Gay Erotic Stories

Taylor Pt. 7

by Broker
18 Jul 2012

Bondage Class Reunion Discipline

“Yeah,” Matt said. “I guess he likes gettin naked for guys and getting his dick sucked…and sucking some dick. I bet he will even want his ass fucked sooner or later.”

Taylor wasn’t even listening. He was used to girls looking at him and wanting his dick but this was so different and he felt out of control. He was being forced to show off, wearing as little clothing as the guys thought he could get away with. And of course everybody was looking at him-especially guys. He was the hot all American country boy stud. He was thinking to himself that there must be some way out of this situation but he couldn’t figure it out yet.

The guys left the lake later that afternoon and headed back home. Taylor stayed with Matt that week. They didn’t see much of Joey or Dan that week after work. They said they were working on a project. Taylor’s routine was the same every day. Wake up, shave himself from head to toe, get dressed with no underwear or belt and go to work. His jeans would sag and everybody that wanted could get a good look at the shaved area where his pubes should be. The low hanging jeans also sagged enough to show just the top part of his country boy ass. His wife beater t-shirt came off every day at 11 am. His nipples were healing quickly from the rings that the guys had made him get. Joey had already said that he would need to go up a size with thicker rings. Joey wanted to make sure that his tanned brown nipples were sticking out from his hard pecs. All of the guys at work already knew he was shaving his body but they didn’t know the whole story. Taylor remembered that just a few days earlier that some guys at work had pulled down his pants and even half-heartedly measured his dick. He wasn’t allowed to touch his own dick unless he was showering or shaving his body. When he got to Matt’s house he usually had to change into his jock strap for his workout which he had to do 4 times a week. For his workout, he could wear a jock strap and sneakers-nothing else. When he went to bed naked each night, his hands were tied to the bed posts so he couldn’t play with himself. Matt didn’t always make him wear his cock restraint. On the nights when Matt had drank a lot of beer and it was just him and Taylor at his house, he would grab Taylor’s dick and give it a little tug before pulling the sheet up over him.

One night, about halfway through the week, Matt had been drinking more than normal and when he tied Taylor down for the night, he had an idea. He went to the bathroom, grabbed some baby oil and brought it into the bedroom where Taylor was staying. Matt squirted some oil on his hand and touched Taylor’s dick. He began rubbing slowly up and down on his shaft. He moved up to his large mushroom shaped head and circled it with his thumb causing Taylor to exhale. He rubbed down to his big nuts and gently massaged them. For some reason when he was sober, he wanted to hit Taylor in his nuts as hard as could just for spite. But when he was drunk, it was different. He let his middle finger move to the edge of Taylor’s ass. He circled his ass and slowly let his finger sink in. Matt was thinking about how tight Taylor’s ass was---and then he pulled his finger out quickly. Matt was embarrassed about what he had just done but at the same time, he had a hardon from hell. Matt didn’t know why he was getting hard because he hated Taylor. All Matt knew was that he was jealous of Taylor for some reason and he wanted to make Taylor’s life hell. Of course Matt didn’t let Taylor get off. He just slowly and sadistically rubbed, pulled and massaged Taylor’s dick for about 30 minutes. The rest of the week passed quickly.

That weekend, there was going to be a charity fund raising event at the local country club. All of the important people in town would be there. Many organizations had food stands and fund raising booths and rides. Mr. Clayton Howard was the president of the club and was a friend of Dan’s. Dan asked Joey, Matt and Taylor to come on out. Saturday afternoon was hot and everybody was dressed casually. Matt had dressed Taylor in a tight white muscle shirt, a pair of khaki shorts that kept slipping down with no belt and his trainer sneakers with no show socks. Every few minutes, Taylor would have to pull the shorts up so the top of his ass wouldn’t show. They met up with Joey and Dan. Joey was with Taylor’s ex-girlfriend, Lauren. Taylor didn’t care-hell, he had been the one that broke up with her. Lauren commented with a sly laugh that she liked Taylor’s “new look.” Joey told her that Taylor must be going for the “hairless boy” look and told him to pull up his shirt. When he did, she could tell by the low sagging khaki shorts that his pubes had to have been shaved. She could also tell that apparently he was keeping himself shaved all over, including his legs and head.

