Gay Erotic Stories

The Cruise, Part II

by Sextus Lassiter
05 Sep 2012

Exhibitionism Men On Holiday Orgies

Lance was so charged up he could hardly stand it. He knew he was pushing the exhibitionist line, but that was the whole point. He wished his partner Nick understood that, but though Nick was really cool about Lance's chronic need to show himself off, there was that stupid jealousy thing.

They had arrived in Key West and were about to board the Sea Luster, and Lance was so horny he could have fucked the cute dock boy who had all but begged him to cover up his cock earlier in the parking lot. Lance had relented just to keep the hunk from getting fired, and had let the dock boy help him put on a little mesh see through thong that was way to tiny to cover his aching twelve inch erection.

But the young man had tried, holding Lances cock while trying to stretch the little pouch over that pole. He'd failed of course, but the teasing feel of his hand on Lances cock had nearly made him cum, particularly with Nick watching every move and every touch of the sexy dock boy. Didn't Nick understand? Half the fun of flirting with other guys was showing off for Nick.

Now they were here, at the side of the huge sailing ship, looking up the gang plank at hot men who looked down... mostly at him since he was standing there, pretty much exposed. Several of the men grinned down at him until one of them, a beefy older man scolded them to return to the job of "making ready", whatever that meant. The dock boy had been handing off their luggage to crewmen of the ship, but two men stood at the other end of the gang plank, One, a tall lean gorgeous red haired hunk wearing white tights under a windbreaker open to reveal his nicely cut torso, with two white stripes on each sleeve, but no shirt, his chest and abs nicely displayed right down to the revealing bulge of those tights. Some sort of officer's uniform he judged, eying the long shape of the foxy man's cock through the thin material.

The other man with him was an adorable looking crew man, blond curly head, creamy tan, with a pout y mouth that looked made for cock sucking. Lance's cock twitched just looking at that mouth. He climbed the gangplank and smiled charmingly at them.

"Hello, I am Lance Manwell, and this is my friend Nick Cain?"

The young crewman looked at his clip board and nodded, beginning to speak, but the red haired officer gave Lance a cold look, "Afraid I need to see your IDs."

Nick sensed trouble and stepped up beside Lance opening his belt pouch, fishing out his license, and Lance's ID..

The officer took his time looking at them both and then their ids, and then handed them back.

"Well you do match our registry list." He said grudgingly, Mr. Cain, Mr, uh, Manwell, however there is a problem, Our rules specifically say minimal coverage at port. I am afraid...."

A deep voice carried from above. "Alex, let them alone and don't bother that hot blond stud, man. No one will complain about him unless he really pushes it. Covering up any part of that body would be a crime against nature. Come on aboard you two. I am Captain Daniel Sarrasson, and I'll be down to greet as soon as I help the bosun here get this halyard runner repaired."

Lance looked up at the voice and he stopped breathing though if anything, his cock twitched up even harder. The man who spoke was up in the rigging of the ships' main or middle pole, which Lance thought must be a mast. The Captain was not far up, just maybe twenty feet, his left leg hooked over a taunt line of some sort. He was heavily muscled, deeply tanned, trim wasted, and wore cutoffs so short most of his ass globes were on view as was a set of outsized massive balls and a huge cock clearly visible from the deck. The cock was sticking out the bottom of the almost non existent shorts leg, the hooked bent leg accenting the exposure as it pulled the cutoffs up. The fly of the cutoffs was unbuttoned down to the last two buttons, the effect being a frayed denim rag as a sort of decoration for an extremely sexy man.

Captain Sarrasson looked young to be in command, but Lance figured he was probably in his thirties, or maybe forty at the most, and gorgeous, incredibly beautiful, striking. Whatever he was, the sight of him and his warm words filled Lance with warmth, and his groin with heat so intense pre-cum beaded his cock tip right under the gaze of nearly twenty men whose eyes kept glancing down at it.

The captain added, "Kurt, see those two to my quarters. They were the winners of that Hot Passenger contest. I want to congratulate them personally when I get done here. Fuck change of plans. Take them up to my private deck behind the pilot station, and get them whatever they want."

Lance's grinned and felt his cock throb as the captain sent him a lurid wink before turning back to what he was doing.

Kurt proved to be the young blond holding the clip board who, now ignoring the red haired officer the captain had overruled, said, "If you would come with me, sirs?"

