Gay Erotic Stories

An A-! Party At A Frat House

by Bob_N_Head2
12 Sep 2011

College Days Family Fun Friends Parties To Remember Straight Men, Gay Sex

An A-1 Party At A Frat House.

I know it’s been a while since I have told you of my activities. Well, for your file on me, I have just been studying, working at the hotel and at the adult book store and nothing very interesting.

Mr. Goldenrocks and Mike have been in Hong Kong for two months and I have been managing the book store. I have three clerks which Mike has selected from the vocational school across the way.

If you remember my little story of A Professional in The Bookstore, I had become good friends to multi-millionaire Mr. Goldenrocks who owned the bookstore property and Mike the owner of the bookstore. I had a small part in getting Mike and Mr. Goldenrocks together and so the store owner usually asked me to manage the store when he and his life mate were out of town.

My first job for Mike was to keep an active glory hole open for his horny customers. Several of my “customers” that first night were from the school across the street and it was from this group that Mike hired his clerk staff.

The three clerks who are working under my management are, Arnold, 18, white and 6 !/2 cut dick; Floyd, 19, white and 7 inch uncut dick; and Vincent, 18, black and 9 inch cut dick. How do I know their dick sizes? Don’t be naìve. I learn that information in the way a lot of you would learn it. I sucked them. I hoped someday that each of them will reciprocate but that will be up to each of them. Let me focus this story on one clerk, Arnold and what happened in our mutual relationship.

Each of the clerks were good honest guys but with three different sexual personalities. The only thing that was common was they were not active gays and were, I believe, bi-sexual. However, this story is not really about those other two nice guys.

Arnold has a brother who is a student and football player at one of the larger of the small colleges in this town... Not the University but a very prestigious school for the richer youths of the area. Clarence is in the school on a scholarship and is a popular member of Alpha Sigma Sigma Fraternity. And, now for the story I want to tell you.

One recent Thursday afternoon, Arnold came into the small office and since he had been top cash clerk for the prior week, I figured he was there to get the blowjob that I reward the top cash clerk each week. I know he could get a blow-job anywhere as he, and the other two clerks, are handsome and virile young men. The difference is I give the lucky winner his suck off on the clock at full pay. “I have been wondering why you have not been in to claim your reward, Arnold.” I told the boy. “The winner is entitled to get his cock sucked off on Monday after the week is over. I worry that you no longer like my peter eating oral servicing on that sweet hunk of meat.” I continued.

“Oh. Freddy you should know you are my favorite cocksucker. I know I won for last week and I have been meaning to get you to do it,” Arnold replied, “but I have a small problem. It is something that Clarence needs.” Arnold sat in the executive office chair that sat in the corner of the office and was only used by the lucky clerk who was that week’s winner. I locked the office door but the chair is in full view of the clerk behind the counter so he could watch the show. I think that is a good incentive idea on my part. The watching clerk can hope to be the next recipient of my not inferior oral servicing skills.

“You waiting for me to bring your pants and shorts down?” I asked “or are you going to do it yourself like usual?” Arnold undid his belt, unzipped and raised up to lower his clothing. For my view, there was the boy’s 6 ½ inch almost boyish cock with his tight smooth balls. The pubes on the winner were neatly trimmed and my mouth began to water. I unzipped my pants and pulled out my good size piece of sex sausage as I always managed to get myself off as I did my winning clerks. But isn’t that what good management is?

“Can I tell you what Clarence needs?” The boy sitting in the Suck Off Chair asked me as I reached for the rubber knee pad that was big enough for both of my knees. I knelt and gave the cute cock in front of me a lick up his shaft and a kiss on the rosy knob. I never rush giving the winning clerk his prize even though I do it on the clock and at full pay as I think that would cheapen the purpose.

“Sure, Arnold,” I answered the question. “I have never had the pleasure with your brother, but I am sure a hot number like he is has all the sex he needs.” I made sure that my cum towel was spread out to keep the carpet in the office clean as I sometimes cum rather copiously. You may have a good cleaning woman but I don’t think anyone can get old cum out of a white carpet. The prize winning clerk’s cream is too quickly sucked into my stomach to cause a cleaning problem.

“Well, Clarence does not have any gay friends. As far as I know he’s a virgin with man to man sex but he has three girls he humps on his own schedule. My brother knows I know a lot of guys who suck cocks real good. I am not sure he knows I like a cock once in awhile although rarely and not as much as I like to be serviced or be the top to a willing bottom. But he would be OK with it if he did find out, I think.” Arnold spoke as he lifted his ball sack so I could slip my tongue under it and just touch his virgin rosebud of an asshole with the pointed tip of my tongue. “So I have been looking for a couple good cocksuckers for him.” Arnold went on and I was so shocked I had to look up into the boy’s eyes to see if I was hearing him right.

