Gay Erotic Stories

A Fist ful of . . .!

by Luvfatpapas
18 Jun 2006


A Fist full of. . . .!



The next morning dawned bright and warm. Jake, Hank, Wise Bear and Matt all bathed together in the stream that ran not far from Jake's cabin, taking their time about it, taking pleasure in each others company and in each others bodies. They then had breakfast outside the cabin on the small porch.

"We're gonna need some supplies from town," Hank said nonchalantly. Never suspecting what dire consequences those words would have for the intimate quartet. "And there's some chores need doing around here," Jake said looking around his spread, just as nonchalantly as his new crony.

"Hey! Wait a minute!!" Matt piped up, realizing what the two old reprobates were about to do.

"Say, Jake!" said Hank as if he were overcome with sudden inspiration. "Why don't you and I go into town to pick up them supplies, and we can leave the young 'uns here to handle the chores."

Wise Bear cast a wary eye at the two grizzled sidewinders, not really sure what was going on, but from his friend Matt's tone of voice and the look of outrage on his face, he was sure he was not going to like it.

"Yeah!" Jake replied looking somberly and sagely at Matt and Wise Bear. "I think we should be the ones to go. After all, I'd hate to have these two young boys tempted by the ways of the wicked big city."

Hank could not suppress a hearty chortle at this. And before Jake could voice a protest, or Wise Bear catch up with the conversation, the two old scallywags were up and making ready to ride into town. Hank got the horses and wagon ready and Jake made up a list of things for the two boys to do while they were gone.

Matt explained to Wise Bear what had just happened as the two older men waved so long and Yahoo'd and whooped their way back up the trail. The two equally irate young men stood on the porch staring after the two merry bushwhackers as they rode out of sight. It was mid morning of the next day that Wise Bear spotted the buckboard coming back down the trail toward Jake's cabin. He and Matt were mending a fence, one of the "chores" Jake had left for them to do. At first they had balked at being given chores after all they had been through. But then they had relented, realizing that Jake and Hank had deserved to go to town this trip and then gotten to work. It would give all of them a chance to know each other better.

The boys worked well together and the jobs went quickly and smoothly, both learning a lot about each other and from one another. They had decided to leave the fence for last, as it was going to be a demanding and time consuming project. They expected to have all the chores done by the time Hank and Jake returned.

The young Indian brave's keen eyes spotted the dust plume from the buckboard and tapped Jake on the shoulder as he finished pounding a nail into a support post to draw his attention to the approaching wagon. They broke from their labors as the wagon entered the door yard. It was a beautiful, warm day and Jake had stripped to the waist. Wise Bear, as usual was wearing only his loin cloth. Both their lean, well muscled bodies glistened with sweat and were slightly pumped up from their exertions.

There was only one man in the wagon, and it wasn't Hank or Jake. Something was definitely wrong! The driver of the wagon brought it to a sudden halt, making the horses snort and stamp their hooves in derision at the unfair treatment.

"Can we help you?" Matthew asked, stepping up the side of the wagon.

The driver was a burly older man who wore a huge ten gallon hat pushed back on his head. He had a round weather beaten, but pleasant face complimented by a long, bushy but neatly trimmed mustache that trailed about inches passed his chin. His clothes were dusty and wrinkled from the long ride out from town. On the old leather vest he wore was pinned a silver star. Obviously this man was the local sheriff.

This made Jake even more uneasy. The older, heavyset lawman continued to sit and say nothing. Matt and Wise Bear looked at each other in confusion. "Maybe he's suffered heat stroke or something". Wise Bear said.

The young, well built, sweaty, half naked cowboy stepped up to the side of the wagon. "Is something wrong, Sheriff?"

The Sheriff HARUMPHED suddenly, clearing his throat and shaking his head, got his composure back. The sight of the two half naked (and in Wise Bears' case three quarters naked) young men had distracted the portly lawman. He blinked at the two young, well built men before him. He could not believe his eyes, but remembering why he had traveled out here, he became solemn and business like.

"You must be young Matthew," the rotund Sheriff said slowly getting down from the wagon. "And you must be Wise Bear." He eyed both youths up and down appreciatively. He could not take his eye off the two well muscled, handsome men before him.

The two young men looked at each other in surprise that the Sheriff knew who they were. As the sheriff got down from the wagon they noted the long silver hair held away from his face by an old, well used leather thong, which complimented the handsome mustache. Wise Bear and Matt looked the older, heavyset law man just as lustily as he was eyeing them.

"Boys, I'm Sheriff Alwyn Shaughnessy," he said as he put a friendly but rough and calloused hand on their bare, muscular, sun reddened shoulders. "And I've got some bad news for you."

