Gay Erotic Stories

Taylor Part 2

by Broker
27 Feb 2012

Bondage S/M Straight Men, Gay Sex

Dan, Matt and Joey were in Matt's kitchen drinking beer. Taylor was still tied up naked on Matt's bed after being tickle tortured.

"Well, I guess I can use those pics we have of him to make sure he pays me back for the copper. I guess we can let him go now." Dan said.

"Hell no," Joey said. "The way he always made fun of me at work everytime I messed up-and he always thinks he is so great. And Matt, he screwed your wife for God's sake. This is our chance to get completely even with him."

"I think you are right," Matt said. "We can make him our boy, so to speak."

Dan asked "What you got in mind?"

"Well if he is gonna be our boy, then he needs to look like a boy," Matt said with a grin. "I think we need to go shave our boy. He's gonna have to lose his arm pit hair, that little patch on his chest, the hair on his legs and we gonna make his dick bald."

"Hell yeah, Joey said. "That will take him down a peg or two."

Dan went to the bathroom to get what they would need. He got the hair grooming kit, shaving cream and a couple of razors. He told Joey to fill up a bowl with hot water and get a washrag. The 3 of them went back to Matt's bedroom where Taylor was still tied up.

"Ya havin' fun, Taylor," Matt asked

"Fuck you, Matt. Y'all can let me go now."

"We aint finished yet," Joey said. Matt said "Thats right. We decided we was gonna make you our boy and since boys aint got no hair from the neck down, we are gonna take care of that."

"You got to be kiddin' me," Taylor said. "There's no way y'all are gonna do that to me."

Matt walked over to Taylor and said "Oh, it's gonnna happen buddy and there aint shit you can do about it."

Matt told Dan to hand him the clippers. He turned them on and began working on the hair under Taylor's arm. Taylor shakes his head, not believing what is happening to him.

Matt clipped the hair close under Taylor's left arm and then began on the right. He sat down on the bed between Taylor's legs and began trimming the bush around his cock. After about a minute he pushed Taylors dick out of the way and started trimming his balls. After Matt was done trimming taylors nuts be grabbed the razor blades.

"Dan,, me and you can shave his arm pits. Joey, you get started on his legs."

Dan and Matt got finished and took the wash rag and wiped Taylor's under arms clean. Joey wasn't through yet so Dan and Matt helped him fo finish shaving Taylor's legs.

"Better get a few pics with the phone cam," Matt said.

"Glad to," replied Joey.

"I'll tell you what," Matt said. "Me and Joey will shave his pubes and nuts if you take the pics, Dan."

"Sure, why not."

Matt and Joey got some shaving cream and rubbed it into Taylor's pubes. They carefully began shaving. It was clear they were gonna have to put some more shaving cream on him and shave him again to get rid of the stubble.

"I think Taylor's dick is startin' to grow a little bit," Matt said. "Hell, he probably likes guys playin' with his dick."

"Fuck you," Taylor said.

After one more go with the razors, Taylor's pubes were gone. Matt told Dan to get his knife and cut the plastic tie strips on Taylor's legs so they could shave his balls. Joey slowly lathered up Taylor's nuts completely, enjoying the fact that they had complete control of this asshole. After a minute or two, his nuts were hairless too. Taylor was half hard from having them touching his cock and balls.

"Hey, Dan, make sure you got some pics of this," Matt siad.

"Well, we forgot one thing." " Joey said. "He still has hair on his ass. Aint we gonna take care of that too?"

Matt replied "Hell, might as well."

They cut the plastic ties on his hands and told him not to even think about putting up a fight. Dan told him to get on his hands and knees and started taking pics. While Matt held Taylor's ass cheeks apart, Joey applied shaving cream and shaved his ass smooth as a baby's. They washed him off and Matt told him to stay in that position.

"I think Taylor likes bein' in the doggie style position," Matt said. "And those big nuts hanging down are giving me an idea."

Matt told Taylor to lower his head down and told Dan and Joey to hold Taylor's arms behind his back. Matt mvoed in behid Taylor and put his hand up to his nuts and flicked them with his finger as hard as he could. Taylor yelled and bucked and tried to get free but couldn't. Matt put his hand down there again and thumped Taytlor's nuts 4 more times. Taylor was shouting from the pain. Matt told Taylor he had something for the pain and went over to a cabinet and took out a tube. He told Taylor to hold still. Matt squirted some gel out of the tube. He grabbed Taylor's balls with one hand and began rubbing the gel in with the other hand. Taylor could feel his balls starting to get warm.

