Gay Erotic Stories

Face In The Mirror, Day 3 Part 2, The Movie

by Controlone
16 Oct 2003

Arm Pits Discipline Escort Confessions Hypnosis Romance S/M

The Movie In another part of the same room Jeff, the junior controller, was in his own predicament. When they stripped him and put him on the table it was discovered that he was “concealing” a rather large butt plug. Many questions followed and the masters finally got him to admit that he was currently living with a mid-level controller from another unit. This was “frowned on” by the Organization. It was a definite breach of protocol. Jeff was barely out of his candidacy and the next step in his education was to choose, through an elaborate guidance and counseling program, what he wanted to do with the rest of his life.

The young man had graduated “magna cum” from Brown with a degree in Sociology (minor in Psych) and had vague plans of becoming a roadie for his favorite punk rock band when members of his family and “friends” prevailed on the Organization to induct him. Once his candidacy was official it had been decided that the boy would be pointed in the direction of a control position, but only if that’s what he chose once his training was completed. Now, while he was still a pup, he was already shacked up with a controller. The Organization had hundreds of years of experience with such matters and in 99% of the situations these types of liaisons had negative outcomes.

Usually the senior control would push the junior into the role as personal slave; a fine outcome--if it was chosen by the young man freely, once his program was complete and he had the information and experience to know what he wanted from life. In general junior controllers became senior controllers, and then most left the Organization to pursue some life’s dream or occupation. Their sexuality and living arrangement were of no concern to the Organization, but most graduates didn’t sign up for a life of servitude after the amazing wealth of choice of careers the Organization offered them. (Jeff had expressed an interest in staying with the Organization and working in their Human Resources Department. Now that was in question.) Once junior controllers became full controllers they were told in no uncertain terms that the Organization would look quite disparagingly on their “victimizing” their underlings. If they wanted an assignment as a senior control-master with responsibility over candidates they could take the training and be accredited by the usual route. There was a full controller going about his normal day’s work with no idea the amount of trouble he was in. Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Jeff was making his movie, “Jeffery Learns to Communicate” He was still sobbing and had already failed twice at giving a good and thorough description of being completely humiliated while several of the pussyboys abused his battered body. By this time his body was shining from its sweat cover. Jeff had a fuzzy chest, a fairly bushy bush, hairy legs, and a very hairy butt and butt hole; his chest hair was clotted with boyspunk and all of his body hair was matted with funky locker-room sweat. Boys being boys they were all perspiring liberally, and they were all pretty musky. Master Simon had just sent for the hair removal gear. He had decided that Jeff was still having trouble following directions because he thought himself better than the cuntboys. He told the junior controller that it would be necessary to denude him of his body hair to “bring him down a peg.” Jeff was close to hysteria. The redheaded pussyboy brought over a cart covered with “waxing” paraphernalia. Jeff’s eyes grew to the size of saucers when he realized what he was in store for. Master Simon said, “OK boys, now pay attention. I want you to do a perfect job of clearing off all this yucky, sweaty, curly, insubordinate boy-fur. So watch what I am doing and then it will be your turn to do the same. PAY ATTENTION!! Or you will be next on the table. Now each of you boys, grab a towel and get this insubordinate cumdump dried off.” The three pussyboys doing the work quickly toweled Jeffery dry of the cum and sweat and funk. They lifted his legs and even got the bottoms of his feet; then they unceremoniously flipped him over and got his back and ass crack etc, then they tossed him onto his back again. Master Simon grabbed a pair of electric clippers and went to Jeff’s bushy bush. Jeff stiffened and Master Simon gave him a hard slap across the face. “Listen to me dickbreath, you move again and Jeffery becomes Janey. You got me boy?” and Simon slapped him again.” Jeff cried, “sob…sob…sob…Yessir, Master, sir.” Simon trimmed Jeff’s bush; then his pits, leaving plenty of hair for the wax to adhere to so that it would work properly. Master Simon took a flat wooden stick the size and shape of a small paint scrapper; he stuck it into a pot of hot waxing goop and scooped out a large glob. Then he spread it across Jeff’s very bushy bush. It took three dollops of the hot green thick syrup to thoroughly cover Jeff’s bush. Then Master Simon applied the strip of heavy canvas-like cloth over the wax and pressed it down, making good contact with the green stuff. Master Simon said, “Now watch me carefully…otherwise this could really hurt. You need to pull in short, hard, fast jerks…Watch.” And Simon grabbed the canvas strip by the leading edge and gave a very hard yank. Jeff sat bolt upright and shrieked at the top of his lungs. “PLEEEEEEZE MASTER PLEEEEEEZE STOP!! STOP!! STOP!!” Simon answered, “Boys hold Jeff down.” Then he looked Jeff in the eye, “Take it like a man you cuntbrain. Do C proud. Right now you are an embarrassment to us all.” The words struck Jeff like a shiv in the gut. He wanted to be a man. He wanted to make C happy. He wanted that more than anything. He loved C with all his heart and soul. If the truth be told he was only shacking up with his controller to take his mind off how much he wanted to be with C, but then everyone wanted C; everyone loved and respected C. Jeff did his best to hold his body rigid. The dark haired pussyboy who’d fucked him a few minutes earlier held down his right shoulder while a very cute brunette with green eyes held Jeff’s left shoulder. Jeff could feel them holding him down hard, but he also sensed the tenderness in their touch, and when he looked into the brunette’s eyes he saw tears. There was sweet, sweet empathy there. Simon tore the rest of the strip off in one very hard jerk; Jeff UMMMPHHHed, but otherwise remained quiet; he shook from head to toe and tears streamed down from his soft crystal clear blue eyes. And now there was a smooth hairless stripe above his still hard cock. Simon looked at the pussyboys, “Now it’s your turn. You three pussies are to finish the job. I’m going to give you five minutes…and that’s it. In five minutes I want this boy’s body as smooth and hairless as a baby’s bottom. If you don’t finish in five minutes…if I find a single hair…even some stubble. THEN YOU THREE ARE NEXT!! Do you understand?” Each boy nodded, “Yes sir!!” Simon patted Jeff’s head; “You cumdumps shouldn’t have to hold him down anymore. I think he’s going to try his best to help you…and even if he doesn’t, you have five minutes to clear this underbrush. NOW MOVE!!” The pussyboys holding Jeff down let him go and joined the redhead at the waxing cart. They knew there was a big job to do and that they had very little time. So they moved quickly grabbing the wooden spatulas and digging into the jars of hot goop. Each cuntboy took a different spot. The redhead went for Jeff’s left leg. The brunette decided to finish the pubic region, which had a lot of hair left; and the dark haired boy attacked Jeff’s impressive chest. They spread lots of wax, applied strips, patted them down and began the arduous job of pulling out all that hair. Jeff went nuts. Having three pussyboys tearing off his body hair was hell. It felt like they were using knives and blowtorches on him. In less than a minute he was screaming and screaming and screaming and screaming. His eyes rolled back and his muscles began to seize with every yank and jerk. “STOP!! STOP!! STOP!! STOP!! PLEEEEZE STOP! PLEEEEEZEEEE!”