They followed the cute Kurt onto the ship, past clumps of men, passengers and crew, passengers looking curiously on as the two were led by them. A crewman took Lance's toiletry bag, not that Lance had been using it anyway, and without even that to cover his predicament, Lance's cock greeted them in all its splendor, the mesh thong he almost wore covering no more then those plump peach sized balls.

Their eyes all fell and glued to his cock, lips getting licked by tongues. Lance couldn't help it. He was so charged by the lust that rose to greet him, and he smiled and waved, his cock throbbing for attention and getting it from all those hot male eyes.

They were led up around the stern cabin works with a towering pilot house above them, and aft and up steps to a more private outdoor lounge area.

It wasn't completely private. People on larger yachts could still see into the this deck, but a railing surrounded the cock pit with a sunroof overhead supported by four broad fiberglass legs. Those supports served to partially obscure the view of anyone really trying to peer in.

Lance stripped off his thong, wanting to feel freedom for his balls, slowly stroking himself as he looked around.

His partner didn't say a word but the front of his grey cotton shorts was showing a full hard. Nick was excited too, but his brown eyes were full of reproof for lance once again going completely naked.

Their guide and escort, Kurt however was in heaven his short stretchy white shorts expanding as he gaped at Lance's huge cock and the blonds casual stroking of himself.

"Um can I get you anything, Sirs?"

Nick said quickly, "I am very thirsty. Water with lots of lemon, or lemonade would be great right now."

Lance chuckled, "I am so fucking horny, what I want is a good cock sucking."

Kurt grinned. "Any time, sir, but right now I would get in trouble."

"Not just with the officers, but with my partner Nick." Lance said, grinning, and blew a kiss at his partner.

Nick returned it, his hard look melting, and Lance could tell his partner was getting hot for him.

Kurt glanced at Nick and froze, his eyes taking in Nicks condition. Nick caught the look and flushed, giving Kurt a sheepish grin that was almost flirty, and Lance wanted to laugh. "See?" he thought at Nick.

Kurt took off leaving them alone on this private deck that looked like it was made for VIPs and special guests of the captain. There was a nice broad bench bed at the rear curve of the cock pit and Lance went there. He needed attention and he needed it badly. Lying down on his back, one foot on the floor the other leg bent, he stared lovingly at Nick and slowly petted his throbbing cock.

Nick shook his head at him, but then slowly grinned and stepping over, went down on his knees by the bench and leaned forward to kiss and nuzzle around Lance's cock, teasing him. "I do not know what I am going to do with you," Nick scolded, though his voice was more like a croon then anything angry. "You just about drive me insane. Oh fuck, look at that monster. Who could resist that?" Nick said as he began to run his lips and tongue around on Lance's balls. Nick knew how to tease Lance endlessly, and he enjoyed doing it.

Kurt came back as Nick's tongue reached that magnificent cock, licking it from root to tip and back again, his mouth opening a bit more each time his hands moving freely about Lance's washboard stomach, his powerful blond fuzzed thighs, and his huge balls. Nick was too far into it then to notice as Kurt put down the lemonade pouring two glasses, his eyes glued to the action.

Kurt did see Lance's puckered blown kiss and his wink, and he grinned back, blushing and facing Lance over Nick's back, he fondled the rising bulge in his own tight shorts, his pretty light blue eyes glued to Lance's cock.

But Kurts eyes also strayed to Nicks ass and his broad back and shoulders, giving lance a wicked idea.

"Kurt," he husked, "I thought I read somewhere that its customary for crews to welcome passengers aboard these ships with a welcoming kiss. Nick is kinda shy, but I would be real grateful if you showed Nick some gay cruise ships hospitality."

Nick raised his head reluctantly from his tongue bath of Lance's cock, a slight frown on his face. "I never read about a welcome kiss."

But Kurt was no dummy and unseen by Nick he flashed Lance a quick smile and said, "Oh yes. You haven't been properly welcomed yet?"

Nick shook his head. "Er , no, not really."

Kurt knelt down beside Nick and turned him to him, both men kneeling. "Well then let me be the first," Kurt said and pulling Nick in against him, hard cock to cock through their shorts, he lavished a luxurious long and languid kiss on Nick, his tongue seducing Nick's into a tongue duel, that Lance could tell Nick was really getting into, particularly as Kurt's hands stole down to cup Nick's firm butt and pull him even harder against him.

