Gay Erotic Stories

Alex's Game

by Sebastian_Wallace
27 Jun 2005

Bathroom Tales College Days Foreskin Fun--Uncut Gay Erotic Stories Masturbation Straight Men, Gay Sex Tales From School True Stories

ALEX'S GAME Maverick's tenth story

Copyright Maverick 2005. All rights reserved.



About half an hour into the exam, Alex raised his hand to attract someone's attention. Since I happened to be standing closest to him, I walked over to his desk.

As soon as the exam had started I'd been suspicious of him. The way he'd glanced around the exam room and leered over at me when he saw that I was one of the invigilators. I just knew he was going to try and disrupt things by asking dumb-ass questions or making pointless requests for unnecessary stationery or something.

One of his tosser mates was in the seat in front of him; another was a couple of feet to his side. He was bound to start pissing around. Who the fuck designs these seating plans anyway? Where are their brains...?

"Yes, Alex?"

He grinned up at me. "May I go to the toilet, Mr. Hargreves, sir?"

Mr. fucking Hargreves, sir. Since when has he showed any respect for me? Smarmy little wanker.

His mate to the left sniggered.

I glared at Alex and then feigned an unpleasant smile, "Of course."

So this was going to be his game--asking to go to the toilet every ten minutes. He stood up, his shirt hanging out from his school trousers which were halfway down his backside. His school tie was yanked down so that the knot was level with his chest.

I could easily have made a fuss about correct school uniform - make him publicly smarten himself up - but I thought I'd leave it. Keep it in the bag to give me something to use later on if I needed it.

He swaggered out of the exam hall and I followed him, nodding to one of my colleagues to confirm I'd be supervising Alex while he was out of the room.

I felt pretty certain that this was just a ruse; a time-wasting activity designed to prove to Alex's mates how unconcerned about the exam he was and to distract the more serious students from focusing on their papers.

This was the second paper of AS-Level Physics. Alex didn't have a hope in hell of passing it; at least not if his performance in Math - the subject I taught him - was anything to go by.

He walked into the male toilet outside the hall and I followed him in. Striding up to the nearest urinal, positioning himself in front of it so that he was side-on to me, he pulled out his cock. Then he looked over at me, smirking, clearly feeling pretty smart with himself, "Nice job for you, huh?"

I didn't rise to the bait. "You know the regulations by now, Alex. You've got to be accompanied until you submit your paper."

He shrugged derisively, "Whatever." Then he looked down it his cock.

I noticed that, despite clearly being soft and floppy, his cock looked thick and large as he peeled back his foreskin to expose its fat, pink head. He wasn't urinating. He looked back over at me, "I can never go when someone's there."

"Do you want me to turn on a tap?" Why I was offering to do anything for him - the number of my lessons which he'd deliberately and systematically ruined over the last three years - I don't know.

He shrugged. "It won't help."

Jesus his cock was big. It must have been about six inches long and looked thicker than mine does even when I'm hard. It's always the prats of this world who get all the lucky breaks, isn't it?

He asked me, "What do you think of the paper?" He wasn't even vaguely interested in my opinion of it. He was just trying to get me to comment on it so that he could claim he was unfairly influenced or something.

I smiled, "You know I can't discuss the paper with you...not now."

He grinned, "Like I'd tell anyone."

"Yeah - soul of discretion, aren't you?"

He looked a little irritated, or perhaps a little wounded. After a few seconds he said, "I'm smart enough to know when to keep my mouth shut."

I considered that and nodded slowly. Then I said, "Perhaps... but even if I wanted to discuss the paper, I haven't seen it for long enough to have formed an opinion on it."

He nodded and looked back down at his cock. He played with it idly while he waited for his bladder to relax. He jerked the foreskin across the broad head of it a couple of times. I asked him, "Do you always have this trouble when you go to the gents?"

He shook his head. "No, but then I don't usually have some old guy perving on me, do I?" Before I could challenge him on that, he looked up at me grinned. "I know... I know... it's the regulations..."

I smiled back. "It was the 'old' bit which I objected to, actually. I'm only thirty."

Alex kept smiling, "Yeah, it was just a figure of speech." He looked back down at his cock. Unless I was mistaken, it seemed to getting bigger. It looked distinctly less flaccid than it had a few moments earlier. He said, "Anyway, in public toilets and stuff, you have other guys next to you peeing. Kind of relaxes you a little. Know what I mean?"

"Well, I offered to turn on the tap - the sound of running water…"

"It wouldn't help. It's different. I dunno."