Dan, Matt, Joey, Lauren and Taylor got some food and walked around. Lauren noticed that Jason Howard was there with some friends. She got his attention and motioned for him to come over. Jason was the son of Clayton Howard, the country club president. Jason came over and said “hi” to everybody. Jason and Taylor had been in the same class in high school and hadn’t gotten along very well. Taylor always had a weird feeling about Jason and he used to kid him about being gay. They had both played on the baseball team and one time, after a home game, Taylor and some other guys had taken Jason outside, stripped him down to his jock and then locked him outside the field house for 10 minutes. Everybody had gotten a good laugh at Jason and he had never forgotten that. He noticed that Taylor was looking a little different and made an off the cuff comment about Taylor’s shaved head.

“That’s not all he has shaved. Did ya notice his legs? Taylor, pull up your shirt and show Jason your “little boy” body,” Lauren said. He pulled up his shirt and Jason eyes went from Taylor’s smooth chest all the way down to his sagging shorts. It looked like he was completely shaved. His shorts were sagging to just a few inches above his cock.

“Hey Jason, why don’t you and your friends walk around with us,” Lauren asked”.” “We are just checking everything out.”

There were several fund raising booths. One popular booth was the “jail booth” were a friend paid an amount of money to have you put in “jail” and your friends had to pay to get you out. Joey walked up to the man in charge of the “jail” both and paid $25 to have Taylor “arrested.” Two off duty police officers who were volunteering for the fundraiser walked over to Taylor, put him in handcuffs and took him to the “jail.” The jail had been constructed with 3 sides being made of wood and the front section of bars, and it was sturdy for a fake jail. The materials had all been donated, of course. The usual price to get someone out of the jail was $25. Dan, Matt, Joey, Lauren, Jason and his friends followed as Taylor was put in the cell.

Joey said “I remember hearing in school about how people used to be put in stocks back in the old days for being criminals. Can’t we use those hand cuffs and cuff his feet and hands to the bars?”

“I will donate an extra $100 if Taylor will go along with it,” Jason said.

Everybody was looking at Taylor and he knew he couldn’t be a bad sport about it so he agreed. The 2 officers cuffed his feet so that they were outside of the bars and his hands were cuffed about half way up the bars where there was a support bar running straight across. When Taylor’s hands were attached to the bar, his tight muscle shirt rode up past his belly button giving everyone a good view.

“To bad this aint a tickling booth since Taylor has his feet sticking out,” Joey said.

“Well,” Jason said, “I really don’t think Taylor is in any position to fight us so we are gonna go ahead and make this the ‘punishment’ for his ‘arrest.’ And I will donate an extra $200.”

Jason and Joey walked up to where Taylor had his feet sticking out of the bars. They took his “trainers” off and started slowly started tickling Taylor’s feet through his no show socks. It wasn’t really that bad and Taylor was ok with it for the moment. After 2-3 minutes, Jason removed one of Taylor’s socks and threw it on the ground. He took his fingernails and ran them up the sides of his feet. Taylor moved his foot back and forth to try to avoid Jason’s fingers. Jason moved his fingers to the arch in Taylor’s foot and gently scratched his fingers up and down. Taylor was starting to laugh a little. Joey removed Taylor’s other sock and started tickling underneath his toes. Taylor was moving his feet wildly back and forth trying to avoid their hands.

“Hey, somebody arrest me so I can get in the ‘jail’ with Taylor,” Joey yelled.

Dan reached in his wallet and took out $25 and the “cops” came over and put Joey in the jail with Taylor. Joey wasted no time getting behind Taylor. He pulled the front of Taylor’s shirt up over his head and tucked it behind his head, leaving his chest and abs on display. Joey dug his fingers into Taylor’s ribs and started tickling him without mercy. Taylor was hollering, moving side to side.

A small crowd had gathered around the jail to watch Taylor’s tickling. I n was obvious that some of the women had come just to look at his bare chest. Jason was enjoying getting even with Taylor. Taylor’s shorts had begun to ride lower further exposing his lack of body hair.

“Why don’t we paint his toenails,” Lauren said with a laugh. “I’ve got some nail polish in my purse.

“Hell no,” Taylor said.

“But it’s all for a good cause,” Jason said.

Jason turned to the crowd and said “How many of you will donate $10 each to see Taylor get his toenails painted?”

Several people in the crowd said that they would. Hell, some of the guys were laughing their asses off at Taylor.

