Gay Erotic Stories

The Cruise VIII

by Sextus Lassiter
08 Oct 2012

Exhibitionism Men On Holiday

Nick was hard as a rock, his cock digging into his cushion. He didn't dare turn over. He was well aware that his lover Lance was up in the pilot house getting a tour of the ship's workings by its sexy captain. For lance too look out and down and see Ben rubbing sun tan lotion into his butt cheeks was bad enough, but if he turned over with his cock throbbing as it was...

"I think you have my back side well and thoroughly covered, Ben."

Ben Valroy was a handsome fellow passenger on the Gay windjammer cruise ship, and he had offered to rub sun block into Nick's back when Lance was invited away on his tour by the Captain.

Nick could feel Ben's cock pressed against his hip, as he massaged the oil in. He was so incredibly horny by now. He had been teased by one of the ships officers, and now Lance and now this man. He was getting worked up into such as state he did not think he could stop from grabbing at anyone who could bring him some release. But he was not such an exhibitionist he dared get that release right there on deck. Besides, they were still supposed to fight cumming with other then one another.

Ben chuckled huskily. "Perhaps, but it was your mouth I want to cover."

"Cover my mouth? How?"

"With my lips. I am dying to kiss you."

Well that seemed safe enough, Nick thought and he turned onto his side, facing Ben, his cock swinging up to press against Ben's stiff cock through his bikini. Considering he and Lance had just agreed to not protest if the other got into cock sucking with other men, he did not think a kiss would be protested by Lance even if he should see.

Ben moved into him, taking Nicks turn on his side as all the invitation, Nick needed. Hungry lips joined with his, and Ben's tongues lapped together in a languid dance that sent a charge of pleasure into his limbs and down into his groin, intensifying the sudden ache of pleasure into his cock."

No wonder Ben wanted to kiss him. He was a wonderful kisser, Nick thought. He knew how to fit his lips to Nicks and and play his tongue against Nicks in a flirty sensual way that drove Nick nuts.

Before long he was grinding himself against Nick. He gasped, thinking that if Lance saw that ... "We'd better take this inside."

"Your cabin?" Ben asked.

"Yes," said breathless.

They got up, Nick keeping his back to the pilot house He grabbed up his bikini but didn't pull it on. His cock was too hard for that. He just moved quickly down into the main salon, with Ben right behind him.

A couple of older passengers applauded the two men as they walked through the lounge, seemingly led by their hard cocks.

Ben whispered as they reached Nick's cabin. "Fuck your right across from Harold and I."

Nick said nothing but opened his door and drew Ben inside, closing and locking the door behind him.

Then he turned into Ben and drew him hard into another kiss. When they finally broke, Nick said, "Look, I know Lance and I have just decided ton have an all but open relationship while on vacation, fucking excluded. But that is pretty extreme. What of you and Harold/? Are we over the limits you have with him? Will this be alright?"

Ben sighed and looked into Nick's eyes with such longing Nick just wanted to take him right then and there, but just as he wouldn't want someone to break him and Lance up, he didn't want to be the lever that broke two other men apart, either.

Ben pressed lightly against him, their chests rubbing slightly and their hard-ons rubbing, separated only by the thin fabric of Ben's turquoise bikini. Ben's cock poked out the top, but curved back slightly toward his abs. "Harold is a jealous nut. I don't want to hurt him, but all these hot guys on here are driving me up the wall, and you are the worst."


"Gawwd yes. You are so sexy, Nick. Everything about you."

"Back to Harold. Would he be mad if he saw us kissing and standing here like this?"

Nick nodded immediately. "He didn't want to come on this trip at all. But, our sex life has been pretty dull lately. I am hoping a little spice will put some sizzle back in both our peter meters. I still love him, but something has to shake up, or we won't be a couple much longer anyway. I love him, but I need sex. I am not ready to just be a couple of old queens who have become companionable roommates."

Nick laughed. "I have the opposite problem with Lance. Lance is an exhibitionist, and loves to flirt, as you might have noticed. He is usually careful not to go beyond what we agreed to. But I never have a problem with him being jealous of me. he likes watching me flirt or dance or fool around with other guys. I am not quite that relaxed where he is concerned."

"Hah, your the one who suggested your relationship relax enough to allow each other cock sucking with other guys," Ben pointed out teasingly.

"True", Nick replied blushing. "I have no excuse. And I know, I must be nuts right, letting him go off with the captain like I did."

Ben laughed, "Nah, I know you did it because you just wanted to be with me."

"Oh, I see." Nick said and on impulse he pulled Ben back with him onto the bed."

"Your hands are very talented," He went on once he had Ben on top of him kissing down his neck. "Perhaps you could continue that massage."

Nick scooched back on the bed until his head was propped up by a pillow.

Ben, grinning, reached out and began massaging Nick's chest, his massage slow and lazy as his fingers moved around through Nick's chest hair..

"Mmm, well a simple massage between friends. How can your Harold object to that?"

