Gay Erotic Stories

The Diary

by Johnny.manipulator
09 Jan 2007

College Days Exhibitionism Fantasy Gay Erotic Stories Masturbation Straight Men, Gay Sex Voyeurism

The Diary – A Porno Ghost Story

By Johnny Manipulator

Danny loved wanking his fat nine inch cock. Almost as much as he loved shagging girls (when he managed to pull, which wasn’t anywhere near as often as he’d like). He’d always been obsessed with his body, and years of sport and gym had created a fine, big, muscular build that repayed his hours of work. And having such a fine body had made Danny a narcissist of the most determined kind. He wasn’t interested in the world, apart from the odd nerdy pursuit, he was just obsessed with his body. Now aged 22 and a strapping final-year student, he found himself sharing a room with an equally sporty and masculine bloke he barely knew, called Mike. But whereas Danny was rather naìve, self-absorbed and quiet, enjoying DVDs and computer games, Mike was incredibly worldly, outgoing and loud and loved to party. Danny spent a lot of time by himself, reading culty magazines, writing his diary, or pounding away at the gym. Mike always had mates over and was the life and soul. Danny was a little jealous of all of the attention Mike got, but he knew he couldn’t compete with the man – Mike was just naturally gregarious and that was that. And anyway, Danny always had his big cock to keep him amused.

Sharing a room when you’re so obsessed with masturbating is a problem. When he was by himself Danny was almost always naked and panting on his bed, squirming through a marathon wank while he watched himself in his mirror. His marks had really suffered as a result of his obsession, as the beefy student dedicated hours a day to his big cock and neglected his studies. But it was the stress of his studies that he needed to release by masturbating. Yet despite his obsession, he was always careful to hide his habit from his roommate. Mike never got to see Danny naked, never heard him wanking, never had any idea of his quiet mate’s all-consuming hobby, always assumed he was just a nerdy boy with a pumped body. Well, until he read Danny’s diary, that was. Mike found it one day while Danny was away for the weekend visiting his family. It made fascinating reading. In it Danny had catalogued all of his narcissistic wank sessions in great detail, from their length to his fantasies to how he was looking. Mike found it a compete eye-opener, and extremely arousing. He’d never really considered Danny a sexual being, as he rarely had girls over and had always seemed so shy and self-contained. Now he understood the extreme nature of Danny’s sexual obsession he was very turned on. And he was determined to witness it for himself.

A week went by. Still no sign of that massive cock or the habit that kept Danny occupied for most of the day. Mike was getting bored and frustrated. Then he began to take more notice of Danny’s naively superstitious nature, which he’d never really picked up on before. Every night Danny seemed to be watching an episode of ‘Most Haunted’ or reading some crank magazine about spirits or fortune telling or the like. Mike was pretty amazed at how gullible Danny was with this stuff, he just seemed to lap it up. And that’s when the idea came to him.

So when they were both home the following evening eating take-aways and watching one of Danny’s ghost-hunting DVDs, Mike told him the story of the University Halls of Residence ghost. Danny was immediately gripped. Mike had to laugh, it was a hilarious gamble but Danny was completely credulous. According to Mike, the ghost was a benign spirit who offered advice to lonely students and protected them. Anyone who encountered the ghost was incredibly fortunate as it would get them what they wanted and keep them safe from harm. Danny was beside himself with excitement. How had he not known about this before? Mike texted some of his mates to tell them about this made-up ghost and to keep the story up if Danny should ask.

Later that night, after Mike had come back from the pub, he disturbed Danny mid-wank. Danny quickly covered up as Mike stumbled into their room, a little pissed, and began to throw his clothes on the floor. When naked he jumped into his bed. Danny held his big hard cock under the covers and tried to quietly finish wanking. But Danny was a fan of the noisy, vocal, uninhibited orgasm, and that was impossible with Mike asleep in the same room. Eventually he managed to squeeze a silent orgasm out, but he almost though he'd faint during it, as the pressure to make no noise was intolerable. Eventually he fell asleep spent but anxious that Mike had overheard his panting.

