Gay Erotic Stories

How I Got Under Your Skin, Chapter 4: Dotties, Part A

by Controlone
03 Dec 2003

Arm Pits Bisexual Bondage Crush Discipline Exhibitionism Fantasy Fetish Hairy Hypnosis Jockstraps Outdoor Sex Romance S/M Threesomes

Suddenly Riff was electrified. From the very moment C walked into his life he’d brought only unbridled joy and amazing adventure. Riff felt his empty life suddenly fill to overflowing. He wondered what new exciting exploits C had in store for him.

He had no idea… No idea at all. ------------------------------------------ The inside of Dottie’s was fantastic, mirrored balls, go-go boys in jock straps dancing on platforms everywhere. Floor to ceiling murals, scenes from the Wizard of Oz, but painted rather abstractly so that although they were recognizable they were also quite modern and rather bizarre. The color scheme changed as you moved from the front of the club to the back. The place was essentially one gigantic very long room, but the decorator had changed the color of the walls ceiling and floor every fifty feet. The fantastic bar against the far wall spanned the length of the club, all 200 feet. It was truly impressive. The first part, first “room” was scarlet with tables and chairs around the central dance floor, to match. The next section in stark contrast was black with silver tables and chairs for contrast. The next part was iridescent green, and finally the back of the club was a cool amber with green accoutrements and couches along the walls facing the same expansive dance arena. The music was loud but the place was dotted with sound baffles that made it possible to hear in the sitting areas.

C led Riff to the back of the club and brought him to a couch that faced front and abutted the dance floor. C sat down first. He sat hard against the back of the couch and turned slightly to the right side. That way he could pull Riff down in front of him without having to make the poor guy sit on his lap. Riff loved it. He got to press his back against the side of C’s butt and left leg. Riff was positively gleeful. C put his right arm around Riff’s waist and rested his hand on Riff’s thigh. Poor Riff almost swooned. His dick tried to break out of his pants and when that wasn’t possible it began to fight with the jock for its freedom. There was a happy dance in Riff’s pants and the precum began to flow.

“Okay pup you’ve got your pick. It’s a candy store and I’m giving you the keys.”

“What do you mean sir?”

“I mean that I want you to look around the club, on the dance floor and tell me what you like, who you like.”

“Sir, I’d rather be with you.”

“Pup, I’d like to relax. I’ve had a hectic week. Seeing to your training is a daunting job. I want you to indulge me and have some fun while I unwind.”

“Why don’t we go back to my apartment sir? I swear I’ll help you unwind. I could give you a massage…”

“Here we go again pup.”

Riff realized he was pushing.

“Sorry sir. I overstepped my bounds sir. Please sir, tell me what you’d like me to do sir.”

“I’d like it if you would LISTEN PUP.”

“I will Sir. And I am truly sorry sir for pressing you Sir. It’s only that I’ve really missed you sir.”

“Then stop challenging me at ever turn pup.”

“Challenging is over sir. Challenging is history sir. I swear sir…history.”

While C spoke into Riff’s ear he nuzzled his neck, and Riff kept getting the chills.

“Now pup tell me what you like. Who would you like to dance with? What about that blond twink over there to the right or perhaps that tall muscleman by the bar or maybe the big dark guy with the leather vest?”

Riff surveyed the dance floor. Off to one side he noticed a well-dressed young man, perhaps a few years younger, sitting alone at a table. He was quite good looking, but had a rather sad expression on his face. He reminded Riff of Caleb.

Riff said, “Well sir I prefer you, but if you insist I’d have to say that I’m intrigued by that guy by himself at the far table. He looks rather dejected. Perhaps it’s just idle curiosity, but I’d like to know why.”

“Well pup go and find out, but remember the object tonight is fun, so cheer him up pup and get him dancing.”

“Excuse me sir, but I have a question…more of a worry sir.”

“What is it pup?”

“I know you don’t want me to see your face sir, but if I start to dance…well I can’t keep my eyes closed and dance, I’ll kill myself, so if I have them open when I’m dancing, what if I turn and you’re sitting here, and I catch a glimpse, even though I don’t want to, but what if I can’t help it, and I see your face even though I would never do it intentionally sir?”



“Do you trust me pup?”

“Absolutely sir”

“Then pup, trust me.”

“Okay sir I’ll trust you. So do I have to keep my eyes closed when I dance sir?”

“Trust me pup…just trust me.”

“One more question sir.”

“Yes pup, what is it?”

“It’s getting rather warm in here sir, would you mind if I left my jacket here next to you?”

“Actually pup, I’d prefer it if you kept the jacket on boy, but feel free to lose the tie.”

Riff loosened his tie, folded it neatly, wrinkles and all, and placed it to his left on the sofa cushion. He opened the top button on his light blue silk shirt and headed for the mystery man’s table. As he walked toward his next challenge he wondered what to say to break the ice. Before C, he’d never had trouble finding a “date” for the evening. Never a big drinker, or much for dancing, he’d usually go to the nearest gay bar with a hot clientele, nurse a Tom Collins or a Scotch and soda till he spotted a hot guy his age or a little younger, then he’d walk up to his “target” and say, “How would you like to come home with me and get fucked like you’ve never been fucked before?” Almost to a man they leapt at the chance and One Two Three, there you have it; “Riff’s guide to getting laid.” Four or five hours later, or in very rare cases, first thing the next morning, Riff would show the guy the door and promptly lose his number. Here he was now, nervous, having no idea how to start a real conversation, with a real man, in a bar. He tried to go over his options, but before he knew it he was there, with the guy two feet in front of him.

This particular man was quite handsome in an Abercrombie and Fitch way, svelte, well built, tall, in this case with medium length wavy jet black hair. The guy was rather slumped over in his seat playing with the stirring rod in his 7-7.

Riff took a deep breath and said, “Hey man, what’s going on? You look like someone just ran over your dog.” Riff’s words hung in the air and he hated every one.

While Riff was chastising himself mentally for saying something so lame, the dark handsome stranger said, “I’m just really pissed off that’s all. This guy I’ve been cruising for three weeks just cancelled our first date. He didn’t even have the decency to call me at home; no, he waited till I got here to lower the boom.”