Lauren opened her purse, took out a bottle of candy red nail polish and knelt down next to Taylor’s feet. She opened the bottle and began applying the polish. First to one foot and then the other. A couple of the guys in the crowd were shouting at Taylor that they always knew he would make a pretty woman. Taylor was getting more embarrassed by the second. When Lauren was finished, she told everybody to come up and get a good look. Some of the guys just wanted to see Taylor being brought down a peg or two. And some of the women stepped up closer just so they could get a better look at his hard sexy body.

Everybody had gotten a good laugh and a good look at Taylor. Jason told the “cops” to let him go. As Taylor walked out of the jail, his eyes met Jason’s. Jason looked him up and down and smiled. Taylor walked past him but he could still feel Jason’s eyes on him. Taylor reached down to pick up his socks and sneakers but Joey kicked them to the side and told him that he could go barefoot until they left-and to leave they shirt off too. For the next hour Taylor walked around just wearing a pair of sagging khakis at the biggest fundraiser in the county. Anybody with any money was getting a good look at Taylor.

They left around 3 pm with Taylor heading back with Matt. Dan said that he would see them around 8 pm. Joey said that he and Lauren were going to go to a show but they would see them later. When they got back to Matt’s house, Matt told Taylor to go ahead and put his jock strap on and start working out. As Taylor was working out, Matt passed by the door and noticed Taylor doing his bench presses. He was lying on the weight bench with his legs spread wide. His cock and balls were snug in his jock strap. His arms were pressing the weight bar up and down. Matt was watching Taylor’s pecs expand as he lifted the weight. The nipple rings drew attention to his chest. Taylor looked over and saw Matt watching him. Matt flipped him off with his middle finger. Matt walked into his kitchen and got a beer. He turned on the television and sat down. Matt just couldn’t understand why he was attracted to Taylor. He didn’t like him at all but for some reason he was turned on by the fact that he had Taylor under his control. Matt had fucked a lot of women and he had never given into his bisexual urges. There were a few guys that had made passes at him but he was always afraid he would be found out. With the circumstances surrounding Taylor, this was the perfect chance to get off with a guy. Matt remembered that in high school, everybody, including him, thought Taylor had a hot body. Back in high school, Taylor would always find a reason to take his shirt off, or scratch his nuts to draw attention to his dick. Matt used to jack off sometimes at night thinking about Taylor taking his shower after baseball practice. Taylor would always take his time in the shower, never shy about being naked. Matt would lie in bed beating his meat thinking about Taylor washing his long dick. He remembered how Taylor would soap up his thick dark pubes and dick and run his hand up and down his shaft a few times before washing his nut sac. When Taylor bent over to wash his legs, Matt could almost-but not quite get a glimpse of Taylor’s asshole. After his shower he would always take his time drying off, usually talking to his friends at the same time. Eventually he would get dressed, usually in just a pair of boxers, shorts and sneakers. Taylor rarely wore a shirt if it was hot outside. And now Matt was getting plenty of chances to see Taylor naked. He had finally gotten to see the most intimate part of Taylor-his virgin asshole. Matt was now able to touch or play with Taylor’s dick any time he wanted. Matt got up and got another beer.

Matt had almost dozed off when his phone rang. It was Dan. Dan told Matt that the project had been completed and that they could test it out tonight-with a small audience. He told Matt to give Taylor his medicine about 6 pm, have him shower and shave at 7 pm and bring him on over around 8 pm.

Taylor had finished his workout and Matt told him to go ahead and put on a pair of shorts and come on into the living room and watch TV. They watched some baseball and talked about nothing in particular. In was getting late in the afternoon and Taylor asked Matt what they were going to eat for supper. Matt told him that they were going to eat later when Dan came by. Matt looked at his watch. It was almost 6 pm. He walked into the kitchen, got a glass and went to his bedroom. He opened a bottle, poured the liquid into the glass and walked back into the living room. He gave the glass to Taylor and told him to “down it-all of it.” Taylor took the glass and started drinking. He noticed it had a metallic taste and asked Matt what it was. Matt told him not to worry about it and to finish all of it. After Taylor had drunk all of it, Matt told him it was xxxxxxx.

“Yeah, in a few minutes you are gonna shit out everything you got in your ass so make sure you stay close to the bathroom,” Matt said.

“Are you serious,” Taylor asked?