My semi-hard sex piece took a twitch and became harder. I wanted to say that I would be happy to be one of Clarence’s cocksuckers but I had to know more about why such a hunk needed Arnold to look for his dick servers.

“I guess I am saying this wrong,” Arnold corrected his statement. “My brother belongs to Alpha Sigma Sigma Fraternity. Saturday night they are hosting two other chapters from north of here. There was no problem getting a couple girls to provide sex to the guys and their guests but the president of the chapter says he went on a visitation at one of the chapter they are hosting. That chapter had two cocksuckers in a separate room to suck off any of the frat brothers who wanted to swing that way. The president told Clarence that he enjoyed a great blow job and a very satisfactory rim job from a young airman as there was a big air station near that frat house.”

“That sounds like a real live frat chapter,” I broke in to Arnold’s explanation of his brother’s problem. “But, how does Clarence figure into this?” I asked as I glanced up and saw Vincent’s black face at the window with a look on his face that seemed to ask, “What’s going on?” as there was an unusually long delay between the time I started licking the boy’s prick and the big show of when I would be deep-throating him. Now Vincent is a good worker but he has to study for his vocational school course in Building Inspection 103, and he sometime misses a chance to sell a rubber cock or a blow up Sailor Boy doll and so he has yet to win the blow-job. It was only before I took over that I enjoyed his big black nine incher and it was a real treat, I can assure you. Vincent knows that the real kick in the reward is that it is done on the clock at full pay. To make the black clerk see nothing was wrong between Arnold and me, I gave the semi-hard cock a series of deep suckings into my throat. When I looked again, Vincent was smiling knowing everything was okay.

“Any how,” Arnold continued, “The dedicated cocksuckers I know are local guys and they are afraid that they would know some of the Alpha Sig’s members and their families so they are mostly willing to party with strangers but they are afraid to take the chance with local college guys as a group. Most of them would love to be able to suck all the young cocks that will be there, but they don’t want to be outed.”

“And Clarence thinks two cocksuckers will be enough for three fraternities on such a get together?” I asked as I pulled off the sweet tower of a penis I had been enjoying. I asked that question because I knew that even two good cocksuckers would be so overworked in such a party that they would give cock sucking a bad name because the would have to be giving shoddy attention to each boy. “That was only one frat chapter the president was at where they had two peter pleasers. Better tell your brother that the minimum number needed is four and five would be better. A good blow-job takes time. Like twenty minutes for a fairly good one. Well, Arnold, you know from experience how long you last. Also, how much time some guys take to cum from the few you have sucked off.”

“You know your blow jobs, Freddy but Clarence says the treasurer at his chapter only has $200.00 to pay the guys who will take the job for five or six hours. That would be like $100.00 each.” Arnold said as he began to take charge of our little affair and he grabbed my ears, as he usually does when he is the winner, and he tried to force me to deep throat his six and a half inch cock. Such a cock just is not much for deep-throating, I am afraid. Now, take an eight inch beauty… Sorry, I am getting away from my story. The boy used my head like he would use his fist and I had to close my eyes as the rapid movements up and down he was doing made my vision blur. Thankfully he only kept that up for a few minutes as I did not want our party to end too soon.

“I think I can help you and Clarence out,” I told Arnold as I licked up the sweet precum he had worked up with his recent rough use of my head as it oozed out of his piss slit. “Three friends of mine who also work for our bosses, Mike and Mr. Goldenrocks in their California porn studios, came to town yesterday and they would think that fraternity shindig was a picnic.”

Indeed, I had had a telephone call from my old schoolmate, Peter Pullor who used to be the big man on the campus in high school and scorned me like I had the itch. Later in my story where I was featured in a male porn flick, (have you seen “Rescue on Poontang Island?) I worked that one time with Peter who was going under the name of Jock Rockhard and he was amazed at my stamina and the size of my dick he thought he could not take in his butt. Well, he and Kevin who lives in Jean, Nevada and Carl, an ex farm boy from Minnesota were in town to celebrate Carl’s twentieth birthday and wanted me to join them for the party on Friday night.

With that quartet, the social meeting of the Alpha Sigma Sigma fraternity would be something the chapters would remember for years.

