Gay Erotic Stories

Photo Shoot, Part 3

by Sebastian_Wallace
19 May 2005

College Days Exhibitionism Friends Gay Erotic Stories Straight Men, Gay Sex

PHOTO SHOOT (Part 3) by Sebastian Wallace

I stood up and hitched my briefs down, kicking them to one side. My cock sprang upwards looking as hard and proud as Daryl's.

Jono grinned over at us from behind his camera, looking from my cock to Daryl's as he mentally compared our organs. He chuckled, "This is one hell of a shoot... you guys are gonna be able to charge pretty much what you like for these photos with dicks like yours..."

I guess we did look pretty impressive: we were both reasonably good looking, both had nicely toned bodies and we both sported well-endowed erections.

Jono snapped a few shots of us grinning at each other as if amused by having hard-ons together. Then he suggested that we ought to pretend to compare our lengths, even though it was quite clear that Daryl's cock was slightly longer than mine.

Daryl turned and bent over the desk, rifling through the stuff on it to find a ruler. Jono gestured for me to stand behind him so that my erection curved upwards towards Daryl's slightly-splayed buttocks.

I said, "I'm supposed to contemplating fucking him again, am I?"

Jono chuckled, taking a few shots of us. "You certainly are..."

Daryl grabbed a ruler and turned back to me, grinning. "Like you ever contemplate anything else, Seb..."

We pretended to measure our dicks and to be surprised that Daryl's was the best part of an inch longer than mine.

Then Jono suggested that we compare how thick our cocks were. "Put your forefinger and thumb around your own," he said, "and then reach over and see how your girth compares with each other's..."

We did as he said, exaggerating our actions to make it clear what we were doing to the guys who'd eventually be looking at these, and felt how thick our own cocks were before wrapping our fingers and thumbs around each other's organs.

We stood like that, feeling slightly ridiculous holding one another's cocks, while Jono took two or three shots of us, and then the two of us burst out laughing.

Jono wasn't too amused: "Come on, guys - just a few more in this position. I know it seems a bit bizarre..."

We grabbed each other's cocks again, squeezing one another gently with our fingers and thumbs. Although it felt a bit weird to be holding Daryl's dick and the shaft of his cock was a little more veined than mine is, our erections felt pretty much identical in terms of thickness.

Jono took a few more shots and then Daryl wanked my cock a few times between his forefinger and thumb, making us both laugh again. Jono asked Daryl to wrap

Jono pulled another roll of spent film from his camera, and, hastily replacing it with a fresh one, called over to Daryl, "Okay, mate, let's see you kneel down in front of Seb and put a tattoo on his cock like he did with you..."

Daryl grinned. "I thought you'd never ask..."

I stood side-on to Jono, so that he could photograph the profile of my swollen cock arching upwards next to Daryl's face.

Daryl chose a tattoo of a pair of thick juicy lips to apply to the stem of my cock.

He looked up at me and smiled. "I suspect these won't be the only lips you get around your knob this afternoon, mate..."

I smiled back, concealing my surprise at how nonchalant Daryl seemed about the prospect of using his mouth on me. "I dare say they won't..."

When Jono had adjusted the level of his camera to get a few close-ups, Daryl started rubbing the tattoo onto my cock with the blunt pencil.

Unlike his, which had started oozing beads of precum almost as soon as the tattoo had touched it, my bell-end remained almost dry. As a rule, my cock doesn't produce a lot of fluid when I'm aroused.

It seemed there was no need for Daryl to clean me up with his mouth as I had him. He seemed disappointed: "Looks like I don't get to lick your lollipop, Seb," he said as he peeled the transfer from my cock.

Jono clicked away, clearly enjoying seeing my cock, with the bell-end engorged and throbbing, poking into Daryl's face.

Then Daryl had an idea: "Actually, your dick looks a bit too dry... the head should be more kind of polished looking... don't you think, Jono?"

Jono shrugged behind his camera. "I guess..."

Daryl grinned up at me. "Yeah... a bit of moisture might help after all..."

Before I could suggest that I'd lick my finger and smear a bit of my own spit around the head of it, Daryl put his lips around my purple head and gently licked it inside his mouth.

I gasped: bolts of pleasure shot through me.

Daryl pulled back and, still grinning, shook his head. "Hmmm... looks like maybe it needs a bit more..."

He put his mouth around my cock head again, sucking it more forcibly this time and sweeping his tongue around my piss-slit.

The sensations of pleasure overwhelmed me; I called out, "Fuck... Daryl... Jesus!"

He pulled back again, almost laughing, and examined my cock closely. "You know... I still think it needs a bit more work..."

