Gay Erotic Stories

Face In The Mirror, Part 3

by Controlone
02 Oct 2003

Arm Pits Discipline Doctor Hypnosis Romance S/M

Day Three

The minute I heard a sound at the door, no even before that, I knew it was my master. I swear I can tell when he is near. I can feel it in my heart. I can feel it in my soul. I can feel it in my boycock and good god almighty I can feel it in my boypussy; I can FEEL HIM in my boypussy. He is my life. A moment after the sound I realized I wasn’t frozen so I leapt from my bed, hit the floor, and crawled to the door. Even before the door opened I was in pussyboy position; on my knees, face forward, eyes averted hands behind my neck. Master sometimes calls it “present pits” because that’s one of the only slightly interesting features on the front of my woefully inadequate body. Sure there’s my pussymouth, but that has no value unless there’s a mancock shoved all the way down my gullet. Without a masterprick it’s of no importance. I must have been asleep because a moment after I heard the sound and was kneeling at the door the pain in my titties and in my pussymouth hit me like a locomotive. OOuch! OOOOuch!

OOOWWWWWWWWW!!! I could hear the grainy guttural groaning as it forced its way up from my guts and reverberated in my ears. Oh god! Oh god! Oh god! Oh god! Oh god! Pleeeze don’t let me cry…keep me from whining and making piggy boygrunts. Control. Control. Control. Control. I must be a big boy and control myself…but it hhhhhhhuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrtttttttttsssssss. At least all the blood was gone. I forced myself to look down. Oh god! Oh god! Oh god! Oh god! Oh god! I am deformed! My boypecs, my cute little tittiess were HANGING DOWN!! My kidnips, were big and fat and huge and swollen. They were sticking way, way down and THERE ARE THESE BIG HUGE GIANT RINGS STICKING THROUGH THEM!!! AND AND AND AND THERE ARE BIG SILVER BALLS ON THE BIG HUGE GIANT RINGS. I am a freak. My boynips look like large purple wine corks…and the giant rings are pulling them straight down. Oh fucking shit you can see the holes in my boynips. All the weight is pulling hard on the holes and you can see through the holes and you can see my belly on the other side of the holes that you can see through…and all that weight and all the pulling… IT’S FUCKING UP MY DEFINITION! IT’S RUINING MY MASTER’S WORK! He’s going to be so angry. He will never believe it’s not my fault. He’s going to think I’ve been screwing off in the gym. He’s going to be soooooo pissed. EVERYTHING hurt like hell.

My attention shifted to my mouth. Oh Jesus Christ my tongue has stuff in it…on it…through it. There’s all kinds of stuff in my pussymouth and it’s filling up with spit and fucking pissing shit my nose is leaking snot from the aching. I need to clean off my chin. The spit is beginning to drip off my chin. Fuck, shit, piss, abomination, snot, the spit and the snot are dripping on my little boy hard-on…drip…drip…drip. I am a mess. I need to clean myself but if that door opens before I can get my arms back in place I will catch unholy hell. How long has it been? How long have I been kneeling here? One second? Maybe two? I’m going to try. I shot my arm out from behind my head and took one long swipe under my nose across my mouth and chin; I used my arm from elbow to hand to wipe off the boyslop…big mistake!!!!!! THERE’S TOO MUCH GOOP! TOO MUCH GOO!!! WAY TOO MUCH!! Now it was all over my arm and smeared across my cheeks and as much as I was able to wipe off onto my arm was replaced quickly with even more. Where was all this sloppy, snotty, drippy shit coming from?

Halfway through the second wipe I looked up and met my master’s eyes. The look in those glorious eyes told the tale. Before he said a single word his face, his magnificent visage changed from it’s godlike serenity, it’s sheer beauty of contentment to total contempt and exasperation…some of that may have been a projection of my own feelings, but he was pissed.

He shook his head, “I do not know what to do with you. I am at my wits end…at the limit of my patience. Perhaps you need another master. Maybe another master could do a better job. Otherwise why would you show me such disobedience, such disregard, such disrespect?”