But no one was listening. Each of the cuntlad’s was picturing himself on that table and that incentive had them working on autopilot…spreading the liquid hell and applying the strips and pulling them off.

Two minutes and Jeff was completely out of breath. He was trying to breath in slow gulps, but every time he tried to inhale a strip would deliver a jolt of agony that froze his chest muscles and prevented the air from entering. Jeff was light headed and praying that he would pass out…but every time he felt close to unconsciousness another jerk and the torturous pain brought him back to full consciousness.

Three minutes and two boys were at his pits spreading the offensive goop up and down his pits and arms. Jesus Christ they were even waxing his arms. Shit fuck piss. He bellowed, “STOP!! STOP!! STOP!! STOP!! PLEEEEZE STOP! PLEEEEEEEZEEEE! STOP!! STOP!! STOP!! STOP!! PLEEEEZE STOP! YOU’VE GOT TO STOP PLEEEEEEEZEEEE! ” At four minutes the boys flipped Jeff onto his belly. Fuck this guy had a lot of hair. The boys even had to do parts of the backs of Jeff’s legs…the guy was hairy. In spite of that Jeff’s back was perfect, beautifully V shaped, well defined, muscular, and hairless. His ass was another subject. They gooped up his butt cheeks applied the canvas and tore off Jeff’s butt hair. Then the redhead pulled apart Jeff’s asscheeks to reveal his pretty pink pucker surrounded by swirls and curls of dark hair…OUCH! It felt quite good, very erotic, as the boys applied the hot green glop to Jeff’s crack. The first yank sent Jeff into orbit. He screamed and hit his head into the table as hard as he could. It didn’t work. He failed to knock himself out, and the pain in his ass was still a hundred times worse than what he’d done to his noggin. Jeff raised his hands to his head and grabbed his hair and pulled and screamed and screamed and screamed…and he cried. The brunette looked at the clock. They weren’t finished and there was almost no time left. The brunette used his hips to force his way between the two other boys and get to the target.

The brunette grabbed one of the pots of hot wax and yelled to the other two boys, “Hold him apart…all the way apart.” The two boys held Jeff’s cheeks wide apart as the brunette poured the contents of the pot into Jeff’s butt, filling it. He dropped the pot onto the cart and grabbed a handful of canvas strips and mashed them into Jeff’s soft butt, onto the mass of glop-covered hair. There was no time left. He grabbed the strips with both hands and with all his strength he tore them off.

Jeff got his wish…he passed out. As he lay there Master Simon had the boys apply liberal amounts of soothing white lotion to Jeff’s extremely red hairless body. Simon approached the “sleeping” Jeff and pulled his butt cheeks apart for inspection. He looked closely and felt the area with two fingers for any hint of hair or stubble…he found none. He gave a once over to the backs of Jeff’s legs and then had the pussyboys turn Jeff onto his back. As Master Simon moved away from the table he said, “Jake would you please inspect his torso while Master Tony looks over his legs?” So Masters Jake and Tony put aside their video gear and moved in for a hands-on check. Jeff’s body was smooth as silk and almost as shiny. His rather flushed body was quite beautiful, as well developed as Jeff maintained himself he looked all soft and cushy laying there. Both masters would have loved to throw a good fuck into the boy but there were more pressing matters at hand.

While the inspection progressed the tension in the air was palpable. The pussyboys were quite terrified that a hair would be found…and sure enough a moment later Master Tony was shaking his head. He said, “No, no, no, no…this won’t do. Sorry, Simon but he’s got one, two, three, four, BIG HUGE CURLY HAIRS on the big toe of his left foot!” The cuntboys were trembling as it was determined that the redheaded cumdump had been responsible for the oversight. Simon bellowed, “BOY, TAKE CARE OF THAT HAIR!”

The redhead moved toward a pot of hot wax, but as he reached for a spatula Master Simon kicked the cart across the room where it collided with the wall, and tipped over making quite a mess. That caught the attention of the six or seven other masters and their pussyslaves in various other parts of the room. A couple of them stopped what they were doing, grabbed their cuntboxes by the back of their necks and came closer to the movie set.

Master Simon, still yelling, said, “Use your teeth you bungling, fucking cocksucking, idiot…use your teeth.”

As the quaking redhead was pulling out the offending hairs, with his teeth, Master Simone spoke into his ear, “Master Tony is going to come for you first thing in the morning. He will take you to the punishment room; where we will decide whether to remove every single hair on your body, or allow you to keep your pretty red ponytail… “ Simon looked the redheaded cuntboy over, felt his legs, and petted his chest and pubes, “Looks like it will be an easy job. We won’t even have to use clippers or wax. I bet we can pluck you hairless with a couple pairs of pliers.” The redheaded cuntbox began to retch, and since he was finished pulling and EATING the hair from Jeff’s big toe; he threw himself at Master Simon’s feet. “Pleeeeze master sir…Pleeeeze don’t make me bald. Beat me master, flog my worthless, useless ass all day, but pleeeze don’t take the hair from my head, sir.”

What the redheaded pussyslave knew was that pussyboys with bald heads were the lowest of the low. It was a sign of their failure to please, their uselessness, and worst of all, a bald head meant that the cuntboy had disappointed his master, had embarrassed his master, had let his master down. That thought filled the redhead’s mind and made him feel desolate. “Pleeeeze master, beat me, beat me, beat me!”

