Gay Erotic Stories

Jake VI

by Sextus Lassiter
14 Sep 2012

Exhibitionism Tales From The Locker Room

With his father home, safe and recovering from the hospital, a new stint in a vein off of his major arteries, and doing well, if resting quietly, Jake felt ready to get back to work.

Besides, until his dad was back up to being able to really enjoy sex, he sort of hated to provoke that side of his dad at home. But he himself was horny as hell, and needed an outlet. What better place then work.

He gave his dad a hug on the front patio where he was reading and his father chuckled. "Woh you wearing that to the gym?"

"You like?" Jake grinned. He was a gorgeous young man with blue eyes and a long black mane of hair he usually wore loose, built like one of those painted models on the cover of your typical romance novel, and as beautiful. His dad who was not his actual biological father, even more so in his own brown haired less spectacular way. Dan Saunders was one of those almost forty year old men that you looked at a second time as if to ask yourself, hey is that guy really as hot as I think he is, and then you look again and again and each time you realize he is more and more amazing. Not surprisingly his son Jake, was totally and completely in love with his dad.

But with all that open between them now, his dad had made rules. Dan did not want to trap his son at such a young age into a commitment as lover to a man he could never really leave, his own dad. So he told him Jake had to explore, date other men, learn what was out there, at least for a while. Jake had faught the notion at first, but after a rough start to their new romantic relationship, he had to agree his dad made sense.

Dan looked up and down his son's sexy bod and shook his head. "Nasty, but of course I do. Very hot."

That was an understatement. Jake wore a cut off muscle t that was cut off so high it was hardly more then a gesture then a shirt, leaving his whole lower torso bare. Then he wore some stretchy all most see through spandex underwear jock boxers slit at the sides, with with belt hoops sown onto the waist band and a white woven belt with a gold buckle which disguised the underwear labeling on the waist band and made the shorts look like they were meant to be some sort of very revealing outerwear.

He had clearly put on a flesh colored elastic cock ring as well, because his big balls stuck out and his cock was hard, every vein of the huge thing standing out on the stiff shaft that stretched over to the hip pushing up under the belt. The spandex was white and it hid nothing at, so sheer the pink of the cock and balls showed through.

"Think I can get away with it?" Jake asked a little nervously.

"Son your so beautiful you could probably go to the gym naked and no one would complain."

Jake chuckled but looked pleased at the compliment. "Well I am off. You take it easy, Dad. See you around seven."

Dan nodded, though he doubted his son would be home at seven. More likely someone would have gotten him to go home with them or stay after at the gym. He just shook his head and admired his son's bubble butt as Jake headed out through the house to his bike.

Jake hopped on his bike, put on his helmet and headed out the complex. He had a car but he preferred to use the bike. The gym was only about ten minutes away with a bike lane beside the road all the way, and his shorts fit almost like biker shorts but quite a bit shorter and a whole lot more revealing. His cock was going crazy with each move of his legs. He pulled up at a stop light about a half mile from home, with some girls in a car right next to him, and pretended to pay no attention as they looked, looked again, gasped open mouthed and giggled. The light changed and they had to turn right. He let them go, and gave them a smile and then peddled on his way,

Two guys in a pick up truck gawked at him, the one in the passenger seat leaned out with a grin and called out, "Nice one, dude! Lookin good!"

Jake just grinned and smiled pleasantly, his big balls and cock jostled and moving cradled by the seat as his thighs pumped.

He came to another light beside the local grocery store, and put down his legs to steady himself as he stopped, sitting up straight. A young woman with her husband or boy friend was loading groceries into their car. The woman had a bag of groceries saw Jake and gasped letting go.

Jake turned and pulled into the lot and got off his bike by them, helping them pick up the groceries. "Those bags are not made very well," He said to them, a hot almost naked man with a hard on plain and huge in his spendex as he helped them gather it all up.

The girl just gaped at him, red faced. The husband looked too, saying, "Hey thanks man."

"No problem," Jake said pretending to ignore the guy checking him out.

The young wife recovered herself and pretended innocence. "Oh your so nice to ride over and help us." She said, her large breasts heaving a bit in her halter top.

Her husband kept sneaking looks at the long thick shape of Jake's erection.