“Mathter Noooooooooooooooooooo! Pleathe, pleathhhhe mathter nooooooooo!” and I retched and the snot and spit came down like torrential rain. “I luffff ouuuu mathter. I luffff ouuuuu. I luffff ouuuuuu.” And I crawled between his legs and pushed my cheek onto the floor in order to kiss the side of his shoes. As I did it the silver ball on my left nipple ring hit the floor ddwwaannnkk! and the pain that hit my boytit felt exactly like someone had just given it a good solid whack with a ball peen hammer. Before I could think my mouth opened…wider, “OOWW OOWW OOWW”

My Master shook his head, “And the disrespect never ends. Anything else you want to yell about? Maybe you’d like to complain about the food or the way that I treat you.”

I sobbed with utter disregard. The sounds that wrenched from my guts echoed in the room. They were the sounds of utter desolation. There was nothing I could say. It seemed like I lay there, cheek pressed against the tile floor, lips at my master’s shoe, sobbing for hours.

Finally, after a long time, my master moved back a few inches and bent down. What he did next took my breath away. He put his hands under my arms and pulled me up off the floor, off my knees; he pulled me up and looked me in my face, in my disgusting, slop-covered face and his expression changed. My master’s eyes relaxed; he tilted his head to the side a few degrees; he ever so slightly SMILED. Then Oh God Oh god! Oh god! Oh god! Oh god! Oh god! Oh god! Oh god! Oh god! Oh god! Oh god! Oh god! Oh god! He kissed me. He kissed me. He kissed me. He kissed me. My master kissed me… the gentlest, the very gentlest, angel lipped, butterfly kiss on my filthy pussyboy lips. I blushed bright red from head to toe. The chills erupted on every inch on my skin. The hair on my arms and legs and neck stood straight away from my body. I almost came. I ALMOST RUINED IT!!! I almost ruined the best, most wonderful, most perfect moment of pure joy in my existence. I wanted to weep from the delight in my heart. My head was swimming. I had to close my eyes or I would have surely swooned. I silently thanked god and nature and all the angels in heaven. I wanted to take that moment and put it in a box and wrap it in gold paper and tie it with a silver thread and keep it in my chest, next to my heart for the rest of my life. I wouldn’t have cared a wit if I had died at that second. My world could never get better than this. Suddenly I understood every love song, every poem, and right then, in that place, they were all written for me.

When I opened my eyes my master was looking into them. I averted my gaze, but he put a finger under my chin and turned my eyes back to his, “You know boy. Sometimes I forget how young and immature you are. Sometimes I expect too much from you. I shouldn’t do that.”

And then, and then, and then…he took his two masterful hands and caressing the sides of my head, my ears, he brought his hands together, took hold of my face and pulled my lips to his. I was in shock; I was in heaven; I WAS A FUCKING MESS!! I hesitated for the tiniest second, embarrassed by my complete dishevelment and he whispered, “It does not matter.” as he crushed my mouth to his. I wanted him to swallow me whole. I wanted to curl up and move permanently into my master’s mouth. He owned me body and soul. I wanted him to consume me. Take me. Make me disappear into his essence. I felt his soft as gossamer, strong as steel tongue as it caressed my tongue and explored my mouth. It tickled my palate and ran along my teeth. It touched my silver post and the ball that was attached. I prayed it didn’t put him off. I prayed it didn’t disgust him. It hit me like a shot. I felt no pain. No pain at all anywhere. Only bliss. Only joy. Only peace. He shared his golden spit with me.

Oh god, Oh god! Oh god! Oh god! Oh god! If this is a dream, and it probably is, please don’t let it ever end. I felt us grow lighter than air as our bodies rose off the floor and we began to spin round and round as the room turned in the opposite direction. I felt my master’s hands leave my head and move past my arms, which were floating at my sides. He reached around my back and put those magic fingers on either side of my spine in order to pull me still closer. Oh god! Oh god! Oh god! Oh god! Oh god! Oh god! Oh god! Oh god! I am filthy and gooy and dirty and sweaty and smelly and disfigured and Oh god! Oh god! Oh god! Oh god! Oh god! Oh god! Oh god! Oh god! He doesn’t care. My master can overlook so much. My master is my god. He crushed my chest to his. All my new boytitt gear pushed into me, into us. Holy Christ I hope it doesn’t hurt my master. Then I almost laughed. How ridiculous. Nothing could hurt this masterful being, this god on earth…still I prayed it would not repulse him. I melted into that tall, strong, golden body as we spun and spun and spun. I was dizzy and weak and completely exhausted. I’d have stayed there in my master’s arms till I withered and died, till the end of time, till the angels came and dragged me away. I AM HIS. I AM HIS. I AM HIS.