Riff said, “What an asshole.” At the same time Riff recalled doing the same lousy thing himself on more occasions than he cared to remember, but that was water under the bridge, before C came along and adjusted his attitude. And once more he felt his gratitude rising for the man who had come into his life and morphed him into a more sincere human being.

The dark stranger said, “My name is Nick, Nick Charles.”

Riff put out his hand and said, “Riff, Riff Branson. It’s nice to meet you Nick. Tell you what, how about we have a great time and let your ‘asshole’ go fuck himself.”

Nick smiled and shook Riff’s hand, “I’m game. I take it you’re here alone?”

Riff returned, “Not exactly, I’m here with a great friend of mine, a teacher, my teacher.”

Nick asked, “What does he teach Riff?”

Riff’s teeth made an appearance as he smiled broadly, “He teaches everything. It’s a kind of survival course. And he’s the best teacher I’ve ever had. C’mon Nick, let’s dance.”

Nick was a little puzzled by Riff’s cryptic answer, but Riff had hold of his sleeve and was pulling him toward the floor. So Nick gave in and joined him. The funny thing was that Riff had never been much of a dancer. The fact was that before this night, the “old” Riff would have thought dancing was for fairies. Now, there he was in the middle of Dottie’s shaking his ass to beat the band.

Riff’s clothes were looking a bit the worse for wear. His pin stripped tan suit coat was covered in wrinkles along with his slacks and the mix of sweat and cum had his beautiful blue silk shirt plastered to his torso. The fact was even though his suit looked pretty bad the combination of his “form fitting” shirt and the wrinkled ensemble looked so interestingly unusual that he was in danger of setting a new fashion trend, the “disheveled look.” Nick on the other hand could have walked right out of the pages of “International Male,” dressed head to toe in black, perfectly matching his square features and jet hair. The two of them of them together were positively captivating. Eyes from every corner of the room were on them. Once spotted it was impossible for the gathering of hip gay men to look at anyone else. The Riff and Nick duo, took first place in the “Whop De Do” category.

As the pair gyrated to the hot disco beat Nick took a long, very hard, look at Riff and was suddenly very glad his “asshole” had decided to dance elsewhere. This guy, Riff, had selected him from a gaggle of smart, hot, fresh, hard, cut, corporate-climbing gay men, and he was grateful. This guy, Riff, was gorgeous and seemed nice as could be. Nick wondered if Riff was new in town, a guy like this, who looked like this, would otherwise have an entourage of hangers on, following him everywhere, as did virtually every other gay man in his league, the league that was the cream of the cream of the cream of the cream. Nick, being naturally self-effacing, didn’t realize he had a platinum membership in the same club.

To be heard over the loud music Nick yelled, “Why don’t you take your jacket off? Your face is red, you’re really sweating, and you’d be a lot more comfortable.”

Riff, who had decided to be absolutely honest about his situation said, “I don’t know if I can.”

Nick was confused, “What?”

Riff stopped dancing, took Nick’s hand and led him off the floor into a quieter area, “Nick, I told you I was here with my teacher. That was the truth, but there’s a lot more to it. I’m here with the man, who as of the last few days has taken me under his wing. He kind of owns me. He tells me exactly what to do; he makes all the decisions.

Nick said, “Are you trying to tell me that you need his permission to take your jacket off?”

Riff grinned, “To be honest, I’m not sure, and since I’m not sure I would absolutely ask before doing it. Like I said, he makes all the decisions.”

Nick said, “You mean he makes all your decisions?”

Riff kept smiling, “YUP, ALL THE DECISIONS.”

Nick said, “I have to tell you Riff; that really puts me off. I’m not into leather or whips and chains, and certainly not pain, AND you don’t look like the kind of guy who likes to be pushed around.”

Riff got serious, “And you’d be fucking right! My ‘teacher’ is no hairy, barrel-chested leather man, and by the way I don’t see anything wrong with that. I might have sneered at the leather scene a week ago but I have newfound respect for guys with a fetish, who are brave enough to let the chips fall. BUT, my ‘teacher’ is into Armani suits and good grooming, not leather… I don’t know; he may like whips. He had me buy some whips, but for now, I don’t ask a lot of questions. He’s showing me things as he sees fit; and as far as what I like and what I don’t like… from what I’ve learned so far, I’ve joined the ‘don’t knock it till you’ve tried it’ club. My guy is into teaching me absolute control over my body and my mind. And just for your personal edification, I’ve had the best sex in my life over the last THREE DAYS…. I’ve known him for three days and I literally worship the ground he walks on. And to conclude Nick, you don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about.”

Nick gave Riff a pitiful look, “Well, I guess ‘to each his own’ applies here.”

Riff shot back, “And what the fuck does that mean? I’ve never understood that expression. People use it when they don’t understand something or someone, WHEN THEY ARE FRIGHTENED BY SOME LITTLE PIECE OF REALITY THAT IS FOREIGN TO THEM.”

Then Riff softened a bit, “Nick, I used to be just like you; except in addition to believing that I knew EVERYTHING, I had a big fat chip on my shoulder. Last Saturday, this man came into my life and showed me how empty it was. Nick, I didn’t used to let guys kiss me. I was so terrified of seeming weak or submissive or of being a fairy that I became this asshole ‘Top’ who bragged that ONLY other guy’s TONGUES were welcome up MY ASS; and that kissing was for pansies… but Nick that guy, the one I used to be, was all alone in the world; that miserable guy lived an empty life full of lousy one night stands, always hungry but afraid to eat. Am I beginning to make sense to you, because frankly, if I’m not, I have better things to do? We are here to have some fun and Nick if that’s what my man wants, well buddy that’s what my man gets.”

Nick was impressed with Riff’s passion so he asked, “Can I meet this guy? What’s his name?”