"Yeah, thanks." He murmured.

Jake chased after the last rolled can and brought it to them.

"Any time. You two have a good day now." Jake said casually and hopped back on his bike.

He felt their eyes on him all the way out of the parking lot.

Reaching the Man Arm Gym at the small strip mall that included music store and a couple of restaurants, he rolled his bike up and inside to an inside bike rack, something the gym had done to encourage riders and ease them about anyone stealing heir bike while they exercised.

Jake was there early and the gym was just getting ready to open. He saw the gym owner / manager, David Fuller, and called out to him. "Hi Mister Fuller, I am ready to try starting again!"

Fuller turned blinked at Jake's crotch and then got an evil smirk on his face. "Fuck you look hot, Jake, good to see you, all of you," Fuller chuckled, as Jake walked up to him. Jake gave him a snarky grin.

"Damn, Jake, at least put some cold water on that baby. You walk around like that... damn." Fuller shook his head but then changed the subject.

"How is your dad, by the way?"

"Stint was put in, and the docs said he will be fine. Just needs a little recovery r and r. He is in great shape otherwise. They said he is as fit as a twenty five year old, but needs to watch his diet. Dad is a little too fond of cheese burgers and fries and apple pie. You would never know it to look at him. Oh and he said as soon as he is approved for light work outs, he is going to join up. The gym at the condos is pretty limited.

"Thats great." Fuller, a bear of an older man with a beard and greying side walls to an otherwise bald head wasn't particularly handsome but he had a hot powerfully muscled body and a devoted lover at home. But Jake's huge cock in those shorts was getting to him. His white cotton gym shorts were tight and the bulge in front was getting bigger. He stepped closer to Jake and asked in a confidential tone, "So, about your relationship with your dad? You guys back together again romantically?

"Yeah, but open, and I can't really do anything with him because he can't strain his circulation. He has to stay real easy for a week and then begin very mild exercise. I probably can't really be with him for maybe two weeks and that is driving me crazy."

"So I see. Fuck, Jake those shorts are begging to be ripped off." Fuller said with a near growl.

Jake loved appreciation and so did his cock. "You like how I look in them?"

"Fuck yeah, but I was serious, lets start off with getting that big hot cock to cool down. It will be bad enough that way. If you get hard later on," Fuller shrugged.

Jake gave him a playful pout. "Awww, ok. I'll go stick it under a cold faucet."

"Good, now today I want you to greet the clients at the door here and if someone new comes in, I want you to show them around. You know where everything is."

"Yeah, sure."

"Good, thats why that has to go down. Don't want anyone thinking we are JUST about sex." Fuller laughed and not able to help himself he gave Jakes cock a little love pat.

Jakes hips thrust forward at the touch, his eye lids lowering. Fuller now had a hand ful of big hard cock pulsing through think spandex. He couldn't pull his hand away. "Damn Jake that is turning me on, dude.

"mmm, me too."

Fuller laughed and noticed a client coming toward the front door through the glass front of the gym.

"Ok go cool that down, I will greet John Paisly." Fuller said, gruffly, and the older man headed to the counter near the entrance getting behind it to hide his condition.

Jake grinned and headed through the gym to the locker room and spa, aiming directly for the sinks. He undid the belt, and lowered the shorts. His cock sprang out, pre-cum seeping out the piss slit of the mushroom shaped head.

He whipped it off with a for finger and tasted it, and then turning on the faucet to cold, stuck his cock into the cold water, shoving it down almost painfully. But despite the cock ring, that did the trick. he decided to take the cock ring off, and did. The shorts were bad enough without it, and his cock just lay in there, cradled with his balls, its usual flaccid fat seven inches looking great in those shorts. He didn't mind Fuller trying to calm hm down a little. He wanted to play the day out anyway. Always more fun to get more outrageous as the day goes on, not blow it all in the first hour.

Walking back out he passed a couple of clients who had entered, and hid a grin as they turned and gazed at him with heat in their eyes.

Fuller saw him and nodded and motioned him to his station. Jake went over. "You know to check their membership and don't let them just flash their card at you. They could have gotten off of someone else, which they can do, but when they come using someone else's membership, we have to be able to call the member and confirm. Got that?"

