Gay Erotic Stories

Taylor Part 1

by Broker
22 Feb 2012

Bondage Fetish Straight Men, Gay Sex

Taylor is the all American boy gone bad. Taylor is 5'11", 170 lbs, brown hair/brown eyes and lean muscle. He also has a drug problem that costs him a lot of money. He has a habit of borrowing money and not being able to pay it back. Taylor works construction jobs on and off but blows the money on coke or crack as soon as he gets it.

On one particular job he was working, he noticed that they were storing some copper wire at his boss's house. Dan, his boss, didn't really care for Taylor even though he did good work. Dan always thought that Taylor was a little too cocky and needed to be taken down a peg or two. Taylor was always showing off and talking about how he could fuck anybody's girlfriend. Although most of the construction crew he worked with liked him, there were a few like like Dan that couldn't stand him.

Just to fuck with Taylor, Dan was only letting him work 3-4 days a week. Taylor owed a few hundred dollars to a dealer and was getting desperate for money. Thats when he remembered that Dan had some copper wire stored at his house. Taylor thought it would be easy to go up to Dan's house while he was at work and steal about $1,000 of copper wire, sell it, pay off his dealer and get some more dope. He got a buddy to ride up to Dan's house with him. They loaded up some wire, went to the salvage yard and sold it. It went off perfect-without a hitch. Except for one thing-Dan had a security camera pointed at the shed where he keep the copper.

When Dan got home late that afternoon, he discovered that he had some copper wire missing. He went inside his house and checked his security camera. Dan couln't believe it. The one guy that he had always wanted to catch fucking up was caught on camera. Dan picked up his phone to call the police and then stopped. "Why should I call the police when I can take care of this myself," he thought. Oh yeah, Dan was not going to let this just slip and he wasn't about to call he police. He wasn't even concerned about the other guy caught on camera that helped Taylor steal the wire. Nope. This was Dan's chance to bring this boy down.

Dan called Matt and Joey, two guys that worked under him with Taylor, They were gonna love this. Taylor had fucked Matt's wife about 6 months ago.He almost got away with it until she told Matt. After that, Matt swore he would get revenge. Joey was one of those guys that Taylor always liked to pick on. When Joey made a mistake, Taylor would make sure that everybody knew about it. Dan first called Matt and told him the situation and said with a little sarcasm "Well, what do you think we should do to Taylor?"

"Oh man, this is gonna be sweet," Matt said. "I been waiting a long time to get back at that fucker."

"So ya want to get a few guys and beat his ass?" Dan asked.

"No man. Although that would be a great idea. But I got something better. What if we get him in a position where he won't ever mess with anybody again. You know, blackmail the fucker to do what we want him to do.'

What ya got in mind," Dan asked.

"Well to start with, since he likes to show off so much, why don't we take him out to that new job site in the remote part of the county. We can take him to that old barn that hasn't been torn down yet. We can tie him up, strip him down to his boxers, take some pics and threaten to show then to everybody unless he does what we say. Hell, lets just strip him down and tell him we gonna leave him there. Take some pics. And after that, he will be doing his work and mine at the job site."

"Sounds good to me. Let me call Joey cause I know he is gonna want to be a part of this."

"Hell yeah" Matt said. "Taylor is always picking on him. Joey is gonna love that." Dan called Joey to let him know what was going on. Joey couldn't believe the good news. He was definitely ready.

To set it up, Dan called Taylor and told him he needed him to come in on that Saturday and that he would pay him time and a half for his work. He told him to meet him at the new construction site where they had seen that old barn that was going to be torn down. Taylor was glad for the work. He had no idea that he was going to wish he had never gone on that job.

Matt and Joey had shown up 30 minutes early to get things ready. They had the rope to tie him up. Taylor met up with Dan and they drove to the site. Dan told him they would be working with Matt and Joey.

When they got to the site they all met outside and started talking as if nothing was any different from any other day. Dan suggested that they all go inside the barn and see if there was anything to salvage Dan put his hand on Taylor's shoulder and guided him in first. Matt and Joey were right behind. As soon as they got in the barn, it was over for Taylor, Dan grabbed one arm and Matt grabbed the other arm.

"What 'the fuck," Taylor shouted.

"It's called payback" Dan said, You don't steal copper wire from me and expect me to forget it.

"What are you talking about. I aint stolen shit."

"Guess you didn't know that I had a camera aimed squarely at my shed. Yep, I got ya on my camera boy."

"Man, I can pay ya back. It's just a misunderstaning," Taylor said.

