Gay Erotic Stories

Chit Chat

by Luvfatpapas
18 Jun 2006


Chit Chat By

Brian M.

After completing a major project for my firm, my boss decided I deserved to take a little vacation. Just to get away from it all, relax and unwind. And my first choice of where to go for a week of fun and sun was Las Vegas. I just love that city. No sense in telling you why I enjoy it so much. Everybody has their own reasons.

I had been there about three days and was having the worst luck at the tables. I take so much money with me to gamble with and then it is on to people watching. It’s one of the best things in life that are free. I can sit for hours and just watch the world go by. And the show is constantly entertaining and constantly changing. Sitting in the bar of my hotel, after having lost the last of my gambling funds, I was having a great time watching all the cute older, chubby men go by and fantasizing what they might look like naked. With all my vast experience in seeing naked polar bears I’m sure I was pretty accurate about the body ‘neath the clothes, weather they wore jeans and t-shirts or an Armani suit.

I was about to go up to my room to change into my swimming suit before going out to sit by the pool and see what kind of eye candy was parading out there half naked, when my eye caught a sight that stopped me cold.

About half way across the casino, sitting on a short bar stool was a short and stocky, hot and sexy hunk of a man in his mid fifties. He had thick, but receding silver, white hair with a broad brow underlined by a pair of luxuriant, wiry eyebrows, which framed a pair of lustrous opal green eyes. Said eyes were currently lustering at the shimmying butt of a lithe, petite African-American woman who was jumping up and down in excitement as she pulled the arm of one of those humongous slot machines every hotel casino seems to have.

Watching the woman also brought a slight smirk of amusement to his firm mouth, complimenting his already shining eyes. Topping off these interesting and intriguing features was a cartoonishly bulbous nose that actually quirked to one side as his lopsided grin widened across his face. He was a combination of Buddy Hackett and William Conrad with a heavy dash of Ed Asner and Jack McGee thrown in. Most people would have described him as lumpish, but those novel features more than piqued my interest.

I had to get a closer look at this guy. From where I was standing there were just too many people who kept getting in the way, preventing me from getting a good look at the hefty body that went with that intriguing face.

While moving casually through the crowded casino, I kept my eye on the handsome stranger incase him and his companion suddenly moved. I didn’t want to lose track of him as I moved to a more advantageous point. And brother, was it worth the trip!

It was hard to tell his height since he was sitting down, but he looked to weigh about 230 easy and his shoulders and arms, which were crossed over a broad, heavy chest, looked big enough to pick up a small truck. A Toyota pick-up at least.

“Oh, Good Morning,” he said, looking up at me suddenly. Without realizing it, I had continued my trek across the crowded casino, and was now standing within a few feet of him. Caught off guard, I had no idea what to do or say. I realized he was smiling at me expectantly, waiting for me to make some reply as strangers often do when meeting in public locales such as this.

Thinking quickly, I realized I could either nod politely and non-committally then move on, or I could make chit chat with this amiable, sexy stranger. I made chit chat.

We talked about the weather, Las Vegas, the hotel, the casino and the restaurants for a while. He was very friendly man, but I could tell, not interested sexually at all. I was about to end the conversation and move on, but hope I might be able to get his picture out by the pool sometime, when his dark skinned and pretty wife finished with the super big slot machine and came over to join us.

Introductions were then made. Her name was Anita and his was Tony. Anita was in her very early thirties. Her hair was a dark, honey brown, stylishly coiffured to compliment her heart shaped face. Her beautiful, almond shaped eyes were quick and intelligent, missing nothing, which I found out from personal experience later.

And we were off chit chatting again. We talked about where we were from, what we did for a living, why we were in Las Vegas. They were celebrating there fifteenth wedding anniversary; second marriage for him, first for her. And of course Anita asks me if I am married and when I say no, she asks me why. And without missing a beat, and looking them right in the eye, I reply “Because I haven’t met the right man yet.” This brings a hearty, friendly chuckle from them both.

Expecting that this might have ended the conversation all together, I was once again preparing to say ‘good-bye and have a nice day’ when Anita asked if I would like to join them both for a drink at the bar. Tony agrees heartily saying how much they are enjoying talking to me.

When Tony stood up I noticed he only came up to my chin, which surprised me considering how big and broad he was in almost every other direction. I stand about 5'8" myself which will give you a good idea of how tall he was. But he was the perfect height for his petite wife. And personally, I love short, stocky men. He looked like a polar bear standing on its hind legs. WOOF!!