"It's Icy-Hot buddy," Matt said with a laugh.

He squirted out some more and rubbed it into Taylor's nut sack. He rubbed it all the way up to the crack of Taylor's ass hole and for a second, he thought about putting some up his hole but decided not to. Taylor was in a lot of pain plus he couldn't believe they had shaved him down.

"Lets tie his hands back behind his back until we figure out what to do with him," Matt said.

Joey and Dan grabbed his arms and pulled them behind his back while Matt got a plastic strip and tied his hands. Dan, Matt and Joey went back into the kitchen to drink another beer. They passed the spare bedroom where the door was open.

Dan said "Matt, I didn't know you had a little gym in your house?"

"Yeah, I like to work out a few times a week."

"Well, since Taylor didn't get a chance to work today, maybe we should make sure he gets a work out" Joey said.

Dan said "Yeah, let's grab a few beers and then we can go make sure Taylor stays in shape."

Taylor had always worked since he was 15 or 16 and at 23 he was lean and hard. He was one of those lucky guys who hadn't used a gym since he was in school. He took a lot of pride in the way he looked-always pulling up his shirt when he was talking to a woman. When it was warm, he usually just wore a pair of baggys and flip flops. He even told his girl friend that he ought to be an American Eagle underwear model.

"Hey, Taylor, you ready to hit the weights since you didn't get to work today?" Matt asked.

"What the hell are you talking about," Taylor asked

"I got some weights in the spare bedroom and we are gonna let you work out, bro."

"Man. y'all are fuckin crazy," Taylor said. "Whatever, if it will make y'all happy and if it will get me out of here, then lets do it. Get me a pair of shorts."

"Shorts heck," Matt said.

"Yeah, you gonna be working out naked so we can make sure you are working all your muscles," Joey said laughing.

"Aint no fuckin' way" Taylor said.

Matt walked over to Taylor and hit him square in the stomach and told him that he had a choice. He could either work out or Joey was gonna download all the pics they had and put them on some gay sites.

"Yeah, I bet there are a lot of fags that would get off beatin' their meat while lookin' at your naked ass. So you get a choice. You can either get your naked ass in there and start workin out or a whole lotta fags are gonna work their meat lookin' at you," Matt said.

"Fine, whatever," Taylor said.

They led him to the spare bedroom and Matt told Dan to cut the plastic strips that were tying Taylor's hands behind his back. They had him start with jumping jacks, knowing full well that his dick would be flopping up and down. Joey had his cell phone out and was snapping pics. Matt told him to go lay down on the weight bench and get ready to do some bench presses. Matt deliberately loaded the bar heavily so Taylor would have to strain to do the presses. Taylor grabbed the bar and began. His chest was straining and his abs were starting to show with each lift. Joey continued to take pics. Taylor was starting to struggle and after a few more lifts, Matt told him he could stop for a minute.

After a short rest, Matt told Taylor to go over to where he had set up the weights for squats.Taylor grabbed the bar behind his head and started his squats. "Hold it when you get to the bottom," Matt said. "Joey, go behind him and snap a few pics of his low hangin' nuts."

They made him do 20 more reps before telling him to stop. Matt then loaded some weights on the bi-cep curl bar and told Taylor to get busy. Taylor bent down and picked up the bar. After about 6 or 7 reps his bi-ceps were bulging and his chest was pumping. With each lift his cock would bounce slightly from side to side. Joey decided to go to "movie mode" on his cell phone to capture the rest of Taylor's workout. After more reps, Matt told him he could take another breather and told Joey to go download all of the stuff they had of Taylor onto the computer.

When Joey cme back, Matt told Taylor to go get on the treadmill. Taylor walked over and got on it and Matt set the control to a fast pace. Joey began taking more pics and then went to movie mode again. Taylor was running at a quick pace with his arms pumping and his chest breathing heavily. His cock was bouncing up and down and side to side, hitting his stomach and legs. They made him keep this pace up for 20 minutes. Sweat was dripping off his naked body. They had him stretch to make sure his muscles didn't tighten up.

Matt had Dan go get some more plastic strips so they could tie Taulor hands behind his back while they went to download his workout onto the computer. As they were downloading the workout they were plotting about what to do next.

"Can you imagine how freaked out he would be if we made him go online and and make him talk to some gay guys?" Dan asked.

