Gay Erotic Stories

Face In The Mirror, Day 5, Part 2: Scott and James

by Controlone
25 Mar 2004

Arm Pits Athletics Bondage Discipline Exotic Fantasy Fetish Fetish Gay Erotic Stories Hairy Hypnosis Jockstraps Muscle Role Playing Romance S/M Secret Clubs (Men)


After several minutes of lascivious foot play Scott opened his eyes and found James staring up at him. He smiled down at the boy lapping at his ankle and James said, “Master it would be a pleasure to serve as your pussyboy; to have you fuck my worthless ass cunt; anything to please you sir.”

Scott looked to C for guidance. C responded, “You heard the boy. He’ll be crushed if you deny him. He’ll feel like an utter failure.”

Scott blustered, “This is all your doing. You love to meddle in my life.”

C returned the sentiment, “Remember what I told you as your superior. You need to heal your body sexually. Take that boy, who will probably be your boss someday, and make him happy by fucking him senseless. The next time you see him, HE could be giving YOU orders.”

That made Scott smile, “Ya know David, sometimes I forget that once upon a time you were a candidate just like this boy down here on his belly…asking to be fucked. But you just reminded me.”

C smiled a knowing smile, “We all start out crawling on our bellies--remembering that keeps us humble. Of course I was a candidate. I only hope I made my master as proud as this cunthole, cumdump makes me. Now go fuck him!”

Scott got up from the chair, took James by the arm and pulled him into one of the adjoining bedrooms.


James knelt by the bed and waited for his master’s instructions.

Poor Scott was more than a little nervous. After Mexico there were months of surgery and rehab to heal his body and repair his badly damaged cock. It had been almost a year since he’d had sex and the fact was he had no idea if his “equipment” would perform properly. On the other hand James had been able to suck two good loads out of his balls in the limo…that was encouraging. Scott needed to take hold of himself. For heaven’s sake he’d been fucking like a mad man for decades; he’d plugged dozens of great looking guys and nailed his share of candidates along the way. He knew he’d be okay if he could just get the ball rolling. He walked over, sat on the bed and looked at James.

“Boy can you release yourself from hypnotic control? Have you reached that level yet?”

James was puzzled, “No sir. Only my master has that power.”

It had been several years since Scott had any involvement in candidate training. He tried to remember what he’d learned, but his memory was foggy. Scott felt tight, all wound up. He wanted to talk to James the person, not the pussyboy. Right now Scott needed a friend; someone he could really speak to…open up with. James could be that perfect person, almost a stranger, someone who would absolutely keep his confidence, a man Scott could trust, and it didn’t hurt that James was extremely masculine and very handsome…or that he was making Scott sweat.

“Do you have to call me master?”

James felt rather uncomfortable, “What else would I call you sir?”

“Can’t you just call me Scott?”

James wondered if this was a test, “No sir, I could never be that disrespectful. Have I offended you master? I am very stupid sir, have I said something wrong?”

“Christ no boy, you haven’t done anything wrong. Can’t you take off some of your hypnotic restraint? I know that eventually you’ll be able to lift yourself out of trance.”

James tried to think around the barriers of hypnotic restraint, “Sir, if you wish I could shift my perception to the ‘observer level.’ Then I will be consciously aware of everything going on. Certain limits are relaxed in that state.”

“Good Boy, do that, do that now.”

James blinked a few times, “It’s accomplished sir.”

“So what’s different?”

James considered the question and his answer, “Well sir, I guess you could say that more of my mind is here…more of my senses acting together. In this state I have full use of logic, intelligence, and my ability to analyze what’s going on around me. At this level I can hear all the conversations around me, understand them, and integrate them into my reality.”

“And what’s still constrained?”

James almost laughed, “Oh sir, a lot’s missing…most of my long term memory, my history. But sir, except for the things my master has ordered me to lock away, I can tell you with some accuracy everything that’s transpired from the day my candidacy began, but nothing before that.”

“Do you know who you are?”

James wasn’t certain he understood the question, “I’m a cuntboy sir. I live to serve my master… I worship my master. I am a candidate in the Organization. If I ever complete my training I’ll become a junior controller…but I don’t think that’s ever going to happen.”

“Why not?”

James’ voice dropped and he lowered his eyes, “I keep disappointing my master. I try my best, but there’s a stubborn, strong willed part to my personality and I can’t seem to will it away or break it. It’s a terrible weakness…my greatest flaw. My master has tried many things and it hurts me deeply that I can’t seem to accomplish this for him. Sir, I would do anything for my master. I pray that someday I can present him with this success, as my special gift to him. I am consumed with my inadequacy. I cannot bear to frustrate my master, and yet, it’s all I seem to do.”

“James, that’s not true, your master is quite proud of you. He speaks very highly of you.”

James was incredulous, “I think you are mistaken sir. You must be thinking of some other candidate, a different cuntboy. I bring my master nothing but dissatisfaction.”

“You just answered to your name. Is it okay for me to call you James?”

James was a bit startled, “No one ever calls me that name…James…it sounds so odd. And yet, I hear it echo in my head from long ago. So sir, if it pleases you to call me James…I will assume it’s allowed.”

“Isn’t there some way you can call me Scott?”

James got very nervous, “Sir, it would be a breech of protocol. I could force myself sir, to please you sir, but it would make me very embarrassed and ashamed. It would be like compelling me to blaspheme, to be intentionally disrespectful. It’s done sometimes in training when a candidate is made to bring about his own castigation. One master will order me to disobey another so that I will intentionally bring down my own punishment. It is done to teach us humility. If it’s your wish sir, naturally I will obey.”


James could sense the sadness in Scott and a certain reticence to begin any sexual activity. James was not the least reserved about sex, so he got up, climbed on the bed, got behind Scott, and began to massage his shoulders, “Does this please you sir?”

“Yes James, that feels great.”

James stopped for a moment; helped Scott out of his jacket; folded it neatly; and set it aside. As he continued to rub Scott’s upper arms James leaned in and began to nibble on Scott’s neck. A couple minutes later while James kissed, bit, and licked Scott’s ear he opened his tie and slowly slid it out of his collar. When James had kissed down to Scott’s shoulders he reached around; gradually unbuttoned his shirt; and snaked his hand inside to lightly graze the sandy hair on Scott’s chest. James’ stiff prick bounced against his stomach and thumped Scott’s back like a big bass drum…boom, boom, boom.

James had never gotten sexually involved as an “observer,” and he felt like he was seeing, smelling, hearing, feeling, and even tasting things for the first time. Unbeknown to him other changes were taking place in his psyche; dominoes were falling; doors were opening; walls were tumbling down.

Scott’s heart began to pound; his pits got damp, and his jock got way too small to contain his energetic fat, hard cock. James continued to focus on Scott’s neck and ears and chin and shoulders and chest…and then using both hands he began to finger and tease Scott’s rubbery erect nipples… The controller’s troubles seemed to float away. Scott was a believer; this kid could do EVERYTHING; he was gifted at every fucking thing. The boy was a marvel… No, more like a wizard, a skillful magician…there was no doubt he had a magic tongue and magic fingers…in addition to his magic body and his magic cock. Scott relaxed into James’ expert arms.

James slid Scott’s shirt out of his pants and tossed it away; he moved to the side, gently pushed Scott back on the bed, undid his belt, opened his zipper, and as Scott raised his hips James pulled off his trousers. Without thinking James hopped off the bed and went to work attending to Scott’s clothing. He arranged the pants and jacket on a wooden hanger, the shirt and tie on another, and hung them both in the closet.