“I have your answer, Arnold,” I told the hot boy in front of me, one hand still pushing my head down to his throbbing hard six and a half or maybe seven inches of sweet meat. The boy released my head and looked me in the eyes as he wiped a bit of his pre-cum off of my chin.

“Freddy, if you can do it for me, I can sure as hell do it for you.” Arnold stood up and continued. “I know your word is good. If you promise me that you will help Clarence out, I will give you one of my rare but renowned blow jobs right her and now.”

“Not only will I help him out but I will have three porn stars with me taking on all the young fraternity stuff that wants a real thrill,” I said and then I told Arnold who would be there and how I knew them.

“Wow! The young student and clerk exclaimed. “Are you sure that Jock Rockhard will be there sucking and getting fucked? Man! Jock is my most favorite porn actor. I buy all of his films and jack off every time I run them.” The prize winning clerk’s cock was up to his belly button but he pulled me up and sat me in the Suck Off Chair. It was the first time I had sat in it since it was only for high cash winning clerks. “Not only am I going to suck you off now, Freddy, but I will let you be the third guy to fuck my ass if you give me and introduction to Jock Rockhard.” I looked at the window and Vincent was sure something had gone wrong between Arnold and me. Then, when he saw Arnold drop to his knees and make a valiant effort to deep throat my nine and a half inches of hard peter meat, the look on the face of the black clerk was something I wished I had a camera to take the picture of.

Well, how great Arnold was at sucking me off and then how great I was at returning the favor would probably not interest you since you pretty well know it all anyway. Arnold had a reputation of being a strictly top and I made Vincent promise to keep the wild cock blowing show he saw a secret.

“You might be wondering why your solving this problem means so much to me,” Arnold explained to me after both of our dicks had been wiped clean and everything was put away. “Well, besides doing it for the best brother a guy can have, I want a chance to join Alpha Sigma Sigma next term and a good joint meeting will put Clarence in a tight position to be the chapter president next September and I will be a shoe-in without all the crap the pledges have to go thru.” Arnold paused for a few minutes and then, bashfully spoke. “Do you think Jock Rockhard would spend a half an hour in a private room naked with me?”

“Peter, that’s his real name, owes me a lot of favors for helping him at a sex camp we were at one time and he got a lot of money on account of me. I will insist that Jock or Peter, whichever you want to call him, spend the rest of the night with you in my apartment.” The boy looked like I had awarded him the Oscar for the blowjob he had just given me. I noted, however, that my cocksucker did not swallow my offering to his mouth and I figured he was still not the great cocksucker he could be.

Oh, I almost forgot. Vincent told me later that show he was watching thru the window was so hot that he hauled out his nine incher and was jerking off as he watched Arnold and me doing our stuff. Well, a regular customer saw his dick, grabbed it and sucked it off right there in the sales room, fortunately empty at the time. Then the old auntie made arrangements for Vincent to meet him in his condo after work for one hundred and fifty dollars for one hour. Vincent then told the older man he would only come to his condo if he bought fifteen of the latest porn DVDs, several bottles of Rush, three all male porn magazines and a twelve inch black dildo and two tubes of KY. The well to do man bought and paid cash without a whimper. I was very happy to hear that as I was sure that sale alone would win the high cash winner’s prize for Vincent next Monday.

I was so sure of my ability to get a good gay staff together for the frat house, I ordered four sheets of ¼” plywood and some 2”X3” lumber along with an electric drill and a set of hole cutters to be delivered at the frat house as I had my plans to have two glory holes set up where straight guys could get anonymous blow jobs and if a frat boy or two wanted to be on the receiving side, so much the better as my crew could take their time with each “customer” or get a bit of rest in between sucking cocks.

Friday night at Carl’s birthday party, I met a lot more of the actors from the flick we had done together. Peter, Kevin, and Carl thought that going to the frat house was a real picnic to go to as I knew they would. “I will only go if there is no director or camera man telling me how much of my fucker’s cock has to be shown for the shot. I want all the dicks I get to be balls deep in my throat and in my ass. Promise me that and I’ll be good for eight hours, I promise you,” Carl told me laughing with glee as his asshole was being caressed by my tongue and lips. Every time we met for a little party, Carl had stories to tell me about the farm dogs that mounted him when he was young. The farm boy from Minnesota had just finished a hot dog story and I was really keyed up by it.

