Gay Erotic Stories

Peter's Clueless Seduction, Part 7

by Johnny.manipulator
16 Sep 2006

Exhibitionism Hypnosis Straight Men, Gay Sex Voyeurism

Peter’s Clueless Seduction 7: Brother to the Rescue

Recap: Peter and his flatmate Nick have been slowly influenced by Nick’s psychologist mate Martino and his hypnotism tapes until they are in a constant state of innocence and vulnerability about their sexual needs. When Nick’s rugby friends come to visit he finds his straight arse relentlessly fucked by his mate, and Peter’s intentions of rescuing his flatmate are weakened by the rugby lads’ fingers in his arse and mouth.

The phone rang. For a moment Peter thought Nick might answer it, but the muffled grunts and pleas from his locked room suggested otherwise, so he wriggled on the fingers of his two new rugby friends and tried to reach for the phone. He grabbed it and pulled it to his ear. His brother James was there, straight to the point as ever. Peter pulled the thick fingers from his mouth to answer him and they chatted happily for a few minutes. When James asked him after a while what he was up to, Peter explained that Nick’s rugby mates had come over and he was currently on his back in his jockstrap while two of them inserted lubricated fingers into his arse.

James was at first disbelieving and then horrified; his little brother, being violated by rugby players? Peter couldn’t understand the fuss. It was all perfectly understandable, after all. They were treating him really well, like an equal. James demanded to speak to the rugby players. Thomas took the phone and confirmed that he had a thick digit inserted in Peter’s muscular arse. James was furious. How dare he, etc. Thomas and Henry were laughing to each other. This guy was hilarious. James got madder and madder as they laughed at him and explained in graphic detail the plight of his prone brother. He vowed to rescue his brother and slammed down the phone. Peter apologised, and Henry and Thomas were still laughing. Their host, on his back on the sofa, feet beside his ears as his backside was fingered, couldn’t see why his brother was so angry. After all, they were just having a laugh, being manly and friendly. There was nothing sinister going on. The rugby players slapped their big cocks on his face in agreement.

Twenty minutes later the doorbell rang. Again Peter wondered if Nick might answer it, but the groans and protests from his room were still continuing, as were the repetitive slaps of skin on skin. Eventually Peter was able to stop sucking on the fingers of his new friends and asked one of them to answer the door. Thomas swaggered off, in only his shirt and socks. He answered the door and a bigger, angrier version of Peter stormed in. This was James, his brother, who had come to liberate Peter. He walked into the lounge and was horrified to see his smiling brother taking another man’s fingers into his arse. He pulled Henry off of him. There was disappointment all round. Henry and Thomas were now annoyed at having their fun interrupted by this big, angry man. Peter was a bit embarrassed by James’s behaviour.

He was talking about Thomas and Henry like there was something perverted and sexual going on. Peter just didn’t understand. What could be sexual about lying on his back in his jock having his arse fingered by two fit rugby boys? It didn’t make any sense to him. James was shocked that his brother seemed so stupid. Thomas and Henry were not out for a fight, they just wanted to carry on with their fun. The rugby players refused to leave when James asked them to, so James assured them it was all over and then bundled Peter into his room. Thomas and Henry were crestfallen. This had all been a great laugh. Now some big, hairy twat had spoiled it all. They sat down on the sofa, erections sticking up, and wondered what to do next.

Once alone with his brother, James was incredulous that Peter could have got himself into this situation. Peter was at a loss to explain himself. James then heard the rhythmic slapping and protests from the next bedroom. Peter explained that Nick needed his arse examined and that Steve-o had kindly volunteered for the task. James was too shocked to even respond to that. He locked the bedroom door, and stripped off down to his tight white briefs. Peter’s older brother was very big and fit and hairy. Okay, so he may have been losing it on top of his head, going prematurely bald, but his body was covered with it. James in turn noticed that his brother was shaved all over. This was no way for a man to be. James had looked out for Peter every since they were kids. Even now he still needed protecting. He climbed into bed with his stupid, fit brother and put his arm around him to make him feel safe. Peter was sad that his fun had been curtailed but happy that his brother was looking out for him. They slept.

