Gay Erotic Stories

My Cheating Heart

by Sextus Lassiter
01 Oct 2012

Exhibitionism Public Places Voyeurism

Back when I was just out of college at age 22, going to a gym every day, lean, yet muscular, my blond blue eyed dimpled sexy cuteness at its peak, (now I am just lean an sexy, maybe not so cute), I slid into my first real relationship. Brian was my last roommate in college. He was four years older, then I was going to college after taking time off, coming way out, almost militant about it, already through a disastrous relationship of his own. When I met him I was already slipping into the idea I was almost certainly gay. But new enough to it, that he had to do a lot of seduction to get me into his bed. Not that I fought all that hard. I was constantly horny, and Brian at six feet two, broad shouldered, with a wrestlers build, handsome in a brutal sort of way, with a huge cock that made for a great bulge, was a hard man to resist. But that's another story.

The problem with Brian was, he was a control freak. I didn't understand at first, but in hindsight, it was clear he was probably a bondage S&M master waiting to happen. I was naturally exhibitionist. I was just six feet, proud of my 28 inch waste, and bubble butt, but particularly my thick eight inch cock and large heavy hanging balls. (I have seen a lot bigger, and Brian's topped mine by an inch), but my cock also doesn't shrivel up and go away like so many when flaccid, but keeps a nice full roll of about five inches soft that looks great in swim suits or tight boxers, or thongs.

Brian liked my exhibitionism, but wanted to control it. When we moved into an apartment and he started working in an art supply store down at this sea side resort town where we lived, I took a job waiting tables at a seafood restaurant. Brian would come in and eat there all the time just so he could watch to see I didn't flirt with hot male customers. But then our uniform was black jeans and a black dress shirt. He made me buy the tightest jeans I could fit into, and wear a thong under them so that my package made a huge bulge in the front. He liked to watch men lust over me, but if I so much as gave a guy a smile, he was all over me that night, sullen and glaring and then fucking the hell out of me.

I didn't really mind that last, but the sullenness and sulking and glaring that would go on for two days or more really got to me. So I would try not to be bad where he could catch me.

Brian had to work on Tuesdays at his store as that was the main restocking day at the art supply store.

I, on the other hand was off. But, I was not allowed to go to gay bars, not without Brian, or a bath house, or even the gay part of the beach. But I was expected to go grocery shopping, go to the gym, and get the laundry done.

I had some old shorts I liked to wear, faded cutoffs cut so short my cock head peaked at the edge of the left leg. The laundromat was just down the street and over a couple of blocks from our apartment. I gathered the two duffel bags worth and would walk the distance.

Since the shorts were really tight, I left the top button undone and the fly slightly unzipped, my bubble butt holding the shorts up just fine even if I had the fly almost all the way down. I wore a cutoff tee to show off my abs, and started out as I usually did.

Had Brian been there he would have been nagging at me to get hard and let my cock really poke out of my left leg, just so he could watch the faces of people ogling it as I walked along. But I knew he would be pissed at me wearing those shorts with-out him around. But it was my day off, and in little ways I liked to take that day off from his controls a little bit.

I was about half way to the laundry mat when this young hot guy passed me in a little blue Nissan pickup, and then pulled into parking space ahead of me. As I approached his car, he turned and waved me over. My heart pulsed a little faster at the prospect of a little fun, and I gave in and went to him, and looked in through his passenger window. My mouth went dry. He was very hot, longish dark brown hair blue eyes, his torso both muscular and bare, showing a nice thatch of chest hair, but not much anywhere else except a thin trail down to his pubes.

And that was the other thing. His pubes led to the root of his cock, which led to the rod and the whole damn thing. He wore no pants either, and his big thick long cock twitched at me where it was laying across one thigh. He was naked as he could be, hidden only by the slightly high windows of his pick up from casual passersby.

"You heading to or from a laundry?" He said, obviously enjoying my expression and the hunger in my eyes for what he had. "I could give you a ride and then maybe you could point me to the nearest Gay hotel or Bar? I don't have a guide and I need to figure out where things are." He said looking me in the eyes, invitingly. "And your the first really hot man I have seen. Fuck it was all I could do not to have an accident seeing you walk down the street in those cutoffs."

He patted the seat and licked his lips, and I felt my tenuous resistance let go.

