Gay Erotic Stories

Western Story, Part 1, Trail Boss

by Luvfatpapas
27 Dec 2005

Bears, Daddies & Cubs Mature

by Luvfatpapas

Excerpts from the journal of Matthew McMillan, the young son of a Texas Rancher, who lived around the late 1800's. Matthew has just finished his first cattle drive. Taking 2000 head of cattle to market. He is approaching manhood and just discovering his sexuality. In charge of the drive is ranch foreman Hank Raynor, who is in his late forties, with wiry greying hair, and sun baked skin. Hank is a stocky, compact, bull of a man. From long hard work he has developed a strong and powerful body, but living the good life of a foreman in his mid years has added pounds to his powerful, manly frame. Matthew feels a special kinship with Hank, there is something about the elder man that draws Matt to Hank. They have been good friends since Matt was a young lad, but as Matt has grown into manhood the friendship has changed. At least for young Matt. Hank is always available when Matt has a problem. He is one of the few people Matt feels comfortable talking to.

Matt was hoping that he would be able to have a personal talk with Hank while on the drive to the town market. But, both have been too busy, keeping the cows together, rounding up strays and handling all the other chores that go along with a cattle drive of such magnitude.

But now the drive is over. The cattle have been sold for a hefty sum. The other ranch hands have been paid and most have decided to take a few days off and sample the pleasures of the local saloon.

Hank has decided to return to the ranch to turn the proceeds from the sale of the cattle over Matt's father. Matt has decided to return with him...

August 12, 1895 The journey back to the ranch has been a lot faster than it was when we were moving the cattle to market. It took us two weeks to get the cattle here from the ranch, But Hank and I have only been on the trail for three days and should reach home by day after tomorrow. So far, I have not had the courage to ask Hank the questions that have been bedeviling my mind these passed long months.

I liked Hank ever since he came to work for my Pa when I was a little kid. But as the days pass, I find myself thinking of him in strange ways. Wondering what he looks like with his clothes off, wanting to be held by him; touching him at every opportunity. One incident in particular sticks in my mind and has kept me awake nights thinking of it. About a month before the cattle drive, I came upon Hank working in our Blacksmith shop. Our ranch is large enough that we have one of our own. I came around the corner of the barn heading for the smithing shed and stopped dead in my tracks. The forge going full blast and Hank had removed his shirt due to the terrific heat. He was cover in sweat and soot. I watched intently as he worked the white hot iron. His muscles flexing and bunching with the steady rhythm of the hammer rising and falling as he swung it. I was mesmerized by the sight of the sweat running down his broad shoulders, over his brawny, hairy chest, and down over his big belly. I stood there for the whole afternoon watching him. My dick as hard as the anvil upon which he worked. Hank was so intent on his work that he never noticed me.

Hank doesn't seen to mind me hanging around him. I think he enjoys my company as much as I enjoy his. He has always been a friendly, hearty man. His curly grey hair, and work roughened hands send strange feeling through me whenever he puts an arm around me.

Today we came upon a small stream and Hank decided we could camp here for the night, even though it was only late afternoon. Hank said he wanted to wash some of the trail dust off his hide. The thought of him splashing around naked in that stream made my privates start to swell, which is an uncomfortable way to sit in a saddle. The horse seemed to sense my uneasiness and tossed his head and whinnied.

Looking over at me, Hank said "You look as if you could use a wash yourself." He smiled at me. The sun baked skin of his face crinkled up. I always get weak in the knees whenever Hank smiles at me.

We dismounted and started to set up a camp for the night. After removing all the gear, I unsaddled the horses and got them settled for the night, while Hank set up a campfire and our bedding. He got the fire going and put a pot of coffee near the blaze to brew. Hank watched me as I came up to the fire. His face broke out in that smile of his as he stood up. "Well, I'm ready to scrub some of this trail dirt off my grubby old hide. How about you, Matt?" Hank started unbuttoning his shirt. My eyes watched closely as more and more of his body came into view. His chest is covered in dark curly hair. Unlike my own which had no hair at all.