I thought about suggesting that he returned to the exam hall until the urge to pee grew stronger. But then I realised that would be playing into his hands; giving him the opportunity to distract everyone every few minutes on the pretext of having a nervous bladder.

I said, "Well, if you can't go here and now you're gonna have to wait an hour before you're allowed out again. So you better start thinking of waterfalls or something..."

He looked over at me. "An hour?"

I nodded. "It's in the regulations." It wasn't but I wanted to nip things in the bud.

"No-one's ever said that before."

"I can show you it in the booklet if you wanna stay back after the exam's finished." I knew that Alex wasn't the type of guy to stay back in school a second longer than he had to.

He shrugged. "Look, I wanna go but I can't. It's just not happening down there, even though it feels like it really needs to." He seemed surprisingly genuine. Perhaps he really was feeling nervous by having me standing staring at him.

I said, "I can't leave the room, Alex. You know that."

"Yeah, I know that." he hesitated, staring ahead at the tiled wall in front of him. Then he went on, "I don't suppose you wanna take a piss, do you?"

I wasn't sure I understood, "Sorry?"

He looked back over at me. "Like I said, I'm okay if other people are pissing. It's just having you standing there - it's freaking me out."

I thought about what he was suggesting. I didn't really need to urinate, but I supposed that I might be able to if I tried. And if it caused Alex to loosen up enough to finish himself off, it might help to avoid further distractions to the exam.

I said, "I'll give it a try..." I walked to the urinal next to his and unzipped my fly. It felt a little odd to be urinating with a student, but I'd occasionally found myself doing it before - on school trips and so on - and so it wasn't entirely unknown.

Alex stared down at the front of my trousers as I fumbled inside my briefs and pulled out my cock. Next to his, mine looked pretty insubstantial. I'd spent most of my teenage years waiting for it to develop into something impressive, but it never did. I guess it's just a case of 'that's life'. Wankers like Alex turn out being horse-hung studs, while nice guys like me end up with wee little pencil dicks. It's just the way things seem to go.

My cock looked about a thick as my middle finger, pretty much as thick as it gets, and just three or four inches long. My foreskin covered the head of it, making a puckered nozzle like an outstretched mouth. I aimed it towards the urinal and tried to will myself to pee. The quicker we could get this over, the better.

Alex kept looking down at it, making me struggle not to blush, and then looked up at my face. He grinned and said, "Nice cock, Mr. Hargreves."

I threw him a look of irritation. "I'm doing this to help you out. Don't get funny with me."

He said, "I'm not. You've got a nice cock. That's all I'm saying."

I couldn't help but feel skeptical. "Okay. So yours is bigger. Pat yourself on the back and then shut up about it."

He grinned. "You should learn how to accept a compliment. It's a nice cock." I looked at his face. He was smiling but he seemed quite genuine. He said, "Relax about it..."

I wasn't completely convinced, but I nodded and stared forwards at the tiles. "Well, let's see if I can get my 'nice cock' to pee..."

I tried to visualise a stream of running water, but that didn't seem to help. I tried to imagine how it would feel to drink a pint of water, but my bladder still refused to play ball. I looked back over at Alex's cock, hoping that he would be having more success. I was surprised to see that his cock was continuing to develop as he gently played with it. It must have been about seven inches long by now, and looked about as thick as my wrist.

It was ironic that I was the more mature of us and yet I had a cock that looked like it belonged on a boy. "A four inch wonder," as one ex-lover had spat at me on his departure from my life. "Too fucking thin to touch the sides."

Alex, at eighteen, had one of the largest cocks I'd seen at first-hand. I said, "You must be pretty proud of that thing. I guess you're the most well-equipped guy in the school."

He shrugged. "Yeah, it's pretty big I guess. Adam Sanders has a bigger one, though."

Adam was the sniggerer.

"Yeah? How d'you know?"

He laughed. "Come on, sir. There's more going on outside school than chess clubs and orchestra, you know."

"Oh right." I blushed, feeling ancient. "You guys had a bit of a... er... party with some girls, I suppose?" Pretending that I had any idea what went on.

He laughed again. "Come on! It's the twenty first century... guys don't need girls around to have a party, Mr. Hargreves!"

"Oh." I blushed again, wondering if I was I understanding correctly what he was implying. I tried to think of a way to get him to clarify what he was saying without making it look obvious that I needed to. After a few seconds, I tried, "So you've seen it in the flesh..."

Alex chuckled. "Seen it, tasted it, felt it..." He winked at me.

