Gay Erotic Stories

Face In The Mirror, Day5, Part 2: Scott and James--conclusion

by Controlone
25 Mar 2004

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James was impressed beyond words. It was very unusual for the head of the Organization to affix the icon. It was an enormous honor given to only a handful of super achieving senior controllers, and meant that Scott had distinguished himself above and beyond the call of duty.

James had a thought in mind, “Scott there is something.”

Scott was eager, “Name it. Whatever it is, it’s yours.”

James said, “I want you to show me what you’re going to do the next time you and Jack are alone together……. Act it out with me….. here….. now…. your love…. how much you’ve missed him….. that you cannot; will not live without him. That’s what I want.”

Scott was a little dazed, “You want me to pretend you’re Jack and have sex again?”

James explained, “Not just sex Scott; I want you to make love to me as yourself, the person you are now…. healed. And I want you to imagine I’m Jack.”

Scott’s respect for James kept growing. The kid had been operating at full throttle all morning, always at his master’s beck and call. He’d given a flawless performance of gymnastic agility and super sexual control; after which he’d acted out his crawling seduction ritual, and since they’d come into the bedroom he’d done the lion’s share of physical exertion. James should have been exhausted and sexually spent. Instead he wanted to do more; to help Scott further; to insure his sexual healing.

Scott did a little reconnoiter; he’d come twice in the limo and twice in the bedroom. (Thank you James times four.) He wondered if he’d be able to cum a fifth time in less than four hours. He decided: what the fuck, it was worth a shot.

Scott said, “After everything we’ve shared today I’ll do whatever you ask.”

James smiled, “Now that you’re back to your old self, I want you to fuck me with wild abandon. Show me how it will be when you’re back with Jack…… passionate Scott…. hungry…. full of feeling…. and need.”

Scott replied, “But James, what’s in it for you?”

James got very serious, “While you’re making love to Jack through me I’ll be making love to David through you. I’ll be your Jack; you’ll be my David.”

Scott nodded, “Man O man, that’s a tall order, but I’ll sure as shit try. I’ll try my best.”

James lowered his eyes and whispered, “But Scott, don’t talk, show me all of it with your body. Tell me with your cock, your cock, your cock. Show me with your cock.”

And that’s exactly what he did. It took the better part of an hour. The love, the sex, the passion were intense. The fervor smoldered and ignited; the heat threatened to roast them both alive….. and it grew and grew…. till they felt the flames lapping at their balls.

Their bodies slid one across the other; their flesh pressed; their muscles flexed; and their skin touched and rubbed and generated a sexual static electrical charge that drove them on.

They necked and sucked and kissed; then they fucked like animals, wild rutting beasts. They stopped and climbed into the shower. While the hot water battered their bodies Scott pushed James up against the wall and penetrated him with so much force that he almost drove them both through the ceramic wall. As much as Scott battered James’ hot ass, James assaulted Scott by grabbing fistfuls of his fleshy sinew and holding on.

They didn’t bother toweling dry as they left the shower stall; their excitement was too heated, too intense. They found themselves at the window; James sitting on the sill, holding onto Scott’s thick muscular neck for dear life, while the controller fucked him hard against the glass. Pounding. Pounding. Pounding. Pounding.

On top of the coffee table James’ ass kept sliding north then south to meet the slam-bang of Scott’s hard cock reaming, pile-driving his pulsing hole. James bit Scott’s lip drawing blood and a cry of joy-pain-pleasure. Their mouths locked in a sealed kiss and Scott’s exhaled breath became James’ inhaled air. And they never missed a beat; cock thrusts, balls slap ass; cock withdraws; prostate quivers; cock thrusts, balls slap ass; cock withdraws; prostate quivers; cock thrusts, balls slap ass; cock withdraws; prostate quivers….

James felt his head slamming into the wall inside the closet, his legs wrapped around Scott’s beefy, sweaty, hairy hips, while Scott drove his prick home, over, and over, and over, and over; their eyes locked, frozen in a stare. Neither man had any idea how they got there. By now they were one giant powerful fucking machine; so they fucked and they fucked and they fucked and they fucked.

A moment later they were rolling on the carpet; every revolution push-pulled Scott’s cock into-out-of the younger man’s hole, into-out-of, into-out-of, into-out-of. They roared and snorted and growled, and rolled and rolled and rolled. When Scott was on top he threw back his head and howled; when James was on top he threw back his head and howled; when Scott was on top he threw back his head and howled; when James was on top he threw back his head and howled……..

James standing, Scott standing; they fucked. Scott sitting, James straddling; they fucked. James in front, Scott behind; they fucked. James bending, Scott crouching; they fucked. James on top, James on the bottom; they fucked. Scott bucking and vaulting, James biting and sucking; they fucked.

