Gay Erotic Stories

Taylor Pt. 6

by Broker
09 Jul 2012

Bondage S/M

Taylor must have dozed off. He was awakened by Joey slapping his head. “Hey, wake up you sorry fucker,” Joey said. Taylor realized that that he was still tied up and his mind was racing about what had just happened an hour ago. Matt had forced his dick in his mouth, Dan had jacked off while playing with his sore nipples, joey had tickled him like a maniac and Mr. Gray had sucked him off. They were using him like a whore. Joey took a knife out of his pocket and cut the plastic straps that had him tied to the chair and told him to go inside and get a towel and wipe the sweat off of himself. They left Mr. Gray’s house and went back to Matt’s. Taylor, of course, rode naked in the back of Matt’s truck. They had put a towel in the bed of the truck for Taylor to sit on but they told him not to cover himself up with it. On the way back to Matt’s the 3 guys were talking and decided that Taylor needed to start working out 4 times a week. He already had a good body but they decided he could use a little help keeping it that way. They decided that for 4 days a week that he would work out for 90 minutes-70 minutes on weights and 20 minutes on the tread mill. They decided that he needed to have the “defined” look and not the “bulky” look. The best way to get that look was to do a high number of reps with a lower amount of weights. They also decided that he probably needed to wear the jock strap that they had gotten him so his balls wouldn’t get hurt while working out. Although Joey was thinking that at some point that they needed to make a good quality video of him working out naked and sell it. When they got back to Matt’s house, they told Taylor that he was gonna start working at 4 times a week and that he might as well get started now. They told wrote down each lift and how much weight and how many reps he was supposed to do and told him that he would also be running on the tread mill for 20 minutes during each session. They gave Taylor the instructions for his work out and told him to go ahead and use the weight room that Matt had in his house in the other spare bed room. Taylor knew where it was since they had made him work out not too long ago. Joey went and got the jock strap that they had gotten Taylor, threw it at him and told him to put it on. The other 3 guys went into the living room and watched sports while Taylor was working out. After Taylor’s work out they ate supper. It was decided that Taylor would stay with Matt all week. Around 10 pm, Matt told Taylor to go get in bed and that he was gonna tie his hands to the bed posts. They didn’t want Taylor playing with himself without supervision. The next morning, Matt woke Taylor up and told him to go get a shower and to make sure he shaved himself from head to toe. Taylor hated this. He quickly showered and then lathered up his whole body, shaving his head, underarms, chest, cock and balls, legs and finally, bending over, his asshole. He dried himself off and went to get dressed for work. He was hoping that Matt would have a pair of boxers for him to wear but he knew that wasn’t going to happen. He pulled his jeans up over his naked body, put his socks and boots on followed by the wife beater t-shirt they allowed him to wear until 11 am each day. They didn’t let him wear his belt anymore because they wanted his pants to sag to show off his hairless body. Matt did let him put his hat on. They got in Matt’s truck and left for work. When Taylor got to work, some of the guys noticed that it looked like his head was shaved. John, one of the guys that they worked with came over and took Taylor’s hat off and rubbed his head. He took a little kidding from some of the guys. As usual, when 11 am came, he knew to take his t-shirt off. About an hour after lunch, John was talking to Joey, and asked him if he really thought Taylor was keeping himself shaved all over because that didn’t sound like something he would do. Of course Joey knew the answer but instead he told John that there was only one way to find out-and gave him a wink. John went and asked Mike, another guy on the job site the same question. They both knew Taylor and had gone to high school with him. Mike said that there was only one way to find out if Taylor was really shaved completely down They talked 3 or 4 other guys into helping them. Taylor had been working the back hoe and when he got off to take a break, they walked up behind him and pushed him to the ground. 2 guys held his arms and another 2 got his legs pinned. Mike knelt down beside Taylor, who was putting up a fight and unzipped his jeans and pulled them almost down to his ankles. “Well I’ll be damned , John said. Taylor really is shaved down from head to toe. Dude, you look like a little boy except for that big dick you got there.” “Yeah,” Mike said, “He got blessed with a big dick. Let me get my tape measure out and measure that thing. Jake reached into his pocket and took his tape measure out. Taylor was fighting, trying to get away. Jake put the tape measure down next to Taylor’s dick and told everybody that his dick was 5 inches long and he wasn’t even hard. The guys decided that they had had enough fun and let Taylor up. He quickly pulled his jeans up. He was embarrassed about having his jeans taken down and having his dick