Christ - young people's attitudes had moved on a lot since I was a teenager. If only I'd have been born fifteen years later... I smiled feebly. "I had no idea - "

He went on, "Matt Davies' cock's a lot thicker than mine, too. Not too thick to get your mouth round, but too thick to... you know - "

I nodded. I knew exactly what he meant from painful experience. Alex glanced down at my own cock and I realised I was developing an erection. It was beginning to curve upwards and lengthening towards its five inch maximum. My foreskin retracted as it grew, exposing my small bell-end like the pink rubber on the end of a pencil.

I looked at his, with his glans swollen like a large, ripe plum and the stem as firm as the thick body of a snake. I said, "And you like that kind of stuff?"

He shrugged. "It's no big deal. I prefer girls - we all do - but there's nothing wrong with having a bit of fun with your mates sometimes."

A case of 'I like gay sex, but I'm not gay'. That old chestnut.

He asked, "I'll get the time back for this, won't I?" I stared at him blankly. He clarified: "The time out from the exam. I'll get it back, won't I?"

I nodded. "Oh right. Yeah. You'll be able make up any lost time at the end of the exam."

"In that case, do you mind if we go in the cubicle? I think the privacy would help."

It seemed reasonable. We were rather exposed, standing at the urinals. The possibility of being caught like that, both in various states of arousal, was making urination almost impossible.

Alex walked into the cubicle and gestured for me to follow him in. I knew that I shouldn't - even the exam regulations entitle students to a little privacy where it comes to what goes on inside toilet cubicles - but he seemed to have no hang-ups about me being in there with him and I guess I was intrigued to watch the continued development of that huge cock of his. I could always claim that he was throwing up and I had to assist him if anyone came looking for us.

After he'd closed the cubicle door and walked towards the bowl of the toilet, Alex surprised me by undoing his belt and button and then hitching his school trousers down to his knees. He did the same with his tightly-fitting white boxer-briefs. He said, "I always find I go better when I give my cock a bit of breathing space. Know what I mean?"

I just shrugged, staring at Alex's fattened cock which stood outwards from the bush of his pubes at an angle of ninety degrees. He went on, "Try it. It must be the cold air, or something. It really helps you to piss."

I knew I was getting into this far, far deeper that I ought to, but I suppose by now I must have been enjoying it. Alex Edison was one of the most disruptive guys I'd ever taught - he could be a real shit when the mood took him - but he seemed surprisingly comfortable about exposing himself to me and unexpectedly eager to see me in a similar state. The fact I was twelve years his senior and had a cock that looked about half the size of his own seemed immaterial to him.

I was feeling flattered and excited: so yes, I was enjoying it.

I undid my belt and hitched down my trousers. Alex smiled fondly at my blue briefs, like that kind of underwear belonged quaintly to yesteryear, and I pulled them down.

We looked at each other for a few seconds, drawing mental comparisons. I found myself dwarfed not only by Alex's cock, but by his generously-proportioned balls. They bulged outwards inside his tight scrotum, a couple of billiard balls held tightly in a sock, while mine hung down between my thighs, a couple of beans dangling inside a loose sack.

Alex said, "One thing about having a big cock is that it's difficult to wank it. It's kinda hard to get your hand around it. Know what I mean?"

I shrugged. "I suppose you get used to it."

He shook his head. "It's a bit awkward; difficult to find the right technique or something." He gestured for me to stand next to him in front of the toilet bowl. "Here," he said, "Have a try."

He grabbed my wrist and moved my hand to his cock. Without thinking, I wrapped my fingers around it, marvelling at the contrast between the soft warmth of its skin and the firmness of the developing erection inside it. He held onto my wrist and pushed it back and forth so that my hand slid up and down his large organ.

Jesus - I was wanking him! Realising that things were getting so far out of hand that they were entering the realms of illegality, I tried to pull my hand away.

Alex held it firm, saying, "It's okay - you're just seeing how it feels. You see how awkward it is to wank it?"

I nodded, "Yeah, I see," still trying to pull my hand away him, but Alex kept holding my wrist with a surprisingly strong grip. His cock increased in size, the veins on its stem growing more pronounced and the head of it swelling to a dark shiny purple colour as it became engorged with blood. It was easily eight inches long.

After a few more strokes, he released my wrist. I pulled my hand away, watching a small pearl of precum forming at the narrow slit of his bell-end. I was struggling to stay in control. I desperately wanted to masturbate Alex's cock - as I knew he wanted me to - but was held back by the knowledge of the dire repercussions if I was caught or if he reported me.

A voice inside me was crying, "Do it! He doesn't know you're gay! He'll treat as casually as having sex with his mates!" But a stronger, more authoritative voice, held me firmly in check. I made to pull my underwear up, muttering, "We'd better get back to the exam, Alex."