"Yes sir."

" Good, If you see a new client coming in, then they are your first priority. Just hit this bell here and that will tell me your showing some new around the gym and that I or someone else needs to manage the front desk. Got it?"


"Good!" Fuller beamed and patted Jake's butt as he headed for his office again. "Damn those shorts are hot. Fucking hot, dude. Lov-em, I want a pair," Fuller said as he walked away.

Jake was soon pretty bored until one of the guys working out found an excuse to come over to him.

"Hi, I'm Brion. Your just hired?"

"Yup." Jake smiled and held out a hand, which Brian shook.

Brian was a decent looking guy in his twenties, his eyes lost on Jake's body. "You must work out alot. You look ripped."

"Not as much as I'd like, haven't been in here for over a week to get a work out."

"When do you work out?"

"Just started but the guys here take a two hour lunch break, and work out during that. We eat snacks instead of lunch." Jake said.

"Well then next time I am coming in here for lunch. I would like to see you working out. You have an amazing body." Brian oozed.

"Thank you. Your doing well too. How long have you been coming?"

"Not yet but I will be in about ten minutes if I stand here drooling much longer." Brion said, and laughed.

Jake laughed with him.

Brion seemed to be waiting for Jake to say something but at that moment two men came to the door. One wearing tight jeans and the other shorts. Both men, slender, and enough androgyny to their movements and walk, that Jake pegged them as gay, though effeminacy did not mean gay. He knew that.

He nodded to Brion, "Ooops, scuse me. I think maybe these folks are new.

Jake left Brion and went to the front door inside the foyer and opened it for the couple, smiling brilliantly, "Welcome. I just started, so are you members or just coming for a look see."

The smaller and slighter of the two, stopped and then unfroze very quickly as if trying to pretend he had not just gone into shock.

His partner was less inhibited. "Oh my GAWWWD! I am joining now. Fuck everything else baby."

The first one gave his partner a scathing glance and smiled at Jake, "Don't mind Carl, he is a pig. I, on the other hand, am civilized, restrained, a perfect gentleman, and to quote a certain singer, "I want your sex."

Jake smiled but was not sure he should laugh out loud. Instead he simply said, "Well that,s great. You'll fit right in here., Most of our clients are gay. Can I show you guys the lay out?"

"Please do." the cone named Carl with short curly hair husked, his eyes openly undressing Jake, not that there was much undressing to do.

Jake held the door for them and ushered them in and they came. "All right we'll start right here. This is our equipment."

The smaller blond young man who had proclaimed himself restrained, said, "Yes show us more about your equipment." His eyes fastened on Jake's crotch. He pulled out an ipad and began jabbing at it. "Just telling some friends about this lovely gym." He said. "We have ALOT of friends. and they like to come to the hottest gym. Would you say this qualifies as the hottest, Carl?

"Fuck yeah." Carl purred.

Jake led them to the first machine and explained its functions, but kept it simple as his sight seers were more busy ogling him. He sat down and demonstrated each machine, showing off his body with each position.

He got three machines down with them when three other men came by. Fuller met them out front but then directed them to join the two Jake was showing around. and he told Jake, "Just show the later arrivals the beginning of your tour they missed when you'r done , Jake and welcome to the Man Arm." Fuller said beaming at the men ogling Jake.

Now Jake had five men on his tour. And a moment later a few more joined. By the time he was done demonstrating the machines, sixteen men were circled around him breathing hard, their crotches tented and bulging.

Jake led them into the locker room, and then the spa, showing them the indoor pool.

"As you can see its long enough for laps and then we have a nice big whirl pool where guys can relax and make friends." Jake added the last part with a wink and his audience laughed. "As you can see our showers are open, not stalls, but there is plenty of room for several men to shower at the same time."

"Could you demonstrate that for us?" Carl's partner lisped. Jake had learned his name was Chris.

Jake pretended to look surprised as the other guys laughed. "Well if you all want to get naked and shower with me, sure."

"Fuck yeah," Carl said, but Jake held up a hand,

"Unfortunately showers are for members only.

"I have a member and its a stiffy,."One of the guys said, and Jake guffawed at that one, unable to help himself.