After a minute of silence, full of the redhead’s sobs, Simon grabbed the brunette boycunt by his neck and said to him, “Get me a placard!” Then he let him go. As the brunette turned to leave Simon bellowed, “ON YOUR KNEES SHITHEAD!!” The brunette “hit the dirt” and crawled across the room to a large cabinet. He reached up and opened the double door. It was filled with paddles, whips, dildos, and lots more equipment. The brunette took one of the large placards and a black marker to write with. He hesitated for a moment; decided better safe than sorry; and took three other markers of different colors. He was trying with all his might to follow this direction perfectly. He took hold of the placard with his teeth, shoved a marker into each side of his over-stuffed mouth, held onto the other two, and crawled back to Master Simon.

Master Simon took the placard and using the black marker he wrote, “I HAVE DISAPPOINTED MY MASTER” under that he wrote, “ASK ME HOW.” Simon took the red marker and outlined the words to add emphasis. Then he pulled the redhead to his feet and hung the sign around his neck. “Read those words boy, nice and loud, read those words” Retching and sobbing and shaking the redheaded pussyboy read the words loudly, “I… sob…sob…I…sob…have…sob…sob…disappointed my… sob…master… sob… sob. AAAAAAASSSK MMMMMMMMMEEEEE HOOOOWWW… sob…sob.”

With that Master Simon clapped his hand, “Okay boys, we have a movie to make. Let’s get to it!” Jeff woke up with Master Simon lightly slapping his face. “There now that wasn’t so bad now was it?” Jeff croaked, “Not too bad sir.” and he tried to smile.

Simon began, “Okay Jeff, we are going to make this movie and we’re going to make it right this time. Now Jeff, Master Jake and Master Tony are going to be doing the video work. Jake is going to focus his camera on you and I want you to talk right into that camera and do just what C told you. We’re going to throw out that initial footage of you getting fucked and sucked and manhandled because it was lousy. You stuttered and stammered and got all tongue-tied. So that stuff’s out. From here on you’re going to look right into Master Jake’s camera and describe every detail of what’s being done to you and why and how it makes you feel. While you’re talking to Master Jake’s camera, Master Tony is going to tape the cuntboys as they diddle with you like the pussy you are and make you into a better communicator; so you don’t have to worry about that camera, but just in case you want to see what Master Tony is taping well, we’ve go that monitor up there hanging from the ceiling. See that TV up there Jeff? Yes, that’s it. Give us a nice big smile and wave… Good boy, that’s the stuff I want. So as you can tell I’m going to be directing this epic adventure of your continuing education. Now let me see…humm…I have a good idea. We need you to tell that camera who is doing what to you…so it will be easier if you have names for each of these fuckholes who are going to be working on you. So let’s see here…” With that Master Simon grabbed the still crying redheaded pussyslave by the back of his neck and pulled his up toward the head of the table where Jeff could get a good look at him; and Simon said, “Okay Jeff, you see this redheaded disappointment here; we’re going to call him ‘Jism.’ Got that Jeff? This asswipe with the red hair is ‘Jism.’ Do you understand?”

Jeff squeaked, “Yes sir he’s Jism.”

Simon answered, “Very good.” Then he pushed the redheaded pussyslave away and pulled the brunette closer.

“This cumdump here with the brown hair… We’re going to call him ‘Spooge;’ repeat that.”

And Jeff said, “He’s Spooge sir.” “Very good Jeff; we are really making progress. I can feel it in my bones. And last we have this guy with the black hair. See him Jeff? He is ‘Spunk;’ can you remember that?” Once again Jeff said, “Yessir, the dark haired boy is ‘Spunk,’ sir.”

Simon took each of the three pussyboys and aimed their faces, one at a time, at Jake and Tony’s cameras; then he had them re-introduce themselves. Master Simon was nothing if not thorough. Simon smiled broadly, “Very well, then let’s get started. First I need you Jism to take off your placard it’s only going to get in your way. This doesn’t mean it’s gone for good; only that wearing it makes you even more of a fuck-up, useless piece of donkey shit. So for now put it over there… Okay now Jism, I want you to scamper over there behind the bar, to the door of the prep room. I need you to go into the prep room and fetch me the big play cart; the one with all the wires and electrical gear. Now scoot along and get it… and make it fast or you’ll be wearing that placard again.”