Before I could refuse, he quickly engulfed my bell-end with his mouth and then bobbed his head rapidly up and down on the top couple of inches of my cock, sucking firmly. He was, for all intents and purposes, giving my bell-end a blow job.

I gasped and moaned involuntarily. "Aah... aah..."

He pulled back from me, laughing now, and looked at my cock that was now so stiff that it ached. The head of it looked slick and shiny.

Daryl chuckled, "Yeah, that's got it." He turned to Jono, who was looking over the top of his camera, open-mouthed with astonishment.

Daryl said, "You'd better take a few snaps of it, mate, before it goes off the boil..."

Jono did as Daryl suggested, taking half a dozen photos of my almost bursting erection next to Daryl's grinning face.

After Jono had finished, Daryl stood up. His own cock hadn't lost any of its excitement; if anything, the head of it was looking larger and redder.

I managed to mutter, "Jesus, Daryl -"

He shrugged and laughed. "Come on, Seb. I was only returning the favour you did me..."

I said, "I guess... but -"

He patted my shoulder affectionately. "Come on... no worries, mate..."

Jono asked him, "Was that one of the ideas you had, Daryl?"

Daryl didn't seem to understand him. "Ideas?"

"Yeah... you said you had some ideas for the shoot... I just wondered if that was one of them?"

Daryl smiled. "Oh right. No - that was just me repaying Seb for doing the same to my dick..."

"So what were your ideas, then?"

"I dunno... I just thought it might be a bit of laugh if the two of us pretended we were... you know... getting it on together..."

He looked at me and I just smiled.

He went on, "I mean, we're too pissed mates, right...? We've staggered out of some party to put tattoos on each other... then we developed hard-ons and neither of us were too freaked out about it..."

I nodded.

"So what I'm suggesting is that we start kind of wrestling or play-fighting or something... just messing around while we're naked. And then... well... what do you think happens next...?"

I chuckled. "Could it be... I dunno... might we end up fucking like a pair of bunnies...?"

Daryl laughed. "Got it in one, mate... or at least, we end up pretending to fuck..."

Jono smiled. "If you guys would be happy with doing that, that'd be great... I mean, I wouldn't have suggested it in case you thought it was a step too far..."

Daryl looked over at me. "I'd be okay with it, if you would, Seb..."

I hesitated. "I dunno... are you absolutely sure, Jono, that no-one other than a few old blokes wearing macs are gonna see these photos...?"

Jono nodded. "Absolutely. One hundred percent. And bear in mind that the price we'll get will be a lot higher if there's a suggestion of actual sex..."

Daryl seemed particularly eager; the money was obviously a major attraction. "Come on, mate... it'll just be like we're messing about..."

I grinned and shrugged. "Okay... in for a penny in for a pound and all that..."

Daryl grinned. "Nice one, mate..."

We decided to act like we were play-fighting, as though we were both trying to smudge the other guys' tattoos. Why we would have spent half an hour carefully putting tattoos on each other only to then try and wipe them off wasn't raised as an issue.

Our erections had only waned slightly during our discussion and a few short tugs from our fists quickly restored them to full mast before we got to work.

Jono spent a whole roll of film taking shots of us wrestling on the floor together, writhing around trying to pin one another down so that we could wipe off the other guys' tattoos. Despite the fact we found it so funny - we were almost convulsed from fits of laughter - we didn't lose our erections during our play-fighting. There was something surprisingly erotic about wrestling naked with another guy: the sensation of our bodies, hot and hard, grinding against one another, coupled with the unavoidable accidental gropes of each other's cocks and buttocks, made it inescapably arousing.

The first 'suggestion of actual sex', as Jono had put it, came when I managed to straddle Daryl's torso and, holding his arms down beneath my knees, found that my cock was towering over his face.

Jono said, "Pretend like you're gonna make him suck it..."

I held Daryl's chuckling face with both hands and pressed my cock against his mouth.

Jono took a few shots, asking me to act as though I was trying to open Jono's mouth with my hands on his cheeks.

I did so and Jono took several photos of my cock, straining at full size, hovering in anticipation above Daryl's apparently forced-open mouth. My balls hung down above his chin.

Jono muttered, "Nice... yeah..."

Daryl said, "But for the post-sucking shots, you're gonna need a bit of spit on his knob aren't you...?"

And with that, he hurriedly applied his mouth to my cock for the second time that afternoon, except that this time he took about six inches of it right to the back of his throat.

While that would probably have been enough to make my cock moist, Daryl didn't stop there. He sucked my cock like a girl would, sliding it in and out of his mouth a few dozen times, sucking and licking it.