measured in front of all the guys. They had been working since 7 am that morning so when 4 pm rolled around, it was time to go home. Taylor went and got in Matt’s truck while Matt, Joey and Dan had a little talk. About 3 minutes later, Matt gets in the truck and tells him they are going to town. When they got to town, they stopped at a tattoo parlor that also did piercings. Joey and Dan walked up to Matt’s truck and Joey told Taylor that they were going to go in and that he was gonna get a couple of piercings. Taylor asked him what he meant by that and Joey told him that they were going to go inside and that he was going to get his nipples pierced. Taylor just looked at Joey. Joey told him that he could either do that or he could spend the night sucking some more dick. The 4 of them walked inside and Joey told the owner that his buddy, Taylor, wanted to get his nipples pierced-with small 16 gauge rings. The owner, Jake, told Taylor to go on back and that he would get to him in a minute. Joey asked if they could go back there with Taylor because Taylor wanted some pics of the piercing being done. The owner said that he didn’t mind and they all walked back there together. Jake told Taylor to take his t-shirt off and lie down. Joey took out his phone and began recording with his cam. Jake reached for the antiseptic and some cotton swabs. He put some antiseptic on the swabs and rubbed both of Taylor’s tits roughly to make sure they were clean. The antiseptic was cold and made both of his nipples hard. Jake took his piercing gun in his right hand and pulled Taylor’s right nipple out about an inch. He aligned the needle on the piercing gun and quickly pierced his tender skin. Taylor pulled back a little from the pain but Jake held onto Taylor’s nipple and attached a 16 gauge ring to his tit. Jake did the same to his other nipple. When he was finished, Taylor’s nipples were both pierced and jutting out slightly from the rings. He gave him some antibiotic cream and told him to apply it to the piercing areas for the next few days. The rest of the week passed with Taylor staying with Matt and working out. Taylor wasn’t allowed to jack off at all during the week. Matt made sure that his hands were tied before he went to bed. Each night after Matt had Taylor tied up he would rub some antibiotic cream into Taylor’s nipples. Matt would begin by gently rubbing in the cream in a light, slow circular motion. He would increase the pressure gradually and then gently pull and twist on Taylor’s nipples and the rings. Each night when Matt was done, Taylor’s nipples would be erect and pointed. Matt, of course, would be hard as a rock from playing with Taylor’s nipples and would go to his bedroom, strip down and beat his own dick thinking about Taylor being naked and getting his nipples rubbed. Matt was surprised at how much he could hate the guy but still be almost attracted to him at the same time. Of course this was his own secret that he couldn’t tell anyone. When Friday rolled around, Taylor found out that the guys had planned a camping trip at a lake about an hour away. The campground that they would be staying at was by a large lake which allowed fishing, tubing, jet skiing and other recreational activity. The guys were going to leave the first thing on Saturday morning. Taylor was hoping that he would have fun this weekend without any weird gay shit. The guys spent Friday night packing. They also packed Taylor’s stuff and they made him load all of their camping gear. They were going to use Dan’s RV so that they could all travel together. They left about 8 am on Saturday morning. They allowed Taylor to wear a pair Joey’s brother’s cut off shorts which Joey had borrowed on purpose. The shorts were ripped and torn and since Taylor wasn’t wearing any underwear he had a little extra skin showing. There was nice whole in the back which showed some of Taylor’s hot ass. Those shorts were all he was wearing. They stopped at the grocery store in town. They allowed Taylor to put his flip flops on and a cut off T-shirt which came down to just below his ribs. His shorts sere sagging without a belt and when they went into the store, all of the women looked him up and down. He tried to pull the shorts up but Joey told him to leave them where they were. His jeans barely covered the crack of his ass and sagged to about 2 inches above root of his dick in the front. There was no doubt in any body’s mind that got a good look at him that he was keeping his pubes shaved. When they got to the checkout line, Joey told him to lift the bottom of his cut off t-shirt up and act like he was wiping sweat off of his face-and do it really slow and hold the t-shirt up for a few seconds. Joey knew that this would give everybody in the store a good look at his just pierced nipples. They paid up, got back in the RV and arrived at the lake a little before 10 am. I didn’t take long to get set up once they arrived at the lake. They got the grill out, cooked some burgers and decided to hit the water. Taylor asked them if they were gonna let him put on some other shorts. The guys had no idea of letting him change. They knew that he was showing some skin and they figured that some of the other people at the lake might enjoy seeing it. He did tell Taylor that he was going to have to put on some suntan lotion. Taylor saw the