So the redheaded pussyslave, dubbed ‘Jism’ ran to do his master’s bidding, and indeed he found a large metal cart with three shelves full of transformers and wires and electrodes and voltmeters and electrical tape and glass dildos with metal electrodes and cock rings with wires and some really unusual items that scared the shit out of poor Jism as he carefully wheeled the cart back to the “movie set.” Jeff who had been getting progressively more nervous as the minutes passed saw the cart coming toward him and wanted to crawl under the table. As much as he wanted to be a man, to behave like a man, he found himself sniveling. Jesus Christ, he had tried to deliver a lousy message and now he was about to be fucked and electrocuted. Then it hit him like a ton of TNT; HE HAD VOLUNTEERED TO DELIVER THE MESSAGE TO C. God knows he had a crush on the guy since he first met him months ago when he was a fledgling candidate. He had only been around the senior Control maybe two or three times, but that was enough, that and all the things and stories that everyone passed along. Every man and boy in the place had a story with C as the primary star. Stories where C had saved the day; stories of how strong C was; stories of how romantic C was; stories of C’s strange and wonderful sexual powers; lots and lots of stories about this myth of a man. So when the call came in; that there was trouble in California and they needed C to ride out on his white horse to save the day; Jeff had jumped at the chance to be the messenger that got to relay the details to the Master Control. The only reason he got so tongue-tied was that from the minute he found himself in C’s presence he found it very difficult to think. He became acutely aware of how jealous he was of the pussyboy sucking the great man’s cock. He wanted to suck that big, juicy, mandick. He wanted to be licking his balls and tonguing his chest. And on top of all that when he had the chance to actually suck that masterful manfucker he had tried to remain cool and act aloof AND as a result he never got to really enjoy the opportunity. So he fucked everything up. He was so damn pissed; so damn angry at himself. And now they were going to fry him for his inadequacy. Master Simon began to direct several activities at once. He had Spooge and Spunk attach electrical clips to each of Jeffery’s nipples; he had Jism use a contact glue to stick a third electrode on Jeff’s penile “hot spot,” on his shaft just under his glans. Once those were in place more clips were connected to Jeff’s scrotum. Master Simon said, “There now we’re ready for phase one. Jism, I need you to set each of those five dials to number 1.” As Jism carried out the order Jeff felt the electricity begin to flow through the surface of his chest and groin. Master Simon took Jeff’s head and pointed it toward Jake’s camera, “Remember Jeff we need you to keep a running account of exactly what is happening to you and how you are feeling. Make C proud.” Jeff looked into the lens and began, “Oh Jesus, it feeeeeels sooooooo fucking good, like there’s a thousand little men or mice nibbling at my skin, all over my chest and cock and balls… Oh...Oh…Oh…Oh…and it sort of vibrates at the same time…and it’s so fucking hot and man oh man would I like it if someone would PLEASE FUCK ME!!” Simon shot back, “Not yet Jeff, but I must say that was a pretty good account. You are learning. Okay, Jism let’s turn those babies up to number 2.” As Jism adjusted the dials Jeffery began to arch his back and thrust his very stiff prick into the air. Simultaneously he began to moan from the core of his body…. low… guttural moans. The guy was soon covered with a thin layer of sweat and goose flesh everywhere. He said, “Oh fuck, Oh fuck, Oh fuck. It feels like my skin is bubbling, it’s umm… ummm… Oh god. Oh god. Oh god. …Like I’m made of soda pop and I’m effervescing all over, like there’s bubbles rising to the surface and they’re popping all over and it’s Oh god. Oh god. Oh god. sooooooo damn good. Could someone please fuck me? Sir would you fuck me or maybe Jism or Spooge or Spunk… Please Master Simon could someone please fuck me? Oh god. Oh god. Oh god. Oh god. Oh god. Oh god. I’m going crazy. It feels too fucking good. My skin is exploding in a thousand different places at once.”

Simon laughed, “I knew you were going to enjoy this. See Jeff…and you were so scared. You boys…go ahead touch him…you can feel some of what he’s feeling... Go ahead touch him with your cheek or your tongue. See what I mean.” So Spooge and Spunk, rather hesitantly at first, touched the sides of their faces to Jeff’s chest and Jism who was more adventurous stuck out his tongue and started touching it to different parts of Jeff’s giant erection. By this time Jeff was so turned on that his balls had all but disappeared into his cock shaft. His scrotum was so tight it was deeply ridged with wavy lines and the young man was oozing precum all over his rigid six-pack. The three pussyboys loved the tingling electrical sensations they were feeling. Spooge and Spunk started pressing their faces to Jeff’s chest harder and harder and rubbing their cheeks to the newly hairless, very smooth, sweaty surface. Jism was drooling and licking and sucking all over Jeff’s dick and balls. They were all making purring noises…all except Jeff who was becoming progressively more and more anxious for release. “Oh god. Oh god. Oh god. Please. Pleeeze for Christ’s sake pleeeeze someone fuck me or pleeeeeez master let me come… Oh... Oh…. Oh…. Oh… I have to come… Fuck me… Fuck me… Fuck me... Pleeeeeeze.” Master Simon called to Jism, “Okay boy we’re ready to go to number 3 on the Hit Parade; so move it now.” As Jism began to turn up the dials, Jeff’s eye opened wide and he began to shake, “TOOOOOO MUCH. TOOOOOO MUCH… TOOOOO MUCH!! STOP! STOP! STOP! PLEEEEEEZE STOP!” And he began to wildly shake his head back and forth, “YOU’VE GOT TO STOP! PLEEEEEEZE, YOU’VE GOT TO STOP!” And with that last scream his body shot totally rigid and his cock began to fire like a machine gun. As he was staring right at his own prick, volley after volley of thick, heavy, syrupy boycream shot hit him right in the face. Jake and Tony got it all on tape. Simon smiled broadly, “We’re off to a good start. Jism turn down the machines we’re ready for phase two.” He looked at Jeff; the boy’s face was totally covered in manjam. It was even dripping from the sweaty hair stuck to Jeff’s forehead. Jeff looked stunned and stared blankly at Simon. Simon had Spooge and Spunk take the clips off Jeff’s nipples. Then he moved to the electrical cart and began to rearrange various items. Once again he started giving out rapid-fire instructions. The pussyboys buzzed and worked over Jeff’s body, attaching this wire here and moving that clip there while Jeff relaxed back onto the table completely exhausted. For the first time in an hour his cock began to deflate. He had no idea what Simon had in store for him. Simon picked up a sound. It was a solid stainless rod, about a foot long, as big around as a soda straw with a small steel ball at one end and a wire lead coming out of the other. He showed it to Jeff and the others and said, “Can you guess what this is Jeff? I call it a fucker-fucker and it’s going to make you a very happy man.” Jeff wasn’t at all sure he would agree. He looked at the shiny shaft and tried to imagine what it was for. He thought and he thought and then it hit him like a ten ton locomotive. They were going to shove that thing up his dick. Holy fuck they were going to fuck his fucker. Jeff’s whole body stiffened… except for his dick… his dick looked like it was trying hard to recede back into Jeff’s tight body. Master Simon said, “Have no fear Jeff, this is gonna be fun.” With that he grabbed the redhead, Jism, and put the sound into his hand. “Pay attention cumdump. You have to do this right. Now follow along as I guide your hand… See that puddle of boyjuice in his belly button? We’re going to scoop some out like this…onto the rod… yes, like that, and now we’re going to take hold of Jeff’s prick head…yes, like that…and I want you to guide the sound in… that’s it slowly, slowly, slowly…it’s not easy, but just keep pushing…there that’s it. Keep pushing it till we begin to feel strong resistance…push… keep pushing…go on…go on…keep it moving…keep going…come on PUSH…keep it gong… There, there see how we seem to be at a dead end? Feel it boy; feel it…there see we’ve hit the muscle ring that keeps his urethra closed… we relax this muscle when we piss…but now it’s closed…so we’re going to stop here.” Jeff’s body was completely rigid and he was grabbing the edge of the table so hard that both his hands were pure white and bloodless…like his face. When the sound was being shoved down Jeff’s urethra he began to gurgle and moan. Strangely enough so did all three pussyboys. It would seem they were all putting themselves into Jeff’s shoes…or into his dick in this case. Master Simon had stopped Jism’s hand once the sound was in Jeff’s dick about nine inches. He said, “Just let it rest there for a moment. Now Spunk and Spooge, I don’t want you boys to feel left out so I want you to begin to make Jeffery feel good. You know what I mean. I want you to call up your training and make our Jeff here feel really, really sexy. Now, get to work!” And Spunk and Spooge fell on Jeff. They lapped at his nipples and licked his chest and ran their hands through his hair and toyed with his earlobes and on and on. Simon turned to Jism, “Okay cuntface get on that cock. I want you to nibble on Jeff’s flange and tongue his balls and get him real, real, real hard. For the next several minutes the three pussyslaves worked with all their hearts to make Jeff the happiest man on earth. Of course Jeff was scared to death. He had that pole stuck way deep into his cock and he didn’t know what was going to happen.