I just grunted and panted, finding my surprise at what he was doing rapidly overwhelmed by the intense pleasure of it.

Jono got a close-up shot of my face, smiling as he did so.

Then Daryl pulled back from my cock and Jono took a few shots of the aftermath of his mouth's activities. My cock, wet with his saliva, throbbing above his grinning spit-smeared mouth.

When my breathing had recovered, I muttered, "I thought I said no shots of us doing anything sexual, Jono... you've got to stick the rules..."

Jono nodded. "Yeah - I did stick to the rules. I didn't get any shots of your dick in his mouth - just your face while he did it. The expression you were pulling was priceless... unrepeatable..."

Daryl laughed. "How did he look?"

Jono shrugged. "I dunno how to explain it, really. You'll have to see it when I develop them. It was almost a snarl... a mixture of shock and excitement, I guess.... you just couldn't fake something like that..."

I felt a little embarrassed. "I just wasn't expecting it..."

Daryl grinned up at me. "That's why I did it..." He chuckled and then asked, "So I give good blow jobs, do I?"

I relaxed a little and smiled. "Yeah... you seem like an expert, actually..."

Daryl smirked and shrugged. "First time luck I guess..."

Jono said that the pose we'd just adopted had worked out 'superbly' and made us swap positions so that this time it would look as if Daryl had overcome me. Daryl readily obliged and pinned me down beneath him, positioning his large, curving cock above my face. His balls hung down between his legs, tickling my chin with a few short strands of pubic hair.

Jono's camera clicked away as Daryl pretended to try and force my mouth open and his cock oozed precum against my grinning but stubbornly-closed lips.

Then I had to give in and a few more shots were taken of his large, ripe bell-end on the threshold of my mouth.

Now it was my turn to suck him.

I guess I could have just swept my tongue up and down it a couple of times to moisten his stem, but since Daryl had performed pretty much the full works on my own cock, I felt kind of compelled to return the favour.

So I took as much of his cock as I could into my mouth - I probably managed about five inches of it - and then bobbed my head back and forth, aware that it was hardening and lengthening to full size as I did so. He grunted and gasped, just as I'd done, and I felt and tasted his salty precum dribbling into the back of my throat with every thrust I made.

After twenty seconds or so, I pulled back from him and looked up at his face. His eyes were closed in pleasure and Jono was getting a photo of his expression. When, eventually, he looked down at me, we both burst out laughing.

Once Jono had taken a few photos of Daryl's wet cock curving upwards over my open mouth, he suggested that our wrestling should now result in one of us overpowering the other from behind. I felt simultaneous ripples of apprehension and titillation course through me when I realised that we were about to set up a simulated anal sex scene.

However, just as I was standing up, Daryl said he had an idea we could try before we did that.

He got down on the floor, lying down flat and facing upwards, and gestured for me to get on top of him pinning his arms down beneath my shins.

I said, "We've done the blow job scene, mate. I know you're up for giving me another, but -"

"No - it's not another blow job," Daryl cut in. "This is something else... you should be facing away from me for a start..."

Intrigued, I turned around so that my arse was above his face and held his arms down underneath my legs. I was looking straight down at his cock, which had flopped onto his stomach.

"Now," he went on, "pretend like you're pushing your arse against my face..."

Jono chuckled. "Oh, yeah... nice idea, mate..."

I couldn't really understand what the aim of this was, but I did as Daryl suggested, lowering my backside a little towards his face.

He snapped, "No - right up close... come on..."

I felt quite uncomfortable about this - it wasn't something I'd ever envisaged doing with one of my friends - and was reluctant to push myself further down. After all, Daryl might not like what he'd find if I pushed my arse right into his face and then things would get really embarrassing...

But Daryl was insistent. "Come on, Seb... I'm not gonna fucking bite..."

I asked him, "But what do you want me to do? Sorry, but I don't get this..."

Daryl explained: "It's like when you pushed your knob into my face, but this time it's your arsehole..."

"You mean, this is supposed to look like I'm forcing you to suck my arsehole?" I was incredulous.

"Naah... you just want to make me kiss it or something... you know..."

I wasn't sure I did. But I said, hesitantly, "Okay..."

I pushed myself further against Daryl's face, feeling my buttocks touch his cheeks and his nose against my arse-crack, and Jono's camera began clicking again.

Jono muttered, "Pull a face like you're disgusted..."

Daryl chuckled. "I'm fucking trying... it's hard to do anything with his butt-cheeks pressing into my face..."

I felt his breath, hot and moist, against the inside of my crack.

Then Jono said, "Now press your lips up and kiss his arse... I've zoomed right in..."

