Gay Erotic Stories

The Training Course, Part 2

by Johnny.manipulator
20 Mar 2006


Dominic was all swagger as he strutted off behind Smithie, clutching his measuring cylinder containing his first load of warm, white, creamy slique, as they headed off to the next task. Jamie followed on behind, staring resentfully at Dom’s big round arse as it peeked out of his already tattered shorts. Dominic was so full of himself. Jamie could bet he was really getting off on humiliating him at these stupid outward-bound games. At least he got the feeling that Smithie seemed to think very little of Dom’s smug, thuggish swagger, which was something.

They arrived at what looked like a rifle range. Jamie didn’t like the look of it and Smithie enjoyed his discomfort.

‘Okay lads, this is your next task. It’s a version of paintball, except here the pellets contain slique, and the more pellets you get on you the more slique you’ll collect.’

‘So we’d be better off missing the other bloke, then,’ said Dominic. ‘That way they wouldn’t get any points and lose.’

‘Except that you score points for collecting slique off of your opponent’s body,’ said Smithie. Dominic laughed.

‘Oh, I getcha,’ he said. Jamie didn’t look happy about this at all.

‘Right, the loser from the last game goes into the ring first,’ said Smithie. ‘But first you need to put on your protective slique suit.’ He produced something that looked like a much thinner version of a wetsuit. Jamie looked concerned.

‘I’m not getting into that!’ he said.

‘Hurry up, loser,’ said Dominic, sniggering like a schoolboy.

Jamie held it in his hands. It looked too small to fit and felt too thinly rubbery to be any protection at all. His one was bright blue, Dominic’s was red. ‘They won’t fit over your kit,’ said Smithie. Jamie sighed and stripped off in front of them. It was a struggle getting into the rubber slique suit. It was somewhere between a wetsuit and a wrestler’s singlet, and the thin film clung tightly to Jamie’s smooth muscular body. His large penis was very obvious in the shiny blue latex, his firm round arse fitted snugly, his nipples poked against their covering. Smithie showed him into the ring. He felt very exposed in the ring in this tight shiny blue latex skin. He wouldn’t have minded being naked, but this suit was so lewd and ludicrous – he felt like a fool standing there in the ring with nowhere to hide and Dominic loading his gun with slique pellets.

Smithie rang the starting bell. Dominic grinned out at his hapless victim, raised his gun and began firing. Jamie guessed his best plan would be to keep running round the ring to make it harder to get hit. The first couple of pellets hit him and splattered on his chest. They stung! He yelped and Dominic laughed. He kept firing, covering Jamie with slique. This was easy! By chance he caught Jamie in the bollocks, and he yelled out in distress. Now this was fun, thought Dominic. He trained his aim and fired repeatedly at Jamie’s crotch. Pellet after pellet stung Jamie’s balls, and his large cock began to shrivel under the onslaught. He turned and Dominic unloaded his gun against his tight arse. It stung so much, even there, and as a relief he turned towards Dominic again only to receive another barrage of eye-watering shots straight to his balls. Dominic was loving every second of this, putting the guy in his place, shrinking his dick, hurting his balls. He was disappointed when the gun ran out of pellets.

‘Okay. Go and collect all of the slique you got on Jamie,’ said Smithie, handing him a sac to collect it in. Dominic walked into the ring.

‘Come here, bitch!’ he joked. Jamie wanted to punch him for all of the torture Dominic had put his balls through. Dominic walked over to him and began scooping the cream off of Jamie’s shiny tight latex suit with his big hands. It felt very strange, the feeling of Dom’s hands all over him through the thin rubber. It was oddly quite soothing. As he began to scoop more and more from Jamie’s body he was getting lower and lower, to where most of the pellets had hit. He pawed the cream off of Jamie’s tight latex-clad arse first. There were lots there and it made Dominic smirk thinking what a pasting he’d given Jamie’s arse. When he turned Jamie to do his front he could have sworn that the guy’s highly visible and shrunken cock had grown a little. It was hard to tell, though, as he was coated with thick white creamy slique. Dominic started scooping it off of Jamie’s crotch. Jamie jumped when he touched his cock through the latex.

Dominic gripped it tight as he slid his hand over it, and made Jamie yelp. Then he gently, teasingly scooped the slique from Jamie’s balls, and he noticed the guy’s cock twitched. With just one handful to go, Dominic grabbed Jamie’s balls, gave them an hard squeeze, made the guy yell out, and then stood up, his opponent’s latex clean and shiny.

