to have him lie on his back and let me sit on it so I can break it in at my own speed. Then I choose dog fashion except if I really like the guy and he kisses good, I take it what they call missionary style--like a girl does.”

“Okay, Alvin, but be gentle,” I replied. “How do you want me to be? Dog fashion or face to face or do I ride your fuck rod like a cowboy on his horse?” I asked and waited for the man who was to deflower my anus to give me the instructions the top is supposed to give his bottom.

“Get on your back on the bed and raise your legs up so I can get into your hot tight little hole with my tongue so I can get you loosened up.” Alvin told me and I followed his instructions. “And you Franky and you Bill get on each side so you can help him hold his legs up over his head so his sweet hole will be begging me to suck it good.” The two guys, with hard cocks swinging about did as they were told and there I was, like a whore hoping to have a big cock shoved up her twat by a sailor or actually like me, by a Marine.

About five minutes of rimming was all Alvin could take as he was even more anxious to start the ass play than I was and I, by then, was pretty ready to lose my butt hole cherry to the great cock Alvin was stroking and showing to all of us.

“Now on your hands and knees, Pussy Boy,” Alvin commanded me. “You are going learn how a bitch dog feels when a top dog takes her and fucks her to make her his full time bitch!”

“OOOH,” I pretended to moan, “That sounds so good to this little bitch.”

“Are you going to use a condom, Al?” Frank asked.

“Depends on Bob.” Alvin answered. “I am clean and I think he is clean so I can go bareback or with a rubber if he wants.” my Marine continued.

“Nothing like getting fucked bareback.” Bill stated, “I like to feel the guy’s hot creamy cum spraying my gut as he is going ballistic from the thrill of feeling what I was feeling except he is doing it and I am only feeling it.”

“Remember, I am a virgin you guys,” I said as I asked, “What do you think. Should I lose my virginity with or without a condom?”

“Well, Bob,” Frank replied, “Al and Bill and me, we do it bareback but we don’t let any of the other guys fuck us raw. You being a virgin, I think you should let us fuck you bareback but I can’t tell you to. It is your own decision.”

“Fuck my hot ass bareback then!” I exclaimed and then I felt Alvin’s lips on my anal opening and it was so damn good I was afraid I would shoot off before I was penetrated. Having made my important decision, I knew I could relax and enjoy what was going to happen and give me a new outlook on life.

Having heard Bill’s story, I knew I might become so addicted to having a hot fat cock in my ass chute that I might allow myself to be fucked by any man who wanted to get his rocks off up my butt hole. Could I be man enough to control my sexual experiences like most straight men do or would I be a slave to having a man’s prick sliding in and out of my anus until the man was fully satisfied and then he would walk off and I would have to find another to take his vacant place?

I told myself that I would be the same tomorrow as I was today only I would be able to appreciate my sexual abilities better than if I remained a virgin. I know that is rationalization but then isn’t most of the decisions we make each day? This I thought of as Alvin was preparing me to be his next fuck boy.

Frank got me two pillows to put under my chest to rest on as my hole would be pounded hard, if I knew Alvin. “Would it be okay with you, Al, if a sit on the bed with my legs open and let Bob suck on my cock while he is getting his first fucking?” the farm boy asked the man getting set to screw me but I thought he should have asked me. I would have said yes but it would have been more polite to get my permission as I would be the one with his hot juicy dong in my mouth. Alvin gave his assent and Frank positioned his body so his prick with the dark red pubes was convenient to my lips and throat.

Bill took a position at my rear so he could observe the entrance of the first fuck tool to break open my pristine virgin hole. Alvin, seeing everyone was ready for his start to penetrate me, spoke, “Now, Bob, Mother Nature made your asshole and my cock compatible to fit together. I think she intended men to use each other when they felt the need and I sure feel the need now to get a new piece of ass namely yours. Just relax, suck on Frank’s sweet dick and enjoy what I am about to do for you.”