He stopped me by putting a hand on my shoulder, and said, "Yeah - in a minute. I've just got one more thing to show you. I mean, while we're in here you might as well take a look at it."

I hesitated. "What is it?"

Alex looked down at my cock as though to reassure himself that I was still aroused by this. Finding that I was - my little curved pencil was still poking upright - he went on, "One more disadvantage about having a big cock." He smiled. "You wanna see it?"

I shrugged. "I suppose so, then. But after that, we go back into the exam."

He nodded. He said, "There's something weird about the slit on the head. It's kind of underneath it. You'll have to kneel down on the floor to see it."

I was intrigued. I'd never heard anything about this, even though I'd had dealings with cocks of many different shapes and sizes over the years.

He was insistent. "Yeah - kneel down. Take a look at it close up and you'll see."

It couldn't hurt to take a look, I thought. It was probably something unique to his own cock that he assumed was a consequence of its size, maybe a birthmark or a scar from a long-forgotten injury.

I knelt down on the floor, feeling the sharp coldness of the tiles against my knees, and peered intently at Alex's large, gently-pulsating organ. The smell of it - the sharp but inviting odour of the sweat in his pubic hair and the precum on his bell-end - was quite powerful as I stared closely at his puckered slit.

Alex put his hand on my head, as if to guide me towards the incongruity I was trying to find. He pushed his hips towards me so that his organ, swollen to its full impressive size, was within an inch of my face.

I opened my mouth to tell him that I couldn't see anything unusual, when Alex grabbed my head firmly and pushed his cock into my mouth. He slid it in and out of me a few times, no doubt feeling me resisting it in the initial shock of finding myself invaded by him and then feeling me responding to him by urgently sucking at it as the pleasure of what he was doing overwhelmed me.

Still holding my head, he pulled his cock out from me and swivelled my neck so that I was staring up at him open-mouthed.

He said, "You like that?"

"Do you?"

"Yeah; 'course."

I nodded and he pushed himself back into my mouth. I fed hungrily on his cock, as eager to pleasure it as if I were worshipping it; smothering it with my tongue and drinking the slow dribble of precum down into my throat.

Alex bent over me as I fed on him, and I heard him suck at one of his fingers before groping down my back to lift the bottom of my shirt and grope around my arse. He quickly located my arsehole, hot and sweaty at the base of my arse crack, and pressed his moistened finger into me.

Perhaps sensing my intense pleasure at feeling myself penetrated and eagerness to receive more, Alex stated - surprisingly calmly - "Stand up."

I did as he said, breathless in front of him and his huge wet cock. He reached down into his trouser pocket and pulled out his wallet. From that he extracted a condom and, with a practiced hand, quickly opened the wrapped and slid the rubber sheath down his cock.

He said, "Turn around and bend over the toilet."

I couldn't believe how composed he sounded. For my part, I was almost shivering with excitement; I don't think I could have formed any reply to him even if I'd have wanted to. I did as he said. The rational voice in my head had been silenced: I desperately wanted Alex to fuck me and no amount of risk or possibility of repercussions was going to stop it happening.

Alex came up behind me and entered me with the haste and roughness you'd expect from an eighteen-year-old. For the first time, his inexperience was obvious. I winced and bent lower towards the toilet bowl as my anus reluctantly accepted his uncouth intrusion. The bottom of my tie fell into the water inside the toilet but I was too excited at being fucked by Alex to care.

Alex grabbed my hips firmly and slid his cock as deeply into my bowels as it would go. I grunted and involuntarily farted. I heard him chuckle. Then he held onto me and started fucking me quite rapidly; driving his cock in and out of my rectum with long, sweeping strokes. I started gasping to the rhythm of his cock, oblivious now to the possibility of someone else coming into the toilet.

He grabbed my shoulders and pulled me upright, so that my back was touching his chest. Then he reached for my cock and started wanking me clumsily, his fingers having difficulty to adapt their technique to the much smaller size of my cock.

I felt the roughness of the polyester of his school tie rubbing against the top of my arse every time he thrust into me. I looked down and saw our four feet making a square on the tiles of the toilet floor. Our trousers and underwear were around our shins: black school trousers and fashionable white boxer-briefs around his, right behind the dark grey trousers and cheap blue briefs around mine.

I thought, "Oh shit - I've got Alex Edison's cock up my arse! I'm being fucked by the most annoying lout in my AS Maths group!"

All the times he'd got me so angry that I had to mentally control myself to stop myself from saying something unprofessional or raising a fist to him. All those times - maybe he'd been thinking, secretly, about my arse and what he wanted to do it. Maybe that's where his aggressive behaviour came from - the confusion he felt because of his attraction for me.