Daryl did so and I felt his lips brushing against the light fuzz of hair inside my cleft.

Jono said, "Yeah... go for it... push yourself further back towards him, Seb..."

Still deeply uncomfortable about this, I did so, and felt Daryl's mouth actually touching the right ring of my anus.

Jono laughed. "Yeah... beautiful..." His camera was frantically taking it all in.

Daryl muttered something about making it wetter, so that it would be more obvious that he'd had to kiss it, and I was stunned to feel his tongue licking around the rim of my arsehole.

I called out, "What the fuck are you doing...?"

But Daryl just chuckled and said something about making the shot look convincing. I noticed his cock had now risen from his stomach and hovered above it in mid-air, rhythmically pulsating with the red skin of his bell-end looking taut and shiny.

Jono clicked a few more shots of my spit-moistened arse and then suggested that we swap positions.

I got up from Daryl and he asked me if I'd be happy to do to him what he'd just been doing to me.

I shrugged. "I dunno... it seems a bit weird..." I turned to Jono. "Are you sure guys would want to see this kind of thing?"

Although Jono just shrugged as if such things were as mysterious to him as it was to me, the prominent mound his own cock was making in his jeans betrayed his interest. His cock looked as if it was as fat as a beer bottle behind its ridge of denim.

I gestured to it and smiled. "Like Daryl said earlier, mate... feel free to have a play with it if things get too much..."

Jono blushed a little but smiled. "It wouldn't feel right..."

I laughed. "So it's okay for us run around with our knobs on show, but it's not right for you to... how's that work, then?"

Jono laughed. "Well you guys are just acting... putting on a show for the camera... if I start tugging myself, it'd just be... well... gratuitous..."

I smiled at him and nodded.

Daryl said, "So how about kissing my arse, Seb? I mean, I know you do it all the time... but how about doing it for real...?"

"I dunno... I don't know if I could... no offence..."

Jono said, "Well if you get into the position, we'll get a few shots of his backside up against your face, and then I'll moisten around his arsehole for you..."

Daryl laughed. "With what?"

Jono smirked. "What do you think?"

I still felt uncomfortable - I hadn't dreamt that things would go this far - but, not wishing to appear like a prude, I agreed.

I lay on the floor and my cock, now partially limp, drooped in the hollow between my right leg and my hip.

Daryl got on top of me, facing away from my face, and pretended to pin me down by pressing my arms firm to the ground beneath his shins.

His arse, the cheeks firm and round, bore down upon me. His cleft was targeted straight for my nose and my lips were soon brushing the fine hair inside his crack.

Jono's camera clicked away and then he swore in irritation as yet another roll of film ran out and he had to go over to his drawers to get a new one.

While Jono was replacing the film, Daryl kept his arse pressing towards my face. My nose was poking right into his moist crack and my mouth was directly beneath the tangled hair surrounding his anus.

The sensation was, in equal measure, both repellent and exciting. Repellent because this was another guy's - a good friend's - backside that was so close to my face; repellent because of the thick, musky smell that was so hot and strong; repellent because of the knowledge that this was the dark, intimate area that connects men homosexually. And it was exciting for exactly the same reasons.

Daryl must have noticed my cock stiffening because he laughed and said, "Getting a bit of a taste for it, are we, Dr Wallace?"

He leaned forwards and gave my cock a few affectionate tugs, rolling my foreskin back and forth across my bell-end a couple of times, as it swelled back to full size.

Jono came back over to us; his camera refilled, and began taking photos of Daryl's arse pressing into my face. My nose had disappeared into his cleft and my mouth was smothered in a beard of his anal hair.

Daryl called over, "Give it a little kiss..."

I puckered my lips upwards and they briefly pecked the hot ring of his anus. Intrigued, I licked them and tasted the pungeant, earthy taste of Daryl's arsehole.

I felt my cock stiffen to what felt like an impossible size and Daryl's body quiver as he chuckled.

Jono said, "Nice one, Seb," taking a couple more shots from the best angle he could. Then he put his camera down and called over to Daryl, "Now, if you just wanna push your arse up a bit, I'll make it nice and wet for you..."

It looked like I wasn't being given the option to lick Daryl as he'd licked me. If I had, I think the intrigue I'd felt when I'd kissed his arsehole would probably have got the better of me, and I'd have readily obliged.

Daryl pushed his arse upwards towards Jono and, lying beneath him as I was, I got a not-very-flattering view of his balls hanging low between his thighs and his cock, as hard as iron, standing upright almost touching his stomach. A bead of precum hung on a string from its glistening bilobed head.

But my attention was soon diverted.