“I am going to be gentle with you, Bob, this time. Soon, after you learn how great it is to have a man using your ass in hot sex, you will want him to be a little rougher so you can experience the fuck better and to know it’s a real man who is making you his fuck boy.” As Alvin was speaking and I was relaxing my ass, I felt my first cock knob at my anal lips and pushing them open. The pain was not as bad as I had thought it would be and then I felt my hole relax and I knew there was at least an inch of cock in me.

“Suck my cock!” Frank ordered me and he pulled my head closer into his groin. “Suck it like a lollypop, Sweet Bobby, and make me feel as good as Alvin is feeling with his big fat cock up your fuck hole.” I did start sucking the warm tube of hard flesh in my mouth and I forgot the little pain coming from my asshole.

Alvin, as I knew he would be for some reason, was gentle only for the first few minutes. Then he began to use long strokes to make his cock feel good to him and there was less and less caring how it felt to me. Alvin was at that moment my master and I was merely his fuck slave as he grew more and more vigorous in his shafting of my hole. I found that I was pushing back as my fucker was thrusting in and that increased my enjoyment of what was happening to me.

About then, Frank started using my ears to manipulate my head up and down on his fat seven inches of firm flesh; several times his fairly large knob was forced past my throat ring and into the throat itself. If I had been sucking him the regular way that would probably not have happened but it was kind of a thrill when it did occur.

“Yeah you fucking cocksucker!!!” Frank began to call out louder and louder. “Suck your daddy’s fat cock. Make it shoot hot fucking cock soup into your hungry stomach!” I was making Frank, the gentle quiet farm boy into a sexual monster.

Alvin was less vocal but he also involuntarily compelled to call me dirty names and he used my asshole like a bull uses a cow’s vulva. “Do you like your virgin hole being royally fucked, Pussy boy?” My fucker asked me but so loud his buddies could hear him. With my mouth full of Frank’s thick firm whang I was not able to answer my temporary master.

“I’ll bet he likes it,” Bob answered for me. “His big old long cock is like a broom handle it’s so hard.”

“You sure have a hot boy cunt to fuck! Man! I want to ride this joy hole the rest of today and then tomorrow and you will beg me to keep fucking you pretty soon.” My Marine lover said as he was pulling out and reinserting his rigid asshole borer and each time he did he sent his rod all the way into my fuck cavity up to his balls which them slapped against mine. Yes, I was loving it.

Maybe you think I should have been upset by my treatment. Au contrair as the French say. I was too busy sucking a hard cock and thinking that I had waited a long time to enjoy what my ass and my mouth had to offer me in the way of sexual pleasure and satisfaction with what I was able to do and to take.

Frank, with his juicy cock in my mouth, was able to hold off his climax but Alvin was not as I think he let himself get too fully involved with his hard, fast and rough fucking and before he could control it his nuts sent forth a blast of hot cum into my gut and I could actually feel it splatter my fuck tube. And then another and another and another. I could only wonder how much he was pumping into me. I know no guy can cum a cup full like you read in stories but Alvin, I was sure, gave me at least an ounce and maybe a little more.

“Here, Bill,” Alvin cried out as he slipped out of my hole and slumped to the bed, “Fill up this fuckin’ hole and fuck our boy good!” Without looking back I knew the fucker had been changed and a new cock was working me over as Alvin had been doing.

“OH DAMN!” Bill shouted out, “This is the hottest and tightest hole I have fucked in years. I am goin’ to have to kiss and suck out your sweaty asshole, Al for bringing me with you to meet our boy, Bob and letting me have the best fuck I think I will ever have.” With those words, Bill the Latino boy, hunkered down and went to the job of screwing me with enthusiasm and vigor.

Frank pulled my head even closer and more often than before his cock head was sent into my throat. “Damn! That is so fucking hot to see.” The Kansas boy was saying to everyone and then he directed his speech to me. “Make that fucking cock cum, cocksucker! I want to fuck your ass next and I want my cum to take a long time to pop so drain off my first load in your hot cock eating mouth and belly. Suck, dammit, suck harder!”

