Gay Erotic Stories


by Sextus Lassiter
24 Sep 2012

Best Friends Bisexual Exhibitionism Family Fun Straight Men, Gay Sex Threesomes

Dan got off the phone with his Doctor feeling excited. His doctor saw no reason why he couldn't start back in on a limited exercise regimen that included a moderate amount of sex. For Dan that was huge. He had undergone a minor arterial vein by pass over a week ago, and had been doing whatever he could to keep this heart from pumping to hard, nothing to put a strain on the operation area. he had gone in for a check up two days before and now they said, yup, go ahead. He sat back sighing. He was horny as hell. At thirty nine, with a full grown son of eighteen in the house, albeit not his biological son, and almost two weeks with no sex, not even getting off, his thick nine inch cock throbbed continuously in his boxer briefs. He heard Jake getting ready upstairs whistling a jaunty tune and grinned.

Jake had been driving him crazy the last few days, teasing him with his body. An exhibitionist to the core, Jake hated to wear clothes around the house, and was constantly playing with his huge eleven inch dong in front of Dan, casually stroking it as they watched TV, or sitting on the counter as his Dad cooked, his cock throbbing between his legs, knowing that his Dad was hard as a rock and unable to do anything about it.

Jake sauntered around the corner, naked as usual, for breakfast. His cock was high and already glistening with pre-cum. Jake was raven haired with blue eyes, gorgeous face of chiseled beauty, his generous lips parted from the constant state of heat he seemed to live in.

Dan already had the eggs made, with some sliced avocado, apple juice and a little toast. Nothing fancy but all good.

Jake grabbed a plate with one hand and sat close to his Dad grinning at his Dad's hard on.

"Man Dad are you worked up, or what? I bet all I would have to do is kiss you and you would cum ."

Dan groaned just thinking about it. He wanted to fuck Jake so bad he could taste it.

Jake grinned, and sat back stroking his cock for his dad, slow and teasingly, "Haven't they signed off on a little exercise or you yet, Dad? I want you so bad."

"I want you too, son." Dan pretended to change the subject. "So how is work?"

"Awesome, Dad. The gym is packed. Its so hot. I mean Fuller has rules about no sex in the gym, but I got the members working out in as little as they can get away with, thongs and jocks, hard-ons bulging every where, guys almost kissing but not quite, You can tell everyone is pumping for each other, so heated up non of us can think. II ordered some new really skimpy thongs and shorts from an catalog on line. I am going to wear them today in. Want to see?"

"Yeah, son. Love to." Dan said breathlessly.

Jake leaned back with a sexy smile. "Your looking at em. I have em on, now. Real sheer see through thong and mesh exercise shorts. The mesh is real delicate."

Dan laughed, "Funny man, but you try that with the cops."

"I might, this really hot traffic cop has taken over the light I ride through near the gym. Buff, beefy and a great ass. He smiled at me big time yesterday, and I had my hottest shorts on, with my cock half hard the head sticking out. He just smiled at me. I thought he was going to blow me a fucking kiss the way he was looking at me."

"Damn, Jake be careful. I don't want you getting arrested.

"Don't worry, Dad, I'm careful." Jake said "Let me get those shorts I bought.:"

Jake left his breakfast half eaten, and left Dan. Only to reappear a scant two minutes late. Dan's eyes bugged out. Jake wore what looked like running shorts, the kind with the rise slit right up the thigh to the waist band, only these were really transparent.

See I am going to work out in these," he said, his huge hard cock making a mockery of the shorts trying to cover it, " But when it gets really hot I'll strip down to these." He peeled the shorts off to reveal a string around his slender waist and a sheer stretchy pouch of the same gauzy material, so transparent it looked like fog around his balls and cock shaft. The head and most of the shaft stuck up out of the low rise string waist band against his abs.

"Jake that is... amazing. so hot son. I feel as if I am going to shoot just looking at you."

Jake's grin looked worried. "Hey take it easy, dad. Don't strain anything."

Dan hid an evil smile. He just wanted to wait until Jake back from work and then he had a long night planned. A very long night. His hands trembled around his coffee cup as he gazed at his son.

"I'll be OK. Finish your breakfast and run along. i want to see if you have the balls to ride that bike in those shorts. Jake they are so unbelievably sexy. I love them. Did you get any for your Dad by any chance?" Dan added, with a sheep dog look at his son.

Jake grinned,. "What Dad, your a grown man, Jeez can't you order your own?"