When James returned to the bed, Scott, still in his jock was propped up on his elbow, “You didn’t have to do that. Look James, I know I’m a controller and you’re a candidate. That was fine for the blowjob in the car, but just now I need a friend… I’m feeling pretty weird…awkward. You probably can’t understand any of this…but if you’re here to please my brother; if you’re here on David’s orders; if you’re looking to be slave-pussy for my cock; well then, I’d rather we just take a nap together. I don’t want to fuck a cuntboy… Jesus James, I really need a friend. Do you comprehend anything I’ve said… what I mean?”

James felt disoriented, “You are his brother… You’re my master…you’re David’s brother… It just fell into place…the relationship. WOW, you’re David’s brother?”

Now Scott was puzzled, “Yes, I’m David’s brother. You know that. You’ve known that all day… and even before this. I’ve seen you previously; at the beginning of your candidacy. Maybe you don’t remember.”

James smiled, “Of course I remember; I could give you the date and time I first laid eyes on you. That’s not it Scott. It just made sense. Everything fell into place. It’s like seeing things properly for the very first time. Jesus Christ, you’re Scott; you’re David’s brother!”

Scott wondered what was happening, “Um James, I don’t want to alarm you but you’re calling me Scott.”

James was startled, “Oh shit! Hey, I’m really sorry about that. I should be calling you sir… it feels so damned strange…everything feels so weird…like I just woke up after a very long sleep…no, more like a very long coma…and I know I should be frightened. I should be terrified…but…but…it’s kind of exciting. Man O Man is my dick ever hard… I think I’d shoot if I sneezed… Damn! I feel gooood!” James reached out his arms and stretched, “Jeeeze, I just remembered, David fucked me blind on the flight out here. Your brother is one hell of a great fuck. Ooops! I know I shouldn’t have said that.”

Scott started to laugh, “David, my brother David, is a great lay? I mean I love him and admire him and I’d do absolutely anything FOR him, but trying to imagine him as a great lover. How the hell do you get the stick out of his ass?”

James started to laugh, and then stopped, “Oh man Scott, you are so wrong. David is the sweetest, kindest, most gentle man I’ve ever known, inside or outside the Organization. He’s also the smartest, strongest, wisest, and most loyal person. If you don’t know that then you don’t know your brother very well.”

Scott has been sarcastic, and he knew it. “No James, you’re right. I just like to ride his ass about being so reserved and ‘presentable’ all the time. When he was younger he used to cut loose…get into trouble…break the rules…in his twenties he was wild…really wild. He’s changed since he took on all this responsibility.”

James understood more and more, “You have no idea how hard he works. I get to see parts of him that no one else sees. When I’m his cuntboy, sitting at his feet, I see and hear everything that goes on, the pressure he’s under. Scott he takes on everyone’s problems as his own. He worries night and day about every person in his command. He carries around the weight of the world, and Scott in 16 months I’ve never once heard him complain, or ask for a single thing for himself…not a single thing. Jesus, he’d kill me if he heard me talking. Most of this, this information, is supposed to be locked away in my subconscious.”

Scott asked, “What the fuck is going on with you James…your language, your speech patterns, they’re all different. What happened?”

James thought for a second, “Hmmm I think something you said together with something I did released me from hypnotic control. Hmmm I’m trying to dig around in my consciousness to see what’s there and what’s missing… From what I can tell most of the constraints are gone. There are definitely some things missing, things David ordered me to lock away, but everything else… yes, pretty much everything else is there. Did you know I went to Cornell and majored in drama? And I’ve been engaged, TO A GIRL! Actually before I started my candidacy I was a raving heterosexual. I had noting against men. They were okay, but I had plans for marriage and a family. Looking back now, I realize I was pretty lost. My life was going nowhere fast. I think that’s why I took the leap and agreed to enter candidacy. Fuck, if I had known what was involved I would never… NEVER have agreed to any of it.”

Scott interjected, “That’s probably true for everyone in our little club. None of us would have enlisted if they told us the hell we were about to endure, but James, it’s worth every blowjob and nasty fuck--even the bondage and horrible discipline. This is the best group of men in the universe. I’d do it all again. Hell, if they said it was necessary I’d begin as a day one candidate tomorrow to keep my place here.”

James was just as eager, “You don’t have to sell me. I’m still just a pussy on legs, but I know how valuable this training is. Besides there are larger issues…other reasons.”

Scott grinned, “Yes, I know, you love my brother. That’s one secret you can’t seem to keep. My god James, you fawn all over him. It’s very cute, and kind of funny.”

James turned beet red, “Oh shit, is it that obvious. I’m always trying to please him and god knows I’d do absolutely anything he asked, but does it seem different from the way the other boys treat their masters? Oh hell, how obvious is it?”

Scott didn’t want to humiliate the guy, “It’s not tooooo bad. It’s just that you say how much you love his voice, and his face, and everything he says, and how it kills you to disappoint him.”

James shook his head, “I know, I know, it seems like I’m always failing him. He must think I’m a big pain in the ass. I guess he’ll be glad when and if I ever make it to junior controller.”

Scott narrowed his eyes, “Now I think you’re being disingenuous. I think you’re doing some fishing of your own. You’re around him ALL THE TIME. You must have some sense of how he feels about you.”

James sat on the edge of the bed, “Unfortunately, that’s one of the areas in my mind that’s blocked. David’s put some things under lock and key in my brain. That includes anything he says about me in my presence. I do remember YOU telling HIM that love would do him good and that you believed he loved ‘this kid.’ I was the ‘kid’ wasn’t I?”

Scott turned toward the younger man, “Yup, you’re the kid in question. So how do you feel about that?”

James didn’t have to think, “I love him. It’s as simple as that. If he doesn’t feel the same it will hurt like hell. I guess I’d have to live with it; I just don’t know how. Scott over all these months my respect and admiration for David has grown; so has my affection, till he fills my thoughts. Even when I’m under tight control I’m obsessed with pleasing him. I’m not sure how people on the “outside” fall in love. When I look back at my affection for my girlfriend I realize it was nothing, not an atom of what I feel for David. If it’s possible I want to spend my life in his service. The idea of being with him, sleeping in the same bed is like a pipe dream…utterly impossible. Scott, I’d settle for whatever crumbs I could get…I’ll do anything I can just to be around him. Hell, if he won’t love me back I’ll get the job as his personal assistant or his valet or his driver or his secretary. Frankly, I don’t care, but I need to be around him. And that’s how I feel about your brother. It’s so fucking cool that you’re his brother.”

Scott found himself wanting to make James feel better. Suddenly his own problems seemed smaller, more manageable. He reached over and put his hand on James’ warm shoulder. James tilted his head to the side and rested it on Scott’s hand.

“Hey Scott, you’ve got troubles of your own. I know the basic facts about Mexico. I flew down with David, but he refused to take me along on the raid…too dangerous… They called him from Juarez the night you were kidnapped. He was on the jet twenty minutes after he hung up the phone. Besides barking out orders he didn’t say five words all the way there. I honestly think I know him better than anyone, and I have never seen him frightened…never…but that night. I’ve never seen him more concerned. It scared the piss out of me…seeing Control One troubled…that just doesn’t happen. Scott, he nearly lost his mind looking for you. It took about 20 hours to travel there and get a fix on your location; then another 4 hours to plan the attack; 8 hours to complete the raid; and almost 18 hours to evacuate and get everyone where they belonged. Scott he got that first emergency call at the end of a hard 16-hour day. All in all he was awake, alert, and managing every detail for almost three days. When we got back he had a full day’s work waiting and no one else who could do it. Scott, I have never heard him complain, or even say that he was exhausted. It’s easy to see why everyone who knows him loves him. You should hear what they say when he’s not around. Not only do they all adore working for him, shit they all lust after his ass… is it any wonder that I love him too; that I want to belong to him any way that he’ll have me?