bottle and reached for it. Joey grabbed it first and told him that he would take care of it and told Taylor to strip. He rubbed some onto Taylor’s shaved head and continued to his chest. He paid extra attention to Taylor’s newly pierced and sensitive nipples. Joey rubbed Taylor’s legs up and down and then squirted a handful of lotion onto his dick. He took Taylor’s dick in his hands and started rubbing it in, stroking up and down. Joey could feel it getting harder and started rubbing his balls too. He told him to turn around and massaged some lotion on Taylor’s back and legs. Joey squirted some more lotion on his ass and roughly spread it around getting really close to Taylor’s virgin butt hole. Finally he allowed Taylor to put his shorts back on. Joey had borrowed some pills from Mr. Gray the night before. He gave one to Taylor and told him to take it. When Taylor asked what it was, Joey told him the truth. He told him it was Viagra. Joey knew that even without Taylor thinking about sex that his dick would still be semi hard. And if he did think about sex then he would have a boner that would be visible in those worn out shorts he had to wear. Taylor went ahead and took it without even arguing. Taylor wanted to rent some jet skis. They were all having a lot of fun. Taylor was really good with the skis-his dad had gotten him lessons when he was about 13. He was having a good time showing off. After about an hour of skiing, the guys decided to head to the shore for a quick break. As Taylor was walking over to join the other guys, Joey noticed that a few young women were eyeing Taylor. He called them over and introduced Taylor to them. “Yeah, Taylor likes showing off to an audience,” Joey said. It was obvious that the young women couldn’t take their eyes off of Taylor. Joey said that since he had an audience he might as well show off. “Go ahead and flex your muscles, Taylor,” Joey said. “Maybe they will put a dollar in your shorts for the show.” Taylor just kinda looked at the ground and didn’t say anything thing. “Taylor, the women are waiting. Go ahead and show them your biceps,” Joey said. He raised his right arm and flexed his bicep. Joey could see that the women were appreciating the show. Taylor was feeling a little self-conscious because he could tell that his shorts were sagging almost to his dick, showing his lack of body hair. Plus the shorts had some rips allowing the women small glimpses of his butt. All of this attention plus the Viagra he had taken earlier was making his dick grow and he was half hard. His dick was clearly outlined in his shorts. After Joey had let the women get their thrill, he told Taylor that they had to go catch up with Matt and Dan. They were about 100 yards further down the bank. Dan had been watching the show too. He noticed that 2 men in their 40’s had been watching Taylor as he showed off in his ragged shorts. The men seemed particularly interested in Taylor, so Dan walked down to where they were to talk to them. They had an interesting conversation and decided that they would meet up again before they left. The rest of the afternoon was full of fun and sun. Around 6 pm they decided to put some steaks on the grill and grab a few beers. Of course the guys weren’t going to let Taylor get by without having to do something to embarrass himself. After they had finished eating, Matt gave Taylor a phone. He told him he was going to go to the shower/bathroom facilities that they had at the camp. He told Taylor that when he got there, he was to go into one of the stalls, turn the phone on and start filming himself. He told him to film himself stripping off his shorts and to make sure he got some good body shots. Matt told him that he was to hang his shorts on the stall door and sit down on the toilet. Next he was supposed to start stroking his dick until it was hard. He told Taylor to make sure and play with his balls and then jack off his dick until he shot a load. Taylor was instructed to shoot his cum into his hand and then lick it up. Matt told him he had better get it all on the phone cam-especially some face shots of him eating his own load. Finally he told him not to even try and use the phone-it didn’t have any service. It was just to record his bathroom jack off. Taylor took the phone and went into the bathroom facility at the lake. There were a couple of guys washing off in the shower after a day in the sun. He walked into the stall hoping they would hurry up with their shower. The lake was a popular camping resort so there were guys coming in every few minutes to use the bathroom or shower. Finally, Taylor decided to just go ahead and started the cam. He slid his shorts off and hung then on the door as instructed. He directed the phone cam at his face as instructed and then down his hairless body. Holding the cam in his left hand, he started slowly jacking his dick with his right hand and hoping that no one would hear him beating his meat. Because he was nervous about being caught, he blew his load quickly into his hand. He licked up the load he had shot into his hand as the guys had told him to do. Taylor relaxed for a minute and then grabbed his shorts and headed back to the RV. The guys took the phone from him and watched the video to make sure that he had followed their instructions. Since he had done what they