All I could think of was that I was a captive of three sex maniacs who could not be satisfied until I passed out. And I was enjoying every minute of it.

I heard Alvin go to the bathroom to clean off his cock that was slick with my ass juices. In a few minutes I heard my friend call out that he was drinking the last of the beer and he was hungry for a hamburger.

Remembering something that Allan had done while sucking my dick at the steam bath, I pulled my head back a little and squeezed my lips tight around Frank’s shaft and then the boy went wild with his use of my head to almost jack his cock off. In less then two minutes of this new sucking technique I felt his groin tighten up. “I’m cumming Cocksucker! Eat my cum. Suck me clean!” Frank was calling out. A goodly amount of hot sweet and sour cock sauce was blasting the back of my mouth and then as Frank pulled me close again I knew more was going down my throat.

I loved the taste of the farm boy’s cum and regretted that I had missed the stuff that went directly to my stomach. Frank left his still swollen cock in my mouth until I had laved it with my tongue and had carefully licked off every drop of his nectar. Only then was my head released from the grasp he had held me in for quite a few minutes.

Frank’s highly vocal climax had caused Bill to go over the edge and he gave me another gift of sauce in my fuck hole before he collapsed on my back. We were all quiet for a few minutes as our energy had been well spent. Finally, Bill withdrew his prick with a loud “POP” and we all laughed.

Frank, with his turgid fuck tool was up on his feet fast. Bill’s screw tool was barely out of my hole when the farm boy mounted me like he had seen farm dogs do since his early years. “Now this is the way those damn step brothers used my tender hole,” my new fucker cried out. “Let’s see if you can take it in your sloppy pussy.” the boy whose cum I had just swallowed rode me like I could never hope to be ridden again. Usually a quiet boy, Frank had really become a sexual monster.

When the time came, as it must unfortunately, for Frank to have his climax, I felt my cock spew out a little cum involuntarily. After all I had just been deflowered and fucked by three young virile Marines for whom male assholes were very desirable and useful for their carnal pleasure.

It took me several minutes to gather my strength to stand up and my legs were wobbly. All three of my recent fuckers were concerned now that they had had their fun with me and Alvin took me in his arms and kissed me with his tongue filling my mouth. I was sure he could taste Frank’s cum that had coated the inside of my mouth but then I knew he had tasted the boy’s cock soup before.

The clock on my dresser showed it was 7:12 and I thought about Mario’s offer to make a personal house delivery of more beer. I asked the group what we should do and they all said that adding Mario, now that I had given up my cherry, would make the party better. I called the number he had written on the sack that had held the chips and fortunately Mario answered the phone.

Giving the name of the small market for which he worked, Mario went on to say, “Mario speaking. How may I serve you?” I told him who I am and then I told him that we had drunk all the beer. “I can’t let the other clerk hear me so I will call you back on my cell phone from the toilet.” The clerk said something like, “Wrong number.” and hung up.

We had agreed that two more six packs of beer and four Jumbo Jacks were needed as we still had a surplus of potato chips left. When my phone rang and I heard Mario again, I told him what we wanted and he said he was going to bring five Jumbo Jacks as that would be his snack before dinner and he wanted to eat it with us. I told the clerk that he would be welcome and he said he could take off early and be at my place in thirty minutes. We all washed up our greasy parts and put on shorts so we would not be naked when Mario arrived. We definitely needed a rest period after my big fuck scene so we sat about downstairs and relived the action over and over and each time it got better and hotter. A college football game was on the TV and the guys marveled how real it seemed on the 52 inch set in the living room.