"We also have massage tables, in four private booths and we have professional masseurs."

"Are you one of them?" One of the others asked hopefully.

Jake shook his head. "Not yet. I am studying."

"How hard can that be?" Chris lisped.

"Very. Every time I take a class I get hard." Jake quipped, getting a laugh that was a touch on the husky side. These boys were getting horny, and Jake decided he better not let things get too out of control. The idea was to sign them up.

"We have two steam rooms and two saunas. Two small ones and then the larger ones for when we are busy."

"Do um guys have sex in here?" One of the guys asked.

Jake smiled, "I can't comment on that, except to say that openly lewd behavior is frowned on and if someone offends the other members too often, they are asked to leave. We do have some straight men here who are very tolerant, but we don't want to push them too far."

"Thats an interesting answer." Someone said but other then that they left it there.

Jake gave them all his hundred watt come fuck me smile. "Well that's all for the tour. I hope we will see some of you up front to join up?" Jake turned and led teh way back out through the gym, and every single one of them crowded after him. And every single one signed up.

Jake was at the door as they left, and he complimented them, "You guys are hot. Tell your friends. We like a gym full of hot men."

He got nods and smiles and three personal cards with names and numbers on them. Jake took them, the others looking miffed they hadn't brought theirs.

Fuller looked ready to kiss him, he was so excited.

"In knew hiring you would be amazing!" he said giving Jake a huge hug.

Fuller promised to pay him extra if he took tours all through lunch break, so he did, but took his time over the machines, and set them at his max weight for the reps. So that right in front of them, he went through his whole routine plus some.

The fifteen men proved to be a fluke as members sprinkled in. Lunch time brought several more guys looking into joining, and they got ten more members from Jake's tours. There was a second peak time at five as men came in to work out on their way home. but no one new.

Jake was tired but happy as Fuller took him into his office and kissed him. "Jake, you were amazing. I have to tell you I was looking at maybe having to close this gym in a few months if things didn't turn around. Now we won't have any more new people this evening. Lunch hour between 11 and 2 is the peak time for the gym and for people checking you out. I mean us out.' Fuller amended, reddening.

Jake didn't giggled and Fuller guffawed, patting Jakes ass affectionately.

"Well you go ahead and sign out. I am giving you a bonus for working through lunch hour and bringing in so many new people. Your a hit. Get Emanuel to give you a massage."

"That does sound good, thanks Mr. Fuller."

"Call me Dave."

"How bout boss? My dad always taught me to treat my boss with respect."

Fuller thought it over and then nodded. "All right, boss it is. At least while others can hear, but Dave in here ok?"

:Sure boss. I mean Dave."

Fuller laughed and shook his head. "Go have fun."

Jake smiled and left the office and headed through the gym, taking off his muscle t as he went, drawing eyes to him. He was already pealing down his shorts before he reached the locker room door, baring his butt o all before the door closed behind him.

Fuller, watching through the glass of his office, laughed as he saw every man in the gym riveted on Jake's exit. Man that boy had talent.

Stay tuned for the next installment... it gets hotter.


More Gay Erotic Stories from Sextus Lassiter


Dan Saunders felt relief as his son Jake celebrated his eighteenth birthday. Now, he cold relax, he thought, and maybe be more himself and less Jake's dad. He had never told Jake but he was not the sire of the lad. Dan had been badly ill as a child from some sort of fever sickness, (he never did learn what), but it had left him sterile. As horny as any eighteen year old times two, but sterile.

Jake II

Before you read this, Read

Jake III

i am going to start with the last part of the previous installment just to help readers keep everything in context. Be sure to read Jake and Jake II first as they set up the back ground material for the rest of the series.Jake was already there, knowing exactly where his father was headed,

Jake IV

In Jake, and Jake II and III, Jake and his dad, Dan, resolve the issues of their crush on each other, finding out that both know Dan was not Jake's biological father. The son's wildly exhibitionist tendencies have worked on Dan for a long time, particularly after Jake's eighteenth birthday when Jake is now old enough to make his own decisions and he seems increasingly willing to drive Dan insane

Jake V

It had been two weeks since he left Dan, the man who had raised him, and at the end nearly became his lover. Jake had moved in with a friend of his, a computer gaming buddy, Randy, handsome red haired boy with a girl friend who had actually found him the job at Man Arm Gym. Randy was straight but, hot enough and open minded enough that the gay owned and operated gym wanted him, and he was cool

Jake VI

With his father home, safe and recovering from the hospital, a new stint in a vein off of his major arteries, and doing well, if resting quietly, Jake felt ready to get back to work.Besides, until his dad was back up to being able to really enjoy sex, he sort of hated to provoke that side of his dad at home. But he himself was horny as hell, and needed an outlet. What better place then work.