"If you give me a ride," I said, unable to tear my eyes from his cock, "I'll put my loads in and show you while my laundry is in the wash. You could come in too, if you have something to wear." I said eying that big cock, and grinning at him with a smile I knew Brian would kill me for if he saw it.

I put my two large laundry bags in the back and then got in the front seat with him already getting hard. MY cock poked out the leg of my shorts and he reached right over and slide his hand up to me and wrapped his fingers around it, drawing a moan right out of my lips.

I reached over and lightly teased his cock with my fingers. It was the first time I had done anything like that with another guy since Brian and I became a couple, and the thrill of touching another man's cock after so long had my libido in an uproar. My balls were churning and it was all I could do not to arch way up into view of people passing us on the side walk.

Finally after teasing me for a few minutes, he put his truck in gear and pulled us out. It took only a minute to get to the laundry mat and we pulled in. He reached for my cock again but I opened the door. "Put something on and come on in while I get the laundry going."

He nodded and reached behind the seat for something as I got out of the truck. I had to adjust my erection up so it wouldn't poke out a mile out the leg of the shorts.

I grabbed my laundry bags and went into the laundry mat, not looking back. There were five people in there, an older lady reading a trashy romance novel, a slender effeminate gay boy in baggy shorts and a white t who ogled me openly, A big breasted black lady who also ogled my crotch and buns openly, and two young women who were giggling and texting on their I-pods and pretending not to ogle me.

I put my bags down on the machines I wanted to use and went to the dollar machine. As I was getting change, all the heads that were ogling my ass swiveled as someone else walked into the laundry mat.

I turned to see my ride walk in wearing a skin tight Eurasian cut black T and blue Speedo bikini with a diagonal red stripe curving over the bulge.. He came in as I was feeding quarters one of four machines. He had pulled on speedo swim trunks and a t shirt, and walked holding his cock down with a thumb hooked over the waist band of the bikini trunks. He came to a halt by the machines where my laundry was.

I got my change and went to the soap dispenser, and got my boxes of soap and softener, and then went back to him.

"I'll feed your clothes in, if you hold the bags and my cock," He told me in an undertone, barely moving his lips.

"OK." I picked up a bag of laundry, and held it open for him, holding the bottom.

He opened a machine, moving in against the bag, and let go of his cock. We were close together, and I reached over and grabbed hold of that thing as it popped up and out of his bikini. We were partly hidden by the backs of the machines. Only the gay boy sat at an angle where he could see, and though I heard a gasp, he said nothing.

I circled that cock with my fingers and began to stroke him slowly as he pulled Brian's underwear out, his shorts and jock, letting the clothes pass across his nose.

"You have a lover? These shorts are too big for you." he said huskily as I kept playing with his cock between us.

"Yeah. I shouldn't be playing with your cock. But, what can I do? You ordered me." I said shrugging slightly. My own cock was pounding.

"Just what your doing. I have a partner too, but he couldn't come with me this weekend, so...."

"He doesn't mind that?"

"Nah. So long as I go home to him, he doesn't care. Yours?"

"Fucking jealous as hell," I said envying my laundry mat companion his tolerant other half.

Between us he reached over and shoved my erection down out of the leg of my shorts and began stroking it, loading the machine with one hand.

I was certain the movement of our biceps would become noticeable any minute, but the people seemed oblivious. all but the oh so young twink, who gawked at us. I winked at him and he blushed. He was straining to see more of us from where he sat without being too obvious.

I turned my body slightly to give him a better view. His lips parted and his eyelids drooped with evident lust. I love seeing that look in other men.

"Too bad," my companion said. "Any lover of yours should be understanding to say the least and at least willing to share you a little. Your too sexy to just be stuck fooling with one guy."

"Aww, thank you." I told him and he grinned.

We took our sweet time loading the machines, by the end of which I was close to cumming. then with the last lid down, we let go of each others rods and shoved them back under cover, and walked out. Once in his truck we leaned into one another and kissed, Frenching like crazy. Then he started the truck and we pulled out of there. I directed him around to one of the gay bars and its parking lot. I didn't want to go in as Brian and I went there and I didn't want word to get to him I was there with someone else.