Simon gave Jeff a light slap on the cheek and said, “You’re forgetting something Jeff and I know you know what it is. So, GET TO WORK.” Jeff found Master Jake’s lens and spoke into the camera, “There’s a…um ah…sorry master but what is that thing in my cock?” Simon shook his head, “You’re supposed to be PAYING ATTENTION Jeff. You can call it whatever you like. It’s technically called a ‘sound.’ START COMMUNICATING!!”

Jeff blushed bright red and continued, “There’s a sound in my dick and it feels like my dick is really, really full and kind of stretched out. It really hurt when they stuck it in, but now it just feels full…but now Jism and Spooge and Spunk are trying to get me hot, but I’m just scared and I don’t feel very sexy…” At that point Master Simon handed Jism a large Pyrex glass dildo. It was huge and unusual; there were three silver electrodes embedded into its smooth mushroom head and coming out the handle end were more wire leads. Simon went to work connecting all the leads to their contacts on the various transformers and meters; then he began to adjust various dials. He took some electrolytic lube and applied it to the dildos head. Then he whispered something into Jism’s ear and the boy went to work guiding the glass prick into Jeff’s asshole. Jism said, “How far master?” Simon turned to look at him, “Keep pushing till I tell you when. And Jeff I don’t hear you COMMUNICATING!!” So Jeff, who was babbling into the camera, raised his voice and tried to make better sense, “Well…well…’m umm, err, still not feeling very sexy. Spooge and Spunk are tickling my tits and biting my neck and rubbing my abs and it feels real good… just not very sexy… and Jism is pushing a big glass prick up my ass and Oh... Oh… Oh… Oh…. OOOOWWW… Jesus that’s a big cock and it kind of hurts and WAIT...WAIT… WAIT… Oh… Oh... Oh… Oh… Oh…it’s Soooo big. And now it’s buzzing and I can feel the electricity and it’s doesn’t feel very good…no… no… no it doesn’t feel very good WAIT…WAIT… WAIT! It feels like you’re electrocuting my insides… No… No… No… No…like you’re frying my asshole! WAIT… WAIT… WAIT…Oh... Oh… Oh… Oh…” And Jism kept advancing the glass cock, and said, “How far Master?” Simon said, “KEEP GOING YOU WILL KNOW WHEN YOU GET THERE!!” So Jism kept pushing and Jeff kept yelling and then in one split second Jeff’s prick, sound and all, shot out and up like an arrow and the head of his prick turned a bright red and began to expand… and the sound and the lead attached to its end began to droop and flop and fall and rise and flop and rise and drop and rise and flop all over.

Simon smiled and said, “By George I think you found his prostate.”

And Jeff’s whole body relaxed into the table and his dick began pulsing so hard that he could have beat a drum with it… BOOM…BOOM… BOOM… BOOM. And Jeff shivered and shook and he smiled and grinned from ear to ear and he closed his eyes and moaned like an old whore. Simon said to Jism, “Now start a rhythm with the dildo; and you other boys keep up that stimulation. I want Jeff to have something to TALK ABOUT!!” Once more Jeff got to work; he looked into the camera with drunk, heavy eyes and said, “Oh my god… Oh my god… Oh my god. I feel so damn good. There’s this thing in my cock and my cock feels stuffed and hard and Oh my god… Oh my god… Oh my god. I want to come but I think that if I come my dick will explode because there’s nowhere for the cum to go and Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god… I feel so damn good and Jism is fucking my asshole and every time that glass prick hits my joy buzzer I feel like I’m going to come and I don’t care if my dick explodes because Oh my god… Oh my god… Oh my god… I feel so damn good.” Simon took the wire lead from the end of the sound and connected it to a small remote control. Then he handed the remote to Jeff and said, “Jeff, DO NOT PUSH THIS BUTTON YET. First you must listen to me. This remote is my own invention. When you press that button you are going to send a jolt of energy to your whole sexual system, especially your prostate. Now your prostate is already being stimulated by the glass dildo so when you hit that button…well you’re going to blow your prostate’s mind…I mean it’s going to be the most stimulation you can imagine. When you hit that button it’s going to feel like God is touching your love nut. When you push that button you are going to feel unimaginable ecstasy. Pleasure you’ve never felt before, but remember that you are here to learn to communicate so must stay here and describe exactly what you are feeling…every word. Before you give yourself the best cum of your life I want you tell me what you’re going to do?” Between moans and groans Jeff looked Master Simon in the eyes and said, “Master Simon, Oh... Oh… Oh… Oh… when I push the button Oh my god… Oh my god… Oh my god. I will do my best to Oh... Oh… Oh… Oh…stay in the moment and tell you everything that I am feeling, Oh my god… Oh my god… Oh my god…every experience as it happens. Simon answered, “UNDERSTAND ME JEFFERY. You don’t want to disappoint me. So when you hit that button I expect you to COMMUNICATE.”