While not so emphatic, Peter and Kevin were also enthusiastic about the potential plethora of young guys they could make happy. As we talked, Peter got a telephone call and while he was talking to the party on the other end, he told me it was from Ramon, his fellow actor known professionally as Lance de Carne. I had met Ramon at that expensive spa where Peter and Ramon were among the spa boys who could be used sexually in all of the non harmful sex acts. Ramon was in Nogales, Arizona with his family but when Peter told his live in lover partner about the frat house affair, Ramon said he wanted to fly up and join the cock sucking staff I was putting together.

I think Ramon is the best looking of the five of us and I know the guys in the frat house will want to have him on their hot and needy cocks and maybe even line up for his servicing.

I invited all the guys on my frat house staff to stay overnight at my place but Carl said he had to keep a date with a bartender at the hotel he was booked in and would probably be in bed with him all night. Peter called Ramon and told him where to meet us if he caught an early flight and Kevin said his cousin was expecting him to stay at their place in North Las Vegas but he would try to get away as soon as he could but to count on him for sure Saturday at 4:00PM.

I just mention this in passing from one part of my story to the next. Peter spent the night with me and he kept referring to our stormy high school days and he wanted so badly to make up for his treatment of me, not physical but by telling everyone of his gang not to have anything to do with me, that he spent the night sucking me, making me fuck his ass time after time until I just had nothing more to give him. What a mouth that boy has and the way he played that submissive slut scene in my bed. WOW! He deserves the kudos he gets in his porn flicks. How Peter changed from straight to gay is in my story about the porn flick.

Saturday morning, my crew came together and I took them out to IHOP for breakfast. I had to restrain Ramon from having the waiter right there in the dining room and it was only later that he confessed he knew the waiter and had set up the joke on me. I gave the guys the address and we agreed to meet at 5:00 o’clock in the four rooms the fraternity president had cleared out for our part of the entertainment. The girls were downstairs and we were upstairs.

Arnold and Clarence had agreed to help me put up the glory holes and we met at the frat house at 2:30. The lumber had arrived and we had to carry it upstairs. A couple frat brothers offered to help us set up our area when Clarence explained what we were going to do. The two were Jerry and Jeff, and the other guys, Jeff told me, called them “The two big J jerk offs.” Jeff laughed but Jerry just said “You talk too much, Jeff.”

Since Jerry seemed somewhat bashful when he heard Jeff tell me what the other guys called them, I was surprised when it was Jerry who asked if he and Jeff could take turns being on the receiving side when he saw me putting the hole in the sheet of plywood. The idea was that Jerry would be on duty at one the glory holes while Jeff was out with the guys downstairs and then Jeff would come up and take Jerry’s place. That way, Jerry’s explanation of why the switching back and forth was the other frat brothers would not wonder where the two big J jerk offs were.

Suddenly, a trim good-looking man in his middle forties came into the room and both Clarence and Arnold greeted him with hugs. The man was then introduced to me as their father, a recent widower who lives in Reno.

There was no way we could cover up the glory holes we had already suspended from the ceiling and the father seemed to know right away what they were for. Clarence merely told his father that there would be a social visitation that night of two other chapters. The father said, “I sure wish I was invited. Have not had my cock sucked by a man since I took that vacation in Mexico City. That was almost a year ago. I think that guy was eating hot peppers ‘cause my dick burned for a couple days.” The boy’s father laughed quietly at the memory and we all laughed louder than he did.

When the boy’s Dad made that confession, I suggested that I would like to try out one of the two glory holes and maybe Dad would like to be my first “customer.”

“Thank, Freddy, the boy’s father replied, “But could we do it without the boys watching?” I answered his request by telling him that I was doing it to impress my two friends and how else could I show them how good I was doing it for their father if we made them leave the room. Jerry than said he would be happy to suck off Clarence as he had been his dream boy for several months. Clarence could stand next to his dad while both had their cocks pleasured. It took Clarence a few minutes to decide to do it. When I told him he should enter into the spirit of what we were doing for him and his plans to be chapter president next term, he agreed.

After I asked Arnold to watch me behind the glory hole and Jerry told Jeff to watch him, we locked the door and got ready to break in our play room. I watched as the first cock came in for Jerry and I told myself that I wanted a piece of that beauty before the night was over. Jerry went right to work and he sure knew what he was doing. It was lucky we used the largest hole cutter in the kit as Clarence’s prick nearly missed being too thick for the hole.

It only took Clarence Senior, for that was the father’s name, a minute to follow Clarence Junior lead and I got a well trimmed circumcised hard cock that had only the faintest taste of a piss the father had taken much earlier in the day. I gave my project my best attention and Clarence Senior was soon vocalizing me loudly as I gave the older man the start of what I thought was maybe my best suck job yet. I guess he thought the plywood would make it difficult for me to hear him as the boy’s father went loudly into detail of his reaction to my penile efforts.