So I then directed him to one of two Gay Guest Houses I knew of. He checked in and we put his luggage in his room, each of us with one bag and the other hand for holding our cocks under cover. The concierge gave us both a wink.

We passed a courtyard with a whirl pool that had three men in it, two of them making out. My companion stripped told me to strip, grabbed two towels and led me back to the whirl pool. I followed him with my cock sticking up a mile, leading pre-cum. I didn't try to hide it either as we approached he whirl pool and the guys in it.

We got in and he had me sit on the edge an lean back, my cock spearing the air.

The couple stopped making out to look, and the third boy just gaped at me.

Then slowly as if we had all day, my new friend moved up between my thighs and to my balls and began to lick them, his other hand slowly teasing my cock.

"So would your partner be mad with me doing this?" He asked me, his voice slightly muffled by the sounds of the whirlpool bubbling and my balls on his lips..

"Very, yours?" I asked

"I am just giving your balls a friendly tongue massage and just petting your cock, not even stroking it.

"Mmmhmm." I said, agreeing and marveling at the reasoning. He made it all sound so innocent.

Gradually his hand moved more firmly on my rod, driving me crazy. But then his tongue moved down to probe around my ass. My legs opened to give him more access. I knew it was wrong to let him go that far, to open my legs like a cheating whore but, what can a man do when another offers to give him such a treat as a tongue massage of one's hole? I was in heaven.

Now when he replaced that tongue with his fingers, first one then another, I had a moment when I really fought hard with myself to find a way to resist that invasion. I squeezed my ass hard around those fingers, pushing back against the tide of pleasure sending me straight to an orgasm.

His head moved up and now he was tonguing my whole cock, sliding that mouth up and down the length of me.

"Oh yeah, suck that big cock," One of the two guys who had been necking whispered. Both he and his partner were stroking one another under the suds, but leaning forward trying to see around my companion, whose name I still did not know.

"He's not really sucking it, just kissing it." I husked mostly to myself, trying to justify how far things had gotten.

But then he did suck it, his mouth slipping around the head, his tongue swirling. I was very close to cumming now. So I pushed him off desperately before I lost even that control. I moved down into the water and urged him up where I was.

Then and it was just to reciprocate, not because I really wanted to cheat on Brian, but because it was only polite to return pleasure for pleasure. I slid my hands up his thighs, and leaned in to innocently taste those balls of his with little swirling kisses, and then slide my mouth and tongue around on his rod. When at last I reached the tip, I tried not to enjoy too much in the way his body hunched up to my pleasuring, I teased it for a long time, my tongue dancing around the head, licking off his delicious pre-cum. His cock tasted so amazingly good it was really becoming very difficult to refuse to go down on him. But, after fighting the temptation as long as I could my mouth sort of slipped by accident, and I went down on him, taking him deep in my throat.

OK, I was just giving his cock a very deep french kiss, just adding a bit of suction, not wanting to enjoy it too much. But the way he arched, his body thrusting up into my mouth to meet my sucking downward, and then down as my mouth suctioned his cock as, my lips retreated back up that rod, told me he was enjoying my cock sucking, I mean French kissing, way too much..

"Fuck, I am going to cum." Brian said suddenly.

I felt his balls contracting and thought then that this might really be crossing the line into definite cheating on Brian if his cum spurted into my mouth.

Oh well, as fate would have it, hiis cum spurted into my mouth, in blasts of hot salty juice. I swallowed as fast as I could but could not keep up completely, and a drop of cum escaped my lips.

Part of my mind, a very guilty part, wondered what I was doing here in a gay guest house sucking this great cock, licking cum off my lips, with my very jealous lover working just a few blocks away. The other part of me, the part that thought with my cock was just wanting more, and not about to let my new sexy friend go just because he had managed to cum before he was supposed to.

And then there was my conscience, which tried to assure me that all I had done was be polite and acquiesce to the needs of a friend, and that after all, I hadn't cum yet, right? As long as I could keep from doing that, I thought, all I had really done was do some heavy flirting

The thing was, by then I really needed to cum, but my new friend had other ideas.

Once he recovered from pumping his cum deep into my throat, he remembered I had laundry at the laundry mat and that it was nearly a half hour since we left it there.

We went back to his room where I had to put my cutoffs back on, though I said to hell with my shirt. Just took it with us. At the laundry mat he took out a card and gave it to me. "Call my cell. My name is Mike. Yours?