Jeff hesitated, “Master Simon…sir? Oh my god… Oh my god… Oh my god… When I hit that button Oh... Oh… Oh… Oh…where’s my jizz going to go?” Simon smiled, “Worried your balls will explode? Well son, that’s a risk you’re going to have to take.” Jeff’s hand was trembling as he held onto the remote. He raised his head slightly and found himself staring directly at his jumping, flopping cock. All the while Jism was power fucking him with the glass monster and Spunk and Spooge were sucking and rubbing and licking his chest and prick. Jeff looked into the camera, “I’m going to count to three… Oh my god… Oh my god… Oh my god…” But before he could count at all Jism hit his prostate hard and almost by reflex Jeff squeezed the button. In that nanosecond LIGHTNING STRUCK JEFF IN HIS CROTCH. His arms and legs shot straight out and his body jumped two feet into the air. His cock expanded down its entire length and the head of his prick doubled in size and looked like it had been turned to purple stone. Jeff screamed at the top of his lungs and kept screaming. “OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO… OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO… OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO… OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO… OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO… OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO… OOOOOOO… OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO… OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO… OOOOOOO… OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO” Till his lungs ran out of air and his body landed back on the table with a decided THUMP! Try as they might Jake and Tony had trouble taping the event. Jeff’s leap into space had startled them all and they had jumped back by reflex. Meanwhile Jeff was still cumming and cumming and cumming and cumming and cumming and cumming. Minutes later when Jeff’s eyes began to focus again AND the realization hit him like a truck that he’d totally lost it; that he’d gone to nirvana, to heaven, to the garden of Eden, and in that second he also realized that there was no way anyone could have “stayed in the moment”… No how… No way… Not possible. Thick white cream was oozing out of Jeff’s pisshole all around the sound sticking out, and his cock was still hard as a rock. He saw Simon out of the corner of his eye…laughing hysterically.

It was five minutes before Jeff found his voice, “Sorry Master Simon, I could kind of tell you how it felt…I guess…maybe…” Simon said, “Forget it kid. We’re not going to tell C about my little experiment. I only threw it in for good measure. Besides you did a pretty good job right until you hit that button.” Then Simon turned to Jism and the boys. He said, “Okay, Spooge I want you to take that sound out of Jeff’s cock, but easy does it. He’s not going to have any control for a while so bear that in mind and be prepared for a large eruption.” The tall brunette took hold of the sound sticking out of Jeff’s stiff prick and he slid it out and out and out. Jeff went all-rigid again. His dick was super-super sensitive after that, the largest orgasm of his life. The second the sound cleared Jeff’s pisshole all hell broke loose. There was a large backlog of dicksauce waiting to exit; on top of that Jeff’s urethral muscle was totally zapped and it would be a while before he could control his bladder; so there was a bladder full of piss getting ready to erupt. All three cuntboys jumped into action. Spooge managed to get his mouth over the head of Jeff’s dick as the juice began to spurt like a water cannon. There was too much for one mouth so all three boys were slurping and sucking and trying their best to control the flood. And the gusher just kept on gushing and gushing and gushing…. and the boys just kept on sucking. There was sperm and piss dripping from Jism’s nose and chin. Spunk’s hair was soaked with cum because of his position under Spooge’s mouth. After a few seconds they began to laugh as they worked sucking and licking up the mess. Meanwhile Jeff’s eyes had rolled back into his head and he was dreaming of C. It took the boys several minutes to clean up Jeff’s mess and then each other. Then Simon began to rearrange the cart again. He said, “We have some time left and we need an ending for this video, so I think we all deserve a little R&R.” Simon moved to the table and turned Jeff onto his side. He used his hands to explore Jeff’s back. Simon, a neuro-urologist, had been working in the field for ten years and knew every inch of the human nervous system. In addition, he’d studied acupuncture acupressure and the ancient mystical arts in the Far East. The human body was his instrument and he could play it like a virtuoso. He kneaded the flesh and tapped and probed till he found the exact spots on Jeff’s back to apply the electrodes. Then he put Jeff on his back and placed a large induction coil around the base of his cock and balls. He took all the leads and connected them to the various equipment. “Jeff, you’re in for another treat.” Jeff opened his eyes and smiled, “I don’t know…if...I don’t know… I’m not sure if… I…Okay”

As Simon fiddled with the dials Jeff’s cock once again inflated to a full erection, and a few drops of urine dribbled out his pisshole and down his shaft. A few more turns of the dials and Jeff was moaning again. He arched his back and began to stab at the air with his hard dick, “Oh Jesus, Oh Christ, someone please fuck me. someone please fuck my asshole… Oh... Oh… Oh… Oh… Please fuck my ass!”

Simon pointed to Jism, “Okay shithead, before you put your placard back on you have my permission to fuck Jeffery and yes you can even cum.”

The redheaded pussyboy blushed a bright red; his cock got even harder than it had been all evening; he moved between Jeff’s legs and pushed his nine inch dick all the way in to his neatly trimmed red bush (soon to be removed)…but he wasn’t thinking about that. It had been two days since his master had let him cum and he was a very hungry candidate. He wanted to take his time and enjoy Jeff’s very juicy pussyhole, but as he thrust he cock in and out it felt sooooo damn good; and so warm, and so tight…. surprisingly tight. Master Simon adjusted one of the dials and now Jism felt his cock become electrified… especially right in the very tip of his pisshole. He said, “oooouuuu… ooooooooouuuuu” and as a second jolt went right through him to his own pussyhole he went over the edge and came so hard that it hurt. Jeff was calling out, “Yes…Yesssss…Yesssss… Fuck me… Fuck me… Fuck me… Fuck me harder… Fuck me harder… Fuck me harder…” As Jism moved away from Jeff’s asshole Jeff cried out, “Oh... Oh…. Oh…. Oh…. No….. No… No… No. Don’t stop. Fuck me… Fuck me… Fuck me!” Then it was Spooge’s turn. The large, well-built, young man stepped between Jeff’s legs, grabbed him by his sweaty ankles and plunged his boyprick into the waiting hole. Jeff cried, “Oh my god… Oh my god… Oh my god… Yes… Yesssss… Yesss… Fuck me… Fuck me… Fuck me!” As Spooge fucked Jeff he brought the boy’s right foot to his lips and began to chew on Jeff’s toes. He sucked and licked and tongued them; then he switched to Jeff’s other foot and he kissed all up and down the boy’s instep and probed between his toes with his hot wet tongue. Once again Simon turned a dial and a jolt of energy shot a strong blast of electric fire through the brunette’s loins and he came and came and came and came. Spunk was next at bat, and as he took his position Simon encouraged the other pussyboys to join in. He wanted to give the video a happy and energetic ending. So all three pussyboys licked and sucked each other as Spunk power fucked Jeff. Spooge sucked Jeff’s cock. He got a mouthful of warm, sweet boypiss and swallowed it greedily. Jism went to the head of the table and gave Jeff a long probing, sucking kiss. All the while they kissed, the two used their hands to grab and pull on each other’s hair. They held each other by their locks and continued that kiss for a very long time. Simon let this fuck run its course. The boys had worked hard and preformed well and their masters were more than satisfied by the results. When all three pussyboys had finished their cum it was the masters’ turn to try out the equipment. Jake and Tony had seen Simon in action before, but the induction ring and modified TENS unit were new so they wanted the experience. Jake came twice, Tony three times…and Simon…well Simon had come a few times in his pants. So while Jism and Spooge and Spunk cleaned his pants Simon fucked Jeff…and then he fucked Jism…and then he fucked Spooge…and yup, then he fucked Spunk. Finally Simon called, “Cut.. That’s a wrap!” and the evening was over. --------------------------------------------