It was like forty minutes before the doorbell rang. We had been watching a British comedy on Public Television as the game had ended and Mario first smiled to see us all in our tighty whites so to speak but then is smile seemed to go away when he saw we were watching TV and the room showed no signs of a hot party going on. I went with Mario into the kitchen to get plates to put the burgers on and I paid him for all the stuff. “Gee,” The Mexican grocery clerk said to me, “I got the idea that you had something going with these Marines. Looks pretty dull to me.” He added as he put the sandwiches on the counter.

I dropped my shorts and showed the young man my semi-hard prick. “Is this what you are calling dull?” I asked the clerk.

“Oh, my god!” Mario cried out and dropped to his knees and had my cock in his mouth before I could call the rest of the guys to come on in the kitchen from where they were waiting for my signal.

“You will get all the dick you can handle here tonight, Mario,” Bill said and the rest of the guys removed their shorts also. “Come on upstairs with us.” the Latino Marine invited the Latino clerk who arose and followed with a show of enthusiasm.

When we got upstairs to my rooms, and Mario had stripped to show his well formed body and seven inch cock sticking out like a hanger for a sign, we asked him what he liked to do. “I have to have Bob’s long cock up my ass at least once and I will suck all the dicks you put in my mouth.”

“We all want Bob’s cock knocking our prostates so you have to wait in line I guess,” Alvin laughed. “Fortunately we just injected enough protein in Bob so he should be able to fuck each of us at least a little. My friend then put his cock into Mario’s mouth and we watched as the new guy showed us what he could do with a man’s flesh tube of ecstasy. We each knew that this guy had had experience and we could learn a lot from him.

“You guys can watch as I get my fuck hole screwed up good by Bob,” Frank said and he led me over to the bed and climbed up on his hands and knees as I had been a short time before. I climbed up behind the Kansas farm boy turned Marine and started to slip my dick in his ready ass. “Don’t I get any loving on my hole first,” Frank pouted so I put my mouth on his anal opening as he spread his buttocks. A faint smell like cut grass came into my nostrils and I used my tongue to lick the boy’s buttocks and then into the crack of his ass. After a few long sweeps with my tongue, I fingered his fuck hole and got it open from the tip of my tongue to barely enter but there must be nerves there as Frank was telling everyone how good it felt.

As I was getting ready to spear the Marine from the mid-west, I looked about. Mario, the newcomer was already taking care of Alvin in his mouth and Bill up his ass. I was glad that my friends were happy and busy.

“Fuck me hard, Bob,” Frank told me as my cock went in a good six inches into the boy’s tight fuck tunnel. “When you are ready, let me have it up to your balls.” Remembering how Alvin had screwed me just an hour or two before, I started right in with longer and longer strokes until Frank was moaning about wanting me to slow down and I was feeling his prostate on each stroke.

“I guess I got carried away but your ass is so good that I want to make you shoot your load without touching your cock.” I told the boy whose ass chute was filled with my throbbing prick. I leaned over and gave him several kisses on his neck and then I raised back up and, using both hands, I slapped his butt cheeks hard for like five swats.

“Oh yeah, that’s what I miss most. The spankings that my step brothers used to give me as they used me like a whore.” Frank said. “I was always afraid to ask any guys on the base to do it. Would you later spank me good when the other guys won’t know about it. Please, Bob.”

“Sure. If you want it you will get it from me, Frank. Right now I would do anything you want your ass feels so great to me.” I replied but I did not swat the boy again as I think Alvin and Bill had heard the slaps and had looked over at us.

“I can take it now, Bob. Fuck me hard again and make me cum for you.” I started again but this time I was going what Alvin had done to me when he pulled out and then pumped his cock back into my hole. After we fell into a steady rhythm of long strokes and then shorter and faster ones, Frank relaxed and put his head on his crossed arms. I finally felt an impending climax so I went back to the self satisfying deep thrusts. Since I was going the full ten inches, I must have really excited Frank’s prostate as he cried out, “I’m cumming; I’m cumming hard!” I reached around and gripped the boy’s prick and I could feel it shooting cum onto the bed sheet. I guess you know that made me feel proud.