He began to explore my back. I was at a loss. What should I do? Should I drop to the floor and worship his cock? Should I push out my ass and offer him my pussyhole? Should I moan for him? What to do? What to do? What to do? In the end I did nothing. I could do nothing. I was nothing. I disappeared. I became one with my god and we were in paradise. There was nothing else, could be nothing else. I had everything I had ever wanted, could ever want, could ever imagine wanting. I lost all track of time. My brain kept screaming at me. “Feel every move, every touch. Feel it all. Focus on his lips, his tongue, his strong hands, his powerful body enveloping mine like a mighty cloud of desire.” So I focused with every cell in my being. I wanted to feel it all, to remember it all every nanosecond, every touch, every caress AND THIS KISS. Moments passed, my body shook and vibrated and yielded its every defense. I was clay in his hands. He could mold me, change me, do whatever he wanted so long as he made me his, so long as it pleased him. He could make me anything; he could do anything. I wanted him to know that I was totally and completely his. I wanted him to know that I would eagerly die to make him happy. Thoughts of striving for him, working for him, suffering for him, filled me head to foot. One thought above the rest: I AM NOTHING WITHOUT THIS MAN…MY MASTER.

I felt his grasp relax, as his hands left my back. For a second I shuddered all over, all over chills. I wanted his arms back around me. Oh shit, Oh shit, Oh shit fuck piss. It was over. My master’s tongue left my mouth…empty…it was empty. He drew his face back. I immediately went to work. He had my boyspit on his face. I swallowed as best I could with the offending jewelry sticking through my tongue. I used only the very tip of my tongue, as dry as I could suck it, to remove my boyspit from his lips and goatee. I was moaning like an old whore all the while. I couldn’t help it. I was in love and this masterful being from heaven’s garden allowed me, his wretched pussyslave, to indulge my glee. I worked with all the skill I’d learned over all the months of labor to clean and groom his goatee. To put his splendid face back in perfect order…although it looked like joy personified no matter what.

If his hair had been a mess (I know it’s unthinkable but if), if his face was unshaven, his goatee untrimmed; if his skin had been dirty, maybe from working on an automobile (I know it’s stupid, but if). If his face had been totally unkempt it would have been even more beautiful, more perfect, like the faces of a thousand rock-stars and a million of Hollywood’s most perfect leading men all rolled into one. That was my master’s face. When I thought I had gotten ever molecule of muss. I indulged myself and did some more. I’d have happily continued till I lost consciousness from lack of food and water if only god had permitted it. My master gave me the most delicious half smile and a hand cue that told me to get on with my work. Oh god! Oh god! Oh god! Oh god! Oh god! Oh god! Oh god! Oh god! There was boyseed all over his suit. I must have cum a hundred times. I must have cum for the entire time my master kissed me. Oh god! Oh god! Oh god! Oh god! Oh god! Oh god! Oh god! Oh god! I trembled…but then I realized that he forgave me. Jesus Christ this man!! This wonder of a man.

I hurried. I used both hands, all ten fingers, and my mouth to suck and lick and scoop and swallow my cum. There was so damn much cum and it was very thick and viscous, and it was everywhere in gobs and ropes and drips and spots, some thicker than others, some beginning to dry. I was so terribly embarrassed. All the while I cleaned his suit I glowed bright red. Fussssssttttt, fussssssttttt, fusssssssttttt, fussssssttttt I hoovered the material. My legs were going numb from squatting for so long. There was a lot of boyseed!!! A whole lot!!! When I got to his cuffs I made a detour and cleaned his shoes. In spite of the pain in my legs I was very, very happy. I licked his shoes with complete abandon. Jesus, there was boyspunk on his socks. How the hell did my jism find its way to his socks? I’d have to solve that mystery later. Fussssssttttt, fussssssttttt, fusssssssttttt, fussssssttttt I sucked the socks spotless. Next the floor. Jesus, I needed a wet-dry vac. There was a lake of boyspunk, and one, two, three, ponds joined by estuaries of my prickseed. There was A LOT OF BOYJIZZ, A WHOLE LOT!! It looked like the work of a team of cuntwhore, pussyboys. After several minutes, when the floor, and my master’s shoes, socks, and pantlegs were clean it was time to move to the garden of eden, that suit material that covered my masters jewels and manprick, his godcock, his ladykiller, his pussyboy dreamfucker. Without thinking I looked up into my master’s eyes. He said, “Just the pants boy, clean just the pants.” I was being a stupid, spoiled, idiot, fucking shit of a pussyboy, cunthole, dicklipped moron. Why had I done that? My master had done so much for me. MY MASTER KISSED ME!!!!! and here I was looking to suck his mancock. Man O man I am a worthless cuntbox. I did my work with pleasure and joy as my master had trained me.