So? Did I manage to capture the moment? Was I able to give you any sense of the best orgasm possible? Let me just say it wasn’t easy.

Lemme know if you’re interested in starring in a future episode. (See my note at the end of the last episode: Face In The Mirror-Day3-Part 1-The Party. You can reach me at:

There’s one more heavy chapter coming before I take some time off to do some real work.


More Gay Erotic Stories from Controlone

Billy's Adventure in the Woods

by Controlone O.K. fellas, let’s all say it together: TONGUE IN CHEEK. If you don’t know what that means THEN DON’T READ THIS STORY... Chapter 1 Billy Conrad was a striking young man, six feet tall, 160 pounds with not an ounce of fat (Billy’s first trainer, his dad, was a harsh task master, who instilled in him the importance of a strong healthy body….. The results were stunning).

Billy's Adventure in the Woods, Part 1

by Controlone Okay fellas, let’s all say it together: TONGUE IN CHEEK. If you don’t know what that means THEN DON’T READ THIS STORY...... Chapter 1 Billy Conrad was a striking young man, six feet tall, 160 pounds with not an ounce of fat (Billy’s first trainer, his dad, was a harsh task master, who instilled in him the importance of a strong healthy body….. The results were stunning).

Face In The Mirror

Face In The Mirror Day One I stand here staring into the mirror knowing that I should recognize the person looking back at me, but I keep drawing a blank. Who am I? How did I get here? Where did I come from? I only have bits and pieces. I should say that I’m only allowed bits and pieces. My name is Toy or Pussy or Cuntboy or Pussyface or cum dump, whatever I am told for the time, for

Face In The Mirror, Day 3 Conclusion: Part A: The Flight

The Flight C took his boy for a change of clothes. If they were going to travel together he had a specific idea in mind and for that the kid needed different clothes. Once they got into James’ room C turned the young man around. C said, “Let’s see what we’re going to do with you. You are a fucking mess.” The kid was covered in sweat from head to foot and he reeked of spunk and sex and

Face In The Mirror, Day 3 Conclusion: Part B: Into The COCKpit

Into The COCKpit James crawled to the door of the cockpit, reached up and knocked rather hesitantly, not knowing what to expect. The co-pilot opened the door and almost fell over the prostrated boy. The co-pilot, Steve, 5’10”, wavy sandy colored hair over his collar, broad shoulders, rather thin waist, cute, 26 years old, looking down said, “And what can I do for you?” James peered up

Face In The Mirror, Day 3 Continued: The Party

The Party I worked like an obedient puppy-dog pussyboy to get myself in perfect order for my master. He gave me forty minutes to clean myself off head to toe inside and out. Man I could have used a demolition team. I was covered in sweat and cum and spit and boygoop and pussylube AND I WAS IN LOVE! So I labored for my master, to be his boy, to be perfect for him, as perfect as a

Face In The Mirror, Day 3 Part 2, The Movie

The Movie In another part of the same room Jeff, the junior controller, was in his own predicament. When they stripped him and put him on the table it was discovered that he was “concealing” a rather large butt plug. Many questions followed and the masters finally got him to admit that he was currently living with a mid-level controller from another unit. This was “frowned on” by the

Face In The Mirror, Day 4, Part 1

Day 4, Part 1 As C walked toward the airport terminal James followed, half walking, half skipping, two feet behind his left arm. The boy couldn’t stop grinning. The pilots and flight crew were twenty feet behind them, bringing up the rear. As they were about to enter the building a square shouldered man, 5’9”, 160 lbs, green eyes, with a shock of brown hair that stuck up and seemed to

Face In The Mirror, Day 4, Part 2

Day 4—Part 2 For his part Fat Sam blamed Scott for ruining his slave trading empire. He swore that someday he would have his revenge. Fat Sam moved his business interests into other areas of human depravity, and of course he made millions. For three years Fat Sam kept tabs on Scott. When he got word that Scott regularly crossed the border to play with a combo in a Mexican cantina Sam

Face In The Mirror, Day 4, Part 3

And the creeps continued to degrade him at every chance. They slapped his face and punched his balls and tore at his nipples as they fucked his mouth and ass. Then they rolled him onto his back and continued in that position. When these two finished two more came and took their place. Scott was soon covered in sweat with welts and bruises beginning to show everywhere. They went on like this

Face In The Mirror, Day 4, Part 4

[SUGGESTION: This part will make a lot more sense if you go back and skim the last three pieces of this section. ALSO this last bit is EXTREME, so prepare yourself for some rough stuff. If I believed the violence was gratuitous I wouldn’t have included it. It’s not my style. You will get a lot of information about the Organization in this episode. I hope you can see its purpose.] Scott