Jake VII

Emanuel wiped the sweat from his forehead with a towel, trying to concentrate on the man he was massaging. He had just started here at the Man Arm Gym and already he was having trouble trying to keep his mind on business. But eventually he finished the man's massage, collected a nice tip, and accepted the hug the man wanted to give him.The Man Arm Gym did not make an issue of being a gay


Dan got off the phone with his Doctor feeling excited. His doctor saw no reason why he couldn't start back in on a limited exercise regimen that included a moderate amount of sex. For Dan that was huge. He had undergone a minor arterial vein by pass over a week ago, and had been doing whatever he could to keep this heart from pumping to hard, nothing to put a strain on the operation area. he had

My Cheating Heart

Back when I was just out of college at age 22, going to a gym every day, lean, yet muscular, my blond blue eyed dimpled sexy cuteness at its peak, (now I am just lean an sexy, maybe not so cute), I slid into my first real relationship. Brian was my last roommate in college. He was four years older, then I was going to college after taking time off, coming way out, almost militant about it,

The Cruise

They had arrived, Lance and his partner, Nick, who parked his aging but still sexy silver jag convertible in the large parking lot of the West Gulf Shores Marina at Key West. Nick, a bit red eyed from driving, was exhausted. It had been a long if event filled trip, however, because his partner, Lance's exhibitionist antics had come close to derailing the trip any number of times.

The Cruise IV

They barely made it to the cabin, Nick was so hot for Lance. After that kissing from Alex, the second mate, he was so on fire with the need for sex he couldn't stand it. He dragged Lance into their room and Lance laughing, helped Nick rip his shorts and shirt off. Together they romped onto the bed. Nick rolled over to search for the lube, and Lance to grab some condoms. And then they were back

The Cruise V

Nick woke to the feel of a slow up and down surge beneath him. His cock throbbed, trapped under him against the bed. Breeze through the cabin ports tickled the hair on his buttocks. He reached out for Lance but the bed was empty. It came back to him where he was, and that he had drifted off after a great fuck with Lance. He smiled, but decided a shower was in order and turning over got up. His

The Cruise VI

Lance wondered if he should feel nervous about the fact he had just climaxed in front of the whole crew and passengers, if accidentally.

The Cruise VII

They had barely stepped back around the corner when the Captain turned him pressed him back against the side of the pilot house and kissed him, wrapping Lance in his arms, his hard body pressing and grinding their hard cocks together. his tongue drawing lance's into a heated kiss, so passionate and sexy lance nearly climaxed. The captain tugged at the Velcro of Lance's thong which gave way,

The Cruise VIII

Nick was hard as a rock, his cock digging into his cushion. He didn't dare turn over. He was well aware that his lover Lance was up in the pilot house getting a tour of the ship's workings by its sexy captain. For lance too look out and down and see Ben rubbing sun tan lotion into his butt cheeks was bad enough, but if he turned over with his cock throbbing as it was...

The Cruise, Part II

Lance was so charged up he could hardly stand it. He knew he was pushing the exhibitionist line, but that was the whole point. He wished his partner Nick understood that, but though Nick was really cool about Lance's chronic need to show himself off, there was that stupid jealousy thing.They had arrived in Key West and were about to board the Sea Luster, and Lance was so horny he could have

The Cruise, Part III

This is the third installment of The Cruise series. I tell these installments mostly from the view point and focus on the main characters of Nick and Lance, but other characters will also have their focus, such as this installment with the focus on Captain Dan Sarrasson, so its important to start from the beginning. So, if you have time, read the Cruise and The Cruise II first. Have fun!


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