I think, by now, I was moaning.

He began slamming his cock into my arse so roughly that his pelvis made loud slapping noises against my buttocks. He was muttering, "You want it, Mr. Hargreves, don't you... you fucking want it badly..."

His cock felt so thick inside me that it felt like it was going to tear me open. It seemed to plunge deeper and deeper into me with every thrust. He clearly didn't know much about how to give a guy pleasure, but what he lacked in technique the mammoth size of his cock went along way towards making up for. I opened my legs as wide as I could within the confines of my trousers and briefs, and started pushing my arse back to meet each of his thrusts.

"Take my fucking cock up your shitter, sir... fucking take it..."

His use of such coarse language in the same breath as his no doubt unintentionally respectful use of 'sir', really appealed to me. His hand was becoming used to the dimensions of my cock and the sensations from his attempts to masturbate me were growing more and more enjoyable. I started grunting at the pleasure I was getting from it and from his cock which was battering in and out of my bowels.

I bent forwards again, my face almost pressed into the toilet bowl, as I opened my legs as wide as they would go and pushed my arse as firmly as I could to meet the onslaught from his cock.

I climaxed like that: feeding Alex's cock with my hole, bending forwards as far as I could to take his entire length into me.

Alex quickly slowed down when he realised I was climaxing and, thinking perhaps he'd lost his rhythm at seeing his Maths teacher from such an odd angle, I straightened up and urged him to continue. But he withdrew his cock from me and pulled the condom from it.

I said, "I want you to cum too, Alex."

He shrugged. "Don't worry about it."

I tried to insist, thinking he didn't want to appear selfish. "I'll suck you off or something."

He shook his head. "No. I'll sort it out later. No worries."

I was going to say something else but he stopped me: "We'd better get back into the exam, sir." I pulled my briefs and my trousers up, confused and a little embarrassed. Then he said, "Actually, I really need to piss now."

He walked over to the toilet, standing right next to me, pressing me into the wall next to the toilet bowl, and aimed his softening cock at the small pool of water in the bowl.

I said something facetious like, "Got there in the end, eh? Not for the want of trying," when a thick jet of urine splashed into the bowl. As I tried to fasten my belt, Alex made patterns in the toilet bowl with the stream of his urine, his body still blocking my retreat from the bowl.

A few times the stream of urine strayed too far towards me and, while the stream itself didn't touch me, the splashes from the top of the toilet bowl caught my trousers. I said, "Hey, watch it."

He stared impassively down at the toilet and didn't reply. As we left the cubical and I used toilet paper to dab at the streaks of Alex's urine on my trousers, I advised him that, if anyone were to ask, we'd say that he'd been throwing up. That's why it had taken so long.

He grunted, "Yeah. Whatever," and walked out of the toilet.

I followed him, feeling a rising sense of alarm. What the hell had happened? What had I done?

The grinning from Alex's mates, coupled with a brief and almost imperceptible thumbs-up from him, told me all I needed to know. Almost as soon as Alex had sat down, Matt Davies' hand went up and I nervously walked over to see what he wanted.

He said, "I need more paper. Actually, though - are you all right?"

"Sorry?" I heard a snigger from Alex sitting in the seat behind.

Matt feigned a look of concern. "You look like you're walking a bit strangely - "

Now Adam Sanders chuckled.

I glared at Matt, then at Alex and Adam. I hissed, "I'm fine." I walked down the hall, aware that I was indeed walking with discomfort, and got him an additional sheet of paper.

When Alex raised his arm, I thought it would be best to let another teacher go over to him and ask him what he wanted.

I was within earshot and I heard him say, "Could you ask Mr. Hargreves if he has a pencil I could use? I think I saw him with a really small one when he escorted me to the bathroom."

My colleague looked quizzically over at me and I felt myself blush. What the fuck had I got myself into here? How had I let this happen?

The next year at the school was clearly going to be hell.




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by Sebastian Wallace === Author: Website: === A few years ago, I spent Christmas with the family of my then-girlfriend, Kaz. She and I had only been dating for a few months, so I was a little nervous at the prospect of being holed up with her folks at what can be quite a tense time, but I must say that her parents went out

While We Were Sleeping

WHILE WE WERE SLEEPING by Sebastian Wallace === Comments and suggestions always welcome E-mail: === Last summer, I booked a couple of beds in a Holiday Inn near Leeds to take my son Harry to see the Royal Armouries. It turned out that his best mate, Josh, also wanted to go, so I booked an extra bed for him in the hotel. Then Josh’s dad, David, phoned


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