Gay Erotic Stories

Photo Shoot, Part 2

by Sebastian_Wallace
25 Jan 2005

College Days Exhibitionism Exhibitionism Gay Erotic Stories Straight Men, Gay Sex

PHOTO SHOOT by Sebastian Wallace


Author: Website:


Part 2

After Jono had reassured me, with genuine sincerity, that there was absolutely no possibility of him telling another living soul that I had been involved in a photo shoot like this; I agreed to help Daryl out by joining him for a duo session.

Jono was surprised at the change of plan but was clearly pleased that he'd be able to command a much higher price for the resulting set of pictures. He said he had a few ideas for how we could 'have some fun', as he put it.

"Squirty cream?" I asked.

Jono shook his head. "Naah... that's been done to death. We’ve got to be original... I mean, it's pretty difficult because everything seems to have been done already, and from every angle, but I've a couple of possibilities that I've never seen any other photographer try..."

Jono's first suggestion was that we act the part of a couple of athletes who have to apply anal suppositories to one another.

"Is that the kind of thing athletes do?" Daryl asked, nonplussed.

Jono shrugged. "Yeah... I think so. I heard about it during the Olympics a few years back... it's a way of getting steroids into the body which is hard to detect or something..."

I chuckled skeptically. "That sounds pretty far-fetched... if I'm going model for you, the scenario has to be at least vaguely medically plausible..."

Daryl threw Jono a look of mock exasperation. "Fuckin' medical students..."

Jono grinned. "Okay. Plan B. You're a couple of mates applying henna tattoos to one another... I've got some packets somewhere..."

"Why would we be doing that?" I asked.

Jono shrugged. "I dunno... you're going out to a party or something... does it really matter? The readers aren't that interested in knowing about the background of every scenario..."

Daryl wasn't convinced. He said, "Yeah, maybe, but it's gotta be believable... that's surely the number one rule..."

Jono shrugged.

I suggested, "I suppose we could be getting ready for a carnival or a Mardi Gras or something. Everyone gets into body painting and stuff for that..."

Daryl nodded.

Jono said, "Okay. Fair enough. But we'll have to get you into some different clothes and find you some streamers or whatever..."

Jono dug some clothes out from the recesses of his wardrobe for Daryl and I to try on. I recognised a few of them from our Benidorm holiday and others from the parties I'd been to with Jono. There were bizarrely coloured jeans, tie-die shirts, Hawaiian shorts and baseball caps with supposedly amusing slogans on them. Most of the clothes were too small to be useful, but we were able to get into some of the baggier ones.

While we were dressing up, Jono went to and ask his housemates if they could supply some of the accessories we needed. I guess they must have been pretty used to him asking them for props for his various photography projects.

On his return, I asked him, "Are you sure this is going to work? I mean, it's kind of difficult to try and look attractive when you're dressed up like a knob-head..."

Jono smiled. "Don't worry. The clothes aren't staying on for that long..."

Daryl asked, "Why do you keep all of this stuff?"

Jono shrugged. "I think most photographers are hoarders... you never know when stuff is going to be useful in a shot..."

He threw an assortment of beaded necklaces, streamers and cheap plastic bracelets onto his desk which he had acquired from downstairs. Just the sort of tacky rubbish you tend to end up having strewn around your neck and arms when you're at a Mardi Gras.

He said, "I've got the dregs of a can of spray string somewhere, too...and maybe a couple of party poppers..."

Daryl and I draped some of the stuff around ourselves, both clearly feeling like we looked like a couple of wankers, while Jono found the spray string and squirted some of it over us.

By the time we'd finished we would pass easily as party-goers. In fact, the effect was actually quite convincing.

Daryl muttered, fiddling with the string of plastic stars around his wrist, "All this crap seems a lot less ridiculous when you're pissed doesn't it?"

I smiled.

Jono's first few shots were of Daryl swigging from a beer bottle while I crouched to look through the chest of drawers which Jono had positioned to one side of the viewpoint.

Then he asked us to swap places and do the same things.

Daryl asked, "What's the point of this, then?"

"They're contextual shots," Jono said, adjusting the lens on the front of his camera. "Setting the scene and all that. You're two pissed guys who've nipped out of a party to put tattoos on each other for a laugh. I'll choose the best shot from the four or five I've taken..."