Riff chuckled, “I call him C. I don’t know his actual name; he told me that he’d tell me his name when the time is right. So Nick, I’ll know his name when he wants me to know it, and not a minute sooner, and besides, I couldn’t care less. Who gives a shit what his name is? It’s of no concern. It doesn’t matter. When he’s around I call him ‘Sir’ and pray I don’t piss him off. If he left me Nick, I’d lose my mind. I don’t know what I’d do… Oh yes, and one more thing; I’ve never seen his face. And I’ll tell you, that fact alone makes me hot, hard and ready to cum all day and all night. There’s this air of sexual mystery that surrounds him…and Nick, I love it… Even more, I appreciate it. He goes to a lot of trouble for me and as far as I am concerned I’m not worthy of his attention. That he chose me is the single greatest honor in my life. I love him Nick, beyond words.”

Nick repeated, “Okay you’ve got me very interested. Can I meet him?”

Riff furrowed his brow, “Sure, you can meet him, but I’m going to need your help. Like I said, I’m not allowed to see his face… and he’s sitting right behind us on one of the back couches, so if you want to meet him you’re going to have to guide me back to him with my eyes closed. If I even catch a glimpse of him I take a chance on losing him. And Nick I can’t take that chance.”

Nick shook his head, “Man Riff, the logistics of this whole affair are mind boggling.”

Riff felt proud, “Yes I know. I told you he goes to a lot of trouble for a dumb shit like me, and I have no idea why. I only hope that soon he’ll let me show him just how grateful I am.”

With that Riff closed his eyes, put Nick’s hand on his arm and said, “Guide me back to the couch behind me…the one with the tall, dark hunk sitting in the center.”

Nick carefully led Riff toward the couch. After a few steps he stopped and said, “Riff I think you can open your eyes.”

Riff said, “Are you sure… really sure it’s okay? Why? What do you see? Nick, don’t fuck around. This is way too important to me. Tell me what’s going on. Stop fucking around.”

Nick said, “Look for yourself. I swear it’s okay. I’m not screwing with you. Honest, you can look.”

Riff turned toward the couch and put his hand over his eyes. He squinted slightly and peeked through the space between his fingers. He could make out the blurry form of a tall, dark, well built man. At first he was horror stricken that he had made a huge mistake or that Nick was intentionally sabotaging his new found happiness… but as the figure came into focus there was something off about the man. On his face was a form-fitting mask that blunted C’s face and erased all his features. The mask was tinted to exactly match C’s skin color. You had to look close to even notice the mask was there. Riff breathed a huge sigh of relief. He thought, “Jesus, that was close.” and his heart began to beat after having stopped for about a minute.

When Riff got within a few feet of the couch C raised his right hand pointed his index finger toward the floor and moved it in a circle like he was stirring his coffee. Riff instantly turned around and backed the rest of the way to the couch.

C had such a commanding presence that Nick actually began to turn himself, but after a second he realized the gesture was meant for Riff alone.

The minute Riff was in range C reached out his left arm, took Riff firmly by the waist, and pulled him back into position on the couch in front of C’s slightly turned body. Nick grabbed a chair and pulled it up close to the two men huddled on the couch. Nick positioned it to their right sides so that he could see both Riff and this tall dark stranger behind him.

“Excuse me sir,” Riff said over his right shoulder, “This is Nick and he really wanted to meet you sir. I hope it’s okay that I brought him over.”

“It’s okay pup, what did you say his name was?”

Before Riff could speak, Nick shot out of his chair and jetted his hand in C’s direction. “Hello sir, my name is Nick Charles. Riff has been telling me about your…um teaching arrangement and I insisted on meeting you. I hope that’s all right.”

C gave Nick a firm hand shake and said, “It’s okay Nick, but you should know that pup and I are here to relax. If you want a long philosophical discussion about the nature of dominance and submission I’d suggest another day, another time. My ‘arrangement’ with pup is not open for discussion at this time. If, however, you’d like to tell us about yourself and perhaps why YOU are interested I can give you a few minutes. Otherwise, have a nice evening.”

Nick was not deterred. He began to talk. As he spoke he surprised himself with his own candor. He’s just met this masked man and he was telling him the family secrets. Nick just opened up and began to talk and talk and talk and talk.

Riff watched in utter amazement at the spectacle unfolding. C had barely said anything to Nick, and yet this guy they’d just met, was telling C his life’s story in extremely intimate detail. Riff was mesmerized as Nick gave the account of his first gay sexual involvement.

Nick said, “At just fourteen, I was the only sophomore on the varsity football team in my high school and we were playing this team in Middleport, which was ninety miles away so we had to stay in a motel overnight. Well, we won and the guys were all in our room celebrating… I was sharing a room with our quarterback, Steve Hartuck; he was this really beautiful guy with blond hair and blue eyes… The first guy who’d ever really taken an interest in me…before Steve I was kind of skinny and really didn’t like myself very much… but Steve insisted that I start going to the gym with him, like every day, and he got me into lifting weights and eating right, and in a few months I was a whole different kid. I developed some confidence and it was all thanks to Steve. So that night in Middleport we had this celebration in our room, and there was cheap liquor and beer and some of the guys had pot. Well, after a couple hours I was pretty wasted and finally most of the guys left to go to bed. Steve could tell that I was pretty drunk so he dragged me over to the bed and took off my shoes and my shirt and well, when he was pulling down my jeans I got a huge erection. Steve just started laughing… I was so damned embarrassed, but he told me stuff like that happened to guys all the time, and not to worry about it. So he put me to bed and we went to sleep.

Well in the middle of the night I felt the bed move and when I opened my eyes it was Steve. He got in bed with me and the next thing I knew, he was kissing me. I have to tell you that I had no sexual experience. None. Zero. I was a late bloomer and had just started masturbating maybe six months earlier… like I said I was a late bloomer… plus no one in my house ever talked about sex… And of course, I had no idea that I was gay. I knew that I liked guy’s bodies, but I was still pretty young so it hadn’t sunk in yet. I wasn’t even worried about it. So he kissed me and in a matter of seconds I knew everything; that I liked guys; that I was gay; that I’d been gay for a long time… and that I was in love with Steve. We didn’t sleep at all. Steve kissed me for a long time and the minute he touched my undershorts I came like crazy. He just laughed and kissed me some more. A few minutes later I was hard again so he showed me how to suck dick. We sucked each other for a while. Steve told me I had one of the biggest cocks he’d ever seen which was news to me.