When he got the last button undone Hank let it hang open. "Well boy? You goin’ swimmin’ with me or not?"

My mouth was suddenly dry, but I managed to look away from what I had been wondering so long about. "Yeah, you go ahead," Hank's belly stuck out way in front of him. I couldn't even see the buckle of his belt. "I'll be down in a minute." "Hurry up, it'll be dark soon." Hank turned away and started down toward the stream removing his work shirt as he went. I stared at his broad back as he walked away from me. My privates were aching something awful. It started swelling as soon as Hank unbuttoned the top button. I didn't want him to see what was happening.

I waited a few minutes until I was sure he was in the water and then went down to the stream. I saw Hank's clothes hung on a bush. As I started to take my clothes off I saw the old trail boss in the water. It was up to the tops of his thighs. His back was to me and I could see his big, round ass, and broad, muscular back as he splashed water over his chest and shoulders.

I stood there naked and watched him. My stomach was full of butterflies, my heart was beating so fast in my chest I could hear it in my ears. My pole stood straight out in front of me, and it was starting to hurt, it was so hard.

Hank turned around and saw me standing on the bank. I was so intent on watching him, that I didn't think to move and hide myself. I thought for sure he was going to be mad at me. But his face lit up with his smile and he chuckled. "Yeah, I know how you feel, boy!" He yelled at me across the stream. "A few days on the trail makes a man right horny, don't it?" I could feel the blood rising in my face. I must have blushed from clear down at my toes. I didn't know what to say or do. "Don't worry about it boy! It happens to all of us." I looked down Hanks hairy, round body and saw his privates were stickin’ up too. And the sight of it made my cock quiver and jump. "You better get in the water boy, before you bust somethin'!" Hank suddenly dove headlong into the calm water. When he came up it was over his chest. He looked at me encouragingly. And he winked!

I walked into the water. It was cold. Not freezing, but I didn't want to jump in all at once as he had. I walked out a ways, getting used to it.

"You don't get wet, you don't get clean, boy" he said and chuckled again. So I then dove and swam out to where Hank was. He splashed some water at me. I ducked under the water. Stayin’ under long enough to let the cool water let me get control of myself. When I came up, Hank was closer to me. He was smiling and idly stroking his privates. I had done this plenty of times myself and knew how much fun it could be, but I didn't think a man Hank's age would still be playing with his privates.

I don't know what possessed me but I suddenly reached my hand out ‘ter and slowly wrapped my fingers around Hanks dick. He seemed to like this. His eyes closed and his tongue poked out of his mouth and he moaned. "Oh yes Matthew, yes!"

Hank tenderly grabbed my shoulders and pulled me to him. He hugged me close. I could feel the wet hair on his chest and his belly pressing against mine. I don't know what was happening to me, but I didn't want it to stop. I loved the feel of Hank holding me in his arms. I put my arms around his waist, not sure if I was supposed to or not. I could feel Hank's cock rubbing against mine. And suddenly there was another feeling in my balls. Like something was going to pop or break. It spread all over my body.

I looked into Hanks eyes and he slowly put his lips to mine. My whole body shook and suddenly thick, gooey liquid shot out of my dick and splatted all over Hank's belly. It felt so good. I thought he might not like that, but he kissed me harder and his tongue forced its way into my mouth. I shook for another couple of seconds continuing to spill jizz all over the place. Then I relaxed, letting Hanks tongue between my teeth. It seemed to me reaching for my tonsils.

Hank hugged me tighter and rubbed his cock roughly between our bellies. "Don't worry Matt, a young man like you, there's plenty more where that came from." Hank grabbed my cock and stroked it sending more shivers though me. "Your dick hasn't even gone soft yet."

I didn't know what he was talking about, but I felt I could ask him anything now and he would answer all my questions. And show me things. Hank suddenly looked around us. It was getting dark and the air was turning cool. "We better get back up to the campfire, Matt." he said hugging me and patted my butt as he guided me back to shore. "I want to show you a few things your goin to want to know about."