After Jono had finished with his establishing shots, he got Daryl to rub a tattoo of a snake onto the side of my face and then me to do the same to him with a picture of a sword.

Then we took our shirts off, leaving the streamers and necklaces around our necks, and each rubbed one of the tattoos onto the others' forearm.

Jono's camera clicked a few times and then he came around to the front of his camera to adjust its angle on the tripod.

I asked, "Shouldn't we be doing this in a seductive way... sort of pouting or something?"

Jono smiled as he fiddled with the mount. "No – you're just a couple of pissed lads messing around. There'll be plenty of time for stage acting later on..."

Daryl smirked at me. "Like we'll have to stage act to get hot and horny with each other, eh Seb? It'll be the fulfillment of many long lonely nights' fantasising..."

I smiled back. "To be honest, I hope I can come up with the goods, mate. First night nerves and all that..."

Daryl tittered. "I don't think we'll have any worries there, mate." And then, lowering his voice, "Not if earlier on was anything to go by..."

Jono looked over at us, having clearly heard what Daryl had said, and I felt myself blush a little.

Next we put tattoos on each other's shoulders and then Daryl put one on my lower back. I rubbed a nice one of a heart with an arrow through it just below his left nipple, impressed by how hard his chest felt.

Jono took a few more shots of us and then changed his roll of film.

He asked us to loosen our jeans so that we could rub tattoos onto each other's stomachs. We undid our top few buttons and hitched down our briefs slightly so that we could put them pretty low.

Jono smiled and clicked. "Very... er... titillating... yeah, I like it..."

I got a salamander looking as if it was emerging from the waistband of my briefs, while Daryl had a rose growing upward from the top of his pubes towards his belly button.

"Okay, now do the same thing, but around the back," Jono said. "And pull your trousers down a little more... show off your underwear a bit..."

Daryl applied a bolt of lightening to the top of my right buttock. He said, "Hopefully it won't ignite your farts, mate..."

I pulled his briefs down to expose the upper half of his left cheek and rubbed the tattoo of a roadside onto it, an arrow pointing down towards his arsehole. "Guidance for incoming vehicles," I suggested.

"Very thoughtful of you, Seb," Daryl chuckled.

Then Jono told us to take off our boots and jeans and used up a whole roll of film snapping away at us as we did so.

"What about the socks?" Daryl asked.

Jono shook his head. "No. A lot of guys like to see them left on, for some reason..."

Daryl looked at me and I shrugged.

Now we were both in our white briefs, looking a bit cold and feeling kind of silly to have so many tattoo transfers smeared around our bodies.

Daryl asked, "Should we be hard by now?"

Jono shook his head. "We're working towards that... there's no rush..."

Jono took a few shots of us standing around in our underwear as we swigged beer from the bottles and looked over the remaining tattoos together.

He'd get Daryl to bend over as if examining one intently while I stood behind him, the mound of my crotch level with the cheeks of Daryl's arse. Then he'd ask me to crouch down so that my balls made a bulge in my briefs as they hung down between my legs, while Daryl stood next to me, his own well-equipped package next to my face.

Jono was loving it: he went through two or three rolls of film while we changed places at his direction. "These are good shots... you both look really good like that..."

"We both know how to fill a pair of briefs if that's what you mean," Daryl smirked.

"Yeah, I can see that," Jono said. The excitement in his voice was obvious. I glanced at the front of his jeans while he fiddled with his lens at one point, but if anything was happening inside them, it wasn't immediately apparent.

He was right, though, I have to say. Daryl and I both did look pretty good wearing just our briefs. The pair I'd loaned Daryl fitted him beautifully; they emphasised the bulge of his crotch, making it look quite spectacular and clung to the contours of his buttocks like a second skin.

Daryl smiled over at me, checking me out as I was him. He said, "I must admit, though, that mine is no competition for Dr Wallace's piece of meat over there..."

I smiled and shook my head. "Shut up, Daryl. We're both pretty evenly matched and you know it, mate..."

Daryl laughed, "When yours gets going though... there's nothing much can beat it..."

Jono looked up from his camera and sneered. He said, campily, "Ooh... what have you guys been getting up to?"