Dan scowled but his son smirked, "Yeah. I got you four pairs, different shades. I knew you would want them. Two pair are more like boxer trunks but really really sheer, like spandex only more so. I put them on your bed."

The phone rang, and Dan leaned over to check the number, but instead saw a name. His eyes widened.

:Oh my god it Sam Joust. Sam Joust! haven't heard from him in over a year."

"Whose Sam Joust?"

"College room mate, partner in my first business." Dan flipped open his cell phone. "Sam? That you?"

Jake grinned, and got up with his empty dishes. He pulled on those sexy shorts, and vanished for a minute but reappearing wearing a cut off tee with the Man Arm Gym logo on it and some sneakers. He came to his Dad, his huge cock sticking out.

Dan said, "Hold on Sam, my son is leaving for work." He looked up and Jake leaned in and kissed him, a full french kiss full of promise and love.

Dan was brought right to the edge and then Jake was leaving heading out the door. Dan got up, and watched his son, hop on his bike , his butt half exposed in those shorts, and ride off. Might as well be naked down there, he though, admiring his son's bravery. He had no problem with Jake being an exhibitionist. He was one himself if not to that degree.

Though he had not been exercising for then days, Dan had lost little of his muscle tone. He looked leaner if anything, less beefy, and even a little younger. He had been sitting out in the sun and he was still plenty tan and healthy looking. In some ways he felt better because he had finally cut red meat out of his diet, and found he really didn't miss it. And desserts which he had rarely eaten anyway, were now a thing of the past.

He was leaner, meaner, his doctors said his arteries were all clean, and that they suspected the one blockage might have just been an aberration of because he had fallen and bruised his ribs badly at that location as a child.

He sighed and got back on the phone with Sam, grabbing his coffee cut and heading outside. He would do the dishes later.

"So Sam, whats the occasion?" He asked. Sam had always been his best straight friend, though they had become a little more distant once he had admitted he was gay to him, about five years before.

"One of those friend of a friend of a friend things. Someone who knows someone who knows you, told me you had a heart attack, this morning. I found your number in my phone, and had to call you, buddy. Is it true? Are you OK, how are you?"

Dan smiled. "I'm OK. Good to hear your voice. My son who turned eighteen came with me to stay, and he's been watching over me. I just had a minor blockage, but they put a stint in ten days ago now, and I am doing really well. I was just told i can get back into some limited exercise."

"Dan that's great, I mean great you are on the mend. But I won't be satisfied until I see you in the flesh, and as it happens I am passing through your way. Can I stop by? Maybe spend the day with you? I am only about twenty minutes away. May need directions though."

"No problem, sure. I would love to see you. Come ahead." Dan gave Sam directions and they hung up. Dan got busy then despite his hard on, washing dishes, cleaning up, and then hit a cold shower, and drying off. He heard the door bell ring and with little time to think grabbed a pair of the new shorts, silvery grey ones, pulling on the g string thong first and stuffing his cock into them. Then the shorts.

He tried not to think of how sexy he felt wearing them, grabbed a black t shirt and ran down the steps, slowing down and trying not to be out of breath.

He opened the door and there was Sam. Sam looked as he always had, maybe better, dirty blond hair, square jaw, hazel eyes, broad shoulders that seemed more massive then last he had seen him, the pecs even more built to, waist as narrow as ever. Sam was dressed in a white polo shirt and skin tight faded jeans, the shape of his cock and big balls drawing Dan's eyes.


"Sam." Dan opened his arms and they hugged there in the door way, Sam hugging him real tight and long.

It felt good. Hell it felt great.

"You look great," Sam.

"Look at you, Mr. Heart attack man. Damn speaking of heart attacks those shorts are enough to give a guy a heart attack."

Dan laughed, "Didn't think you cared, Sam"

Sam just laughed.

"Can I get you a beer?"

"A little early for that. Got something cool though?"

"Iced tea."

"Perfect. Hey I noticed this place has a pool. Nice condos. I like them."

"Quite a few for sale."

Sam nodded, pursing his lips.

"Hows Cheri and the kids?"

"Good, good. The kids are both going to private schools now. They just started up a couple of weeks ago, so I won't get to see them much till Christmas."

"Wow, how old is Terry now?"

"Sixteen and Randy is fourteen. My wife sent them off to a school in Pennsylvania. Beautiful place. Soccer, football, even Tennis and golf, though i think Randy is really into theater and all that. Cheir's Dad passed away a few months ago and left her a pot of money, so the kids and her are set."