In the morning James was a little calmer. He felt very affectionate towards his little brother, despite how dumb he was. As they nuzzled together on the bed he became aware of an almost imperceptible sound. When he asked Peter about it he was told that it was the computer. Apparently Nick’s psychologist friend Martino had given them relaxation CDs. It has certainly made him less stressed out. James was extremely curious about it, and got up and ejected the disk. It didn’t have any writing on it or anything to identify it at all. He was very suspicious suddenly, thinking about Peter’s changed behaviour. He told Peter not to listen to it any more, threw it at the wall and it shattered. Peter was upset his brother was breaking his things, so they had a quick wrestle, but James was bigger and more determined, and pretty soon Peter was exhausted from trying to defeat his bigger, angrier brother, and lay under him in a sweaty mess.

James remembered Thomas and Henry. He got up, considered putting his trousers on, but decided to go and confront them in his tight white underpants. Yeah, like a real man! He left Peter’s room and found the rugby players dressed and hanging around his brother’s flat like a bad smell. He began telling them off again for putting their fingers up his brother’s arse. It hadn’t escaped their notice that their accuser was wearing only his tight underwear. Or that he was extremely fit. Thomas and Henry exchanged glances. Curious. Peter came out and joined them, wearing only his little jockstrap. He tried to apologise to the rugby players for his brother’s behaviour, but this infuriated James. He had come to rescue Peter from these perverts and this was all the thanks he got? The rugby players sat back and watched as the two virtually naked, fit, sexy brothers argued before them. They grinned to each other. Result! James had such a meaty, solid, manly arse, it really interested the pair of them now that he was just in his briefs. Whenever James moved the rugby players would crane their necks to ensure they followed his butt.

Peter’s brother was still giving them all a firm dressing down in his underpants, but by now the rugby players were simply enjoying the view. James didn’t seem to have any desire to get dressed, which was okay by them. They quietly pointed out comparable features on the two muscular brothers, or commented on their attributes as they argued. Peter suggested James should leave, which they protested against. James went and got his trousers, which seemed terribly unfortunate, but his coins managed to fall from his pockets and roll all around the floor before he had a chance to get dressed. In a huff James sank to his knees and began foraging for his coins. The rugby players helpfully pointed out where they’d rolled, and James crawled around on all fours to collect them.

Thomas and Henry took a keen interest in his search, and followed that manly arse as he crawled around the room. James managed to get his muscular frame stuck under a wooden chair as he reached for an elusive coin, and began wriggling, trying to free himself. Peter went to help and grabbed his brother by the hips. Thomas and Henry were either side of Peter, watching with interest. Peter tugged and pulled, and James wriggled, but he was still stuck. A harder yank from Peter had an unforeseen consequence – James’ briefs slid down over his hairy arse and the elastic snapped back against his skin and held them firm under his round, muscular buttocks.

There was gleeful laughter from the two rugby players at this, embarrassment from Peter and confusion from James. Peter went to ease his brother’s briefs back over his big, muscular, hairy arse, but the rugby players gently stopped him and shook their heads. Peter understood – even his brother needed his arse examining by these guys, though he may not see that yet. James couldn’t work out what was going on and wriggled furiously, not realising three pairs of male eyes were inches away from his bare bottom. Peter then started to pull again, and after a manly struggle his brother suddenly popped free and they fell backwards. The rugby players were only too happy to steady the pair of them with their big, safe gripping hands. Both Thomas and Henry wished they were unzipped and exposed at this point, finding their underwear and jeans too confining. James and Peter stood up, and their rugby friends returned to the sofa, eyes at arse level. James couldn’t understand why they were staring at something behind him. He turned and showed them his arse – what was it they could see? The rugby players described in great detail the shape and lustre of his bare manly butt. James was in turmoil, but remained where he was and listened until they had finished listing the many virtues of his exposed bottom in humiliating detail.