Surprised to say the least, I quickly agreed and we made our way over to the casino bar where Tony ordered a round of drinks for us all and we continue talking about nothing. His children’s reaction to their father marrying a black woman almost half his age; my family’s reaction to my coming out of the closet.

We were sitting on the corner of the bar so we could talk easily. Tony and Anita sat on one side and me on the other. The big guy and I were closest to each other on the corner and I did manage to rub my leg against his once or twice, but I could tell it went right over his head and he never noticed a thing.

Our friendly, congenial chit chat continued in the same vein. Time just seemed to fly by and we hardly noticed. We discussed Tony’s deceased wife, my partner who had passed away the year before (without mentioning how much Tony reminded me of Warren), Anita’s family and friends, my family and friends. Trips we had made, my years in the navy, Tony’s years in the army. Anita’s older brother who had died in Viet Nam.

By this time we were on our fourth round. I was drinking club soda and Anita and Tony were drinking gin and tonics, but you’d never know they even had one. Tony suddenly announced that he had to ‘go drain the dragon.’

“Tony?” Anita suddenly inquired innocently, but mischievously it seemed to me. “Why don’t we invite this nice young man to join us for dinner?”

You could have knocked me over with a feather at this point. I was expecting Tony to beg off, but to my surprise he smiled congenially and looked at me expectantly. “What do you say, B?”

They had taken to calling me ‘B’ during the course of our lively and interesting discourse. And I must admit I liked it--especially when Tony used it. Then it seemed very close and convivial.

I quickly agreed and then Tony ambled his way across the casino to the nearest restroom. Not thinking about it, I blatantly stared at my new short, pudgy friend. I’m still not sure, but I think I sighed out loud.

Anita, resting her chin on her palm and her pretty dark brown eyes dancing merrily, leaned towards me and speaking quietly so I had to lean in close to hear her, said, “He is a cute one, isn’t he?”

“Excuse me?” I said as innocently as I could. Looking her in the eye, I could tell she knew exactly what I was after.

“Oh come on, B” she replied, her tone highly amused. “The only thing you aren’t doing is drooling on him. . .yet.”

“I’m sorry,” I stammered, thinking I had made a major faux pas. “I hope I didn’t offend you guys. I was enjoying talking with you both, and I ‘d really hate to piss you off, Anita.”

“Didn’t bother me a bit, B,” Anita said taking my hand and squeezing it warmly. “If Tony had any idea how cute he really is, he might have figured something out by how often you touched his arm and shoulder while we were talking, but all he sees when he looks in the mirror is a short, dumpy middle aged man. You and I know better.”

“That man is a knockout!!” I replied readily. “You are so lucky. I hope someday to meet another man like him.” Anita could tell by the look in my eyes that I was thinking of someone special and I wound up telling her about Warren, my lover of twenty years.

After I finished talking she hugged me, and kissed my cheek. “Look,” she said quickly. “Tony is on his way back from the restroom. After dinner how would you like to come back to our room with us and see if we can loosen him up with a three way?”

Shock and surprise don’t even come close to what I was feeling. Stunned incredulity comes close.

“You think he’ll really go for it?” I asked half in wonder at the possibility, half in dread that she was pulling my leg.

“I don’t see why not?” she replied conspiratorially as the subject of our conversation drew closer. “We’ve picked up a girl for him a couple of times. He can do this for me.”

When Anita said this, I felt I had to be totally honest with her. “I have to tell you, Anita.” I began. “I would love to get Tony in bed and suck his cock all night long. And he wouldn’t even have to do anything to me. But, I don’ think I would be able to do anything with you.”

Looking at me quizzically for a minute she asked hesitatingly “Is it because I am black?”

“No,” I said quickly, taken aback by such a question. “It’s because you don’t have a dick!!”

This sent us both into gales of laughter. When Tony made it back to the bar he actually looked at us both fondly like he had run into two close, old friends he had not seen in a long while.

“What are you two on about?” he asked, hoping to get in on the joke.

“Baby,” Anita began excitedly, “How about if, after dinner, ‘B’ here comes back to our suite with us?”

The quizzical look on the short, older, portly man’s face deepened until he caught on. Then it turned slightly to confusion and dismay.

“Oh, no, no, no,” he blustered at us. “I don’t think I could ever do anything like that; never even thought about it.”

I could see the surprised and disappointed look come over his wife pretty face. I certainly didn’t want to cause these two very nice people any problems and thought I should bow out gracefully. “Guys, I apologize. I certainly don’t want to cause a fight or anything.”

As I began to get up and take my leave, Anita reached out and took my hand. “Wait a minute, ‘B’. Let me talk with him a minute.”