After hearing Frank’s cry, I let loose and I shot six or seven blasts of cum into the young ass I was screwing and I heard bells that the others could not hear. I had to rest for a few minutes on Frank’s back and then I let my well worn cock slip out of his hole and we rolled over to lie next to each other in a state of near exhaustion.

The rest of the party became a little dull for me but the others were still at it when I came back from washing my dangling manhood in the bathroom. I looked at the clock on my dresser and it showed 10:30. I sat in one of my chairs and just watched the others carrying on in mad sex.

Alvin, having had a big climax in Mario’s good looking butt, came over and sat next to me. “It has sure been a party!” the Marine exclaimed. We will be sleeping until noon tomorrow.” I knew that he had just withdrawn from the clerk’s ass, but I wanted to suck my friend a little and so I did. It is a different taste if you have not tried it.

“Yeah. Your aunt will be worried if you don’t show up pretty soon,” I warned Alvin and he agreed. But just then, Bill told Mario that he had to go take a leak and Mario told him he wanted to go to the bathroom with him.

“I want to taste your piss, Big Boy,” Mario told Bill so Bill told the rest of us to follow them into the bathroom to watch.

Bill stood in the bathtub and Mario knelt in front of him. The store clerk took Bill’s piss


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A Tale of Texas Ranch Hands Part 3.By the time we got to the private room, I found out that Ronnie was two and a half years older than me, was engaged to be married to the daughter of the richest man in the county and he wanted to tell me a secret.“Let me get comfortable, Bob,” Ronnie opened the conversation, “I don’t like to walk around naked as you are when I’m downstairs, but I

A Tale of Texas Ranch Hands Part 4.

A Tale of Texas Ranch Hands Part 4.Once back on the floor of the big room, Tim and Ozzie hurried over to me to hear all the news of what had happened with Cousin Ronnie. I told them that he had suggested I service him like he was a stranger and so I had. The two both said they wished they could have watched me sucking off a cock as big as my own. I laughed. Tim and Ozzie drifted

A Visit To Tijuana, Baja California Part 1

A Visit to TJ, Baja Part 1,Coming home one night a few weeks ago, I got a call on my “red” cell phone and that call had to be from Uncle Clarence. He is the only one who has that number.“Bob, I hope I did not interrupt anything.” That was my uncle’s standard opening line on that phone. I made a quick analysis of his voice for if he was in a joking mood, I had some good joke answers

A Visit To Tijuana, Baja California Part 2

After Raul and Hector had left the hotel, I went to the coffee shop and had a coffee and a roll. I asked the waitress where I would find the Maitre de of the dining room and she said he did not come to work until about six o’clock. I could not wait that long so I caught a cab at the foyer. In a few minutes I was again in downtown, TJ.What I wanted to see was not the housewives buying

Alvin and Saturday, Part 1

Alvin and Saturday, Part OneIf you have read my earlier story, “My First Time Part 2” you would have known I have spent the last week anxiously waiting for Saturday and the return visit to his aunt by Alvin. Alvin Martin is the nephew of an elderly neighbor lady, Mrs. Agnes Hamilton who lives down the street, in fact in the corner house on the next block. Well, after a little party in my

Alvin and Saturday, Part 2

Alvin and Saturday, Part TwoOh, Yes! The party was very much officially opened for pleasures not before known to this virgin high school senior.Alvin, my Marine PFC lover was on his knees giving my ten inch hard thin cock the best sucking it had had in the week that I had been found to be gay. Bill, one of Alvin’s Marine buddies from Camp Pendleton, was standing next to me, a sound that

Alvin and Sunday

Alvin and SundayI don’t know how many horny men have read my stories. If only one, and he was brought to an intense orgasm by what I wrote I would be well paid. Now, you are learning of my start as, I might as well be honest, an ordinary young man, still in high school due to missing a year, who had learned of the extreme pleasures another man and his hard prick can bring me. In a recent week