Dan handed Sam his glass of tea, and averted his eyes from Sam's body and those tight sexy jeans. He wanted to kneel down and press his lips to that mound of in the worst way, but put it down to being deprived for ten days, no, he corrected himself, more then that. He had had to wait to get in for the operation in the first place and he hadn't even gotten a hard during those tense days of waiting.

"Lets go out on the terrace. Nice breeze out there and its shady this time of the day."

Sam followed Dan out, through the living room and out onto the terrace. Dan set the tea pitcher down, took his glass and settled back in his chair. His sheer shorts riding up a bit, making a very sexy crotch shot for his guest. Sam seemed to look anywhere but there though as he st down.

they were silent for a bit, and then Dan sighed and said, "OK whats up. I got the clues, man. Cheri sent the kids off to school, and you don't talk about her at all. Whats up?"

Sam vented a lot of air in a sigh. "Same old Dan. You don't miss much do you, buddy."

"Nope, not where my best friend is concerned."

Sam dropped his eyes. "About that. I have been wanting to apologize for a long time now. When you said you were gay, I know I tried to pretend it didn't effect me, but it did. I couldn't help but think of all those times we went camping, and jacked off together, or just hugged the shit out of each other. I loved you, Dan. I still do, really. I just, the thought of being Gay, it got to me. But I was wrong. Way wrong to shut you out. I know that now."

Dan took a deep somewhat shaky breath, and felt his heart beating a little hard. He tried to bring some lightness back into it. "Hey, if you think I forgot those hot jack off sessions your crazy. I have jacked off for years thinking about that, buddy. But hey all guys do that, buddies on camping trips. Its no big deal."

Sam grinned and laughed. "Yeah. I guess your right."

"So what about Cheri?" Dan pressed.

Sam laughed. "Not letting me off the hook."

"Nope. That's what good buds are for."

Sam smiled, "Damn, you make me feel like we never lost touch, almost as if I was talking to you yesterday."

"Sam? Cheri." Dan said sternly.

"Alright, alright!" Sam sighed again. "We're having trouble, Dan. Its a long story, really. About two years ago, a contact through her work place got us an invite to this exclusive club for couples our age, nothing real crazy like swapping, but, you know it was racier then what we were used to. Dances, club nights, retreats at resorts with them, and well the idea was to flirt and have hot times and spice up our marriage a little with other hot couples. If something happened the idea was we could not object or get overly jealous or get mad. Cheri really got into it at first because I wasn't all that big on flirting with other women, so I didn't give her much reason to get jealous, but I liked to watch Cheri tease the guys. I liked the risk I guess that posed to our marriage, liked seeing her get excited dancing with some hot man who was all hard and hot and grinding on her. Some of the parties got pretty far down into orgy land. We used to split, early before things got really nasty. But as we got into it, I would watch her with her breasts being fondled sandwiched between to hot men, wearing nothing but their underwear pressing their rolling cocks all over her. Some pool parties ended up with her all but getting fucked by the pool by other guys while I watched. She was never good at giving head, but she tried it with some of the other husbands.

"For a while it worked, really heated up our marriage. i would take her home and we would fuck like we were on our honey moon. We couldn't get enough of each other."

"But she was getting more and more into having other cocks up her pussy. They could be big or small, didn't matter. She was turning into a slut, and more and more she didn't care if I was there or not, watching."

I knew we were in trouble, but it was out of control. I tired to get her to reign it in, but she just blamed me for leading me into it and said it was too late. Live with it. I tried, Dan. I tried. Because she was right. I had encouraged her."

Sam swallowed some iced tea, probably wishing he did have some beer. But then he went on. "Then, at this one party, she and I met this really built dude, sort of like you, muscular but lean, really good looking and i could tell she wanted him bad. The thing was I got vibes from him too. We kept looking at one another. Finally he admitted he was divorced and was going to have to leave the club because it was for couples only. He invited us back to his place. He was pretty wealthy to judge from the place. Swimming pool tennis courts, you name it. We had drinks, and got in his jacuzzi, naked, and Cheri was all over him. He kept checking me as if to make sure I was OK with it. I was. I wanted to see him with her, he was incredible. Anyway, they got it on, and then the guy told me, he didn't feel comfortable if I was just going to watch. He wanted me to be part of it. So, I moved in, and played with Cheri from behind. I was really turned on by now, never having been in a three way before. Before I knew it I was taking Cheri up her ass while he was plugging her pussy, and all three of us were kissing, not just her and him, and me and her, but all three of us. I had never kissed a man before, and I could feel his balls brushing mine, his cock even moving in her - it was too much. I climaxed uncontrollably. He did too, right after, too soon for Cheri, but he assured her he had lots more where that came from, and invited us to his bedroom. We spent the next hours locked in sex. It was really amazing. We showered together and a couple of times when Cheri's back was turned he fondled my cock and sneaked some kisses in, with just me. I was startled and turned on. I was getting away with being wanted behind Cheri's back for a change, and it felt naughty and good, both." We fell asleep finally in his bed, Cheri between us. But in the middle of the night, I woke up to the most incredible sensations. He was sucking my cock, and it was amazing. I mean Cheri could never take more then my head. She always gagged and didn't like to swallow my cum. It was this big job for her. But he had no problem and he knew what would turn me on or what not. He took me to the edge over and over. And I was so hot because here was my wife right next to us asleep. Something about getting away with something like that right under her nose was just... I wound up having the most intense climax of my life, and he milked me dry, every drop. Well then I had to return the favor. I wanted to. I wanted to see if I could come any where near to pleasing hm the way he had me.