wanted, they let him drink some beer and enjoy the rest of the night. Before they went to sleep, they tied his feet together with a plastic tie so that he couldn’t escape. They got up around 8 am the next morning and had a big breakfast. They decided to go tubing on the river. As they were getting dressed, Matt threw Taylor a pair of blue trimmed white shorts that they had cut the lining out of several weeks ago. Taylor looked at them and he already knew that once he got in the water that they would clearly outline his ass, cock and balls. The guys headed to the river and rented inner tubes. They were floating down river, every once in a while trying to tip each other out of their inner tube. Dan decided after an hour that they needed a break and headed toward the river bank. As they were getting out, Joey turned around and noticed that Taylor’s shorts were almost transparent. He could easily see the outline of Taylor’s dick. Joey also noticed a few other people staring at Taylor. He was thinking to himself that he must be embarrassed as hell. Joey told Taylor to put his inner tube down and stretch with his hands behind his head. This gave anybody who was looking a good view of his body. His firm hot ass was barely holding up his shorts in the back. Joey told Taylor to keep stretching. With the sun hitting Taylor’s wet shorts his cock was clearly visible. You could see the head of his dick snaking down the right side of his shorts. He was being made to put on a show for all of the strangers looking at him. Joey told him to reach down and scratch his nuts, further calling more attention to himself. Joey figured that he had embarrassed Taylor enough for the moment and told him to sit down. After a short rest, they continued tubing until lunch time. After lunch, they decided to go on down to the fishing area. It was hot and soon all of the guys were sweating and the sweat was making Taylor’s white shorts wet again. They told him to stand up while he was fishing so that anybody that wanted to could see what he was packing in his shorts. Matt opened up a bottle of water, got a sip and then threw the rest on Taylor, aiming the water at his crotch. For the next few minutes, Taylor was standing there fishing with his white shorts clinging to hard smooth body. They has caught a good mess of crappie and decided to head back to the RV. When they got back to the RV, Dan told Taylor to strip. He got out a pair of blue thong underwear that they had bought for Taylor and told him to put them on. He told Taylor to put on a pair of jeans and his flip flops and to sit down. After a few minutes, there was a knock on the door. It was the two middle aged guys that Dan had talked to yesterday. They handed Dan $300. Dan called Taylor over, introduced Ben and Gary to him. Dan told him that he was going to go over to their RV and that he was going to entertain them for a few hours. He told Taylor that he was to do whatever they said or he was going to be walking home wearing just that thong he was wearing under his jeans. Reluctantly, Taylor got up and followed the 2 guys back to their RV. Ben and Gary had a fairly large RV. Once they got inside, they told Taylor to have a seat. Gary poured 2 shots of whiskey in a glass and handed it to Taylor along with a blue pill. Taylor already knew it was Viagra. Gary told him to go ahead and take the pill and drink the whiskey. Ben and Gary sat down on each side of Taylor. Ben reached over and touched Taylor’s chest, slowly rubbing his hands up and down. He stopped and touched one of the nipple rings and slowly pulled on it. Taylor had a look of pain on his face because he had just been forced to get tits pierced earlier in the week. Gary grabbed the other one and they both pulled the rings about an inch from Taylor’s chest. They both let go of the rings and massaged his nipples, which were extra sensitive sine they had been pierced. Ben told Taylor to stand up. Both of the guys were impressed with his lean athletic look. Ben reached up, unbuttoned Taylor’s jeans, pulled his zipper down and then pulled the jeans down. He told Taylor to kick his flips flops off and to raise his legs one at a time. Ben finished stripping the jeans and threw them in the corner. Both Ben and Gary looked Taylor up and down. They were both turned on by the stud they almost had naked. They were pleased that he had been shaved down completely. His young long cock was clearly visible through the thong bikini that he was being made to wear. They told him to turn around so they could see his ass. His ass wasn’t big but it was slightly rounded and firm in that “country boy” kind of way. Ben told him to turn back around again. He reached up and slowly pulled the thong down. Taylor’s dick just kind of plopped out. Gary was looking at Taylor’s dick, already thinking about how he was going to make him spill a load. Both guys were impressed. The sun had caused Taylor’s skin to turn brown with just a hint red. His hard chest was hot as hell with the nipple rings each piercing his dark nipples, making them stick out. His abs were firm and they lead down to a tight innie belly button. Since he was shaved, he had no trail below his belly button and no pubic hair to hide his cock or man sizes nuts. They were turned on by the look of his cock. It just sort of hung over his balls and the head