We got out of the stream and gathered up our clothes. I started to put them on. "You won't be needing them." Hank smiled at me and put his arms around my shoulders as we made our way back our small camp. The fire had burned low and Hank stoked it back to a roaring blaze. The coffee was brewed and Hank moved it away from the fire so it wouldn't burn. I watched his naked body as he did all this. The firelight danced off the silver hair on his head, and sparkled off the drops of water running through his dark chest hair. Hanks balls and dick swung back and forth on the firelight and a drop of silvery fluid hung at the tip. I knew it wasn't water from the stream. And I knew it wasn't Hank's water. For some reason I wondered what it tasted like. My dick got t' aching again. Walking up behind Hank, I put my hands on his shoulders. My dick was pressed into his back and my hips started rubbing across his back all by themselves!

Hank looked at me over his shoulder as he tended the fire, "Easy Matt, you don't want to waste another load. I want that for myself." And Hank turned in his squatting position and took my hard, aching pole in his mouth! The feeling was unbelievable; Hank's mouth sucking on my cock. I could feel his hot, wet tongue licking all over it as his lips clamped down on me. My whole body went weak. I crashed to the ground, my legs splayed out in front of me and Hank was still sucking on my dick and I his tongue running all over the shaft. I wanted to scream with delight! I didn't know what I was supposed to do. Hank put his hand on my chest and laid me flat on my back. His other hand went under my legs and lifted them over his shoulders. His mouth moved from my hard cock to my ball sack. My hands were digging furrow in the ground around me. Hank sucked on my balls and I wanted to scream and then it was too much for me to contain and I yelled into the night. "Oh Hank! This is great, wonderful! What are you doing to me?!"

I could feel Hank licking and biting his way up my body. Suddenly he was on top of me; kissing me, rubbing his body against mine.

Then he suddenly moved off of me and was straddling my belly like I was a horse. He spit on his hand and did something to his butt. "Okay. Matt here we go!" I could feel Hank take my dick and couldn't believe he was putting it up his butt hole! I started to say something, but then I could feel my dick entering Hank's asshole and all thoughts of protest fled. All I wanted to do was lay there and feel Hank's butt swallowing my dick. Hank was thrusting his hips up and down like he was riding a bucking bronco. His dick was sticking up over my belly. More of that silvery fluid was running out of it. It caught the light from the fire and glittered as it ran down the shaft. I put my hand to Hank's dick and the fluid felt warm and slippery. Hank moaned as stroked his hard dick with my hand.

I was enjoying the sensation of my dick up Hank's butt so much that my hips bucked against his ass cheeks as his body was sliding down on my cock. I stroked his cock some more and soon had the slick, warm fluid running between my fingers. His cock was as hard as an ax handle!

Hank began to pinch the nubs on my chest and I thought I had died and gone to heaven! As he twirled my nubs Hank began to moan louder. His head was thrown forward on his chest and his eyes were tightly closed.

I thought maybe I was hurting him, when he slammed down onto my pole one last time and he threw his head back, fluid flew from his dick, splattering my face and chest and belly. Hank's ass tightened around my cock and suddenly I exploded again like I had in the stream, but this time it was much stronger.

Our cries echoed across the valley. Hank leaned down to me and kissed me. I thrust my hard cock into his ass a few more times and he pushed back against me. I pushed my tongue into his mouth this time and it tasted wonderful.

When Hank pulled away from me, some of the fluid was smeared to his face too. I could feel it drying on my cheeks. I put my fingers to my face. The smell was pungent and made my head swim. Touching my tongue to my index finger Hank watched me. I could see the fire dancing in his eyes.

"I can give you a real taste of that in a little while, if you want?" I wanted to taste the fluid right from the source. Hank moved off my belly and laid next to me by the camp fire. Life around the ranch was going to be a lot different from now on I thought as I hugged Hanks rotund, hairy body to me, and fell asleep in his arms.

That was the first of Matt McMillan's adventures in the old west. With Hank at his side they had many more in their long life together riding the range and each other.


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