“Really,” I said, hoping to make a graceful exit before I spoiled the whole thing. “I really enjoyed meeting you and I hope we will talk again before we all go home. Have a nice dinner you two.”

I slid my hand from hers and left quietly. Nodded understanding to Anita and as I did, I could see from the look on her face how surprised and disappointed she was in her spouse and that he might not be getting any for a while.

I think I made it about halfway across the casino. I intended to take the elevator up to my room and eat a quiet dinner there so as not to chance running into the couple again that evening. I suddenly heard heavy footsteps coming up behind me and a slightly out of breath voice call to me.

“‘B’, wait!” he called as he came up to me and putting his arm around my shoulder, leaned in to speak in my ear so no one else would hear. The feel of his hot breath on my ear sent chills all over my body. I leaned my body towards him. I could hear him fine, I just wanted to feel my body against his any way I could. “Anita says I don’t have to do anything to you. You just want to suck my cock, and she will sit on my face and I’ll eat her pussy and she can maybe suck you off a little. Is that right?”

I explained what my intentions were as I had earlier to his broad-minded wife, which seemed to make Tony relax considerably. “Okay, I think I can handle that.”

We met Anita at the elevators that lead to the expensive suites that you had to have a card key to for the elevator to run. And we proceeded to there suite. Anita started removing her sexy, fashionable clothes as soon as we got in the door. Once she was naked she started working on her hesitant husband. I stood in the doorway to the bedroom till I was sure how this was going to go. If Tony freaked at the last minute, I was out the door.

But Anita seemed to know what she was doing. What buttons to push to get her chubby hubby’s motor running. She soon had him undressed and in the large bed. And I must admit it was quite a show. Anita and Tony were naked and laid out on the bed, both of them rubbing, licking, groping all over each other and then she looked up at me expectantly with lust filled eyes.

“What are you waiting for? Get your clothes off and get over here! I want to watch something too.”

I was getting no encouragement from Tony, but Anita’s was enough. I peeled my clothes off quickly as I crossed the room. Anita climbed up the bed and straddled her anxious spouse’s face.

“It’s okay, Babe. I think you are really going to enjoy this, and so am I!”

With that, his big hands quickly came up and fondled her pert ass as it ground against his mouth. Anita held on the headboard and threw her head back in delight as her polar bear hubby tongued her snatch and mauled her tits and ass.

Looking down at the squirming couple on the bed I was more focused on Tony than Anita. My eyes feasted on his brawny, white haired body all stretched out before me. I supposed that his cock was totally flaccid because he was still very nervous about my being there. But I was not going to pass up this opportunity and double-quick climbed onto the huge California King Sized bed between the heavyset man’s spread thighs and gently took his cock into my mouth.

I was disappointed at first. I thought I wasn’t going to be able to get him hard at all, but I put my best effort into it and before I new it I had a monster of a hard on suddenly plying my throat. As I swirled my tongue up and down the expanding shaft, Tony began to move his hips and I thought I heard a low moan come from his throat.

“I told you, Baby!!” Anita crooned from the top of the bed. She had one hand wrapped in her husband’s thick, white hair and was pulling his face tightly against here clit, guiding him where she wanted his tongue to go. And he was lapping at her with might and main. “There is nothing wrong in taking pleasures where you can find it.”

One of Tony’s hands left his wife’s pert ass and grabbed the back of my head, pulling my face deeper into his crotch as his wife was doing to him. I suddenly heard a wail of pleasure come from the face buried in Anita’s snatch. The vibrations must have sent supererogatory waves of pleasure through her also as she cried out loudly as well. “Oh, ‘B’, suck that cock, make him come!! Make him howl like that again. It feels so good.”

I redoubled my efforts on Tony’s swelling cock, sending my tongue down over the head and rod, licking his balls and licking down his ass crack. I guess he was well into it by now, because his legs spread wider and I impetuously sent my tongue deep into his ass and Tony reacted as if an electric cattle prod had touched him. Half his body came up off the bed to get more of my tongue. And he squealed in unexpected delight.

His cries of pleasure were muffled against Anita’s also equally enervated body and forced a series of cries of pleasure and delight from the dark skinned woman.

The big hand on my head now held it in place as the big man proceeded to face fuck me. It was wonderful! I moved one index finger up between his ass checks and surreptitiously inserted it . The rhythm of his fucking changed dramatically then. He was slamming his cock up into my hot, wet and more than willing mouth and his ass down to get the feel of my finger invading deep in his ass and rubbing against his prostate.

My own cock was sending me messages about how much pleasure this was giving me too. It was hard and vibrating of its own accord like a live electric wire or a flesh and blood vibrator. I thought I was going to shoot without having to touch myself.