"He would be embarrassed as hell," Matt said with a grin.

Joey asked "So of course we are gonna make him do it, right?"

"Hmm, well it would just about kill him," Dan said.

"Might as well do it then," Matt said.

Dan and Matt went back to where Taylor was. Joey went out to the truck to get Taylor's clothes and boots. When Joey came back in they cut the plastic ties off of Taylor and told him to get dressed because people were waiting on him. They took him into the living room and told him to sit down in front of the computer. Joey went online and found a gay chat room with a lot of people in it. The made up a password, signed in and turned the cam on also. In the info bar of the the chat room, they typed in "23 yr old M, straight, will show for gays."

"Well since you like to show off so much we gonna let you show off for some gay dudes. C'mon, it aint like you like to wear many clothes anyhow so you might as well let everybody check you out."

"Not happening," Taylor said.

"Well you got a choice. You can strip for the guys you don't know or we can send these pics of you to all the fags in the county and then they can check you out. You got a choice, asshole," Matt said.

"Fuck it, Whatever," Taylor said. "If it will get you guys to let me go, I will strip for some fags."

Joey grabbed the keyboard. There were already a few requests online-and about 10-12 of them were requests to see Taylor.

"Might as well get started," Joey said.

Joey typed in "What do ya guys want me to do" for Taylor. The first request was for Taylor to take his shirt off. Taylor reached down and pulled the shirt over his head and put his hat back on. Some of the guys watching were already writing comments abput how good he looked. Another request came in for Taylor to show his feet.

"Man this is fucking crazy" Taylor said.

Taylor put his feet up on the table and pulled his boots and socks off and smiled sarcastically.

"I hope these weird dudes are enjoying this" he said.

Another request came in for him to take his jeans off. Taylor stood up and unfastened his belt and pulled his zipper down. He grabbed the top of his jeans and pushed them down his hips and knees and then stepped out of them. The next request was to see his dick. Taylor put his fingers in the waistband of his boxers and pulled them down and off and went to sit back down.

"Not yet, Taylor. They said they want to look at you standing up," Joey said.

The guys in the chat room couldn't believe what they were seeing. A corn fed stud stripping for them. And they couldn't get enough of it. They told him to to turn around so they could see his ass. Of course they wanted more so they told him to bend over and spread his ass so they could check out his hole. Joey had Taylor get up and take a few steps back. Taylor turned around, bent over and placed his hands on his ass and spread it so the perverts online could check out his hole. Joey told him to stay bent over like that for a minute before letting him sit back down.

"Well, those fags got to look at me so I'm gonna put my clothes back on, Taylor said.

"Nope," Joey said. "You aint finished yet. They wanna see you get your dick hard and shoot a load for them."

"No, I've already done enough."

"Well," Matt said, "I guess we will just send your naked pics to every fag in the county and let them share those pics with their friends."

"Fuck it. I will give these fags a show if you guys let me go."

"Yeah, whatever," Matt said.

The requests were coming in to see Taylor get his dick hard. He reached down and started pulling on it. He took his left hand and started rubbing his balls. His balls felt different since the guys had shaved them and his dick got hard faster than he tought it would. The guys online wanted him to prop his feet up on the table and move down in the chair so they could see his asshole too. He moved down and felt his asshole twitching as he rubbed his cock. He was embarassed enough about having people watch him play with his dick and now these guys were looking at his asshole too.

The guys online told him to start stroking slowly and to play with the head of his dick. He let his fingers move over the head of his dick-just tickling it. He was told to start stroking. Taylor grabbed his dick and started pulling on it. They wanted to see him play with his balls so he reached down and started rubbing them while he was stroking his shaft. With his legs propped up they were able to look at his ass too. They told him to cum and shoot it on the desk. Taylor started stroking faster. He was just about ready to shoot his load and could feel it moving from his nuts up through his dick. He stood up and aimed his cock at the desk. The first blast flew all over the desk followed by about 5 or more shots. He squeezed the last of his load out and sat back down in the chair. His hand and cock was covered with cum and sweat was dripping off his face onto his chest. Matt threw Taylor's boxers at him and told him to clean himself up.

Afer he had wiped the cum off he said "I did what ya asked so I get to go, right?"

"Yeah and we got a gift for ya too buddy." Matt said.

Matt went to his bedroom and came back with a strange looking device made out of light weight steel.