My family was pretty religious and I had a sister and a younger brother so I hadn’t seen many cocks. And in the shower at school I knew better than to look, beside the guys were usually soft so I couldn’t tell about relative size. Anyway, we sucked each other for a while and of course I came again. He held my come in his mouth and made me share it with him. I didn’t want to, but he insisted. Then he showed me how to suck his dick properly and when he came he told me to drink it all down or he’d never suck me again. It didn’t bother me as much to swallow his load. I guess it was because I thought I loved him. I know how dumb that sounds but honest Sir I really thought I loved him. We must have sucked and kissed for hours. Then when I thought he was ready to quit he told me he wanted to fuck me.

Well sir, I was pretty green. I didn’t think guys could fuck other guys and when Steve told me what was involved I said ‘no way.’ So he started kissing me again and he was relentless. As he kissed me he moved his hands all over my body and played with my nipples and tickled my balls, but he wouldn’t touch my prick, and he wouldn’t let me touch it either. After an hour or so I was half out of my mind with lust. I begged him to suck my cock or jerk it or to please let me do it, but he absolutely refused, and just kept on playing with me. He held my arms up over my head and ran his tongue all over my body, between my legs, under my arms, all over my balls, and finally when he went down and grabbed my legs I thought he was finally going to such my cock, but instead he pushed my ass in the air and started rimming me. I almost lost my mind. I had never been that hot.

He was pretty smart and really knew what he was doing. I can see that now. He stopped every couple minutes and squeezed my cock at the root to keep me from shooting. Well the rest you can figure out. After a couple hours I was pleading with him and telling him he could do whatever he wanted if only he would let me come. So he went and got some Vaseline and greased my hole and his cock; then he finger fucked me for quite a while with one and then two and then three fingers. Well sir, I was so damn hot by the time he finished fingering me that I was ready to jump him, and that’s when he took out his fingers and stuck in his cock. He fucked me raw for two solid hours. He fucked me with him on top. He turned me on my side and fucked me from behind. He made me get up and bend over so he could fuck me standing up and finally he lay on his back and made me fuck myself on his prick.

We had sex like that till it was time to get ready for breakfast…and just before we left to eat he stopped me and told me there was one more thing he wanted from me. Well sir, I was so in love that I would have done just about anything. Then he told me what he wanted, and it nearly killed me. He wanted me to drink his morning piss. I thought he was kidding at first. I told him he was crazy; that people didn’t do disgusting things like that, but he wasn’t kidding. He started working on me, telling me that if I really cared about him I would do it for him; that if I wanted him to be my friend, I’d do this for him. I asked him why he wanted me to do this awful thing, and he said it would bond me to him forever. I begged him; I cried; I told him I’d do anything else; that he could fuck me again, but he started to get angry. He got very cold and told me he didn’t want to see me anymore; that we were done working out together…

Finally, in tears I got down on my knees and let him piss into my mouth. He didn’t even try to control his flow. There was no way I could swallow all that piss and he wound up pissing all over my shirt and pants and when I tried to move, to get up, he got really ticked off and grabbed my hair to hold me there till he was finished. When he was through I got up to rush and take a shower before we had to meet the team for breakfast, but he wouldn’t let me. He let me take change my jeans but he insisted that I wear my pissy shorts and t-shirt. I had to keep my jacket zipped up for hours till we got home and I swear I could smell his piss all the while. Steve didn’t even sit next to me on the bus ride home. When we got back things changed. Steve turned me into his personal slave. I had to race to his house every morning before school to suck him off. During the day at school he’d arrange to meet me in the boy’s lavatory for a quick suck.

He never sucked my cock again. He fucked me plenty, but I wasn’t allowed to come in his presence. It was his senior year. That saved my life. He was due to go away to college in the fall, but he kept up his abuse till the day he left. A couple weeks before he went away to college he started forcing me to come to parties at his house, for some guys he said were his ‘close friends;’ guys he met at some club. I was the entertainment. Now I know it must have been some S&M club, but back then, they were just fucking mean. Sir, I can’t tell you all the things they made me do and the things they did to me. I was tied up and fucked in every possible position. They hit me with belts and tied my balls with string for hours. They made me crawl around and lick their feet while they slapped my cock or whacked my balls or pulled on my nipples. They beat the hell out of me. They used dildos and soda bottles and multiple guys. They bent me over a chair and forced a tray of ice cubes up my ass one at a time. They mixed cum with whiskey and make me drink it till I got sick. It was horrible. The last party, Steve put safety pins through my nipples and made me keep them in for a week. They hurt like hell, and by the time he finally let me take them out they were pretty badly infected.

Steve ruined high school for me. I quit football at the end of the season and became the quietest kid in school. I never had another close friend and even in college I was terrified of relationships with men. I had one sexual experience in four years of college and I was so tense that guy finally threw me out of his apartment and told me to find a shrink. Here I am about to be thirty and I’ve had sex with three men since Steve. How sad it that?”

What happened surprised Riff. C on the other hand, saw it coming from the minute Riff had decided to choose Nick, the “dejected” guy. Riff had zeroed in on a guy who was suffering from the same “lost boy” syndrome. C had really wanted to come to Dottie’s and relax. It had been a hellacious week, but Riff had found someone in need of guidance and C had a soft spot in his heart for Riff and others like him.

As Nick was speaking C had been playing with Riff. Quietly C had snaked his left hand under Riff’s jacket and shirt and found his way to Riff’s nipple ring. While Nick told his story C toyed with the ring and tickled Riff’s fuzzy chest. Riff leaned back into C and rested his right hand on C’s muscular thigh. While C played with him, Riff rubbed C’s leg and tried to use his X-ray vision to make out C’s masterful cock. It took all of Riff’s reserve to keep from grabbing C’s leg, turning around, removing the mask and kissing his man on that fantastic mouth.

When Nick finished his story, and before he could launch into another C interrupted, “Excuse me Nick, would you mind getting me a drink? Then I’d like you to continue.”

Nick said, “God, you’re here to relax and I’ve just taken up fifteen minutes telling you the long, very boring story of my unhappy life. I am so sorry. Why don’t I just leave you two alone?”