Face In The Mirror, Day 4, Part 4, Conclusion

At the end of fifteen minutes Scott had moved past the middle portion of the wall and was on its far right side. To his left he’d left a growing darkening trail of blood and tissue. The doctors in the audience were guessing back and forth about the actual amount of blood, was it more or less than a pint yet…and there was wild speculation about whether or not he would actually orgasm. Back on

Face In The Mirror, Day 5, Part 1: Roberto and Rick

Face In The Mirror Day 5—Part 1—Roberto and Rick In the Organization’s suite at the posh Los Angeles hotel, Roberto paced back and forth while his charge, the Latino boy singer, knelt naked on the floor, wondering why his master seemed so distraught. It was terribly strange for Roberto to be nervous. He’d spent forty years developing his suave sophistication. At 6’2” tall, 160 lbs,

Face In The Mirror, Day 5, Part 2: Scott and James

controlone After several minutes of lascivious foot play Scott opened his eyes and found James staring up at him. He smiled down at the boy lapping at his ankle and James said, “Master it would be a pleasure to serve as your pussyboy; to have you fuck my worthless ass cunt; anything to please you sir.” Scott looked to C for guidance. C responded, “You heard the boy. He’ll be crushed if

Face In The Mirror, Day5, Part 2: Scott and James--conclusion

controlone James was impressed beyond words. It was very unusual for the head of the Organization to affix the icon. It was an enormous honor given to only a handful of super achieving senior controllers, and meant that Scott had distinguished himself above and beyond the call of duty. James had a thought in mind, “Scott there is something.” Scott was eager, “Name it. Whatever it

Face In The Mirror, Intermission: A Great Orgasm

BEST ORGASM EVER: Okay guys here’s a page right out of the Organization’s manual on introductory techniques for sexual gratification using only the conscious mind. If you follow these simple directions I can guarantee you a memorable experience, BUT you gotta follow the directions. There are going to be times when you will want to stop this exercise and bring yourself off. You’re going to

Face In The Mirror, Part 2

Day Two-Conclusion My master opened the door and I began to tremble in his gaze. I want more than anything to please him, to be his pussyboy, to serve his needs. He said, “Let’s take a look at you cuntlips. Turn around.” As I turned he gave me instructions, “Arms up! Let’s see those pits. OK. They look OK. Keep turning. Come on boy stand up straight! I need to see that

Face In The Mirror, Part 3

Day Three The minute I heard a sound at the door, no even before that, I knew it was my master. I swear I can tell when he is near. I can feel it in my heart. I can feel it in my soul. I can feel it in my boycock and good god almighty I can feel it in my boypussy; I can FEEL HIM in my boypussy. He is my life. A moment after the sound I realized I wasn’t frozen so I leapt from my bed,

How I Got Under Your Skin

How I Got Under Your Skin Controlone We met one dark night in a loud gay bar just outside Miami. I came to visit you a week later. You were sitting in a chair in your living room watching TV; some insipid program about other people’s lives, movie stars, pretty people. It was a hot, humid Saturday night in June; you had the A/C on low. You were sitting there in a blue pocket t-shirt,

How I Got Under Your Skin, Chapter 2: Riff's New Life

Riff Branson was a junior executive at Emperor International Cruise Lines (actually three separate lines with 46 ships). He had a law degree but spent most of his time riding roughshod over the Cruise Line’s advertising department. He supervised six men and women who kept the Company constantly in the public eye. They arranged all the normal advertising, scheduled dozens of events, arranged

How I Got Under Your Skin, Chapter 3: His Return

Chapter 3—His Return On Wednesday morning Riff and Caleb stayed in bed playing till almost eight, then they got up and showered together. They went to Denny’s for breakfast. Before the girl took their order Caleb went to the counter, got three quarts of orange juice and two glasses, and brought them back to the table. He smiled at Riff, “I know how this looks,

How I Got Under Your Skin, Chapter 4: Dotties, Part A

Suddenly Riff was electrified. From the very moment C walked into his life he’d brought only unbridled joy and amazing adventure. Riff felt his empty life suddenly fill to overflowing. He wondered what new exciting exploits C had in store for him. He had no idea… No idea at all. ------------------------------------------ The inside of Dottie’s was fantastic, mirrored balls, go-go boys

How I Got Under Your Skin, Chapter 4: Dotties, Part B

As Bryce continued to babble C took his foot off the prostrate man’s cervical vertebrae. C turned once more toward the others and pointed one finger at them. They knew instantly to stay put till he was far, far away. -------------------------------------------- C put his arm around Riff’s waist and guided him to Dottie’s parking lot. He led Riff to a stretch limo. The driver raced

How I Got Under Your Skin, Chapter 4: That Night

Chapter 4—That Night controlone It took Riff an hour to calm himself enough to do any work. He was exhausted and happy and very confused. He couldn’t think about anything but C. C was in his head; C was in his heart; C was everywhere. The more Riff thought the more he wanted to be with C; to love him; hell, to worship him. He’d never felt anything like this. He’d never imagined

How I Got Under Your Skin, Chapter 5, Part A: Caleb's Day

controlone As Riff dragged his totally spent body toward his apartment his eyes focused on his door. Outside under the breezeway awning, sitting on the cement stoop, leaning against his door, all huddled up, sound asleep; there was Caleb. Riff didn’t know whether to slap him or scold him or hug him or slug him. Instead he just shook his head. Riff got his key ready and as he came up to

How I Got Under Your Skin, Chapter 6, Part A: Caleb's Day--End

Chapter 6A--Caleb's Day--End “Okay boy stand up and spread those legs; time to take your harness off. I’m afraid with all the turmoil I forgot all about it. Oh yes, and try not to piss yourself.” Caleb stood up, glowing red from his scrubbing. He was very worried about what might happen next. He looked spectacular, six feet and three inches of total masculinity, muscles shining from

How I Got Under Your Skin, Chapter 6B Caleb's Day Continues

Chap 6B—Caleb’s Day Continues Controlone With no further ado Riff pulled Caleb up toward the head of the bed. The two men shared a pillow as Riff spooned behind Caleb. When Caleb felt Riff push the length of his cock up between his butt cheeks he wanted to squeal, but he withheld that response; instead Caleb reached behind with his right hand and pulled his butt cheeks further apart, so


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