We were getting nervous about Cheri though, so we slipped out into his living room. He sat on his couch and I knelt between his legs. He pulled me up and kissed me then, and it was the first time I had ever really been kissed by a man. I was so turned on, I could have fainted.

I kissed my way down that chest to his throbbing cock and spent a long time just kissing it, licking it, getting used to the idea of a man;s cock on my lips, on my tongue. And then I took it in my mouth, the head and swirled my tongue around like he did. Oh to hear him groan with pleasure, was so cool. I loved it. I was doing to that to another guy.

He taught me how to take him deep down my throat to work past the ring in my throat and how to get around the gag reflex, how to relax and breath. After a while I managed it and we got into a slow beat, you know, his balls just swinging into my chin, and I was getting close to coming again just from the sight of a man's crotch in my face, his cock pulsing in my mouth. He said he was going to shoot, and he came. I was beating my meat as I swallowed all that juicy cum, and I was right behind him, both of us moaning and grunting. Finally we came down from it and I backed off his cock, wiping the cum off my lips.

I think he was going to pull me up for a kiss when Cheri said, "What the fuck?" she was standing right there.

She had seen most of it, she said, her husband going down on another guy. She called me a faggot, grabbed her clothes and got out of there, driving away without me. She was really pissed."

Sam shook his head and took a drink of his tea.

Dan had crossed his legs, his cock was up and fully hard from listening to the story, leaking pre-cum. He had one arm cross over where it poked out and up his abs. And the worst of it was, he could see Sam was hard too, a long thick length of phallus stretched up and across Sam's tight jeans under his belt.

Sam even flushed and pointed his condition out, for Dan. "See even thinking about that experience has me hard as a rock. You think I am gay, Dan, after all? I gotta tell you I have been wondering."

Dan shrugged, "Not necessarily. Just cause you have sex with another man, I think somewhere the statistics are roughly seventy percent of all men have experimented with another man. The question is if you prefer it. For a lot of guys, they call themselves bi sexual at least for a while, till they figure things out one way or the other. But its not important, Sam, not those silly titles anyway. If Its what you like to do, then do it if you have a partner that wants to."

Sam nodded. "Yeah. Yeah that makes sense, Dan. No sense getting myself all tied up in knots about it."

"That's my buddy." Dan said affectionately, "and don't mind your hard. It looks great on you. Hey look at what your story did to me?"

Dan adjusted his hard down into his shorts and let go, his huge cock pushing the shorts up and all but exposing itself out the leg.

"Fuck," Sam said, looking at it and then up Dan's torso and back down again.

Suddenly the sexual heat between them was overwhelming. Dan cleared his throat. "So what about you and Cheri now?" Dan, said trying to get their minds off of sex.

"Well that guy took me home. I slept on the couch for about three days, but finally Cheri got really horny and said she would forgive me. She didn't really think I was a faggot. anyone who could fuck pussy like I could couldn't be all queer. She just figured that guy was an aberration. So we had sex, but it wasn't the same, Dan. We can fuck and fuck, but there is no love in it. Its like she is using me like a live dildo while she hunts for other partners. She is bringing guys home now every night, and most of the time she tells me to take the guest room so she can try out her latest. But I can tell. She has her own money now, and, as long as I don't make a fuss or object, I can stay."

Sam shook his head. "I have pretty much decided I am not staying. The boys are off at school, and soon they will be in college. At the very least I want a separation, and then I'd see after that. I want to be able to see what I really am, and to see if I can find happiness again, with someone else."