C raised his hand, “Nick stop! You know damn well, that’s not at all what you want! Now stop being a fool and get me a double Johnny Walker Black…neat. Then come right back. Do you think you can manage that?”

For a moment Nick almost allowed himself to get huffy and say something dismissive, but in another second C’s strength and commanding persona overpowered him and he felt like a small child who’d just been properly put in his place, “Sorry sir, one Johnny Walker Black coming right up sir.”

C sternly interjected, “And?? Nick? And?”

Nick got quite red in the face, “And sir??? Oh… and um …. neat sir… yes sir neat it is.” and Nick hurried toward the bar.

“Jesus sir, does everyone bow to your instruction sir?”

“Yes pup, but there are days when all I want to do is hide boy. Does that make sense to you pup? Can you see how this can grow tiring after a while?”

“Hey look sir; this is all my fucking fault. Let me tell Nick to buzz off. He can make an appointment or whatever and see you some other time. Geeze sir, this has to be awful for you…having guys constantly at you, needing advice, wanting your attention. Sir, I can’t tell you how lousy I feel. Let me get rid of him. I promise to be diplomatic as hell sir. He won’t even be offended. I know how to handle people sir, believe it or not it’s part of my business.”

“No pup, you can’t send him away, not now. Boy, you don’t realize it but someday you’re going to be sitting where I am. You’re going to be the one doing the listening, and when that day comes pup, you’ll know you can never turn your back and send them away. It’s just not right boy.”

“Well sir, just tell me what to do; how I can help. Nick seems like a very nice guy and god knows he’s damn hot. I was so surprised to hear he’s so miserable sir.”

“Sound like anyone you know pup?”

“Yes sir, I know he’s exactly like I was when you came into my miserable life. Excuse me sir, but you’re not going to… um… take him on are you sir? You’re not going to make him one of your…uh… students are you sir.” Riff could feel the jealousy rising in his chest and even though he was embarrassed by the feeling he was more bothered by the thought of sharing C… any part of him, even if it was only his time.

“Pup, I’m surprised you’d even ask the question. You pup, have my undivided attention. There’s no room in my life for any other boy. No pup, Nick needs my help. I intend to listen to him for a while and see if I don’t perhaps know someone who might be able to mentor him.”

Riff felt terribly relieved, “I didn’t think you would take on another… boy sir, but just the possibility scared me sir. I don’t think I could stand the thought of you …um working with anyone else.”

“Would never happen pup. I only have room for you boy, but I do want you to leave us for a while pup. I need to give Nick some serious consideration and with you here, next to me, I’m afraid all I want to do is play with your body boy. I can’t help Nick while I’m so filled with lust for you pup.”

“Oh WOW sir, that’s music to my ears. Do you think you’ll be expressing that lust any time soon sir…perhaps later tonight…say in an hour or so sir and maybe for the next say sixty or seventy years sir?

“Who knows pup, maybe, but first when Nick returns I’d like you to excuse yourself and go have some fun. Go out there among all those terribly handsome young men and let yourself go wild pup. Have a good time so that later you can tell me all about it. Can you do that for me pup?”

“Absolutely sir!”

“And pup.”


“No more lost souls pup. Please pup, don’t bring home any more birds with broken wings or boys with broken hearts…at least no more tonight boy.”

“No sir, no more wounded sparrows. I promise sir… and sir?”

“Yes pup.”

“He will stay in the chair sir… right sir?”

“Sorry pup, but I don’t get your meaning.”

“Well sir, I feel very odd saying this but I’d prefer if Nick stayed off the couch and on the chair, away from you sir.”

“Excuse me boy? Are you trying to say that you don’t trust ME boy?”

“Christ no sir!! I trust you absolutely sir! I don’t trust him sir. Look sir, you don’t seem to know just how much… um animal magnetism you throw out sir. I trust you completely sir, but I don’t want Nick getting the idea that he can…”

“Pup, I can not tell you how annoyed I am becoming.”

“Sorry sir. Pup shutting up sir. Sorry sir! Pup signing out sir.”

Riff didn’t say another word, but he started to sweat buckets thinking of what he had said. He didn’t believe how jealous he felt. He didn’t believe his outburst of raw emotion. So Riff got up and hurried toward the dance floor. On his way he passed Nick who turned and said, “Holy shit Riff, that guy is something else. How did you manage to find him?”

Riff wasn’t feeling as warm or genial toward Nick as he was a few minutes ago, “Look Nick, you’d better not keep MY master waiting. We have other things to do and you should be damn grateful that he’s spending any time with you at all. WE have things to do.”

But Nick didn’t seem to hear what Riff was trying to get across; he was too taken with the captivating stranger on the couch who was making him feel better with every secret Nick uncovered. So Nick went back to his chair, promptly picked it up and moved it to within two feet of C’s body.

Riff had half a mind to go back and rearrange the furniture. He knew he’d catch hell from C so he changed his mind and headed toward a blond surfer boy with an impressive body and very little in the way of clothes.

Meanwhile Nick continued to unburden himself to C. For his part C listened intently and began to quietly relax Nick with a parallel breathing technique. Nick had no idea, but inside of two minutes he was breathing in rhythm with C. Two minutes later C was whispering words that only Nick could hear. Two minutes later C was debriefing Nick’s conscious and unconscious mind to better ascertain exactly what kind of controller would best suit this young man’s special set of requirements. Unlike Riff, Nick had a more strongly developed set of submissive needs. That would necessitate a very different course of instruction. So while Nick was deeply hypnotized C asked him a long series of questions in order to determine how best to begin his training. C also went through a list of suitable controllers in his head… unfortunately there were only a limited few and he wasn’t certain if any of them was available.

Riff had a few words with Jimmy, the blond surfer, and then they took to the floor. In a short while they were having a blast and dancing up a storm. By this time Riff was really sweating and his new “scent” was beginning to “assert itself.”

Jimmy said, “Riff did you just get laid? You smell like sex.”

Riff just smiled. Then two guys dancing next to him turned and one of them said, “Christ man you’re making my dick hard with that smell of yours.”