Scott laughed, “Don’t get the wrong idea, I love him too. He’s my favorite brother and I have a whole bunch to choose from. I just like to ride his ass about being ‘management’ you know, ‘the man.’ And I never get to see him anymore. It seems like my family has been blown to the four corners of the earth. And then there’s Jack…”

James turned to face Scott, “I am sorry. I’m going on about David when he’s right in the next room” and James shivered head to foot, “Ooooh sorry about that, the thought that David is on the other side of that wall took my breath away for a second. Scott I think that David is right; that you should go and see your… friend… lover…sorry, what do you call him?”

Scott raised his eyebrows and frowned, “I call him ‘missing.’ It’s hard for me to understand James. They mistreated Jack; they raped him; but they kept him high and completely out of it. They beat the snot out of me; raped me with everything in the room; drugged me with hormones, hallucinogens, toxins and irritants; tortured me non stop for more than forty-eight hours straight, and I was ready to dance as soon as I got out of the hospital. It’s over now…. all that horrible stuff…. If I can get over it, I don’t understand why Jack can’t…especially because I love him and I’m here for him…and Christ knows I want him… And James…tt feels reeeally odd sitting here, talking to you about this; when we’re naked.”

James got up, waved Scott over, pulled down the bedclothes, and motioned for Scott to climb under. A minute later the pair were under the sheets propped up on pillows, “Is that better?”

Scott nodded, “Much. James, am I being an insensitive asshole? You can tell me. Is there something I’m not seeing? Is there a reason it was so much harder for Jack than for me?”

James considered his answer, “I don’t think you’re being insensitive, but you need to put yourself in Jack’s shoes. You’re the… um-alpha male…the top dog. He’s the… ‘giving’ partner…more submissive. He thinks he got you tortured. He believes it’s his fault. I heard what you told David…that Jack remembers you begging to take his place, to be tortured instead of him. Scott he feels responsible for what happened to you. He didn’t get the short end of the stick, and his suffering wasn’t worse than yours, but he probably wishes it had been. He saw how much more they hurt you. He got narcotics and relaxants while they made you feel every punch and kick. I’d bet he wishes they’d hurt him more and you less. If anything he thinks they pampered him and then forced him to watch what his easy treatment was costing you. Think about it. They made him feel like shit. They made him feel good at your expense. It’s got to be eating him alive.”

Scott finally got it, “Well kid, I guess you can add yet another skill to your list. You’re a fucking psychology wiz along with everything else. Do you know how smart you are?”

James blushed crimson, “It has nothing to do with intelligence. Scott, all I had to do was substitute David and me for you and Jack. It would kill me to see someone hurting David. Then to think it was my fault. And on top of all that, to have them drug me so that I felt hot, horny and euphoric while it was happening. I’d wind up thinking I could never look David in the eye again. It’s actually pretty simple. In that situation I’d much rather be the one getting hurt. Any two people who loved each other would feel that way.”

Scott lowered his head, “Christ, I am stupid… and insensitive. Why didn’t I see it? Jack did get the rotten end of the deal. It’s easy for me to feel good because I survived all that miserable shit, and Jack wasn’t badly hurt. I’m ashamed to say that while I was in the hospital I felt like Jack’s hero for surviving and shielding him. It turns out I’m even more responsible for his pain. You know how this all started? It was my fault that rotten prick, Fat Sam, came after us. He was pissed off because I messed with his slave business. Sam swore he’d get even. If it hadn’t been for me Jack would never have been kidnapped in the first place. They grabbed him because they knew he mattered to me.”

James answered, “I only know bits and pieces. David told the story once, in a lecture to junior controllers; about a rescue mission you put together to save some young guys being held against their will by that man, Fat Sam. He told them how heroic you guys were. He said controllers should aspire to the same qualities as that group.... your group. He said you showed unusual bravery against the odds and that your only incentive was helping those kidnapped young men and their families.”

Scott wondered, “I don’t suppose he mentioned that he had to bail out our asses.”

James was not surprised, “David wouldn’t do that. It’s not his style.”

Scott felt much better, “Well James, you’ve help immensely. I know what I have to do. I’m going to board my dogs for a few more days, pack my bags again, and head for a certain clinic in the Alps. Jack doesn’t realize it yet, but he’s coming home with me… even if I have to hog tie him and carry him here kicking and screaming.”

James grinned, “I’m so happy I could help.”

Scott had some things to say, “Look James, I probably should keep my mouth shut. I know that’s what David would say, but kid, I think you’re the best thing that could possibly happen for him. You could make my brother a very happy man. James, I’ve seen the way he looks at you; how he watches you and how much you excite him. I’ve never seen him like that before. So kid, my advice to you is; don’t take no for an answer. My big brother will do whatever he thinks is best for YOU. If he gets it into his head that you’d be better off without him, or that he might block your progress, or in any way impede your ambitions, he’ll remove himself from the picture AND he’ll say whatever he must to convince you to go away. If you really love him you’re going to have to stand your ground. Control One is the original Alpha male, but he doesn’t always know what’s in his own personal best interests. He’ll opt for your future every time.”

James felt the lump rising in his throat, “And you really think he’s capable of loving me; that I could be… enough…sufficient for him…to meet his needs?”

Scott got serious, “Awww c’mon boy. The two of you are a perfect fit. He likes looking out for you and you seem to enjoy taking care of him. God knows he needs someone to think about him for a change. On top of all that you seem perfectly matched in intellect, physical strength, agility, and temperament. You couldn’t have been better matched by all of IBM’s computers. And now I need to say thanks for the advice…”

As Scott took hold of the covers and began to get up James smiled broadly and put his hand on top of Scott’s, “Where the fuck do you think you’re going…uh ‘sailor-boy’ is it?”

Scott furrowed his brow, “What do…”

Before he could say more James moved out from under the covers and straddled Scott’s legs. He looked down into Scott’s eyes, “I seem to remember your boss giving us a couple orders. If I don’t do what my master commands he’ll whip my ass till I can’t sit down. Now can’t you think of a more productive way to use this solid, well trained ass?” and James took Scott’s right hand and brought it down firmly on his left glute.

Scott was shocked, “Look you don’t have to do this. I won’t say a word. It’s not necessary. You’ve done so much for me and I’m very grateful, but James you love my brother…”

James put his finger to Scott’s lips, “It’s because I love your brother that I WANT to do this. Hell, if I hadn’t seen David first, and you didn’t have Jack… well, you never know. Now I’d just as soon you stopped talking. Your stiff prick is rubbing up against my balls and it’s driving me crazy. We can talk more…after…if you have any strength left…”

Scott took James’ finger away from his mouth, “I see you and David have something else in common; you both suffer from delusions of grandeur. Kid, let’s see if your ass can deliver what you lips promise.”