“Oh Yeah! Freddy. Suck that old cock and make it feel young again! Eat that hot prick you little cocksucker! OH YEAH! You are a great cocksucker you little fucking cocksucker! Dammmmmn! That sure feels good. You got one great cock pleasing mouth on you, Freddy. What a hot cocksucker you are!” was only a small part of Clarence Sr.’s dirty sex talk which I loved.

All the time his father was being vocal, Arnold was kneeling next to my mouth, watching intently and jerking that cock I had sucked dry the day before. When I had to take my mouth off for just a second, Arnold pushed me away and had his father’s cock in his mouth before I could even protest. After all, Clarence Senior had told me I could suck him off, not Arnold.

OH FUCK! Freddy, you just get better as you suck. I love that new stuff you are doing with your fucking tongue, you sweet piece of fag boy. Oh, you hot fucking cocksucker you. You have made my trip from Reno worth the trouble with your hot fucking cock loving mouth that was just made to suck out my old nuts. Damnnnnn. That’s the best yet! How do you do it so good you hot little prick eater? Junior is getting his cock sucked great too; I can tell by the way he is face fucking his cocksucker. For a beginner Junior is coming on like a champ! Oh, my hot cocksucker, Freddy, I only wish Arnold was over here and you were giving him the same sweet cock sucking job you are giving me, you fucking sweet cock sucker.” Clarence Sr. was getting better vocally but not for me and I was a little upset.

I was just standing there and listening to the praise that I should have been getting from Clarence Senior. Damn, that Arnold, I thought. He is having all the pleasure his father can give and I am missing out completely except for that first couple minutes of rare good cock to eat. When I looked over to where Jerry was sucking off Clarence Junior, it was plain that the frat boy being sucked was also in silent ecstasy as his thick joy rod was like a machine gun in Jerry’s mouth and Jerry’s cock was being sucked by Jeff. What the fuck? Why just stand here like a fucking statute when I could be sucking off Arnold while he is blowing his Dad’s prick. After all, his Dad had already said he wanted me to suck off Arnold so I got right to it. I could feel big drops of Arnold’s saliva dropping off the underside of his Dad’s firm hot penis and landing on my neck but that only gave me a strange pleasure as I tried to do Arnold as good as he was doing his father.

Frankly, I have no idea who came first; I only know that when Arnold was filling my mouth with his cock chowder he was moaning in much more pleasure than I gave him because his father was pouring the family’s special cock sauce down into his stomach. When he felt his father’s prick starting to withdraw, Arnold jumped up, zipped up and told me to get up, grab the disappearing spent penis and act like I had just finished off the old man.

When Clarence Senior came around the sheet of plywood to thank me for his blowjob, his prick had begun to droop and he, self consciously stuffed it back into his pant as though we had not already seen it and saw it spew out white cream for our joy.

“I hope I didn’t insult you, Freddy with my dirty mouth. I just was enjoying your blow job so much I lost control.” Arnold’s father said with a slight smile on his handsome face. I assured Clarence Senior that all cocksuckers appreciate hearing those words of encouragement from the guy they are sucking off and it only makes the whole affair much better. Then, turning to Arnold, the boy’s father told his son, “Now I hope you can keep your mouth shut about what you just saw. Don’t you dare tell your Aunt Maude or I will never hear the end of it. Maybe, if you are good to him, Freddy will give you a blow job someday. He’s a little slow starting off ‘cause I guess he is a little bashful but he comes on like gang-busters when he hits his stride. I can see some of my cum on his chin. Wipe it off for him, Boy.” Arnold use a paper napkin to obey his father.

In a few minutes, Clarence Jr. came back and said he was sure the glory hole section would be a big hit. The prospective president of the chapter said he really enjoyed his first blow job by a man. “It would be a big hit with me if I saw that hot prick of yours coming through the hole at my lips,” I told the brother of my friend. Clarence Sr. laughed and punched my arm. As things were now quiet and the boys were setting up the panels that made the back of the glory holes private, the boy’s father said we got him sleepy and he told Junior to take him up to Junior’s room to take a nap.

As soon as Arnold had a chance to talk to me privately, he said, “My Old Man sure has a wonderful hunk of prick meat. Right? I got to thank you for letting me suck him off as it is something I have wanted to do since I sucked that first cock on my best friend from high school. I am glad that it was Jerry working the hole next to Dad as he doesn’t know me well yet and I think he will not be spreading the word around I sucked off my own father.”