The next day Danny sat through his lesson thinking only about his big cock and how much he wanted to touch it. When he returned home he went to his diary to write down his fantasies only to discover an alien hand had written in it. It said:

‘Danny. Do not be alarmed. I am a friend. I have been watching you this past year, and I can see the stress you are under. I can help you. I see the release you need, and how inhibited you feel with you room-mate. But I can assure you friend that this coming night your flatmate will not remember a thing about your activities, so you are free to display yourself openly before him for as long as you like with no consequences. How do I know all this? Do not ask me, friend, just know that it is true. Your friend.’

Danny was awestruck. The ghost! He had been visited! He had a supernatural friend who was going to help him wank. Brilliant! That evening when Mike returned and cracked open a beer on the sofa Danny couldn’t resist discreetly stroking his crotch through his shorts as they chatted. Mike seemed oblivious so Danny got more daring and stuck a hand down inside his shorts to greet his big cock. Again Mike didn’t seem to notice, just yawned and said he was ready for bed. As he stood up and dropped his clothes Danny began wanking his cock in his shorts. Still no response, so he pulled them down and slapped his hard dick against his belly. Mike didn’t seem to have noticed and was still chatting perfectly normally to Danny as he climbed into bed. Danny was panting now and he pulled his t-shirt over his head revealing his big muscular body. This was amazing, his roommate didn’t seem to have noticed that Danny was naked and wanking his big cock in front of him. It was the most liberating sensation Danny had ever felt. And what was giving him an extra thrill was it was Mike, his bigger, more popular roommate who he was wanking in front of. He was humiliating Mike here! He kept slapping his hard dick against his belly as Mike and he chatted perfectly normally. It felt amazing to Danny to feel this uninhibited. This was going to be a long and spectacular wank. He felt up his naked body as he chatted to Mike, slapped his hard cock about, moaned noisily and pumped away. Mike just didn’t seem to be paying much attention though he was looking at and chatting to Danny as if it was all perfectly normal. The more innocently he chatted the more it turned Danny on, until after an hour of normal conversation with Mike in bed and Danny standing before him wanking and playing with his fit body he could hold out no longer and ejaculated a massive splattering of cum all over the floor of their room. Danny fell backwards onto his bed, as if the power of his shooting had propelled him backwards. He lay there panting and thanking the ghost. Mike turned out the light as Danny swabbed up the cum with his t-shirt. This was the best wank that Danny had ever had.

In the morning Mike seemed to have no memory of what had happened and was as laddish as ever. Danny was ecstatic. Later he returned from his class to discover a new message in his diary.

‘I am very proud of you. That was an excellent display and I am so glad that you trusted me. See how he didn’t notice? From now on, whenever you are in this room you can masturbate in front of your roommate with no fear that he will remember it. In fact, you can masturbate in front of anyone and they will not remember. That is my gift to you. Make sure you make as much use of it as you can. Your friend.’

Danny must have said thank you to the empty room a hundred times. This was amazing! Not only did big, popular, annoying Mike not remember any of it, but he could now wank in front of him whenever he liked. What a gift! So for the next week that’s exactly what he did, and he started earlier and earlier, stripping off as soon as Mike returned home and wanking long and hard all evening in front of him, panting and sweating and gasping while Mike sat opposite him on the sofa chatting away as if it was perfectly normal. Feeling like this was getting one over on his big roommate was very satisfying. How Mike would have been embarrassed if he knew what was going on. But the ghost had cast his spell and Mike never once referred to Danny’s constant wanking. Danny even came over Mike’s face while he was chatting, and then had to clean it off.

The ghost kept coming up with more and more exciting ideas. Danny would spend the evening sitting on his roommate’s face and pushing his big beefy arse down on him, or cumming over Mike’s face or body and then licking it off. The only thing the ghost warned Danny of was that Mike’s stress levels were high so he needed to make sure his flatmate relaxed enough. Danny pretty much carried on as normal though, showing his fit body off to his blissfully unaware roommate and playing with his big hard cock. Yet a few days later it was apparent that Mike was getting pretty tense. He kept complaining of knots in his shoulders, headaches and not being able to concentrate. In the end this was putting Danny off his stroke. He wondered what he could do about it. The ghost had an idea.

‘Mike has become very stressed of late. You need to find a quick and easy way of de-stressing him. I would suggest that is because he does not ejaculate any more. What you need to do is make sure he ejaculates every time you put on a demonstration.’