In one swift move Scott slid his legs from under James, brought them around, came up on his knees, leaned forward, and pushed till he was looking down at James lying on his back. Scott brought his lips down slowly. The first kiss was soft and hot. They kept their mouths closed and moved around a bit. Scott pulled away for a moment and came back for the full monty. He was hungry; it seemed like he hadn’t eaten in eleven months; like he was starving; and James mouth was just the sustenance he was looking for. Scott was ravenous; he used his tongue to plumb the depths of James’ mouth, his throat; as if he were searching for his soul. Suddenly James caught the hunger and they were trading spit and lips and tongues and the very oxygen they needed to survive. And the kiss went on. James straightened his legs and kicked the sheets from between them. And the kiss got more urgent, more passionate. Both men began to perspire and their cocks slipped and slid along side each other. James reached up and took hold of Scott’s brown hair with both hands; he wanted to pull him closer, deeper. And the kiss became fiercer. Scott brought his hands up to pet James’ platinum curls, but found himself holding the young man’s head for leverage, to keep from flying away. James felt dizzy and heavy like he was sinking into soft warm mud. Scott felt wild and light as a feather. And the one crushed the other’s face to his own and their breathing became long gasps peppered with soft moans. Their lips were locked, glued together; their mouths always moving but never separating.

Scott felt his need rising… James felt his balls vibrating…boiling…and the kiss maintained a kind of wild inertia. Neither man felt able to stop… to end it. To break this kiss would be sacrilege, a sin against god and man, so it went on. The breath they passed back and forth got hotter and hotter… There was danger they could burn their tongues…. that their mouths could ignite… that both men could burst into flame. And the danger grew with every second… but the kiss went on. They were having trouble breathing… their bodies began to slip and slide more as the sweat between them lubricated their hot skin… so much sweat…it leaked out of Scott’s pits and drained down his arms…it soaked James’ head and dripped off his balls…their turgid pricks continued to beat and pulse and swell…and the kiss went on. They moaned; they growled; they made noises neither man recognized…

James arched his back; the groan rose from the pit of his stomach and echoed inside Scott’s mouth; and his cock began to jettison a long thick rope of white creamy jizz between their sopping chests. Scott’s cock, along side James’, felt the boy’s spasms, signaled Scott’s spinal cord, and followed suit with several volleys of translucent milky ballbutter. And still the kiss continued… five, ten, twenty seconds later, when their minds came out of the heavens the two men gently slowly relaxed and the kiss gradually became two smiles.

A moment later Scott rolled onto his side next to James. They were drenched and out of breath. Scott reached over and began to finger paint James’ chest with the two huge loads of cum that covered it. “Well kid that was a hell of a kiss.”

James smiled, “How long did you say it’s been since you had sex?”

Scott absentmindedly took a finger full of the spooge and brought it to his lips. After he’d sucked it clean he said, “Too long James, waaaaaay too long.”

James rolled onto his elbow, “So who’s supposed to fuck whom?”

Scott furrowed his brow, “I guess I figured that since you were a candidate you’d be a bottom.”

James answered, “All candidates are bottoms; that’s part of the deal. Shit, David was a candidate, do you think of him as a bottom?”

Scott grinned, “My brother David, Control One, a bottom…” and both men began to laugh. Their laughter grew until they were both crying and holding their sides. They couldn’t stop.

Scott tried to keep a straight face, “No really, I suppose David could be a bot…” and he started to convulse again.”

James stopped laughing first, “Christ, if I get David to keep me around I’ll be taking it up the ass for the rest of my life.”

Scott looked him in the eye, “You don’t know kid. It must be difficult for David to have to be the alpha dog of the alpha dogs twenty-four-seven. You never know. Besides you’re assuming that you’re going to have some kind of exclusive relationship. I don’t think David will ever stop mastering. You realize better than anyone; he’s the best. Any candidate lucky enough to have him as their controller is going to get a hell of a training.”

James shook his head, “You’re right. Besides I think I’d like to be a control master someday. Do you think a relationship like that could work?”

Scott thought for a minute, “James I don’t know anyone in the Organization who has a ‘normal’ relationship. There are lots of pairings, but some guys are only together for a month here and there. As much as I love Jack, the way I see it we’d be lucky to spend one week a month in the same bed. I still think we could be a hell of a couple; just as committed as any married couple and probably a lot happier. I’ll tell you this; every man in the Organization, even the ones in their seventies and eighties, and there are a few eighty-something’s still working full time, every one has a very active sex life. You can take that to the bank. This company keeps tabs on its own; they make sure we all stay healthy and you know how important they think sex is to health. I’ve been getting grief from every controller above me for months. They all keep telling me to get back in the saddle OR to get some sex therapy. You heard what my brother told me in the car….. fuck, he ordered me.”

James looked into Scott’s eyes, “And we’d better follow C’s orders. Besides he will debrief me in a day or two and everything; all of this will come spilling out. That’s the biggest problem with candidacy; we rat ourselves out. I don’t have to worry about my behavior; that someone might see me doing something wrong, disobeying an order, being disrespectful, jerking off, having a wet dream, goofing around in the gym, spitting on the goddamned sidewalk; nope I don’t have to worry about someone else because every three or four days David puts me under and I tell him everything, every single move I’ve made. I even go to great lengths to point out my infractions; it’s part of the process. And Scott, after my next debriefing, when I tell David about all of this, I’ll be lucky if he doesn’t beat my ass clean off my body. He is going to be soooo pissed. I think I’ve broken just about every rule that exists. But, what can you do? Now let’s shut up and fuck.”

This time Scott took the lead. He flipped over and dove for James’ mouth. He parted the younger man’s lips with his tongue and fucked his throat. Scott felt hot and ready. James had managed to hit all the right buttons and Scott was raring to go. For his part James was more than happy to oblige. The kiss didn’t last too long; Scott wanted more; he wanted to light a fire under James’ balls; give the kid a hell of a fuck; so he went for Jame’s nipples. While he pinched and twisted one he licked and nipped at the other. James felt his own passion growing and arched his back to push his tit further into Scott’s face. Scott alternated back and forth, from right nipple to left, pinching and biting till James was making all the noises Scott was waiting to hear. He stuck his tongue all the way out and began to paint James’ belly with wet slimy spit; he got the boy’s stomach saturated with slick ooze and used it to lube his hands as he slid them around James’ midsection grabbing handfuls of the boy’s flesh and sinew and squeezing. A minute later Scott was soaking James’ beautiful blond bush. He firmly pressed his mouth into the boy’s groin, sucking and then blowing his hot, hot breath against James’ sensitive skin. Scott backed off a few inches and went for the kid’s balls. Using his fingers Scott stuffed both balls and most of the scrotum into his mouth; then he tongued them up and down back and forth. He let one nut pop out from between his lips while he carefully used his teeth to tease and threaten the other. Scott stuck his tongue out and traced James’ midline up the back of his sack onto his perineum and then Scott was probing James’ asshole. He could barely reach it so he savagely grabbed the backs of James’ knees and flipped the kid up almost onto his shoulders. And there it was; that rosy ring of fire, smooth and hairless. He didn’t wait for requests or instructions he plunged his tongue past the gate and James let out and noisy Yelp! of surprise…and then a loooooong low groan of sheer pleasure as Scott rimmed James into Kingdom Cum.