“I had no idea that you were going to upstage me on one of the best man’s penis I have had in my mouth, even for such a short time.” When Arnold looked into my face to see if I was mad at him for pushing me aside, I laughed and told him that the sight of him drinking down the cum that made him was just about the hottest thing I had seen since my first cock also. That remark got Arnold into giving me squirt by squirt report of how it felt to eat his Dad’s cum and just how delicious it was. That only made me feel more envious of the son who had managed to do something many sons never get the chance to do while he bragged about his luck to me. I should have been the lucky one.

We had to change the conversation as Clarence Jr. had returned and neither of us thought it was necessary to let him know it was Arnold who had pleased their father most in the glory hole. Junior said that there were sandwiches and cokes in the kitchen downstairs and we should eat early. I told the guy who was in charge of the sex part of the party that I would wait until my staff got there. I had told the guys who would be helping me to satisfy the man to man sexual desires of all the frat brothers to bring a basket of good sandwiches and other good things to eat and drink so we all could snack when we would have time between the hot meat courses that we would be eating as a part of our so called duty.

Arnold then left with Clarence Jr. as the older brother wanted the younger brother to understand what went on in the fraternity.

The social part of the joint visitation was to start after the three chapters had a joint business meeting. My staff, Peter, Carl, Ramon and Kevin, arrived while the business meeting was going on and we figured we could all get settled down for an evening of sucking and being fucked by some hot young guys who like that better than using girls for sex. We knew some guys would be moving from the girls to the boys and back and forth all evening as they were trying out something new and different.

I was elected the chief cocksucker and the plan was that I would try to assign each of my staff to take care of the frat brothers as they came upstairs for their carnal pleasure according to the desires of each of the customers.

We had just decided who would be doing what when our first customer opened the door. A light colored guy who told me he was from Madagascar but was in one of the visiting chapters, told me he wanted to fuck a guy in the ass real bad but then he corrected himself and said he meant real good. We all smiled at the boy’s gaffe and Ramon picked up a couple condoms as he took the student by the hand and led him into a room with two twin beds and our night was on the road.

The staff was dressed in white t-shirts and bright yellow walking shorts. After a few minutes, I cracked the door to the occupied room and I could see the student was getting a great blow job before he was to get a hot piece of Latino ass. Ramon’s lips on the good sized black prick made a nice contrast.

The next guy to skip out on the business meeting was also from out of town was Italian American. I asked him how he had heard of what was going on upstairs where we were and he said a frat brother named Jeff had suggested, “The early bird gets his worm sucked in time to get it sucked again later.” I laughed and this white guy went into the glory hole room and was serviced by Kevin.

The fact that the student who wanted to use the glory hole had come to me made me think. I got a piece of poster board and made a sign that said, “Welcome to the Glory Hole Room.” From then on, the frat brothers did not come to me but directly into the room we had fashioned. After about ten minutes, Jeff came to me and said they needed the hole cutter to make a couple more glory holes as there were waiting lines for the two we had made.

When I started to cut the new holes, the frat boys, some of whom were playing with their exposed cocks, sent up a cheer. Fortunately, a couple guys from one of the visiting chapters had volunteered to me to take over the new holes so we got the traffic moving smoothly in the Glory Hole Room.

Our next player, named Brad, told me he was from Hollywood. His desire, he said, was to suck off a couple frat brothers incognito and then either fuck a guy or get fucked by a frat brother if I could arrange it. I put Brad on relief duty in the Glory Hole Room. Ten minutes later, another guy came up to me and said he wanted to have a full range of sex with a frat brother he did not know. I thought I would like to watch that show so I put the newcomer and Brad in the next room and left the door slightly ajar. Neither Brad nor his new partner was armatures and I saw a few moves I memorized so I could use them later when I found a suitable bed mate.


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A Visit to TJ, Baja Part 1,Coming home one night a few weeks ago, I got a call on my “red” cell phone and that call had to be from Uncle Clarence. He is the only one who has that number.“Bob, I hope I did not interrupt anything.” That was my uncle’s standard opening line on that phone. I made a quick analysis of his voice for if he was in a joking mood, I had some good joke answers

A Visit To Tijuana, Baja California Part 2

After Raul and Hector had left the hotel, I went to the coffee shop and had a coffee and a roll. I asked the waitress where I would find the Maitre de of the dining room and she said he did not come to work until about six o’clock. I could not wait that long so I caught a cab at the foyer. In a few minutes I was again in downtown, TJ.What I wanted to see was not the housewives buying