Riff continued to smile. Two guys on his other side began to sniff around Riff’s body; that began to make Riff a little apprehensive. Then Jimmy moved closer and dove for Riff’s lips. Before Riff could say anything Jimmy’s tongue was grinding against the roof of Riff’s mouth and several pairs of hands were guiding him off the dance floor. A door opened and they were outside in the heat and humidity.

Riff began to sweat as a pair of strong hands forcefully pulled his suit coat down his arms.

Riff said, “Hey wait a second guys...” but before he could say more Jimmy was on his mouth again and hands were removing his shirt and opening his pants. When Riff struggled to break free the arms became more forceful. Riff struck out and connected with someone’s gut as a hand went over his nose and mouth. A foul smelling rag was clamped over his face and as the night began to dim Riff felt his pants flutter down around his ankles.

There were four guys handling Riff. Chaz and Dean were large muscle men, who wore brown t-shirts and jean jackets over black slacks. The third, the ring leader, Bryce, was tall, 6’3”, not quite as muscular, dressed by designers head to toe and known for his inability to take no for an answer. Then finally there was surfer boy Jimmy, who usually acted as bait for the other three. They’d been watching Riff since he walked into the place with the somewhat older guy who seemed to be leading him around by his neck. They watched and waited until they could separate the pair. Bryce had his eye on them both. As fortune would have it Riff fell into their trap first.

They acted quickly; Chaz and Dean pulled Riff’s jock down to join his pants at his ankles. When Riff was essentially naked they ordered Jimmy to suck Riff’s cock while Bryce got the first shot at his asshole.

Riff was only dimly aware of lips on his stiff cock, but he was jolted awake when Bryce unceremoniously rammed his eight inch prick up Riff’s asshole… dry. It hurt like hell and Riff tried to yell but Chaz quickly stuffed the smelly rag into his mouth. Bryce fucked Riff hard, pistoning his thick slab of meat in and out of Riff’s hole as quickly as he could. The combination of the horrible taste in his mouth and his growing rage were causing Riff’s eyes to run over with tears. He tried his best to break away but they had him firmly in place, and Jimmy was not only sucking Riff’s dick but at Bryce’s direction he had a firm hold on Riff’s balls.

Bryce was yelling, “Hold his balls Jimmy. I don’t want him trying to move his ass to meet my cock. I want him held in place so I can fuck him good. Get ready Chaz, you’re next. This guy has a great pussy, man… I’d swear he’s never been fucked. Honest it’s as tight as any virgin I’ve ever broken in. Jesus, this is one sweet…”

Riff became aware of a rumbling sound, like thunder and the next thing he knew no one was holding his arms. In another second he felt his cock pop out of Jimmy’s mouth as Jimmy disappeared out from under him.

By the time Riff looked up it was all over. Chaz and Dean were leaning against the far wall holding their mouths. Both were bleeding profusely from broken lips. Jimmy was huddled on the ground holding onto his knees; and there was Bryce, pants around his ankles, cock sticking up in the air, with his back flat against the side wall and C’s fingers around his throat. To be exact C had three fingers of his right hand around Bryce’s larynx and he had Bryce up on his toes.

Chaz said, “Kick his ass Bryce.”

C was encouraging, “Yes, Bryce is it? Why don’t you try to move, then you can carry your larynx home in your pocket.”

As Dean made a move to get up C pointed his left hand at him, “What’s your name?”

Dean froze at the command in C’s voice, “Dean.”

C responded, “Well Dean, if you make any attempt to get off the ground I will break both your arms…and what’s your name, you, the overgrown glandular moron?”

“It’s Chaz… um … mister.”

C said, “CHAZZZ, what an idiotic bastardization of a name. You must have no respect for you parents at all; to take a hatchet to the name they gave you. Well CHAZZZZ if you get up I promise to snap your femur, that’s you thighbone CHAZZZZ. You’ll spend the next year in a cast, and all those muscles will deflate like an overfilled inner tube. SO STAY THE FUCK ON THE GROUND, ALL OF YOU, OR I SWEAR YOU’LL BE LEAVING HERE IN SEPARATE AMBULANCES!!!”

C addressed Jimmy, “And you down there pissing yourself, what’s your name?”

Jimmy held his knees and rocked; a minute earlier C had grabbed him by the balls and firmly yanked him away from Riff’s prick. Jimmy barely whispered, “My name is Jimmy and I’m very sorry sir… honest I’m very sorry. These guys make me do these things. Honest I’m sorry.”

C softened a bit, “Well, Jimmy after tonight you’d do well to find a better set of friends. I’ll be looking for you Jimmy and you’d better hope I don’t find you with the likes of these degenerates ever again. Either that Jimmy OR LEAVE MIAMI AND NEVER COME BACK!”

Jimmy nodded, “Yes sir I understand.”

C turned toward Riff who was trying to pull up his pants, “Christ pup, are you all right? Did they hurt you boy?”

“No sir, I think I’m okay sir… maybe a little sore is all sir.”

C said, “Please close your eyes pup.”

So Riff grabbed his shirt and finished dressing with his eyes closed. C wanted to take the mask off. He wanted these assholes to see the fire in his eyes. He slowly reached up and took off the mask. He let is fall to the ground. Then he turned to meet Bryce’s eyes with his own.

“Are you gay Bryce?”

Bryce squeaked through a nearly crushed voice box, “I’m not sure what you mean… Just let me go.”

C applied more pressure, “I asked if you considered yourself gay boy, now answer me or you won’t be answering anyone EVER AGAIN.”

Bryce struggled to speak, “I consider myself bi-sexual.”

C smiled, “Glad to hear it boy, because from now on you’ll be exploring your heterosexual nature… If you want to fuck a man then call Dean, or Chazzz there, and fuck them. I don’t ever want to see you at another gay bar, or for that matter, at any club or restaurant that caters to a gay clientele. From now on your social activity is strictly heterosexual. Gay men have enough trouble in this world. They shouldn’t have to fear their own kind. Hereafter Bryce you’ll be drinking in straight bars. And do you know why Bryce? Can you guess why asswipe?”

C raised Bryce up another half inch till his whole body was trembling and said,”I’m waiting for your answer Bryce.”

Bryce was close to hysterics, “I don’t know why… Why will I be drinking in straight bars?”