Matt nodded yes and told him that he would feel better when it was over. After about 20 minutes, Taylor headed to the bathroom. If felt like his insides were coming out his asshole. In less than a minute he had emptied his ass. Matt hollered at him through the door that he needed to go ahead and get his shower-and make sure and shave from head to toe. Taylor wiped his ass and started the water in the shower. He stepped in, soaped up the washrag and began washing himself, starting with his head. He moved down his smooth chest and then soaped up his cock and balls. Man, it felt good to wash, rub and pull on his dick. He hadn’t been allowed to cum in a long time. His dick was growing with each stoke of the washrag. About that time, Matt walked into the bathroom, pulled the shower curtain back and grabbed Taylor’s hand.

“No you don’t. Not unless we say you can. I’m going to stand here and watch you finish your shower and shaving just to make sure you don’t try to get yourself off without permission.” Taylor finished his shower and cut the water off. He took the shaving cream and sprayed it into his hand and rubbed it all over his naked body. He started with his head and moved down the front part of his body and then his legs. He sprayed some more cream into his hand, bent over and started shaving his asshole. Matt was still standing there watching Taylor expose the most intimate part of his hard male body. Taylor turned the shower back on and washed the remaining cream off. While he was drying off, Matt went into spare bedroom and got some clothes for him to wear. He laid out a pair of cut-off camouflage shorts, a white sleeveless muscle shirt and some socks to go with his trainers. Taylor walked into the bedroom naked and got dressed, with Matt watching. They got into Matt’s truck and drove off.

After a short drive, Matt and Taylor pulled into Mr. Gray’s driveway. There were a few other vehicles already there. Matt led Taylor to the shed he had been cleaning out a few weeks earlier. Mr. Gray had hired some help to finish cleaning the shed out. Matt opened the door and motioned for Taylor to go in. The shed was well lit but had some strange looking equipment. Taylor noticed a work horse but it was padded and covered with leather. It was wider than most work horses-about 4 inches wide and was anchored to the floor. There were steel hooks placed along it where ropes or other equipment could be tied to it. Above it there was some steel bars attached to chains and on the floor around it were some more hooks. A few feet from the work horse was a padded board with various holes cut it and more bars hanging from chains. Taylor noticed the other people there. Besides Dan, Matt, Joey and Mr. Gray, Jason Clayton was there with 2 guys that Taylor had known from high school-Tyler and Mark. And Lauren was also there.

Matt closed the door to the shed and Dan and Joey led Taylor to the padded work horse/bench. Jason walked up to Taylor. He told him that since he had treated so many people in high school like shit that it was time to even the score. Dan, being friends with Jason’s dad, already knew that Taylor had liked to fuck with Jason back when they were on the baseball team. And although a few years had passed, Jason could still remember Taylor and his buddies giving him a pink belly, hiding other teammate’s clothes and making fun of other guys for just any reason. Jason remembered one time that Taylor and his buddies made Mark Cannon kiss Tyler Bishop in the shower because it was Tyler’s birthday and because those two always hung out together. A bunch of guys had been showering after a game when Taylor and a couple of his friends came in and grabbed Mark and pushed his naked body against Tyler’s. They held Tyler against the shower wall and forced Mark against him. They were so close that their cocks were touching. They twisted Marks arm behind his back and told him to kiss Tyler-on his lips. Mark had no choice. He moved in and gave Tyler a quick kiss. That wasn’t good enough. They told him to kiss Tyler on the lips slowly and then stick his tongue in Tyler’s mouth and to keep kissing him for at least 30 seconds. Mark touched Tyler’s lips with his and began kissing him, moving his tongue into Tyler’s mouth. After they were done, Taylor said that he had always known that they were a couple of fags and walked off laughing. Jason had always hoped that he would find a way to get even with Taylor. Not just for himself but for everybody else that Taylor had fucked with. And now here they were.

Joey walked up to Taylor and grabbed the bottom of his shirt. He pulled it up slowly, revealing Taylor’s belly button and tight abs. His abs now had even more definition from working out 4 days a week. Joey continued pulling Taylor’s shirt up past his pierced brown nipples and finally, over his head. He threw the shirt to the side. Taylor’s body was darker now from lying out naked in the sun. Dan and Joey had installed the chains and bars in the shed to be lowered or raised electronically from a control panel by the wall. Dan lowered a set of bars with chains hanging beneath it. Matt walked over and took Taylors right arm and Joey took his left arm. They secured his wrists to the bar and the bar was lowered until it was about even with the padded bench. Joey told Taylor to bend over the bench. They took the chains which were hanging from beneath the bar and attached them to hooks on each side in front of the bench leaving Taylor bent over the horse but not allowing him to move his body up or down. Joey walked behind Taylor and removed his sneakers. He reached around Taylor, unbuttoned his shorts, unzipped them and pulled them all the way down. Those were also thrown to the side. Joey removed Taylor’s socks, leaving him naked and bent over a bench in a vulnerable position. Matt and Joey walked over to Taylor, each carrying a small length of rope and tied his feet widely apart to two other hooks on the floor. His long, hairless legs were stretched wide apart. Taylor’s body was a work of art. Not only was his naked ass on display but because of his position, you could clearly see his hole. Tyler and Mark smiled and couldn’t hide the fact that they were pleased that the most intimate part of Taylor was now on display and there was nothing he could do about it. This was definitely about getting even. Joey walked around and gave Taylor’s firm ass a hard slap, and then another. Taylor jerked and tried to move but it was useless.