I gave him mine and we parted, me still dealing with a pounding cock. I knew I wouldn't call him. My lover would be getting off work in a few hours.

I headed into the laundry mat. The previous customers had been replaced, all but the young twink, whose was feeding his clothes into the dryers. He caught sight of me coming in and theatrically clutched his heart.

I mimed laughing and winked at him, but I didn't want to encourage him. I was just not into boyish slight builds. I liked beefy muscular men. I was rewarded when I stepped all the way in and saw this swarthy black haired hunk in tight jeans and a maroon t shirt reading a popular science magazine. His eyes lifted from his mag and met my crotch, and then my eyes in that order. I let a slight grin slip over my lips and nodded to him, as I moved around toward the machines where my laundry was clearly done. My cock was stretched across the front of my shorts and I could feel his eyes on me as I passed him. I grabbed a basket and started loading my clothes.

I took the whole sodden mess over to the dryers and filled four of the tumble dry, feeding in quarter after quarter. Damn doing even your own laundry wasn't cheap.

I came up short and pulled my wallet out but the twink moved in, looking up at my eyes and my chest, one hand out with some quarters. His own chest was heaving dramatically.

"Here I have sssome exxxxxtra quarterssss," He said, with so much sibilance in his s's they came out like some husky hissing snake.

It was all I could do not to laugh, and my cock started shrinking in my cutoffs right away.

(I am sorry, and I hope many of you will forgive me, but though I find a little androgyny sexy, a little goes a long way for me. I am gay because I like men, not women with a cock. That's just me though, because I know many men who love drag and all the rest, its just not my stroke.)

An way, I didn't want to encourage him, but at some point refusing an offer is rude, so I decided to accept the money. "I am just short a couple, I told him. Thanks a lot."

"No problemo." He drawled out breathlessly. But then he added, "I could be your couple."

I sighed and looked regretful. "I wish I could but I have someone."

He shrugged, not to be put off easily. "Oh yes, I ssssaw him. He issss almosst as hot asss you. And I loved watching your little cock play. God you guysss nearly made me cum."

His voice was getting louder, the little fucker and I had now had a sense this guy was not above manipulating any straw to get a guy into the sack with him.

I carefully kept the nervousness I now felt off my face, and just smiled.

"You got it, but he is incredibly jealous. If he comes in and sees me talking to you, I am dog meat."

He eyed me carefully, not so dumb this twink, looking for any crack he could find and he found it. "If he is sssso jealousss how come he letsss you dresss in those tight cutoffssss with your cock practically ssssticking out?"

"He likes me to show off, but he can't stand if if anyone actually touches me."

"I could watch." He offered.

"All you would see was his fist." I said turning away with a regretful shake of my head.

His eyes widened and then narrowed on me as I fed the quarters into the dryer, turned on the machine, but he didn't follow me as I then headed over and sat next to the hunk.

I reached around him to the magazine stack behind him and grabbed one of those exercise magazines that come as close as they dare to being gay soft porn without going over the edge.

I rested the mag on my thighs, checking to see my cock was not quite peeking out the left leg, but very very close, teasing the frayed edge, holding the mag so my seat mate could view my crotch but not the twink, who I knew was watching me again with suspicion.

I felt his shoulder press mine as he leaned to his left and into me, his thigh pressing against mine. I did not move away and felt the blood rush to my rod again.

"Bit easy ditching that flamer, is it?" He chuckled in my ear, his voice low and decidedly sexy.

"Unh unh." I agreed, opening the mag to a spread of this very hot excercise guru leaning back on the edge of a pool, wearing a bulging thong that looked as if he was at least half hard, his body, chiseled and cut, a sexy smile offered to the camera. It was supposed to be a shot to show off his abs, but who could look at that with the big curve of that cock so apparent to the camera. Damn.

My seat mate, grunted and said, "Fucking hot dude."

"Yeah." I said. My cock had stretched a little and the head was peaking out my shorts.

He said. "I meant you. I want to lick you all over."

My cock got the message and burgeoned to full hardness all over again, stretching right out of my shorts. Luckily the magazine hid it from everyone but him as it pushed itself out and actually reared. up. He reached over right there and ran his fingers up and down it, driving me crazy.