I had one finger up the big guy’s ass, his cock surging in my mouth and I thought I might as well go for broke. My other hand reached up and started stroking and pinching his nipple. His muffled intermittent cries of ecstasy became a continuous banshee wail of incredible exaltation. “Oh, God, ‘B’! What are you doing?” Anita cried her own pleasure and enjoyment, encouraging me on. “I want to watch, I want to watch you suck his big cock, B!”

Upon dismounting Tony’s pink, drooling tongue, the big guy took a big breath and hugged his wife fiercely, pulling her hard against him. “Oh god, Baby! You were so right. There is nothing wrong with this. It all feels so good. Thank you, thank you both!”

I had stopped what I was doing at this point to look up at them both in surprise and delectation. Tony was tenderly stroking my face and smiling down at me between his spread legs holding his big, rigid dick in my hand, my lips poised to go back down on it and really make him feel good, which I did.

“Oh no you don’t!” Anita said with a laugh in her voice. “You’re not being left out this time! Everybody has something to eat but me!”

And with that she rolled onto her side and maneuvered herself, her hubby and me so we were in a triangle on the huge bed. Anita was twisted around between Tony and I with one leg over his shoulder and the over rubbing down his chest and belly.

Tony of course was resting on one elbow lapping at her now wide open, wet pussy. I couldn’t tell you why, but the sight of him eating her snatch and making here writhe in ecstasy was very hot indeed to me. I had a good view of it as I sucked, licked and fondled every inch of Tony’s portly, hairy body I could reach. And he was giving me access to every inch he could too.

Like Anita, Tony had one leg up over my shoulder and was pulling me as close to him as he could. The other leg was firmly pressed hotly along my chest and belly. As he ate, lapped and sucked her pussy one hand was fondling her big breast and the other was stroking my head.

I was between them both with Tony’s cock surging hard and deep into my throat, his heavy balls mashing against my chin as I fingered his butt and rubbed whatever else I could reach. Anita began to suck my cock. I must admit that at first the idea did not do a lot for me. But I thought to myself, ‘I can’t embarrass this nice lady who has been so wonderful to me tonight. I have to get a good fantasy going in my head so I can get a hard on.’ It then occurred to me that I was living an incredible fantasy! Here I was lying in bed with a gorgeous hunk of a straight man, sucking his cock for all I am worth as he eats his wife out!!! I got a hard on like you wouldn’t believe. To help it along I pretended it was Tony sucking my cock and boy did I get hard!

We were all now getting into the rhythm of it and moaning and groaning, bucking and writhing, fondling, licking, rubbing and stroking each other. Anita was a pretty good cock sucker, and when she saw that I had my finger deep into her hubby’s ass and how much he was enjoying it, she started following what I was doing and it increased by pleasure ten fold.

Tony’s eyes were bouncing back and forth from me to his wife. He really seemed to love the sight of my sucking his cock deep into my throat and his petite sucking my cock. God it was all becoming way too much for me. And I could not restrain the cries of ecstasy that were erupting from my throat.

I think that is what finally made Tony lose control as he also began to moan and writhe and then Anita as moaning and I knew what they were feeling and like a chain reaction of lust we exploded one after the other and fed the explosion back to the next, round and round we came and came, all of us coming in one major orgasm. The bed was rolling like a storm tossed ocean and slowly began to subside as we released each other and crawled closer to each other to hug tightly and feel at peace with the world.

“My god, B!” Anita was the first one able to speak. She was now lying in Tony’s arms, her head against his shoulder. “That was incredible. What did you do to him? Tony has never been that active in bed.”

“You two, Babe.” Tony replied hugging and kissing his wife. “That was a hell of a ride, B.” Tony said and pulled me towards him for a major bear hug. I didn’t think he was ready for a kiss from me yet.

“That wasn’t just me guys.” I said, feeling more wonderful than I had in along time. I was still lying between the big mans legs with his cock nuzzling wet and warm against my chest and my head resting on his tummy. “That was all if us that did that.”

“Next time,” Anita said leaning over and giving me a hug and a kiss. “I want to watch what you do.”

“Well, if you want,” I began, thinking they were ready for me to leave. “Maybe we can get together again tomorrow and I will be happy to show you.”

“Tomorrow?!” they said in unison. Both with perplexed looks on their faces looked at each other and then back at me.

“I’m ready to go again right now,” the dark skinned beauty said emphatically. “And I know my Tony will be ready again in ten minutes.”

I looked up at them in happy surprise. Anita’s mischievous smile beamed down at me and Tony had a silly alligator smile and was nodding his head vigorously.


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