As the two kissed, the captain arrived, and leaned against one of the arch legs of the sun roof looking down at them and at Lance.His eyes, Lance now saw were a sea grey, or the grey of a squall at sea, surrounded by long lush lashes, the mouth quirked in a half grin, broad and sensual, the lips full below an aquiline nose. The face was symmetrical other then that lopsided half smile which Lance decided was about the sexiest smile he had ever seen. The head so strikingly handsome and framed by that wild black mane of hair that fell down over those broad shoulders. The arms were just short of pumping iron body builder massive, the pecs, huge and lightly matted with the sexiest spread of manly chest hair that begged to be chewed on. The chest hair tapered off between those pecks to pick up again as a think narrow line down those chiseled pecks to a dark close clipped bush. Those cutoffs the captain wore were a scandal, and the captain was clearly getting a major hard, a long thick cock that had to rival Lance's own or even bigger, poking well out of that shorts leg, the cock lifting the denim to reveal the enormous balls hanging there like two fat Christmas tree ornaments. Two luscious apples, no oranges. Lance wanted to suckle on them so badly he was almost faint with desire, but when he raised his eyes at last back up that body, he met the knowing gaze of those grey eyes and almost snorted at the realization that he and the captain were very much alike.

the realization caused such a spike of heat to go through him he nearly came, and only then realized Kurt's right hand had snaked out and was exploring and stroking his cock. And Nick, really lost in Kurt's kiss, hadn't even noticed.

Lance decided to make this even more interesting and somehow he found a voice out of the sexual haze stealing over his body to speak, "Kurt is just showing my partner, Nick the Commodore Windjammer Cruise Lines way of greeting new comers and special passengers, Captain. i hope you approve."

The two young men broke the kiss after Lance said "Captain" and looked around both dazed and startled, their bodies still pressed hard to hard hot together.

The Captains mouth quirked but he nodded immediately. "Oh yes. And of course, that is supposed to be done by the Captain himself for such special guests as the winners of our Hot Passenger contest.

Nick blurted, "I didn't read that, but then I have been so nervous about this cruise seeing as Lance and I have a monogamous relationship."

Something shifted in the Captain's handsome face, a look of quick understanding perhaps, but he gave Nick a pat to his shoulder. "Don't blame you, Nick is it?"

"Yes Captain." Nick said, huskily, clearly turned on by Kurt and now the Captain's towering cock which his eyes glued themselves too.

"These are pretty hot cruises and if couples are too possessive they tend to have a hard time. On the other hand I have seen them be almost too permissive and just about loose track of their partners during the cruise. You make what you will of these cruises, guys. Like right now I want to kiss both of you badly. I am horny and hot, but I promise, if a kiss like I saw there is alright, then I won't go any further. Besides, my own partner is an officer on this ship and jealous as hell," he laughed and drew Nick up. "How bout you first," he said and he pulled Nick into his arms, his huge hard cock rubbing up Nick.s straining shorts as he planted a hot seductive sexy as hell kiss on Lance's partner pulling Nick into a moaning, lost out of control passion that continued, but also turning Nick away from Lance and Kurt.

Kurt with a quick devilish look at Lance dove onto his cock, his cute lips and tongue lavishing hungry attention to Lance's big beauty.. His mouth stretched wide to go down on Lance and Lance had to stifle a moan, arching his body, showing off for the Captain's keen grey eyed gaze as he looked past Nick's shoulder to watch.

Oooh, this was baad, letting himself be sucked and stroked by Kurt's smooth hands and his swirling tongue driving Lance crazy right behind his partner's unknowing back. The captain kept Kurt engaged until Lance became almost alarmed he was going to cum, and then the captain lifted a hand off Nick's ass in a stopping gesture, and somehow Lance found the strength to gently push Kurt up off his cock.

"Switch places now, its time I kissed your partner," The captain said and moving around Nick he reached down and pulled Lance to his feet. There cocks brushed together, and Lance felt a blindingly hot sizzling spark travel between them, so hot, their bodies slammed together, cock rolling against cock well matched down there, but with the captains maybe a bit bigger then his own. Damn, to be up against someone even bigger. Oh fuck, it was so hot, so sexy, and then the Captain was kissing him, his big hands going round to grab and squeeze lances ass as their cocks played a pre-cum slicked game of dueling swords between them. The Captain knew how to kiss, fuck him. Oh yeah, fuck him, thought Lance, trembling with readiness to just fall back and let the Captain fuck him. Never had he wanted a man so much, wanted him inside him, to master him, and for a long moment he utterly forgot Nick.