“I think Mark and Tyler have an old score to settle with you, Taylor,” Joey said.

Mark and Tyler each grabbed a stool, walked up to Taylor and sat down. They had been waiting for this moment since high school. Yeah, it was true that they had been gay, although nobody really ever figured it out. And they had always had a hard on for Taylor.

“Well, Taylor,” Mark said, “Since you made us kiss each other in the shower in high school, it’s only fair that we get to kiss you now.”

Tyler moved in first and gently kissed Taylor. He slowly moved his tongue into Taylor’s mouth. Mark also leaned in, first kissing Tyler and then exploring Taylor’s mouth. Both of them were moving their tongues in and out of Taylor’s mouth.

“Taylor, how come you never kissed me like that,” Lauren said.

“Fuck you,” Taylor said.

Tyler and Mark were both getting hard from looking at Taylor’s hard naked body and kissing him. They both moved behind Taylor, finally getting to see his ass close up. Both of them reached out stroked his exposed asshole with their fingers, gently tickling his puckered hole. Tyler was the first to unzip his pants and pull out his dick. It was about 6 ½ inches long but slender. He stroked his dick with one hand while running his finger up and down Taylor’s ass with his other. Mark also pulled his dick out. Mark’s dick was 6 inches long but fat like a cucumber. Mark licked the middle finger on his left hand and stuck it up Taylor’s ass. Taylor tried to move away from it but he knew he couldn’t. Tyler leaned in and licked Taylor’s balls. Since his nuts were shaved, they were more sensitive. Tyler could barely get one of Taylor’s big nuts in his mouth. Mark continued to finger Taylor’s ass while beating his own meat. Tyler moved his lips up to Taylor’s dick and began to gently suck on it. Mark also moved up to Taylor’s meat and kissed Tyler’s lips as they both licked and sucked. Mark could fell the cum rising in his dick and aimed his dick at Taylor’s back and shot his wad. Tyler also needed to shoot his load. Mark took hold of Tyler’s dick, stroked it and watched it shoot on Taylor’s ass.

“So how did it feel to get even,” Joey asked?

“Sweet,” Mark replied. “Real sweet.”

Matt had been watching and now it was his turn to punish Taylor. He had been drinking most of the afternoon and he wanted to treat Taylor as roughly as he could. He walked up behind Taylor carrying a stool in one hand and a dildo in the other. He sat down on the stool and slapped Taylor’s ass. Taylor’s ass was defenseless and exposed, just waiting to be played with. He lubed up the 8 inch dildo and rubbed it up against Taylor’s hole. Not only was this longer than anything they had stuck up his ass before, it was also a wider. Matt squeezed some lube on Taylor’s hole and then rubbed some up and down the dildo. He placed it against Taylor’s asshole and shoved 4 inches of it in at one time, showing no mercy. He quickly pulled it out and then thrust the whole thing in. Taylor screamed in pain. He had never felt anything that painful before. Matt heard Taylor holler and that only made him want to fuck Taylor harder with the dildo. He was pulling the dildo almost all of the way out and then shoving it all the way back in. He could see that Taylor’s hole was opening up and getting wider. Taylor’s ass was gripping the dildo, stretching the skin around his hole. Matt asked Joey to give him his belt. He pulled the dildo out for just a second and doubled the belt up in his left hand. Picking up the dildo with his right hand, he began to use it on Taylor’s ass again. He swung his left hand out a few inches and slapped Taylor’s exposed nuts with the belt. The belt stung and Taylor yelled again. Matt slapped Taylor’s low hanging nuts a few more times while continuing to use the dildo on his ass. But the pain of having your nuts hit takes a few seconds to sink in before you feel the full pain. Taylor could feel the pain in his ball sac building and he wanted to throw up. Matt wasn’t giving his as a break either.