Jono stuck his face into Daryl's arse-crack and began licking hungrily around his hole as though he was devouring an ice-cream.

Daryl laughed; he seemed to think it was funny.

I was fascinated to see what Jono was doing from such close quarters.

I could hardly believe what I was seeing when I noticed that Jono's tongue wasn't just licking around Daryl's anus, as Daryl had around mine, but that it was actually penetrating Daryl; working its way into his hole and then sliding in and out of it.

Daryl groaned in appreciation. I wasn't sure if he was just pretending to enjoy what Jono was doing - perhaps thinking of it as a joke - or whether his apparent pleasure was real.

Jono seemed to relish pressing his face into Daryl's backside: perhaps, like me, he enjoyed the conflicting sensations of repulsion and enticement. He licked voraciously at Daryl's hole like he was feeding on it and I saw that his right hand was gently kneading the fat bulge in the front of his jeans as he did so.

After half a minute or so, he withdrew, grinning, and then pulled one of Daryl's anal hairs - or something - from his tongue making spitting sounds.

Daryl laughed. "Jesus, mate... found something tasty in there, did you?"

Jono smiled. "I just thought I better make it really wet... sometimes the camera doesn't pick up moisture too well..."

Daryl chuckled. "Yeah, yeah, yeah..."

After Jono had taken the photos of the aftermath of me supposedly kissing Daryl's arse, he suggested that we set up the final scene of the two of us appearing to fuck each other.

Daryl stood up, his cock upright in front of him, and laughed, "What, we both get to fuck each other's arses, do we? I didn't think it worked like that..."

Jono looked puzzled.

Daryl went on, "Well, I thought - with gay sex - one guy did the fucking and the other guy just... well... enjoyed it. I didn't think it was a two-way thing..."

He looked over at me, "Did you think that, Seb?"

I shrugged. "I dunno... I guess I've never really thought about it." I hoped my lie was well concealed beneath my apparent indifference.

Jono smiled. "Well, maybe it works like that... I dunno... but the way we've set this up is that you're both straight guys, so I suppose that means that both of you want to do the fucking..."

Daryl grinned. "Well that suits me..."

He looked over at me.

I shrugged again. "Since neither of us is going to be doing any actual fucking," I reminded him, "I guess it doesn't really matter..."

We got into a position where it would look as though our wrestling had taken a serious turn. Now, instead of us wanting to mess up each other's tattoos, we were vying with one another for dominance. Perhaps the arse-kissing stuff had made us angry with one another, I don't know, but we acted like we were really struggling to over-power each other.

Jono kept reminding us, "Get him from behind," and would shoot photo after photo of us grabbing each other: of Daryl with arms wrapped around me, his chest pressing against my back and his cock grinding between my arse-cheeks; and of me bending over him holding his arms in a lock behind his back, with my cock pressing between the tops of his thighs so that my bell-end thumped against his balls.

Once again, our erections weren't diminished by our exertions: if anything, they became even more inflamed by being constantly pressed up against each other's backsides. My cock started to feel sore from being painfully enlarged for so long; I felt like I urgently needed to masturbate to relieve the pressure that had developed.

After a few minutes, while he was replacing what must have been his twelfth or thirteenth roll of film, Jono said, "Okay, guys. We've got plenty of shots suggesting sex... but how would you feel about giving the readers something... er... more substantial...?"

Daryl shrugged but I wasn't too keen. I said, "I thought we said we wouldn't be doing anything hardcore -"

"You wouldn't," Jono insisted. "It's just that I thought you might want to offer the readers a little proof of what was going on between you guys..."

Daryl asked, "How d'you mean?"

Jono smirked. "Well, you can't make an omelet without breaking a few eggs..."

I wasn't impressed. "And that means..."

Jono chuckled. "Okay, so if I have to spell it out: you can't fuck a guy's arse without... you know... making it obvious..."

Daryl laughed loudly. "Oh right! You want a few shots of the tunnel after the train's been and gone, do you?"

Jono laughed. I noticed his erection was still making a prominent ridge in his jeans. "Well, you could put it like that, I guess..."

Daryl looked over at me. He said, "I wouldn't be too averse to that. Would you?"

I shrugged. "I dunno... I guess not..."

Jono went to his top drawer and threw Daryl a tube of lubricant from it.

Daryl smirked. "Just something you happened to have handy..."

Jono smirked back. "Yeah. Funny that..."

Daryl squirted some of the lubricant onto his hand. "So what do you want me to do?"

Jono went back to his camera and adjusted the settings. "Just work some of it into you arsehole with your fingers. Try and get a few fingers inside... make it look like you've had something pretty big pushing its way in there..."