Danny wasn’t sure this was a great idea, certainly it interrupted valuable showing-off time. But the ghost was always right, and he would have been mad to have ignored it. So that evening, mid-way through his exhibition he unbuttoned Mike’s jeans and pulled out his cock. Really annoyingly Mike’s cock was slightly bigger than Danny’s. It was very fat and heavy and the head was really solid. He wanked it for a while, and Mike began panting and moaning as he did so. It was taking quite a long time and Danny really wanted to get back to wanking his own cock. If only he knew what buttons to press on Mike to make him cum quickly. He sat behind him and reached round and wanked him hand with both hands. Mike was a big man all over and it was odd being so close to him like this. This was taking a long time and even Danny’s expert wrists were beginning to ache. He got on his knees before Mike to see what the problem was. The cock seemed big and hard and there was lots of precum. He was maintaining an excellent rhythm. He looked up close just in case he’d missed something. It looked like it was swelling still, even bigger than Danny’s own big cock. And then as he stared inches away a massive dollop of cum splattered all over his face. Danny was shocked. Then another and another. By the time he’d moved back he was covered in Mike’s hot cum. Shit! And it had leaked all over Mike’s jeans too. This was going to be a lot of cleaning. He stood up and got a cloth to wipe Mike’s jeans down with. He couldn’t leave any trace, Mike mustn’t remember this in the morning.

After he’d cleaned up Mike he wiped the cum off of his face. The ghost had certainly been right about how pent up Mike was, that was for sure. And trust Mike to have a bigger cock. Bastard. Danny started wanking his own dick. He’d show him! That night he came twice over Mike’s face and licked it off both times. That seemed to satisfy him. The next day Mike seemed much happier and more relaxed, and the ghost had been at work in his diary again.

‘That was excellent. He is much more relaxed, well done. You just need to make sure he doesn’t leave traces of his own cum. Be very careful. And don’t leave any erect members in the room.’

There was no way Danny was going to let this good thing stop. His dick had never been so satisfied. Okay, so he had to wank his roommate off too, but that was a fair price for being able to express this hidden side of himself. That night he stripped off and got hard in front of an unknowing Mike. Then he unbuttoned Mike’s jeans and pulled that huge cock out. He started wanking it again. It felt so big and meaty in his hand. Danny knew he was going to take some time again. He tried all different speeds and motions but Mike remained hard and his balls remained full. Eventually Danny got on his knees again to examine the problem. Mike really did have a big one. Why wouldn’t it cum dammit? But at that moment it seemed to swell again and another massive volley of cum splattered on Danny’s face. Again Mike’s jeans were covered. Danny thought about getting the cloth, but then he thought to himself it was only cum, stuck out his tongue and licked it off of his roommate’s jeans. He didn’t bother cleaning it off his face, that could wait till he came too. Danny wanked hard and noticed that he was so turned on that he couldn’t stop himself cumming. As he looked down his cock spurted and he caught himself in the face. He was now covered in cum. Fuck! What a gooey mess! He fell backwards and looked at Mike. Somehow the fucker had managed to get hard again. What? Danny remembered the ghost’s instructions that he should take care of all of the erections in his room. He got up, crawled over in front of his flatmate and began wanking him again.

This time Mike seemed more turned on and receptive. He was moaning and squirming in no time. Danny got close to the big fat cock and wondered what he was going to do about the cum this time. It started to swell again and without thinking Danny put his lips to the end of his housemate’s cock and swallowed his load of cum. Brilliant, he had stopped the cum going everywhere! He grinned, cum on his face and lips and sliding down his throat. Ha, that had showed Mike! He realised he was hard again himself, so came all over his own pecs and belly and slumped backwards into his bed, too tired to clean up.