was fat. Gary reached over and ran his hands up and down Taylor’s legs. They told him to turn around. Gary got up and started to rub Taylor’s back. His hands moved up and down Taylor’s tight muscles, stopping at his ass. He told Taylor to get on the floor in a doggie style position and to lift his ass up in the air. Gary got down on the floor, pulled Taylor’s ass apart and put his tongue on his hole. Slowly he began rimming around Taylor ass, flicking his tongue on the hole. The rim job and the Viagra were starting to get to Taylor. His cock was almost completely hard and pre cum was starting to leak out of it. Gary pushed his face completely into Taylor’s ass and tongued as deep as he could. Ben knelt down and began massaging Taylor’s sensitive nipples, gently pulling down on the rings. Ben slid under Taylor and took his cock in his mouth. Ben wasn’t using any sucking action just yet. He was just letting Taylor’s cock slide in and out over his lips. Ben moved on to Taylor’s nuts, gently licking and using his hands to massage them. Gary and Ben’s lips met between Taylor’s ass and nuts and they kissed. Both of them got back to working Taylor over. Ben took Taylor’s rock hard meat in his mouth and began sucking his dick. He worked on Taylor’s sensitive head, while Ben continued rimming his ass. Taylor let out a low moan sounding just like the whore that he being forced to become. Ben picked up his pace and within a minute Taylor’s nuts were tightening up and getting ready to shoot his cum. Within seconds of Taylor shooting his first shot of cum, Gary licked his finger and stuck it up Taylor’s ass. Taylor bucked forward and starting blowing his load into Ben’s mouth. Gary continued finger fucking Taylor’s ass until he had blown 5 or 6 shots into Ben’s mouth. Ben continued to suck Taylor’s sensitive dick after he had shot his load causing him to buck like a wild bull. Taylor’s dick was almost ticklish after he blew a load. Finally Gary pulled his finger out of Taylor’s ass and Ben let his dick slowly slip out of his mouth. Ben stood up, walked over to the couch and told Taylor to come kneel between his legs. Ben spread his legs as far apart as he could and told Taylor to suck his dick. Taylor knew he had no choice so he walked over and knelt down between Ben’s legs and took his cock in his mouth. He began to suck, moving his head back and forth. Ben touched Taylor’s shaved head and forced his mouth further down on his dick. Gary walked over and sat down next to Ben and began rubbing his dick while watching Taylor blow his buddy. Ben told Taylor to lick his nuts for a minute and then get back on his pole. Gary told Taylor to use his hands and rub Ben’s nuts while he was sucking him off. Ben could tell he was about to cum and he pushed Taylor’s head down on his dick. He shot down Taylor’s throat, making him gag. He didn’t get a chance to rest. Gary pulled Taylor’s head down on his dick and told him to get him off too. Taylor’s mouth was getting tired since he wasn’t used to sucking dick. Hell, up until a few days ago he had never had a dick in his mouth and thought that he never would. And yet here he was, being whored out and forced to get off 2 men he didn’t even know. He started sucking on Gary’s dick. Gary spread his hairy legs apart to allow Taylor easier access to his dick. He reached down and rubbed his own nuts and told Taylor to suck harder. He was sliding his dick across Taylor’s lips and down his throat. Taylor picked up the pace so he could get this over with. Gary told him to just work on his dick head for a minute. Taylor took the head of Gary’s dick and licked it, then put it back in his mouth and Gary stroked Taylor’s lips with just the head of his dick. Gary was looking Taylor over while he was getting his dick sucked and was getting off on having the hot straight country boy blowing him. He could tell he was about to cum and pulled out, shooting his load all over Taylor’s face. He told Ben to throw him his underwear and he wiped Taylor’s face off with them. After they had both cum, they told Taylor that Dan had said they could take some pics of him. They told him to stand up and put his hands behind his head. Ben grabbed his Nikon camera and started taking pics. They had him to rub his chest and pull on his nipple rings while they took more pics. Gary told him to let one of his hands drop down and play with his dick. They also wanted some pics of his sweet ass so they told him to walk over to the couch, bend over, spread his legs and show his hole. Gary told him to pull it apart so they could see his hole spread open. Ben wanted some close ups and told Taylor to get on the floor, grab his feet and pull them back to his head. His ass was on complete display for the 2 guys and Ben took pics from several angles. Finally, they told Taylor that he could get up and put his jeans back on but they wanted to keep his thong underwear. He got up and put his jeans on as quickly as possible and headed towards the door. Just as he was about to open the door, Gary called Taylor back over. They wanted him to autograph his thong as a memento for them. They gave him a pen and he signed the underwear he had been forced to wear. For one last pic, they had him hold up the thong and told him to smile. Finally, he was free to go. They told Taylor to thank Dan for the use