Daryl moistened a couple of fingers with the clear-looking jelly and worked them into his arsehole. His fingers made a wet slapping noise as they probed his anus. It seemed odd that he was doing this in front of me: like he was publicly wiping his arse or something.

He laughed, "I'm discovering parts of me I never knew I had..."

He didn't seem at all embarrassed, but perhaps he was just an extremely good actor.

Jono asked, "How does it feel...?"

Daryl closed his eyes and groaned, "Aaah... yeah... so many new sensations..." But then he opened them again and laughed, "Actually, it just feels weird...!"

When he'd worked what he described as 'the best part of an arm' into his arse, he turned around and Jono gestured for me to get into position behind him. He wanted to make it look as though my cock had just slid out of Daryl's arse, I guess.

But the shot didn't work: Jono said that Daryl's arse - even when he was bending forwards - was too tightly clamped for it to look as if any sex had just taken place. "There's no way Seb's dick could have been anywhere near it... it's totally unconvincing..."

Daryl became defensive. "I had four fingers up there! Apart from fisting myself, which isn't gonna happen, I can't see what else I can do, mate..."

Jono suggested, "Maybe you need something a bit thicker up there..."

Daryl looked suspicious. "Like..."

Jono grinned. "I dunno... I can't think of anything that thick..." He looked over at me and then down at my cock. "If only there was something close by we could use..."

I smiled humourlessly. "I'm not going to push my cock up his arse if that's what you're asking..."

Jono snapped, "No, I'm not asking that at all..."

Daryl became impatient. "Come on, guys. I don't fucking mind what goes up there if it does the fucking job... what else can we use, then?" He looked around the room for inspiration.

His comment astonished me. I said, "You don't mind taking a dick up your arse...?"

Daryl shrugged. "Well, it wouldn't be my number one choice of things to do, but if it loosens me up - and it's only for a few seconds - then it's no big deal, is it?"

I was speechless.

Daryl chuckled. "Come on, it's not like we'd be having sex or anything, would it? It's only to make the shot look convincing..."

I just gawped at him. After a few seconds I managed, "I'm not gonna fuck you..."

Daryl laughed. "It wouldn't be fucking me... it'd just be like... you know... like a biological necessity or something... I mean, my arse can't exactly loosen itself..."

"I don't think it'd be right..."

Daryl shrugged. "Well, we better think of something else, 'cause we're both losing our hard-ons and it's starting to get cold..."

I realised that he was right: our erections were now looking distinctly crestfallen.

Jono said, "I think I've got a beer can somewhere..."

Daryl laughed, "I'm not sticking a fucking beer can up my arse, mate! Haven't you got a wine bottle or something?"

Jono shook his head. "The neck of it wouldn't be any wider than your fingers..."

Daryl continued looking around the room for ideas.

Then Jono suggested, hesitantly, "Well... er... don't take this the wrong way... and say no if you want to... but what about... er... my cock?"

Daryl laughed. "You wanna fuck my arse?"

Jono shook his head. "No... But you guys have noticed I've got a hard-on, and... well... it's pretty thick... so..."

"So you're offering - purely out of the kindness of your heart - to loosen my arsehole up a bit, are you?" Daryl chortled and I found myself grinning.

Jono smiled. "Yeah... I guess I am..."

Daryl looked over at me. "Well, you're gonna have the same problem when he comes to take a few shots of your arse, Seb... what do you think?"

I laughed incredulously. "I'm not gonna let him fuck me! I'd sooner try the beer can!"

Daryl seemed keen to give it a try, though. "Come on... like he says, it's not as if he's actually fucking either of us. He's just shoving his cock into our arses -"

"Which is, of course, totally unrelated to fucking," I interrupted.

Daryl chuckled but went on, "He's just shoving it in and pulling it out and then getting a photo of how it looks..."

"And you wouldn't mind?" I asked.

He shrugged. "I guess not. It's not a sexual act." He turned to Jono. "Is it?"

Jono shook his head. "No way. I'll just work it in and out a few times and then-"

I stopped him there. "A few times? Like how many?"

Jono waved his hand dismissively. "I dunno... it'll have be a few times otherwise you'll just... you know... clamp up again... it'll be maybe half a dozen or so... I dunno..."

Daryl was insistent. "It'll be not much different from getting a medical exam, mate..."

"Except that the doctor doesn't usually probe your prostate with his dick..."

Daryl pretended to look shocked. "Really? Mine always has... isn't that how it's done, then...?"

I laughed. I was becoming more convinced, as long as it was going to involve just a few short jabs of Jono's cock.

I said, "You'd have to wear a condom..."