"I'm glad you got to shoot a load, Taylor," Matt said. "It will be the last time you shoot a load for a long time without our permission."

Taylor asked "What are ya talkin' about?"

"This is a light weight stainless steel cock cage. My wife bought it for a joke. It goes over your cock so you can't get completely hard or cum. It has a minature locking device with a key. You are gonna be wearin' it from now on and you don't get to cum unless we say you can."

"No, you said you was gonna let me go and this shit is over."

"Well, we are gonna let you go. You can go anywhere you want, but you gonna be wearing this," Matt said.

Taylor made a dash to get his clothes and run for the door but the 3 of them grabbed him.

"You can either let us put this on you or we are sending your pics to all the fags in the county. It's your choice-and you do get to leave," Matt said.

"I aint got a choice. Fine. Just do it and get it over with. How long do I have to wear this thing."

"You will wear it until we decide different," Joey said with a smirk.

They laid Taylor on the floor. Matt grabbed Taylor's dick and placed it in the cock cage and Joey locked it in place. They told him to get up and put his clothes on.

"So what do I do when I wanna bust a nut?" Taylor asked.

"Well, you will come to us and beg nicely. And if we are in a good mood we might let you get a nut." Joey said.

Taylor got dressed and got in the truck with Dan and then got dropped off at his trailer. He couldn't believe what had happened to him today. He had been stripped, tickled, shaved, forced to work out naked and then they had made him shoot a load on the internet for some fags. And now his cock was being held prisioner in a cage. He couldn't fuck of even jack off. Surely the guys would take it off in a day or two.

What Taylor didn't know was that this was just the beginning. In a few days he would have no control of his own life.

*****Feedback, Ideas and Suggestions are welcome*****


More Gay Erotic Stories from Broker

Taylor Part 1

Taylor is the all American boy gone bad. Taylor is 5'11

Taylor Part 2

Dan, Matt and Joey were in Matt's kitchen drinking beer. Taylor was still tied up naked on Matt's bed after being tickle tortured.

Taylor Pt 5

Matt, Dan and Joey came over to Mr. Gray’s house around 9 am on Sunday morning. Mr. Gray met them at the door and told them Taylor was in the spare bedroom. They walked in and found Taylor tied to the bed. Joey walked over and pulled the sheet off of Taylor and saw he had a morning hardon sticking straight up. He reached into his pocket and took out his knife and cut the plastic tie strips that

Taylor Pt. 3

The next day was ordinary for Taylor. He went home that afternoon with Matt. When they arrived at Matt's trailer, Matt told him to go ahead and get a shower. He also told him to take a razor in the shower with him.

Taylor Pt. 4

On the way back home to Matt’s house, they decided that Taylor would go back in the morning and spend the whole day helping Mr. Gray. Taylor was depressed as hell when he heard the news. He didn’t want to have to spend another day having Mr. Gray eyeing every inch of his body.When they got back to the house, Matt told Joey to go get the cock cage so they could put it back on Taylor. Taylor

Taylor Pt. 6

Taylor must have dozed off. He was awakened by Joey slapping his head.“Hey, wake up you sorry fucker,” Joey said.Taylor realized that that he was still tied up and his mind was racing about what had just happened an hour ago. Matt had forced his dick in his mouth, Dan had jacked off while playing with his sore nipples, joey had tickled him like a maniac and Mr. Gray had sucked him off. They

Taylor Pt. 7

“Yeah,” Matt said. “I guess he likes gettin naked for guys and getting his dick sucked…and sucking some dick. I bet he will even want his ass fucked sooner or later.”Taylor wasn’t even listening. He was used to girls looking at him and wanting his dick but this was so different and he felt out of control. He was being forced to show off, wearing as little clothing as the guys thought he could

Taylor Pt. 8

Joey reached in into the cooler and threw Matt a beer. Matt caught it, opened it and took a large swallow. He was standing naked behind Taylor with sweat dripping down his body. His dick was betraying him. It was hard and sticking straight out. Anybody that was there could tell that he was getting off on using Taylor. And that made Matt even madder. He walked in front of Taylor, his dick swaying

Taylor Pt. 9

Everybody was pretty much speechless after watching Matt fuck Taylor. Taylor had put his shorts back on and was walking out the door to Matt’s truck. Joey was going to drive them home. Matt didn’t even bother to get dressed. He walked over to the cooler and grabbed a beer for the trip back to his house. Jason and his friends were getting a hardon for Matt too. There is just something about a


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