An A-! Party At A Frat House

An A-1 Party At A Frat House.I know it’s been a while since I have told you of my activities. Well, for your file on me, I have just been studying, working at the hotel and at the adult book store and nothing very interesting.Mr. Goldenrocks and Mike have been in Hong Kong for two months and I have been managing the book store. I have three clerks which Mike has selected from the

An Afternoon in A Frat House (Conclusion)

An Afternoon In A Frat House. (Conclusion)(I guess my word processor got so hot as I used it to put down what happened at the Alpha Sigma Sigma Fraternity the other Saturday night that it dropped the conclusion… Well, the story was so long anyway that it was okay. Here is what happened, starting with the four rooms we had upstairs constantly busy with hot blooded fraternity brothers using

Carl's Birthday Present

Carl’s Birthday PresentSince this is my first attempt to write of my few experiences, I will make this a short one.Last Saturday afternoon, I was working in Mom’s garden in the backyard when Carl, the James boy from next door, opened the gate that was off the alley.“Hey Bob, you sure missed a good party last night. It was my eighteenth birthday party you know and the folks went all

I Can't Believe I Did A Mulatto, Part One

The meeting itself was casual and ordinary.I was in this restroom in the park and I saw this very good looking, well built guy of I guessed twenty or twenty one. I am just over my nineteenth birthday and I am not very good looking nor very well built.Several men were busy at that moment in that restroom so I washed and rewashed my hands until the crowd had finally vanished. My

I Can't Believe I Did A Mulatto, Part Three (Final Part.)

I stood up as Tyrone finished his part of our oral sex session. I still had the job to do to swallow his copious cum load and, using the index finger on both hand, to wipe all the creamy sauce that had leaked out of my mouth back into my mouth for the full pleasure of Tyrone’s gift to me.“Gee, Mister Cocksucker,” Thurman spoke up after watching his brother’s fully first class job of

I Can't Believe I Did A Mulatto, Part Two

There I was, as I had been more than just a few times before, on my knees and orally servicing a man who clearly was the more dominate of the two of us. My host’s big fat black cock was my master at that moment.This was, the unusual part of my story but maybe not yours, the first time I had ever had an African American black cock in my mouth. I was no where near as bad as I had been

I Take A Course In Glory Hole 101

I Take A Course Glory Hole 101Let me think for a moment. Saturday of last week was my 19th birthday party. That was my first adventure into sex with Kenny and Alvin. The next day, Sunday, I went to the steam bath house for my wild time in the orgy room. The following day Monday is the subject of today’s story.Since I got home so late from the steam bath house, I told my Mother I was

It Was Behind The Big Rocks.

Behind the rocks on the beach.All the writers like to spell out how that day started so I will also even though I am not much of a writer. It started cold and cloudy and not at all like a summer day.“Get up, Bob! Please dust down my car as I don’t want Wendy Klutson to tell everyone I can’t even keep my car clean.”That voice and that request came from my Mom’s lips and then I

Kenny Completes Another Pass and Scores

Kenny Completes another Pass and ScoresTo put you in the picture as my Uncle Jim likes to say…and since he has a lot of money we listen to what he has to say… it is autumn here in my Southern California hometown. I prefer summer and the beach but autumn is good also. I was walking home from school yesterday and there was a slight Santa Ana wind blowing and the temperature was maybe ten

Lessons Can Be Fun

Lessons Can Be FunThe day after I found the glory hole at the baseball field, I went to school with fears of being exposed by Jeff, Homer, Joe and Jimmie, the boys I had sucked off twice each. I also was ashamed to face Mr. Washington, my teacher in Social Studies.I was surprised by my reception by first Homer. “Hi, Bob!” Homer called to me as I parked my Mustang, “Here, have one of these

My First Steam Bath Sex

My First Steam Bath Sex.It was the early afternoon of the day after my birthday party and the peculiar taste of Alvin’s cum was still in my mouth. I had used Listerine and some other mouth washes but I finally realized that it was the essence of his love juice and not the actual organic elements that made it up that I tasted. Alvin had already gone back to duty at Camp Pendleton so another