The Sheriff went on to explain that Hank and Jake had spent the previous afternoon in the local saloon. Jake had introduced Hank to some if his friends, the Sheriff being one of them, and a good time was had by all that afternoon and late into the evening.

After having consumed an enormous amount of local rot gut the miner and the trail boss were making there way across the street to the hotel when they were attacked. Nobody had seen a thing, but from the looks of things, both men had put up a valiant fight. Evidently they had been greatly out numbered and were mercilessly beaten and left for dead.

Matt and Wise Bear looked at the older, portly lawman in anguish as he told his story. Their idle lustful thoughts of the two of them getting the older, portly lawman into the cabin and stripping him naked, or better yet, into the creek were forgotten for the moment, just as the sheriff's fantasizing about spending a lazy afternoon naked between these two studs, had been.

Seeing the shocked expressions on their faces, Sheriff Shaughnessy was quick to reassure the two young men. "Don't worry, boys," the Sheriff said squeezing their shoulders compassionately. "They're a couple of tough old buzzards. They'll pull through after resting a spell. The Doc and Miss Elly, the hotel proprietress, are looking after them." "Now boys," Shaughnessy said to them sternly after seeing the expressions change from shocked concern to righteous anger. "Don't be going off half cocked. If you know anything, tell me and I’ll handle it."

"We know nothing, Sheriff." Wise Bear said, solemnly looking the sheriff right in the eye.

"Okay, fellas," Shaughnessy replied, nodded but eyed both of them with suspicion and appreciation. "I can take you boys into town if you like. I'm sure you're anxious to see your friends."

Four long hours later, Matt, Wise Bear and Sheriff Al Shaughnessy arrived at the little town of Spur Flats and were at the bedside of their two stricken friends soon after. Wise Bear had donned a more formal traditional native clothing made of buckskin so as not to draw too much attention to himself and his young cowboy friend. It fitted his body snugly and complimentary.

Both older men looked in pretty bad shape. Matt and Wise Bear were stunned by their appearance. Faces bruised and battered, each had a swelled shut black eye and well split lip. Hank's right arm was wrapped and bandaged across his chest while Jake's ribs were strapped. The upper body of both heavy set middle aged men was a mass of black and blue bruising. Both battered men were naked but covered to the waist by blankets. "Its easier to treat the wounds this way." Miss Elly explained, though no one had asked. She constantly checked the condition of her two husky, handsome patients, adjusting bandages, checking for temperature, putting cold compresses on their foreheads, pulling the blankets up and down.

"Will they be alright?" Matt asked in a hushed voice so as not to disturb the two severely battered men. Wise Bear sat between the beds of the two unconscious men and took Hank's big limp hand gently in his own.

"They're fine," Miss Elly said wistfully looking over Matt's shoulder at the two large naked men. "I mean. . .they will be fine. They just need to rest and recuperate. Doc gave 'em something to help them sleep."

Matt thanked the kindly woman and went over to sit with his Indian companion between Jake's and Hank's beds as the Doctor stood after completing his examination. "They'll be okay, fellas." the Doctor said, concurring with Miss Elly. "They just need some rest.

"Okay then folks." Sheriff Shaughnessy boomed. "Lets everybody else move outta here and let these folks have some privacy." The portly mustachioed lawman herded Miss Elly, the doctor and the two deputies that had been standing guard by the door, out of the room.

"I'd like to speak with you when you’re done in here. We have a room for you boys across the hall. I'll wait for ya there." said the portly lawman in a no nonsense manner, before closing the door."

Wise Bear and Matt sat side by side between the two beds on which their loved ones lay helpless. The two young men spoke quietly between themselves so as not to awake Jake and Hank. And incase the Sheriff or one of his deputies was listening outside the door. They agreed that whoever had done this would pay for it, and pay hard. They'd do a little investigating on their own into the assault on their two friends.

After making sure that Hank and Jake were comfortable and asleep, Wise Bear decided to go across the street to the saloon to see if he could gather any information from any of the locals. While Matt made his way across the hall to their room where Sheriff Shaughnessy waited for them.

The corpulent lawman sat in a big chair in the corner of the room and was surprised when Matt entered the room alone, but figured the sexy little warrior was watching over his two comatose friends while the studly, young cowpoke got some rest. The wary lawman started lecturing Matt anyway.

"Son," the portly, silver haired lawman began. "I know it's late and you must be tired after such a long day, but I need to talk to you boys before you go gettin' into any trouble."