Matt slowed down for just a second as Joey walked in front of Taylor. Matt had always thought that Taylor was secretly laughing at him because his dick was only 5 inches long. Joey unzipped his pants, took his dick out a placed it in front of Taylor’s mouth.

“Get to work,” Joey said.

Joey rubbed his dick over Taylor’s lips. Taylor slowly opened his mouth and took in Joey’s dick. It wasn’t hard yet. Joey grabbed Taylor’s head and began moving it back and forth, sliding his dick in and out of Taylor’s mouth. He could feel his dick getting hard. For about a minute he was stroked his dick across Taylor’s lips. Matt was still working on Taylor’s ass. The pain in Taylor’s balls was starting to fade. Matt was thrusting the dildo in quickly and pulling it out slowly. He dropped the belt, reached down and grabbed Taylor’s nuts. Every time he pulled the dildo out of Taylor’s ass, he would pull down on Taylor’s balls. Joey was fucking Taylor’s mouth slowly, enjoying the warm wet suction. He was rubbing his dick all around inside of Taylor’s mouth. Jason walked up to the bench where Taylor was tied and knelt down. His hands went to Taylor’s nipple rings. He pulled them down as far as he could stretching Taylor’s nipples from his pecs. Jason wanted to abuse Taylor more so he removed the rings from each nipple and placed them on the floor. Joey took his dick out of Taylor’s mouth so he could watch. Jason grabbed each nipple firmly and twisted. There was an obvious look of pain on Taylor’s face. Jason continued to pinch each of his brown nubs, rolling them between his thumb and index finger. Matt could see what Jason was doing and started working the dildo in Taylor’s ass quicker. Jason stopped abusing Taylor’s nipples and began to rub them slowly with his fingers, barely even touching them. Joey slipped his cock back into Taylor’s mouth and told him to suck it good. Joey could feel the spit on Taylor’s lips lubricating his cock. He fucked Taylor’s mouth as hard as could and after a few more stoke he shot a load down Taylor’s throat.

“I want you to suck every drop of cum out of my dick,” Joey said

Joey made Taylor keep on sucking his dick until he had sucked the cum out of his shaft.

“Damn, Taylor, I never knew you wanted to suck dick. If I had known that them I would have had another guy have sex us,” Lauren said.

Jason moved in front of Taylor and pulled his dick out. It was already hard and pointed straight up towards Taylor. Joey grabbed his balls and held then against Taylor’s lips and told him to lick them. Taylor stuck his tongue out ran it up Jason’s ball sac. Jason rubbed his balls up and down on Taylor’s tongue and then stuck his dick in his mouth. Jason had a firm dick almost 7 inches long and average in thickness. He was fucking Taylor’s mouth, just sticking the head in and moving it slowly back and forth, enjoying the warmth and suction. Jason’s head was very sensitive and that’s was the only part that he needed worked on in order to cum. He was thinking about how Taylor had embarrassed him in the locker room in high school. He was getting off watching Taylor have a dildo rammed forcefully in and out of his ass. Jason’s nuts were full and it didn’t take long for him to blow a load in Taylor’s mouth. Jason pulled his dick out and rubbed spit and cum on Taylors face. He scooped up some with his right index finger and walked around to where Taylor’s was getting his ass worked over with the dildo. He reached down below Taylor’s asshole and rubbed some of the cum he had just shot on Taylor’s dick. Jason continued to rub and play with Taylor’s, his own cum acting as a lubricant. He swirled his fingers over the big knob of Taylor’s dick and then slowly up and down his lengthening shaft. With his other hand, Jason started to massage and tickle Taylor’s nuts. Taylor’s dick got hard in spite of him trying to fight it. Jason kept on stroking the length of Taylor’s dick until his 8 inches was hard. Because of the position that Taylor was in, his dick was pressed against the bench and pointed painfully down. Taylor dick was so thick when it was hard that Jason could barely keep his fingers around it. Jason alternated the stroking with twisting his fingers around it in a circular motion. Taylor was starting to breathe hard like the whore he was being made to become. Before he could shoot his load, Jason stopped playing Taylor’s dick. There was no way he was going to let Taylor get off that easy. Taylor’s dick was almost twitching, straining to get a load out. Jason, satisfied with teasing Taylor’s dick backed away.