My First Time

The First TimeI have written two stories for this group, but I have not yet told you how I got started. Well here is how I learned to be the cock lover I am today.First, I am almost 19 years old and still a senior in high school as I was out several months when I was 14 years old. I am a good student and could have been passed up one grade when I was 16 but my Mother thought I should

My First Time, Part 2

My First Time (Part 2)(I suggest you read My First Time by me, Bob N. Head, before you read this if you want to get any sense out of my story. I will be assuming that you have.) Well after our little adventure in the swing, we found our presence was required in the house as my Mother was calling us. We found as we entered the living room where the other guests were snacking and

My Friend, Josh USMC and his story.

Last night, I was in Oceanside and I met a good looking guy in an ice cream place eating a big dish of ice cream. He told me his name is Josh and he is almost 19 years old. I could tell from his manner of speech that he was not well educated even before he told me he had joined the Marines in St. Louis after he left his uncle’s farm in the Ozarks. He informed me that he was taking some

My Lucky Night At The Club Part 1

A few weeks ago I was in Beverly Hills with my mother. My mother comes from very social family with money. My father left us well off with assets and insurance when he left us. I try to keep it quiet but I am gay and need sex like a puppy needs loving care. I am 19 years old and close to 20 so maybe I am too old for you????The first morning I woke up in my Uncle Clarence’s big

My Lucky Night At The Club Part 2

I was at the private entrance to the club at seven o’clock although Kyle had told me to be there at eight. I wanted to get prepared for what I hoped would be an evening of carnal pleasures.In the room set aside for performing members, of all grades, I found some nice furniture and a large, maybe a 60 inch, television with a vcr and players for Cds and DVDs. A container of canned

My Lucky Night At The Club Part 3

I could not keep my eyes off of Uncle Clarence there in the front row of the room where I would be part of a skit with another man. In that skit, I would be acting as a 12 year old boy but only play acting as I am in fact over 19 years old.My co-actor would be dressed as a sailor and I would end up sucking his cock and getting my ass well fucked for the amusement of the members of

My Lucky Red Mustang.

This is a story told to me by a guy I had just sucked off and we were talking to calm ourselves down.George (Not his real name) was maybe 30, quite masculine, good looking in a sort of boyish way and had the self confidence of a man who had made his fortune and was now casting about for something to do to keep himself busy. His cock, for those of you who feel that is important, was

Ronnie Makes Up His Mind

To My Readers: I am giving you a work of fiction but I hope you almost believe it happened. I will feel good if you do believe. Just maybe it did. I also hope you will find a part in the plot for you to imagine being involved as you might want to be. It might just have been written about you..However, it is also a story in which men have sex with men (as they sometimes do) and if such a

Ronnie's Education Continues

There is one saying that I can only say is true. Sex is where you find it.I suggest you read the four part story of “A Tale of Texas Ranchhands” to get the full meaning of this story today. This story starts, Sunday morning after that story being on Saturday down in Texas. I will assume you have.With the dawning sun only beginning to light my room at the ranch, I came suddenly

The Sheik Rules

The Sheik Rules Part 1.If you have read my recent story of “My Lucky Night At The Club,” you have been introduced to my Uncle Clarence. In that story, I did not elaborate about my uncle but I will tell you a little more here. Uncle Clarence is a promoter who has had a lot of success. His wife, my Aunt Jenifer, however is an invalid and not capable of having sex anymore. There are

The Sheik Rules Part 2

The Sheik Rules. Part 2.I don’t know how he could do it. When Jim opened the door to Jeff’s room, we found Jim’s brother sound asleep, dressed only in an expensive set of boxer underwear.“Well, I think I told you how my brother controls his mind.” Jim remarked. “He can sleep like this knowing that he has a rough hour or so to go through with some big cocked guy and then a worst


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