Alvin and Saturday, Part 1

Alvin and Saturday, Part OneIf you have read my earlier story, “My First Time Part 2” you would have known I have spent the last week anxiously waiting for Saturday and the return visit to his aunt by Alvin. Alvin Martin is the nephew of an elderly neighbor lady, Mrs. Agnes Hamilton who lives down the street, in fact in the corner house on the next block. Well, after a little party in my

Alvin and Saturday, Part 2

Alvin and Saturday, Part TwoOh, Yes! The party was very much officially opened for pleasures not before known to this virgin high school senior.Alvin, my Marine PFC lover was on his knees giving my ten inch hard thin cock the best sucking it had had in the week that I had been found to be gay. Bill, one of Alvin’s Marine buddies from Camp Pendleton, was standing next to me, a sound that

Alvin and Sunday

Alvin and SundayI don’t know how many horny men have read my stories. If only one, and he was brought to an intense orgasm by what I wrote I would be well paid. Now, you are learning of my start as, I might as well be honest, an ordinary young man, still in high school due to missing a year, who had learned of the extreme pleasures another man and his hard prick can bring me. In a recent week

An A-! Party At A Frat House

An A-1 Party At A Frat House.I know it’s been a while since I have told you of my activities. Well, for your file on me, I have just been studying, working at the hotel and at the adult book store and nothing very interesting.Mr. Goldenrocks and Mike have been in Hong Kong for two months and I have been managing the book store. I have three clerks which Mike has selected from the

An Afternoon in A Frat House (Conclusion)

An Afternoon In A Frat House. (Conclusion)(I guess my word processor got so hot as I used it to put down what happened at the Alpha Sigma Sigma Fraternity the other Saturday night that it dropped the conclusion… Well, the story was so long anyway that it was okay. Here is what happened, starting with the four rooms we had upstairs constantly busy with hot blooded fraternity brothers using

Carl's Birthday Present

Carl’s Birthday PresentSince this is my first attempt to write of my few experiences, I will make this a short one.Last Saturday afternoon, I was working in Mom’s garden in the backyard when Carl, the James boy from next door, opened the gate that was off the alley.“Hey Bob, you sure missed a good party last night. It was my eighteenth birthday party you know and the folks went all

I Can't Believe I Did A Mulatto, Part One

The meeting itself was casual and ordinary.I was in this restroom in the park and I saw this very good looking, well built guy of I guessed twenty or twenty one. I am just over my nineteenth birthday and I am not very good looking nor very well built.Several men were busy at that moment in that restroom so I washed and rewashed my hands until the crowd had finally vanished. My

I Can't Believe I Did A Mulatto, Part Three (Final Part.)

I stood up as Tyrone finished his part of our oral sex session. I still had the job to do to swallow his copious cum load and, using the index finger on both hand, to wipe all the creamy sauce that had leaked out of my mouth back into my mouth for the full pleasure of Tyrone’s gift to me.“Gee, Mister Cocksucker,” Thurman spoke up after watching his brother’s fully first class job of

I Can't Believe I Did A Mulatto, Part Two

There I was, as I had been more than just a few times before, on my knees and orally servicing a man who clearly was the more dominate of the two of us. My host’s big fat black cock was my master at that moment.This was, the unusual part of my story but maybe not yours, the first time I had ever had an African American black cock in my mouth. I was no where near as bad as I had been

I Take A Course In Glory Hole 101

I Take A Course Glory Hole 101Let me think for a moment. Saturday of last week was my 19th birthday party. That was my first adventure into sex with Kenny and Alvin. The next day, Sunday, I went to the steam bath house for my wild time in the orgy room. The following day Monday is the subject of today’s story.Since I got home so late from the steam bath house, I told my Mother I was

It Was Behind The Big Rocks.

Behind the rocks on the beach.All the writers like to spell out how that day started so I will also even though I am not much of a writer. It started cold and cloudy and not at all like a summer day.“Get up, Bob! Please dust down my car as I don’t want Wendy Klutson to tell everyone I can’t even keep my car clean.”That voice and that request came from my Mom’s lips and then I

Kenny Completes Another Pass and Scores

Kenny Completes another Pass and ScoresTo put you in the picture as my Uncle Jim likes to say…and since he has a lot of money we listen to what he has to say… it is autumn here in my Southern California hometown. I prefer summer and the beach but autumn is good also. I was walking home from school yesterday and there was a slight Santa Ana wind blowing and the temperature was maybe ten