Fussssssttttt, fussssssttttt, fusssssssttttt, fussssssttttt I scooped and sucked and tongued and licked every last drop of boyspunk off my master’s pants and I remained as respectful as a nun attending to Christ. I did not push with my tongue. I did not seek the outline of my master’s mancock through the material. I wanted to with every cell of my worthless cuntassed body. I would have sucked my master’s cock till hell froze over. I’d have kissed his mancock’s pisslips and frenched the hole. I’d have savored the flavor of his gorgeous sac as I tongued his balls, but it was not to be and I had to put those thoughts out of my fucking useless, worthless pussy boy cocksucking head. I tried like hell to be reverent. I wanted him to know that I regretted my foolish plea. When I could not see another rope or drop, or spot, or smear or stain, or even a hint of dicksnot I moved my weight off the balls of my feet and rested back on my heels.

My master looked down on me. There was a sadness in those deep, icy blue, piercing eyes. He said, “I need to bear in mind that you’re only a boy. If as you say you are trying your best then perhaps I am asking too much, and the fault is in me. Is that it boy, am I expecting too much?”

I said, “Oh noooooo noooooo noooooo mathter. Euu do nohh. Ou are tho, tho, underphull. I luffff ouu thooooooo mutthhhh…thooooo mutthhhhhh. Oh mathther, I ahh tho, tho thupid. Thupid. Thupid. Thupid. Bah mathther I luff ouu. I neee ouu. I nee ouur courreccion. Euu mutth teeethh meh wha tah duuuhh. What tah duuh. Euu mutth correccc meh. Correcc meh Ober eh Ober eh Ober eh Ober uhntihh I chann lurrn. Becauthh mathther I luff euu. I luff euu. Euu are whay, whay, whay toou nith toou meh. Euu are whay toou nith toou meh. Whay toou nith. Buhh mathter I ang goonng tah duuh betther. I thwear. I thwear toou gah. I thwear toou gahhh. I ang goonng tah tie haaduh and haaduh becauth I luff euu morhh thang annethigg, morhh thang annethigg. Mathter if I dooh lurrn euu mutth beeth meh, hit meh, thlapp meh, whip meh, yeah, whip meh. Buh euu muth beeth meh uhntihh I lurrn. Beeth meh mathter. Pleeeaath beeth meh. Ebery toothhh of the lattthh ith likeh a kith frum euu lipse and I knohh thahh ih myhh harhh. I knohh ihh in myhh harhh”

My master was laughing and put his finger to my lips, “Stop, stop. That’s enough talking for now. Save the words. I’m glad that you are willing to try harder. And if you really do love me, then you will succeed. I don’t care that you are dumb as an ox and thick as a post. If you really love me you will learn, you will become a good pussyboy and you will LEARN to obey flawlessly and you will serve and serve and serve…BECAUSE you love me. Now get cleaned up…head to toe…cuntmouth to boypussy…stem to stern. We have a party to go to. They’re gonna get a big kick out of you.” And he left me there, still higher than a kite, on top of the world. I didn’t care that my boytits were throbbing; that my tongue was so swollen it was beginning to gag me; that my kiddiedick was spooging, that I was slopping everywhere.

MY MASTER LOVES ME!!! MY MASTER KISSED ME!! and I shot a load of boyspunk straight into the air. It blasted two, three, four, five, six, SEVEN TIMES! and I never touched it; I never even looked at it. Two ropes of kidspunt were hanging from the ceiling!! I should have been terrified. I should have been scared to death but….. MY MASTER KISSED ME!! HE KISSED ME!! He could beat me black and blue; he could kick the shit out of me; he could cut my boynuts off; he could humiliate me to death. IT WOULD BE WORTH IT because MY MASTER LOVES ME!!! I had to get a move on or I would surely come again. My boycock and pussyhole were alive with desire and want and lust and love--hot, smoldering, burning, blazing, scorching, fiery, passionate, love.

Fucking shit—I was a MESS!


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