I threw Jono a look of irritation. "Yeah, yeah, yeah... so we've seen each other's knobs... shock horror..."

Daryl laughed over at Jono, his expression more incredulous than irritated. "Jesus, Jono – didn't you used to wank off with your mates when you were in your teens...?"

Jono just feigned a smile and shrugged.

He got us to pose in a couple more positions wearing our briefs, while we swigged beer. I was preoccupied by the memory of wanking off with Daryl all those years ago: I'd pretty much forgotten it used to happen. It was just part of the normal goings on in a boarding school; I guess there was a lot of other stuff that used to go on back then that I hadn't thought about for years.

Daryl was right, though, from what I remembered of our occasional tugs together: my cock must have been a couple of inches longer than his back then. Even at fifteen years old, I'd had a dick that could reach nearly eight inches when I was hard; I guess I'd been an early developer. From what I'd seen of Daryl's cock in its limp state recently, though, he'd caught up with me in the intervening years. Apart from his having a bigger head than mine, we were almost identical.

Jono got us to start putting tattoos on each other's upper thighs.

I did Daryl first; from the front.

I had to position the tattoo high on the inside of Daryl's thigh, just below his balls, and then draw over gently it with the blunt pencil. It was impossible to avoid brushing the back of my hand across the bulge at the front of Daryl's briefs from time to time and impossible not to smell the light, sexual scent from Daryl's cock and balls because my face was up quite close to him.

I could make out the outline of the ripe mushroom head of Daryl's cock beneath the material of his briefs. Every time my hand accidentally brushed across it, it seemed to fatten a little.

Jono snapped away furiously.

Then we changed places and Daryl knelt down in front of my bulge, applying a tattoo to my leg just beneath the overhang of my balls.

Jono said, "Get your face right up close to him, Daryl. So I can get a close up of you and his package in one shot..."

Daryl did as he'd been asked, his eyes intently watching the tattoo as he rubbed it onto my skin just an inch or so from the bulge of my crotch.

Jono smiled. "Ooh, nice..." His camera started snapping again.

Daryl's hand brushed across the front of my underwear as much as mine had on his, and I found it impossible not to respond to it. I guess my cock must be a bit more sensitive than his.

Within a few seconds, it was beginning to make an obvious lump, starting to poke upwards from my balls and lifting the front of my briefs with it.

I laughed, feeling a little self-conscious, "Come on, Daryl, mate. You don't have to feel me up when you're doing that –"

But Jono cut in, "No – it's perfect! Keep going, both of you..."

Daryl looked up at me, grinning. "Just make sure you don't have my eye out with it..."

By the time he'd finished rubbing the tattoo onto my skin, my cock had swollen to about half its erect size. By now it tented my briefs outwards as it struggled for release.

Jono muttered, "Lovely... lovely..." and kept clicking away at it from varying distances.

Then, as he changed his roll of film again, he suggested, "Now let's have you standing up, Daryl, and showing Seb your arse, joking about having Seb put a tattoo on it..."

Daryl stood up. "How d'you mean? Like bending over for him or something?"

Jono shook his head, clicking the back of his camera closed. "No, just pulling the back of your briefs down with a cheesy grin on your face. Seb grinning back at you."

I asked Jono, gesturing at the swollen mound at the front of my briefs, "Should I tuck myself in a bit... make this a bit less obvious...?"

Jono laughed. "For Christ's sake no... That’s the whole point! His arse juxtaposed with your... er... excitement..."

"Like I wanna fuck him or something..."

Jono smiled. "Like the thought's crossing your mind... yeah..."

Daryl chuckled. "You haven't got a tattoo of a 'No Entry' sign have you, mate... I think I'm gonna need it..."

Jono got behind his camera again and Daryl yanked the back of his briefs down, exposing the tops of his round, solid-looking cheeks.

Jono said, adjusting the dial on the front of the camera to best frame the shot, "That's it... yeah... pull them just a bit further down... show us what you've got..."

Daryl grinned and pulled them a little further down; clearly enjoying the interest Jono was paying his well-toned buttocks.

Jono started snapping. "Yeah... perfect... now have a good laugh at it, guys... like this is gonna be so funny..."

We both grinned at Daryl's arse and then Jono had me get a little closer so that my half-erect cock, still struggling within the confines of my briefs, was just a couple of inches from Daryl's firm cheeks.