"Yeah you gonna pay me back alright," Dan said. "Matt, Joey, bring some rope over here and get his hands tied in front of him.

Taylor struggled but with 3 against 1, he didn't stand a chance. They had his hands tied in 30 seconds. They took him over to the right side of the barn where another rope was slung over a rafter. Dan and Joey held Taylor while Matt tied the rope that was hanging from the rafter around Taylors hands.

"Take his work boots off so I can make sure his feet are just barely touching the ground," Matt said.

"Alright Taylor, we are going to get those boots off of you and don't even think about trying to kick us or we are gonna kick you in the nuts. You understand?" Dan said.

"Yeah, whatever."

Dan picked up Taylor's left foot and Joey took that boot off. Then the right boot came off. Matt pulled on the rope and Taylor was left tryin to stand on his tip toes. Matt tied the rope off and walked over to Taylor.

"So did you like screwing my wife" Matt asked?

"Man I'm sorry. You are right. I shouldn't have done that." Taylor said.

"Well, I believe we about to get even boy."

"Damn right," Dan said.

Matt reached over to his right pants pocket and pulled his carpenters blade off it's clip. He put it up to Taylor's neck and smiled. Matt grabbed the left side of Taylors t-shirt collar and cut a line all the way to the end of the sleeve. He did the same on the right side and Taylor's t-shirt fell to the barn floor. He slapped Taylor on the stomach a few times and said "Those jeans are comin off next."

"Man we really aint got to do this,"Taylor said.

"Yeah we do," Joey said. "You are always talking shit about me and everbody else and we are tired of it bro.

Joey pulled out his cell phone and started taking some pics of Taylor.

"Man y'all can stop this shit," Taylor said.

"We are just gettin started," Matt said. "Joey, get your phone cam ready. Me and Dan are going to pull Taylor's jeans off."

"Hell yeah," Joey said.

Matt walked up up Taylor and grabbed his balls though his jeans and told him that if he tried to kick either him or Dan he would cut his balls off. Dan reached over and undid Taylor's belt and pulled it off. He undid the button and pulled the zipper down. Matt grabbed one side of Taylor's jeans and Dan the other. They slipped them past his knees and down to his ankles. Matt reached down and pulled them off.

"Might as well get his socks off too," Matt said.

Joey was takin pics the whole time.

"Nice tan," Joey said. "Guess a lot of peope are gonna get to check it out."

"Hell, he still has his boxers on but I'm going to take care of that," Matt said.

Matt walked around behind Taylor and pulled the back of his boxers down.

"Hey Joey, come take some pics of his ass since he is always tryin to be an asshole," Matt said.

Joey walked around and started takin pics.

Walking back to face Taylor, Matt said "It's showtime shithead." He hooked his thumbs around Taylor's boxers and slid them down to his feet in one pull. Matt pulled them off his feet and threw them in the pile with his other clothes. Joey was takin pics.

"Are ya learnin your lesson Taylor," Dan asked. "I guess you won't be stealin from me again."

"Or be an asshole to me and makin fun of me," Joey said.

Taylor wasn't shy about showing his cock off but not like this. His fat dick was about 4-5 inches long soft with a mushroom head. Matt reached over to slap Taylor's stomach but his hand just grazed Taylor. Taylor tried to move back and he laughed for just a second.

"Well, what do we have here,?" Matt asked. "Don't tell me the bad ass stud is ticklish?"

"No man, I aint ticklish," Taylor said.

"Really? Well let me just check again to make sure," Matt said with an evil grin.

Matt lightly put his fingers just below Taylor's armpits and slowly slid them down just below his ribs. Taylor let out a little laugh.

"Oh man, we are gonna fuck with you all day. My wife aint home and we are going to take you to my trailer and teach you a few lessons.

They decided to take Matt's truck. Dans truck would be safe at the barn.They lowered the rope from the rafter to let Taylor down. They decided it would be best to re-tie his hands behind his back. He struggled but it was no use. They had his hands tied behind his back in less than a minute. They also decided to tie his feet together just to be on the safe side.

They took him out to Matt's truck and put him in the back. Joey threw Taylor's clothes and boots in the front-not that he would be needing them for a few hours. Joey got in the back seat with Taylor. Taylor tried to get as far down in the seat as he could. Matt walked around and grabbed Taylor by the hair and told him to sit straight up in the seat.

"But what if somebody sees me," Taylor said.

"Thats the idea, shithead," Matt said with a grin.

Dan and Matt got in and they took off for Matt's trailer.

What nobody knew was that Joey had a thing for tickling. Ever since he was young he liked to tickle people, female or male, he didn't care. He was looking down at Taylor's size 12 feet and thinking how much fun it was going to be to tickle the shit out of that asshole.