Five sensual, sexual, gradual minutes later James’ southern gate was nice and sloppy wet; his dick was threatening to explode, and his face was on fire. Scott dropped the young man’s legs. He looked James in the eye dropped his head ten degrees and swung it side to side. James got the message and shot his legs apart. Scott climbed between them and grabbed James’ knees like the handles of a wheelbarrow. He smiled down at the gorgeous blond god and just as he was ready to rut, the light struck his wounded prick and Scott felt a sudden wave of panic… James read it in his eyes…it was obvious he was having some kind of episode, perhaps a flashback.

James had to think fast. What should he do? End the tryst and offer comfort? Push ahead and hope for the best? James did his best to analyze his observations; a miscalculation would wound Scott further. James applied everything C had taught him. Suddenly it seemed clear.

James pulled his legs out of Scott’s grip and sat up. He took the dazed controller by the shoulders and softly laid him down. When Scott was settled on his back James moved close by his side; he looked down into Scott’s eyes and slowly brought his mouth down till the two were gently kissing. As James massaged Scott’s lips with his own he used his palm to graze the hair on Scott’s chest. James never penetrated the controller’s mouth instead he applied dozens of soft kisses to his face while he continued to pet his body. This went on for several minutes till Scott seemed “back” inside his skin; till he returned James’ gaze and smiled. As soon as James saw “life” he picked up his movements. He continued gentle as a pup all over Scott’s warm fuzzy body, till the supine man began to gently moan. When James saw Scott’s dick bouncing on his belly he felt terribly relieved. This just might work. James straddled Scott’s torso careful not to place his full weight on the guy’s chest. He did however, make sure to tickle Scott’s stomach with his ball sack, and he made a point of moving his warm dangling balls all over and around the area. James slid both his hands up and down the sides of Scott’s chest, then brought them up to pet and caress his pecs. As he shifted to lightly massage Scott’s shoulders James leaned in for another warm kiss. This time he moved his tongue back and forth over the controller’s lips, then gradually between them. As they continued to kiss James rubbed the underside of Scott’s arms; then moved his hands up till they were touching, petting, and fingering the brown curls that swirled around in Scott’s armpits.

From time to time James lowered his ass to caress Scott’s pulsing rod with his ball sack James felt the moisture accumulating on the controller’s prick head and dripping into his bellybutton. After moving his tongue side to side along Scott’s gums and teeth James met him chin to chin and pushing down a bit he further opened the man’s mouth. It was time to lick and search the controller’s hot wet oral cavity. Scott began to groan from the pit of his stomach and rock side to side, so James braced himself on his hands and laid his body down on top of Scott’s. Their dicks were sliding next to each other again.

James knew the situation called for more than simple frottage. Scott needed an experience. James knew what he was going to do. It was a calculated risk BUT this was David’s brother, and a pretty terrific guy to boot. James gently ended the kiss, caressed Scott’s lips with his own back and forth, back and forth then he slid down and knelt between Scott’s legs. James reached over and grabbed a pillow. He lifted Scott’s legs and put them on his shoulders; he leaned forward elevating Scott enough to push the pillow under his ass. James spit into his palm and applied it to his stiff prick. He drew more saliva into his mouth and carefully let it drip down directly onto his slimy prong. He drooled into his hand, turned it ninety degrees and wiped it liberally up and down Scott’s crack. James took his time toying with the hole, touching it, teasing it, and tickling it. He fingered the brown curls that surrounded it. He traced over it side to side, up and down, then round and round. Scott’s rosy ring pulsed and winked. The intense excitement was having an effect. At the “other end” Scott was moaning from his guts and feeling an intense need to come.

James gingerly pushed his index finger past the opening. It offered little resistance. Two fingers was a tougher sell. James had to finesse the entrance with patience. Eventually it surrendered and Scott whispered, “James, I’ve never been more ready. If you keep playing with me I’m going to cum. I’d rather shoot with you inside me.”

James brought his torso down till he was pressing on Scott. He positioned his prick so that the mighty Cyclops was staring into a dark damp cave. James began to gently push as he licked and sucked around Scott’s neck. Ten seconds later James’ knob popped effortless through the rubbery ring, and the fuck was underway. Scott arched his back. James responded by lifting his stomach off Scott’s overheated cock…it was too early to cum. James pulled his dick head out of Scott’s hole and pushed it back in, then out; in and out, in and out, in and out; till Scott’s muscular gate was literally kissing James’ glans; till there was no real point of breach, only a pushing and stretching, more like deep kissing than penetration. Next James slid his prick all the way home in one long sweet move. Scott felt his core fill with James’ flesh. It was as though the young man’s cock belonged there, had been missing, and was back home. When James pulled back Scott found himself feeling empty; he reached up, put his hands on James’ sides and forcefully pulled him back, pulled his cock back inside. A rhythm developed, James withdrew and Scott tugged him back in, out and in, give and take, back and forth. And the passion grew along with the need. Scott felt warm and comfortable with James’ dick rammed up his ass. It felt sooooo intensely good, and any time bad thoughts or evil memories tried to interfere Scott looked up into James’ perfect face and saw him looking down with the kindest, warmest eyes Scott had ever seen; there was nothing but good in those eyes.

And for the first time in a long time Scott felt safe, comfortable and protected. This young Adonis above him, over him, sheltering him… and the heat in Scott’s balls burst into flame. On the next in-stroke Scott reached around James’ back and pulled him down onto his chest; he lifted his head and as Scott gave his grateful lips to his platinum rescuer his dick fired a one gun salute; he came and he came and he came and he came. James pressed his mouth to Scott’s and, holding his body in place, he let his cock shoot wildly into Scott’s gut again and again and again and again.

One minute they were gulping for air; sweaty, and hot, and happy and the next James felt Scott’s body begin to heave. He lifted himself and realized the controller was sobbing.

James started to withdraw his spent prick, but Scott grabbed his waist and said, “No, please stay inside me. It feels good.” and he lost it again and wept.

“Scott, please tell me what’s wrong. You’re scaring me. Are you all right?”

It took him a few seconds to answer, “No, not really… but I need to tell you how much that meant. You are a hell of a guy James. I don’t know how the hell you did that…. put me at ease…calmed me down… Christ, you fucked me and I loved it. It actually made me feel better…”

James eased his body down onto Scotts and turned his head so it rested on Scott’s shoulder. “Then why are you crying?”

Scott tried to smile, “Oh James, I don’t know exactly. I’m scared, worried, grateful, happy…. before Mexico I hadn’t bottomed since candidacy. I’ve always been an alpha guy; it’s one of my greatest weaknesses. My time as a pussyboy really went against the grain; my resistance to transition came from that stubborn need to dominate…”

James had to interject, “You think I enjoy getting fucked by ever cock that swings through the door? If someone had told me two years ago I’d be taking it in the ass on a daily basis, I’d have put them into the hospital. But Scott, I realize now, that’s what makes it such a terrific gift. When I give myself to David, I’m presenting his something I do not like offering to ANYONE… but, I love giving it to David. It’s not a sacrifice with him; it’s a great pleasure. In any other “free will” situation I’d be the one pitching.”

Scott smiled, “Yes, I’m a witness.”

And they both laughed.

“But Scott, I’d give it to you if you want…my gift to you…maybe as your brother-in-law.”

Scott stopped laughing, “God James, that’s what’s got me so damned scared. Since Mexico…the torture…the rapes… I don’t think I…”

James reached up and put his fingers over Scott’s mouth, “Don’t say it Scott. You don’t realize it but you’re giving yourself a conscious suggestion. The more you say what you’re thinking the more it will become a self fulfilling prophecy.”