"Now get down behind him, Seb. Pull his briefs down further and rub a tattoo onto his arse..."

I did as Jono said, gently peeling the tight-fitting briefs down to fully expose Daryl's backside.

I pressed a tattoo of a hand with an outstretched middle finger against his right buttock; I made sure the finger pointed down to his arsehole. Before I could rub it onto his skin, though, Jono stopped me: "Adjust your knob, Seb... make it more obvious to the camera that you're enjoying this..."

I felt a little defensive. "I'm not enjoying it... it's just an automatic reaction..."

Daryl chuckled. "Come on, Seb... relax, mate... we're both in this together...!" He turned slightly to show me the front of his briefs which were swelling just as obviously with his lengthening cock as my own were. He gave his bulge a gentle rub, and shrugged, "What's the big deal... it's kind of fun..."

I fiddled with my cock so that it poked upwards inside my underwear as I knelt behind Daryl.

Then I returned to rubbing the tattoo onto Daryl's arse, which felt just as muscular as it looked, while Jono took a couple of shots of me applying the tattoo. He was muttering, "That's it... yeah... you look really good like that..."

I glanced back over toward the package at the front of Jono's jeans and noticed that it was, by now, showing signs of life. Something sausage-shaped was beginning to make a ridge at the top of his right thigh.

Jono gestured for me to get my face a little closer to Daryl's cheeks so that he could get a close-up shot.

I said, moving in close to his ripe, round buttocks, "Fart and you die, Daryl..."

Daryl chuckled.

Even though he didn't, I was aware of the faint, musky scent of his arse-crack while Jono took a two or three shots of me with my face close to his backside.

When Jono had finished the close-up, he took a few paces backwards, and said, "Okay... that's great..." I moved back from Daryl's arse. Jono went on, "Now... Daryl...move your crotch a little more towards me... I want it to be clear that you're starting to get off on this..."

Daryl laughed, directing his tightly-packed bulge towards Jono. "I don't know why I am. He's being about as erotic as he would be if he were giving me a medical examination..."

I finished rubbing the tattoo onto his skin. "Well sorry, mate... but your arse isn't exactly my number one fantasy..."

Jono clicked his camera a couple more times as Daryl chuckled, "Well, yours isn't one of mine, Seb... but I think I could a slightly better job at entering into the spirit of this..."

Jono replaced another roll of film and said, "Okay, we'll see if you can... let's swap places and have you rub a tattoo onto Seb's arse..."

Daryl nodded. "And what do I do with my briefs... if I pull them up over my arse, they'll get some of the ink on them..."

Jono grinned. "Well, I guess you're just gonna have to leave them hitched down at the back, aren't you..."

Daryl grinned back. "And you'll just happen to get a shot of my splayed butt-cheeks while I'm squatting behind Seb, will you?"

Jono laughed and acted like he would never have thought of doing such a thing. "What a good idea! You know, I might just take you up on that..."

We changed positions so that Daryl moved around behind me and knelt down. I noticed, as we did so, that our cocks were both almost fully hard and making thick rods in our briefs. I saw him checking out mine as I was looking at his, and we smiled at one another.

Daryl pulled the back of my briefs down, exposing my arse for a tattoo to be applied. I knew my buttocks were just as round and as firm as Daryl's – girls sometimes told me my arse was my best feature – and the rapid clicking of Jono's camera suggested he agreed.

Daryl pressed the sheet of tattoos against my left cheek and announced he'd chosen a beer bottle to go on it, emerging from my cleft. "How'd you feel about having a bottle of Bud sticking out of your arse, Seb?"

"Felt pretty good last time I did it," I chuckled.

Daryl got to work.

His hands were, I have to admit, far more sensual on my arse than mine had been on his. He caressed my buttocks gently with the tips of his fingers and allowed his fingers to enter my cleft, venturing teasingly towards my most sensitive spot.

The head of my cock was soon straining painfully against the material of my briefs.

Fondling my arse clearly had an effect on Daryl, too, because I heard Jono mutter to him, "Move a little more this way... let's see more of that wet patch on your briefs..."

When he'd finished taking shots side-on, Jono got behind Daryl and knelt down to get one of his exposed arse while Daryl held the tattoo against my backside.