The ride over to Matt's trailer wasn't that bad-unless you are tied up and naked like Taylor was. Matt lived out in the country and the next house was 3/4 of a mile down the road. After a 20 minute drive they arrived.

"We're here Taylor. Hope you ready for some fun," he said with a laugh. Dan, Matt and Joey got out of the truck and opened the door for Taylor.

"We might as well untie his feet and let him walk, Matt said. "I doubt that you are going to try and run with your hands tied behind your back and naked."

Dan and Joey reached in the truck and grabbed Taylor's feet. They untied the rope around his feet, grabbed his hands and motioned for him to get out. They told him to start walking up the drive way.

"What about my clothes and boots," Taylor asked.

"You aint gonna need them" Matt said with a grin.

Matt opened the door and they shoved Taylor in first.

"Where ya want us to take him?" Dan asked.

"Lets take him to the bed room," Matt replied. "Taylor, you already know where that is since you screwed my old lady. Dan, you and Joey take him in the bedroom and sit him on the bed. I'm gonna go get some plastic tie strips so we can tie the asshole down on the bed.

They grabbed Taylor and led him down the hall to the bedroom and told him to sit his ass on the bed. Matt came in with a bag of plastic strips. They untied his hands and told him to lie on his back. Matt told Dan and Joey to hold his hands against each bed post. Matt fastened each of Taylors hands to the posts. Matt decided it might be best to go ahead and tie his feet too. When they were finished, Taylor was tied spread eagle and naked on Matt's bed.

"Why aint you takin some pics Joey,"Matt said. "It aint like he can cover himself up."

"Be glad to," Joey said. "Smile for the camera Taylor."

"Fuck you."

Joey moved around the bed taking pic's of Taylor. "So how much you think we can get for these pics?" Joey asked

"I believe Taylor will pay dearly" Dan said laughing.

"Well, Taylor," Matt said, "Leys get down to business. I believe we just found out that you're ticklish. I think we need to follow up on that. What do think Dan? Joey."

"Hell we might as well," Dan said.

Dan walked over to the left side of the bed and sat down next to Taylor. He reached over to Taylor's armpit and started to gently brush against the hair on his armpit. With a slight motion he moved his hand back and forth. Taylor moved a little bit but that was about it. Dan continued to brush Taylor's armpit hair. He decided to go a little lower and moved about 2 inches above Taylor's ribs. Just using his finger tips he began to move his hand in a circle. Taylor was starting to squirm a little bit. Finally a little laugh came out. Hearing that, Dan decided to apply just a little more pressure and started moving hid hand down to Taylor's ribs. Taylor was letting out a few soft laughs now.

"Whats so funny Taylor" Matt asked. "Hey Dan, maybe I need to get on the other side side of him and we can work on him together. Joey, make sure you get some pics of this.

Matt moved over to Taylor's other side and said "Let me see if his belly button is ticklish."

Matt put his hand on Taylor's stomach and slowly started to circle the outside of Taylor's belly button. After about a minute, Matt could see his stomach starting to twitch just a little bit. Matt applied more pressure and went towards the inside of Taylor's belly button. Taylor laughed for just a second but it was enough for Matt. Matt kept on moving his finger around Taylor couln't help it. He was starting to laugh just a little bit.

"We need to double team I guess," Dan said.

"Hell yeah" Matt said. "We are gonna torture this asshole."

Dan and Matt moved up to Taylor's armpits and began tickling him. Taylor moved from side to side, but being tied up, couldn't get away. He began to laugh softly.

"Ok guys, you had your fun, now you can quit, Taylor said.

"We could just getting started buddy boy," Matt said. "Lets move down to his ribs."

Dan and Matt started on Taylor's ribs. It didn't take long before he starting to laugh and breathe heavy. Seeing Taylor react only made them work a little harder. Matt went for his belly button again while Dan continued to work on his ribs. After about 2 minutes, Taylor was starting to try to move from side to side but it was useless.

"Okay...fuck...damnit stop...thats enough...ha..." Thats all Taylor could say. Matt and Dan were really working on him and he was beginning to bounce up and down a little bit on the bed.

"Hey look," Joey said. "His cock is flopping up and down. Glad I got my cam for this."

They kept on tickling him for 5 more minutes and then decided to gice him a short break.

"Hey Joey, you aint got to get in on this yet." You want to try and tickle his feet while I take the pics?"

"Hell yeah,"

That was what Joey had been waitin to hear. Lookin over at Taylor's size 12 feet gave him a few ideas.