Jono shrugged. "Of course..."

"You'd be up for it, then?" Daryl asked.

"With reservations, yes..."

I couldn't really believe that Daryl and I were getting into this. Things weren't exactly getting out of hand but were clearly heading in totally unexpected directions. I suppose I really wanted to say no to what Jono was proposing, but I also wanted to get the shoot over with and this seemed an obvious way to conclude it.

Jono asked us to try and make ourselves hard again while he put on a condom.

We squeezed our cocks and played with them a little, watching him head over to his drawers, pull out a box of condoms and unzip himself to slide it onto his cock. Jono was clearly having none of the trouble maintaining his erection that Daryl and I had had: he had to really fiddle with it, untangling it from his underwear, to get it out through his fly it was so stiff. I was surprised at how thick it looked - it was much heftier in girth than either Daryl's or my own - and I noticed that he had some difficulty getting the base of the condom over the broad head of it.

When he'd finished, he walked back over to us, looking slightly awkward about having his cock protruding from his jeans. He looked comical, walking around with that thick knob poking upwards towards us, and Daryl and I chuckled.

He said, "So do you wanna go first, Daryl?"

Daryl smirked. "I don't want to, but I will. Since I'm already lubed up..."

Jono grabbed the lube, muttering, "That's a point...", and smeared a little of it across the large round head of his cock.

Daryl turned around and bent over. I noticed his cock was only semi-erect. He said, "Just a few times, okay...?"

Jono said, "Yeah, of course," and walked up behind him.

He laughed and said, "Open wide... I'm coming in..."

And with that, he put his hands on Daryl's hips, positioned his cock against his anus, and then pushed himself forwards to gently ease himself into Daryl's arse.

Daryl sighed. "Jesus... you're a big guy...!"

Jono chuckled, pushing his cock as far into Daryl's backside as it would go. Then he started easing it back out. He grunted, "Just a few times, then, okay...?"

Daryl nodded, breathing more quickly at either the pain or the pleasure of what was happening to him.

Jono slid back into him and then out again, and I noticed, with some surprise, that Daryl's cock was responding to the intrusion of his arsehole. He was lengthening rapidly, rising upwards back to full glory. Jono's cock was having the opposite effect than the one I'd been expecting.

Daryl sighed, almost breathless, "Go easy, mate... nice and slow..."

Jono obliged, grabbing Daryl's hips more firmly as he slowly fucked his arse with long, deliberate strokes.

Daryl opened his legs a little wider to accommodate him and glanced over at me, grinning. He said, "It's not that bad, actually..."

I smiled and glanced between his legs at his erection, fully restored and dribbling a string of precum from the puckered slit. I said, "Yeah, I guessed as much..."

Jono withdrew and examined the effect his cock had had on Daryl's arse. He said, "I think it needs a few more... it's not quite there," and then slid his cock back into Daryl's hole. He eased it in and out a few more times and then withdrew it again, this time looking more satisfied by the result.

He turned to me and said, "I might as well sort you out now and then get shots of you both together... that'd probably be best..." His face looked flushed and his breathing seemed a little faster than normal.

I really didn't want to go through with this but now that Daryl had, a way out seemed impossible.

Daryl moved to get up from his bending position but Jono told him he ought to stay put; something about stopping his arse from closing up too soon.

So Daryl beckoned me to stand next to him - "chest down, legs wide apart," as he put it - and receive Jono's cock.

I said, getting into position, "It doesn't hurt, does it?"

Daryl grinned and said, "Take it like a man, mate... think of England... or Norway or somewhere..."

My cock hung down between my legs, tense at how painful or embarrassing things were about to get, as Jono walked up behind me and applied some lube to my arsehole. The feel of his hands and the coldness of the gel made my cock shrink a further inch or so.

He loosened me up with his fingers a little, while Daryl just grinned at me, and then I felt his cock head - seeming so huge - pressing against the tight ring of my anus.

Jono said, "Are you ready, Seb?"

I said, dourly, "As I'll ever be..."

And he pressed himself into me.

I guess if I'd been as wholesomely heterosexual as I usually made myself out to be when I was among my mates, Jono's cock might have had some difficulty getting into my arse. But - perhaps fortunately under the circumstances - I'd sometimes found myself straying a little. And those few drunken nights at University, when I'd become a little more friendly with other guys than I usually admit to, had done enough to my backside to make Jono's entry a lot smoother than it might have been.

After a few winces from me and grunts from him, my arse swallowed him up.

He muttered, "That wasn't too difficult..." But fortunately neither him nor Daryl started asking questions about why.