He said, straining forwards towards Daryl's rear, "Push it out a bit... bend further forwards..."

Daryl chuckled, "You wanna see the little brown ring, do you, mate..."

Jono muttered, "Well hopefully it isn't too brown... but yeah... if you don't mind..."

Daryl laughed, "Just so happens I polished it up 'specially this morning..."

I was surprised at how keen Daryl was to have his arsehole photographed. I mean, I wasn't against the idea of having Jono take a shot of my own if he wanted to, but I wasn't actively enthusiastic for it as Daryl clearly was.

He pushed his arse backwards towards Jono and opened his legs further.

Jono muttered, "Yeah... that's it... nice..." And the camera started clicking.

Daryl grabbed my arse cheeks with both his hands, supporting himself as he pushed his own backside towards Jono's camera. He dug his thumbs into my cleft and the tips of them pressed against my own anus.

He called up to me, "You don't mind, mate, do you?"

I was kind of stunned. I managed to mutter, "No..."

It actually felt pretty good.

Jono was saying, his voice becoming a little breathless, "Yeah... just a bit more... lovely..."

And as Daryl pushed himself further towards Jono, his hands grabbed at my own arse more firmly and his thumbs entered me slightly.

I heard myself gasp and felt my face flush.

After Jono had stood up and had gone over to change his film again, the two of us stood up and faced each other.

We were both as hard as hell: our briefs were almost tearing from the pressure of our thick, swollen cocks inside them. Daryl's was oozing a stream of precum which had made the material translucent around his throbbing bell-end; mine hadn't dribbled so much, but there was an obvious spot at the tip of it.

He grinned at me mischievously and I was unable to stop myself from laughing.

Jono interrupted us: "Now the moment our readers have been waiting for..."

Daryl looked over at him and chuckled, "And not just our readers by the look of things, mate..."

I looked over to see what he meant and saw that Jono's jeans were now betraying a more prominent swelling than they had earlier. A fat diagonal ridge ran from his fly to his right pocket.

Jono looked down at it, then blushed a little, and shrugged. "Yeah... this is a pretty good shoot... you guys are good..."

Daryl said, "Well, if you can take your pictures with one hand, feel free to give it a little attention..."

Jono blushed a slightly darker shade and joked, "I'll leave that for when I'm developing them..."

Daryl laughed. "Yeah! I bet you fucking will!"

Jono smiled but looked a little uncomfortable: as though he realised he'd revealed more than he ought to have. He said, with a small cough to refocus the conversation, "Anyway, let's have Seb showing you one of the tattoos and pointing at your dick... you laughing at the idea of having one put on it..."

I found a tattoo of a gun with a flag reading 'Bang!' poking out of the barrel. That seemed pretty ideal. Daryl grinned broadly.

Jono took the shot and then asked Daryl to slowly remove his briefs.

Daryl said, "I hope you've got your wide-angle lens attached..."

Jono seemed too distracted by the prospect of seeing Daryl's erection to respond.

Daryl pulled his briefs down slowly, clearly enjoying watching Jono's fascination when he released his cock and it sprung upwards.

I saw that it was a little longer than mine. He'd grown a few inches since our nights of wanking together school.

Jono stared at it open-mouthed for a few seconds and then took half a dozen photos of it in rapid succession. He muttered, "Yeah... it looks fantastic..."

Daryl chuckled and seemed to revel in showing it off to the camera. He pushed his hips forwards a little, emphasising his erection's upward sweep and throbbing head, clearly feeling quite proud for himself.

A dribble of precum oozed from the end of it and then hung, on a string, from his puckered piss slit.

I assumed Jono would ask him to wipe it off, but he took several photos of it at varying distances muttering encouragement to Daryl.

Daryl pulled the briefs fully off, with Jono photographing every inch of their descent, and then turned to give Jono a full-frontal view of his naked body.

Jono lapped it up, telling Daryl when to open his legs to show off his balls, when to smear the precum into his cock head to make it glisten and when to flex his muscles slightly to emphasise his toning.

When Jono had finished yet another roll of film, he said to Daryl, "You've got a hell of a cock..."

Daryl smirked at him and muttered salaciously, "It can do things that'd make your eyes water, mate..."