Joey walked over to Taylor's feet and sat down on the floor facing his feet. Joey put a hand on the top of each of his feet and began slowly stroking. That didn't seem to bother Taylor too much. So he decided to try the bottom of his foot just underneath the toes. He got a little more reaction from Taylor on that. Joey decided to try the sides of Taylor's feet. When he did, Taylor started moving his feet from side to side but couldn't escape Joey's hand.

Joey decided to go in for the kill and attack Taylor's arch. That did it. Taylor lost control and started bouncing around. Joey couldn't believe it. Here he was, Tickling Taylor's size 12 feet and there was nothing he could do to stop him. Taylor was starting to laugh kinda loud now. Joey was using both hands to tickle the shit out of him. Taylor was moving his feet from side to side but couldn't escape Joey's hands. He was starting to bounce up and down, at this point laughing almost uncontrollably. Matt was taking pics the whole time.

Put the camera down Matt and lets all three work on," Dan said.

"Be glad to, " Matt said with a smile.

"Guys please. C'mon, give me a break. Y'all had your fun so stop."

"Can't do that," Matt said grinning.

Dan and Matt went to work on Taylor's pits, stomach and belly button while Joey continued to work on his feet. He was starting to laugh like crazy now. His feet were twitching from side to side and his cock was rolling everywhere from his constant movement to escape their fingers. After about 3 more minutes they decided to give him a break. Taylor was totally spent. His stomach was shiny with sweat and he was breathing hard.

"Lets go get a beer while the asshole calms down a little bit, Matt said.

Taylor was left alone stiil tied up and thinking what would come next. Surely they would let him go since they had their fun tickling him and that would be the end of it. He had no idea that the 3 guys were in the kitchen making plans to humilate him even more.

*****Give me feedback, ideas or suggestions.*****


More Gay Erotic Stories from Broker

Taylor Part 1

Taylor is the all American boy gone bad. Taylor is 5'11

Taylor Part 2

Dan, Matt and Joey were in Matt's kitchen drinking beer. Taylor was still tied up naked on Matt's bed after being tickle tortured.

Taylor Pt 5

Matt, Dan and Joey came over to Mr. Gray’s house around 9 am on Sunday morning. Mr. Gray met them at the door and told them Taylor was in the spare bedroom. They walked in and found Taylor tied to the bed. Joey walked over and pulled the sheet off of Taylor and saw he had a morning hardon sticking straight up. He reached into his pocket and took out his knife and cut the plastic tie strips that

Taylor Pt. 3

The next day was ordinary for Taylor. He went home that afternoon with Matt. When they arrived at Matt's trailer, Matt told him to go ahead and get a shower. He also told him to take a razor in the shower with him.

Taylor Pt. 4

On the way back home to Matt’s house, they decided that Taylor would go back in the morning and spend the whole day helping Mr. Gray. Taylor was depressed as hell when he heard the news. He didn’t want to have to spend another day having Mr. Gray eyeing every inch of his body.When they got back to the house, Matt told Joey to go get the cock cage so they could put it back on Taylor. Taylor

Taylor Pt. 6

Taylor must have dozed off. He was awakened by Joey slapping his head.“Hey, wake up you sorry fucker,” Joey said.Taylor realized that that he was still tied up and his mind was racing about what had just happened an hour ago. Matt had forced his dick in his mouth, Dan had jacked off while playing with his sore nipples, joey had tickled him like a maniac and Mr. Gray had sucked him off. They

Taylor Pt. 7

“Yeah,” Matt said. “I guess he likes gettin naked for guys and getting his dick sucked…and sucking some dick. I bet he will even want his ass fucked sooner or later.”Taylor wasn’t even listening. He was used to girls looking at him and wanting his dick but this was so different and he felt out of control. He was being forced to show off, wearing as little clothing as the guys thought he could

Taylor Pt. 8

Joey reached in into the cooler and threw Matt a beer. Matt caught it, opened it and took a large swallow. He was standing naked behind Taylor with sweat dripping down his body. His dick was betraying him. It was hard and sticking straight out. Anybody that was there could tell that he was getting off on using Taylor. And that made Matt even madder. He walked in front of Taylor, his dick swaying

Taylor Pt. 9

Everybody was pretty much speechless after watching Matt fuck Taylor. Taylor had put his shorts back on and was walking out the door to Matt’s truck. Joey was going to drive them home. Matt didn’t even bother to get dressed. He walked over to the cooler and grabbed a beer for the trip back to his house. Jason and his friends were getting a hardon for Matt too. There is just something about a


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