He wanted to rip into these two rugby players, but a more pressing problem presented itself. Why couldn’t he pull up his briefs and cover up his arse? For some reason, his arse was telling him not to hide it. All he needed to do was put his hands at the top of his thighs and ease the tight cotton back over the round firmness of his hairy backside, but his big hands just stayed where they were. Now he needed his brother’s help. He looked pleadingly at Peter. His brother took a moment to understand what James’s problem was. As the two rugby players watched and James held his breath, Peter lifted a muscular arm and reached his finger tips out towards his brother’s hairy bottom. But he hesitated as he reached for the briefs, and instead his finger gently snuck into the dark place between his brother’s hairy buttocks and tickled the space between.

James squirmed. Why wasn’t Peter covering him up like a good brother? Peter quietly explained that Henry and Thomas were here to help them explore their manly tightness. James didn’t quite follow. Peter then explained that James’s arse needed to be examined in detail by the two rugby players who were licking their lips on the sofa. James wriggled his exposed bottom. No way were they, he insisted. The two rugby players rose to their feet. Peter helped them remove their trousers and pants. Two defiantly rampant cocks, one club and one missile, poked up in all their swollen magnificence. Gently, very gently they helped James fall back onto the sofa. Peter was asked to straddle his brother and pull his meaty thighs back. He climbed onto the sofa, smooth muscular thighs either side of his brother’s torso, shaved arse on his hairy chest, hands reaching out to pull James’s big thighs back towards his face. James protested and wriggled, but couldn’t seem to do much about it.

There was the slick sound of something sticky being applied to fingers. James tried to see. But then he felt the cold tease of gentle oily fingertips tickling his private manly hole. Why was Peter helping with this? He tried to wriggle free but that only seemed to wed the thick fingers nearer to him. Surely they wouldn’t…? A pair of curious, eager fingers nudged their way through the tight hole and nuzzled tight inside his invaded arse. James was protesting loudly. The smiling rugby players pushed Peter back up his brother’s chest so that his thighs were splayed even further. The fingers sneaked in with cheeky sniggers from the rugger boys.

More protests. Peter was pushed back again. Deeper they wriggled. James was horrified – he had never been so defiled. He realised he had to engage with his brother before it was too late. He reasoned with him. He was desperate. Peter listened, torn by what he was saying. Perhaps James really didn’t want these rugby guys to push their digits into his rectum. Below him the sensations of these relentless naughty fingers was making James cry. He had never felt so helpless. And then Thomas and Henry pushed Peter back even further, and his smooth, dumb, muscular jock strapped arse plonked down onto his brother’s distressed, pleading face, and to Peter’s guilty relief and James’s utter horror he was silenced by the merciless weight of arse on face.

The two rugby boys were loving pushing their fingers into James’s tight hole. Lots of lube and patience was rewarding them with a beautiful toy for exploration. Two more fingers itched to join their brothers in James’s helpless rear. As they slid in Peter noticed a strange sensation in his own backside – it might have been a silent yell, but something wet and insistent was slipping against his bottom. What was James doing? It seemed that James had a brilliant plan for release. They may have silenced him, but he could still communicate with his stupid brother. How? With Morse Code of course. He repeatedly tapped out an S.O.S. with his tongue on his brother’s shaved hole with his firm tongue.

Dots and dashes assaulted Peter’s dumb rear. Peter sat there, watching the rugby boys wriggle their big fingers in his brother’s spread bottom, and felt his brother’s tongue lick and probe his arse. It felt extraordinary. He wondered if he should tell Thomas and Henry, but the feeling was too strong to share. Instead he settled down heavier on his brother’s face and spread his legs a little. Below him, James thought he understood. Peter needed a stronger signal. His tongue would really have to get working deeper inside his brother. As the arse pressed firmly on his face and the fingers stretched and ravished him at the other end, James felt so superior and brilliant. This was a fantastic rescue plan of his, it was going well so far and it was certainly showing them all that he wouldn’t he beaten.

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