"And what is going on here?" Asked a voice that Lance immediately disliked. Kisses broke but cocks stayed rubbing together, neither man having the strength to separate such pleasure.

Standing on the edge of the appropriately named pilot house cock pit, was the red haired officer, his foxy handsome face crooked in a cynical smile.

"Dan, I assume you have an explanation for this?"

The captain grunted frustration, but seemed to retreat.

Nick, looking dazed, said, "The captain and Kurt were just demonstrating the Commodore Cruise line welcome aboard kiss."

"Oh really." the red haired hunk drawled. "First I have heard of it. You have to watch our Captain, and my spouse, by the way. Granted men may not be naturally monogamous, but he doesn't even try, do you, Danny boy? Sometimes, he forgets his duties or who he belongs to."

Still standing rod to rod with the Captain, Lance felt the captain stiffen, shifting a little away from Lance before he spoke. "We haven't done anything wrong, just a little kissing and welcome."Then the captain seemed to reclaim himself, his eyes becoming dangerously intense. "And I would advise you, Spouse, not to question my attention to duty again. These two are the two winners of the Hot Passenger contest. Of course they are sexy and hot, and I and the company board want them on board. You have a problem with me, baby, you keep it to our cabin in private. Otherwise, just go fucking do your job before I wonder why I ignored good advice about trying to work a ship with my own spouse as one of my officers."

The captain's voice was dark and harsh but not loud. This was not a man to cross, and Lance sort of thought the red head was being really stupid. Thank god Nick wasn't like that, he thought.

The red head sort of froze, a look of absolute rage on his face turning him ugly for a moment. But then as quickly that look went away and he smiled, his foxy face actually shifting smoothly to a charming grin. "Hahah, had you going there, Dan. Um, Sir! Course your not doing anything wrong, honey. I was pulling your leg. Fuck I should have known when you get that hard your too dazed to know when I am joking. Hey do i get a kiss?"

The captain blinked and then seemed to melt and laugh. "Jesus you are way too good at that, Alex. Damn. You had me good. Yeah, give Nick a kiss there, while I finish up welcoming Lance here."

Lance jerked as the Captains hand stole around his cock between them and the Captain's lips were back and then in his ear, where he murmured, "Sorry about that. Alex can be an ass."

"That's ok, Captain. Oh fuck, you are so hot." Lance thought, but didn't have a chance to whisper back as the Captain resumed kissing him.

He looked around and saw that this Alex now had Nick in his embrace and he was not just kissing him, but seducing Nick. Kurt was gone, no where to be seen, and Alex had his hands all over Nick, slipping up into Nick's shorts and prying out Nicks hard to stroke as he necked with Nick. Lance almost came at the sight, his mouth grinning through the tongue dance he was having with the captain. He didn't like this Alex at all, but he was sexy, Lance gave him that, and he was clearly driving Nick insane.

Bit then Nick broke the kiss jerking back and moaned. "Going to be a mess if this goes further. Lance! Come on baby. Lets let the captain do his job."

Nick almost looked panicked, his legs stiff, his cock back under this shorts where he shoved it, but Lance knew that look on his lover. He HAD been taken to the edge and nearly over. He was just this side of shooting.

The captain released Lance reluctantly, giving his cock a last secret squeeze between them as Nick collected Lance's thong.

Lance gave the captain a smouldering look and received a matching look in return, one full of promise before both their eyes dropped to each others throbbing cocks. And then Nick was leading him away back down to join the rest of the ship.

He stroked his cock as he walked his body thrumming with pent up need, a state he loved to stay in as long as he could, whenever he could. He saw passengers below turn and do double takes, good looking men, their burning eyes igniting him with their sudden lust.

"Oh yeah," Lance thought, "Oh yeah this was going to be a cruise to remember. "Oh FUCK yeah!"

The end.

Hope you enjoyed this second installment of .. The Cruise


More Gay Erotic Stories from Sextus Lassiter


Dan Saunders felt relief as his son Jake celebrated his eighteenth birthday. Now, he cold relax, he thought, and maybe be more himself and less Jake's dad. He had never told Jake but he was not the sire of the lad. Dan had been badly ill as a child from some sort of fever sickness, (he never did learn what), but it had left him sterile. As horny as any eighteen year old times two, but sterile.