The young, lanky cowboy closed the door and leaned lazily against it, giving the stern sounding peace keeper a long, sloe eyed look. For all he knew, the Sheriff could have been in on the bushwhacking of their two elder partners. But Matt was sure he would be able to get any useful information he needed from the healthy sized peace officer.

He approached the stout lawman slowly, giving the wary sheriff a good view of his trim body. Though it was evident the Sheriff was concerned for the their safety and keeping peace in his small town, he had been eying Matts' body and taking discreet glances at his crotch since they first met. All during the ride from Jake's ranch the thick mustached constable had found a way to rub up against Matt or Wise Bear. Even though the road had not been that rough. Neither young man had complained or minded. The Sheriff was a very handsome and rugged looking man. Just the type of man the honorable cowboy and the noble Indian found appealing.

The young drover stood in front of Sheriff Shaughnessy, looking very innocent and unknowing, when the opposite was actually true. Matt knew exactly what he was doing. He needed information the sheriff had and he didn't think the wile peace officer would give it to him without a little friendly persuasion.

"Sheriff," Matt said leaning over and putting his hands on the sheriff's strong shoulders. His hardening, denim clad cock only inches from the handsome older man's stern, suspicious looking face. "My friends and I certainly don't want any trouble. We didn't come looking for it, it came looking for us."

Matt bent further down till he was face to face with the now not so stern looking town official. "And my Indian pal and I plan on making sure that whoever hurt our two friends never get the chance to do it again."

"I understand you're upset, Matt." the sheriff stammered, his voice a little hoarse with desire. His rough, thick hand had found its way between Matt's long, wide spread legs and was idly stroking the tight denim over Matt's inner thigh, and moving higher with every stroke until his hand made contact with the young man's tight balls and semi-erect dick.

Matt noticed that the older man's inveterate cock was making its presence known as it seemed to surge down along one thigh and expanded to impressive proportions. "Sheriff," Matt interrupted him, their lips a few scant inches apart. "We're not upset. We're mad as hell and we aim to do something about it. You understand, don't you?" And before the Sheriff was able to respond Matt's lips touched the older lawman's in a hot, sultry kiss that had both men totally engulfed in a passionate embrace.

The sheriff's bull like arms pulled Matt down into the big comfortable chair and onto his expansive lap, cradling the young, lanky cowboy against his wide, brutish body. Matt had never kissed a man with such a long bushy mustache before, but he found the experience exhilarating. Not only did it tickle his face, the long tips were tickling his chest as well. When Matt's hands came around the lawman's neck to hug him tighter he could feel the leather thong holding the sheriff's long, silver hair back from his strong rugged face. With deft nimble fingers Matt worked the thong loose and the sheriff's luxurious silver mane cascaded way down over his face and shoulders. Matt thought it made the older man look wild and exotic. He loved running his hands through the long silver stands and feel it trail over his wiry body. The sheriff's big rough hands wandered all over Matt's body, down his firm chest, across his flat, tight belly, over his taught thighs and up between his legs, feeling the hot and hard flesh throbbing under the rough denim fabric of his pants and back up to his chest again. Where he quickly found the buttons for Matt's homespun shirt and made short work of them.

Matt quickly kicked his dusty cowboy boots from his feet dangling over the side of the well overstuffed armchair. And the mighty sheriff's well broken in footwear soon followed suit.

Matt began to explore the large scale lawman's firm, round body with his graceful, limber hands and remove the big man's clothes while their lips and tongues continued their ardent mutual reconnoiter. Clothes, boots and gun holsters hit the floor in all directions. And in a jiffy both men were naked as the day they were born. Their bodies tightly pressed together, their cocks nuzzling synchronously as they hugged, kissed and explored each other from head to toe.

Young Matt loved the feel of the portly policeman's long silver mane trailing over and wrapping around his slim hairless body and the long feathery mustache that sent shivers of delight all through him.

Shaughnessy took great care of his thick pale tresses, so that it was clean, shiny and soft. He usually kept it tied back in the old leather thong to keep it out of his way and not leave something for a desperado to grab hold of and use to his advantage. The beautiful downy mass of hair grew all the way down to the lusty lawman's buttocks and engulfed them both like an amorous sensual billow that exhilarated them to even greater heights of sexual pleasure.