More Gay Erotic Stories from Broker

Taylor Part 1

Taylor is the all American boy gone bad. Taylor is 5'11

Taylor Part 2

Dan, Matt and Joey were in Matt's kitchen drinking beer. Taylor was still tied up naked on Matt's bed after being tickle tortured.

Taylor Pt 5

Matt, Dan and Joey came over to Mr. Gray’s house around 9 am on Sunday morning. Mr. Gray met them at the door and told them Taylor was in the spare bedroom. They walked in and found Taylor tied to the bed. Joey walked over and pulled the sheet off of Taylor and saw he had a morning hardon sticking straight up. He reached into his pocket and took out his knife and cut the plastic tie strips that

Taylor Pt. 3

The next day was ordinary for Taylor. He went home that afternoon with Matt. When they arrived at Matt's trailer, Matt told him to go ahead and get a shower. He also told him to take a razor in the shower with him.

Taylor Pt. 4

On the way back home to Matt’s house, they decided that Taylor would go back in the morning and spend the whole day helping Mr. Gray. Taylor was depressed as hell when he heard the news. He didn’t want to have to spend another day having Mr. Gray eyeing every inch of his body.When they got back to the house, Matt told Joey to go get the cock cage so they could put it back on Taylor. Taylor

Taylor Pt. 6

Taylor must have dozed off. He was awakened by Joey slapping his head.“Hey, wake up you sorry fucker,” Joey said.Taylor realized that that he was still tied up and his mind was racing about what had just happened an hour ago. Matt had forced his dick in his mouth, Dan had jacked off while playing with his sore nipples, joey had tickled him like a maniac and Mr. Gray had sucked him off. They

Taylor Pt. 7

“Yeah,” Matt said. “I guess he likes gettin naked for guys and getting his dick sucked…and sucking some dick. I bet he will even want his ass fucked sooner or later.”Taylor wasn’t even listening. He was used to girls looking at him and wanting his dick but this was so different and he felt out of control. He was being forced to show off, wearing as little clothing as the guys thought he could

Taylor Pt. 8

Joey reached in into the cooler and threw Matt a beer. Matt caught it, opened it and took a large swallow. He was standing naked behind Taylor with sweat dripping down his body. His dick was betraying him. It was hard and sticking straight out. Anybody that was there could tell that he was getting off on using Taylor. And that made Matt even madder. He walked in front of Taylor, his dick swaying

Taylor Pt. 9

Everybody was pretty much speechless after watching Matt fuck Taylor. Taylor had put his shorts back on and was walking out the door to Matt’s truck. Joey was going to drive them home. Matt didn’t even bother to get dressed. He walked over to the cooler and grabbed a beer for the trip back to his house. Jason and his friends were getting a hardon for Matt too. There is just something about a


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