Mike seemed much happier again the next day. Danny had to laugh. The ghost was very positive in the diary about Danny’s improvisational skills. Licking the cum up and sucking it from Mike’s cock had been a masterstroke. Danny felt so proud of himself. That evening, he spent no time at all stripping off, kneeling before his flatmate and wanking him. He noticed that when his lips brushed the big cock Mike seemed to get really excited. Perhaps this was a way of speeding up his roommate’s orgasms. He took the fat cockhead between his lips and too his delight Mike came very quickly down his throat. Danny stood up, licking his lips. Now it was time for his epic wank. About half way into it he glanced down and saw Mike was hard again. Fucking hell! He dropped to his knees and took the big cock into his mouth. He sucked it for a good ten minutes or so before it filled his throat with spunk, and then he stood up again. He really needed to cum himself. For some reason he thought about the night before and all the cum on his face. That made him hard. He sat upside down on the sofa, aimed his cock at his face and splattered it. So satisfying! But when he sat up, Mike was hard again. Fuck fuck fuck! He took the fat cock down his throat and began sucking again. This time it took a lot longer but Danny was determined to drain Mike’s cock. Mike was groaning and thrusting and really into it. Danny smiled as he sucked, thinking how much control he had over his bigger flatmate. When Mike eventually ejaculated it was right down Danny’s throat, and he yelled out loudly. Danny shook his head. Amazing! Who would have thought Mike could have been so dumb?

Another week passed. Every day Mike got more chilled out. Danny found himself on his knees sucking his roommate’s big cock more and more, and he developed a major attraction to cumming on his own face. The diary was full of compliments, tips and ideas for Danny, helping him to suck better or aim more successfully at his own face. By the end of the week he was exceptionally good at it, and whenever he did Mike’s cock always seemed to need sucking again. And then one day the diary had a very exciting message:

‘Tonight Mike will bring his football teammates over to the room for a drink. Like Mike they will not remember anything of your exhibition if you hide all evidence of it afterwards. This could be your finest hour. Your friend.’

Danny was incredibly excited. Here was a chance not only to show off in front of Mike but his very annoying laddish team- mates too. And sure enough that evening while Danny was pottering about Mike and his mates crashed in noisly, drinking and laughing. Danny had butterflies – was the ghost right? After all, he didn’t want to humiliate himself in front of them. So he played it cool at first, just occasionally, rubbing his crotch through his jeans while he chatted to them all. There was big goalie Nathan, rough tough defender Alan, super-sleek striker Ed and hyper-fit midfielder Simon, all lounging around and making stupid jokes at each-others expense. None of them seemed to notice anything so Danny whipped his big cock out and carried on chatting. No-one missed a beat, they kept on as if nothing unusual was happening. Danny felt so horny he ripped all of his clothes off and stood at the centre of the group, masturbating and feeling his fit body up. Everyone carried on as if this was normal. Danny loved showing off his body, it made him so hard. He put on quite a show for them. However, he noticed that the trousers of the football players were all tenting a little. Hmm, he needed to knock this on the head. He dropped to his knees in front of Mike and pulled the now familiar massive cock out and started sucking.

As ever Mike took an age to cum. Danny was sucking his fat cock for a good half hour before Mike was moaning and panting. Eventually he started to cum and Danny swallowed it all. He looked around. The other players were also clearly aroused. Danny thought he should do something about it before he continued with his own wanking. He moved to gentle giant Nathan and pulled down his bulging trackies. A big thick cock slapped Danny hard in the face as it snapped free of the elastic. Danny grumbled but took the meaty shaft down his throat and began sucking. Nathan made cute moans and gasps as Danny sucked. It didn’t take long before his thick rubbery cock was pumping cum. Danny pulled off, licked his lips and moved on to Alan, the thuggish tough-guy. He unzipped Alan’s fly and yanked out his cock, an incredibly hard dark brute of a thing which throbbed before Danny like a threat. He opened wide and began sucking this new cock. Alan made much tighter grunting noises as Danny slurped away on his hard member. He took much longer than Nathan had, pumping his hips hard and relentlessly against Danny’s lips. When he came he yelled out like a beast, and fired a massive and powerful jet of cum which almost hurt Danny’s throat.

With no gap at all Danny shuffled on his knees over to slick and sharp Ed. He unzipped Ed’s tight trousers and before he could register what was happening the striker’s long cock had jabbed between his lips to the goal of his throat. Ed made euphoric- sounding gasps as he stabbed his long penis down the fit student’s throat. Danny was pretty pleased that he came so quickly. And then finally he shuffled over to Simon, the hyper-fit midfielder. Danny undid his jeans and was startled by the beauty of Simon’s cock, perfectly proportioned, smooth skinned, almost, he had to say, delicious. Danny eagerly leant forward but couldn’t stop himself from gently licking and kissing the beautiful member, enjoying the taste and feel of it against his lips. A drop of precum formed and Danny slowly licked it off. He rubbed the cock all over his face, took it in his mouth, started very slowly sucking, and then pulled off and began licking it again.