Jono didn't know how to respond to that and chose to smile uncertainly and busy himself with his camera.

I must say I was pretty surprised to hear Daryl speak so suggestively to Jono.

I looked over at him and he flashed me a grin and winked at me.

I guessed he must just be testing Jono to see how he'd respond; following up on our discussions, the previous evening, as to whether the guy was gay or not.

When Jono had finished replenishing his film, he asked me to apply the tattoo of the gun to Daryl's cock.

I knelt down in front of him, finding myself becoming as mesmerised by my friend's large erection as Jono had been.

Daryl grinned down at me, clearly loving the admiration his organ was getting. "Changed a bit since school, eh Seb?"

I smiled up at him. "You could say that... what the hell have you been putting on it...?"

He chuckled.

I positioned the tattoo on his cock and started rubbing the pencil across it to apply the image of the gun to the veined skin of his shaft.

Daryl gasped and involuntarily jerked his hips a few times. "Aah... fuck!"

A thick drool of precum dribbled from the tip of his cock, hanging on a string like the one a few moments earlier.

Jono photographed the whole thing eagerly.

Daryl looked down at me. "Sorry, mate. It just felt really good..."

I continued trying to rub the tattoo onto his cock, but each time I stroked my pencil across it, Daryl would grunt, buck his hips a little and his cock would spew another string of thick, clear precum.

I said, "Jesus, mate, calm down..."

But Daryl snapped, "I can't fuckin' help it... it feels incredible..."

Jono looked over the top of his camera and stared at the threads of goo hanging from the head of Daryl's cock. "This is getting a bit messy... can you wipe it off?"

I shrugged. "What with?"

Jono looked around. "I've probably got a cloth somewhere..."

Daryl cut in: "I'm not having some dirty fucking cloth on my knob... come on, mate..."

I noticed a box of tissues on Jono's desk. "How about passing a Kleenex...?"

But now Jono shook his head. "Bits of it'll stick to his bell-end... it'll be a pain to get off..."

Then Daryl surprised me again by blurting out: "For fuck's sake, Seb... just lick it off, will you?"

Jono immediately turned and stared at him, clearly as stunned as I was.

I laughed incredulously. "I'm not gonna lick your dick, mate..."

But Daryl looked irritated. "Don't be so precious about it! Like you haven't tasted your own jism..."

I shook my head. "That's a bit different... anyway, I don't remember – "

Before I could lie that I hadn't, Daryl interrupted me: "It’s the easiest way... come on... I'll do the same to yours when it's your turn..."

I looked over at Jono. He shrugged, clearly intrigued by Daryl's suggestion but aware of my discomfort. He said, "I dunno... I guess I could fetch a face cloth from the bathroom or something..."

"Yeah and by the time you do that I'll have gone limp," Daryl snapped. "And, anyway, I don't want some scabby face cloth on my cock... come on, Seb... I'm not exactly asking a lot..."

I looked up at him and saw that he seemed annoyed, perhaps even a little hurt, by my reluctance. I wondered if maybe I was being a little prudish. What he was asking me to do was, after all, only a little different to tasting my own precum, which I'd done on many occasions.

I said, "Okay. But no photos of it, Jono, okay?"

Jono nodded. "Yeah... fine... they'd be too hardcore for me to sell, anyway..."

I leaned forwards and took the head of Daryl's cock into my mouth, tasting the warm salty liquid dribbling from it.

He gasped and then moaned. "Aah..."

I licked the precum off his hot bell-end and instantly felt more ooze from his slit in response.

I could smell the sweat on his balls and in his pubic hair; sharp and slightly cloying.

I pulled my mouth back from his bell-end and sucked at just its tip, swallowing the precum as it trickled out of it.

Daryl sighed again; a long, satisfied sigh.

When his slit had stopped oozing, I pulled back and looked up at him.

His mouth was wide open and his eyes were tightly closed.

After a couple of seconds, he seemed to recover his wits and glanced down at me.

He grinned sheepishly. "Sorry, mate... I, er, kind of got carried away..."

I shrugged and licked the drool off my lips.

Jono seemed eager to get things back on track. He said, "Okay, finish off putting the tattoo on Daryl's cock, Seb, and then we'll have him do the same to you..."

I asked, "And what happens after that...?"