Ben shook his head, "I have no idea. Mind if I remove these. I don't want to get lotion on them."

"Please do."

Ben stripped off his bikini baring his hard eight inch cock. He straddled Nick's middle, his cock and balls resting on Nicks, and leaning in began to massage Nicks chest. As he moved his cock rubbed up and down on Nick's nine inches, like two big sticks being rubbed together to create a spark.

"That does feel nice." Nick husked.

"Mmmhmm, Ben said, as his hands moved lower. He leaned down, unable to help wanting to kiss Nick, he was so handsome. There was no doubt in Ben's mind that of all the passengers aboard, Nick and his lover Lance were easily the most attractive men aboard and he had to include his own lover Harold. Ben was playing with fire with his relationship, but as he had told Nick, he was near the end of his rope where Harold was concerned anyway. The fire had just gone out of their relationship.

Nick smiled up at Ben, liking the handsome heat of the man. Definitely not as glamorously gorgeous as his Lance, he thought, but sexy non the less, and powerfully built, the sort of man who could envelope him in his arms and make him feel safe. Nick found himself wanting to please Ben, to make him feel wanted and pleasured. He reached up and began to play and tease Ben's large nipples, and was delighted when Ben tossed his head back and groaned, his body arching. "Ooh, sensitive there are we?" Nick teased softly.

"Very." Ben admitted. My left nipple is really sensitive." He added.

Nick laughed and changed the focus of his attention to the other nipple. Nick shuddered and groaned. All pretense of merely massaging one another going, as Ben's hands moved down to encircle their cocks and stroke them, together.

Both men now arched, moaning with rising delight. Ben leaned down to kiss Nick again, their lips and tongues working with furious passion as the heat rose between them.

Nick no longer felt like he wasn't cheating even though he had yet to cross the line of merely flirting with Ben, even though they had not yet gotten so far as to such each others cocks.

"Oh Ben, your so hot." Nick said, between kisses. Ben moved onto him completely stretching out over him, lining their bodies up in all the right places.

Nick gasped. They fit together so well. He was astonished at how well they fit, cock to cock, thigh on thigh, pectoral on pectoral, lips on lips, their bodies grinding now with growing heat. They continued on like this for several minutes, just slowly rubbing and kissing, turning over with Nick on top or facing one another side by side.

Finally Ben switched positions and moved down to take Nick in his mouth, his lips and tongue exploring Nick's cock and balls. Nick did the same, moving in to slide his mouth over Ben's thick cock, licking the pre-cum off the tip. "Mmm, Nick so tasty, so sexy. My god but your delicious." Ben said and Nick moaned.

Mouths stretched and suckled, slipping down over each other, taking more and more with each stroke. Nick was used to struggling and never being able to take all of Lance's ten beautiful inches, though sometimes he came close. But Ben's eight were comparatively easy. By relaxing and breathing around that eight inch cock he could get it past the restricting ring in his throat, past that gag reflex and take it all, his nose burying itself Ben's pubic bush.

Ben was having somewhat more trouble with Nicks cock, the thick nine inches being a bit too big. But he took it far enough and his hands wrapped around the base completed the delicious squeeze so that Nick was soon arching up, over come by the incredible sensations of Ben's excellent cock sucking. The man was incredibly skilled and sensitive to Nicki every reaction. He truly enjoyed trying to suck or lick just the right way to make Nick go crazy.

Nick wanted to reciprocate the pleasure he was being given. He reached under Ben's balls and slowly massaged the around Ben's hole. There was a jar of lube on the bed side table. He reached for it and lubing up his fingers returned to that hole, rubbing around it, slipping his fingers inside, stretching the lips, and sliding them further in. Just one finger at first, then the second as he heard Bens moan of appreciation. He found Ben's prostate and began to tap it, and stroke it, and Ben groaned. "You keep that up, I am going to cum." He said raggedly around Nick's cock then plunging his mouth over it again to suck even more passionately then before.

Nick felt himself getting close and drew back on Ben's cock to warn him. "I am going to shoot," he said and plunged back onto that hard hard rod sucking, as he tapped that prostate, aware that with his fingers in Ben's ass he was going right to the edge of the agreement he had with Lance. Worse yet, he wanted Ben's cock up his own ass. He was twitching for it, wanting it bad. And the knowledge he wanted Ben's cock, up his ass so badly, so like a bad bad whore of a husband, that he wanted to cheat all the way on Lance made him feel so naughty, so fucking sexy, his climax came on him in a rush, spilling him over the edge into release. Ben's grunted deeply his ass clamping around Nick's fingers and wad after hot salty sweet wad of cum blasted into Nicks throat and mouth moments after his own cock began to spend itself.

They lay there, milking one another until they had it all, cleaning the last drops, both men quivering with the intensity of release. And then Ben turned around, joining Nick up by the pillow to kiss him sharing with Nick the mingled taste of their spunk.

"That was too amazing." Nick said a little shakily.