“Hey, one of you guys get me another beer,” Matt said.

Matt had been drinking too much already and now his hate, dislike and lust for Taylor was at a high. Damn, Matt thought to himself, why did Taylor turn him on so much. He couldn’t even stand the guy and now here he was, fucking his ass with a dildo. Matt was wet all over from sweating. He pulled his shirt off, followed by his boots, jeans and boxer briefs. Matt was a fine looking man. Nearly 6’1” and 185 pounds of muscle. His thick, brown curly hair was cut short and usually under a hat. He had brown eyes and a neatly trimmed goatee around his mouth. His chest showed a light tan from working outside. He had a small patch of hair in the middle of his chest and a little hair around his nipples. His stomach was hard but not as defined as Taylor’s and he had a nice trail of hair that led to his dick. His pubic hair around his cock and balls were thick-he didn’t shave it or trim it. He had a big dick-8 inches, maybe a little longer. It was fat and uncircumcised with the skin cover the tip of his dick. Ever since he was a boy, he enjoyed the way it felt when he slid the skin up and down his shaft. Matt’s legs were really hairy considering that he didn’t have a lot of hair on his chest. Matt looked like the hot country boy that you always saw in country music videos.

Matt was standing over Taylor with dick as hard as it could get. He had already beaten Taylor’s ass up with the dildo but now he had to have a piece of that boy’s ass. Matt looked over at Joey and Dan. Fucking Taylor hadn’t been part of the plan but, with Matt being drunk, there was no way he was going to back down now.

“I said throw me a damn beer,” Matt said.

Joey reached in into the cooler and threw Matt a beer. Matt caught it, opened it and took a large swallow.


More Gay Erotic Stories from Broker

Taylor Part 1

Taylor is the all American boy gone bad. Taylor is 5'11

Taylor Part 2

Dan, Matt and Joey were in Matt's kitchen drinking beer. Taylor was still tied up naked on Matt's bed after being tickle tortured.

Taylor Pt 5

Matt, Dan and Joey came over to Mr. Gray’s house around 9 am on Sunday morning. Mr. Gray met them at the door and told them Taylor was in the spare bedroom. They walked in and found Taylor tied to the bed. Joey walked over and pulled the sheet off of Taylor and saw he had a morning hardon sticking straight up. He reached into his pocket and took out his knife and cut the plastic tie strips that

Taylor Pt. 3

The next day was ordinary for Taylor. He went home that afternoon with Matt. When they arrived at Matt's trailer, Matt told him to go ahead and get a shower. He also told him to take a razor in the shower with him.

Taylor Pt. 4

On the way back home to Matt’s house, they decided that Taylor would go back in the morning and spend the whole day helping Mr. Gray. Taylor was depressed as hell when he heard the news. He didn’t want to have to spend another day having Mr. Gray eyeing every inch of his body.When they got back to the house, Matt told Joey to go get the cock cage so they could put it back on Taylor. Taylor

Taylor Pt. 6

Taylor must have dozed off. He was awakened by Joey slapping his head.“Hey, wake up you sorry fucker,” Joey said.Taylor realized that that he was still tied up and his mind was racing about what had just happened an hour ago. Matt had forced his dick in his mouth, Dan had jacked off while playing with his sore nipples, joey had tickled him like a maniac and Mr. Gray had sucked him off. They

Taylor Pt. 7

“Yeah,” Matt said. “I guess he likes gettin naked for guys and getting his dick sucked…and sucking some dick. I bet he will even want his ass fucked sooner or later.”Taylor wasn’t even listening. He was used to girls looking at him and wanting his dick but this was so different and he felt out of control. He was being forced to show off, wearing as little clothing as the guys thought he could

Taylor Pt. 8

Joey reached in into the cooler and threw Matt a beer. Matt caught it, opened it and took a large swallow. He was standing naked behind Taylor with sweat dripping down his body. His dick was betraying him. It was hard and sticking straight out. Anybody that was there could tell that he was getting off on using Taylor. And that made Matt even madder. He walked in front of Taylor, his dick swaying

Taylor Pt. 9

Everybody was pretty much speechless after watching Matt fuck Taylor. Taylor had put his shorts back on and was walking out the door to Matt’s truck. Joey was going to drive them home. Matt didn’t even bother to get dressed. He walked over to the cooler and grabbed a beer for the trip back to his house. Jason and his friends were getting a hardon for Matt too. There is just something about a


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