Scott turned his head away, “You saw what happened. I choked. I…”

Again James stopped him, “Scott, I can fix all that. I can fix it in a few minutes if you’ll let me help. David has taught me control over my body and dominion over my life. You’re so close to him I’m not sure you realize who his is; what he can do. Scott, he’s a wizard, he’s Merlin in an Armani suit; and he’s my teacher. I’ll never be half the man David is, but I’d like to spend the rest of my life trying.”

“James, you’re too hard on yourself. I’ve seen what you can do, and it’s fucking amazing. You really think you can help me?”

James placed his hand on Scott’s neck and felt around; he put each finger on a different point and applied varying amount of pressure.

Scott said, “Are there any?”

James snapped, “SLEEP!” And Scott was gone…under…in full trance.

James pushed himself up; withdrew his still firm dick from Scott’s tight warm asshole; and settled next to the “tranced” subject.

“Scott, I know you can hear me. I want you to imagine you’re on an elevator…” Five minutes later Scott was at depth. James regressed him five years, ten years, and fifteen years; back, before Mexico, before his candidacy, back to his happy, secure, carefree, self-assured twenties. Scott was strong, tall, lean, hungry and feeling no pain.

So James set the scene. Scott was in his favorite dance club. He’d just been cruised by a younger, 6’2”, platinum blond, with a tight body. Problem was the kid was arrogant and quite conceited; he was definitely jockeying for top dog. Scott decided to change all that; take the kid home and teach him the joys of cock riding. Scott had the edge, the kid was overeager and green as grass; chances were the younger man hadn’t ever tried bottoming. Now they were naked in Scott’s bed. James snapped his fingers. Scott sat bolt upright, blinked a couple times and looked at him.

“So what’s your name BOY?”

James smiled, “Umm my names Jimmy.”

“Well Jimmy, why don’t you come and suck on my dick.”

James’ eyes sparkled, “Mister, I don’t suck, I get sucked.”

Scott put his arm around James’ neck and yanked his head down into his groin. James offered a couple seconds resistance and then went to work. He deep throated Scott’s scarred prick. It was hot and full and every bit as hard as it had ever been. And Scott felt soooooooo GOO OOD! James whined a bit for effect. He made some effort to pull his head away, but Scott took hold of his platinum curls and firmly held him there. James sucked and slurped and really, really Hoovered that swollen prong.

“Oh yes Jimmy, you’re doing reeeeeal good. That’s it boy, suck it all the way down…. way into your throat…. Oh yeah, now swallow and swallow on my deck head so it feels like I’m fucking your throat…. Jimmy, I’m gonna teach you to love sucking dick… turn you into my own little cocksucking whore… make you hungry for the taste of pricks and balls and cum. Shit boy, twenty minutes from now you’re gonna be begging to nurse on my cock all over again.”

With his other hand Scott reached down and roughly jerked James’ bouncing tool. The boy whined some more, but converted the plaintive noise into one of growing pleasure; his breath whooshing in and out of his nose. Scott pulled the boy’s head away and then returned it… away and returned it… away… till James whined for him to put it back. Scott finally relaxed his grip and the kid held fast using his own hands to grab Scott’s hairy thighs for leverage. Finally Scott slid down so he could join in the activity and suck James’ throbbing cock. They slurped and sucked for several minutes. James got creative and tickled Scott’s balls while he tongued his dick.

Scott lifted James’ leg and tossed it over his own shoulder. While he continued to mouth the boy’s thick prick he began to rub around the muscular pucker. James purred and moaned without any thought. It really felt good. Scott released James’ cock and worked his tongue under the kid’s balls. He tongued James’ lateral line all the way down to his smooth pink asshole and then he went wild, rimming that pucker and poking it with his finger. When James’ tried the same thing Scott reached down, grabbed James’ hair and put him back to work on his cock and balls. He wanted “Jimmy” to know that his ass was off limits. James was more than a little pleased, and naturally obliged….

However, Jimmy didn’t like it, groaned…. then raised his head. “…um, Mister, ain’t no way you’re gonna fuck my ass. Play all ya want, but…”

Scott shot back, “Shut the fuck up and get on my balls or I’ll put you over my knee and spank you like the snotty punk you are.” James smiled, Jimmy grumbled, but they both obliged. James, the consummate professional, knew exactly where to lick, push, tweak, and tickle. It wasn’t long till thoughts of fucking the kid senseless filled Scott’s mind. He pulled his balls out of James’ mouth, forcefully turned the younger man around, and threw his legs over his shoulders.

Jimmy was quick to take offense, “No way man…keep your fuckin’ prick away from my asshole.”

Scott smiled a very knowing smile, “Jimmy, I’m not going to fuck you unless you beg me. You’re gonna have to beg me like the whore you are…and boy, we both know you’re just a horny slut.”

Jimmy answered, “Mister, you should jerk off ‘cause ain’t no way you’re screwing me, ain’t no way I’d beg you for shit.”

Scott went to work. He pulled James’ butt higher and higher till he could have total access to the boy’s hole… And he began to lick and suck and graze it. After a minute the boy was moaning. Scott tongue fucked the pucker, and then quickly replaced his tongue with his finger. He pushed and prodded till he found Jimmy’s prostate. He knew just what to do. Meanwhile both James and Jimmy were having the time of their lives. James was especially savoring the fruits of his efforts, watching Scott reclaim his natural masculinity.

Scott replaced one finger with two and madly worked the kid’s prostate. Jimmy didn’t complain; he groaned and began to writhe. Scott reached around with his other hand and fingered James’ cock and balls. It was pushing the boy’s limits.

After several minutes of intense activity Jimmy was half out of his mind with lust and desire. He was arching his back, writhing and bouncing all over the bed. Finally, when he couldn’t take another second, Jimmy spoke, “Umm… Okay mister…I guess you can put your dick in me if you really want to.”

Scott increased his efforts, “No way kid. I’ve decided NOT to fuck you. I don’t feel like it any more.” He let go of Jimmy’s dick, and focused all his efforts on his turgid, pulsing cum gland.

James thrust his hips up as far as they could go, relaxed for a second; then repeated the action, faster and faster, up and down, up and down, up and down, insanely fucking the air, but he got no relief. The need in his belly and balls grew and grew and grew, “Come on mister…you win…I’m ready…it’s okay…honest… You can fuck me.”

Scott added another finger and squeezed harder. James’ cock was drooling like a leaky faucet. The pre-jizz ran down his belly and between his pecs. When he arched his back the crystal goo dripped from the tip of his prick directly onto his lips and chin.

Jimmy was getting desperate, “C’mon mister… I said it… You win-- I want you to fuck me… Fuck me now! Don’t be an asshole. FUCK ME!”

Scott looked up, “Beg me…nicely…politely…convince me of your sincerity. BEG ME BOY, BEG ME! like the whore you are…like a big pussy!”

Jimmy surrendered, “Aw mister please fuck me… please, pleeeeeze… PLEEEEEEEZE FUCK ME…Mister…. Sir...”

Scott grinned, “MORE... ask me sweetly, like a hot, horny, slut.”