"Yeah. Think we have time for another?"

"Not sure how long a tour of the pilot house lasts. Lance could be back any moment."

"Mmm, well we better clean up at least. I guess your Lance won't mind me sharing your shower?"

"Nope." Nick said with a slight sigh in his voice.

Ben grinned. "Must be nice, but I think I understand. You wish he were a little more possessive."

"Maybe a lot more." Nick agreed. "Come on, Ben. Lets shower. Either way, as long as your Harold doesn't interfere, I think having a close personal intimate friend like you may be just what I need, whatever lance says or doesn't say."

"Fuck yeah." Ben agreed. Grinning their shared another long kiss, this one filled with more then a little hint of the dawning bond between them, and then they got up and moved into the head for a shower.

Where ever things were going, Nick thought, as he moved against Ben under the spray, they were on vacation, and he was determined to enjoy it.


More Gay Erotic Stories from Sextus Lassiter


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Jake II

Before you read this, Read

Jake III

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Jake IV

In Jake, and Jake II and III, Jake and his dad, Dan, resolve the issues of their crush on each other, finding out that both know Dan was not Jake's biological father. The son's wildly exhibitionist tendencies have worked on Dan for a long time, particularly after Jake's eighteenth birthday when Jake is now old enough to make his own decisions and he seems increasingly willing to drive Dan insane

Jake V

It had been two weeks since he left Dan, the man who had raised him, and at the end nearly became his lover. Jake had moved in with a friend of his, a computer gaming buddy, Randy, handsome red haired boy with a girl friend who had actually found him the job at Man Arm Gym. Randy was straight but, hot enough and open minded enough that the gay owned and operated gym wanted him, and he was cool

Jake VI

With his father home, safe and recovering from the hospital, a new stint in a vein off of his major arteries, and doing well, if resting quietly, Jake felt ready to get back to work.Besides, until his dad was back up to being able to really enjoy sex, he sort of hated to provoke that side of his dad at home. But he himself was horny as hell, and needed an outlet. What better place then work.

Jake VII

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Dan got off the phone with his Doctor feeling excited. His doctor saw no reason why he couldn't start back in on a limited exercise regimen that included a moderate amount of sex. For Dan that was huge. He had undergone a minor arterial vein by pass over a week ago, and had been doing whatever he could to keep this heart from pumping to hard, nothing to put a strain on the operation area. he had

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The Cruise

They had arrived, Lance and his partner, Nick, who parked his aging but still sexy silver jag convertible in the large parking lot of the West Gulf Shores Marina at Key West. Nick, a bit red eyed from driving, was exhausted. It had been a long if event filled trip, however, because his partner, Lance's exhibitionist antics had come close to derailing the trip any number of times.

The Cruise IV

They barely made it to the cabin, Nick was so hot for Lance. After that kissing from Alex, the second mate, he was so on fire with the need for sex he couldn't stand it. He dragged Lance into their room and Lance laughing, helped Nick rip his shorts and shirt off. Together they romped onto the bed. Nick rolled over to search for the lube, and Lance to grab some condoms. And then they were back

The Cruise V

Nick woke to the feel of a slow up and down surge beneath him. His cock throbbed, trapped under him against the bed. Breeze through the cabin ports tickled the hair on his buttocks. He reached out for Lance but the bed was empty. It came back to him where he was, and that he had drifted off after a great fuck with Lance. He smiled, but decided a shower was in order and turning over got up. His

The Cruise VI

Lance wondered if he should feel nervous about the fact he had just climaxed in front of the whole crew and passengers, if accidentally.

The Cruise VII

They had barely stepped back around the corner when the Captain turned him pressed him back against the side of the pilot house and kissed him, wrapping Lance in his arms, his hard body pressing and grinding their hard cocks together. his tongue drawing lance's into a heated kiss, so passionate and sexy lance nearly climaxed. The captain tugged at the Velcro of Lance's thong which gave way,

The Cruise VIII

Nick was hard as a rock, his cock digging into his cushion. He didn't dare turn over. He was well aware that his lover Lance was up in the pilot house getting a tour of the ship's workings by its sexy captain. For lance too look out and down and see Ben rubbing sun tan lotion into his butt cheeks was bad enough, but if he turned over with his cock throbbing as it was...

The Cruise, Part II

Lance was so charged up he could hardly stand it. He knew he was pushing the exhibitionist line, but that was the whole point. He wished his partner Nick understood that, but though Nick was really cool about Lance's chronic need to show himself off, there was that stupid jealousy thing.They had arrived in Key West and were about to board the Sea Luster, and Lance was so horny he could have

The Cruise, Part III

This is the third installment of The Cruise series. I tell these installments mostly from the view point and focus on the main characters of Nick and Lance, but other characters will also have their focus, such as this installment with the focus on Captain Dan Sarrasson, so its important to start from the beginning. So, if you have time, read the Cruise and The Cruise II first. Have fun!


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