There was a long silence, both me swirling the ice in their drinks, just sitting there in companionable silence.. Finally Dan said, "Understood, but you know, Sam, separations are supposed to be a final attempt to get a marriage back together, not be a safety measure to make someone feel better about divorce."

Sam flushed, but then sighed and nodded. "Yeah, I remember that about you too. You don't skimp on honor, do you, Dan?"

"Oh I make my mistakes on that score, believe me." Dan thought about how he had nearly fouled up with his son, not so long ago.

Finally he went on. "All I am saying is, you maybe need to think about what you are putting other possible partners through, if you think there is a good chance you might go back to Cheri. How would that be fair to anyone who winds up wanting to be with you?"

Sam swallowed and flushed, and both men knew Dan was probably referring to himself.

Dan heaved himself up, one hand holding down his cock. "Sam, don't you go anywhere. I need to use the john. Breakfast, coffee and now Tea, OK? I want you to stay the day. Sounds like you need to do a lot of thinking. Right now I like to take my time about everything I do, and you would really hurt me if you scoot. I want to be here for you and help you if I can. Give me that chance?"

Sam looked up at Dan and shook his head. "You are something else, Dan. You read my squirrelly mind too damn well. No, I won't bolt. I like it here too much with you, even if you are pinning my ethics to the ground.

Dan grinned, "Good." And he leaned down and gave Sam a kiss to his mouth. Just a chaste kiss, and then he patted Sam's hard chest and left him to get to the bathroom.

When he was done five minutes later, and his cock calmed down he returned to the porch. Sam was gone.

He uttered a few swear words and headed for the door, not moving fast, not wanting to screw up that damn stint. He got the door open and looked out.

Sam's red truck was still parked out front.

Feeling a huge breath of relief, he turned and had to smile. Sam was coming down the stairs, wearing the gold version of the shorts Jake had bought him, his cock gone down but semi hard and giggling heavily in that crotch.

Sam grinned sheepishly. "Heh, saw these on your bed. You must have just got them. I had to use the john too, and since you were in the down stairs one..."

Dan shook his head. "Sam you look fantastic. I was an idiot, I was so worried."

Sam laughed. "What ever else you are Dan you are no idiot. Part of me wants to bolt. But a bigger part of me really really wants to stay. Now can I please have another of those kisses you gave me a few minutes ago?"

Dan laughed and moved in and up against his old buddy. Their chests met and their cocks brushed through the thin mesh material of the shorts and they kissed, this time longer, with lips parting and tongues doing a greeting dance.

Dan pulled away though, "Ahnn ah. I gotta go slow. My health you know." He said grinning.

Sam breathed hard. "I am the one who is going to have a heart attack, you tease."

Dan laughed, and Sam laughed with him. They slid arms around one another and walked together back out onto the terrace. As they went Sam looked down at their barely covered and very revealed cocks. "Damn should we be out here on this terrace like this?"

Dan chuckled. "Hell yeah, only a few of the neighbors can see into this terrace and believe me the ones that can really work at it, and they love it."

Sam looked shocked and then excited. "Fuck." He said looking around at the across Dan's back yard and the few trees between that yard and the street and the next row of condos. He was right though, only a few windows could probably see the two of them.

They sat down again and Sam hitched his chair closer to Dans. He lifted his iced tea and they clinked glasses. "Here's to my hot buddy, Dan, who is sexier then ever. I love you, buddy."

"Here's to you, Sam, and may you figure out what you really want to do and find happiness."

Sam grinned. "I am getting there. Believe me," he said his eyes gliding up and down Dan's body and lingering on Dans' big cock seen so clearly through that gauzy nothing of shorts he was almost wearing. "Believe me, I am getting there fast." He raised his glass and winked.



More Gay Erotic Stories from Sextus Lassiter


Dan Saunders felt relief as his son Jake celebrated his eighteenth birthday. Now, he cold relax, he thought, and maybe be more himself and less Jake's dad. He had never told Jake but he was not the sire of the lad. Dan had been badly ill as a child from some sort of fever sickness, (he never did learn what), but it had left him sterile. As horny as any eighteen year old times two, but sterile.