Then they were on the bed; under the covers, face to face, front to back, groin to groin, crotch to butt, around and around and around; they fucked and fucked and fucked.

Each licked and sucked and kissed every inch of the other’s face and chest and neck; they fucked and fucked and fucked.

James came once, twice, three more times between the bed and the closet and the roll on the floor.

At first Scott had been concerned about how often he’d come, squirted, ejaculated, shot his load. It proved foolish. He came once in the shower, again in the closet and finally as the insane coupling, the wild ride, the hurricane/ tornado/ tsunami/ tidal wave/ volcano/ earthquake moved toward calmer ardor they blew one more batch of ball sauce at the same time, in perfect harmony, exactly together in the very last moment; as they melted into one soft gentle angel’s kiss.

The two shared more in those few hours together than many valiant lovers share in a lifetime. They traded their most intimate secrets and exposed their gravest doubts and fears. And as odd as it may seem, although they didn’t become lifetime lovers, it was as if they had. They were inextricably joined for life by a bond as strong as any ever was between two people.

Scott spoke first, “So were you able to close your eyes and imagine I was David?”

James looked into the distance, “Scott, when we came into this room and I….. woke up; well, I was myself, here with you, and it was pretty great, but before today…. It was always David. Even before he let me remember his face or his voice; it was his smell, his skin, his cock. The day after I was inducted, David did my first debriefing and I felt a huge pull. I was incredibly drawn to him. By the time I was assigned to David, to be his boy, I knew that I was bonded to him; that I loved him. So, how’d you do? Were you able to see me as Jack?”

Scott smiled, “Maybe a little, but I kept coming back to this room and you. You’re one hot kid; you nearly drove me out of my mind. At least I’m ready for Jack now. I know what I’m going to say, and I won’t take no for an answer. I think we’ll be OK. Do me a favor and don’t tell my brother how little faith I had in our methods… it was my depression talking not me.”

James turned toward the controller, “Scott, I have to tell your brother everything. There’s no way around it. In a day or two, at my regular debriefing, he’ll ask me for a self-report and I’ll tell him every tiny detail my mind deems important. I couldn’t block it if I tried… but don’t worry, David will understand…… your part. I’m in for a hell of a dressing down and punishment. I don’t think anyone’s ever screwed up this bad. I’ve broken lots of rules and every one is a major infraction.”

Scott reached over and rubbed James’ chest, “I promise to talk with my brother. Did you see the way he handled Roberto; how genial he was; how forgiving. James he has a lot more feeling for you than Roberto. I think he’ll understand.”

James shook his head, “It would be different if I were a controller, but Scott I know the rule book backwards and forwards; my violations are pretty serious. David’s going to have to make an example of me. Otherwise it will look like he’s showing favoritism. I’m in for the mother of all sanctions. He might even throw my ass out. It’s my own fault. It’s all my fault.”

Scott was getting annoyed, “Why is it you have such empathy for everyone but yourself? Listen up. You leave it to me. If anyone can handle this problem I can. Kid, you forget David’s my big brother. I know how to prevail on all his weaknesses. Besides, if he gives me too much shit, I’ll call our mom and tell on his ass. I want you to shut the fuck up and have some faith. Let Scottie handle everything.”

Scott opened his arms and signaled with his flapping hands that he wanted James to move closer. A minute later James’ arms were wrapped around Scott and he was resting his head on the older man’s furry chest. Scott ran his fingers through the boy’s platinum curls with one hand and patted his back with the other.

They stayed in each other’s arms for several minutes. Scott dozed briefly and when he awoke the man he knew as James had gone and left his alter ego, the cuntboy, in his stead.

Scott realized the necessity and was grateful there hadn’t been a sad, tearful parting. Instead James had retreated and his magnificent boy had come to take his place.

The candidate helped Scott dress. The pair looked as if they’d just finished several triathlons, totally spent but glowing, warm and rosy.

When they were both in “better” order and it was time to return to the sitting room, James went down on all fours prepared to crawl into the room. That’s where Scott drew the line.

”Boy, I absolutely insist that you walk beside me. I promise you it is all right. It is what I wish and I want you to understand that I’m doing it out of gratitude for your service and NOT to embarrass you. Now walk beside me. If it scares you, then hold my hand.”

And that’s exactly what James did. He felt more than a little apprehensive, a pussyboy walking on two legs into a room full of controllers. He’d be lucky if he wasn’t beaten bloody, but a senior control insisted and that took precedence.

C was startled to see his boy walk into the room; then he noticed that Scott was holding his hand. As soon as both men had entered C made a single rapid hand gesture and James was kneeling at his side. The boy began to feel safe once again, back under his one true master’s aegis.

C spoke first, “Scott I heard some very unusual sounds emanating from that room. I would swear I heard my boy, this boy, talking and laughing, and even crying out. Can you explain that? Does he need correction? What the hell happened in there?”