Jono hesitated. "Er... well..." Then he smiled and shrugged. "Actually, I've run out of ideas..."

I glanced at Daryl and he smirked.

He said, "You know... maybe I can come up with a few of my own..."


Author: Website:



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PHOTO SHOOT by Sebastian Wallace === Author: Website: === Part 1 I dread the day when one of my patients blurts out, halfway through an appointment with me, "You know... I think I recognise your face from somewhere...have you ever done any modelling, Dr Wallace?" It's going to happen; it's inevitable. Sooner or later,

Photo Shoot, Part 2

PHOTO SHOOT by Sebastian Wallace === Author: Website: === Part 2 After Jono had reassured me, with genuine sincerity, that there was absolutely no possibility of him telling another living soul that I had been involved in a photo shoot like this; I agreed to help Daryl out by joining him for a duo session. Jono was

Photo Shoot, Part 3

PHOTO SHOOT (Part 3) by Sebastian Wallace I stood up and hitched my briefs down, kicking them to one side. My cock sprang upwards looking as hard and proud as Daryl's. Jono grinned over at us from behind his camera, looking from my cock to Daryl's as he mentally compared our organs. He chuckled, "This is one hell of a shoot... you guys are gonna be able to charge pretty much what you

Ring Finger

by Sebastian Wallace === Author: Website: === I sometimes wonder how I should feel, as an ostensibly straight guy, about the fact that I enjoy taking a bit of a tumble in the sack with other men from time to time. I mean, one minute I can be fixating on a girl, finding myself falling in love, showering her with affection and


by Sebastian Wallace === About five years ago, when I was an undergraduate, I had to visit the Humboldt University in Berlin to attend a conference on medical research. I must say that I've never been a big fan of medical conferences - my interest in research generally amounts to "if it's that good, I'll hear about it on the news..." - but for some reason I was unable to get out of going

Sizing Him Up

SIZING HIM UP by Sebastian Wallace === Author: Website: === A friend of mine made a comment to me a few years ago that you'll probably find as difficult to believe as I did. We were sitting in the pub one evening after lectures and the two of us were chatting about what was going on the medical faculty: primarily, who was

Straight Guys Messing Around, Part 3

Chapter 3 It must have been close to half past four by the time I pulled on my briefs and staggered across the corridor into the bathroom Ed shared with his flatmates. I needed to take a leak and wash my face before the two of us tried to get some sleep. I felt exhausted. I couldn't believe what Ed and I had done, even though the throbbing from my arsehole and the soreness of my cock

Telephone Receiver

TELEPHONE RECEIVER by Sebastian Wallace === E-mail: === Just after I first moved to Leeds, a mate of mine from Southampton came to stay with me for a few nights. The bedsit I was renting back then was fairly cramped and basic but Rob and I had known each other for three or four years and weren’t too hung up about seeing each other in varying states of

That's The Way It Is

THAT'S THE WAY IT ISby Sebastian looked at myself in the hotel mirror over the sink. Jesus, I looked like shit tonight.I'd be turning forty soon and yet I looked about sixty. Maybe that was something to do with all the times I'd been thrown out by my wife these last few years.This time it's happened just before Christmas which isn't exactly

Upper Chapel

UPPER CHAPEL by Sebastian Wallace Sebastian Wallace, 2003. All rights reserved. In the warmth of Kaz’s parents’ living room it had seemed like it might be a good idea. A pretty cool thing to do before heading back to Southampton. We’d grown irritable being around the same people for so long. Christmas had started out being fun but by New Year the small house we were all caged up in

What Difference Does It Make?

by Sebastian Wallace === Author: Website: === A few years ago, I spent Christmas with the family of my then-girlfriend, Kaz. She and I had only been dating for a few months, so I was a little nervous at the prospect of being holed up with her folks at what can be quite a tense time, but I must say that her parents went out

While We Were Sleeping

WHILE WE WERE SLEEPING by Sebastian Wallace === Comments and suggestions always welcome E-mail: === Last summer, I booked a couple of beds in a Holiday Inn near Leeds to take my son Harry to see the Royal Armouries. It turned out that his best mate, Josh, also wanted to go, so I booked an extra bed for him in the hotel. Then Josh’s dad, David, phoned


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