Jake II

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Jake III

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Jake IV

In Jake, and Jake II and III, Jake and his dad, Dan, resolve the issues of their crush on each other, finding out that both know Dan was not Jake's biological father. The son's wildly exhibitionist tendencies have worked on Dan for a long time, particularly after Jake's eighteenth birthday when Jake is now old enough to make his own decisions and he seems increasingly willing to drive Dan insane

Jake V

It had been two weeks since he left Dan, the man who had raised him, and at the end nearly became his lover. Jake had moved in with a friend of his, a computer gaming buddy, Randy, handsome red haired boy with a girl friend who had actually found him the job at Man Arm Gym. Randy was straight but, hot enough and open minded enough that the gay owned and operated gym wanted him, and he was cool

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With his father home, safe and recovering from the hospital, a new stint in a vein off of his major arteries, and doing well, if resting quietly, Jake felt ready to get back to work.Besides, until his dad was back up to being able to really enjoy sex, he sort of hated to provoke that side of his dad at home. But he himself was horny as hell, and needed an outlet. What better place then work.

Jake VII

Emanuel wiped the sweat from his forehead with a towel, trying to concentrate on the man he was massaging. He had just started here at the Man Arm Gym and already he was having trouble trying to keep his mind on business. But eventually he finished the man's massage, collected a nice tip, and accepted the hug the man wanted to give him.The Man Arm Gym did not make an issue of being a gay


Dan got off the phone with his Doctor feeling excited. His doctor saw no reason why he couldn't start back in on a limited exercise regimen that included a moderate amount of sex. For Dan that was huge. He had undergone a minor arterial vein by pass over a week ago, and had been doing whatever he could to keep this heart from pumping to hard, nothing to put a strain on the operation area. he had

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Back when I was just out of college at age 22, going to a gym every day, lean, yet muscular, my blond blue eyed dimpled sexy cuteness at its peak, (now I am just lean an sexy, maybe not so cute), I slid into my first real relationship. Brian was my last roommate in college. He was four years older, then I was going to college after taking time off, coming way out, almost militant about it,

The Cruise

They had arrived, Lance and his partner, Nick, who parked his aging but still sexy silver jag convertible in the large parking lot of the West Gulf Shores Marina at Key West. Nick, a bit red eyed from driving, was exhausted. It had been a long if event filled trip, however, because his partner, Lance's exhibitionist antics had come close to derailing the trip any number of times.

The Cruise IV

They barely made it to the cabin, Nick was so hot for Lance. After that kissing from Alex, the second mate, he was so on fire with the need for sex he couldn't stand it. He dragged Lance into their room and Lance laughing, helped Nick rip his shorts and shirt off. Together they romped onto the bed. Nick rolled over to search for the lube, and Lance to grab some condoms. And then they were back

The Cruise V

Nick woke to the feel of a slow up and down surge beneath him. His cock throbbed, trapped under him against the bed. Breeze through the cabin ports tickled the hair on his buttocks. He reached out for Lance but the bed was empty. It came back to him where he was, and that he had drifted off after a great fuck with Lance. He smiled, but decided a shower was in order and turning over got up. His

The Cruise VI

Lance wondered if he should feel nervous about the fact he had just climaxed in front of the whole crew and passengers, if accidentally.

The Cruise VII

They had barely stepped back around the corner when the Captain turned him pressed him back against the side of the pilot house and kissed him, wrapping Lance in his arms, his hard body pressing and grinding their hard cocks together. his tongue drawing lance's into a heated kiss, so passionate and sexy lance nearly climaxed. The captain tugged at the Velcro of Lance's thong which gave way,

The Cruise VIII

Nick was hard as a rock, his cock digging into his cushion. He didn't dare turn over. He was well aware that his lover Lance was up in the pilot house getting a tour of the ship's workings by its sexy captain. For lance too look out and down and see Ben rubbing sun tan lotion into his butt cheeks was bad enough, but if he turned over with his cock throbbing as it was...

The Cruise, Part II

Lance was so charged up he could hardly stand it. He knew he was pushing the exhibitionist line, but that was the whole point. He wished his partner Nick understood that, but though Nick was really cool about Lance's chronic need to show himself off, there was that stupid jealousy thing.They had arrived in Key West and were about to board the Sea Luster, and Lance was so horny he could have

The Cruise, Part III

This is the third installment of The Cruise series. I tell these installments mostly from the view point and focus on the main characters of Nick and Lance, but other characters will also have their focus, such as this installment with the focus on Captain Dan Sarrasson, so its important to start from the beginning. So, if you have time, read the Cruise and The Cruise II first. Have fun!

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