‘Well done,’ said Smithie, taking the sac. ‘Now swap over.’ Jamie looked evil as he took the gun and loaded it. Dominic stripped off, his massive cock semi-hard with pleasure at Jamie’s discomfort. The red latex suit was very tight on his big body. He had trouble squeezing his big round arse into it, and his cock looked massively obscene through the thin rubber, but eventually he was in and knew he looked big and intimidating, even in bright red body-hugging latex. He strode around the ring, arrogant and proud. When Smithie rang the bell, Jamie took aim and fired straight at Dominic’s big cock. The cry of shock was bery satisfying. He got about six shots on target before Dom turned and tried to evade him, protecting his large penis.

Jamie concentrated all of his fire to Dom’s big arse, and where the clinging latex had ridden up between his cheeks. Jamie was a great aim, and pellets were going straight between his buttocks and snapping against Dom’s hole. Like an angry bear Dom didn’t know what to do. He turned back and immediately his big cock was splattered and stung. The thing he couldn’t understand, and which was impossible for the other two men to miss, was that every time a stinging shot landed on target his cock twitched and became swollen. And the bigger it got the easier target it was. He couldn’t understand it – the stinging was making him hard. Even when he shielded his cock the shots on target on his big arse had the same effect. This made no sense at all. Dominic resented what a great shot Jamie was. Not only could he not defend himself but also his body was letting him down. By the time the ammunition had run out he had a massive, stinging, throbbing erection stretching at the latex. Given how proud he was of his dick, even Dom was a bit embarrassed at this.

He was joined by Jamie and Smithie. Unlike on Jamie where the latex had been splattered with slique all over, his aim had been so good that the thick creamy liquid covered just Dominic’s arse, cock and balls. He looked a little embarrassed as Jamie knelt down and began to tease the sticky slique off of his latex-covered cock and into his sac. He could feel the fingers gliding along his massive stiff member and kept wishing it would go down. Instead, contact with Jamie’s fingers just made it worse. His balls felt equally sensitive when Jamie fingered them, and when he turned round he thought that was his ordeal over, until Jamie slid his fingers between the bulging latex-clad buttocks and began to wipe the slique from between his arse cheeks. His cock was very hard now, and as Jamie slowly and patiently cleaned his arse of slique, and his fingers grazed his hole as the pellets had stung it he closed his eyes and throbbed.

Smithie enjoyed the show.‘Okay boys, let’s measure up,’ he said, as he compared their two sacs. The two latex-clad city boys watched eagerly for the result. He put them on the scales, and it was very obvious that Jamie’s patient accuracy and attention to detail had paid off. Dominic was pissed off. How had such a little bastard beaten him? And why was he still hard? Why had the stinging turned him on? It was because he could take it like a man, he thought to himself. Which is why Jamie’s cock had shrunk when he’d been hit – stood to reason. And let’s face it, Jamie had a much bigger target to aim for – Dom’s dick was huge. Satisfied he’d justified his failure, he waited to hear what his penalty would be. Smithie tutted and shook his head at Dominic. Jamie was grinning broadly.

‘The penalties we have aren’t just cold showers,’ said Smithie.

‘I’m afraid, for losing that game you lose your bed.’

‘Eh?! What?’ Dominic was outraged. ‘You can’t take my bed away. I’m going to call Niall and…’

‘Instead, there’s a special hammock I’ve set up in your room. That will be your bed now.’

‘Fuck!’ Dom looked confused. A hammock? How bad could that be?

They walked back to the dorm, Dom hurrying ahead. Jamie heard Dominic swearing before he even got there. In their room, hanging from chains from the ceiling, was the oddest looking hammock he’d ever seen. It was made of thick, shiny material, but it only looked big enough to hold half a person. Then he saw two stirrups hanging freely at the other end. Clearly his back would lie on the hammock and his legs would be supported by the stirrups.

‘This is a joke!’ said Dom.

‘It’s your new bed,’ said Smithie. It’ll be hanging where your bunk is at the moment, above your colleague’s bed.’

‘It’s just wrong,’ he said. ‘Look at the state of it! It’s weird. I’m not getting in that.’

‘It’s perfectly comfortable,’ said Smithie. ‘Just a little…undignified.’

‘Undignified? My arse will be hanging off the end!’ he yelled.

‘Then let that be a motivator to make sure you don’t lose any more games,’ said Smithie. Dom started at it after the other two had left. He heard the creaking of rubber, looked down, and saw his cock was stretching the front of his slique suit again. What the fuck was that all about? So many random hardons today. He just didn’t understand it. He thought of himself, laying on his back on the hammock, arse hanging over the edge, feet splayed in the stirrups, Jamie underneath him seeing him like that. Helpless. Spread. Exposed. The latex creaked again. His massive cock was completely hard now.

‘You’re letting me down, my friend,’ he said to his dick. But it just kept throbbing, throbbing, throbbing.

To be continued.

If you have any feedback please send it to


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