Jake II

Before you read this, Read

Jake III

i am going to start with the last part of the previous installment just to help readers keep everything in context. Be sure to read Jake and Jake II first as they set up the back ground material for the rest of the series.Jake was already there, knowing exactly where his father was headed,

Jake IV

In Jake, and Jake II and III, Jake and his dad, Dan, resolve the issues of their crush on each other, finding out that both know Dan was not Jake's biological father. The son's wildly exhibitionist tendencies have worked on Dan for a long time, particularly after Jake's eighteenth birthday when Jake is now old enough to make his own decisions and he seems increasingly willing to drive Dan insane

Jake V

It had been two weeks since he left Dan, the man who had raised him, and at the end nearly became his lover. Jake had moved in with a friend of his, a computer gaming buddy, Randy, handsome red haired boy with a girl friend who had actually found him the job at Man Arm Gym. Randy was straight but, hot enough and open minded enough that the gay owned and operated gym wanted him, and he was cool

Jake VI

With his father home, safe and recovering from the hospital, a new stint in a vein off of his major arteries, and doing well, if resting quietly, Jake felt ready to get back to work.Besides, until his dad was back up to being able to really enjoy sex, he sort of hated to provoke that side of his dad at home. But he himself was horny as hell, and needed an outlet. What better place then work.

Jake VII

Emanuel wiped the sweat from his forehead with a towel, trying to concentrate on the man he was massaging. He had just started here at the Man Arm Gym and already he was having trouble trying to keep his mind on business. But eventually he finished the man's massage, collected a nice tip, and accepted the hug the man wanted to give him.The Man Arm Gym did not make an issue of being a gay


Dan got off the phone with his Doctor feeling excited. His doctor saw no reason why he couldn't start back in on a limited exercise regimen that included a moderate amount of sex. For Dan that was huge. He had undergone a minor arterial vein by pass over a week ago, and had been doing whatever he could to keep this heart from pumping to hard, nothing to put a strain on the operation area. he had

My Cheating Heart

Back when I was just out of college at age 22, going to a gym every day, lean, yet muscular, my blond blue eyed dimpled sexy cuteness at its peak, (now I am just lean an sexy, maybe not so cute), I slid into my first real relationship. Brian was my last roommate in college. He was four years older, then I was going to college after taking time off, coming way out, almost militant about it,

The Cruise

They had arrived, Lance and his partner, Nick, who parked his aging but still sexy silver jag convertible in the large parking lot of the West Gulf Shores Marina at Key West. Nick, a bit red eyed from driving, was exhausted. It had been a long if event filled trip, however, because his partner, Lance's exhibitionist antics had come close to derailing the trip any number of times.

The Cruise IV

They barely made it to the cabin, Nick was so hot for Lance. After that kissing from Alex, the second mate, he was so on fire with the need for sex he couldn't stand it. He dragged Lance into their room and Lance laughing, helped Nick rip his shorts and shirt off. Together they romped onto the bed. Nick rolled over to search for the lube, and Lance to grab some condoms. And then they were back

The Cruise V

Nick woke to the feel of a slow up and down surge beneath him. His cock throbbed, trapped under him against the bed. Breeze through the cabin ports tickled the hair on his buttocks. He reached out for Lance but the bed was empty. It came back to him where he was, and that he had drifted off after a great fuck with Lance. He smiled, but decided a shower was in order and turning over got up. His

The Cruise VI

Lance wondered if he should feel nervous about the fact he had just climaxed in front of the whole crew and passengers, if accidentally.

The Cruise VII

They had barely stepped back around the corner when the Captain turned him pressed him back against the side of the pilot house and kissed him, wrapping Lance in his arms, his hard body pressing and grinding their hard cocks together. his tongue drawing lance's into a heated kiss, so passionate and sexy lance nearly climaxed. The captain tugged at the Velcro of Lance's thong which gave way,

The Cruise VIII

Nick was hard as a rock, his cock digging into his cushion. He didn't dare turn over. He was well aware that his lover Lance was up in the pilot house getting a tour of the ship's workings by its sexy captain. For lance too look out and down and see Ben rubbing sun tan lotion into his butt cheeks was bad enough, but if he turned over with his cock throbbing as it was...

The Cruise, Part II

Lance was so charged up he could hardly stand it. He knew he was pushing the exhibitionist line, but that was the whole point. He wished his partner Nick understood that, but though Nick was really cool about Lance's chronic need to show himself off, there was that stupid jealousy thing.They had arrived in Key West and were about to board the Sea Luster, and Lance was so horny he could have

The Cruise, Part III

This is the third installment of The Cruise series. I tell these installments mostly from the view point and focus on the main characters of Nick and Lance, but other characters will also have their focus, such as this installment with the focus on Captain Dan Sarrasson, so its important to start from the beginning. So, if you have time, read the Cruise and The Cruise II first. Have fun!


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