I looked around the laundry mat as if bored, my eyes drifting over the twink who was staring at us with hard eyed suspicion. My seat neighbor's hand tightened a little more with each stroke, and I knew his bicep flexing was going to give him and me away in a moment.

"Stop." I gasped.

He stopped, his hand stilling on my cock. With trembling fingers, I shoved my cock down and back up into the denim.

"Where can we go," he growled. "My clothes will be another hour. How bout you?

"About that," I said. I glanced at the twink who was staring at us. I wouldn't put it past him to sabotage our laundry if we left him here alone and he saw us leave together. "I don't want our friend to get pissed if he sees us leave together. I am going to get up and go over to the book store next door. Once I am gone, I think he will try to follow me. Then you leave, and go to your car and drive around the block and park Once its clear I will come and find you."

He chuckled. "You really think that's necessary?"

"I have a lover." I admitted.

"Not him." He said.

"No, someone else, but he is just the sort of guy to, you know..."

"Oh yeah, got it. Go ahead. If he doesn't follow you I will leave in five minutes."

This was really getting complicated, but oh hell that was half the fun of cheating. I got up, using the mag to hide my hard on from the twink, tossed it behind my seat mate on the window sill where it had been before, and headed for the door, my back to both of them.

Two gay guys came in as I was leaving, and they both ogled my erection. which was pushing up against my belt line.

"Mmm, a nice hard man is good to find." One of them said and the other laughed, winking at me.

I laughed back but moved past them and headed next door to the book store. It wasn't an x rated book store with stalls, un-fortunately.

Going in, I ducked in and pretended to look at some books just inside the window putting my body out of the light. The young guy behind the counter nodded and smiled to me, his eyes wandering down my bod. Woof, another time, I thought.

I didn't have long to wait. Fifteen seconds later there came twink coming out of the laundry mat, looking left and right, biting a finger nail thought fully. He stamped his foot, a frown crossing his face. A mulish look passed over him and then he turned and stalked back into the laundry mat. Had he decided to come into the book store I would have gone to the man behind the counter and begged to hide down there. I was getting that desperate.

As it was I roamed around for a couple of minutes and gravitated back to the best sellers by the window. Then I saw him, my seat mate, came out looked around and then headed across the street to an old model BMW sports car. It had to be at least ten years old, but it still looked good. He got in, and took off driving slowly.

I waited another minute, to make sure our twink didn't come out, and then left the book store and keeping close to the wall, jogged around the corner of the block and back to the other street. The BMW came cruising along a moment later. He moved across the street in front of him and he swerved to the side walk coming to a stop as I hopped in. Then he took off again, laughing.

"You sure you're not too paranoid about your lover?" He teased me, running a hand up my thigh.

"More about that young kid who looked barely sixteen but wasn't, getting pissed because I didn't want him, finding out who my lover is... Things like that have a way of happening."

"Oh so do you cheat often?" He said.

"No. Never cheated on him." (I almost said "Yet"). " I like to flirt though, and my partner considers that cheating, even if I don't."

"What do you consider cheating?" He asked me, smiling.

"Cumming as I let another guy fuck me or fucking them. All the rest is just flirty foreplay."

He smiled and nodded. "Well my name is Dean, and I don't have a partner. I am kind of looking for one, though, so though normally I wouldn't go much further with someone who is taken... I don't see why we can't hang out together while wait for the laundry to get done. I have a bungalow I am renting on the beach. We can sun on the deck facing the beach."

"Sounds relaxing," I said, but thought anything but. I had a feeling I was about to have some great sex.

We reached his bungalow about five minutes later and got out. His hand had been playing with my thigh all the way though, sliding up to nudge my cock which of course made an appearance. By the time we got there, his hand had moved to my cock and was stroking it.

I got out of the car, with my cock sticking out of my shorts and didn't bother to cover as I followed him to the door. We went inside the simple cabin and he led me out to his porch facing the beach. The porch was semi enclosed for privacy from neighbors to either side, but anyone on the beach had only to walk up close to the houses and see us.

Non the less he stripped as he went out there, revealing a tanned muscular body, lean but hunky, with a nice fat seven inch cock. He poured us some lemonade and then we sat down on a double wide lounge chair that occupied the shade. We lay back together, our naked bodies touching. Yeah I had stripped too.