Lessons Can Be Fun

Lessons Can Be FunThe day after I found the glory hole at the baseball field, I went to school with fears of being exposed by Jeff, Homer, Joe and Jimmie, the boys I had sucked off twice each. I also was ashamed to face Mr. Washington, my teacher in Social Studies.I was surprised by my reception by first Homer. “Hi, Bob!” Homer called to me as I parked my Mustang, “Here, have one of these

My First Steam Bath Sex

My First Steam Bath Sex.It was the early afternoon of the day after my birthday party and the peculiar taste of Alvin’s cum was still in my mouth. I had used Listerine and some other mouth washes but I finally realized that it was the essence of his love juice and not the actual organic elements that made it up that I tasted. Alvin had already gone back to duty at Camp Pendleton so another

My First Time

The First TimeI have written two stories for this group, but I have not yet told you how I got started. Well here is how I learned to be the cock lover I am today.First, I am almost 19 years old and still a senior in high school as I was out several months when I was 14 years old. I am a good student and could have been passed up one grade when I was 16 but my Mother thought I should

My First Time, Part 2

My First Time (Part 2)(I suggest you read My First Time by me, Bob N. Head, before you read this if you want to get any sense out of my story. I will be assuming that you have.) Well after our little adventure in the swing, we found our presence was required in the house as my Mother was calling us. We found as we entered the living room where the other guests were snacking and

My Friend, Josh USMC and his story.

Last night, I was in Oceanside and I met a good looking guy in an ice cream place eating a big dish of ice cream. He told me his name is Josh and he is almost 19 years old. I could tell from his manner of speech that he was not well educated even before he told me he had joined the Marines in St. Louis after he left his uncle’s farm in the Ozarks. He informed me that he was taking some

My Lucky Night At The Club Part 1

A few weeks ago I was in Beverly Hills with my mother. My mother comes from very social family with money. My father left us well off with assets and insurance when he left us. I try to keep it quiet but I am gay and need sex like a puppy needs loving care. I am 19 years old and close to 20 so maybe I am too old for you????The first morning I woke up in my Uncle Clarence’s big

My Lucky Night At The Club Part 2

I was at the private entrance to the club at seven o’clock although Kyle had told me to be there at eight. I wanted to get prepared for what I hoped would be an evening of carnal pleasures.In the room set aside for performing members, of all grades, I found some nice furniture and a large, maybe a 60 inch, television with a vcr and players for Cds and DVDs. A container of canned

My Lucky Night At The Club Part 3

I could not keep my eyes off of Uncle Clarence there in the front row of the room where I would be part of a skit with another man. In that skit, I would be acting as a 12 year old boy but only play acting as I am in fact over 19 years old.My co-actor would be dressed as a sailor and I would end up sucking his cock and getting my ass well fucked for the amusement of the members of

My Lucky Red Mustang.

This is a story told to me by a guy I had just sucked off and we were talking to calm ourselves down.George (Not his real name) was maybe 30, quite masculine, good looking in a sort of boyish way and had the self confidence of a man who had made his fortune and was now casting about for something to do to keep himself busy. His cock, for those of you who feel that is important, was

Ronnie Makes Up His Mind

To My Readers: I am giving you a work of fiction but I hope you almost believe it happened. I will feel good if you do believe. Just maybe it did. I also hope you will find a part in the plot for you to imagine being involved as you might want to be. It might just have been written about you..However, it is also a story in which men have sex with men (as they sometimes do) and if such a

Ronnie's Education Continues

There is one saying that I can only say is true. Sex is where you find it.I suggest you read the four part story of “A Tale of Texas Ranchhands” to get the full meaning of this story today. This story starts, Sunday morning after that story being on Saturday down in Texas. I will assume you have.With the dawning sun only beginning to light my room at the ranch, I came suddenly

The Sheik Rules

The Sheik Rules Part 1.If you have read my recent story of “My Lucky Night At The Club,” you have been introduced to my Uncle Clarence. In that story, I did not elaborate about my uncle but I will tell you a little more here. Uncle Clarence is a promoter who has had a lot of success. His wife, my Aunt Jenifer, however is an invalid and not capable of having sex anymore. There are

The Sheik Rules Part 2

The Sheik Rules. Part 2.I don’t know how he could do it. When Jim opened the door to Jeff’s room, we found Jim’s brother sound asleep, dressed only in an expensive set of boxer underwear.“Well, I think I told you how my brother controls his mind.” Jim remarked. “He can sleep like this knowing that he has a rough hour or so to go through with some big cocked guy and then a worst


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