A long time went by as Danny kept repeating this process of sucking and then licking, enjoying the taste and feel of this beautiful penis in his mouth. Simon made sexy murmurings and moans, grinding his hips against Danny so his wet cock rubbed all over the student’s eager face. After an hour of extremely intense sucking and licking Danny could take no more and sucked the midfielder deep until he was crying out with pleasure. He pulled back and the most delicious shower of spunk slapped across his hot face. Danny was so turned on that he started wanking his own cock, and within seconds his face was expertly shot with his own cum too.

It took a while for Danny to wind down. It had been the most intense experience of his life. He lay on the floor naked surrounded by sexy footballers, cum coating his face, their spunk filling his belly. He thanked the ghost out loud. He thought he heard manly sniggers, but when he opened his eyes there was no sign of where they had come from. He climbed to his feet and went and got a glass of water to soothe his battered mouth. He glanced over at the men and saw five eager hardons throbbing from open flies. He gulped. Could he take more? He idly flipped open his diary, and to his surprise there was a new entry, which looked like it had been hurriedly written while he’d been sucking cock.

‘Bravo! You have done your job brilliantly. The only thing is, they are likely to need another draining and your jaw will ache. However, there is a way. By Mike’s bed you will find a tube of lubricant. By applying this to your anus and their penises you will be able to take their cum up your arse. It is the perfect solution to your problem. Your friend.’

Danny was shocked. This was a wholly unexpected turn of events. But such a brilliant idea from the ghost, of course, his jaw ached and he could take their cocks up his arse – that’d show them! Ha! He grabbed the lubricant and squeezed a big dollop onto his fingers. It was cold against his tight hole, but he worked it in, then another dollop, then another, till his hole was slippery and his fingers could slide in and out easily. The only thing was, he wasn’t sure that the footballers were alert enough to know what to do. He tried an experimental kneeling on the sofa, arse pushed out, thighs spread, to see how it felt, but before he could get used to it a cock was rubbing between his cheeks. He looked over his shoulder and saw big manly Mike behind him, teasing his hole with his big cock. Amazing, thought Danny. Mike began to push his cock against Danny’s tight hole a little more firmly. Danny spread his thighs a little more and Mike’s cock began to ease up his arse. Danny yelped. It felt much too big. He panicked. But Mike kept on, two big hands on Danny’s hips pulling him back on his cock. Danny wriggled and squirmed but the invasion continued, until all those throbbing hard inches of cock were hidden up his tight hole. Danny had tears in his eyes. Was this right? Mike remained still for a while, leaving his cock stretching and throbbing up the tight arse. Then he eased back, almost all the way, and slowly slowly pushed back inside again. Mike groaned. Danny whimpered. Then Mike repeated his slow fucking motion a few more times, and Danny noticed his hole wasn’t quite so painful any more and relaxed. It was then that Mike started to fuck him harder. Within minutes his hips were smacking quickly against Danny’s cheeks, and the big cock was making Danny pant and gasp and sweat. And hard. Mike’s big cock had made Danny hard.

This first fuck took almost an hour. By the end both men were yelling and sweating and completely focussed. Danny couldn’t think why he’d never done this before. And as Mike pumped cum up his arse, pulled out, and was replaced immediately by Nathan, Danny was incredibly happy that there were still four men left to fuck him.

After that night Danny was always very keen to make sure these men ejaculated inside him whenever they came to visit, and Mike spent a lot of his time fucking Danny hard up the arse in sweaty all nighters. The ghost still kept writing helpful notes in Danny’s diary, introducing him to more and more of Mike’s mates and generally giving the fit exhibitionist student a thorough fucking work-out most days. A more cynical man might have suspected Mike’s hand in the diary entries. In fact, one day Danny did notice that all of Mike’s lecture notes were written in the same handwriting as the diary entries. But then he reasoned that the ghost was helping Mike by taking notes for him. Obvious, really. It was only when Danny’s nasty, petty criminal younger brother came to stay and Danny felt obliged to carry out the now standard procedure in his room of draining his cum too that things got a little out of hand. But that’s another story.

Thanks for reading. Hope you enjoyed this fantasy. I love getting feedback! My email is


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