In seconds we were kissing, pressing our hot cocks together. I was teased by the feel of the outside breeze on our balls and nipples, tickling them as we ground and kissed away, working ourselves up into a frenzy of hot foreplay.

He broke the kissing long enough to ask me, with a chuckle, "So you don't consider this cheating?"

I shrugged as my pelvis rolled my cock against his. "Nahh, were just hugging and kissing. Good friends do that."

"But were so fucking hard." He breathed, and ran his tongue along my jaw.

"How can I help being so hard while kissing such a hot friend? Its not like I really meant to get hard." I reasoned.

He shrugged and grinned against my lips. "Mmm, true." We necked some more. His hand moved between us to stroke both our cocks together, and I felt the cum churn in my balls, knowing I was really getting close.

He reached behind the chair and lowered the back of the double wide lounger. Then he switched around with a nasty grin and kissed his way to my cock, just happening to present his own to me. He kissed my rod, sliding his tongue along its length. I did the same to him, mirroring his moves. He tasted delicious, a bit more salty then Mike but not as tangy as Brian. I loved sucking cock, and getting to suck two other then Brian's in one day had me feeling so fucking nasty, and horny, it would not take me much to cum.

MY left hand was free to play with his balls and wrap around the base of him as I went down on him. His cock was thick, but I took him all the way, having practiced on Brian's nine inch and even thicker dong for months. I still could not take Brian all the way, but he certainly made it easier to deal with someone like Dean.

Dean's cock sucking was incredible. He could really tighten those lips around my shaft and this tongue was amazing has he sucked, drawing me every closer with each bob of his head.

He pulled his head off just as I was about to cum, the tease and whispered, "Cheating yet?"

I had to giggle, my laugh muffled around his cock. "Just some harmless cock sucking. er kissing, Deep kissing. I might accidentally come though, and I would have to think about that." I said huskily.

"I see," He said and went back to sucking me.

I did the same, our tempo increasing in tandem. I reached the edge only seconds later, and teetered there, trying to hold back as the cum built and built, at the base of my balls. We were both fucking mouths as much as sucking, now, bodies straining. I could hear him moan with the nearness of climax, his body shuddering, Beyond his hip I could see over the lift of the beach and the sea grass the heads of beach walkers going by, the thrill of having sex where people could see if they stopped and just really looked, driving me to distraction. I felt his balls contract and knew he was close, but then so was I. If I came, I thought, I would be cheating on Brian at least a little bit. The thought however did nothing to help me somehow find the brakes to what I was doing with another guy. Instead it sent a jolt of electricity through me, and sent me rocketing over the edge into the most intense climax of my life.

He swallowed my load and cried out around my cock and a moment later my mouth and throat filled with his spunk. I pulled back enough to taste it as I swallowed. I loved the taste of cum, and his was so damn good.

But then our cocks became too sensitive and we had to pull off and let them free to cool in the breeze off the beach.

Dean turned around and kissed me on the lips, sharing the taste of my cum with me as i did the same to him. Then he asked, with a sexy grin, and a twinkle in his brown eyes, "OK, now that. Was that cheating?"

I thought about it for a minute and then just wiggled my wrist. We both laughed.


More Gay Erotic Stories from Sextus Lassiter


Dan Saunders felt relief as his son Jake celebrated his eighteenth birthday. Now, he cold relax, he thought, and maybe be more himself and less Jake's dad. He had never told Jake but he was not the sire of the lad. Dan had been badly ill as a child from some sort of fever sickness, (he never did learn what), but it had left him sterile. As horny as any eighteen year old times two, but sterile.