Matt's over stimulated wiry frame slowly began to slide down the sheriff's robust body. His hard, drooling cock burning a trail down the portly sheriff's thigh, while the stocky lawman's throbbing rod scorched its way upward under Matt's trim belly. The cowboy's agile, wet and warm tongue stopped here and there along Alwyn's mighty manly form to suck, lick and tickle. The fine luxuriant fur that covered Alwyn's chest and belly added an extra tingling delight to Matt's mischievous journey over the older, man's stout body. The sheriff's strong capable hands caressed and cradled the youthful cowpoke's body until it landed gracefully and gently on the carpeted floor between the inveterate constables’s now wide spread ample thighs. Matthew looked over the elder man's generous belly. Gazing passed Alwyn's engorged cock standing staff like up from the red and silver thatch at his groin, his big apple like balls nestled comfortably between his legs. The youth's hands continued to play over and with the generous bounty that lay sprawled on the big overstuffed chair.

Sheriff Shaughnessy's big rough hands caressed the young man's face and shoulders. Encouraging Matt to continue, which he did eagerly and with relish as he took the big man's big hot cock slowly into his mouth. Wagging his tongue around the taught head and down over the casehardened shaft.

Alwyn let out a low moan and slid further down in the chair giving Matt easier access to his pulsating rod. The feel of the boy's hot, wet mouth was incredible. God knew he had gotten a blow job before and even given quite a few, but this hot young buck really knew what he was doing. The sheriff could feel his balls beginning to roil and seethe at the threshold of a prodigious eruption. But he was not ready for that yet. He wanted to taste that hot, juicy cock he had felt beating a fiery tattoo between his legs. By now Matt had the sheriff's prodigious dick well down his throat and could sense the pending tumult when he felt the corpulent copper's massive arms suddenly encircle his waist and with an incredible display of agility and strength he manhandled Matthew's prostrated body up off the floor and turned him around so that his wiry, muscular form was now balancing with his hands supporting his body on the armrests of the big easy chair and. The sheriff's head was now tilted back between the young cowpoke's extended legs which rested on the back of the large overstuffed armchair. With his massive arms still wrapped around Matt's lean body, the mountainous magistrate proceeded to lick, suck, bite and excite the youthful lust and revenge minded vigilante.

Matt, at feeling Alwyn's hot breath and wet mouth and tongue engulfing his cock almost lost his balance at the pure electrical pleasurable sensation that shot out from his groin and throughout his strained and fired up body. Alwyn's tongue lavered his hard hanging cock and balls and as far up between Matts muscular legs as he could reach.

Matt immediately began to hump the Sheriff's emboldened chubby round face. His legs clamped around the older man's head, strengthening his hold and purchase on the lawman's face, enabling the young cowboy to drive his cock hard and fast down the sheriff's accommodating throat and for the ecstatic law keeper to suck more of the rampant cock and balls.

Matt's face was buried in Alwyn's crotch and was doing an equitable job on the older, portly man's surging dick. As Matt's cock drove down into the sheriff's snug mouth, Alwyn's long, hard manhood drove up into Matt's questing mouth.

Both men were intent on what they were doing and what was being done to them. Their moans of pleasure echoed through the large room as their bodies humped and hunched in to each other, locked together like a carnal caduceus.

Alwyn shoved his hips up hard and fast over and over into Matt's acquiescent mouth as the blissful pressure built until he could hold back no longer and his enervated cock blasted white hot bullets of spunk into Matt's avaricious mouth. The young cowboy's still hard charging cock muffled the elder lawman's cries of ecstasy.

At feeling the pyretic liquid beatitude gushing down his throat, Matt's own immanent orgasm was triggered and he too came in a great deluge of hot man juice and cries of sexual ardor.

The drained cowboy and sated lawman held each other tightly until there passionate paroxysms waned. Alwyn gently lowered Matt until he was once again cradled in his arms. The two exhausted but sated men hugged and kissed and licked remnants of there tryst from each others sweat slick, cooling skin.

Alwyn hugged Matt tightly to his chest, the young man's head rested against his hairy chest. His long, sweat soaked silver hair still covered them like a silver veil. They lay that way for quite a spell, until Matt could hold back no longer. "Sheriff," Matt Pleaded, "You have to tell me what really happened that night!"

With great regret and sadness, Alwyn related the events of the previous day. And what the veteran lawman told Matt left him cold and shaking with anger. He had to find Wise Bear quick. And find him quick he did as he looked around the room for his clothes, Jake glanced out the window towards the saloon across the street.

"Holy cow!" Young Matthew cried, suddenly even more in a rush to gather his clothes and dashed half dressed from the room.

Perplexed, Alwin sidled over to the window and glanced across the street. At first he didn't see anything, and then movement down in the saloon caught his attention. A rough looking cowpoke was creeping around the bar, gun drawn, sneaking up on Matt’s Indian friend, Wise Bear who was crouched low behind the bar; totally unaware of the man who was about to shoot him.

To be continued. . .


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