Jimmy batted his eyes, “Mister, I would appreciate it a lot if you could please fuck my ass. I am greatly sorry if I was a snotty prick before. I’m a whore, mister… a horny slut. WHATEVER YOU SAY!! I’M BEGGING YOU MISTER! Please, please, please, please, please fuck me with your big cock…SIR”

Scott pulled his fingers out of the boy’s ass, “That’s better. Now boy, I’m gonna fuck you like the punk you are.” He lowered Jimmy’s hips and without any finesse at all he plowed the entire length of his dick straight in. Scott’s balls slapped Jimmy’s ass and both men moaned. They were both breathing hard; they were drenched, bathed in sweat. Hot salty perspiration was dripping, trickling, and pooling everywhere. The room filled with the heady smell of men and come and wild animal sex.

Scott began to pile drive James’ ass. The younger man closed his eyes and swung his head back and forth. The fuck was transporting them both deeper and deeper into the dark humid regions of the jungle. The rhythm increased till Scott was pounding Jimmy FULL FORCE; the sound of his sweaty balls slapping the boy’s wet slippery ass echoed in the room once, then twice, then three times a second.

Scott said, “Boy, kiss me… Rise up and give me your lips.”

Without thinking Jimmy said, “I don’t kiss dudes.”

Scott barked, “WRONG ANSWER!” and stopped dead. “You’ve got two seconds to kiss me and thank me for the best fuck you’ve ever had, or I’m going to get off the bed and toss your ass out of here.”

Inside James was yelling, “Yes! Yes! Yes!”

Jimmy simply threw his arms around Scott’s neck and offered the soggy chested conqueror his thick, moist lips. James opened his mouth wide to give Scott full access and total dominion over the kiss and anything else he might demand or desire. Scott staked his claim with his tongue and reamed Jimmy’s face. As Scott dominated every inch of the boy’s body he slammed his prick home again and again and again.

Scott held his position as he shot his load deep inside of James, who returned the action volley for volley, glob for glob, streamer for streamer, and pearl for pearl.

When both their pricks were spent and Scott seemed ready to relax James took his hand; carefully placed his fingers along the controller’s neck; and applied some pressure. Scott softly crumbled onto James’ chest and James spoke. “Scott, when I let go you’re going to come back to this place and this time. You will remember everything; every word, every move, every feeling. You’re going to recall how hard your cock was; and it was hard as cement, as full and thick and firm as it EVER was, as full and thick and firm as it every was… hard as stone Scott, it was hard as stone. You’ll remember it all and realize that nothing’s changed; nothing’s changed; nothings changed. You’re the strong, virile man you’ve always been; the strong virile man you’ve always been; the strong virile man; strong man; strong man; strong man. REMEMBER!” And James took his fingers away.

Scott’s eyes fluttered, and then opened, “Jesus Christ, that was fucking wild.” He pushed himself up with his arms; gently got off of James, rolled onto his side; and propped himself up on his elbow.

“James…or should I call you Jimmy? What can I say? I wish there was some cool way to show you how grateful I am.”

James pointed to Scott’s prick. It was still solid granite, “That my friend, is all the thanks I need.”

Scott thought of something, “It’s not exactly a ‘thank you,’ but James; I’m going to be rooting for you and my brother. I will do everything I can to encourage him to follow his heart. I want you to be together; to make each other happy.”

James said, “I appreciate that… I do have question…”

Scott answered, “Ask, what is it you want to know?”

James had noticed something, “I was just wondering… You’re a senior control and you don’t have the scar…the Organization icon on your arm…”

Scott laughed, “Oh that. First, don’t ever let them hear you refer to it as a scar or a brand…they’re very sensitive. It’s the Organization icon.”

James chimed in “Oh sorry, I know the drill. It’s the icon, burned into you, till it’s an indelible part of your body, your heart, and your soul. It is permanent, and can never be removed.”

Scott continued, “That’s right, but you’re used to seeing my brother and his Control buddies. They all had the icon seared onto their left biceps… very ostentatious. It’s fine for the guys who spend all their time around Organization men, but for the rest of us, it would be a pain in the ass every time we used a public gym, went into a locker room, or onto a beach. Everybody would want to see it, touch it, and know what it means. So I had mine placed on the inside of my left thigh. That way only the guys I want to impress get to see it. Here look for yourself.” Scott bent back his left leg, grabbed his ankle, and exposed the inside surface of his thigh.

James bent over for a closer inspection. He had to move Scott’s balls out of the way to get a good look, which caused the controller’s dick to jump and stiffen a bit more. And there it was; a three inch triangle with the symbols for man and infinity in the center. James saw how intricate the design really was. Each point of the triangle was an individual V-shaped burn that abutted the others; the symbol for man had three separate pieces; and infinity was actually two loops joined together.

James sat back and finished the company creed, “… and even though you smell your flesh burning all you feel is pride…because there is no pain once you know control… So Scott who did yours?”

Scott remembered like it was yesterday, “Pax applied my icon, freehand, with a set of small irons. It took almost an hour and was probably the happiest day of my life.”

James was impressed beyond words. It was very unusual for the head of the Organization to affix the icon. It was an enormous honor given to only a handful of super achieving senior controllers, and meant that Scott had distinguished himself above and beyond the call of duty.

James had a thought in mind, “Scott there is something.”

Scott was eager, “Name it. Whatever it is, it’s yours.”


The conclusion of this chapter follows


More Gay Erotic Stories from Controlone

Billy's Adventure in the Woods

by Controlone O.K. fellas, let’s all say it together: TONGUE IN CHEEK. If you don’t know what that means THEN DON’T READ THIS STORY... Chapter 1 Billy Conrad was a striking young man, six feet tall, 160 pounds with not an ounce of fat (Billy’s first trainer, his dad, was a harsh task master, who instilled in him the importance of a strong healthy body….. The results were stunning).

Billy's Adventure in the Woods, Part 1

by Controlone Okay fellas, let’s all say it together: TONGUE IN CHEEK. If you don’t know what that means THEN DON’T READ THIS STORY...... Chapter 1 Billy Conrad was a striking young man, six feet tall, 160 pounds with not an ounce of fat (Billy’s first trainer, his dad, was a harsh task master, who instilled in him the importance of a strong healthy body….. The results were stunning).

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Face In The Mirror, Day 3 Conclusion: Part A: The Flight

The Flight C took his boy for a change of clothes. If they were going to travel together he had a specific idea in mind and for that the kid needed different clothes. Once they got into James’ room C turned the young man around. C said, “Let’s see what we’re going to do with you. You are a fucking mess.” The kid was covered in sweat from head to foot and he reeked of spunk and sex and

Face In The Mirror, Day 3 Conclusion: Part B: Into The COCKpit

Into The COCKpit James crawled to the door of the cockpit, reached up and knocked rather hesitantly, not knowing what to expect. The co-pilot opened the door and almost fell over the prostrated boy. The co-pilot, Steve, 5’10”, wavy sandy colored hair over his collar, broad shoulders, rather thin waist, cute, 26 years old, looking down said, “And what can I do for you?” James peered up

Face In The Mirror, Day 3 Continued: The Party

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Face In The Mirror, Day 3 Part 2, The Movie

The Movie In another part of the same room Jeff, the junior controller, was in his own predicament. When they stripped him and put him on the table it was discovered that he was “concealing” a rather large butt plug. Many questions followed and the masters finally got him to admit that he was currently living with a mid-level controller from another unit. This was “frowned on” by the

Face In The Mirror, Day 4, Part 1

Day 4, Part 1 As C walked toward the airport terminal James followed, half walking, half skipping, two feet behind his left arm. The boy couldn’t stop grinning. The pilots and flight crew were twenty feet behind them, bringing up the rear. As they were about to enter the building a square shouldered man, 5’9”, 160 lbs, green eyes, with a shock of brown hair that stuck up and seemed to