Jono held my hips quite firmly and eased his lube-smeared cock in and out of my backside a few times. Like Daryl, I found myself responding to the masturbatory effect Jono's cock was having on my rectum, and I heard Daryl chuckle as he watched my cock lengthening and rising as rapidly as his had.

Within a dozen or so thrusts of Jono's cock my bell-end was looking as purple and as swollen as it had earlier.

I called out, "How many more, Jono? I thought you said you only needed to do it a few times..."

Jono's breath was becoming noticeably faster. "Just a few more, Seb... just to get it nice and loose..."

After five or six more thrusts, he withdrew with a slurp, leaving my arsehole feeling like it was gaping open widely. Jono glanced at it and then turned back to Daryl's arse.

He muttered, "Don't get up yet, Seb... I just need to loosen Daryl up a bit more..."

And he reinserted himself into Daryl's arse, grabbing his shoulders now, and fucking him a couple of dozen times with long, sweeping jabs.

Daryl muttered, "Go easy, mate..."

Jono was getting out of breath. "Yeah... just a few more... just getting you sorted..." I glanced around and saw that his forehead was sweating.

He pulled out from Daryl and, as I expected, moved along to return to my arse. Before he entered me, he unbuckled his belt and yanked the tops of his jeans and briefs down a little, allowing his large, hairy balls to flop out over the tops of them.

He gasped, "Just a couple more, Seb," and pushed himself back into me. He wrapped his arms around me and pressed his chest into my back, bucking his hips quite rapidly.

Daryl looked at me and grinned.

I didn't know why I was going along with this, but I grinned back.

After twenty or thirty seconds of blatantly fucking me for pleasure - he wasn't even trying to conceal his gasping and panting by now - Jono withdrew from me again and got back onto Daryl.

Daryl opened his legs wider and pushed his arse back to meet Jono's cock, clearly enjoying the attention his rectum was receiving. Jono grabbed his chest firmly and humped him rapidly, his cock making short rasping noises as it slid in and out of Daryl's arsehole.

Jono extended an arm out towards me and I felt his fingers groping around my backside. Finding my anus, he began fingering me like I would finger a girl. It felt really good: my cock stiffened even further in response and curved upwards to almost touch my stomach.

Daryl turned toward me and gasped, "Wank me off..." I don't know whether he was asking me or Jono to.

Before I could respond, Jono grunted, "Just a few more times," and then made a growling sound from the back of his throat.

Then, after several rapid and fairly rough thrusts of his cock into Daryl's arse, he abruptly withdrew and, panting, stumbled across the room towards his camera.

Pulling the condom from his cock and zipping himself up he muttered, trying to catch his breath, "I think that's sorted you both out... if you wanna get into your positions... I'll take the last few shots..."

Daryl stood up and laughed. I couldn't really understand why he was finding all this so amusing. He said, "Got a bit too much for you, mate...?"

Jono wiped the sweat from his forehead and then fiddled distractedly with the front of his camera. "No... it's just getting a bit hot in here..."

We posed in various ways, Daryl behind me and then me behind him, as though wrestling aggressively. We'd get each other into a few different locks and holds, one guy always bending forwards with his buttocks splayed for the camera while the other guy stood behind him with his erection raging at the threshold of his cleft. Our arseholes didn't gape open too explicitly, I gather, but were sufficiently widened to make it appear that we'd been, perhaps accidentally, penetrating one another.

After the two of us had showered, Jono was already beginning to prepare his solutions and equipment to start developing the photos.

"That was a really good shoot," he said.

Daryl grinned. "Yeah... I'm surprised it didn't split the condom..."

Jono looked sharply at him and blushed scarlet. "The photo shoot, I mean..."

Daryl pretended he'd genuinely misunderstood. "Oh, right... yeah..."

Jono kept blushing. He muttered, "Actually, I was thinking. You guys were so... er... accommodating... well... I thought I'd reduce my usual commission..."

Daryl looked over at him, clearly interested in the prospect of additional cash coming his way. "Oh?"

Jono nodded. "Yeah. I'll give you guys an extra ten percent, probably worth a couple of hundred quid to you each... just to say thanks to you... you know..."

Daryl grinned. "Nice one, mate. You'll have to come out for a drink with us once you've developed those. We'll have to celebrate the shoot... it was a pretty good one, like you say..."

Jono looked at him and Daryl winked at him. Jono's blush, which had been abating, returned with a vengeance.

So that's the story of how I appeared in a gay wank mag four or five years ago. If you ever happen to stumble across the issue I'm in - you'll probably recognise me from the stunned expression on my face in those last few photos - be sure to let me know. I'd love to take another look at it.


Author: Website:



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