Scott was absolutely firm, “David I’m going to ask you a favor as your brother. If you love me; if you have any affection for me at all; I want you to indulge me in this matter. Please David, let the boy erase what transpired between us in that room; let him put it out of his mind. Please David, don’t force him to reveal it…. even to you. I’m really begging you.”

C wasn’t sure how to answer, “Why Scott? What happened that he needs to forget?”

Scott wasn’t deterred, “Look David, don’t make this difficult. Let’s just say that if he reveals what happened in there it would be horribly….. permanently… terribly embarrassing for ME. So that’s why I’m asking. Please let him forget what happened between us in that room. Will you do that for me?”

C was in a quandary, “It’s not that simple. His brain isn’t a hard drive with a delete button. I can’t make him forget anything. Some things, important secrets and suggestions that are potentially damaging to him, I can lock them away from his consciousness…… temporarily, but Scott, it’s all there, AND it all remains available to me. It has to be that way.”

Scott wouldn’t budge, “Then figure something out. I’m not taking no for an answer.”

C reached over and patted James on the head, “Perhaps there is something….. James, look at me.”

The boy turned and stared into his master’s eyes. The sound of his name put him into a highly suggestible state. Anything C said now would have maximum effect.

C began, “James, I want you to focus on everything that just transpired between you and Scott in the bedroom. Do you have it all in your mind?”

James said, “Yes, master all of it.”

C continued, “James, Scott has asked that you be allowed to put these events, all the details, away from examination for a while. Your programming won’t allow you to forget it or to block it permanently, but if you are agreeable you may store it away, even from me, your controller, until after you are no longer a candidate. At that time you will be free to expose the information, or if you like, you can keep it to yourself. Do you understand? It is your choice boy. Tell me what you wish.”

James hesitated for a minute, “Master, it disturbs me to keep things from you. Will this further disappoint you with my behavior sir?”

Scott shook his head. This kid was so head over heels he wouldn’t even protect himself. He’d rather suffer the wrath of god than disappoint his controller.

C moved ahead, “James, it will not disappoint me. Scott would like you to lock the information away. I want you to do what you think is best.”

James thought for a moment and responded, “Master, as long as it will not disappoint you or displease you, then I would like to block what happened until my candidacy is completed. However master, if at any time you want me to divulge the information you only have to ask.”

C concluded, “Return to observer James, and get back to my feet.”

James was quick to act. At some point C had replaced his shoes so James had the pleasure of starting one of his favorite activities from the very beginning. He gently took hold of C’s right foot and began to remove the soft leather loafer.

As C settled back into his chair, Scott grabbed the newspaper, and Dr John reentered the room looking relaxed and refreshed.

John looked around, “I dozed off in the tub. I feel like I slept for days. Did I miss anything?”

As Scott and C smiled at each other there was a knock at the door. John was up so he answered it. Almost as soon as he turned the knob, four more senior controllers piled into the room. C had been expecting them. He turned slightly in his chair and said, “Gentlemen come in please. I know you all remember my brother Scott. Scott, these guys were part of the team I brought to Mexico. You’ve met them before, over the years. Please guys introduce yourselves.”

Scott did remember every face. He knew Joel and Simon by name and was reintroduced to Cal and Tony. The men all took seats and began to talk.

Simon was curious, “Well C, why did you call us here?”

C remained cryptic, “You’ll understand everything shortly. For now here’s what you need to know. I’m expecting the arrival of a young reporter, Kenneth Fitzpatrick. He works for the Hollywood Sentinel, and a couple weeks ago he took a picture of one of our seniors in a compromising position with his candidate, a well know celebrity. This punk newspaper man is trying to use this photograph as leverage for some kind of extortion. He’ll be here any minute and….. let’s just say that I’m ready for him.”

The other men smiled and were happy they weren’t in the reporter’s shoes. Whatever C had planned for the punk wasn’t going to be pleasant. It would probably be instructive and educational for the young man….. edifying, but no doubt the kind of lesson that came at a high price….. and a good deal of punishment. They all wondered what C had in mind and how they’d be involved. They knew it had to be an elaborate scheme because C had called in the troops for its execution. They were certain there was a great adventure brewing and knew that by the time it was finished they’d have another fantastic “C story” to carry home with them. A certain giddy anticipation began to build in the room.

Twenty minutes later there was another knock at the door. This one was more restrained, perhaps a little timid. C sent most of the men into one of the anterooms and told them to watch by way of closed circuit television. He had John and James remain behind. While C sat in his chair with James at his feet, he asked John to answer the door. The trap was set.


Well guys, I’m off to write a chapter or two for “How I Got Under Your Skin.” Then I’ll bounce back for the next part of Face. There are only five more chapters till the end of this book. What remains is mostly fun and games and lots of sex.

Let me know what you think and perhaps what final thoughts you might have.


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