C continued to smile, “Because Bryce if I ever see you again, I intend to carry your balls home in my pocket. And Bryce just in case you think that’s bravado talking…”

And C reached down between Bryce’s legs to his balls and gave them a full fisted, two fingered, flick that made them fly back and hit the wall behind him. Bryce released a strangled yelp. The fist-flick was so intense and so precise that any man who loved his nuts could tell, with the right amount of force, the same fist-flick would tear them right off his body. And Bryce began to cry.

C said, “Now Bryce I want to hear an abject apology for what you did.”

And Bryce began to speak…

C interjected, “Not yet asshole.”

C released Bryce’s throat and firmly tapped his solar plexus. Bryce immediately doubled over in agony and hit the ground. He landed on his knees; then naturally grabbed his gut and throat, and began to cough. Before he could do anything else or begin his apology C lifted his foot and brought it down on Bryce’s neck. C applied force till Bryce’s cheek was pressed hard against the pavement.

C said, “Now Bryce how about that SINCERE apology?”

So Bryce began to plead for Riff’s forgiveness.

Without ever taking his eyes off the principals C reached down and replaced the mask. Keeping one foot on Bryce’s neck, he reached over and pulled Riff to him. As Bryce sputtered and begged, C turned Riff’s face toward him. When C saw the tears in Riff’s eyes he felt his heart tear. C felt terribly responsible. The dance club had been his idea. He’d managed to put his boy in harm’s way. He pulled Riff’s body close and put his arm around him.

As Bryce continued to babble C took his foot off the prostrate man’s cervical vertebrae. C turned once more toward the others and pointed one finger at them. They knew instantly to stay put till he was far, far away.


More Gay Erotic Stories from Controlone

Billy's Adventure in the Woods

by Controlone O.K. fellas, let’s all say it together: TONGUE IN CHEEK. If you don’t know what that means THEN DON’T READ THIS STORY... Chapter 1 Billy Conrad was a striking young man, six feet tall, 160 pounds with not an ounce of fat (Billy’s first trainer, his dad, was a harsh task master, who instilled in him the importance of a strong healthy body….. The results were stunning).

Billy's Adventure in the Woods, Part 1

by Controlone Okay fellas, let’s all say it together: TONGUE IN CHEEK. If you don’t know what that means THEN DON’T READ THIS STORY...... Chapter 1 Billy Conrad was a striking young man, six feet tall, 160 pounds with not an ounce of fat (Billy’s first trainer, his dad, was a harsh task master, who instilled in him the importance of a strong healthy body….. The results were stunning).

Face In The Mirror

Face In The Mirror Day One I stand here staring into the mirror knowing that I should recognize the person looking back at me, but I keep drawing a blank. Who am I? How did I get here? Where did I come from? I only have bits and pieces. I should say that I’m only allowed bits and pieces. My name is Toy or Pussy or Cuntboy or Pussyface or cum dump, whatever I am told for the time, for

Face In The Mirror, Day 3 Conclusion: Part A: The Flight

The Flight C took his boy for a change of clothes. If they were going to travel together he had a specific idea in mind and for that the kid needed different clothes. Once they got into James’ room C turned the young man around. C said, “Let’s see what we’re going to do with you. You are a fucking mess.” The kid was covered in sweat from head to foot and he reeked of spunk and sex and

Face In The Mirror, Day 3 Conclusion: Part B: Into The COCKpit

Into The COCKpit James crawled to the door of the cockpit, reached up and knocked rather hesitantly, not knowing what to expect. The co-pilot opened the door and almost fell over the prostrated boy. The co-pilot, Steve, 5’10”, wavy sandy colored hair over his collar, broad shoulders, rather thin waist, cute, 26 years old, looking down said, “And what can I do for you?” James peered up

Face In The Mirror, Day 3 Continued: The Party

The Party I worked like an obedient puppy-dog pussyboy to get myself in perfect order for my master. He gave me forty minutes to clean myself off head to toe inside and out. Man I could have used a demolition team. I was covered in sweat and cum and spit and boygoop and pussylube AND I WAS IN LOVE! So I labored for my master, to be his boy, to be perfect for him, as perfect as a

Face In The Mirror, Day 3 Part 2, The Movie

The Movie In another part of the same room Jeff, the junior controller, was in his own predicament. When they stripped him and put him on the table it was discovered that he was “concealing” a rather large butt plug. Many questions followed and the masters finally got him to admit that he was currently living with a mid-level controller from another unit. This was “frowned on” by the

Face In The Mirror, Day 4, Part 1

Day 4, Part 1 As C walked toward the airport terminal James followed, half walking, half skipping, two feet behind his left arm. The boy couldn’t stop grinning. The pilots and flight crew were twenty feet behind them, bringing up the rear. As they were about to enter the building a square shouldered man, 5’9”, 160 lbs, green eyes, with a shock of brown hair that stuck up and seemed to

Face In The Mirror, Day 4, Part 2

Day 4—Part 2 For his part Fat Sam blamed Scott for ruining his slave trading empire. He swore that someday he would have his revenge. Fat Sam moved his business interests into other areas of human depravity, and of course he made millions. For three years Fat Sam kept tabs on Scott. When he got word that Scott regularly crossed the border to play with a combo in a Mexican cantina Sam

Face In The Mirror, Day 4, Part 3

And the creeps continued to degrade him at every chance. They slapped his face and punched his balls and tore at his nipples as they fucked his mouth and ass. Then they rolled him onto his back and continued in that position. When these two finished two more came and took their place. Scott was soon covered in sweat with welts and bruises beginning to show everywhere. They went on like this

Face In The Mirror, Day 4, Part 4

[SUGGESTION: This part will make a lot more sense if you go back and skim the last three pieces of this section. ALSO this last bit is EXTREME, so prepare yourself for some rough stuff. If I believed the violence was gratuitous I wouldn’t have included it. It’s not my style. You will get a lot of information about the Organization in this episode. I hope you can see its purpose.] Scott