Face In The Mirror, Day 4, Part 2

Day 4—Part 2 For his part Fat Sam blamed Scott for ruining his slave trading empire. He swore that someday he would have his revenge. Fat Sam moved his business interests into other areas of human depravity, and of course he made millions. For three years Fat Sam kept tabs on Scott. When he got word that Scott regularly crossed the border to play with a combo in a Mexican cantina Sam

Face In The Mirror, Day 4, Part 3

And the creeps continued to degrade him at every chance. They slapped his face and punched his balls and tore at his nipples as they fucked his mouth and ass. Then they rolled him onto his back and continued in that position. When these two finished two more came and took their place. Scott was soon covered in sweat with welts and bruises beginning to show everywhere. They went on like this

Face In The Mirror, Day 4, Part 4

[SUGGESTION: This part will make a lot more sense if you go back and skim the last three pieces of this section. ALSO this last bit is EXTREME, so prepare yourself for some rough stuff. If I believed the violence was gratuitous I wouldn’t have included it. It’s not my style. You will get a lot of information about the Organization in this episode. I hope you can see its purpose.] Scott

Face In The Mirror, Day 4, Part 4, Conclusion

At the end of fifteen minutes Scott had moved past the middle portion of the wall and was on its far right side. To his left he’d left a growing darkening trail of blood and tissue. The doctors in the audience were guessing back and forth about the actual amount of blood, was it more or less than a pint yet…and there was wild speculation about whether or not he would actually orgasm. Back on

Face In The Mirror, Day 5, Part 1: Roberto and Rick

Face In The Mirror Day 5—Part 1—Roberto and Rick In the Organization’s suite at the posh Los Angeles hotel, Roberto paced back and forth while his charge, the Latino boy singer, knelt naked on the floor, wondering why his master seemed so distraught. It was terribly strange for Roberto to be nervous. He’d spent forty years developing his suave sophistication. At 6’2” tall, 160 lbs,

Face In The Mirror, Day 5, Part 2: Scott and James

controlone After several minutes of lascivious foot play Scott opened his eyes and found James staring up at him. He smiled down at the boy lapping at his ankle and James said, “Master it would be a pleasure to serve as your pussyboy; to have you fuck my worthless ass cunt; anything to please you sir.” Scott looked to C for guidance. C responded, “You heard the boy. He’ll be crushed if

Face In The Mirror, Day5, Part 2: Scott and James--conclusion

controlone James was impressed beyond words. It was very unusual for the head of the Organization to affix the icon. It was an enormous honor given to only a handful of super achieving senior controllers, and meant that Scott had distinguished himself above and beyond the call of duty. James had a thought in mind, “Scott there is something.” Scott was eager, “Name it. Whatever it

Face In The Mirror, Intermission: A Great Orgasm

BEST ORGASM EVER: Okay guys here’s a page right out of the Organization’s manual on introductory techniques for sexual gratification using only the conscious mind. If you follow these simple directions I can guarantee you a memorable experience, BUT you gotta follow the directions. There are going to be times when you will want to stop this exercise and bring yourself off. You’re going to

Face In The Mirror, Part 2

Day Two-Conclusion My master opened the door and I began to tremble in his gaze. I want more than anything to please him, to be his pussyboy, to serve his needs. He said, “Let’s take a look at you cuntlips. Turn around.” As I turned he gave me instructions, “Arms up! Let’s see those pits. OK. They look OK. Keep turning. Come on boy stand up straight! I need to see that

Face In The Mirror, Part 3

Day Three The minute I heard a sound at the door, no even before that, I knew it was my master. I swear I can tell when he is near. I can feel it in my heart. I can feel it in my soul. I can feel it in my boycock and good god almighty I can feel it in my boypussy; I can FEEL HIM in my boypussy. He is my life. A moment after the sound I realized I wasn’t frozen so I leapt from my bed,

How I Got Under Your Skin

How I Got Under Your Skin Controlone We met one dark night in a loud gay bar just outside Miami. I came to visit you a week later. You were sitting in a chair in your living room watching TV; some insipid program about other people’s lives, movie stars, pretty people. It was a hot, humid Saturday night in June; you had the A/C on low. You were sitting there in a blue pocket t-shirt,

How I Got Under Your Skin, Chapter 2: Riff's New Life

Riff Branson was a junior executive at Emperor International Cruise Lines (actually three separate lines with 46 ships). He had a law degree but spent most of his time riding roughshod over the Cruise Line’s advertising department. He supervised six men and women who kept the Company constantly in the public eye. They arranged all the normal advertising, scheduled dozens of events, arranged

How I Got Under Your Skin, Chapter 3: His Return

Chapter 3—His Return On Wednesday morning Riff and Caleb stayed in bed playing till almost eight, then they got up and showered together. They went to Denny’s for breakfast. Before the girl took their order Caleb went to the counter, got three quarts of orange juice and two glasses, and brought them back to the table. He smiled at Riff, “I know how this looks,

How I Got Under Your Skin, Chapter 4: Dotties, Part A

Suddenly Riff was electrified. From the very moment C walked into his life he’d brought only unbridled joy and amazing adventure. Riff felt his empty life suddenly fill to overflowing. He wondered what new exciting exploits C had in store for him. He had no idea… No idea at all. ------------------------------------------ The inside of Dottie’s was fantastic, mirrored balls, go-go boys

How I Got Under Your Skin, Chapter 4: Dotties, Part B

As Bryce continued to babble C took his foot off the prostrate man’s cervical vertebrae. C turned once more toward the others and pointed one finger at them. They knew instantly to stay put till he was far, far away. -------------------------------------------- C put his arm around Riff’s waist and guided him to Dottie’s parking lot. He led Riff to a stretch limo. The driver raced

How I Got Under Your Skin, Chapter 4: That Night

Chapter 4—That Night controlone It took Riff an hour to calm himself enough to do any work. He was exhausted and happy and very confused. He couldn’t think about anything but C. C was in his head; C was in his heart; C was everywhere. The more Riff thought the more he wanted to be with C; to love him; hell, to worship him. He’d never felt anything like this. He’d never imagined

How I Got Under Your Skin, Chapter 5, Part A: Caleb's Day

controlone As Riff dragged his totally spent body toward his apartment his eyes focused on his door. Outside under the breezeway awning, sitting on the cement stoop, leaning against his door, all huddled up, sound asleep; there was Caleb. Riff didn’t know whether to slap him or scold him or hug him or slug him. Instead he just shook his head. Riff got his key ready and as he came up to

How I Got Under Your Skin, Chapter 6, Part A: Caleb's Day--End

Chapter 6A--Caleb's Day--End “Okay boy stand up and spread those legs; time to take your harness off. I’m afraid with all the turmoil I forgot all about it. Oh yes, and try not to piss yourself.” Caleb stood up, glowing red from his scrubbing. He was very worried about what might happen next. He looked spectacular, six feet and three inches of total masculinity, muscles shining from

How I Got Under Your Skin, Chapter 6B Caleb's Day Continues

Chap 6B—Caleb’s Day Continues Controlone With no further ado Riff pulled Caleb up toward the head of the bed. The two men shared a pillow as Riff spooned behind Caleb. When Caleb felt Riff push the length of his cock up between his butt cheeks he wanted to squeal, but he withheld that response; instead Caleb reached behind with his right hand and pulled his butt cheeks further apart, so


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