Jake II

Before you read this, Read

Jake III

i am going to start with the last part of the previous installment just to help readers keep everything in context. Be sure to read Jake and Jake II first as they set up the back ground material for the rest of the series.Jake was already there, knowing exactly where his father was headed,

Jake IV

In Jake, and Jake II and III, Jake and his dad, Dan, resolve the issues of their crush on each other, finding out that both know Dan was not Jake's biological father. The son's wildly exhibitionist tendencies have worked on Dan for a long time, particularly after Jake's eighteenth birthday when Jake is now old enough to make his own decisions and he seems increasingly willing to drive Dan insane

Jake V

It had been two weeks since he left Dan, the man who had raised him, and at the end nearly became his lover. Jake had moved in with a friend of his, a computer gaming buddy, Randy, handsome red haired boy with a girl friend who had actually found him the job at Man Arm Gym. Randy was straight but, hot enough and open minded enough that the gay owned and operated gym wanted him, and he was cool

Jake VI

With his father home, safe and recovering from the hospital, a new stint in a vein off of his major arteries, and doing well, if resting quietly, Jake felt ready to get back to work.Besides, until his dad was back up to being able to really enjoy sex, he sort of hated to provoke that side of his dad at home. But he himself was horny as hell, and needed an outlet. What better place then work.

Jake VII

Emanuel wiped the sweat from his forehead with a towel, trying to concentrate on the man he was massaging. He had just started here at the Man Arm Gym and already he was having trouble trying to keep his mind on business. But eventually he finished the man's massage, collected a nice tip, and accepted the hug the man wanted to give him.The Man Arm Gym did not make an issue of being a gay


Dan got off the phone with his Doctor feeling excited. His doctor saw no reason why he couldn't start back in on a limited exercise regimen that included a moderate amount of sex. For Dan that was huge. He had undergone a minor arterial vein by pass over a week ago, and had been doing whatever he could to keep this heart from pumping to hard, nothing to put a strain on the operation area. he had

My Cheating Heart

Back when I was just out of college at age 22, going to a gym every day, lean, yet muscular, my blond blue eyed dimpled sexy cuteness at its peak, (now I am just lean an sexy, maybe not so cute), I slid into my first real relationship. Brian was my last roommate in college. He was four years older, then I was going to college after taking time off, coming way out, almost militant about it,

The Cruise

They had arrived, Lance and his partner, Nick, who parked his aging but still sexy silver jag convertible in the large parking lot of the West Gulf Shores Marina at Key West. Nick, a bit red eyed from driving, was exhausted. It had been a long if event filled trip, however, because his partner, Lance's exhibitionist antics had come close to derailing the trip any number of times.

The Cruise IV

They barely made it to the cabin, Nick was so hot for Lance. After that kissing from Alex, the second mate, he was so on fire with the need for sex he couldn't stand it. He dragged Lance into their room and Lance laughing, helped Nick rip his shorts and shirt off. Together they romped onto the bed. Nick rolled over to search for the lube, and Lance to grab some condoms. And then they were back

The Cruise V

Nick woke to the feel of a slow up and down surge beneath him. His cock throbbed, trapped under him against the bed. Breeze through the cabin ports tickled the hair on his buttocks. He reached out for Lance but the bed was empty. It came back to him where he was, and that he had drifted off after a great fuck with Lance. He smiled, but decided a shower was in order and turning over got up. His

The Cruise VI

Lance wondered if he should feel nervous about the fact he had just climaxed in front of the whole crew and passengers, if accidentally.

The Cruise VII

They had barely stepped back around the corner when the Captain turned him pressed him back against the side of the pilot house and kissed him, wrapping Lance in his arms, his hard body pressing and grinding their hard cocks together. his tongue drawing lance's into a heated kiss, so passionate and sexy lance nearly climaxed. The captain tugged at the Velcro of Lance's thong which gave way,

The Cruise VIII

Nick was hard as a rock, his cock digging into his cushion. He didn't dare turn over. He was well aware that his lover Lance was up in the pilot house getting a tour of the ship's workings by its sexy captain. For lance too look out and down and see Ben rubbing sun tan lotion into his butt cheeks was bad enough, but if he turned over with his cock throbbing as it was...

The Cruise, Part II

Lance was so charged up he could hardly stand it. He knew he was pushing the exhibitionist line, but that was the whole point. He wished his partner Nick understood that, but though Nick was really cool about Lance's chronic need to show himself off, there was that stupid jealousy thing.They had arrived in Key West and were about to board the Sea Luster, and Lance was so horny he could have

The Cruise, Part III

This is the third installment of The Cruise series. I tell these installments mostly from the view point and focus on the main characters of Nick and Lance, but other characters will also have their focus, such as this installment with the focus on Captain Dan Sarrasson, so its important to start from the beginning. So, if you have time, read the Cruise and The Cruise II first. Have fun!


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