Face In The Mirror, Day 4, Part 4, Conclusion

At the end of fifteen minutes Scott had moved past the middle portion of the wall and was on its far right side. To his left he’d left a growing darkening trail of blood and tissue. The doctors in the audience were guessing back and forth about the actual amount of blood, was it more or less than a pint yet…and there was wild speculation about whether or not he would actually orgasm. Back on

Face In The Mirror, Day 5, Part 1: Roberto and Rick

Face In The Mirror Day 5—Part 1—Roberto and Rick In the Organization’s suite at the posh Los Angeles hotel, Roberto paced back and forth while his charge, the Latino boy singer, knelt naked on the floor, wondering why his master seemed so distraught. It was terribly strange for Roberto to be nervous. He’d spent forty years developing his suave sophistication. At 6’2” tall, 160 lbs,

Face In The Mirror, Day 5, Part 2: Scott and James

controlone After several minutes of lascivious foot play Scott opened his eyes and found James staring up at him. He smiled down at the boy lapping at his ankle and James said, “Master it would be a pleasure to serve as your pussyboy; to have you fuck my worthless ass cunt; anything to please you sir.” Scott looked to C for guidance. C responded, “You heard the boy. He’ll be crushed if

Face In The Mirror, Day5, Part 2: Scott and James--conclusion

controlone James was impressed beyond words. It was very unusual for the head of the Organization to affix the icon. It was an enormous honor given to only a handful of super achieving senior controllers, and meant that Scott had distinguished himself above and beyond the call of duty. James had a thought in mind, “Scott there is something.” Scott was eager, “Name it. Whatever it

Face In The Mirror, Intermission: A Great Orgasm

BEST ORGASM EVER: Okay guys here’s a page right out of the Organization’s manual on introductory techniques for sexual gratification using only the conscious mind. If you follow these simple directions I can guarantee you a memorable experience, BUT you gotta follow the directions. There are going to be times when you will want to stop this exercise and bring yourself off. You’re going to

Face In The Mirror, Part 2

Day Two-Conclusion My master opened the door and I began to tremble in his gaze. I want more than anything to please him, to be his pussyboy, to serve his needs. He said, “Let’s take a look at you cuntlips. Turn around.” As I turned he gave me instructions, “Arms up! Let’s see those pits. OK. They look OK. Keep turning. Come on boy stand up straight! I need to see that

Face In The Mirror, Part 3

Day Three The minute I heard a sound at the door, no even before that, I knew it was my master. I swear I can tell when he is near. I can feel it in my heart. I can feel it in my soul. I can feel it in my boycock and good god almighty I can feel it in my boypussy; I can FEEL HIM in my boypussy. He is my life. A moment after the sound I realized I wasn’t frozen so I leapt from my bed,

How I Got Under Your Skin

How I Got Under Your Skin Controlone We met one dark night in a loud gay bar just outside Miami. I came to visit you a week later. You were sitting in a chair in your living room watching TV; some insipid program about other people’s lives, movie stars, pretty people. It was a hot, humid Saturday night in June; you had the A/C on low. You were sitting there in a blue pocket t-shirt,

How I Got Under Your Skin, Chapter 2: Riff's New Life

Riff Branson was a junior executive at Emperor International Cruise Lines (actually three separate lines with 46 ships). He had a law degree but spent most of his time riding roughshod over the Cruise Line’s advertising department. He supervised six men and women who kept the Company constantly in the public eye. They arranged all the normal advertising, scheduled dozens of events, arranged

How I Got Under Your Skin, Chapter 3: His Return

Chapter 3—His Return On Wednesday morning Riff and Caleb stayed in bed playing till almost eight, then they got up and showered together. They went to Denny’s for breakfast. Before the girl took their order Caleb went to the counter, got three quarts of orange juice and two glasses, and brought them back to the table. He smiled at Riff, “I know how this looks,

How I Got Under Your Skin, Chapter 4: Dotties, Part A

Suddenly Riff was electrified. From the very moment C walked into his life he’d brought only unbridled joy and amazing adventure. Riff felt his empty life suddenly fill to overflowing. He wondered what new exciting exploits C had in store for him. He had no idea… No idea at all. ------------------------------------------ The inside of Dottie’s was fantastic, mirrored balls, go-go boys

How I Got Under Your Skin, Chapter 4: Dotties, Part B

As Bryce continued to babble C took his foot off the prostrate man’s cervical vertebrae. C turned once more toward the others and pointed one finger at them. They knew instantly to stay put till he was far, far away. -------------------------------------------- C put his arm around Riff’s waist and guided him to Dottie’s parking lot. He led Riff to a stretch limo. The driver raced

How I Got Under Your Skin, Chapter 4: That Night

Chapter 4—That Night controlone It took Riff an hour to calm himself enough to do any work. He was exhausted and happy and very confused. He couldn’t think about anything but C. C was in his head; C was in his heart; C was everywhere. The more Riff thought the more he wanted to be with C; to love him; hell, to worship him. He’d never felt anything like this. He’d never imagined

How I Got Under Your Skin, Chapter 5, Part A: Caleb's Day

controlone As Riff dragged his totally spent body toward his apartment his eyes focused on his door. Outside under the breezeway awning, sitting on the cement stoop, leaning against his door, all huddled up, sound asleep; there was Caleb. Riff didn’t know whether to slap him or scold him or hug him or slug him. Instead he just shook his head. Riff got his key ready and as he came up to

How I Got Under Your Skin, Chapter 6, Part A: Caleb's Day--End

Chapter 6A--Caleb's Day--End “Okay boy stand up and spread those legs; time to take your harness off. I’m afraid with all the turmoil I forgot all about it. Oh yes, and try not to piss yourself.” Caleb stood up, glowing red from his scrubbing. He was very worried about what might happen next. He looked spectacular, six feet and three inches of total masculinity, muscles shining from

How I Got Under Your Skin, Chapter 6B Caleb's Day Continues

Chap 6B—Caleb’s Day Continues Controlone With no further ado Riff pulled Caleb up toward the head of the bed. The two men shared a pillow as Riff spooned behind Caleb. When Caleb felt Riff push the length of his cock up between his butt cheeks he wanted to squeal, but he withheld that response; instead Caleb reached behind with his right hand and pulled his butt cheeks further apart, so


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